PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1946 Supply Exceeds Demand In 'Blue Baby' Operations | Balimore Noy 30 (AP) -- TWO Miss "EM B" rn has given of "blue" ul by aorta itself to supplement pulmonary artery. Need No Permit For Explosives Victoria, Nov, 30, --(CP)--Spec- fal wartime permits for the pur- chase of explosives will no longer be required, provincial police head- quarters were advised from Ottawa yesterday, Abolition of the war- time regulation removes restrictions on miners, construction workers, loggers and farmers who, since the beginning of the war, have been ab- le to purchase explosives only on police permits, New Bulletin On Raising Silkworms In answer to numerous requests for information on the raising of silkworms and production of silk in Canada, a bulletin has been pre- pared on the subject by the Ene tomological Division, Science Ser- vice, Dominion Department of Agriculture, under the title of "Ser dculture and its Prospects in OCana- da", Interest in the production of silk in ulated out any reference to the many fails , In that country where the ali- mate is much better suited to seri oulture (the raising of silkworms) than in Canada, efforts have been Hampton Couple Are Tendered Farewell Party M. HORN Correspondent Hampton, Nov. 23--A unique event took place on Wednesday evening Nov, 13, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. R, Reynolds where about 40 friends and neighbors gathered to honor Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Farncomb on their removal from our midst, They had been tea guests of Mr, and Mrs. W, W. Horn and later in the evening received a phone call to the home of Mr, and Mrs, Reynolds, where their friends were seated around the spacious living room, ready to receive them, W. W. Horn, in a few appropri ate words, made known the pur- pose of the gathering, and expres- s~d regret on behalf of the Hamp- ton people of their departure from our village and community life, They were presented with a beautiful table lamp with the best wishes of their many friends. Mr, and Mrs. Farncombe were completely surprised and feeling- ly thanked their friends for the beautiful gift, after which the evening was enjoyably spent in cards and crokinole, with refresh- ments served later by the ladies, Site Declared obi Not Parkland Toronto, Nov, 80, --(CP)--An ac- tion by the Township of Cornwall seeking judgment that the site of a children's playground in the River- view section of Cornwall had been dedicated as parkland, was dismiss. ed by Mr. Justice Lebel in in Supreme cal | Court h En of Agric! ure, Ottawa. Ice Crean Making Is Large Industry Ice cream has developed from a home-made confectioner"s prod- uct to one that is manufactured on a wholesale scale in dairy plants. As in other branches of the airy industry, pasteurization is one of the most important op- erations in the manufacture of ice cream and is now compulsory. Pasteurization protects the consu- mer by destroying any discase-| gq) carrying bacteria that may have found their way into the raw ma- terials, It imporves the keeping quality of the mix and ice cream by destroying the greater percen- tage of the total bacteria. Pasteu- rization also puts the mix in the best physical condition for homo- genization by which all ingredi- ents are finely divided and thor- oughly distributed, The temperature by pasteuriz- ing the ice cream mix should not be less than 145 degree; Fahren- heit for 30 minutes. It is neces- sary also to obtain a thorough heating of every part of the mix for the full 30 minutes at that temperature, because pasteuriza- tion may be .ineffective in des- troying possible disease.bearing contaminations, The ico cream mix contains such a high percen- tage of toti* solids that it is more difficult to effect thorough pasteurization than with milk, Some manufacturers consider it better to use a temperature of 100 degrees F. for 30 minutes to ensure a margin of safety, These and many other facts concerning the proved practices and important factors in the pro- duction of good quality ice cream by the industry will be found in Publication' No, 690 "The-Manu- facture of Ice Cream," by A, H. White, Associate in Dairy Re- search, Division of Bacteriology . and Dairy Research Science Ser- vice, Agriculture, A copy of the bul- Jetin may be obtained by writing to the Department in Ottawa. Dominion Department of) of, the land as a historic site and . Removal, in 1044, of a circu- stone windmill, which had serve ed a ite war of 1812 as a block~ house, destr: the historic value of the land, he said, and 'the land had not been kept up as a park, ,, Bubonic Plague Fear In West Regina, Nov, 30. --(CP)--Possibil- | ity of trouble with bubonic plague in Wena Canada was seen today by Dr A. Humphreys, national health' depaizent bacteriologist of Kamloops, B. In an sare before about 50 de- legates to the annual vention of the Saskatchewan terinary Association, Dr, Humphreys said there was evidence of plague infes- tation in ground squirrels in Al- berta and if it was transmitted to rats, it might be contracted by hue mans, W. A.C. Regional Manager Named Montreal, Nov. 30. --(CP)~--John ©. Gray has been appointed Reglon- sales manager for the Ontario region of War Assets Corporation, E, R. Birchard, vice-president in charge of merchandising for the fon, has announced, usly was branch sales mane ager at London, Ont, succeeds L. K. Garwood, Toronto, who resign. ed to enter a new business, He is a native of London. Bramley, Surrey, England-- (COP) --Death is announced of Sir Sel- wyn Maggregor Grier, 68, governor id ie) Windward Islands from 1935 LETS ALL GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY The Golden Text Paul's epistle to the Romans. "Teach me Thy way, Jehovah." =Psslm 27:11, Paul Admonishes the Churches SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBET 8, 1046 y NEWMAN CAMPBELL Po International Uniform Les- son on the above topic for Dec, 8 is 1 Cor, 6:9a-10; 11:17-327; Romans 14:13-14; Eph, 5:18-21, the Memory Verse being Psalm 27:11, "Teach me Thy way, Jehovah") ---- PAUL, IN founding churches in different parts of the then known world, kept in touch with them all his life, and frequently wrote to them letters of affection, and sometimes of reproach when he heard that things were not going well with them. Just as today, people in Paul's time would join the church, pro- fess the doctrine Paul set forth, but fall to live the type of life that could in.any sense be called moral, They fought, or at least disagreed, among themselves (as do many church members today, sad to say!) Their private lives were anything but Christian, and even the obser- vation of the Lord's supper gave them the excuse for grunkennes and other sins, Advice and counsel were badly needed, and Paul gave it through his letters, lovingly, but often stern- ly, too, when he felt occasion de- manded. His first epistle to the Corinthians is thought to have been written in A.D. 59. He says, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extor- Users, shall inherit the kingdom of If you would happily inherit this kingdom, you must live a life of '| righteousness, Even children can understand that they must not cheat, in school nor on the play- ground. They must be kind to one another, honest, not envious, Men have been kno#n to give gunésonaly. to the support of one of Christ's churches, and demand ex- cessive interest when they lend money even to poor folk of their own congregation, This is: not Christian conduct; it is what is meant by an "extortioner", Church is Reproved In the 11th chapter of this same letter he evidently refers to reports of the conduct of the church that is far from pleasing, and he reproves them, "When ye come together in the church I Hor that there is di- Jeion. a among you; and I partly be- eve 1 When they were together In one ace, he writes, "this is not to eat e Lord's supper for in eating every one taketh before other his own suppen;.and one is hungry, and another s"drunken." They were evidently divided into cliques, each group of a certain "get" eating Sogether, and taking no notice of those who were not in their group, even if they went hun- gry, Also some drank too much and became drunk, "What shall I thr" unto you? shall I praise you in ? I praise you not." The sctament walsh Paul taught to these disci e had from the dt, yf wrote, "That the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was be! took bread: And when He had given thanks, He brake it, and sald, Take, eat: this is My body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me, "After the same manner He took the cup, when He had supped, say~ ing, This cup is the new testament in My blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me." this scene on the last night of Jesus' life on earth, the sadness with which He spoke, knowing that on the morrow He would suffer the agony of death, and wishing to be remembered by these who had shared the last years of His life on earth, How could one We are told that in the church, responsive hymn was used, Today rr hymns together in church, and nothing is more helpful in putting one in the mood for worship and praise. Making such harmony to- gether promotes harmony of spirit. KING STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. J. V. McNEELY, M.A, B.D, Minister WALTER H. JACKSON, Organist and SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11.00 A M.--"SPIRITUAL PARTNERSHIP. ( Dedication)--Soloist, Mr, B. Howlett 2.30 P.M.--THE CHURCH SCHOOL 7.00 P.M.--"WHY CHRISTIAN MISSIONS?" Soloist, Dr, 8, Geo. Werry, The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.AM.S, will be in charge, Dec, 8th--The Lord's Supper and Reception CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH "INDEPENDENT = EVANGELISTIC -- MISSIONARY" 4 Centre and John Streets REV, FRANK R. WELLINGTON Executive Becretary of the Byungetical Sunday School Association Will Preach at Both Services His Subjects: 11.00 AM.--"JESUS ONLY" 7.00 PM.--"THE VOICE OF GOD" Sunday School at 3 p.m, " fUESDAY, 8 PM.~YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING WEDNESDAY, 8 PM.--PRAYER and PRAISE MEETING, FRIDAY, 6:45 P.M, -- CHILDREN'S MEETING SATURDAY, 8 PM. -- PRAYER MEETING A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV, RALPH ¥. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER--MRS, F. VANDER-VOORT 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 AM.--""THE MINISTRY OF SUFFER- ING" BROADCAST CKDO----COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P,M.--"BROTHERS?"" A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP UNITY SUNDAY SCHOOL 176 CENTRE STREET SUNDAY~-2.45 P.M. ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. B. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 12.20 PM. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock Jaciude testimonies of healing through Christian ence. The reading room at 1 Simcoe St, South Room No, 3, (upstairs in Bassett Block) will be open dally from 2 to 6 p.m. and on esday and Thursday evenings from 7 to § p.m, excepting Sundays and int hat may stud! days, where the Bible and C and d and placed for our sino Rg \ GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 ALBERT ST, Invites You Rev. N. Kritsch, Pastor © 10.00 AM -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 am. -- ADVANCE OHRIST- MAS PREPARATION 7.00 pm. -- EVENING WORSHIP KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) Rev. H, F. Davidson, M.A. Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Organist and Cholrmaster 1000 AM. ~SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 AM. ~SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 2.30 PM.~YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS 7.00 PM.--~PUBL10 WORSHIP Monday, Dec. 2nd, 8.00 PM.--REV, JAMES DICKSON "FORMOSA IN 1946" SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. A. D. CORNETT, M.A, D.D., 0.B.E, Minister R., G. GEEN, LT.C.M., Organist and Clholrmastsr DIVINE SERVICES, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 11.00 A.M.--REASONS FOR OVERSEAS MISSIONS 2.30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES 7.00 P.M._THE JEWISH CLAIM TO PALESTINE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, B.D, Minister C. J. W. TAYLOR, D.C.M., Organist and Cholrmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY, DEC. 18T 11,00 A M.--ANDREW, SIMON PETER"S BROTHER 2.30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 7:00 P.M.--WHAT HE SEES IN US A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Norghy AA H. P. ANDERSON, illiams, Organist and "Choir L Leader 11 AM.--Subject: "FIDELITY", 2:30 P.M~THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 PM ~EBVENING WORSHIP. BThe Sunday Bchool assisting at the Service, akers--Father and Bon Rev, Dr. Fletch Mr, Percy Fletcher. and sundss "Benoa! a ! oe nts of the children who attend Sui 00! a pects v FRIDAY, 7:30 P MEMB ERS POLARS "The Sunday FR pg boys of wr church and Christianity, and wit invest in the Bunday School, ~The Late JACK MT 'the greater our d will be, NER, THE FRIENDLY CHURCH are the foundation of Jouonoy's, y income of mre we NASSAU STREET GOSPEL HAL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1946 SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS--38 P.M. 7 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Friday, December 6, 7 pm.--Children's Meeting, Prize to every. one attending, HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Oak and Simcoe Streets « « « Phone 1308W Major and Mrs, Alfred P, Simester, Officers in Charge Gibbon St. Gospel Mission 228 Gibbons St, Sunday Evening Service 7 p.m, NOVEMBER 20TH "YETERANS ror CHRIST In charge, All local UNITED CHURCH W. G. Julian, B.A,, Pastor 11 AM~ DIVINE WORSHIP 2.30 PM.-- Sunday School--Missionary Service 6.45 P.M. --SERVICE OF SONG. 7.00 PM-PAMILY NIGHT. The trail will in this service and we also welcome the Walker ros., who will 1 contribute duets. Parents Su tall of the Trail Ra invited to worsh wit COME TO THE FEAST THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH SUN,, 11 AM.--COMMUNION 7 P.M.--"THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN YOU" MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, AT 8 P.M, Radio Service CKDO 1 p.m. Every Sunday PASTOR R. A. BOMBAY "What Does It Matter , , , If You Don't Believe So Long As You Live Wen?" COME and WORSHIP TPM, "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENUHE?" © CHURCH SCHOOL-- 11 AM. Tome No. 8 of the Lord's Prayer "FORGIVENESS" NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. 8. Morwood, Minister, "SENIORS AT 10 AM. JUNIORS AT 2.30 P.M. Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist A PLACE OF REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY A day set aside for the special emphasis and review of CONVER- SION as a personal and necessary experience Special Meetings at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M, Come and give your personal testimony ! "I remember the TIME, .I can show you the PLACE. Where the Lord came in and saved me by His grace. I cannot tell you how, but I can tel that Jesus saves me." GHT---(8at, Nev. 30th) at 8 3. Musieal Festival, featuring Major ril Everett, A.T.CM, Paul Admonishes the Churches LSAUsAIS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Ol. $301; 10:07-87; mmerrines iin : 5:18-31 . vio an. arose et 1 in the day: Speak : to * ovrsivee psalms : RE aL aplaitusl songs. a UNION and LABOR SUPPORTERS Are Especially Invited To Attend | BROADCAST (» MUSIC MORNING WORSHIP = 11 A.M. = MORNING WORSHIP The Sermon Subject: "STRIKE!" Bowling, Living, and the Bible Significantly Related i CKDO 8:45 to 7 PM ~ORGAN RECITAL 7 to 7:16 PM.~RADIO SONG SERVICE. wling league members will get's T0350 to and ie servis a ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH os pin dby Albert And Shive Ave. Rev, E. Donovan Jones, B.A.--Pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH "No Creed But Christ; No Law But Love" 1AM | 10 am. --A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING DEVOTION EVENING SPEAKER REV. C. W. KAY 7 P.M. and MALE QUARTETTE und: "There will rvice evening, It you 1 be 8 ta help, we urge You to be present." "Come and Bring a Friepd? Cedardale's Evangelistic Centre' PASTOR~-REV, L. E. FLETCHER STREET at treet South Simcoe Subway PHONE 3822W a