Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Nov 1946, p. 15

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hats THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 Food Board Plan Is Under Attack The world food bdard proposal ' from the Copenhagen meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organi~ sation \s being discussed by an FAO commission meeting in Wash- ington. "This plan would provide sup- s for the new world, the kind of World we were told would be the fruits of a United Nations victory," said Sir gchn Boyd Orr. , Britain has expressed preference for an international authority with control over other basic commodi- tles such as metals and rubber in addition to food products. ' United States farm leaders who approved the world food board pro- Joaal at Copenhagen are now saying t the plan is too visionary and impracticable "The British ation, Statesman and Nation, the US. attitude as a "mad rush back to purely selfish capitalism," and said that "ine US. has appar- ently decided to walk out on inter- na al economic co-operation." ' Lendon-- (CP) -- Open-east {Sure face) coal mining, begun r #8 a wartime expedient in 1041, has produced 30,000,000 tons of coal. New bed We Repair Electric, Mantel, Wall and Alarm Clocks PHONE 3820 for Rental Battery! Agents for Monarch Batteries WEST END BATTERY SERVICE 87 WARREN AVE. Floor Sanding M. LEGGETTE PHONE TO 3744W1 MECHANICALLY ACCURATE SAW F¥ Faster, cleaner cutting saws. Sompiete squipment for hand, and and small circular saws. MCCARTHY ,.iAY. SERVIC 16 OSHAWA Blvd.--Phone 3637 WINDOW CAULKING and GLAZING! Bact, Stal 2250 V0 ' windows caulked an ore : the cold weather arTives. FOR QUICK SERVICE . . . Phones 4338j--3888w G. McENIGHT STAR LAUNDRY 13 CELINA ST. Dry Cleaning -- Repairing Laundry DELIVERY -- PHONE 3164 When In Need of Drugs al POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled --- A MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcee N. Phone 48 Brantford Roofin, and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas Co, Ltd, 15 KING ST. B PHONE 3300 BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS Terms in Accordance With War- Time Prices & Trade Regulations. 32 King St. W. Oshawa Phone 3859 SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL We use only the Best of Materials and Guarantee our Work, Before inverting get a price direct from owner. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Phone 494 36 Temple Priests Beat Layman Pelping, Nov. 14 --(AP)--Chinese police report that 36 priests in the famous Taoist Temple Palyunkuan (White Cloud) revolted here and burned to death the Temple's Ab- bot and its Toaist layman on a huge bonfire. Police related this story: The priests accused the two men of violating Taoist regulations, They smashed into the men's living ing quarters and dragged them to the Temple gate. The priests beat the two men with clubs, trussed them with the ropes, flung them on a pile of fire- wood, doused them with gasoline and fired the bier. Twenty-seven of the priests sur- rendered and the other nine were turned over to police. The Abbott An Shih-Lin, was more than 50 years old. The lay- man, Pai Chin-Yi, held no official title in the Temple. Oshawa Clock Shop | FISH & CHIPS DELIVERED - also ~- also FRESH FISH PHONE 815J 480 Montrave Avenue An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE " Home $5 sonw SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Phone 696 FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 ® FINISHED Old Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glass! ESTIMATES FREE GUARANTEED WORK! CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B, W. Haynes) Kingston Rd. E. - Phone 16134 Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. REPAIRS | HI-HEAT For stoves, | burners. OIL BURNERS /39.50 6lg irch double T0 ALL APPLIANCES Plus installation Amer (Stove or Nut) 59 CHURCH i PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 OFFICES AND HOUSE CLEANING BY VACUUM SYSTEM Chimneys Cleaned. Repairs for all makes of Boilers & Stokers ED. THOMAS 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA Phone 3760-J NOW AVAILABLE! We have just received a large shipment ready for Immediate Delivery! ARMSTRONG FUELS PHONES 2727Tw -- 2726 1CY WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies RECAP NOW! 48-HOUR SERVICE! DUNLO "THE WOLLD'E FINEST" EXPERT VULUANIZING AT... IRWIN _AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest 2ire, Doctors' 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. PHONE 1094 Now is the time to purchase those Xmas Furniture Gifts at Wilson's. Our large Xmas stock is now on display and more ar- riving daily. However, we urge you to buy NOW while selection is greatest 3-Piece : i Combination Velour Chesterfield Suite Fully spring-filled throughout, E38 covered in combination velour & in wine with odd chair in J green. It's a real special at only here's your opportunity. durable covering, all spring Rolled edge. All sizes. quantity, Limited Just Arrived! Shipment of . . . Spring-Filled Mattresses If you're needing a new mattress Heavy ~filled. 22.50 @ Baby Cribs @ High Chairs 20 Church Si. CONVERTIBLE PRAMS Visit Wilson's Baby Dept. for the Following :-- ® Bassinettes ® 'Baby Carriages © Baby Walkers o Kindergarten Sets This Xmas GIVE FURNITURE "The Lasting Gift" ® Play Pens ® Ete. ® Doll Prams ® Shoofly Rockers oe Phone 768 - ed ImZoD> WZ=rrC3 ZOO =<mZOO® m-2ZZ> ZPTBMTCW 3 =AZmOP> -immaAmn >PROOr»v mow mU=30 mZCw : - : i CHUCKLE P= THIS OLE PIPE YW Bak DONE SAVED ME. 4 Ss ALL AH GOT TA ° | DO IS STAY OUTA SIGHT AKT YAkrr- AH FIGGERED HE'S $0 FUNNY Z.. AND $0 CLEVER... KEPT ME IN STITCHES/ AMUSING LIKE HIM/L,....I'VE LAUGHED TILL IM THIRSTY A... IT WidH YOU WERE - ASE GET ME A GLASS OF PUNCH, I WAS NEVER $0 EMBARRASSED... ACTING . LIKE A FOOL IN FRONT OF WE OLD FOLKS GOTTA STIROUR STUMPS ,0R A LOT OF YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPERS WiLL TAKE OUR TOWN AWAY FROM US ALL THEY KIN THINK OF IS SPEED, NOISE, AN' TEARING EVERYTHING DOWN, SO THEY KIN START LEAPIN' AN' JUMPIN' TO BUILD IT UP AGAIN= 3 MR. FUDDY I MIGHT CONSIDER A FRIENDLY SETTLEMENT OUT OF rtd $ YOU FOLKS KNOW SALVATION ROCK WAS ALWAYS A QUIET, FRIENDLY TOWN ~ AN'IT DIDN'T HAVE ANY MODERN IMPROVEMENTS ~ DON'T LET THE YOUNG LATHER- BRAINS STAMPEDE US ~ REMEM- BER, THIS WAS A HAPPY TOWN BEFORE OLD NICK INVENTED SLACKS, PEROXIDE AN' CAN OPENERS ~ AND THE TROUBLE WITH MRS, FUDDY 1S, SHE DON'T! N CASPER, TAKE IT FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, BUT'I GOT IT AN ON GOOD AUTHORITY THAT A I SHOT " SE VF GREAT sScOTT! THAT'S THE HORSE I' DIDN'T THINK HAD A CHANCE, ANDI TOLD COL... HOOFER TO BET ON HIM~TO CURE HOOFER FROM PESTERING ME FOR TIPS. "2 TLL SLAP $100.92 ON RE ev" THERE'S ANY DOUGH TO BE MADE, A I WANT IN ON IT! GOSH, IM H |THE HORSES ARE AT THE {| POST RIGHT NOW--- |= "REMORSE" WINS, TLL WIN $10,000.90! em -WELL HEAR PmOADA PD N=100= GRAY HAIR BEFORE MY hk ALL RIGHT. il lg <= ¥" 1 THINK T BURNED THE 6WV BEHIND THE ROCK | KEEP YOUR GUN ON THAT ROCK= ONE OF Hi6 PALS MIGHT TRY T! ; ih a % (WHEN THE PRANKSTER PREDICTED THE VESSEL. WOULD BE IN PERIL --HE WAS OBVIOUSLY WRONG "-- GRINNER , YOU COVER * \§ ¥ THE GARAGE! [Ts ON FIRE, AND AWIND..ITH BLOWN ll THAT SNIPER WiLL HAVE TO SCRAMBLE FOR FRESH BUT SUDDENLY! N ( i [Usin 15 HENCHMEN As COVER, LIVER-LIPS 'PREPARES TO DESERT THEM NOT MUCH COVER BETWEEN 1 HERE AND THE LAKE, |. BUT IT'6 MY.ONLY / CHANCE =

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