WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE 300 Women Hope To be Elected By RUTH COWAN Washington, Nov, 4. -- (AP) -- About 300 feminine candidates for and State offices counted on gets today today to prove that J Theoretically, if they did stick ' iogethet, a majority of the women hopefuls would sweep into silks, Bu je qualified feminine vote today's congressional elec- tion 1s 1,171,000 greater than the Pifteen women -- 11 Demccrats' and four Republicans--are seeking eléction to the House of Represen- tatives. Another Republican, Mrs. Margaret Chase Smith, has already been en her ticket to Congress by voters last September. 'In addition, 11 women are run- ning as minor party candidates. One of the lvellest tussles be- tween the sexes was the Massachu- setts race een Republican in cumbent, Joseph Martin, and his Democratic rival, Mrs, Marthy Sharpe described in Democratic campaign literature as "small, dark and beautiful."™ Martin, publisher of the Evening Chronicle in North Attleboro, has won re-election ever since 1924. Mrs, Sharpe of Wellesley, Mass., an international relief worker, is mak- ing her first bid for the House. Among other Democratic women nominees for Congress is Mrs. Mar- garet Afflis of Deluhi, Ind. who has campaigned against Rep. Charles A. Halleck, a possible choice for Re- publican majority leader should the GP.O. win control, , Clare Boothe Luce of Can- t and Jessie Sumner of Il- linois, Republicans, and Jane Pratt of North Carolina, Democrat, de- cided against running, Democratic incumbents who cam- paigned include--Mrs, Mary T. Nor- ton of New Jersey; Mrs, Emily Taft Douglass 'of Illinois; Mrs, He~ len Gahagan Douglas of California; Mrs, Chase Going Woodhouse of Connecticut and Mrs, Helen Doug- las Mankin of Georgia. Republic- ans seeking return are Mrs, Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts and Mrs. Frances P, Bolton of Ohio. Another Republican newcomer is Mrs. Katherine B. St. George of Tuxedo, N.Y., a first cousin of the late President Franklin D, Roose- velt. ' Three Democratic newcomers are Olive Goldman of Illinois; Mrs, QGorgia Lusk of New Mexico, and Mea J Mayers of New ork. Hid Child's Birth Gets Nine Months Stratford, Nov. 6, -- (CP)--Sent- ence of nine months in the Perth County Jall, to date back to May 10, was imposed by Mr. Justice Dal- ton Wells on Edna Ruth Parrish of Listowel, in autumn assizes of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Miss Parrish pleaded guilty last week 10 a concealment of birth charge, after a charge of murder C ymd been taken from the jury by yMr. Justice Wells, In sentencing her to spend the remainder of the time in the Perth Jail, Mr, Justice Wells said he felt she would escape the influence of ose Fig "hardened" in the re- ---------- WINS MEDICAL BURSARY + Suva, Fiji Islands--(CP)--A Fi. Jas, Chief Petty Officer Macu Sa- to, has just won the first bur. lary of £80 ($320) to be awarded foder a mew scheme sponsored by Prevention of Tuberculosis and the Colonial Office. The bursary 'wil] enable him to take a six- month course in England in anti- two bursari oo Dolag a n 0 es 'now offered to colonial candidates. Hallowe'en Party Held At Utica no service will be held in ch. Ol nehet.A. will meet in the church parlors Tuesday, November 19, at 3 o'clock. All welcome. masquerade and party at the school Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Midgley, Scugog, at Ross Sanderson's on Sunday. Miss Connie Leighton, Toronto, home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Marks and family of Birchcliffe visited at Enoch MacKnight's on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Sutcliffe spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Stew- art Bray, Myrtle, last week. Mrs, Ross and Evelyn spent the week-end at James Dixon's, Myr- tle. Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard at Fred Ballard's on Sunday. Miss Geraldine Prizeman, Stan Keneria, Toronto; Jim Versey and Phyllis Ackney, Uxbridge, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ackney. Miss McCool, Toronto, guest of Mrs. Sughton Sunday. Miss James, Toronto, guest of Mrs. Sutcliff the week-end. Jno. T. Crozier, Earle Ballard have gone deer hunting, The Hallowe'en dance and mas- querade party sponsored by the Blue Bird Club in Memory Hall Thursday night was well attended. Marian Taylor carried off the prize for the best dressed child. 'Spit and Polish' Declared Out Edmonton, Nov, 6. -- (CP) = Elimination of barrack room "spit and polish" practices and plans to increase the personal comfort of private soldiers have been announc- ed by Headquarters of Western Army Command. Under the scheme, doubledecker beds will be replaced by single beds with good linen, pillows and mat- tresses. Quarters will be equipped with bedside lamps, shelves for books, bedside tables and individual lockers. Abolition of blanket 'fold- ing before morning parades and la- ter p.m. "lights out" regulation are also planned. REFLECTED COLORS The flashing colors of opals le not in the stones themselves but are, caused by the interference of light through reflection. Soothes Baby's Nose Menthols i me rames moist, eases nose MENTHOLATUM sy COMRPORTY Daily Plant gay PINK CLOVER everywhere! On the top of your hair--in co- logne. On the lobe of your edr--in perfume. On thetip of your nose--in flat tering face powder. Perfume, 8.75; 5.00; 1.50 Colo gue, 1.75; 1.10 * Toilet Water, 3.50 Face Powder, 1.50 Bath Powder, 1.65 Jalen Chg 50 tH] 'Bathsheen, 1.00 HARRIET FOR SALE AT TAMBLYN'S DRUG STORE 8 KING ST. E. HUBBARD TELEPHONE 760 to Size 5"x7" 49: uh PERSONAL GREETING CARDS From Your Snap- shot Negative S for 49¢ 10 for §9¢ TAMBLYN /4 RS : ' and fyavgains. toses NOW AVAILABLE The * Supreme Gift ROLLS RAZOR For the Close, Clean Shave That Insures All-Day Face Freshness 2 STROPS and HONES ITSELF 9.75 SPECIAL DRY-SKIN LOTION, REGULAR $2.50 VALUS '.25 LIMITED TIMEI ® A bigbottle . . a Helps soften roughness... smooths away fine dry lines. se a8 a powder base too. TAMBLYN REAM Lovely For a STOPS PERSPIRATION 39: Superbly |i BEEF, WINE and § IRON with VITAMIN B1 on Excellent Stimulating Tonic 69¢ 3 for 2.00 FEEN-A-MINT The Chewing Gum Laxative 19¢ - 33: - 69 GOLD LABEL Christmas Gift Suggestions In MEN'S SETS By WRISLEY Shave Lotion Shave Bowl SHAVING TOILETRIES ~~ YAR DLEY For Luxurious Shaving Mens ser 325 Lavender After-Shave Lotion Talcum and the Famous Yardley Saving Bowl (dl GIFT Aqua Velva THE FAMOUS YARDLEY WOODEN BOWL Valor Shaving Bowls 49¢ Super-Lather Shaving Cream .. 28¢ English Lilac Lotion Yardley Shaving Cream Mennen Shaving Cream Colgate Shcving Cream 29¢, 43¢ Williams Shaving Cream . 33¢, 49¢ as¢ Sha Lavende 5c 39¢ Lilac Lotion Mentholated Buckingham Shave Bowls Williams Glider Shave Cream Remington Electric Razors LENTHERIC TOILET REQUISITES LOTION and SHAVING MUG SEAFORTH SHAVING MUG SHAVING LOTION Shaving Bow! Shaving Cream PALMOLIVE CHRISTMAS SHAVE 5x7" in Handsome by iid x 9" Deckle Edged FOLDER 97: D8 COLORE ¢ EXTRA Size 6" x 8' 35 1.19 HALIRORANGE MHollbut Uver Oll=rich In vitamin content; combined with the jvice of fresh oranges. re as it tastes. POWDER . With Trial, Lipstick and Rouge a 1.10 Talcum Powder «...... 78¢ After-Shave Lotion ... 1.38 and TALCUM AFTER SHAVING SNNEn SKIN BRACER 2 TOOTH PASTE Whitens and Brightens the Teeth, 23¢ 2.35 THE FAMOUS, YARDLEY ving Bowl and r Lotion For After Shaving Perfection GAYLORD SHAVING MUG an * \FTER-SHAVE LOTION JorioN : HAVING MUG ¢2 them per blade! ® Made of steel hard enough cut glass! ® Stay sharp longer! 25 SPARKLE BILE BEANS Keep You Feeling Fit With a Feeling of Well Being 47: to PAROL-AGAR For Aid in Constipation For Youth or Adult 16-02. Bottle Special §3¢ AZ ela {1]:! WATERBURY'S COMPOUND Plain or With Creosote and Guaiacol Builds Resistance to Colds and Infection WAXED PAPER 100-ft. Rolls has meat, suet and apples." Here's an old, old recipe, but I've never used a better one. Mince Meat cube hy finely Chopped cups an apples, chopped TE CP TT ere cups 1 pint Cook the meat, then grind it. Add all other ingredients; simmer one hour. Store in sterile jars. This quantity fills 7 mince pies. > ob "What disposition comes with November born people? Is fit true they are bumptuous?" Hon, James Gardiner, Canadian Minister of Agriculture; Winston Churchill; St, Andrew; Jonathan Swift; Rugenstein; Kreutser; George Eliot; Gilbert, of Gilbert & Sullivan; and Robert Louis Stevenson were all November babies, Actually November peo- ple are brilliant, and charming. They are usually show-offs, but 80 interesting about it we forgive them. They love to talk and have you listen. If you're a good lis- tener, marry a November born child, * @ [J "I want to send a Christmas parcel to a British family, Where can I get a name and address?" You've come to the right place, dear sir, We have 200 needy Brit ish families we'd like to see pro- vided with Christmas parcels, I'll send you a name and address, Ask Tamblyn's Each week in this column we will try to answer the questions you send in. Address all letters 10 KATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis St, Toronte Listen to The Market Basket heard each Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. OVER CFRB Another Tamblyn Service KEPLER Cod Liver 0il with Malt Extract A Dependable Tonic Builder FRUIT SALT For Morning Freshness Baby Teething? Let Baby's Own Tablets, standby of your restless, fever. ish, teething little 23: rugs. desired. BABY S OWN Tablels AspPiRIN Goes to work to relieve wh 12tios] §c 20s 29 10057 Ge Lina