PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1946 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles Por Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .., 37 Wanted .., 40 1--Auditors Auditors ..... 1 GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT. AU- ditor, Government reports and income tax forms prepared, secretarial work. Phone 1 1004). 495 Arthur Street. (Janll) "T HOPKINS CERTIFIED OEN- 5 accountant 24 Alger Bldg. King biles For Bale ..... ...... 32 biles gH et Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale .... Barristers . Houses For Instruction Bast Phone 2127 aan: and auditor, Gand | "2-- Barristers CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS, 71, Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa Phone 4. Allin F. Annis, BA. LLB. £0. Barristers, eto. 2 D HUMPHREYS, KO. Solicitor etc. Simcoe St. Phones: Office 814; = Money to | loan. OUIS , 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER Lois 25 Simeone St. Morth. Office phone 67, resid 3051, (Dec20) ' R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER SAE Su'te 201 70 King Bast Jenosha Hotel, Phone 349. __ (Jan13) JOSEPH P MANGAN, KE C.. BARRIS- sy Solicitor Money to loan. Office 141, King St. Earn. Oshawa Phone 45. R Res. Phone 837. LR Lid RNEST "MARKS, BARRISTER, A\RRISTER, SOLI- = 1) King E Room 2. Phones' Office ! 55, (Jan2) A. J PARKHILL, BARRISTER, Elo, T~ Male Jel By rated 2 Chiropractors 4 Dentists ......... 3 Dressmaking ..... 16 FrpIoyment sessesses 81 TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTION girdening nd Supplies Household Repairs 14 Insurance ........ Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. Legal Notices ..... 42 More na Fema Help 'Wanted. ves 392 Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ..... CLASSIFIED AD RATES L] EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Funeral Directors 8 Female Helv Wanted Puysiciing and urgeons ... 3n vees.. 38 | Personal 24 Personal Services 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs ... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 28 [] esses 10 fa 22 Rent Rn Ea Exchange ....... 27 Rooms For Rent .. 20 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted Veterinarians 7 Women's Column 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel ., 3% 20 Words ig Frit Less ONE INSERTION ....co000000000 rn 05 014 insertions 1.00 25 order, gAbove rates Apply only to ordered at a later date a new original order) Each attial Jetuer, abbreviation ul All Classified Advertisements per month for 20. $5.00 "20 words ry nd | rr aditional for all words over $ and c sign, figure count as a II word. Box charged 10c additional, MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten HOLLIS, L.L. 12--Personal Services 25--Real Estate For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale ls 36--Articles For Sale | 36--Articles For Sale {27 FORD SEDAN, SERIAL 670122, T. ORVILLE sonal Secretary", mortgage loans, North. Phone oe loans. 26 Simcoe Jani?) SINCLAIR, K.C., AND J . Ne » K C.. Barristers, Bank of Montreal _ Building. Pohne 99. (Janl) 'MANNING FP SWARTZ, 7, BARRISTER, Solicitcr, Notary Money to loan Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 287TW. (Jan) 3--Dentists DR 8 J PHILLIPS, 13); SIMCOE ST South. Phone 959. (Dec22) 4--Chiropractors S(ECELEY HEALTH i North, Phone 2M. 1 Dries practice including Electro tiierapy, mineral vapor bath ri Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. 9am to 9 pm. dally except Monday and Friday. 5--Optometrists mma rm mememmerecer aseB-------- C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours § to 13, 3 80 8. Phone 1516. (Jans) Sh SamE---------------- Y AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS od to 6 p.m. Evening Sppoiutments A. B. Johnson, Optometrist, Pose 38 3. 6--Insurance 2 INSUBANCE SERVICE. PEAVODES pig eh needs. All clases rf insurance including life. 22'% Ring Street East, phcne 2684 Res. 3180W. {Janl) 7--Veterinarians Sa, Som GE AL West, Oshawa. Phone 21, Bi 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL Ambulance Home -- 3 Birvice. 30 5 hans tablished Street. Bs 4 ' 9--Money To Loan Ah firs mo! Apply {) Jarrister, Bete Block, aly | 3 F IRST MORTGAGE ~~ MONEY hij + BUY MOETOAGES AND P SALE GREEMENTS North Shore Realty Co. Ld, | ALGER BLDG, PHONE 81, OSHAWA ( . Do you require a@ PERSONAL LOAN for any reasonable purpose? Apply to nearest branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Monthly Deposits provide for repayment, == Low Rates = Life Insurance arranged and paid for by the Bank covers all loans in good standing. - 13 9a--Loan Wanted 3 TO 5 THOUSAND DOLLARS WANT- ed for building project b builder, good security, will Anterest, ox 811, Times-Gaze! 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW ence each Monday ing, Bookke«ping subjects. Oshawa Simcoe St. iy a) and Businjyss College, 18 Phone 1314W (Jan?) 11--Building Trades - SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS fai, Evans Cartage, R.R. 3, Bow- manviile, 'Phone 2255, (Jan.2) H. MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, Air conditioning. Dealer for new idea and Pease Furnaces. Phone 4505J. (Jan5tf) KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- corator. Also Industrial spraying. Ex. cellent workmanship. All work guaran- Phone 3639. (Dec.26) PAINTING AND, 5 DECORA TING, | terior, exterior. 8 speciality General repairs oni: ulder hoe J anytime. Dec16) (Jani) | CLASSES COM- Shorthand, Typ-- all secretarial | Size 7 750-20. smal date, . Simeograph Service. ( P A VON GUNTEN, watchmaker. Repair ahop at 46 Ki Street West. Your patronage solicit cs (Dec20) NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario 8t. . Phone 707. (Dec20) 14--Household Repairs FURNITURD RErAIRED A AND RE- upholstered. See our terials for 'recovering. D. W. Dalton, ais Charles. Phone 401, (Jan3) 13--Nursing Service ATTENTION ARTHRITIC RHEUMA- tic Patients! Don't suffer. Phone Re- istered nurse, Whitby 2124, for free nterview and valuable information. (102¢c) 16--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS, phone 3628J or apply 113 Eldon ave. c PLAIN SEWING DONE AT HOME, OR- ders taken jor doll's clothes for Christ- mas. Phone 2535R. (1023) 20--Business Opportunities $10,000.00 HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS AND DWELLING Equi pment includes four dryers, permanent wave ma- chine, steamer, cold waving equipment, nine chrome arm- chairs, three mirrors, three dresserettes and other items. Dwelling contains six rooms, newly decorated; new furnace. Shop now employes three oper- ators. For further particulars, see EVERETT G. DISNEY 82 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1550 "Exclusive Listing" (Wed.-Fr.-8at.) 22--Lost and Found LOST -- ONE ¢ SMALL | BROWN "PUP. Answers to oo TW, oF Small boy's pet. Phone, 1057W, or return to 16 Athol Bt. West (103a) CANVAS BAG CONTAINING § FREIGHT Bills of Direct Winters Transport, be- tween Kingston and Toronto, Reward. | 235 Queens Quay, Toronto, _(103¢) [IN OSHAWA, PORT PERRY, UX- bridge District, 1 tire. Dominion' Royal. 34-7 on rim. Reward. Na- tional Groceries Co. Ltd, Oshawa, | (103¢) | LOST--MALE ( COLLIE DOG, BLACK, | | SPIRELLA, FOUNDATION "GARMENTS, | { white with 'brown on head. Answers Notify Albert Arnold 1656J (101c) "Shep." 23--Women's Column | Nature's own principle of support and | control, for information phone Mrs. | Platt 4001J. (Sat.) 24--Persond) OCCULT STUDENT WISHES TO BOR- row books on occultdsm and metaphy- sles. Will take excellent care of same and lend own books. Box 810, Times- Gazette (103b) RECO! ability, Records can be praved on any record' player. Phone for Be is c.20) DOULA BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products De- livery under $1, Phone 217R. (Jan?) "Help Returned Man Get . Established PHONE VETERAN'S TAXI 8942J 'or 2263 24-hour prompt and courteous service. + PROPRIETOR BILL HURST (Sat- -tues-thurs) 25--Rea| E: Estate For Sale 200 ACRES, LOT 35, ._ CON. | 9, DAR- lington, (James Scott Estate), 100 acres ready for crop, 19 acres in wheat, 8 acres bush, pring. two drilled wells, Bank Barn 36x11 Implement shed. 4 Yoo 3 rick Yeuser house, Possessio yl 8! r further parti 1 to Arthur Ross, Columb: Cure apply (Tues. hurs. -Sat.) NEW M MODERN | BUNGALOW, NORTH | end. Near completion. Phone 4716W. | (1038) SECTION, | 8-ROOM, SOLID | oors, open fire place, oi 25 Prince St. . phone 4153, (Thur: -Sat) | $6500 Westmoreland Avenue, six | room brick dwelling, hard- wood floors downstairs--hot air fum- ace in good condition. Immediate pos- J M LEE & SONS, RIG CON- tractors "You name it. we bufld 'it" Phone 1€40J, (Janl) SAND. GRAVEL, CINDERS. .LOAM and general hanlage Robert Muir Courtice. Phone Oshawa 7134. (Dec24) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters Variety of colors Pree estl- rates Phone collect 653, Bowman. ville, Bromley and Son. (Janil4) 1 INTER AND FIRST.O1.ARR NPCORA. tor. P. Dannlels Phone 2718R. (Dec16) CARPENTRY ~ HOME ALTERATIONS and general irs. _ Call evenin H Boyd 16 Willlam BE eo 234 Fi (Dec14) ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS. F FLOORS laid. sanded. finished Old floors re. finished. Phone 34340, --02770, (Jans) $4900-0Cuve Avenue -- new four room brick bungalow, hard- wood throughout -- hot water heating, large living room with open fireplace-- attached garage. Immediate possession. A -- $7000~Vaczn, Aremie, ore room condition hout di kitch ~immediate possession. $7250 nae rick--hot a aie hosting suit able for Phi a] or rooming house. Yactnt. a now. See a for an EVERETT G. DISNEY 82 Simcoe Street Soush, Phone 1550 RD YOUR VOICE AND MUSICAL "YOUR PER. | NEW MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE, 3 [Five tires 450x21. Phone 2859J., Book-' piece bath and shower, hardwood floors | Warren Ave, Oshawa. Phone 2451n, ts kept up.10-|and hot-air furnace. Dec.20) 'January. Half cash. Apply 154 Verdun | ( EXPERT Swiss |Rd. Call after 6 p.m. $5000 room brick bungalow, furnace; garage. $5000 furnace. Garage. $ 6 5 0 Simcoe St. South. wood floors throughout. furnace, garage. arge lot. pus; pre-war rent, per month, mortgage for balance. | Hal | BERT PEYTON | REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Possession 1 month. Possession for hardwood floors, bath and --6 room brick bungalow, Hardwood floors, bath and Possession 1 month. ~--T7 room brick dwelling on Hard- Bath and A good cash required. We arrange first | $85. H. Beamish, 56 (102b "34 CHEV. C COACH, SERIAL ¢ 641094, five tires, standard heater. Price, $312.00, |e eil Hood, 186 Nassau St. Oshawa, (101e) '29 FORD COACH, ALSO '31 4 CYL- inder Durant coupe. Naiman's Gar- age, 181 Albert St (99e) J3--Automobiles Wanted USED CAR--'36 TO '40 MODEL. Phone 4634R. (103a) |CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY | Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. North ! Fhone 4695W. Dec30) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot 278 Park Rd. 3 Phone 3344M. (Dec18tf) !5-PC. LIGHT OAK BEDROOM SUITE, | | | like new, also three-pc, sectional ches- | terfield. Rosewood shade. 390 Ritson Rd. South. Call after 6,30. (102b) MEN'S C.C.M. SKATES, SIZE 9, WORN once. Lady's white Dunn's skates, 61; worn few times, Child's hand- smocked dress, size 6. . Phone 110W. (103a) XMAS TREES FOR SALE. 315 OSH- awa Blvd. Where you got your choice last Ast year. ._Spruce, , Balsam, Pine, REMINGTON ELECTRIC RAZOR, Like new. Phone 2489W. (103a) 1120 BASS HOHNER PIANO ACCORD- lan, 1 like n new. Apply 28 Lloyd St. (103c) 22 MOSBURG TARGET RIFLE, ne peater. Phone 455J. (103a) BLUE PRAM FOR SALE, PHONE silw (103c) WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE USED ) | cars and trucks. Cash or terms i 8 est cash prices pald Any make 13 BOND ST, EAST (Dec.12-11 $3500 -- $800 Down Pay- ment, 7 Room Frame House, Water and Lights, 14 acre land. 5 Room new Stucco Bungalow, Louisa St. All conveniences, hot water heating. Best offer. IMMEDIATE 1 0OSSESSION M. HENNICK Real Estate 442 SIMCOE 8. / fruits. cash, Balance mortgage This is your chance. U. Jones, 61; Prince St. Phone 2667 or Nolan 4153, (102¢ barn, water bowls, hydro, milk house, silo, - for "Oshawa, near highway. C. H. French, Ontario | St. (102b SEE OSHAWA'S FINEST SUBURB NORTHWAY COURT "THE IDEAL SPOT TO BUILD YOUR NEW HOME Just outside Oshawa on Simcoe and Masson Sts., immediately adjacent to many of Oshawa's most beautiful homes. Established ' restrictions assure you that your in- vestment in your land now, and your home when you build it, will be secure, i Wii ho od INSURANCE Agency 29--Rooms For Rent BEDROOM TO REN Btreet W. Phone 1 1160M. (103a FURNISHED BEDROOM. CONTINU ous wor water. Very central, man. Call between 6 and Albert St, : (103 DOUBLE GARAGE FOR C Purposes at 227 Simcoe A Phone 3903J. 103: ic) RGE, FURNISHED ROOM. 364 King St. West. | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR | Gentleman Phone 4411 FURNISHED BEDROOMS | working girls referred, central, _Apply 139 Albert St. ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE * | vnuous * hot water, Very central, EF on abstainers, LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, Soir. H fable for two business girls; | tral. Box 801, Times-Gazette. FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINUOU | hot water; very central. Phone T00tw very | a (102b) | gon $2800, 2 ACRES, GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE | small hip roof barn. Good basement, hydro, furnace, strawberries and other In the village of Enniskillen. 50 ACRES, LOAM SOIL, . 8-ROOMED house, hydro. water on tap, Basement To reserve Your site NOW SE 6 SIMCOE STREET NORTH T, CENTRAL, KING Phone 103c) ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE GENTLE- at 116 a) BED-SITTING R ROOM, | SUITABLE FOR | two girls, or married couple. Rijonen | privileges. Phone 4453J. 03c) ug (103b) "RENT, vr ered, Apply 466 Albert. | WR. (102b) | bined; battery radio; _ (102) CON- 214 Bond East. Phone 2973R. (102b) oie} (101¢c) model s Garage, 181 Albert, Phone 4468. (Dec25) LAKESHORE AUTO Cars wanted Lt wrecking. prices paid. Highest Phone 3363: eveninzs 1278 (Jan15) 34--Pets and Livestock PULLETS FOR SALE LAYING. $1.60 each. Phone Whitby 2186. (103a) 24 FINE NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, excellent stock. 6 months old, Phone 589J. (103c) THREE SMALL 1 MALE ~ PUPPIES, 6 Jeeks old, $5 each, Apply 2 Wilson Rd. (1032) mm COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples, grown dogs. Blacks, bronzes, reds arti-coloured. Reasonable. Waubenu ennels, mile west Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway, (Jan.14) ) | FOX HOUND PUPPIES, ALSO ONE | male, one female, 2 yrs, old. Apply | R. Fralick, Port Perry, RR. 3. (103!) Towle, hydro milk Bouse, | BOSTON TERRIER PUP, PEDIGREED. 3 months, clean habits. 510 Palace ) Streey, Whitby. Phone 729, Whitby. (103c) | COCKER SPANIEL I PUPPIES, MALE | and Females. Ready for Christmas delivery, Clark Christie, Glover's Rd., North hawa. (102b) | TOY BOSTON BULL | PUPPIES, PURE- bred. Male and female, Apply Box hi Times-Gpzette, b) CANARIES ROLLERS AND Bon Fancy. Phone 2142M. CANARIES, REGISTER! CoN? rollers. cw winning stock. Train to Sing rices reasonable. LE 1038J, 34 Nassau, (101¢c) » | 300 PULLETS, 3 MONTHS OLD, PHONE | 3088R or 408 (Dec14) | 35-- Wearing Apparel PR. BOY'S 2 BUCKLE | GALOSHES, size 3. Good as new. 238 Division. (1033) | 1 PINK SATIN QUILTED HOUSECOAT. New. $10. Phone 2614R. (103a) 1 PR, MEN'S SKATES AND BOOTS, size 7. Phone 3248J. (103a) | 1 PR. WHITE FIGURE SKATES, AND ! guards, size 6, $7.50. Phone Spasal 03a) | HIGH-CUT | BOOTS, | SIZE 8, Wit FIF. ty; cloth galoshes, size 12, $l. Both | like new. Phone 1060M. (102b) MAN'S BLACK LEATHER COAT, SIZE | 40-42; Excellent condition. Price $15. Phone 2047TW. 02b) | LADIES' BLACK CLOTH COAT, GREY lamb trim; zippered front, size 16. Apply 365 Kingsdale after 6, (102b) 1 PR. BOY'S C.C.M, SKATES, | SIZE 1. Phone 3460J. (102b) TWIN SET SILVER FOX FURS, WORN | only few times. Apply 109 Fdon 0b) ( io} BLACK EVENING _ DRESS, | NEW C dition. Size 12. Phone Whitby as | (102b) 3 SILK FLOWER JERSEY DRESSES silk crepe dress, cerise taffeta evening | ) Birt. flowered organza eveninzg | dresses, maize and blue. All size 16. Phone 103w. (101c) LADIES' FUR COAT IN { GOOD CON- dition; two-tone beaver, size 14. Price, $48.00. Phone 420. (101c) BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. | Highest prices pald for used clothing. Sterilized, cleaned and pressed. Lik new. Large stock of suits, winter coats, pants. windbreakers, single jackets and | vests all sizes and colors. Ladies' used | fur coats. Also new goods; large stock | to choose from. A call will convince you. 21 Bond St. W., Samuel Swartz ans) 36--Articles For Sale ITING DESK, BOOK CASE COM- | cabinet grama- hone, six' hardwood kitchen as, ha 7 Albert. Phone 4354J. COAL AND WOOD RANGE, LIKE Si white enamel, steel top. 39 Simcoe St. N. Apartment 24, (102b) | MUSICAL _ POWDER _ BOXES. A Christmas Gift she will long remem- i ber, | Electric, = 426 Simcoe S, (102b) ACME ENAMEL GAS STOVE, WHITE | 4- -burner side oven. griller pilot. Good dit Apply 198 Church | 30--Room and Board ROOM ' FOR TWO YOUNG single | beds, Phone 1556M. 31--Wanted To Rent URGENTLY N NEEDED--3 ypntuiished, b; Best of references. 468001. after six. i MEN, (102b ()--Charles Btreet--eleven room BUSINESS, Times-Gaze WA 27 R {2 business man Phone (103¢ 624, (101f NTED 70 "RENT--SMALL HOUSE or 3 unfurnished rooms wanted. Phone | g¢ 8TW1. (103¢) St. (102¢c) | 1 BEACH "ELECTRIC RANGE, "4-BURN- | er. Good condition. Phone 2599J. (102c) h HORSE FLEURY PLOW, NEW FORD- ' son Tractor, newly rebuilt battery igni- tion. 2 holstein heifers, one year, other Elwood Wilbur, Taunton. (102b) | CARROTS, POTATOES AND COOKING apples for sale, Phone 2553J. Tues.-Thurs. -Sat.) METAL GARBAGE CONTAINERS, 30c each, Phone 72TW, . (Dec7- 14) ) [KITCHEN STOVE, FINDLAY., LIKE new, two grandfather cl clocks, good con- dition, *652 Ritson Rd. corner Soor ) + quick results? Try a classified advertisement for | WOOD FOR SALE BY TRUCK LOAD. Sizes for furnace and stove, Reason- able. Phone Oshawa 4284J. (102) | Only $1195 Barons' Radio and | Phone 249, (103a) & CHRISTMAS TREES, $40 PER HUND- red, or 50c each. 10 Edward St, = ic) CHILD'S WOOL TOPCOAT, 3, skis, new roller skates to fit sie. 12. Phone 2543M. (103a) HANDKNIT WOOL 1 BABY "SWEATERS, Also black tube £kates, Sizes "3 and 4. Phone 3692R. 7 Drew. (103a) 'ORDER YOUR el a TREES now, any quantity. Large lots at wholesale Rice. Apply 2 French St. or phone 4 (Th Sat Tues-Th Sat ~Tues) ROASTING CAPONS FOR SALE, OSH- 'awa 4082W or Bowmanville 2639. (103c) LADY'S C.C.M. BOOTS AND SKATES, snow shoes and moccasins, bass horn, silver trombone, quantity of stove pipes, Phene 278M. (103a) 16 MM. MOVIE PROJECTOR | AND EL- lectric razor. Practically new. Phone 33127. (103a) | ORDER YOUR 3 YOUR XMAS / AND NEW YEAR | poultry, large roasting chickens, drawn and delivered, Graded fresh othe direct | from farm to you. Phone 105 (102b) | BLUE ¢ CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE, PER- | fect condition, Reasonable price. Phone | 276M. 102¢) | NEW MOTOROLA CAR "RADIO. CUS- | tom model for 1942 or 1946 Ford and | ! Mercury. Barons' Radio and Electric, 1426 Simcoe 8. Phone 249, (102b) KITCHEN SUITE, NATURAL FINISH. | Nearly new, also bed, springs, mattress | {and floor congoleum. Apply 732 Albert, 02c) | NEW MA MANTEL RADIOS. NEW poy ment just arrived. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8S. Phone, oo ( ) 6, HARNESS, POLE AND 7 oY 03a) Snr MARCONI MANTEL 1048, colour, Hardly used. Phone of a COMPLETE SET GRETSCH DRUMS, Practically new. Men's hockey skates, | size 9. Phone 1262, (103a) | BLUE "PRAM, PEDAL CAR, ROCKING horse and hobby horse, Phone 23, (103a) C.CM. TRICYCLE IN GOOD CONDI- | tion, Apply 635 Carnegle Ave, (103a) {CEMENT FOR SALE, 21 BAGS. APPLY Cralg 105 Orchard View Bid, orth Oshawa. (103 mi GILSON . H Bor hold, Large size. New. 1 only. Bell's Refri, eraLor, 182 Simcoe 8. Phone 2059 (103b) TWO "INSIDE DOORS, WITH FIT- | tings, 2 ft. 6 in, x 6 ft. 6 in. APP 175 Tresane St. 103a) ONE WINCHESTER, | 12 GAUGE PUMP shot gun, New condition, Barter Shop, North Oshawa, (102b) ONE CHILD'S "LARGE C CRIB, B, SPRING filled mattress, doll's carriage, Saal size tricycle. 512 King E, 02b) WINTER POTATOES AND C Hora | onions, delivered. Also Blenheim, | Starks, McIntosh and Spy apples. Phone 44233. Shaw, 262 St. Ju lan t. (102b) {ONE 10 FT, HOT DOG steamer, new. Several other articles, also child's rocker, 154 liam SKIS, 6 FT, Fin? also C.C.M. skates, size 7. sonable. Phone 1434W, SINGER SEWING MACHINE, ELEC- tric table model, Used 6 months, Phone | 3875J after 6. (102b) one CEDAR DOOR, 2] FT. X 6 FT. 5" bundles cedar shingles, 3xxx. bri 4 1373 Prince St, | PRINCESS PAT COAL / AND _ WOOD cook stove, warming closet, Kroehier bed chesterfield. yi 732 Albert St., front door. (101c cy 1" SCHICK "BLEGTRIC jmost new; double blade. or 19 Prince St. RAZOR, AL- Call 47197, (101c) KINDLING HARDWOOD, DRY, tory cutting. Phone 3288J, VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY CHRISTMAS ORDERS TAKEN NOW -- ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin Ei (Tues-Thurs-Sat) | FRESH OR WELL | ROTTED PIG MAN- lure for winter flower bed protection. | Two-fifty yd. up. Phone 4667J. (Decl?) BICYCLES, JOYCYCLES, SKATES, Sleilghs, all sizes. Also Doll prams, wagons and small sidewalk bikes Osh- awa Cycle, 17 Bond W. (97g) ORDERS TAKEN FOR CHICKENS now and for Christmas, Also fat hens. Delivered week ends. Phone 416J12, (Tues -Sat) STEET V7 ETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 8q. ft asured and Installed. George . Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Dec23) OIL BURNERS For STOVE & FURNACE, Immediate Installation IRISH & DREW 184 SIMCOE S., PHONE 4442W (8710) WRINGER ROLLS EEPT IN STOCK for all makes of washers, Jack Bid- dulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 38003 ( eczs) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for.the remote installed modern household Refrigerator Bell's Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8S. Phone 2059W, (Janl2) KINDERGARTEN SETS, SLEIGH WITH express rails, voddle carts, express wa- gons, and wheel- barrows, See the large collection of toys and Xmas gifts for all members of the family, at Bradley's Furniture Stores, 40 King West. 156 Simcoe South FAC- (101c) mas tree delivery, Dec, Spruce. Balsam, choice Scotch Pines. (retail and wholesale. Phones 3148, or evenings 2009J, 390 Ristson Rd. South. after 6.30 p.m, (Dec21) WOODEN" BARRELS. 'ALMOST NEW. Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for pickles, cider, sauerkraut, pickling meats, etc. Glecoff's, Ritson South. Phone 3235. Dec2! 4) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER OF coal and wood heaters, cook stoves, like new, suitable for your home or busi- ness quarters. Now on display at the Bradley Furniture Co, Sicoe South store. (Dec21 ) OIL BURNERS PLUS A complete, Reliable Qut-of- town customers solicited. Borrow. dale. Phone 4046J. (Dec18) 37-- Articles Wanted WILL PAY CASH FOR OLD ILLUS- trated books, coloured prints, scrap books, and art in all mediums. Mr, A. C. Kenny, 190 Earlscourt Avenue, Toe ronto. (Dec7-14-21) CHILD'S FLECTRIGC TRAIN WANTED, Phone 3%43R. (101c) ELECTRIC TRAIN IN { GOOD CO CONDI- tion. Phone 3012M, SALES, Service Ww. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ELECTRIC refrigerator, typewriter, sewl ma- chine, plano, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, radio, Please prone S768); SPOT CASR. PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Fubne Tied. TYPEWRITER WANTED Will pay good price Apply TIMES-GAZETTE (91t) ' Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. (Dec.24) | CHRISTMAS TREES, SAVE DISAP- | pointment, order now for your Cons to 125 Eldon Ave. (101c) | GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ire Boxes radios and stoves. 56 King West, Phone 3326W, (Jans) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR TRON Station. PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open evenings. (Dec24) 38--Female Help Wanted (Jan1) and assist in private home Christmas day and day Slowing, Good hourly wage. 75c per hour. hone 17. (103c) WOMAN WANTED FOR LAUNDRY help. Steady job. Apply Star Laundry, 13 Celina St. (103¢c) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS W WANTED. Good hours and wages, Apply Kwan's Restaurant, 19 King W, i (102¢) RELIABLE GIRL 17-18 FOR LIGHT housework. Sleep in or out. Liberal time off. Phone 1857. (102b) WOMAN FOR KITCHEN HELP, APPLY Central Grill. (1021) YOUNG WOMAN, SINGLE PREFER- red, to assist with bookkeeping. Cone genial position. Please state experience and references. Box 809 THnes-Gazette, (t1) SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR FOR local business firm. Must be experi- enced and well-recommended. Please give full particulars in letter to Box 808 Times-Gazette, . (1) WOMAN WITH SALES "ABILITY, MUST be conscientious worker. Box (a c Times-Gazette WANTED IMMEDIATELY, MATRON, qualified to tai charge of small children's home. Pleasant living quarters, references required. Box 746, Times-Gazette. Cy (101c) WOMAN COLLECTOR, WITH OR without car. Must know city well, Box 803, Times-Gazette. (101c) |39--Male Help Wanted DO YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD? Operate your own Business? If so, ap- ply to Famous Products Corporation, Dept. 0-0-4, 370 Guy Street, Montreal, Quebec, (Dec.7-14-21-28) MAN AS OFFICE MESSENGER, LIGHT janitor duties, must be reliable, good appearance, Permanent position, Give age, past experience, Box 804, Times- | Gazette. (10 OFFICE JUNIOR, FOR LARGE IN- dustrial Office, excellent opportunity | for advancement: give age, education. | Box 805, Times-Gazette. (101c) YOU HAVE SELLING ABILITY? THEN {why not benefit of your talents--in your own business? Write us today | and 'we will tell you how you can es- | tablish a profitable enterprise--right at home, Time flies rapidly--the same with opportunities--Will you act now? Familex, Dept. G, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. (981) CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Prepare NOW for Spring exam- inations--Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Clerk, Immigra- tion Inspector, Etc. Full particulars from M.C.C. CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No ACERS, ot) 41--Employment Wanted YOUNG LADY, MARRIED, WISHES part-time employment, Senior matri- culant, Experienced as _clerk-typist, bookkeeper, and cashier. Phone 4500W afternoons. (102b) WOOD CUT BY CORD Or By Hour Modern Equipped Sawing Outfit. Quick Service. S. BROWN & SON PHONE 3714M LOST! Black Cocker Spaniel PEGGY IS HER NAME GENEROUS REWARD For information. leading to the recovery of Peggy STAN DISNEY, PHONE 26 OSHAWA | Auctioneer Guaranteed Results! Frank Stirtevant 33 Hall St. Phones 2714J or 2462 We Stock and Sell PLUMBING and HOT WATER HEATING New or Repair Work! 349 Louisa St. Ph. 4296 1 WOMAN OR GIRL TO WASH DISHES | FIXTURES REPAIRS | sale, also retall. Prices r Ap- ply to Ashmore's. Garage, aT | Corners 'North. Phone 3392W1. Fres | delivery. (Dec. 17) | COMPLETE "LINE {WOODWORKING | | equipment for sale. Apply 3 Edward | St, Ajax (1001) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. | Spruce. 33 Hall' St." Orders' taken for !schools and churches,' PROD: pec 241 ELECTRIC HAWIIAN GUITAR, 3 TUBE amplifier and case $150, complete. Wil- son & Lee, 70 Si Simcoe N, Open Shen. | Ings. : 03a) | PIANOS, MASON & | RISCH, re | size, good tone. en $85.00, Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe North, | Phone 251, (101c) INEW END TABLES, MAGAZINE | stands, coffee tables; also furniture made to order, . Phone 1376w. ~ (101c) | SILENT GLOW OIL S3URNERS FOR cookstove. !acket Depsies iH or Cooks and Sh; Electric. one hg (Dec21tf) CHOICE SPRUCE AND BALSAM CHRISTMAS . TREES 1+ Priced right for everyone XY Buy yours at 75 BROCK ST. W. (Dec10-14-17-21) OIL BURNERS HI-HEAT For stoves, . 62 irch double burners. 39.50 Plus installation T0 ALL APPLIANCES PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS ® Floors Laid ® Sanded ® Finished ® Old Floars Refinished All Machines are Vacuum Equipped! We Supply and Lay TILE FLOORING! ! PHONES: 3434J-4277J 51 Hi y Rd. 8. 41--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED JANITOR, REPAIR man would like full or part time job, Reference if requ Phone ba 42--Legal Notices id | NOTICE, TAOS STE 0! 0) igbon ig claims againsy rsons ha of the DE bove Mentioned of Osha undersigned on or before the Ith day of January, 1947, After that date the Public Trustes will proceed to distri the estate having regard only 1g claims of which he then shall have had Hotiee; TED at Toronto this 9th day of DA December, 1946 PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrator, (Dec. 14-21-28) Try a classified advertisement for quick results- o FURNACES «BOILERS o (IL BURNERS VACUUM CLEANED! REPAIRS! PHONE 3760J ED. THOMAS 111 Elgin St. W. Oshawa Watch and Clock REPAIRS Guaranteed Service! Oshawa Clock Shop 504a Simcoe St. 5. -- Phone 44753 An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE In Your Own $5 wy Home SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Phone 696 USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 15 KING ST, iy te PHONE 3300 TAXI MERCURY CAB Day and night service! Long and short trips. "Doug" Brown, Prop. PHONE 4046W PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled ER MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 's Leading shoppe 33 Simcoe N. Phone 3518 STOVE & NUT COAL Now Available For Immediate Delivery! PHONE 2491R WALL'S COAL ONLY 8 MORE SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS For the Convenience of the CHRISTMAS SHOPPER CHRISTIAN'S will be Open Evevy Night Until CHRISTMAS