5 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 ' THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE - - ( PAGE THIRTEEN Two-Way Ties "For Top Spot Both OHA Loops By THE CANADIAN PRESS Two-way ties prevail today for first place in the Senior Ontario ockey, Association race and in the Snior "A" division, with Hamilton "tigers and Toronto Staffords shar- «ing the pace-setting honors in the Senior series and . Toronto St. £ Michael's College and Barrie flyers Splitting the top berth in the jun- dor circuit. "The deadlocks were created last "night when. the Tigers blanked "Owen Sound Hohawks 8-0 in Ham- EY 23 * gh re 3 EEE TR ton and the flyers edged out a 5 win over Hamilton's Junior Club _Barrie, while Stratford Krochlers 'the first major upset of the by whipping the highly- Oshawa Generals 7-5 in ord. Tigers' win was their third in many starts, The Mohawks' the tigers to a single goal in first period but the power of e Hamilton Club showed in the next two frames when they scored three times in the second period and four times in the last session. Paul Miocinovich and Frank Lis- 3 E Hill 34 « .combe sparked their attack with + 'two goals each. The other tallies ® & T ' - 'were bagged by Doug Runions, : Johnny Conick, Dinning and Bert Peer. * «+ Kilpatrick, 125-pound forward, was the best of the Mowawk play- 2 a ers. ng Soar + "In the Barrie-mamilton Junior game, Murray Fife scored the win- #" ning goal for the flyers at 13;50 in & the'third period after Hamilton had *"tled the score earlier in the session. ' Larry Heale, of the Flyers and Barnes of Hamilton topped the =*"scorers with two goals each. Other @ ' scorers for the Flyers besides Heale 4" and Fife were Larry Zeidel, Gariepy and Barrett. Hamilton Marksmen < Dbesides Barnes were Cadieux, Nar- + duzzi and Bain. Oshawa was knocked over by the ,, Kroehlers when Sam Casonato broke out in the third period for " : 'three goals, It was the Generals first defeat in three starts. ;~ The Kroehlers were at full ++" strength for the first time this sea- &', Winnipeg player, back in action be- Rol son with Nick Michoski, Former On i tween = George ¢ L] at «lead ¢ the' and Wayne Service, He followed Caso- _nato for scoring honors with two > goals 'and an assist. : . Kroehlers grabbed a one-goal in the first period, outscoring : 'Generals '2-1. The Generals reversed the scoring in the second #* frame and when they entered the .. third they were tied 3-3, o Shortly after the start of the fin- + al period, the Kroehlers grabbed the lead again and from then on # they kept in front. A goal each was 't any I ---- 5S 5-550 TS I AA BS _ and Leon stared by Roh ad Whatton be- es Casanato's ee and - koski's two. Me Juesin win Bauer punched two goals home for the Gene Gamble one. Jeraly wg NO gahes are scheduled for to- ! night but on Friday Hamilton Pats 80 to Stratford for a senior game, The Juniors swing into action ' again on Saturday with Barrie at Toronto Marlboros, St. Catharines at St. Mike's, Hamilton at Windsor, Toronto. Young Rangers at Oshawa and Stratford at Galt. Re-Organize Basketball Loop ~ With Four Teams On Tuesday, the St. Andrew's United Church Students" Morning Basketball League called a general business meeting. All the 40 players are enthusiastic about the keen competition they are enjoying, so decided to re-organize--this time with 4 teams, rather than 3. unanimously selected as the 4 Cap- tains--Zowlton Biglin, Daavid Don- evan, Willlam Siksay, and Ray Souch. Therefore at 9.30 AM. sharp Friday morning, they will all meet in the St. Andrew's Church Office to select their squads, with the outh Director, H. Lincoln Brace, Sw tineer. 9 gH assist them to pick four even tions, they have the follow- list of top scorers--in each the player's best game record Oct. 30th is the number op- his name, Walter Auld, 32 + Wm. Siksay, 26 pts; Chas. and Z. Biglin each had a in which they scored 22 pts; Simcoe, 21 pts; Geo. Maeson Jas. Milne 16; David Donevan Thos. Krawee 13. Tied with 12 ts each are Ray Souch and Mozewsky. Tied with 10 points are. Wm. Oarnwith and M. Mrozeck. Tied with 8 points each are Tony Mayer and Don Clarke; Witterick has 6 points to his credit in his best game. The new schedule of games starts at 10 bes ce ite ts ik 1 gs Wednesday, the Afternoon Bas- & ketball League wound up their first "| ners by 16-13. El i | Manager Wm. Chant 31; Jno. Fos- half-schedule their 4-team League, with a fast, interesting con- test in which the "Rockets" were|K; to defeat the "Hyenas" by 53-44. In fact, in the second quar- [$d ter the losers out-played the wine But in the other three stanzas "Rockets" had the . edge. The Line-Ups were: --"Hye- nas"--Captain Gerald Swartz, 6 points; Manager, Jas. Chant; K. : Buchanan 14 pts; Ray Mozewsky 12; Crawford; Wm. McTavish; Roy : Turnbull 8; Wm. Johnson 4 pts. "Rockets"-Captain Wm. Dell 6 pts; o ter 15; Jno. Kerr, Ian Findlay, = Wow AE Gord Gifford, Robt Hart, H. Katnit- F sky, Stan Skea. Total 53 Pts. Officials in charge--J. R. Carson and S. Rubenzahl. Thursday, 14th--Dynamiters vs Hyenas. Monday 18--Robots vs Roc- kets. Wednesday 20--Rockets vs Dy- namiters, Friday 22--Hyenas vs Ro- - . Belfast--(CP)--Police seized 3,000 wild birds, allegedly slaughtered il- . legally, from a cold storage plant where they were awaiting shipment to England, to be used as greyhound i fodder, COLD CASH FOR HOT BOXERS London, Nov. . 14--(AP)--Boxing promoter Jack = Solomons has launched new drive to strengthen Britain's challenge for the world heavyweight title held by Joe Louis. Solomons told a press conference yesterday he hopes to lure some worthy contenders with £1,000 ($4,~ 000) as prizes in an open heavy=- weight contest starting Dec. 1.7 With only one good heavyweight contender in hand, Empire cham- pion Bruce Woodcock, Solomons feels there must be some younger swatters in the United Kingdom who might be induced to come out for cold cash. "There's such a difference be- tween Woodcock and Freddie Mills (British Light Heavyweight cham- pion who sometimes fights above weight) that we must ' encourage youngsters who have learned the rudiments and need a chance to show their prowess," Solomons ex- plained. "I think that with sufficient mon- ey encouragement these boys will come forward and any one, if he wins or not, who shows enough promise will be placed in the hands of a well-known trainer." The Talent hunt, reviving an old British custom that turned up "phainting" Phil Scott, the "Swoon- ing Swan of the Soho," and Jack London--both one-time British hea- vyweight kings, will be open only to novices who have never had a pro- fessional bout. Well-known ama- teurs will be ineligible. They must be between 18 and 24 years old and weigh more than 182 pounds, . Traded Players Pay Off Against Former Mates By JACK MITCHELL Canadian Press Staff Writer From some unknown reserve --- now listen closely, Jack Adams--the athlete always sems to draw his greatest strength against the men he once called mates and that goes for the National Hockey League as well as any other sport. That bit of philosophy, duly de- livered, is intended to return a smile to the Detroit Red Wings' mentor. But it won't. The odds are that nothing short of a victory will after the way Joe Carveth treated his former mates last night. The husky right winger, whom Adams traded to Boston Bruins be. fore this season opened, pulled out all the stops with a three-goal per- formance that led the Bruins to a 5-2 victory over the Wings at Bos- ton. To make it worse, these three gave Joe a total of four in 10 games and all four were scored against De. troit. The victory shot Bruins into a first place tie with Toronto Maple Leafs, idle meanwhile and opened up a two-point margin between these two and Montreal Canadiens, held to a 4-4 draw by the Rangers at New York. The point earned by the Rangers hoisted them into a fourth-place deadlock 'with Detroit, leaving Black. Hawks all alone in the cellar. A crowd of 13900 at Boston watched Carveth score a goal in every period as the Bruins took an early 2-0 lead over the Red Wings and increased it snugly. Big Milt Schmidt notched the other two for Bruins while centre Bill Cowley and defenceman Jack Orawford each picked up a pair of assists. Roy Conacher, the left winger De. troit obtained for Carveth, was held scoreless, Eddie Bruneteau and Pat Lundy beating Frankie Brimsek for the two Detroit scores, . The Canadiens, playing before an audience of 15648 at New York, twice came from behind and held a one-goal lead in the third period before. Tony Leswick knotted the score for the final time, It was Les- wick's second goal of the night, with Cal Gardner and Church Russell getting their 'others. For Canadiens, Defenceman Leo Lamoureux, Maurice Richard, George Allen and rookie defence- man Roger Leger were the scorers. BOWLING : OSHAWA TENNIS BOWLING LEAGUE FLASH: week Pat Tresise rolls out a super score of 285 giving him the honors of the single high game. 'Well Acers do you think you could do something to that top ranking team--of course no name need be men- tioned but their feet are still in the Mgt position. e "700" bracket is quite the score-- it off with 700--then d Raesa topping it with 704--Come on fellows, its two to one in favor of the girls, Volleyers . Best three game total this week, Raesa Sachy 704, Pat Tresise 647, Doug. Langmaaid 575, Gord Ferguson 573. MONDAY OFFICE LEAGUE AT MAYFAIR LANES The Monday Office Le: one of it's bowlers. She of ar People, who is England to be married. Kay sails on the Queen Elizabeth Thursday night out of New York and the groom to be is an E-Alrman who trained at Osh- awa EF.T.S, as a pllot. Good luck ay. The results of Monday's bowling end- three way tle with Pedlar e has lost Kay Kelly for Polynesian Takes Riggs Handicap P. A. B. Widener's Polynesian, LEFT, with Jockey A. Snider up, is shown crossing the finish line tc win the $25,000 Riggs handicap at Pimlico track, Baltimore, Md, (Nov. 8). Flash Burn, RIGHT, was third, in a field of eight. Round view, CENTRE, was second, and Sports Roundup | By AL COLLETTI Canadian Press Staff Writer New York, Nov. 14.--(CP)--Elim- ination of the arduous 36-hole qualifying rounds associated with United States Amateur Golf Cham- plonship play since 1936 will be a welcome change to many American and Canadian golfers. ..the United States Professional Golfers' Associa- tion announced it was considering plans to stage *the 19047 amateur tourney strictly on a match play basis. This would be a triumph for many of the rank-and-file ama- teurs who complained bitterly against qualifying in their own geographic zone and having to do 80 again in the opening tournament play...Francis Quimet, U.S.G.A. Championship Committees 'chair- men, will poll the 149 players in this year's matches for their opin- ion..."America is crowded with four handicap or lower golfers who deserve a chance at the US.G.A. title," says Ouimet. "Why %0t bring as many of them as possible to the tourney battle site and let them start right in knocking fick other off?" Some amateurs are against draw- ing opponents for medal play out of a hat and insist players should be seeded...Henry Martell, Cana- dian amateur championship from Edmonton, ran into this difficulty at Baltusrol this summer...Getting by the qualifying round by-a close margin, Martell drew Smiley Quick, American Public Links king, and was eliminated in the first round. Ten Minutes More Hockey writer Gordon (Boston Traveller) Campbell wants to see the overtime period restored by the NHL, Board of Governors next season. ,.Irked by the number of deadlocked games in the league this season, the scribe believes the Bruins might be in first place in- stead of Toronto if they were able to settle their five tie games in overtime...Campbell insists the Bostonians have always been a win- ner when it comes to playing over- time and points out that in 1941-42, the last season of overtime play, Boston won four of 11 extra period contests. Hockey Simmerings The Rangers, worried over spend- ing another season in the N.H.L. cellar, were all set to bolster their weak defence by recalling Winni- peg's Bill Juzda from their New Haven Ramblers farm yesterday... But Juzda developed a charley horse and will be sidelined for the week but probably will join the Rangers on the road...The hard- hitting: backliner played in 32 games for the Bouchermen last sea- son after returning frgm 40 months in the R.C.AF. as a Flying Officer on Coastal Patrol duty...After four straight losses Frank Boucher is [Stal thinking of a mild shakeup in the Rangers and probably will start Abe Demarco for the first time this season in the Garden against the Canadiens tonight...Flery Phil Watson seems to have controlled his quick temper and in 10 games has failed to draw a penalty. Odds and Ends When Jersey Joe Walcott and Elmer (Violent) Ray tangle in a 10- rounder at the Garden Friday night it will be their second meeting... About mine years ago Jersey Joe flattened the Violent in three rounds. ..Primo Carnera returns to Italy in a few days for a vacation ...He plans to bring his family on his mext trip to North America... As soon as George Stirnweiss, Popular Leader to Take Over Canadian Post By WILLIAM STEWART Canadian Press Staff Writer Canberra, Australia -- (CP). -- 'Francis Michael Forde, parliament- ary veteran who was deputy leader of the Australian Labor Party for 14 years and army minister for the last four years of the war, is Aus- tralia's new high commissioner for Canada, He succeeds Alfred Stirl- ing who has held the post nearly two years. Forde was personally unsuccessful in the Australian general elections in September, and the Canadian appointment has been looked upon in political and newspaper circles as a reward for long service to the Labar party. Forde headed the Australian dele- gation to the San Francisco con- ference in 1945 though Dr. H. V. Evatt, external affairs minister, was leading spokesman. Until September, the former army minister, now replaced as deputy party leader and deputy prime minister by Dr. Evatt, had repre- sented the federal division of Cap- ricornia for 24 years. For five years before he had been a member of the Queensland state legislature. Forde was the choice of the late Prime Minister John Curtin for the army portfolio when Labor took power in 1941 and held the post from then on. For a short time in 1946 between the death of Curtin and the Labor party's choice of Benedict Chifley as leader, he was head of the gov- ernment and his name was men- tioned freely in speculation over the succession. The high commissioner is 56, a good mixer and a good public speak- er. He is popular in Labor circles in which he is usually called "Frankie" and his stock went up with the way he accepted the elec- tion result in Capricornia where counting went on for several days before it was definite that ©. W. Davidson, a Country Party-Liberal candidate had won in the close vote. Praise for Party The army minister told newspap- ermen that while he regretted his personal defeat he rejoiced in the re-election of the Labor Party and he added words of praise for Prime Minister Chifley's campaign lead- ership, the party and its policies. Among reasons given for the upset was newspaper criticism of ar- rangements for Australian occupa- tion troops in Japan. As deputy prime minister he had also been under fire when he step- ped into a difficult labor situation on the Sydney waterfront last April during Prime Minister Chif- ley's visit to Britain and the United tes. Early in the year, the metropoli- tan papers, most of which are anti- Labor, had criticized him in con- nection with the Army's handling of the repatriation of Japanese in- ternees who were crowded aboard the Japanese destroyer Yoizuki for their trip home. Lives Near Sydney 'While the electoral division which he represented so long is in his na- tive state of Queensland, the home of Mr. Forde, his wife,.three daugh- ters and one son has been in a Syd- ney suburb in recent years. His Queensland birthplace is Mitchell, a town about 400 miles inland from Brisbane. He was educated at a Christian Brothers' School at Toowoomba, be- Yankee second baseman, complet his football coaching chores at 7| North Carolina, he will head for Bartow, Fla., to open his baseball school...Eddie Brannick, Giants' secretary, with Chicago and Pitts- burgh as improved clubs...Eddie predicts baseball attendance will hold up for three or four years. Basingstoke, England -- (CP) -- Grib.-Gen. Willlaym Rémerts Mad- ocks, 75, military secretary to the Inspector-General of Overseas For- ces during the . 1914-18 war, died suddenly, came a teacher and later an elec- trical engineer. When he was elect- ed to the federal house after oe years in the state parliament, Ford was only 32, He sat on a royal com- mission on the motion picture in- dustry and in the Scullin Labor gov- ernment, of early depression years was assistant minister and then minister of trade and customs, and acting minister of markets and transport. He became Labor's dep- uty leader in 1932, held the position for nine years while Labor was out of office, and during the last five years of Labor party government. in a People, Alger Press and Ui Insurance. The Unemployment a surance team turned out, ug was a holiday for them and took the league leaders, ar People into camp for 3 points. This group of able bowlers started a, week behind the rest of the teams, but under the gu ance of team captain Gord Lon; absence of diamond socks hi fect on his marksmanship, a 277 this week) brought the team to the top position. red Densham showed up with the newest sige (?) of pipe. parently smoke didn't get in his t mates eyes as Times-Gazette took full scoring honors from Mundy-Goodfel. low putting them in second place, one short of the leaders. The high score for the afternoon went to Marion Furey of Tithes-Gazette with 257, and Howard MacKillop of Robson Leather with 282. The results were :--Times-Gazette 3, Mundy-Good- fellow 0; Alger Press 3, Smith Trans- rt 0; Robson Leather 2, Reynolds en 1: Unemployment Insurance 3, Pedlar People 0. Standings AlBAr PrOES: ..ouiprevves.i iv Pedlar People .. Unemployment I Times-Gazette . Robson Leather Reynolds Pen Smith Transport Mundy-G Another New Feature for The Daily Times-Gazette. Readers CROSSWORD PUZZLE By Eugene Sheffer STARTING NEXT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Get Half Million For McGill Rink Montreal--Officials of the McGill University Graduates' Society War Memorial Campaign said yesterday almost $570,000 had been collected to date for the purchase of the rink-auditorfum which will serve as a war memorial to the McGill men killed in the Second Great War, The Society plans this year to collect $600,000, official said as they announced the opening of the stud- ent campaign which is expected to raise $10,000--approximately $1 from each student. Chairman Frank S. McGill of the Graduates' Society said: "The new swimming pool and the rink-au- ditorium are essentially for the studénts. The whole-hearted in- terest and support of all the stud- ents will give new impetus to our efforts and ensure early completion of the McGill Athletic Centre." JOINS RED WINGS Stratford, Ont, Nov. 14.--(CP)-- Bruce Burdett, a Stratford hockey product who played for the local Indians in Senior OH.A, ranks last season, left for Detroit today to join the Red Wings of the N.H.L, Special Service Of Remembrance Held At Kedron Kedron, Nov. 13 --A special Re- membrance Day service was con- ducted by Rev. G. W. Gardner on Sunday afternoon. Two minutes of silent prayer was observed. Mr, Gardner's topic was "Our Place in God's Family of Nations", Text: John 17:19, "And for their sakes a sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth", Mr. Gardner said after World War I we laid down our arms as enemies but did not hold hands as brothers, If we give for world Christianity, as for war, the world would be Christianized in our gen- 'eration. We feel our weak-ess but with a lever, we can do wonders. Put our hand to the missionary lever and spread the Gospel of Christ. Hymns in keeping with the day were sung and the church choir, Mrs. H. A, Werry, leader and pian- ist, sang a suitable anthem. Miss Nora Werry visited at Rose- landvale and attended the Women's Institute Bazaar at Solina on Thursday. Over $77 net returns. Entertained in Oshawa Kedron W.A, enjoyed the hospi- tality of Mrs. J. E. H. Davies, 107 Warren Ave,, Oshawa, Wednesday afternon. Following recitation of the Apostle's Creed, Mrs, T. 8. Jew- ell played a piano number and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Percy Mountjoy led in prayer and Mrs. Frank Hancock read the Scripture. Mrs. Hugh Gannon favoured with a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. P. Mountjoy, Mrs. Mountjoy read "God In the City" and closed the Devotional Period with hymn 249. Pres, conducted the business. $10 was voted to the "Save the Children Fund". An invitation to meet at Mrs, H. Farndale's on December 4, was accepted. Mrs." Gardner and Miss Beatrice Mountjoy will be the program committee for that meet- ng. Mrs. H. Werry introduced Mrs. J. Glover, who aroused considerable interest in India, and missions there by her presentation of the first two Chapters in this season's Study Book. "Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" and "In Christ There Is No East or West" were sung. Meeting closed with Mizpah. A very pleasant social hour was spent and the East Group planned a Crokinole Party to be held at Mrs. Harvey Crossman's, November 25th and the West Group arranged for a quilting at Mrs, R, J. Luke's Thurs- Personals day. We welcothe Mr. and Mrs. w. Lynde, Neil and Donald to our Church and Community. Mr. and Mrs, Lynde came from Prospect and have purchased the pleasant home at the corner opposite Kiman- is Camp. Mrs, John Kidd, Orillia, is visiting her sister, M#s. R. Down, son Henry, and other members of the family. Mr, and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, John - and Joanne, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Harold Werry's. John spent the holiday week-end with Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. G. Williams, Myrna and Warren, Mr. Harold Lumb, Tor- onto, were- Sunday visitors at Mr. W. J. Leask's. Mrs. E. T. Lumb ac- companied them home and is spending a week in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, were tea guests with Mrs, H. PF. Werry, Tuesday. Miss Nora Werry attended a meeting of W.A. Presidents of the Presbytery in King Street Church, Oshawa, on Thursday, when a fine slate of officers was drawn up. A meeting has been called for Thurs- day, Nov. 21st, at 2:30 p.m, when all officers and members of Women's Association's are invited to be pres- ent, voting to be by officers and one delegate for each twenty members of local W.A. Organization of the Presbytery W.A, is to be completed at this meeting. Mrs, Baker, Pick- ering, will be guest soloist. Mrs. Inglehart, convener of committees of organizations council, Toronto, will be present and address the meeting. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover and John enjoyed a trip to Brantford on Sunday. Again we can report weather, fol- lowing rather a wet holiday week- end. However, frost has not done any severe damage yet and flowers are still showing cheerfully in the gardens, - Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee had the pleasure of having Mr. F, Lge, Ot- tawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Donald and Joan, Goderich, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrish, Brooklin, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Percy Mountjoy's. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wray, Mrs. Chas. Blight, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. William Blight, on Tuesday in Oshawa. We extend sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Mrs. A. Wray is a grand-daughter of the late Mrs. Blight. Prank Lee, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Donald and Joan, God- erich, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. R. E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen, Ann-Marie and Lawrence, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. H. T. Cole's. Miss Marie Cole, Markham, was home for the long week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe, Grant and Douglas, accompanied by Mrs. Elda Scott and Alan, Colum- bus, spent Remembrance Day in Toronto. John Elliott has returned from a hunting trip in the Keneway dis- trict and is to be congratulated on getting his deer. We wish for Shirley and Irene Elliott, Oshawa, a good recovery from severe burns sustained when bus, auto, truck burst into flames near Brighton. Shirley and Irene are nieces of Mr. John Elliott who, with his family, are living in the Lee house, Kedron Corner. Columbus-Kedron Y.P.U. present their Minstrel Show at Tyrone, Tuesday evening, November 19th. Y.P.U. Meeting Columbus-Kedron Y.P.U. met Sunday evening with Miss Grace Scott in charge of the Worship Per- fod. Special numbers were a vocal solo by Miss Betty Scott and plano duet by Marion and Beryl Mount- joy. Rev. G. W. Gardner gave & hymn review. Attendance 28. C. Crown, Maxwell's School, spent the long week-end at his home, Lindsay. Executive of the Sunday School met at the home of Supt. C. F. Werry and Mrs. Werry, Mon evening in the interest of the Sun=- day School and for a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannan, Bonnie and Larry, Oshawa, Mr. anfl Mrs. Herb Hutchings, Mr, and Mrs, Mark Hancock and Jean, were Suni- day tea guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hancock. Sunday guests at Mr. A. Wray's included Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crawford and children, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davidson, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davidson, Miss Olive Davidson, Brooklin, We are. pleased to know Miss Ha:2l Van Dyke, Reg. N. is now comfortably settled in her home, 531 Mary St. Oshawa. , Miss Van Dyke is disposing of surplus furni- ture on Saturday at the Stirtevant Auction premises. Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. J. Luke and John, Mrs. G. L. Gibson and Alan, Toroato, Mr. Douglas Gibson, Cadmus, visited Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Luke during the week-end. Miss Luella Hepburn, in company with Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto, visited their uncle, Mr. Tom Hep- burn and other relatives at Preston over the week-end. Mrs. Arthur Hepburn and Mary spent Tuesday in Toronto, returning with Miss Hepburn. WASHER IRONER LEANER JEN . AUTHORIZED DEALER LA WASHER TROUBLE SHOOTER BIDDULPN Avreomze BEET saarsa 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Froni.," THE GREATEST MILEAGE TIRES OF ALL TIME ENTIRELY DIFFERENT NEW in design...NEW in construction Here are tires completely new and different . . . the longest mileage tires of all time B. F. Goodrich. built by They are made of a new kind of rubber developed by B. F. Goodrich. New construction with more and tougher cords' gives the tire bodies 359% extra strength. There are two great tread designs. The famous non- skid Life-Saver Tread that wipes wet pavements dry : . . the new Road Level Tread that is broader, flatter-- puts more rubber on the road to share wear and load. In actual tests, these great mew B. F. Goodrich tires have proved their ability to outwear the best pre-war rubber tires. Get new B. F. Goodrich tires for your car. They're the greatest mileage tires of all time . , . built by B.' F. Goodrich, makers of over 32,000 articles of rubber, including footwear and industrial rubber products. ; et rl I Goodie Y or radio. GOODRICH BATTERIES For longer life . ; . extra power ; ; 3 choose an over-capacity B. F. Goodrich Battery. They are as famous for quality as the name they bear. Ask your B. F. ch Dealer to show you the cor rect type for your car, truck, tractor