DNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE On The Air Tonight and Thursday BUF NTO TORONTO Wek "CKEY CBL (CBS) . (NBC-CBS) 550 580 4 TORONTO "CIBC TO CFRB (CBS-CBC) 860 WEEN BUFFALO WKBW (ABC) 1520 TORONTO OSHAWA CHUM CKDO 140 'WEDNESDAY EVENING "W0--OBC N. 200-Victory Parade :00--Press SR faventure Assignment, WEDS WBEN--CKEY CJBO CBL CEDO Commentary Greene (News) Club of the Week of Believe Way Emith Folks New - of "the © World / 7:30--Int'l House Party 7:30--The Lone Ranger . 7:30--Mystery of the Week 7:30--Ellery Queen 7:30--Music by Monroe 7:45--H. V, Kaltenborn 7:45--Midweek Review 7:45--Queer Quirks CFRB 8:00--Jack Carson ® Show CFRB--WGR 8:00--Mr, and Mrs. North E 8:00--Tomorrow's Concert Stars CJBC 8:00--Philo_Vance KDO 8:00--Ten Years of Hn Tunes CBL 8:00--Lum 'n Abner WEBW 8:00-On Stage CKEY 8:15--Listen ig LaGuardia WKBW 30--Ad Quiz CKEY 30--Fishing & Hunting Club WKBW :30--Norman Cloutier CKDO :30--Dr, Christian :30--Dance Tunes fr. London :30--Treasure Trail :30--The Nation's Business :30--~The Great Gildersleeve 45--Kenny Baker WGR CJBC CFRB CBL WBEN CKDO 45--"Radlo 1946" wor :55--Bill Henry, News D:00--Affairs of Ann Scotland wEBW :00--London by Lamplight CB. Press News CEDO :00--Duffy's Tavern CKEY 9:00--Songs by Sinatra 00--Rhythm Makers 5--Vincent Jopes 30--Curtain Tim CBL © 9:30--B'way in your Own Backyard --CJBC 9:30--Parade of Bands 9 es ap Book :30--So t 9 tory aoe 9 30 Dinan Shore 8 9:30--Mr, District Attorney 9:30--Pot O' Gold Sho 9:38--On Stage .10:00--Bing Crosby Show o) 10:00--Jimmy Shields Sings 10:00--Fabulous Dr. Tw 10 Award chester 100--Academy :00--Music of Manha! Perkin. :00--~CBC National News Le Ni Round 0:30--Kay Kayser Show 0-30-- Ne 0:30--Bob b Hannon 10:30--Henry Morgan Show WKBW 10:30--Distinguished Artists Series aL i Sp oe sdale, 0:45--Press Ni CKDO 10 45--Terry pu a CKEY 1:00--Mart Kenney" s Orch. UBL i 00--News WGR--WEBW WBEN--CKEY--CFRB i :00--Dominlon Network News aoe 11:05--Tips 'n Tunes KEY 11:10--Rexallites p24 11:15--Russ Carlyle"s Orch. CJBC : 11:15--Late Sports WGR 11:15--Joe Wesp, Ironie Reporter WBEN tn: 13-Raintiow Rend. CFRB 11:15--~Joe Hasel, Sports WKBW Songs of the West Footnote : Late Sports Column 11:30--Norm Harris' Orch. : 11:30--Musical Interlude 111:30--Invitation to Music WG! 11:30--Red Feather Drama £11:30--Vocal & Organ Program WBEN :11:35--Dance Orchestra CJBC 11:45--Blue Barron Orch. WEKBW :00--News Lilia WBEN--C! 12:00--CBC News Bullttin SIB0--CBL £12 ea it With Mus! ° crEY 112:05--News Summary WKBW ; 12:05--Snooky Lanson Show ~~ WBEN 112:05--Guy Lombardo Orch. CFRB { 12:15--ABC Prog. To 1:00 am. VEY WBEN WBEN --CJBC--WBEN WGR CFRB CKDO : § 30-350 00--News :00--News; 550 Rangers 05--Top o' the Morning :10--Clint Buehlman 0--C 30 30] :30--1 40-- K pel Singer :45--News and Noveltunes WBEN :00--News :00--Hit the Deck Ne seal Clock 05--Top o' the Jloring :05--T1 Tie Toc Tu :15--Clint Buchan :15--America's Top Orch. :25--Howard and Shelton 30--News Musical Clock :30--Headlines :30--News Reporter :30--Press News and Interlude Organ' Rambli; j15-- Mua c on Pai :55--News 0--Melody. Highlight :00--Jim Hunter :00--1050 Roundup :00--Martin Agronsky 8:00--News 8:00--Voices of the Stars A 1 -------- oop ee A SAS Attorney-General LESLIE E. BLACKWELL will speak on "LIQUOR CONTROL IN ONTARIO" overthe C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network From 8.00 to 8.30 p.m. THURSDAY. December 12th LISTEN TO STATON( CBL ) News and Interlude OBL CFRB --Coffer Time : ning :15--Music_on Parade :30--Press News :30--Roving Reporter :30--~Two-Ton Baker 3 30--Clift Edwards Show News CJ 9:00--Church in the Wildwood CKDO 9:00--Nine O'Clock News CFRB 9:00--Unity Viewpoint CHUM 9:00--News R--WBEN--CKEY 9: 00 --Breakiast cb CJBC--WEKBW :00---CBC_N CBL 9:05--All Time. "Hit Parade 9:05--Honeymoon in N.Y. 9:10--Novatime 9:15--Christmas Calendar 9:15--Winter Wonderland 9:15--Early Date 9:15--Danny O' Nell Show CFRB--WGR 9:30--Melody Incorporated CHUM 9:30--Morning Melodies CKDO 9:30--Daytime Classics 9:45--Why of World Events 9:45--Relax and Listen 9:45--8chool of the Alr 10:00--Maurice Bodington CJBC 10:00--Ann Adam Homecrafters CFRB 10:00--Hollywood Revue CHUM 10:00--Vest Pocket Var. Web yor CKEY CKEY 10:00- -My True Sto: 10:00--Joe Ven Oakville 10:00--New: 10:0¢ Make Belleve Ballroom 10:15--Southland Singing CFRB 10:15--Susan Booker CJBC CBL WBEN 10:15--Parade of Bande 10:15--Lora wton J mas of atl Churches WEKBW 10:30--New: CEKDO--CHUM 10: 30--Evelyn Winters WGR W | 10:30 Midmor Alien CFRB 10:3 30--Ethelwyn ines 10:30--Road of I: my vue 0:35--Piano Interlude LL Jordan, M.D. 10:45--The Listening Post, 10:45--Music in Marchtime 10:45--Time To Remember 10:45--Jane Weston 10:45--Noveiette 11:00--News 11:00--Arthur Godfrey 11:00--Melody Parade 11:00--Road of Life 11:00--Fred Waring Show 11:00--Morning Varieties 11:00--Consumer News mn: D--Breakfast in Hollywood i! ° 5--Make Belleve Ballroom 11:30--Jack Berch Show 11 B= Sor e's Wife Wagon Serenade nd Slam 11 35_Stork Club of the Air 11:40--"Household Counsellor" 1 :45--David Sarum 11 11 45 voice of Memory 11:50--New! 1 {45_Laura Limited . THURSDAY AFTERNOON 12:00--Pictures in Melody CFRB 12:00--News--Music WBEN--C 12:00--N. Shore Farm Digest 12: Manor 12:00 12:0( 12:00 g 12: 15--Pick The Hits :15--Farm Broadcast 12:15--Luncheon Music 12:15--Aunt Jenny bee Linto! Dr. Frederick A, Hodge 12:20--This Will Make You Laugh 12:30--News CI 12 Iu Greene (News) 12:30--~CHUM Valley Folks 12:30--World at Noon 12:30--Ontario Farm Broadcast 12:45--Luncheon 'Music 12:50--Music Box 12:55--Cieorge Murray Show :00--Romance :00--CBC News :00--Baukhage Talkl: ows ties in Mel 0 Southiand 4 Singing 'o The Ladies FEE 1:45--Road of Life 1:45--Melody Inc. 1:45--Waltz Time 2:00--Celebrity Time 2:00--Piano Masterpieces 2:00--Novatime 2:00--Meet the Band 2 2:00 Today! 's Children 5 Ethei and Albert :15--Quarter Hour Concert : 5--Perry Mason :15--Jack Berch Show :15--Melody Inc. '15-Woman in White :28--Masquerade :30--S8tyles In Song :30--~News :30--Joan : Baird :30--~The Lone Journey a Kaye Brid Bride : and ; )--~Curtain Echoes 2:45--Light of the World 2:45--Dr, Paul 2:45--Ridin' The Range 3:00--Tello-Test 3:00--News :00--Make Mine Musié :00--Parade of Melody 0 3:00--Ladies Be Beated 3:05--Mickey Lester Show 3:15--Broadway Bandwagon 3:15--Melody Inc, 3:15--Ma Perkins 3:15--1050 Matinee Carte 3:30--Norm Wullen Organist 3:30--Woman's Page of the Air WEKBW BEN--CBL CHUM Mil 3:30--Pepper Young's Family 3:35--1050 Matinee 3M5--Lucy 'Linton 3:45--Melody Inc. | 3:45--Right to Happiness ween oi L 3:45--George Barnes Octet 3:45--Three Suns 3:55--Western Songs 4:00---Tommy Riggs Show 4 :00--Backstage ife BEN WEBW--CKEY CHUM :15--Women's News Commentary CBL :18--"School for Parents" CBL 4:25--Allan Lewis News WGR 4:30--Time to Remember 4:30--Lorenzo Jones WBEN 4:30--News CHUM 4:30--Russ Morgan Orch, WGR 4:30--The Sea Hound CJBC 4:30--Thursday Recital CBL 4:35--Roving Reporter CHUM 4:40--Matinee Minature WKBW 4:45--Advent, of Perry Mason CFRB 4:45--Tea Dance CBL 4:45--Young Widder Brown WBEN 4:45--Dick Tracy Show WKBW--CJBC 4:45--Bob Eberly WGR CHUM WG! 4:50--Roving Reporter, News 4:55--Galen Drake 5:00--News 5:00--Musical Interlude 5:00--Terry and the Pirates 5°'00--From the Classics :00--When A Girl Marries :00--Superman :00--Amer. School of the Alr :03-~Terry and the Pirates 5:05--Studio Party 5:15--Family Favorites 3; 15--8ky y Xing 5:15--George right, Organist :15--Portia Faces Lif :30--Santa Claus :30--*'Here Pooch" :30--Jack Armstrong :30--The Waltz Lives On :30--Veterans' Varieties :30--Just Plain Bill :30--Make Believe Ballroom :30--News :45--Lanny and Singer 5:45--Musical Prog! 5:45--Jesting With. "the Jesters odo 5:45--Men in Scarlet 5:45--Front Page Farell Vann 5:45--Remember Whi WGR 5:50--Art. Young ing Cowboy WKBW 5:55--Five Minute Mystery WGR THURSDAY EVENING 6:00--News WBEN--WGR--WEKBW--CKEY 6:00--Victory Parade C! 6: 00--CBC News 6: Press News 6: Ranch Bogs f 05--Make Believe Ballroom 6:10--Clary Settel 6:10--Fashion po oamentator 6:10--1240 Sports Review 6:15--Jim ells, Sports 6:15--Hit Tunes CFRB 6:15--Sig. Smith, Sports WEKBW 6:15--Iroquois Revue WGR 6:15--News; Farm Market Sum. CBL 6:15--Jumpin' Jacks CKDO 6:20--Bulletin Board CJBC 6:30--Jim Hunter--News eal 6.30--Ralph Bunnell, Sports CBL ly Horlick WKBW ights CJBC WBEN 6:30--The Enchan Pine 6:30--Presentin, :55--CBC Commentary 7:00--~Famous Songs 7:00--Supper Club 7:00--Vincent Lopez Orch. 7:00--Lorne Greene (News) 7:00--Myste! of the Week 7:00--Tony e Troubadour Tt usical Program 7:05--Make Believe Ballroom 7:05--Music of Manhattan 7:10~John Fisher Today's Short Story TURKEY IN THE HAY By Dorothy Roseborough 'A BROWN was furious. For the third time Seth Jones had caught her turkeys in his al- falfa. Now he was acting as if she had driven them in. Angrily, Seth ran across the field to head the turkeys from the newly flooded alfalfa. "Can't you keep those dang birds off my place?" he shouted. Cleta slapped her sunbonnet at the flustered turkeys "Do you think I want 'em over here?" she d, "Getting their feet wet ying from it, inaybe! They're oii he fence and in your place before I know it." "Under the fence!" growled Seth, "They rise up and sail right over, the flyin' fools! Why don't you keep their wings clipped? Reckon you figger the more green feed your tom gets the better his chance to grab off first prize at the Fair" eta flushed with anger, "That's a low-down remark!" "Another thing," broke in Seth, "I don't want your tom with my flock, Keep your birds on your own place." e strode off to the irri- gation ditch. Cleta glared at his retreating back. Seth didn't need to be so baggy, she thought. Maybe she didn't have bronze hens, Ri her gobbler was as good as . Cleta was proving up on he. de- sert claim with a crop of milo- maize. ' The scattering grain made wonderful forage. But the field was some distance from her home- stead and the turkeys had to be driven there every day. Planted just over the section line from Cleta's barnyard, Seth's alfalfa drew the flock the way a nest full of eggs draws a snake. Seemed like Seth and she fought all the time since be put the field in, Cleta thought. She sure would like to win that prize, And for a | reason she'd never dare tell Seth. Most of the farm girls wore sun- bonnets. Cleta wanted to be dif- ferent, Before they started fussing about the turkeys Seth looked at her a lot. Maybe she could make him look at her again with that | warm eagerness in his eyes, Keeping the obbler _ under a 200op made theshens stay in the | barnyard, Cleta found. The turkey but be- | zained weight rapidly, ame had tempered and a mean fighter. When she lifted the coop he would be out in a flash, his great wings drumming and his iewlap swelling scarlet as he turned the flock to the fresh cool scent of the alfalfa. Every morn- ing as Cleta battled the obstinate gobbler to the milo-maize field he seemed bigger and meaner, The smell of autum was in the air the morning Cleta rode into town to enter her tom for the show. Coming home she checked her horse to a walk as she passed Seth's place. He sure had things looking nice, she throught. A young orchard, each tree wearing a whitewash sock, made symme- trical rows of dark green. The house shone in a new coat of paint. It wasn't much bigger than her own homestead shack, but there was plenty of room for two, Cleta decided. Then she saw the turkeys were in the alfalfa again, and she turned in at Seth's gate. No one answered her shout as she galloped by the house to the field. Jumping off her horse, Cleta snatched at her sunbonnet and beat frantically at the fighting gobblers. One dropped, dishevelled and bleeding. The circling hens squawked and stretched their naked necks to the smell of blood. "Get away, you devils!" Cleta panted, She drove them off and dropped on her knees besides the bird. She could not tell if it were hers or Seth's. Anything dead al- ways looked smaller than when it was alive. She watched the vic- torious gobbler strutting and drum- ming his wings as he rounded up the hens; the bronze hens, the new ' stormed, members of his harem. She knew for sure then, Her bird had killed Seth's tom. Cleta stood up. She saw Seth turning in at the gate, and as he hurried toward the field a hot tri- umph flooded through her. With ~--Illustrated by D, Chambers Cleta slapped her sunbonnet at the flustered turkeys, "Do you think I want 'em over here?" she snapped. Seth's gobbler out of 'the running her turkey would surely win, But this would end everything, she told herself. Cleta knew she could not bear to keep on fighting with Seth, The hard knot of her anger against him had been like a clenched fist in her breast. She | wanted him the way he used to be, warm and eager and friendly. Her last resentment melted away when she saw Seth's stricken look as he ran to the head bird. "So you let 'em get in again," he "Anyone with a brain might know this would happen. Why in time couldn't you keep your tom penned up? By heck!" > exclaimed, "Blamed which one fit is!" He knelt and turned the gobbler over. "Well, I know my own bird, even if you don't," Cleta retorted, "So now you can go ahead and win that prize money you're so het up about." "Dunno as I was any more het p than you," Seth jeered, his Nels still busy with the bird, "What did vou want it for? More fence wire?" Cleta jerked =at her sunbonnet strings. "Thought I'd buy me a new hat, maybe." "A hat " Seth exclaimed. He looked from the dead bird to the swelling gobbling tom with the hens. He grinned. "Say, Cleta," he drawled in the old friendly teasing voice, "Why don't you take that bird of yours home? He's cutting up something scandalous round them widows. - They can't keep their mind on their mourn- ing Cleta reddened, "I tell you he's your bird," she insisted, moving toward her horse. Seth caught her by the wrist. "Hey! Wait a minute! You know darn well that's your tom with my hens. But if you're honin' for proof--" He spread the dead turkey's wing. Clipped in the thin membrane Cleta saw a narrow registration band. Seth chuckled, "Proves that you like me pretty well to, way 1 see it. Better'n a new hat, any- how." He was smiling, but Cleta saw that his eyes were intent and eager. "It doesn't matter about a hat now," she murmured, "It's just that I felt so terrible lonesome in a sunbonnet." 7:10~By the Way WEKBW 7:15--News of the World 7:15-Jack Smith 7:15--Henry J, Taylor 7:15--~Sports News 7:15--Raymond Swing 7:30--Mystery of the Week 7:30--Mr Keen 7:30--Professor Quiz 7:30--Melodic Moods 7:30--Make Believe Ballroom 7:30--Toronto Trio 7:30--~The Frontiersmen 7:30--Slim Bryant 7:45--"Points of View" 7:45--Moon Dreams 7:45--Home. Folks Frolic 8:00--The Aldrich Family 8:00--Harmonies: 8:00--Youth Discusses 8:00--Suspense 8:00--Popular Playhouse 8:00--Salon Concert 8:00-~Lum and Abner 8:00--Help Wanted 8:15--Christian Science Views 8:15--Neil Chotem Trio 8:30--Money Makers 8:30--Actuality Broadcast 8:30--Burns and Allen Show 8:30--Drama Workshop 8:30--~John and Judy 8:30--F.BI. In Peace and War 8:30--Norman Cloutier Orch. 8:30--Town Meeting of the AY TRE 8:45--Kenny Baker 8:55--Bill Henry, News :00--Dick Haymes Show WGR--CFRB CBL--WBEN BC--WKBW 9:30--Fashions in Music CKDO 9:30--Crime Photographer WGR 9:30--Homes for Vets CKEY Make It "Your Lucky Day' and DANCE at the "FRIDAY PROM" 9:45--Munic. Talk--Frank O'Hearn CKEY 9:50--Let's Waltz CKEY 10:00--Abbott and Costello WBEN 10:00--World Security Workshop WKBW 10:00--Edmund Hockridge Show CJBG 10:00--CBC National News CBL if IT know | t HE ALK TODAY Marks -- "The Young Wid 205 - 455 - 740 - 1030. "I Ring Door Bells" -- 100 =~ 345 - 6.30 - 9.20. Last com- "plete show, 9.20. Regent -- "The Last Chance"-- 1.30 - 3.20 - 5.10 - 7.00 - 9.10. Last complete show--850. Biltmore -- "Son of Lassie" -- 1.30 - 3.15 = 5.10 - 6.55 - 8.40. Last complete show, 8.35. 10: 30--_Eddio Cantor Show 10.30--News 10 :30--Winnipeg Strings 10:30--That's Finneg WGR 10:30--Fantasy in Melody CJBC.WKBW 10:40--Donald Novis CFRB 10 :40--Joe Chrysdale, Sports 45] 10:55--Headliners 11:00--News WKBW--WBEN--CKEY--CFRB 11:00--Dominion Network News CJBC 11:00--Vancouver Theatre CBL 11:00--News Reporter 11:05--Tips 'n Tunes, 11:10--Rexallites 11:15--Dick Jurgen's Orch, 11:15--Late Sports 11:15--Joe Hasel, Sports 11:15--Rainbow Rend. 11:15~-Joe Wesp 11:25--Late Sports Column 11:30--Juillard School of Musie 11:30--Dance Orch. :3 to) 11 35--Jimmy Dorsey Orc! 12:00--News WGR- WBEN- CFRB- WESW 12:00--CBC News CJBC 12; 00-News Say It With Music 12:05--Johnny Long Orch, 12:05--News Summary 12:03--Design for Bo iening 12:30--News CFRB 12:56--News WBEN Try a classified advertisement for quick results IARRARRARNAA CKEY WKBW WBEN THIS YEARS GIVE A XMAS STORE HOURS: OPEN EVERY EVENING To 9 p.m. 'til Xmas Dec. 24 'til 6 p.m, | THE OLD RELIABLE JEWFELLER 24 Simcoe N., Phone 397 EERE RRY "Why Have You Made Yourself Lovelier than the Loveliest Flower in my Harem? ANNA NY Ww an [RENE DUNNE REX HARRISON NDA DARNELL SID AND THE "orn "LAST CHANCE" TOMORROW , THEATRE IN OUR TIME By Howie Hunt How How IE leleosed hy Nea Srz Fulerprises] "Now listen, fatstuff--the war's over so don't gimme that old baloney about shortage of toys!" C.D.N.A. Award To O. Brunelle 'Toronto, Dec. 11. -- (CP) --Orval Brunelle of the Saskatoom Star- Phoenix won the November prize | in the Canadian Dally Newspapers Association news pleture contest, it was announced by R. A. Barford, publisher of the Sarnia Canadian Observer and chairman of the C.D. N.A. advertising committee. Entitled "Safe and Sound," the picture shows 20-month-old Ronald Harbor safe in his mother's arms, | being examined, eyes a doctor af- ter having been lost for 2¢ hours when. he wandered away from his farm home, near Saskatoon, PETER LAWFORD FRIDAY 9.30 a SAN Age crirer [GIFT TICKETS NOW ON SALE! | | TODAY "SON of LASSIE" STARRING * Annual CLAUS "In Person" SHOWS DONALD CRISP In Technicolor TA pro en \ Bring the SANTA r-- Children 12¢ Tax Paid WILL HAVE A GIFT FOR EVERY CHILD ~-- Children! CLAUS Adults 24c Tax Paid --& 2 4 BILTMORE GEORGE "GABBY" STARTS TOMORROW most amazing exploits! Tite 74 HAYES and Gorgeous DALE EVANS UNDER NEVADA SKIES ROY sings his great- est tunes...rides to In His Latest Thriller! gxvnar A LADIES' MAN! IS THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE! HITS 8 To-day Only JANE RUSSELL ("The Outlaw Girl") in "YOUNG WIDOW" plus Robert Shayne in "I RING DOOR BELLS" ALLEN JENKINS JANE DARWELL [ Ymas Gift Tickets ON SALE NOW!