Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Nov 1946, p. 12

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a » 8, PAGE TWELVE ~ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE / THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1944 One-Legged Vet Continues Career with apparent ease is Tony Ross, t, Mich. Fld War IT in which he 10st & leg. Tony, an ama- went overseas for his country, has returned to his for- According to his opponents, Tony's wooden leg is no By Geo. H. NAPSHOTS compte Rangers are at present tied with St. Michael' for first place in the Junior "A" OH.A, race. Last ye or Gardens, the Young Rangers blanked a green and need St. Catharines' team 5-0, Last year the Falcons from St. the Junior hockey scramble A inks Jour team is almost entire! a homebrew squad, former from 8 gradu. ates of their pine Juvenile "A" teams of the last couple of sea= sons. They'll improve greatly as the season progresses but it begins to look very much as if the canny old mentor Ed, Wildey has rounded up a better-than-usual hockey team this season and he always 1as a fight- ing bunch of gamecocks under his wing. The "Irish" are flying in great form, with almost all of last year's good forwards back, plus some capable recruits from their Junior "B" team, and these, together with Coach Joe Primeau's expert handling, is once again a winning combination, The "Irish" whipped Stratford again last night, which makes it 3-straight defeats for the Kroehlers, Of course--most of the others will lose in succession if" asked to meet St. Mike's in that order--so they needn't feel too badly up in Stratford, After all--the rest still have to take on the "Irish." Believe it or not, but Young = - B = SIFEETS i it it gas Pi §5E CH & : Hj g § § Tike ili Hi §s Bezif ] H | i u i) i g g H 5 § HAH 41] 5 z i 3 | § E 1) g 5 : tor : ; : , tH Hig HE i : iis : : ey will play an exhi- night. All of last year's team still eligible EF i : £ : i 1] dx i £ ®* * TS: --It's just eight years ago tonight that Dr. John of the greatest halfbacks of Can now improving following his week-end rela) orget that Toronto Mahers are playing the Oshawa ond ganie here at the Oshaw 1946 CITY & DISTRICT SOFTBALL CHAMPS FETED Legionnaires will Play In New OHA Loop The executive of Canadian Le- their exhibi SERRE) Hit ! R¥SRE Saturday the team will go to Kings- ton fo, play the Lions, their Please return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. Plenty of Problems in West Coast Junior Hockey Circles Due Chiefly Poor Crowds But They Carry On By JIM McOURDY Canadian Press Staff Writer Vancouver, Nov, 7 (OP)---Promo- ters of Junior hockey on Canada's West. Coast are wearing long faces these days--and wit! apparent good reason, For the last three years enthusi- astic sportsmen here have dug deep to get the kids started but obstacles kept cropping up and more so this year than before, Now it's reached the point where doubts are being expressed if the coast's five.team junior set-up may survive the sea- son, Crowds, or rather, the lack of them, is the big headache, The first game in usually sports-minded Vancouver produced a meagre 300 fans, In New Westminster, they play collection-on-Sunday affairs but the amount is far from suf- ficient to meet expenses, Only in Nanaimo does the game pay, prob- ably because there is no senior hockey played. Two thousand fans turned out there last time. Two teams in the loop are home. twice | less. The University of British Col~ umbia splits its home games be- tween Vancouver and New West- minster for lack of a rink of its own, while the Victoria Club only plays on the road. The Victoria rink burned down in 1043, Johnny Olark, one time goal tender for the Vancouver Lions and Detroit Red Wings, has given freely of his time to Vancouver Juniors tary of the League, has been untiring in efforts to get the youngsters going here. In Nanaimo, Arena-Manager Nat Bevis and Dr. Larry Glovando, prominent in Western Canadian Horse Racing circles, have done a lot to help make the juniors, In New Westminster, it is such Fred toria Club is still an unknown quantity. When the question of putting forth a representative in the Me- morial Cup chase comes up, the League officials feel that they will have a club to give the Eastern teams a battle next spring. St. Mike's Whip Stratford, and Young Rangers Blank Falcons Junior "A" Double At Gardens Irish Once Again Prove Too Smart for Kroeh- lers -- Mackell Leads Attack for St. Mike"s-- St. Kitts Youngsters Hard But Are| Try "Lost" in Gardens Maple Leaf Gardens, Nov. 6 The Ontario Ruciey Association junior "A" season whined through its Toronto premiere before a rec- ord opening-night crowd of 5328 last nigh of the four teams on display, St. Michael's College looked by far the best, The Irish unleashed a team that included seven members cf last sea- son's Memorial Cup finalists bested the bigger Stratford Kroeh- lers, 7-1, in the opener of the double- | Barrie header. Young Rangers completed Hamllto! the Toronto victory cycle with a [nia bo 5-0 'whitewash of the green-looking | w St. Catharines Falcons, Be it to the losers' credit, they tried and tried, But, in each case, and especially that of the Falcons, they did not hav the finish of the victors and the large ice surface of Maple Leaf Gardens bothered them so much they had no strength left to maintain last-period rallies. The results left St. Mike's and Rangers tied for top spot in the 10-team loop, each with eight points, and here's why: The Irish have won the 'three have played this sea- son, inclu two two-pointers and a four-point match against Windsor in the circuit of , Rangers have won their only two starts, both t the Falcons, but they are an abbreviated schedule Shit earns four points with each Coached by the old Master, Joe Primeau, 8t. Michael's showed more and finish fo Rudy Migay, considered an outstanding Fort Willlam 1-8t, Mike's (Costello, ORAL LLL CLE reEAaRsany es--~Coal, Haunn; def , Btocker; centre, Unger; wings. A iE ~¥9ung Rangers--Coal, Trans; defense, and | ¥ AMATEUR RESULTS O.H.A, Senior Hamilton Pats, 6; Stratford, O.H.A, Junior A 8s, all's 7: Stratford 1, Po ral; St. Catharines 0, uebec Senior - Tusber 3 provinelal lashing 8; yordun 7. Soni enior Lethbridge 6; Cal 4, Regina J; Bdmonton 2, O.H.A, JUNIOR "A" coco mmmnuE ooCoOoCo0O0N BO het ht het pt PROBS OWI, our to the of team). Wednesday's Results St, Michael's ..,, 7 Stratford .,,,.. 1 Young Rangers § 8t, Oatharines., 0 Fature James Friday--Young Rangers at Barrie Kennie McNaught Paces Pats to Win 'On: Hamilton Ice Hamilton, Nov, 7--(CP) -- Hamil. ton Patricias climbed into a second~ place tle with Hamilton Tigers in the OHA senior race when they scored an im] ve 6-2 win over Stratford In here last night. Highlighting 'the Hamllton at- tack was Ken McNaught, former Oshawa , 'who scored three goals, MoNaught started Pats to- wards victory with a goal in the first period, scored the first of three counters Pats picked up in the second, and added his third counter 'just after the final session got under way. Stratford -- 'Goal, Gibson: defense, Be a rar SDials Nii Eady, Lovelace, Phillips, P. Long T. Sp SS gs, Ciraaser, Comfort; - Dates, Ra Ahtiok, °F, xOmelaad ny and Les milton, McNaught (Barlow, OK) ei dena 3 Long, pon Mghaett | Auger, +p Hb lB ! ine (Weller) * 1a. Stratford, Fal : Aon 18:30 {lton i" Bm ): 18; Sri Sey org, BE ami, Sh on: on; Vhaman, k Jom Biddle, Drysdale, Wood, aay) $3 (A ) .\ 11:28 Lh va 8:08 Ringer," MoBwan » ' Meet Some of New Generals Oshawa"s Softhall Association Honors All Winners At Banquet, Get Trophies, Crests and Prais Biggest Affair of its Kind in Several Years Closes Most Successful '46 Season -- Winners And Losers Share in Praises -- Dressing Rooms Expected for Next Summer A Says Parks Board Chairman Largest and most successful soft- ball banquet ever held in the history of the Oshawa City & District Soft- ball Association, wound up the very successful 19046 season last night, at Legion Hall, when after the Ladies' | | Leglon Auxiliary haa taken care of the hungers of more than 125 soft- ball enthusiasts, young and old, the annual honors and presentations | | were made, Sport Leaders Present Sharing honors with the various "Champions" were the numerous softball leaders of the community present plus a headtable 1st of local sport notables, President of the Oshawa Oity & District Softball Association, Johnny Brady, presided as Chairman for an efficient handling of a heavy program which featured the pres- entations of trophies as well as en tertainment, At the head table he was flanked by the following: Alex, Donaldson, Chairman, U.AW.A, Softball Com- mittee; "Bob" Coleman, Oshawa Community Recreation Association Director; Xd, Kennedy, Asst. Direc tor of CRA; A. "Slim" Crouter, Chairman Knights of Pythias Sports Committee; Jas. Lovell, President Oshawa Canadian Legion Branch 43; Geo. Fletcher, Chairman Osh- awa Community Recreation Assocl- ation; Walter R. Branch, vice- sident of Oshawa ©, & D. Soft- all Association; Ernie Marks, Sec- retary, of Oshawa OC, & D, Softball Association; Dudley Deeley, treas- urer, Oshawa O, & D, Softball Asso- ciation; Fred Maundrell, Chairman of Board of Parks Management; Alderman "Mike" Starr, a past Oshawa Softball Association officer and present to represent the Oity Counell; Storie, of Fittings Limited; Geo, H. Oampbell, a Past- President of the Oshawa Association and Ontario Amateur Softball As- sociation Executive member; E. E. i | "Ted" Bathe, superintendent of the RAY CERISINO, centre (Timmins) "BUD" MoPHERSON, Lw, (Bdmonton) : »" Oshawa Board of Parks Manage- ment; Wm, M, Trewin, donor of { | "The Trewin Trophy" and a Past- Prog ident of the Oshawa Associa- on, Chairman Johnny Brady's re- marks were brief and to the point, He pointed out the growth enjoyed this season, the financial success of the year and the pleasure derived from the fine co-operation he re- ceived on all sides, The Association handled a total of almost 200 schedule and playoff | | games during the 1946 summer sea- son, it was revealed, Champions Receive Awards GM-COolts, softball champions of Oshawa and winners of the peren- nial Miller-Libby Trophy emblem- atlo of city supremacy, received this trophy, © Vice-President Walter Branch made the presentation to Geo, Campbell, Coach of the "Colts", The two speakers between them reviewed 'the history of the trophy, which has been competed for annually jn Oshawa since 1028. A surprise presentation of a new hat, to President Johnny Brady, was made at this stage, with Mr, Campbell making the presentation on behalf of the teams and players of the Association, to President Johnny in appreciation of 'his hard work in this and past seasons, Secretary Ernie Marks presented the D, M, Tod Trophy to the Ine termediate champions, Robson Lea ther, with Herbie Cooper, coach of the team, accepting the silver cup Captain Dave Gilbert of the ""Tan- nery" team accepted the champlion- ship crests, presented by Alderman 'Mike" Starr, The lon "AA" team, which went to the OAAA. semi-finals received crests commending their Oshawa honors, from President Johnny Brady, with Capt, Bob Die sane accepting on behalf of the The Gordon Lefebrve Trophy, for the Junior softball champions of Oshawa & District, which has been up for azinual competition in Oshawa since 1027, was presented to Jimmie Loreno, captain of the Harmony Millionaires, by Geo, Campbell, only remaining Trustee of the tro- phy. It was pointed out that seve eral players were present at the banquet who pla; for the Lefe- brve Trophy, Pv 4 in 1927. The Knights of Pythias Trophy for the Juvenile champions, was accepted by Walter Branch, per- sontiel manager of the Fittings Limited team, Juvenile champions. Aubrey "Slim" Crouter made the presentation in fine style, Byd. Arnold received the cham- plonship crests, with Fred D, Maun- drell "Parks Board" Chairman making the presentation to the Fit- tings' team captain, Batting Champion Honored Wm, "Bill" Trewin, a Past-Presi- dent, presented his Trophy to Sam« my Stark, of the Tannery team, Sammy won this year's batting championship in the local "senior" softball circuit with the splendid average of 423, second highest ever made, Mr, Trewin pointed out that in previous four years, the Trophy had been won by a member of the GM-Colts and that the 1046 winner had set a mark comparable to any of the former champions, Geo, Fletcher spoke to the gath- ering, urging the older players to support the C.R.A, next season, ns umpires and coaches, in the Minor leagues to be operated next season under the O.R.A, program, Jack Gavers, Kinsmen sports committee chairman and Legion House League official, presented the Kinsmen's Trophy to the Canadian Legion "Whites", with captain Jack Stranch receiving. President Brady closed the "busi- ness" session by paying tribute to the Championship teams, all run- ners-up and to the Umpires, scorer the season so successful. Fine Entertainment 20 ing-song he during in a fine sl the banquet intermission George Norrish at the plano, A splendid -half-hour's entertaine ment brought the evening to a close; Miss Shirley Smith, "Pat" Laplante did a fine tap-dance and Shirley's acrobatic number was also much appreciated, as was their "Duo Adagio", Harold = Godfrey, talented Xa Sobel Amateur Show winner, a himself an ardent softball enthusi= ast tickled the audience with his two selections, June McInally, in a soft-shos dance, was another bright spot on the program as was Bill Cooper's solo aumbers, long It won't the hock roadcasts Don't miss y i thrilling £22 lon ng ., , We CAD PUI our radio in shape for he coming season . . call Us today! ' Pollard Radio Service 153 Simcoe 8. Phone 9043 be b Bill Harmer and other who made Go In the Morning 1 hr. Be mins. + CLEVELAND T.C.A.'s convenient schedules make it possible for you to spend a day in Cleveland without being away from home a single night. Or you can make full use of a weekend --going Saturday morning, returning Sunday evening. 21-passenger Douglas Airliners provide this speedy, comfortable travel service--save time--add to your enjoyment--go T.C.A. DAILY 8 Going Lv. Toronto 6.35a.m. ERVICE Return Lv. Cleveland 6.88 p.m. Lv. Toronto *12.18 noon Lv. Cleveland *2.10 p.m. Lv. Toronto 4.10 pm. Lv. Cleveland 9.20 a.m. non-stop Convenient connections at Cleveland for central and mid-west United States points Royal York Hotel Arcade and King and Yonge St Phone AD.5231--or PASSENGER AIR M your Travel Agent AIL © AIR EXPRESS TRANS -CANADA Aor force. CANADA'S NATIONAL AIR SERVICE "THE WORLD'S FASTEST SPORT" SATURDAY NIGHT HAMILTON (szas0) «8.30 P.M. -- ~ OSHAWA GENERALS ¢ ADMISSION: 75 « On $1.00; CHILDREN §0¢ & |

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