PAGE THIRTEEN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1946 [CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL 41. proffered VERTICAL 1, small bed openly 1, s0ft hat 4. the turf 45. large deer 2. paddle (poet.) 48. lubricate 3. went at 9. deep tub 49, erect an easy A2. river in 50, female ruff gallop Switzerland 51, goddess of 4. garner 13, more crippled the dawn 5. illuminating 14, personality 52, pointed device 15. argument for weapon 6. Australian 16. selfish 53. pig-pen ostrich rivalry 18. snare Answer 'to yesterday's puzzle, ern APENERATCHEER 21. consumed SIAILIARIAISIEIDIRE[R] || [] J 7. engineering. unit 8, rubbers 9. blood vessels 10, past 11, gait of (ght savy Wel 17, throw 19, corded fabrig 21, town in the Ruhr ° 22. expiate 23. heaps, 24, musical pipe 25, choicest part 26, satiated W.M.S. Bazaar At Brougham Fine Success MRS. T, C, BROWN Correspondent Brougham, Nov, 18~On Satur day afternoon, November 16, the Bazaar sponsored by. the W.MS, of 8t, John's was held in Town Hall, The good attendance showed the interest taken, Mrs, Rev, 1,.B, Kennedy in a fow well chosen remarks opened pro- seemed a special attraction where there was a generous supply of cholce baking, All the other booths were kept busy also with their array of useful articles of clothing, kait~ ting and quilts, The fish pond was the special attraction fos the chil- ren, Special mention should be made of the committee in charge and all thelr helpers whose eff. made the Bazaar such a success, The co operation of neighboring societies for their friendly interest was much appreciated. The small téa tables "| were well patronized and there was much pleasant social intercourse, while partaking of the delicious food served, Proceeds for afternoon, $137.00, Thank you one and all, Personals Callers on Mrs, Brown this week included Mr, and Mrs, Preston Smith of North Dakota; Mr, Sharp and Mrs, McMaster of Greenbank and members of the W, J. Brown family of Toronto. The Wallace Ellicot family of To- ronto were with their people for week-end, The Alex Moffatt family were Sunday visitors of Brougham friends, The John Knox family were weekend visitors with their relatives tute November meeting was attend- ed by all the officers and many members, Mrs, Shepherd and Mrs, Matthews reported on the recent Dressmaking course, and it certain. ly was a success, Plans were made in connection with the co-operative program being held on Nov, 27th |. conducted by Miss Collins of the Department of Agriculture, Wo- men's Institute Branch on the care of clothing, Discussions and demon- strations will include methods of laundering, cleaning, pressing and mending, including invisible mend- ing, and how to protect fabrics from soll and insect damage, Every interested woman is (nvited to come and hear Miss Collins, who is & well known authority on this sube Ject, a one day course from 10 a.m, to 4 pm, Greenwood, Kinsale and Whitevale especially invited, Another event of general come munity interest¢ls the Euchre party with prizes planned 'for December 4, and other gamey as well, The afternoon's topic was citizen ship, under the convenership of Mrs, O, Burton, assisted by Mrs, Birrell, Mrs, Shepherd, Mrs, Ellicot, Mrs, Ritchie, The latter gave the pros and eons of the possibility of & Pickering Township High School suggested J A an ess glven 'by Rovublp erk L. T, Johnston at a Rotary Club luncheon, The discussion which followed made it appear many are in favor, Using new Institute song book the sing song went from gay to grave, ending with Faith of our Fathers, and the silent tribute of Remem- brance Day to those we hold in lov~ ing memory, Hostesses Mrs, Devitt, Mrs, Knox and Mrs, Hamilton serv ed tea at close, AIDE-DE-CAMP TO KING London ~~ (CP)=-Col, A, H, Gatehouse, one-time training ad- visor to the 4th Canadian Arm. ored Division, has'been appointed an alde-de-camp to the king, >ROOr>T Fr omZwP mU=00 mIZCw 23. irons ATE ETS RIE L| 28 narrative here, 35 lead Airis Sangne 31, gristemin "Roy Miller was with his father 20. note in the RTIRITIVIEIT]S) 2. trades for Work oie ia Movting 30. Sard [OIRIE A AITITIANR 35. adult ale : The Brougham Woman's Insti- 39. awa; PIAR[| INCENAMEIRICIE] 37 pit 32. harness part tn [OIWERRYIE|S] 38, apple juice . 33, printer's [| [SIL AINIOIS I 40. flat avd e OITA able-ia 34. suffered A stats 41, American OIL BURNERS 35. match author TUEY THINK TI BEST PLACE || IN A ROCKET SLANE TO VISITA || THAT PROBLEM SINCE THE I GUESS IM A TERRIBLE DUMB - - OX== ALL THE YOUNG FOLKS WANNA TO BE IS WHERE THEY ARE | LOT OF STRANGERS WHO LIVE ON| | WORLD BEGAN = IN SPITE OF OLKS, THEY THINK SITTIN' DOWN ||| THE MOON =I CAN'T FIGOER OUT | | ALL OUR WISDOM AND SCIENCE, HAVE EVERYTHING NEW ANAWFUL I\1 | NpER ASHADY TREE IS 1 | | WHICH WAY 18 THE RIGHT WAY={ | NO ONE AS FOUND FAST= THEY WANNA HURRY UP AL THE TIME AN' GET SOME (rt rss 7 on JHE ANSWER = 36. cuddles SIT FILTAIGISIMEILIT] 42, city in Brazil "Aero Silver Flame" 9 FINISHED was mind. ful of 39. lamprey , aromatic bbs plant Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Ine. SEMSAT Average time of solution: 22 minutes, 43, short sleep' 44, cravat 46, allow 47. low coral island REFRIGERATION When In Need of Drugs Call SALES & SERVICE POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St, North HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS Phones 1360 - 2259 ° ISPLAY COUNTERS--WALK- IN SOX OREpIER CHEST! PROMPT DELIVERY HESTS- COOLERS--WASHING MACHINES, "BELL'S nermisenation [|| "CRerioia Rr" Automatic Furnace Burner "Miller" Gravity Feed Furnace Burner "Queen" Wickless Range Burner Now Available for Immediate Installation, * IRISH and DREW 184 SIMCOE ST, 8, Phone 4442W GLASS GLAZING . WINDOW GLASS AND MIRRO! Sash Called for and Delivered Salco Art Glass PHONE 1237TM )! Fleo Made 9 4 ke New! New Floors d Like it ESTIMATES PRES 4 CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B, W. Haynes) Kingston Rd, E. «| Phone 1614 PLACE WHERE THEY ANT.) 50 then RENT -- An Electrie Portable SEWING MACHINE ia Your Own $ Por Home Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, Ontario St. Phone 096 : call SALES & SERVICE ' ~ 182 Simeve St, 8., Ph ue 2059w CHRISTIANS | Bias PHONE 1000 : American Anthracite Floor Sanding (Stove or Nut) NOW AVAILABLE! We have just received a large shipment ready for Rental Battery! ||| M. LEGGETTE Immediate Delivery! ts for Monarch Baiteries ARMSTRONG FUELS _ WEST END yA 0277 7 77 LLIEE 59 CHURCH PHONES 2727w -- 2726 BATTERY SERVICE ety ; vo 87 WARREN AVE, AUTHORIZED CLEANERS PR Y WEATHER AHEAD! FINE WATCH REPAIRING of £ 5 _ x ny ou Spsoialty Don't Take Chances WASHER On Old Smoothi hae [ROUBLE SHOOTER NDE, AD SES fs | ase BEC AP Rinsaitore Hare fe x A = L4 7 NOW! 'and Builders' Supplies wm bo 48-HOUR SERVICE! McLAUGHLIN COAL & as 5 Set ) WZ=rr-C3 ZOO =<mZOO0O® m=-ZZ) | [808S, HAVE. YOU HEARD THAT . H F GUESS I SPOKE COL. HOOFER HAS WRITTEN A OUTA TURN, THAT TIME. BOOK: HIS MEMOIRS ? IF YOU I HAD BETTER WATCH MY ASK ME A FEL oT Te 11. a . STEP OR I'L HAVE TO HAVE ALOT OF E40 3 THINK { MEMO! CON! MY READING TO COLUMNS | BmONPA B® Vn=100~ SUPPLIES, LIMITED We Are Agents for Phone 1246 "THE WOLLD'S DUNLOP ™hier ----" EXPERT VULOANIZ os necins | 'om ===~ | IRWIN AUTO PARTS JEWELLERS 68 SIMCOE ST.N, | RW UTO Terms in Accordance With aks "Look for the Store with the "Oshawa's Largest ire Dootors' 2 King St. W. Omava. hone 309 Yellow Frons" 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. PHONE 1094 m=0Z0rwm. IT UP! LET "GALLOPIN') HOORAY ! N80 ITLLBEA / AN IR CONTEST Sid ZP>TomUCK WY 2-FLL BE OKAY ° ) P= GRINNER! LIVER"LIPS: FORA WHILE, BING! / Jue7 (| 1 marve0 out ON Us! HE'S SHOOT THE BOTTOM \ : OUT OF THAT -, OH, BROTHER, THE GREAT RP KIP@Y/ WHAT A SUCKER! DID HE FALL FOR MY LINE! <BH=R T= Sl Sh heb li % -ZmOP -imBdAmw