ve y THE DAILY TIMES-GAZEFTE MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1946 A AE A} a, SER i SR SL, tal oth Friday, November 29, Deaths JACOBS, James Henry -- In Oshawa ital, on Monday, December 2nd, 3 ainty Henry acobs (613 Mary ear, Eg a e ng St, , - nesday, December 4th, at 2 p.m. In- orm ont Union - Cemetery, Cobourg, NORTH---In Toronto East Bt , on Saturday, son of the Herbert I North in his 31st oar, . lo A from tosh Funeral Jome. 152, K on Tuesday, , Bb Luke-Mcln' Bt. E, fon Cemetery, pam. Interment Un- * In Memoriam BOUCKLEY--In loving menior dear little son and brother To who p d away, 1039. ow that he is happy, by By Eaviours Tomé Soave er -as he i sunshine of His love, --Ever remembered by Mother and Dad, sisters, Mary and Ada and brother Don, of a mmy ig --In lov memory of our BOC ails, mas Llewllyn Bouckley, who passed away, Decem- a_i 'remembered by his Crand- parents, AY-In loving memory of our dear Hairer. atiicol G Sar. who passed ecember 2, A We: cannot clasp your hand, father ear; Your face we cannot see; But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. --Lovingly remembered by the fam- iy, MYLES--In loving memory of a dear liam Myles, who passed father WIL am M SA 8 ods away, Decem An ever loving father, Faithful, kind and true, Who never sald an Joking word \ r me or . hos Boo remembered by his daugh- M ter argaret, ® Piano Recital Appreciated There was an appreciative aud- fence in the Salvation Army Citadel Saturday night for the piano recital by Major Cyril Everitt, AT.CM. of Toronto, His program included: Beethoven's "Sonata in F. 'Minor A the "Appassionata'; Mozart's "'Son= ata in A. Minor"; Chopin's "Fan- tasy Impromptu in © Sharp Min- or'; "The Myrtle", Paul Watts, His technique is brilliant--at times breath taking, The Appas- sionate especially was a model per- formance. The complete classicism which brought out the majesty of the work to the utmost did fot stand in the way of a great charm and of a flowing quality that Major Everitt gets through his per- fect phrasing and his wonderful flexibility. Throughout the whole gamut of his playing his mastery of the pianoforte was eminently evident, There were times when his hands rushed across the keys and over one another so rapidly that the eye couldn't distinquish how many there were. They made music a frenzied riot one minute and a ze- phyr breeze of loveliness the next. Contrasts of power and delicacy, speed and smooth dreamy delibera- tion flashed like . tonal lightning over the enchanted listeners. His interpretation of the Chopin number was a delight. The beauty and pathos of the slow movement was brought out in all its tender- ness, while the imagination and fire of the planist was brought in- to full play in the final measures, 'The Citadel Band and Songster Brigade were associated with Ma- jor Everitt in the programme, and added to the delight of the evening. Musician Mel Smith excelled in his solo "Wonderful Joy" by Jakeway. Especially written for the trom- bone, it was played with rare abil- ty. Musician Smith gave to the trombone the full powers and capa- cities of that most difficulty of the brass choir, his glissandos were like a Niagara of tears, while his execu- tion was sensational. It was a mir- acle of music that brought out all the sweetness, all the brazenness of which the trombone is capable. It was an altogether satisfying program of great music. L.A.M. SIGHS WITH FLEET Hamilton --The International As- sociation of Machinists Local 171 (AFL) has signed a lective bar- gaining agreement with the Fleet Aircraft Company at Fort Erie, Boulton, International re- presentative of the union an- nounces, The contract includes two weeks' holidays with pay after five years' service, two Statutory holidays with pay and the Rand formula of union security. EE ---- JAMES HENRY JACOBS A butcher in Cobourg prior to his retirement in 1036, James Henry Jacobs passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital this morning in his 87th year. In falling health for some years, the deceased had been seriously ill for the past three weeks. Born in Cobourg, Mr, Jacobs re- tired in 1936 and came to Oshawa to live with his son, Edward. Predeceased by his wife in 1034, Mr, Jacobs is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W, 6 O, Jones of Winnipeg, Mrs, H. Pashby of To- ronto, and Mrs. A, L. Veale of Ux- bridge and three sons, Orrin D. of Kyle, Saskatchewan; Stuart of New York City and Edward of Oshawa, Hos: 946, > Also surviving are Mrs, E, Jacobs and Mrs, R, Henderson, both of Vancouver. Tue funeral will be held from the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, December 4, followed by interment in the Union Cemetery, Cobo The services will be conducted Rev. B. 8. Morwood, pastor of Northminster United Church, RAYMOND FRANCIS NORTH In poor health for several months, the death ooccurred-in the Toronto Bast General Hospital on Baturday, November 30, of Raymond Francis North, beloved son of the late Her~ bert North and the former Evelyn Greagsbey, in his 31st year. Born in East Whitby Township on February 24, 1916, the deceased spent almost his entire life in the district, He worked for some time as an attendant at the Ontario Hospital at Whitby and later served for four and a half years with the RC.AP, being stationed at Toron- to, St. Thomas, Mountain View, Greenwood, N. 8., and Rockeliffe, He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jack Klein (Ruth) and Mrs, Fred Johns (Olive) and one brother, Her- bert. The funeral will be conducted by Rev, D. B, Langford, rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whit- by, at the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home at 2 pm. on Tuesday, Decem- ber 3, followed by interment in the Union Cemetery. DR. B. M. BAYLY Moose Jaw--Dr, Benjamin Moore Bayly, 78, medical health officer for nearly 35 years in Moose Jaw until the summer of this year, died Sat- urday. Born in Pondon, Ont. he gradu- ated from Western University at London, and took a post-graduate course at University of Toronto. He went overseas in the Great War of 1914-13 as medical officer of the 46th Battalion CMF, and later with No. 2 Hospital Unit at Bolougne, France, and during the last year of the war with an advanced dress- ing station, 3 He is survived by his widow and one son, Benjamin de Forest Bayly of Oshawa, professor of electricity at the University of Toronto, and commanding officer of Camp "X". Japanese (Continued from Page 1) there was no emergency to justify continuation of the powers in ques- tion. "This contention found no favor in the Supreme Court of Canada and their lordships do not accept it," the Privy Council said. "One remaining matter relied up- on by the appellants should be mentioned: "First it was sald that the words 'of the Japanese race' were So vague as to be incapable of applica- tion to ascertain persons, It is suf- ficient to say that in their Lord- ships opinion they are not. "All that can be said is that ques- tions may arise as to the true con- struction of the phrase and as to its applicability to any particular person. But difficulties of con- struction do not affect the validity of the orders." The Privy Council's judgment was handed down by Lord Wright in a brief sitting. The case, which opened here last July 16, was argue ed for four days at that time be- fore Lord Simonds and four other Law Lords. Dominion government represent- atives argued that the 10,000 of the 24,000 Japgnese in Canada who had signified their desire to go to Japan before the war ended, should not be allowed to remain in Canada in peace. They sald also that the deporta- tion of about 500 Japanese nation- als would be in the national inter- est. .. Orders permitting the Canadian Labor Minister to order the Japa- nese to be deported were passed un- der the War Measures Act and were continued by the Transitional Act assented to Dec, 18, 1045. On the orders generally the Privy Council said that in an emergency, "the interests of the Dominion are to be and it rests with the Parliament of the Dominion to protect them. What those inter- ests are the Parllament of the Do- minion must be left wi sider able freedom to judge." ATTENTION: Registered Nurses The Victorian Order of Nurses, Toronto Branch, employs graduate nurses who are interested in = ,community work. An introductory course is given and applications are being considered for a course beginning on January 6th, 1947. Please apply by letter only, stating age, year of graduation, train. ing school, experience 'and telephone number to 281 Sherbourne Street, Toronto 2. Re-Organized ,Redmen handed Oshawa their first Army Cadet Corps It was announced by Lieut. Cain, Officer Commanding the local Ar- my Cadet Corps, that the re-or- ganizing of the corps had been completed and that the corps will now swing into a Jarge and varied training program, The training program will take in fundamentals, physical training; drill and command, first aid, sig- nalling, field craft, recreational shooting, use of maps, equipment and weapon training, 'engines and wood-craft. - Optional subjects to these are, band, advanced wood- craft, signalling, skiing, swimming, field engineering, This training is a valuable asset 5 to any young man, who ntends to join any branch of government service, as well as assisting any young men to become a better citizen, Enlarged Sports Program 'With the change in training the Army. Cadets also plan a much larger sports program, where every cadet in the corps will take part. Some of the activities of the spurts committee include basketball, ice hockey, floor hockey, broom ball and badminton, 'These activities are open to any cadet who wishes to take part on Friday nights at the Armories. Checkers and chess tournaments are also being plane ned for the more energetic boys, Fine Service Reco d Although the Army Cadets are only five years old this December over one thousand boys have passed through its ranks with over two hundred serving in the armed forces. This does not include the Junior Battalion, the fore-runner of the Army Cadet Corps. To be included in this fine service re- cord is the services that the ca- dets have offered different groups throughout the years when called upon. The Army Cadets, not only serve Oshawa, but cover a larger district than any other cadet cOrps in the province of Ontario, by bringing in cadets from Ajax and es far west as Liverpool and Brooklin and Whitby, Before a cadet is accepted into the corps, he is advised of the fine opportunities that the local Air Cadets and Sea Cadets offer, This helps the boy to decide what group he wants to belong to and Bank Of Montreal Has 100,000 New Accounts Montreal, Dec, 2--A tone of con- fidence eoncerning the future of Canada, tinged with a warning against over-expansion of business and concern at the present level of Lfaxdtion featured the: presidential address of George W. Spinney, C.M. G., at the 120th annual meeting of the Bank of Montresl today, Speaking at the same meeting B. C. Gardner, general manager, Ob- served that more than 100,000 new savings accounts had been opened with the bank during the past year and added that deposits under all eadings reached a new year-end h of $1,736,000,000, an increase of $123,000,000 over the previous year, Reviewing the economic and so- cial aspects of domestic and inter- national events during the year, Mr. Spinney looked to a fu- ture which he viewed with guarded optimism, He noted that "in an age of flux there are some economic realities and basic values that do not, and cannot, change." In his address to the meeting, B. CO. Gardner, general manager, noted satisfactory progress in the coun- try's reconversion 'program, accom- panied by a minimum of involun- tary unemployment. Mr. Gardner reported an increase in the volume of personal loans and in loans to farmers, municipalities and school districts, He sounded a note of caution in respect to inven- tories for commercial concerns and suggested "a conservative inventory policy is advisable -under present conditions." "Sincere appreciation of loyal and efficient services" was offered by the General Manager in comment- ing on the work of the B of M staff which now numbers more than 8, 000, an increase of nearly 40 per cent over pre-war complement." ONTARIO REGIMENT 11th (Res.) Army Tank Regiment NEWS saves him many months of value- Jess training, if he finds out he is not suited for the Army Cadets. Serving along with the Cadets is the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. This Aux- iliary has done much fine work for the corps, such as raising money for the cadets, and running the cadet canteen on Wednesday even- ings. At present the ladles are planning a bazaar for December 13, the money raised for the pur- pose of giving the cadets a Christ- mas party. ' It has been the honor of the Cadet Corps that none of its boys have ever appeared in Juvenile Court. We consider this suite a re- cord considering the area this ca- det corps cover and the juvenile crime wave that has been sweep- ing Ontario. Any boy wishing to join the Ar- my Cadets is welcomed to do so, if he can, pass the stendards set by the corps, The cadets are called in by draft when a vacancy occurs in the corps, or when there ore enough boys on draft to form a new platoon. The Army Cadet Corps stands for better citizens, better young, men and a better Oshawa. Your support goes to make a better Ca- det Corps, a corp which the whole city and province can be proud of, Legionnaires Have Two Games Home This Week Canadian Legionnaires face two home games this week in the "Big Four" Intermediate "A" OHA. grouping and must win both in or- der to tie for top position in the standing. Tonight at the Arena St. permit, pleaded guilty DAILY ORDINS PART 1 y N LT.-COL. M. P. JOHNSTON, ED. Commanding 11 Armd, Regt. (Ont. R.) Order No. 20 (Res Force), Osh- awa, Ontario, 28 Nov. 46. Last (R) part I orders issued No. 28 d/21 Nov. 46. Duties Field Officer for week commenc- ing 2 Dec. 46, Major E. F. Bastedo, Next for duty: Major D. H. Lander. Orderly Officer for week come menacing 2 Dec. 46, Lt. B. A. Plow- Tent. Next for duty: Lt. E, Flewel- g. Bn, Orderly Sergeant for week commencing 2 Dec. 46, Sgt. Pearn, O. Next. for duty: Sgt. Davis, R. H. Parades An Instructional Parade will be held for all ranks on Monday, 2 Dec. 46. 2000 hrs.--Squadron Parade. 2005 hrs--Lecture by RSM. 2045 hrs.--Instruction Drill. 2105 hrs.--Lecture by Padre. 2130 hrs.--Mutual Instruction. 2200 hrs.--Dismissal. Dress Battle-dress, berets, web-belts, anklets, Training H/Capt. H. D. Cleverdon will be i/o parade 2105 hrs. to 2130 hrs. F. 8. WOTTON (Capt.) for (M. P, JOHNSTON) Lt.-Col, Commanding Officer, 11 Armd. Regt. (Ont. R.), Liquor Charges Bring Fines To 2 Liquor occupied much of the time of the court this morning. Robert Nesbitt of Toronto, charged with illegal possession of a liquor and was Catharines Moose pay their second fined $26 and costs or one month visit to Oshawa and on past -per- formances the Legionnaires should coast to an easy victory. The visit- ors have however had an extra week of practice and with two games un- der their belt may prove to be much more formidable antagonists than a week 'ago when they absorbed an 18-2 drubbing here, Brantford Redmen who play here Friday night are strictly the team to beat for the league honors in the opinion of the Legionnaires. In their only engagement to date the defeat by a score of 6-5 in. a thrill- ing contest that was not decided un- til the final minute of play. The Redmen are a rugged mixture of veterans and young players with a standout netminder in Cockburn who time after time turned aside dangerous sallles by the well-coach- ed Oshawans. Brantford lost the services of their ace defenceman Chappie Young who went to hos- pital with a broken nose during the game but it is expected that he will be back in action when the team visits here Friday aight. All in all the game appears to be a "natural" for hockey followers who enjoy hockey at its best by players who are no longer eligible for junior ranks. $25 Fine Follows King St. Collision Joseph Miseresky of 'Toronto, charged with careless driving and having liquor was fined $25 and costs or one month on the first charge and $10 and costs or 10 days on the second, terms to run con- currently, according to Magistrate Frank Ebbs in court this morning. Mr. Miseresky pleaded guilty to both charges and Police Chief Owen D. Friend told the court that the accused had been seen driving care- lessly on King Street West yester. day and collided with an auto driv- en by Thomas A. Little of Toronto. A bottle of liquor had been found in Mr. Miseresky"s car. The chief asked for the minimum as the man had a good record. by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs. He told the court he had lost his permit, bought another and then found the original one, Edward Grills, 38% Simcoe Street North, pleaded guilty to two charg- es, one of being intoxicated last Sa- turday and the other of having liquor -in other than his place of residence. He was fined $10 and costs or. 10 days in jail on both abbie Killer (Continued from Page 1) the time that Reddish was dead. Reddish was found late Saturday, slumped over the wheel of his cab in front of the home of William Carr, retired policeman, on Emerson Avenue in northwest Toronto. He had been shot through the head with a 38 calibre bullet. Another bullet was found in the car's up- holstery. The window on the drive er's side was shattered. Police believe the murder took place about 11 p.m. Saturday. Discovery of the body came dur- ing a routine police search for a car stolen in the same block. The car, owned by Charles Gay of Tor- onto, later was found abandoned a few blocks away. Gay told police that the slayer had forced him and Sidney Bandy, a passenger, out of the car at gun- point. A graphic eye-witness account was given police by Norman Mac- cord, Bloor Collegiate student. "I saw a taxi which had been go- ing west on Wallace Ave, turn south on Emerson and stop," he related. "Then another car with two men (Gay &nd Bandy) in it which had been parked on the other side of the road, turned around and started south, I heard a sharp crash and a bang. A man jumped out of the taxi and jumped on the running board of the other car. Then I saw two men forced out and run. The car turned around and started back with the lights out, There was only one man in it. He stopped, got out, opened the door of the taxi and then returned to the lightless car." Scouters Confer (Continued from Page 1) flagbreak and prayers, read by ld Commissioner - Joseph Har- ood. The official word of wel- come was voiced by Mr. Hopkins and District Commissioner J. Harry Rigg. This was, followed by a most hilarjous game under the supervis- ion of Commissioner Harwood. Charles K. Anderson, ADC. in- troduced the leaders of the sessions to the Scouters, and with the intro- ductions concluded, into four discussion groups, bracing Rovering, Scouting, bing and the Group Committee, A. Jackson, D. Edmunds, J, Snow and W. G. Corben being the chairman respectively. The discussions ' were lively, and many new ideas were exchanged. It was with deep re- gret on the part of all that the ses- sions were concluded, . Speaks On Paper "J. Edwards from New York who has been loaned to the Paper. In- dustries of Canada by the United States spoké next on the current paper shortage, Saying that the shortage was an emergency, he stressed the point that Scouts should collect as much of this paper as possible, 'He polnited out that although Canada had the greatest forests in the world, it would be im- possible for her to keep her lad with such a wasteful consumption of paper, With many interesting i1- lustrations, Mr. Edwards showed the Scouters the glamour of waste paper. Concluding with the state- ment that. paper was an ambassador of good-will to the world, Mr. Ed- wards again emphasized the need of waste paper. Peterborough Scouters accentuat- ed the glories of their home town at this point, and were roundly booed by their opponents, Commissioner Harwood then. led the Scouters in an interesting "Get Acquainted Game" in which several embarrassed Scouters were seen to dance around the floor embracing a ra- ther ugly looking chair. Other groups were seen to be singing rather lust- ily upon the stage "Sweet Little Su- sie', The winners were put through several trying tests and finally awarded with gumdrops. : Must Build On God Rev. H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Christ Church and a padre recently returned from Europe was introduc- ed by Mr, Anderson, Speaking on "The Scout and God", Mr. Cleverdon explained a Scout's Duty to God by saying, "Your duty to God is to do what is right because it is right, and for no other reason." Pointing out that many people readily follow men without aims, Mr, Cleverdon declared: "Unfortunately those crowns (men) have no aims in Life, Without aims, they are of no use." Then turning to the - Scouters, he stated, "The Scout Movement has an aim. The Foundation upon Which you must build is God." / The Scouters' left the Headquar- ters after Mr. Oleverdon's address to attend the luncheon in the Ma- Sonic Temple. In waiting for the principal speakers and officials to appear, the Peterborough Scouters and the Oshawa Scouters indulged in a Song-war. Upon the arrival of the Officials, the Scouters rose and Mr, Cleverdon pronounced the blessing. After the luncheon, Mayor F. N. McCallum greeted the assembly on behalf of the City of Oshawa. Fol- loving his BASE, a solemn cere- y was en, when Provincial Commission Lieutenant Colonel Lionel H, Millen presented to Jo- seph- Harwood, Provincial Field Commissioner the coveted Cana- dian Wood Badge. Surrounded by Gllwellian Scouters, Commissioner Harwood received the presentation. After the presentation, Charles K. Anderson, Chairman of the Confer- ence spoke words of welcome, He in- vited all Scouters to come at any time to Camp Bamac, and to enjoy Fg ie facilities, r, ns introduced Frank C. Irwin, Provincial Executive Re missioner, who lauded Colonel Mil- lens excellent record and his mar- vellous memory, Lieutenant Colonel Millen greeted the Scouters with several witty re- marks. Then speaking more grave- ly, he said that the tendency today was to promote SkINting instead of ScOUTing. He outlined the work done throughout the world by the Movement. Then he turned to the Chief's visit, and outlined the points of criticism that the Chief had voiced throughout his Canadian tour, Mention the help given to the citizens of Windsor by the Boy Scouts, Lieutenant Colonel Mil- len said, "They are not boys. They are the Youth of today. We have seen and read time and time again of the valuable jobs those Scouts + + + «+ Are doing." He Jrued ue Soouters to spend more out of doors with their respective groups. Cub and Scout Program Back at the Headquarters, the 1st Oshawa Cub Pack and Scout troop under the able direction of Scoute ers Mr, and Mrs, Crezik put on a regular Cub and Scout program, highlighted with an Investiture. Skipper J, Harry Rigg, D.C., took over from there, and led the Scout ers in a Camp-fire Sing-song. Spirituals, Rounds and Action songs rounded out the Sing-song very well and everyone had a real time. Commissioner Irwin then" took over and spun a Camp-fire Yarn, He outlined several excellent hikes, and urged all Scouters to adopt some of these. Then, as the camp- fire dled, he told exactly how a camp affects a boy especially at eventide. With silence a marked feature, the Meeting was officially closed by Skipper Riggs. The conference was a huge suc- cess, and was due to the hard work and labor of many personages in| It is hoped that those| Scouters from all over this part of | Oshawa. the Province will come as soon as possible to visit us, and to partake of our Camp Samac. London--(CP)--Motor Manufact urer Lord Nuffield told a meeting | ing of automobile dealers there is "no chance today of the £100 ($400) car." Cub- Color-Line Is Invoked In Toronto } Toronto, Dec. 2--(CP)--A rule of the American Contract Bridge Lea- gue was invoked by A. M. Sobel of New York, Tournament director, to bar a soft-spoken Trinidad negro, 43-year-old Leon Beard of Port of Spain, from playing in the Toronto Whist Club's annual Ontario bridge tournament here Saturday, However, Beard is continuing his special government-sponsored course at the University of Toronto today with his faith in Canadian demo- cracy shaken, "We were on a spot, declared Percy Sheardown, president of the Toronto Whist Club, "We were all opposed to the ruling, but Al Sobel was our tournament director, and we would not have been able to re- place him." ; On Friday night, while Leon Beard, considered an excellent bri- dge player by his fellow members of the Hart Housz Duplicate Bridge Club, was looking forward to the tournament, Al Sobel was. laying down the law about Negroes and bridge. The tournament was being conducted, according to Sheardown, "with the approval and under the auspices" of the American Contract Bridge -League, and the Toronto club was using Sobel as director and George Golf of Cleveland as scorer. "Temperamentally, I write things off very quickly," safd Beard last night, "but while this thing was happening I just felt a little guilty that I hadn't stayed among my own people in Trinidad--where it never would have happened. There is no activity in Trinidad, no isolated spot where you will find only 'whites or only colored people parti- cipating, if it is representative." According to Gilbert Dean, a uni- versity student who entered the tournament, the situation reached its climax in the convention hall of the hotel when about 100 people of both sexes, including many return- ed men argued Beards case--with all opposed to Sobel"s ruling. "Mr, Sobel sald that under the rules of the American Contract Bri- dge League, Negoes were barred from play in tournaments conduct- ed by the league, He was adamant in his stand." Friday night, Jackes was asked by Sheardown to try to locate Beard and ask him, under the cir- cumstances, to withdraw his appli- cation, Jackes was unable to con- tact Beard, Consequently, Beard went to the Royal York Saturday afternoon to play in the tourna- ment with his friend and frequent Hart House partner, Alex Cringan, "I lined up with the other people and before I got to the registration table I was joined by Cringan," Beard related. "We went up to the table together, At the table we were met by Mr, Sheardown who told us there was no more room, the entries were full, the players were crowded. I then told him I thought it very strange--that I had made my application. some days before, as had the other Hart House mem- bers. You see, I suspected the rea- son, "Then he really told me. He told me there could be no colored play- ers," the Trinidad Negro continued. "He didn't want to tell me, but I rather forced it out of him. Then he told me he wouldn't like me to think he or the Toronto Whist Club had anything to do with the ruling, and he explained it was a ruling made by the Americans. He invited me to come to the Toronto Whist Club Monday nights to play as a guest." "Sobel gave no excuses or rea- sons; he simply walked away," de- clared Gilbert 'Dean, an irate stu- dent, who, on Saturday afternoon faced the New Yorker and demand- ed a reason for his decision on Beard. "I told Beard that the laws of this country prevented that sort of treatment, that kind of racial discrimingtion. Sobel sald that the laws of the American Contract Bridge League governed the tour nament, and he walked away, Musician Must Continue To Pay Child's Keep The age-old clash between the de- sire of the musical artist to pursue his career and the necessity of the man to maintain his home and de- pendents was heard again when the case of John Drewniak, well known Oshawa musician, came up in court this morning, He was charged with not supporting his wife and six- year-old child and Magistrate F, 8S. Ebbs ordered him to continue to pay the amount of $7 a week which was settled at the time of their separation agreement last July. Mrs. Nadia Drewniak, 112 Olive Avenue, charged that her husband, | ¥ho had left her last March and ! come back with her for two weeks | in October, was not paying her any- thing for the support of their childs other than some money to a friend {| who looked after the child while | M . Drewni, | She sald her husband only came back October in order to break the separation agreement, so that he wouldn't have to pay for the child. She claimed that he and gave her very little money to look after the little girl. Pleading not guilty to the charge, Mr, Drewniak said that musie was his career, but that he had to work in a factory to maintain his home and that his wife was always nag- ging him about taking too much time practising his music. He had recently won a scholarship at the Toronto Conservatory of Music to study violin cello and hoped to be able to play with the Toronto Phil- harmonic Orchestra next spring. He told the court that the com- bination, of home life and the fac- tory work had caused several ner- vous breakdowns and that at the present time he was under doctor's orders to lay off work, He was will- ing to keep up the payments and look after the child as he had been doing. He. jad tried to make a lv- as a*music teacher but had found this foo insubstantial, "You can't make a living from music in Oshawa," said Mr. Drewniak, was out to work. stayed out late, did not take her out | Boards Must Take Lead Adding New Facilities Peterborough, Dec, 2-- Now and again a popular movement sweeps through a land, a movement, de- veloped from a vision caught by one or two prophetic souls, and its rapid spread is due, partly to a widely-felt need which it seems to satisfy, and partly to the magne- tism, enthusiasm and devotion of its early protagonists. Such a move~ ment is in the making in Ontario-- the bringing of public library into close and vital connection with the life and thought of the people in homes, factories, farms and business-houses. 80 said Dr. J. G. Althouse, di- rector of education for Ontario, to some 50 delegates to the Eastern Ontario Library Board Trustees In- stitute Friday night in the George St, library. Dr. Althouse delivered his address immediately after Ald. Adam Sands, on behalf of the city, and Mr. William Richardson, for the Peterborough Library Board, ex- tended greetings to delegates. "We have had public libraries for a long time; some of them have been most effective. But too large a proportion of Ontario has been utterly devoid of library ser- vice, and far too much of it has had only the most rudimentary kind of such service. There are ample evidences that the continu- ance of such sporadic and imper- fect library service will no longer be tolerated by an awakened popu- lation," declared Dr. Althouse. A Public Demand He sald adult education groups springing up everywhere, are de- manding more books and later books than public libraries can usually supply. The dramatic study groups alone have required the es- tablishment of a special library to meet their special needs. And through it all, he added, the gen- eral public continues to read more books than ever before, while school libraries are often asked to supply adult reading as well as collateral material for school studies. "All of this activity is indicative of a growing insistence upon an accessible, fresh supply of books as a necessity of wholeome and vigor- ous community life. How to secure these books; how to make them ac- cessible to the public; how to lead the public to use and appreciate them is the task of the libraries of which you are trustees," he challenged. "You are the people who must lay plans to bring order into this bewildering and chaotic upsurge of enthusiasm for libraries which is a present characteristic of our lives." More Books Needed "What is required in an effec- tive public library system? I speak, of course, as a customer, First and foremost I demand books -- many books, and covering a wide range, 'There is 210 hope of your being able to satisfy to the full demand, by™ you should always be aware of i insatiable demand. I hope you exhibit ingenuity, showmanship and salesmanship as well as persistence, For a well-stocked library has cus- tomer appeal and a well-patron. ized library inevitably loosens the purse strings of the municipal coun cil. It is true that with all your persistence, ingenuity and show- manship, you will never be able to secure enough books for your lib- rary. But a good library seldom encounters much difficulty in es- tablishing mutual exchange facili- ties with other libraries, so that the resources of many are released to each," said, Dr. Althouse, Must Be Accessible "As a frequenter of libraries I desire more than books -- I desire accessible books, displayed for my notice attractively, and easily pro- curred. This means an expert and interested staff. Books purchased but never or seldom used, represent a fruitless outlay of the taxpayer's money, So the library must be staffed with people competent to facilitate the use of books, capable of stimulating a public demand for the best the library contains, quick to sense the real needs of the rather inarticulate borrower, and resource- ful in discovering material to meet those needs. The selection, reten- tion and encouragement of such librarians is one of your prime duties." He said public library trustees must inform themselves of the actual effectiveness of their lib- rarians in utilizing to the utmost the book stock, in providing exe peditious, pleasant service and pare ticularly in stimulating the intele ligent use of the book resources available, not become an opportunity of gene teel but unremunerative employ- ment for the inept. "What.else do I expect from the public library? I expect from the public library which serves me a large measure of self-respect. I ex~ pect the public library which serves me a large measure to look like a place in which busy people will gladly turn to satisfy a specific need of accurate information, to pursue with confidence a search that may be starting from only a vague clue, or frankly to adventure amid a world of other people's thoughts, fancies, aspirations and achieve- ments. This requirement involves a clear-cut analysis and classifi cation of the kinds of quest which bring people into libraries, an in- telligent effort to facilitate these guests and a flexibility of practice which will enable the library to vary procedures to meet different needs, Control Board (Continued from Page 1) to the farmers than any other body. Regarding the Royal Commission hearings being held in various cen- tres, the Oshawa Association ex- pressed its willingness to assist with the cost and urged that they should be paid for through the Provincial Association so that an undue amount of evpense should not fall on the association in the centres chosen for the hearings, The president reported also that a 'quota committee" had been set up during the past year and the local dairies had agreed to take milk from their shippers on a quota ba- sis. The "base" for each shippers quota is to be set by his average daily shipments through the present months of October, November, De- cember and January, His quota throughout the year will then be a percentage of this base, in accord with the requirements of his res- pective dairy. The question of check tests on milk sent to the dairies was discuss- ed and it was decided to ask the Provincial Association to have these conducted for all Oshawa producers at least once a year. At the election of officers for 1047, ©. F. Werry was re-elected president by acclamation and was also nam- ed again as the Oshawa representa- tive on the Provincial Association. A vote of appreciation was extended to Mr. Werry for the service he had given both on the Provincial Asso- Siativa and in the Oshawa organiza- on. Norman Down who wag also nom- inated for president but declined to stand for election, was re-elected vice-president. A. T. Stainton, who had served as secretary-treasurer for many years and had been. a member of the exe- cutive of the Association ever since its inception, announced that it would be impossible for him to act in this capacity again in 1947. After berger and George Scott. Elmer Powell was named again as auditor, R. Ray McLaughlin presided for the election of officers. It was decided to give grants of $10 to both the Ontario and Dur ham Federations of Agriculture and a donation of $25 to the Save tt Children Fund. Troops Home By January Ottawa, Dec. 2--(OP)--All but & handful of Canada's overseas troops will be back home by mid-January, Army authorities reveal. There are now 1,800 troops over- seas, it was estimated, and the bulk of this number--1,020--will sail for Canada Dec. 10 on the liner Samar. fa, Another 600 will leave Jan. 8 on the Aquitania. About 150 servicemen have indi. cated their intention of taking their discharges in England and there, The remaining 40 or 60 remain in the United Kingdom on Sy in Canadian Army liaison of= ces. Seven thousand dependents of Canadian servicemen still remain overseas. Of these, 800 will sail for Canada Wednesday on the liner Empire Brent, and another 500 Dec. 10 on the Samaria. 0 Ld Wins Title (Continued from Page 1) the crown with a hard red spring variety, This year's reserve cham- pion, L. E. Peterson of Victor, Mont., exhibited the same type of wheat but it weighed only 66.2 pounds. Second and 12th places went to Alberta garmers, Fred Paverley of Wembley and Victor Watson of Air- drie. Willlam Gobsin of Ladner, B. C., won fifth, Other Canadian prize-winers in- a number nominated declined to| cluded stand, Ross Lee was elected to the position. All the directors were re-elected as was the recently formed quota committee. Directors are Eimer Powell, Gordon Reeson, William Nesbitt, Walter Holliday, Hans Geisberger and August Geisberger. The quota committee is com- posed of Willlam Bickle, Harold Werry, William Nesbitt, Hans Geis- Reserve soy bean championship-- Robert H. Peck of River Canard, Ont; for his Harmon variety weighing 60.3 pounds; Small yellow peas, first -- A. O. Douglas, Chippawa; White winter wheat, first--Roy O. Chamber, Fenwick; second, John H. Hargreaves, Beachville; Sheep judging, seventh-- Ontario Agricultural College. a Why (53 Is So Good | For Relieving Miseries of "Childrens Colds More than two generations ago--in grandmother's day--mothers first dis- covered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is the most widely used ly for relieving miseries of children's colds. And here is the reason . . . 'The moment you rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime it starts to work two ways at once-- and keeps on working for hours--to ease coughing spasms, help clear con- Jestion in a breath- ng passages, relieve muscular soreness or rn It tes restful A Often most of the mi is gone by morning! dhe. Toya 10 use when The public library can- -