PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1948 On The Air Tonight and Thursday TORONTO TORONTO CKEY 580 BUFFALO WGR (CBS) 550 NTO BUFFALO TORONTO CJBC "CFRB ' WBEN TORONTO OSHAWA CHUM CKDO WKBW (ABC) 1240 "1520 WEDNESDAY EVENING BC N §:00--Victo Parade 880 Faventire. Assignment WGR-- Jon h Hubbell, Sports malin Memories BL :40--Wes. McKnight's Sports cFRs Lowell Thom jen hi WB :45--High Newer :45--Armchair Encores :45--Robert sou, 45--BBC Ni :50--Did I Say That? j:55--CBC Comm! many :00--Lorne Groene ews) :00--Supper Club :00--Mystery of the Week :00--Famous Songs :00--Musical Program 00--Wally Wicken "7:05--Music of Manhattan :05--~Make Believe Ballroom :10---By The Way WEKBW 7:15--Jack Smith WGR--CFRB {j3--The Nylon Show 5--Sports N 45 --Nows of "the World Ty :30--~Music by Monroe :30--Singin' Sam :45--H, V, Kaltenborn :45--Home Folks Frolic :45--Midweek Review Easy Aces 45--Queer Quirks CFRB :00--Jack Carson Show CFRB--WGR :00--Mr. and Mrs. North 100--Tomorrow's Concert Stars CJBC :00--Philo Vance CEKDO :00--Ten Years of Hn Tunes CBL Lum 'n Abner WKBW 00--The Taxpayers' Money CKEY :15--Listen to LaGuardia WK ov 130--Ad Quiz CKE :30--Fishing & Hunting Club WEBW :30--Norman Cloutier CKDO :30--Dr, Christian :30--Dance Tunes fr. London :30--Treasure Trail :30--The Nation's Business :30--The Great Gildersleeve 9:00--Aflairs of Ann Scotland wKBW 00--London by Lamplight :00--Press News oki p:00--Duffy's Tavern CKEY--CJBC--WBEN 9:00--So! 8 bY Sinatra, WGR $99 hb hm Msdkers CFRB 9:15--Vincent Lopez CKDO 9:30--Curtain Time CB! 9:30--B'way in your Own Buckvary fs. FAY 9:30--Dick Jurgens 3:30 The. Som Book ° 9:40--On Stage 10:00--Bing Crosby Show ©J] 10:00--Jimmy Shields Sings 10:00--Fabulous Dr, Tweedy 10: 00--Academy Award Theater 10:0 Manhattan Music of K Perkins :00--CBC National News :15--CBC News Roundup :15--Corinne Jord FRB :30--Information Floase CPRE-_WCR F Kay Kayser Show BEN :30--New; CREY :30--Bob Pann CKDO :30--Henry on Show WEKBW :30--Distinguished Artists Berles CBL 3 e Orch. CJB! ce' Ghrysae, Sports ii Kenney's Orch. Nous WG. CKEY CKDO CKEY Wo WBEN--CKEY--CFRB :00--Dominion Network News CJBC :05--Tips "n Tunes CKEY :10--Rexallites. :15--Russ Oarlyle's Orch. :15--Late 8 :15--Joe :13--Rainbow Rend. :15--~Joe Hasel, Sports :15--8ongs of the West 23 Foot te rts Column rris' Orch, Musical Interlude :30--Invitation to Music WGR--GPRE 30 Red oath er Drums WEKBW rgan Program WBEN 11:35--Dance_ Orchestra 11:45--Blue Barron Orch. 12:00--News WBEN- 12:00--CBO News Bulletin. 12:00---CBC News 12:00--News--Say it With Music to 6:45 am. 12:05--News Summary CKDO CFRB io KEY. Mystery! ! ! . Thrills!!! © Chills!!! PHILO-VANCE THE ACE DETECTIVE CKDO - Oshawa. 1240 on Your Dial TONIGHT 8 10 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by COOK & SHARP Electric Co. "Oshawa's paling Oil Heating 160 KING W.--PHONE 4501 ow, 8:00--Voices of the Stars WGR 8:00--CBC News and Interlude 8:10--Livestock Review CFRB 8§:10--~Musical Clock (8. Kenney) ry 8:15--Clint Buehiman BEN 8:15--Wake Up And Smile dom 8:15--Three Treys WG! 8:15--Cofles Time ~ 8:15--~Morning Devotions 8:15--~Music_on Parade 8:30--Press News 8:30--Roving Reporter 8:30--~Two-Ton Baker 8:30--Clift Edwards Show 8:30--News WKB 8:30--Musical March Past 8:35--~Wake Up And Smile 8: 45--Music on Parade 9:00--Winter Wonderland 9:00--News WG 9:00--Breakfast Club 9:00~CBC News 9:05--All Time Hit Parade 9:05---Honeymoon in N.Y, 9:10--Novatime . 9:15--Listen to Liebert 9:15--Early Date 9:15--Danny O'Neill Show CFRB--WGR 9:30--~Melody Incorporated CHUM 9:30--Morning Melodies 3 :30--~Daytime Classics 9:45--Why of World Events 9:45--Relax and Listen 9:45--School of the Air 10:00--~Maurice Bodington CJB 10:00--Ann Adam Homecrafters Grn CHU: WHEN WEBW WGR CKEY CEEY CFR L | 10:00~Hlywd-Merry Go Round 10:00--Vest~ Pocket Var, 10: 00-My True Sto \ oe Powers of Oakville Make Believe Ballroom 5--Southland 'Singing B >--Susan Booker CJBC >--Parade of Bands CBL >--Lora Lawton WBEN 5--Hymns of all Churches WEKBW :30--News KDO--CHU! 0--Eveiyn Winters ssas WOR pi )--Ethelwyn foment ap ut in 10:35--Morning Melod| 10:35--Piano Interlude 10:45--Joyce Jordan, M.D. 10:45--The Listening Post CJB 10:45--Music in Marchtime 10:45--Time To Remember 10:45--Jane Weston - rd PF C | 10:45--Organ Stylings 10:45--Novelette 11 J0--News CKDO 11 100 Bronkfacs in Hollywood WKBW 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom CKEY 11:15--Loulse Moore CFR 11:15--Blg Sister 11:15--Betty and Bob 11:30--Home Edition 11:30--Aunt Mary 11:30--News 11:30--Jack Berch Show 11:35--Stork Club of the Air 11:40--""Household Counsellor" 11:45--Willlam Lang 11:45--Do You Remember w 114 :45--David Harum 1:45--Rosemary 11: a Yoke of Memory L | 11:50--New: nn "45 Laura Limited THURSDAY AFTERNOON 12:00--Pictures in Melody CFRB | 12: 00 ews --Musle 13.1430 Prog. To 1:00 a.m. 1 30--Th ree Suns Trio 12 45 Lee 8 e Bima, planist 12:55--Ne' THURSDAY MORNING 30030 Rangers 28 Nows: 550 Rangers 05--Top o' the Morning 6:10--Clint Buehlman :30--Press News :30--Music on Parade 6:30--Farm 45--CGospel 45--New: i fos Noveltupes 05--Tic nes 15--Clint Buehlman. :15--America's Top Orch, :25--Howard and Shelton :30--~News--Musical Clock Readies ete Scpinter & 130--News : C News and Interlude n at Break! tario Revell ia A ie Msn ; e Morning #43--News Eon avn :35--Melody Highlight '8:00--Jim Hunter--News 100! Vi N | 12:00--Rec 12 :00--Kate Smith Speaks ipe Roundup 12: 5--Pick The Hits C :15--Reading Between the Lines Dr. Frederick A. Hodge :30--News CI :30--Lorne Greene (News) :30--CHUM Valley Folks JBC CEKEY i 30--World at Noon Rb ywood Repo: {3 i0- Holly Hit x he Dr Day ard Ho! 12: A awmeneon" Music 12:50--M Box CK 12 20This Swim "Make You Laugh CHU B 2 55--Cieorge Murray Show ng 'of Love 1:00--So! Of i; Tome News :00--Your ost peter Gust 00--THe dito EL md outhland 8 1:00~To The Ladies inst 1:00--Big The La RR Ton ythm Rend 1:15--~The Happy Rfeavous 1:15--Ma Pe Ehihe WGR 1115 Penn -Cornell Football Game WKB 1:15--Empire Club 1,15--A to Z in Novelty 30+ Youns Dr. Ma lone B: usic with Joh: Rohe Beg OnBRY Sein red IrSu ter Hour Ci Serly oncert Tm Beren: Show :15~Today's Children :28--Woman In White Silas in Song = ELT PH PEs Buwwwis: FE WBEN EN | romnons CBL = Sag | . 3100--New M | 10 00---CBC National News Cran :a0-1 Ww 10:45 5 WEEN | 12:05--Johnny Long Orch, 3 0 Pacads of bislody 3: Too the Can Be Beautitul WBEN----CBL 3:05--Mickey Lester Show 3! Broadway Bandwagon CFRB 3:1 5--Ma Perkins WEEN OBL Today's Short Story THE 'COME-BACK By John Thomas Kieran is too much of this T suaulent. stock gelling 3 soing on," the ju im. "Mostly the. per man before sons defrauded are others Who oun least i afford it. rm go 17 lop os mich of it as 1 fteen® th ousand dollars from the public & yo for wi Ascunties, It is oot fair that 3 i30-~Pepper (Young's Family 3:35--- Rom Lucy Linton Melod, 3--"SBchool for Parents" Time Remember ratio Simhat 19 Tchr rere a nk Parade Dr p--Portia Faces }---Santa Claus 0--""Here Booen® ng 30_The Waits Li Lives on FRR errand non SEER 5:45--Jesting Jeste 5; 50---Art. Young Singing Cowboy WEBW THURSDAY EVENING 6:00--News WBEN. WOR WEBW--OREY 8 00--Victory Barade 6:00--~CBC New: Press News a, Ranch Bogs 05--Make Believe Ballroom 6:10--Famous Son, + 6:10=Clary Bette 6:10--Fashion Commentator 11s, Sports 6:15--Sig. Smith, Sports 6:15--Iroquols Revue 6:15--News; Farm Market Sum. 6:15--Jumpin' Jacks CK! 6:20--Bulletin Board 6:30--Jim Hunter--News 'CFR 6.30--Ralph Hubbell, Sports WGR 8:30 Presenting Harry Horlick WK] 1 resen ary orlie LA 6:30--Jazz Highiig! 6:30--News shies 6:30--Musical Memories 6:40--Wes. MKnIght's 6:45--High Newsreel 6:45--Robert Trout--News well Thomas :00--Lorne Greene (News) Tony Tne the Week : e Troubadour 7: 7 Program 7:05--Make Believe Ballroom :05--Music of Manhattan 10--John inher 3 e the Way : ews of the World :15--Jack Smi w 15-8 SB HY . :15--Nylon Show :15--Raymond Swi y 4 SrMynsy 08 ¥ of the :30--Sing eek T: al Tuberculosis Assoc. ram 7:30--The Frontiersmen 7:30--Slim Bryant 3 3 iooints of View" Jas Souver) nir 7:45--~Moon Dreams 7:45--Home Folks Frolic :00--The Aldrich Family :00--Harmonies :00--Youth Discusses :00--~Suspense :00--Popular Playhouse h on Concert :00--Lum and Abner :00--Help Wanted :15--Christian Science Views :15--Nell Chotem Trio :30--~Money Makers ! Burns and Allen Show :30--Drama Workshop 4 John and 9:00--80 The Story Goes CKEY 9: hese Node Composers CJBC 9:00--Pr 9: 10--Leastae "Mem. Centre (Tat) 9:15--Vincent SERS 9: JMunidipa] orum CEEY 9:30--Adven. of Boston Blackie CFRB 9:30--Jack Haley WBEN 9:30--Wayne and Shuster Show CBL 9:30--So You Want to Lead a Band CIBC-WEBW 9:30--Fashions in Music CKDO 9:30--Crime Phoysstapher WGR 9:30--Homes rT CKEY 0:45--Let's Wal 10:00--Abbott pie) Goatatlo WBEN 10:00--World Security Workshop WEKBW 10:00--Edmund Hockridge Show cge0 10:00--Voice of John Citizen CFRB 10: 'Bert Niosl Orch. 10:0¢ 10: 10:15--W! 10:30--0; 10:30--Eddie Cantor Show 10.30--News 10:30--Winn Strings 10:30 e 10:30--F Dot i; Holl a aren mons. WEEE 11:00--News WEKBW--WBEN---CKEY: 11:00--Dominion Network News 11: 0 Yancouver Theatre es x allites B --Dick I e's Orch, Ly Late Hasel : Fon Wa po: --CFRB CJBC CB 1 11: umn H 30--yatian Sohoot. of Musle, w il :30--Dance Orch. BC of - M: CBL--WBEN 1 :35--Tony Pastor Orch. Ww 12:00--News + WBEN. B-- --CFR! 12:00--News WGR-WBEN-CFRB- 12; oD It With Music CFRB 12:05--News Summary WEKBW ia :05--Design for Listening WBEN 2:30--News 1 55--_News WBEN + "Skivvies"--sailor slang for under- io called ps early Scots who called hi wipe Sours et HL WBEN --Women's News Commentary CBL \. OBL |" The" judges nding gavel stopped 2Pred else that Bole: or what can not pay of it, to be wor o out at the rate prescribed by law. one dollar and a half per day" Already a court at nt was leading the feHow aw "Ten thousand!" the latter vas muttering. "At a buck and a hal a day. Let's-see--" But he was is his cell before he had | even started ,on his calcula- A professional bondsman, one of those mysteriously kind men po Bh sole business is to furnish bonds and pay fines for criminals, had come into court just in time to hear the last of the judge. Closely he studied the prisoner as he was led away. He sauntered over to a court attache and asked him what the fellow had been up for. "Oh, I didn't pay much attention. Some sort of a skin game, though, [ know that." Later in the day the bondsman visited the prisoner in his Sell. Furtively the fellow looked u him from where he sat on his bunk. "Ten thousand at a dollar fifty a day," chuckled the visitor. Know how long that'll be?" The ig fellow wes still regarding him suspiciously. "Say, who are you, a plain clo'man?" "No. I'm a friend. I ain't con- nected with the law. I'm a bonds- man." He winked. "Oh," the other exclaimed, his manner becoming decidedly easier. "You looked different from a bull, I didn't think you were." "Whatcha in for?" "Oh, floodin' worthless paper." ade wide gesture 'as though thal Bi lained the whole thing. "Well, * A. listen. I'm' needin' a good man to do some work for. one of my friends. Supposin' some one would be willin' to pay your fine, would you do some work in re- turn?' hay my fine, ten thou?" in- " credulously. . "Yes, even ten grand." The old suspicion returned. "There ain't no one; gonna pay that much for nothin' small. An' I ain't gonna croak no one for no- body. That's about the only thing they'd let go of ten th usand for." "This ain't no croakin' job. It's easy, and pleasant. Besides, you might as well hang as have starin' ou in th' face what you have." is manner suddenly became grimly commiserative. "Have you figured out how long you're goin' to be in jail? The smaller man became pen- sive, "Awful long time, I know. I ain't got a cent to help shorten it. The money went as easy as it came, what with gamblin', playin' the horses, and the rest. I ain't had the courage to figure my stretch clear through." v "Well, let's see," the bondsman said, taking a pencil and envelope from his pocket. "Ten thousand at one and a haf a day--that will be just about eighteen years!" "My gawd! that long?" He stared at the other with open mouth. "Yes. But listen. There ain't no need for you to stay eighteen years, or even Ph Mr 4 days, Just do a little easy work for some friends of mine, and we'll pay your "What kinda wor] "Oh, that's all 1 Are you willin' to do it?" "Depends on what it is." The bondsman became sarcastic. "Oh, you're yellow, are you. Afraid of your precious self. "All right ~Illuntrated by D, Chambers The. bond hb "Oh, you're yellow are "Afraid of your precious self, +1, then, just stay here and sit for the next eighteen years." "Oh now, don't get mad, I just wanted to know what it is all about. Sure, I'd do anything to 55 out of here. And when I do, I'm gonna get somethin' with a lotta sure and easy money tied to it Spill it." The bondsman was mollified "It's like this. My friends have 8 territory all picked out, Not only can you pay back the fine, but you will have just the chance you spoke of--a lotta sure and easy money. And no chance to get caught up. "That listens nice. What sort of a racket is it? I'm achin' to get started already." "It's in the paper business." + "I know the paper business," the prisoner grinned. "What branch?" "The best, No forgin', no bad checks' no kitin' figures, nor any- thing 1 like that, It's so simple you'll laug: The other rubbed his hands with anticipation. "Brother, go on, I'm right with you." "Well, here it 'Is. My friends have formed a aon-existent com- pany. They're makin' a quick sale ot stock all over the country. They want a clever man for the south, and you're it." "What kind' of a company is it supposed to be?" "They call it The Atlas Oil and Gas Corporation--say! what's the matter! Are you ceein" a ghost?" He jumped to his feet, alarmed. The prisoner looked at him with e] suddenly wild. Then he ed in his chair, passing a slumped hand over his face. "Gawd!" he exclaimed. "Those are the stocks I was sellin'!" w oat Vets Education Best Available Montreal, Nov. 27--(CP)--Princi- pal F, Cyril James of McGill Uni- versity sald yesterday the educa- tional part of the Canadian demob- ilization and rehabilitation program was the greatest educational experi- ment made anywhere, Canada, he told the Rotary Club was the first country to provide that 100 per cent of all véterans who 1 | Wished to go to college would have the opportunity, except in the fa- culties of medicine. In Great Britain, he said, the fig- ure was 50 per cent and in the Unit- ed States "with all its facilities "and resources" 45 per cent. There had to be a limitation in Canada on regis- tration for medical studies because BY | of inadequate clinical facilities, Beaver Examine English Pond London, Nov, 27--(CP)--Two pair of Canadian 'beaver from Banff National Park have conducted a critical examination of a pond 50 yards long, with running water and two sleeping houses, arranged for them at London Zoo. Officials sald they are hopeful the arrangement will. encourage the beavers to ex- hibit their powers of dam building L and water engineering. France Honors cexy | 70 Canadians Ottawa, Nov. 27--(CP)--The gov- ernment of France has conferred awards on 70 officers and men of the Canadian Army--many of them veterans of the Dieppe raid--for "distinguished services rendered in ald of the French Republic," army 1, | headquarters has announced Highest award--Officer of the KEY | Legion of Honor--went to Iit.-Col. Joseph Henri Chaballe, Ottawa, MC, of = Say Sam Carr In Argentina Toronto, ' Nov. 27--(CP) --Robert Ww Martin, resident of the Trinity- Bracondale Progressive Conserva- uve Association, told a meeting of that organisation that he knows where Sam Carr is Carr, former. organizer of the Communist party in Canada, has been sought for severnl months on a federal subpoena i. connection with the espionage - als. 'Martin sald Omar is "hiding in Argentina." Rescued From Glacier Twelve Fulfil Pact Vienna, Nov. 27 (AP)~--The 12 persons rescued from a Swiss glacier will sit down to Thanksgiving ban~ quet Thursday night to fulfil a pact | ium made while ice cracked in ominous warning of apparent doom 150 yards from their crash-landed United States Army transport plane, The vow to celebrate Thanksgiving was made last Thursday, two days after the eight passengers and four crew members pancaked into a glacier near Interlaken, 9 Months to Live Boston Club Owner Freed Jail Boston, Nov, 27 (AP)--Barnett Welansky, owner of the Coconut Grove nightclub where nearly 500 persons perished in a holocaust in 1042, was freed from prison last night--told by doctors that he had less than nine months to live. 25-Pounder 'Breaks Away Injuring 3 London, Nov, 27 -- (OP) -- Mrs. Sydney Root, 40, and her 18-month~ old grandson, ard, were in ser- ious condition in hospital today as the result of an accident yesterday in which they were struck down by a runaway ammunition trailer which, with a 25-pounder gun, broke away "from the Army jeep towing them, Mrs. Root's daughter, Lucille, 8, was also hit by the trailer but es- caped with head cuts. Police said no charge had yet been lald against the jeep driver, Fred Monger, 25, of Wolseley Barracks Military authorities declined com- ment on the probable cause of the accident, which occurred at a street intersection in northeast London, It is reported, however, that the trail- er jumped off the hook as the jeep hit a rough stretch of road. The 25- pounder was hooked to the trailer, Detain 3 In Hold-up Windsor, Ont., Nov, 27--(CP) --Thre arrests have been made in connection with the $4,000 robbery early Monday of Mrs. Bertha Thomas, owner of Thom- as' Edgewater Inn, it was report- ed reliably today, although po- lice working on the case would ma announcement, Three masked gunmen entered Mrs,' Thomas' bedroom in the ho- tel, struck her and forced her to hand over the money in ap office safe, One of the arrests is sald to have been made by Windsor po- lice but no information could be obtained from police officials. It also is reliably reported that the trio held is being questioned in connection with the robbery last spring of a "bookie" in the Sandwich east section who repor- ted three masked men followed him home in a taxi and robbed him of $8,000 in banknotes and silver, However, Chief Dennis Mahon- ey of the suburban Riverside Po- lice Department -- the force In charge of the investigation--and Inspector W, A. Scott of the On- tario Provincial: Polic detach- ment here both declined any com- ment, Eskimo Child Prefers Staying Toronto, Nov. 27.--(CP)--A 10- year-old Eskimo child, Maggie Hatuk, took her first car ride here, used the telephone for the first time and visited her first store. Cured of spinal tuberculosis fol- lowing treatments in a sanitorium at nearby Weston, she is ready to return home to Baffin Island and hospital officials are wondering if she can re-adjust herself to the Arctic way of life, For although Maggie did not see big city sights until today, she mastered most of the complexities of clvilintion. In a department store restaurant she said: "I'll have butterscotch ice cream, sandwiches, cake "n' chocolate milk." With crow-black pigtails sticking out, Maggie does errands for every- one in her section of the sanitor- or don't want to go back," she says. "It's nicer here." Humane Society For Welland Welland, Nov. 27--(CP)--Welland Junior Chamber of Commerce last night decided to sponsor a Welland humane society, and decided to ap- point a humane society committee. Harry Learn and his safety and civic affairs committee arranged for [the meeting following previous chamber of commerce discussions. Rev, C. J, Loat, Elora, secretary of the Ontario Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals, spoke. "DIRECT FROM THE ROYAL YORK" James Larkin Presents FRANK BOGART His Piano and Orchestra With Lovely BETTY DAVIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th ® JUBILEE PAVILION o "Lead a Band" Contest . . . Prizes! NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! Pupils Writing Examinations o 34 "Correspondent Utica, Nov 25--The lic school examinations are Detng held this The Christmas tree and concert for both public and Sunday School hy be held December 10 in the Sorry to report Mrs, C, Greer and Bruce, also Roma Greer are on the sick list, Harold and Mrs. Kerry attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Charles Gordon at Uxbridge on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Mitchell on their 20th wedding annivesary on November.21 and to Mr, and Mrs, J. T, Crozier on their 26th wedding anniversary on No- vember 19, Mrs, Holman and two sons, Dag- mar were guests of her sister, Mrs. Ross, Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Allin Ross of Whitby, Bert Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell visited in Paris, Ont., recently, Congratulations to Betty Wilkin- son in 'winning - the Lion's Club prize of $10 at the Commencement exercises at Port Perry High School. It is hoped that every action] child and adult of the community will avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to have a free X-ray of the chest at Port Perry. Collegiate Cost To Be $375,000 i St. Catharines, Nov. 27--(CP)-- 8t, Catharines ratepayers will be called upon to vote on a new colleg- iate extension by-law Jan. 1, Last year property owners approved of a $200,000 bylaw for a needed addi- tion to the school, but the amount was later found to be insufficient in view of rising costs. 'The new bylaw will be for $375,- 000. Council was assured that the new total would cover every item of cost. FHI ATL TCDIAY Biltmore--'Pride of the Marines" ~243 = 629 - 9.59. "3 Hearts for Julia" -- 1.13 » 4.56 - 8.29, = "The Outlaw" ~~ 1.10« 3. 15-5.20-, Last come plete show at 9.20. i Regent -- "To Each His Own"-- 1.45-4.00-6.30-8.50, Last eom. plete show 8.35, (4. Asks J ury Trial On Escape Count Kingston, Nov, 27--(CP)-- Charge ed with escaping from penitens tlary, William O'Sullivan, Toronte, elected trial by jury when he ape peared for preliminary hea , O'Sullivan escaped in a mail from the institution Oc He serving a 10-year term for mane slaughter and a four-year term for robbery. / Dinner, Cheque Given Bishop 8t. Catharines, Nov, 27--(CP)~ Parishioners of St. Catharines' Ros man Catholic Church have honored Most Rev. Benjamin I. Webster, newly-consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, at a testimonial dinner, He was presented with a vestmensg on behalf of separate school chile dren, and a substantial cheque om behaalf of parishioners. THE CENTRE OF CONVENIENCE IN WITH A CLUB RESTAURANT OF INTERNATIONAL FAME ID & ST CATHERINE STREETS PPIER, PRES. & GEN. MOR Utes 150 BATHS - RATES '3 '4 '500 SAARI ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The Picture You Have Been Waiting 2 Years To See!l... NOW PLAYING ONE OF THE FIRST CANADIAN SHOWINGS! "HOWARD PRODUCTION \) i %» JOANGARE ELEANOR PARKER « DANE fi LEE BOWMAN RICHARD AINLEY Doors Open CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 12:30 p.m. Daily ICY WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies " We Are Agents for DUNLO "THE WORLD'S FINEST" EXPERT VULCANIZING AT... IRWIN AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest 26 ALEXANDER BLVD. "PHONE 1094 As long as there are lovers... this picture will live! Paramount Proudly Presents rs Deavilland wa MARY ANDERSON « ROLAND CViVER ' BRL GOODWIN wut tvaivuig JONN LUND « MITCHELL LEISEN Produced by CHARLES BRACKITY Directed by MITCHELL LOISEN NOW PLAYING!