" TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Capt. R. L. Coleman At Welfare League "Recreation is not just games," declared Capt. R. L. Coleman, di- rector of the Community Recreation tion, at the meeting of the 'omen's Welfare League at Simcoe 4 yesterday afternoon, "I hope ho one thinks it is wrong for me "to be interested in behaviour," he The president, Mrs, Frank McCallum, presided. Members of a group of young wo- men interested in welfare work Were guests as well as Mr, and Mrs, A. Lovell, agents used for recreation be sport, crafts, dramatics or activities," Capt. Coleman "I do hope we are in- in welfare," His first task the strengthen- izations now doing a good plece of work in this city. Referring to a staff for recrea- tivities, speaker asser- be professianal, wants is the right type n a right degree. . R. G. Mills moved a vote of thanks to Capt. Coleman, Mrs, H. P. Hart, reporting for the Clubs' Committee, told of increased attendance last month and also in- creased circulation of books, The figures were: Oct., 1945, books tak- en out, 436; Oct.,, 1946, books taken out, 700; attendance in Oct., 1048, was 2,126 while last October it rose to 2480 A report from Miss Thelma Ca- meron on Bundles for Britain re- vealed that seven bales had been sent recently and since the inrep- of the work in Oshawa a total 64 bales had been shipped. As this work is now finished, it was de- cided a letter of thanks should be sent to Miss 'Cameron and her group for the fine work they have Pre-school children at Simcoe Hall are to be given tomato juice, milk and sunwheat biscuits, it was announced, The tomato juice and milk will be served on alternate It was also announced that a nu- trition class will meet weekly under the auspices of the Red Cross. Tea was served after the meeting. Mrs. R. Leo, Gray poured tea at a table centred with a silver bowl of chrysanthemumis. Mary Goch Married To Douglas Hodgson Miss Mary Goch of Oshawa be- came the bride of Douglas Wayne Hodgson of Whitby at a marriage ceremony performed by Rev, A. D, Cornett, D, D,, last Saturday after "I Love You Truly." bride who was given in mar. Tr by her father wore & white sa- tin gown with a long train, and a fingertip vell and carried red roses. Her only ornament was a pendant in the shape of a cross, the bride groom's gift, Miss Violet Goch, the bride's sis- ter, was maid of honor, She was gowned in lime green with a match- ing headdress, Misses Anne Sib- lock and Vera Goch, bridesmaids, were dressed alike in gowns with mauve bodices and lime green skirts. They had mauve headdress- es. All the attendants wore pearls, the gift of the bride, and long mauve gloves and carried cascade bouquets of baby mauve and white chrysanthemums, Mr, David Bremner was best man and the ushers were Mr, Ted Thorn. dyke and Mr. Herb Wright. A reception was held at the bride's home where her sister, Mrs. A. Nickiforuk, received, wearing a street-length pink dress, black acces. sories and a corsage of carnations. 'The bridegroom's mother assisted in a rose frock with black accessor. {es and a carnation corsage. For the motor trip to Windsor and the United States, the bride chose & blue and brown pin-striped dressmaker suit, a brown shortle coat, matching accessories and a corsage of roses. ' The couple will live In Oshawa on their return, Roy Smithers Weds Miss Ruth Sugden The of Ruth Carroll Bugden, daughter of Mrs. George en and the late Mr. Sugden, Roy Reid Smithers, son of Mr. W. R. Smithers and the late Mrs, Smithers, took place on Saturday in the gh of St. og United urch, Rev. George ord - formed the ceremony. pr The bride, wearing a lime green sult and corsage of red roses was attended by Miss Betty Laverty in & wine suit with a corsage of bronze carnations. Mr. Donald Glover was the best man A reception was held for the im- mediate families at the bride's home which wag decorated with bronze and white chrysanthemums, The bride wore a white fur coat -| ed by Women May Get More Rights Montreal, Nov, 4--(CP)--Premier Duplessis has announced here that Leon Methot, X.C., of Three Riv~ ers, Que, has been named a spec~ ial commissioner to study amendments to the civil code with respect to women's rights concern ing entering into contracts, The government months, Unless a contract stipulating sep- aration as to property is signed be- fore the marriage, & husband ad- ministers his wife's personal prop- erty in Quebec where civil law is based on the Napoleonic code. And whether such a contract has been signed or not, a married wo- man in Quebec cannot alienate her immoveable property without her husband's consent. John Carswell Cowley Weds Peggy Stewart An interesting wedding took place on, Saturday afternoon in Bf Strachan School Chapel, Toronto, when Margaret Helen ) of John Carswell Cawley, son of Mr. and Mrs, H, E. Cawley of Halley bury and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carswell of Oshawa, Rt, Rev. A. L, Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in ivory crystal velvet with a fitted bodice, square neck- line and full skirt with chape] train, A chaplet of imported feather orange blossoms held the heirloom veil of lace and illusion and she carried a bouquet of bouvardis, yel- low roses and white heather, Miss Phyllis Anderson, maid of honor, and Mrs, R, E. Dorsey and Miss Anne Stewart, the other at- tendants, were gowned alike in vine- yard rose velvet with bouquets of ivory roses and chrysanthemums, Mr. Douglas Erenhous was the best man and Messrs, Fred Huycke, Murray Cawley, brother of the brid , Jan Stewart and Jim Stewart, brothers of the bride, were ushers. 0 To receive the guests, the bride's mother wore a gown of aqua dew nylon marquisette with a white or- and the bridegroom's the former Blanche Oars- gowned in pur mother, - orchid cor- well of Oshawa, Was ple crepe with mauve sage. Worthy Grand Matron Honored By Chapter A reception Was given by members of Unity Chapter, OES, in honor of Miss Helen Ross, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Church, Toronto. Three guests attended the dinner arrang- the ladies of the church, Mr. H. Stewart was toastmaster, and an entertainment followed the dinner. Several presentations were made to the guest of honor, 591 Coupons Given Since Last Report Today's report from the Ration Board shows that 591 valid meat coupons have been handed in this week, bringing the gpand total to 12,438. This is a much better report than formerly but there "is still room for improvement, Perhaps with thé cooler weather more meat is being consumed but how would you manage if your ration were about 30 cents Jorn Wo! Haat i el person a w 's help ou bin Ti, vo Sd est your un coupons in a Ration Board office, 66 Simcoe Street North, : Mrs. Greene Speaks To Anglican W.A.'s Mrs. R, W. E. Greene of Toronto spoke to a joint meeting of the Af- ternoon and Evening Branches of the Woman's Auxiliary of 8t. George's Anglican Church, their guests and the members of Christ Church and Holy Ttinity W. A, in parish hall last night. e infra-red heat, generated by an oil flame, the 4 ure, held tem es as much as Th ares is t eight degrees above the prevailing temp 1 frosts. Engi d to prove highly bene- truck and flower producers who suffer heavy Ic ses s say a unit large enough to protect an entire acre of land can be built for about $85. Operating cost is ap. proximately 75 cents an hour, Dr. Cornett Speaks on Education At Albert Street H. and S. & > In an address to the Albert Street Home and School Association last night, Rev. A. D, Cornett, D. D., ex- plained the general purpose and the principles underlying education, from the point of view of both the teacher and the parent, Bducation week, he said, is not a new idea. The effort to focus public opinion on education has been manifest in every age and in many different ways. It has been the bat- tle-ground of great differences of opinion, Character-training of young has always been the work of the Church and thus the work of the Church and the school is closely related. ' Heredity Plays Big Part In considering the education of our. children, Dr, Cornett said, we must realize the strong part played by heredity, that which {is fixed within us and over which we have no control, A child's mental capa- city is fixed by heredity and parents must recognize any inherited limit- ations. On the other hand, he con- tinued, children have amazing cap- acities that are never developed, capacities that iri the right environ. ment would flower and bear fruit; teachers and parents control that environment, In the old gars Sdwiduon waa merely a process of mental training but now it covers a wider field, Dr. Cornett explained, Now we have a physical side ag shown by the pres- ent T. B, survey which will include every school child, There is also & social side where a child, mixing with others, learns to control his emotiong and adapt himself to the emotions of his companions, There is also memory work and work for hg Jshioning capacity, There is to spiritual side, not of itself reli- glous, but the side which fires the ambition of the child, gives him an ideal and fills him with aspiration, 'Friendly Teachers Above all, a teacher must have a genius for friendship, the speaker declared, A child needs encourage- ment and understanding to bring out.the best that is in him. There must be mutual confidence and trust, This is the first principle of education, he added. This friend- ship, which has been known to last a lifetime, pays the highest divi- Mr. | dends, Speed Bond Issue Report To 0.M.B. Deputy-reeve T D. Thomas last night sald that the Bast Whitby Township council would have to get going and take their debenture out immediately. He wanted to know what was hulding things up and Clerk Fred Wilson sald it was the fies for the digging of the water m Mr. Thomas then moved that these figures be sent in to, the clerk and that the consent of the Ontario Municipal Board be secured to is- sue debenture bonds for the amount The second principle is individual effort, he continued, Visual aids and education by receptivity are not enough. If education is made too easy, it will develop unstable per- sonalities, We want to produce strong independent characters able to tackle their own problems and follow them through to the end. Co-operation Needed Thirdly, Dr. Comett concluded, education needs the close co-oper- ation of the home and the school More fathers should take a livelier interest in the development of their children, Too many parents under- take the duties of parenthood far too lightly, This, he said, is one of the most serious problems of our na. tional life. Mrs, Ross Mowbray presided and after the routine business a card / party was planned for Nov. 20 at 8 p. m. Mr, R. H. Broadbent, princi- pal, reminded the members of the X-ray examinations beginning Nov, 15. He asked for the help of the parents to make this project a com. plete success, Master Daniel Longauer, an ac- complished violinist, played Madri~ gal by Simonetti and Perpetuum Mobile by Chuhaldin, accompanied by Miss Norma Knaggs. Refresh- the | ments were served by Mrs, Harold Boddy, Mrs. Victor Phair, Mrs. John Black, Mrs, Willlam Hamilland and Mrs. Arthur Gladman, - The Marchioness Of Anglesey Dies London, Nov, 4.--(CP)--The Mar- chioness of Anglesey, 63, sister of Lady Diana Duff Cooper, wife of the British Ambassador to France, died Sunday, She was the former Lady Victoria Manners, daughter of the Duke of Rutland. One of the Marchioness' five daughters, Lady Elizabeth Paget, now Mrs. Raimund Von Hofman- sthal, was train bearer to the Queen at the coronation, The Mar- quis of Anglesey was appointed Lod 3 Chambers to Queen Mary n 1022, Duke and Duchess , Sail For New York Southampton, Nov. 5 --(CP)--The Duke and Duchess of Windsor will sail on the liner Queen Elizabeth for New York tomorrow, the Cun- ard-White Star Line declared. Another passenger will be Health Minister Brooke Claxton of Cana da who led the Dominion delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, Repertory Company To Tour Canadian West & > . Bydney Risk wit the University of Alberta arts tment and had five ] of professional stage experience in with the Old Vic. A grad- uate of the University of British Columbia, Dorothy Somerset is president of the Western Canada threatre conference and was award- ed a Rockefeller fellowship, George Broderson received his M.A, at Ox- ford University. and was associated with the deparuneny of English at the University of Manitoba for sev- en years, The group would also like to awaken interest in and support for newly-written plays by Canadian authors, as a step toward the gene eral rebirth of drama in Canada. Although special emphasis will be given to Canadian drama, the thea- tre will not limit itself in this con- nection. It plans to present on its repertory the best plays of all ages and of all nations, There will be no stars or leading players, A group of players will be trained into a close-knit ensemble. Members of the company have been chosen from the western provinces, Edward Fellows is from Winnipeg; Lols MacLean from Ed- monton; Floyd Caza from Saska- toon and Shirley Kerr and Daphne Balley from Vancouver, A proposed tour to start Nov. 25 will take the group from Victoria to Winnipeg, They will play In Moose Jaw, Brandon, Lethbridge and Trail in addition to larger cen- tres such as Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Calgary, Youth Club Art Wing Organized The Art Wing of the Oshawa Progressive Youth Club held its or- ganizational meeting on Sunday, Plans for art activities were dis- cussed, About twenty teen-agers were prepared to go to work on the new project. The Oshawa Progressive Youth Club has given the Art Wing the necessary financial assistance and its club room for use as the Art Wing workshop and headquarters. Technical assistance has been promised by advanced artists in the community, The group will start working on various art topics as soon as arrangements permit, The Oshawa Progressive Youth Club has fts headquarters in the Ukrainian Labor Temple, 236 Bloor St. East. MENTAL ATTITUDE It is not natural to be unhappy all the time, assert doctors in the Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Pointing out that "every cloud has a silver lining," the health authorities urge a search for the rainbow and an appreciation of the inevitable sunshine which fol- lows the storm, Since unhappiness is an enemy of health, the national officials advocate cultivation of a philosophical and cheerful outlook, : VERSATILE NYLON Nylon's versatility is depicted with fabrics in velvet, taffeta, satin, marquisette, Jace and even fringe. Se FOUR el FLIGHTS oe DAILY el 10 Chicago For fast, convenient and comfortable travel go T.C.A -- 2]1-passenger Douglas Airliners Columbus Wants Fire Volunteers Consideration was given to a pro. posal of Councillor W. E, Noble at the meeting of the East Whitby township council meeting last night that a volunteer fire department be set up in Columbus to supplement the existing fire organization in the city of Oshawa. A motion was passed that inquiries be made into the cost of equipment for such a |. brigade, Mr, Noble said that the council had done the best it could in mak- ing its fire protection agreement with the city, but that there were some complaints from farmers in the northern section of the town- ship who claimed that they were insufficiently protected by this agreement. If Mr. Noble contended the coun. cil set up a volunteer brigade in Columbus, with a truck, a high pressure pump and three or four volunteers from the area, those vital 10 or 15 minute delays a tthe start of-a fire might be avoided and those farmers given better coverage. Skunks Add Spice Inspector's Work During October Inspector G. O. Johnstone of the Oshawa Humane Society answered 138 street calls and estigated ten complaints, which resulted in the bringing in of 62 cats, 47 dogs, two skunks, a rab- bit, a squirrel and a horse. The inspector reports that of the above 44 cats, 20 dogs and the two skunks -were destroyed, Strays picked up by him included 27 cats, 21 dogs and the horse. Six dogs and the horse were placed in new homes. 18 cats, 17 dogs, & rabbit and a squirrel were killed on the streets of the city. The society is holding, in the hope of securing new homes or tracing the owners, a toy, police terrier with a license, a black, female, toy ter- rier and seven police pups all of which are males. Owing to the inspector moving to another part of the city, the society asks the public to be patient, The society is now using No, 3843M tem- porarily until the society's former number 741"can be put back in use by the telephone company, London -- (CP) -- R. H. Turk has been appointed Bargemaster to the King, a position vacant since 1042, His brother, F, Turk, is the King's swan-keeper and another brother, H. E, Turk, is swan mark- er to the Dyers' Company, Dunbarton Boys Start Trek To The West Coast Correspondent Dunbarton, Nov. 4 -- The many friends of Johnny Banks and Howie Kerfoot sald "goodbye" and wished them luck on their tour to Van. couver, . The boys left at 7 a.m, today in 8 1022 model "T" Ford, which has been overhauled and rejuvenated for the trip. The back has been fitted up with shelves along the sides to hold their food, and uten- sils and an inner spring mattress, (some comfort) and the boys plan to cook their meals and sleep in The boys plan to make the trip in 15% days, via Trans-Canada providing their luck holds out, and return through the States. The boys are going to keep us posted on thelr journey, Their first stop will be: the Hodges (formerly of Dun- barton) in Huntsville, Mrs, Jas. Mills spent the week- || end with her son and family in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Annis motored to Ottawa for the week-end. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Harry Wilk- inson, who passed away very sud- denly in Christie St. Hospital. Mr, Wilkinson was buried with full mili. tary honors, | Portsmouth, Eng. --(CP)~Dredg- ing will be started here in an ef- for to raise an estimated 10,000 tons of coal lost over a period of years during coaling from a hulk moored in the harbr, GTEC CIS: gentle way! You, too, will be delighted by the effective, yer wonderfully gentle constipation relief that Phillips' Milk of Mag ac... gives. Cimply take 2 to 4 table- spoonfuls of Phillips' with weter. The marvelous double-action of this proved laxative-antacid helps you wake up refreshed, sparkling. What's more, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia i3 one of the fastest noutzalizers of excess At all drug stores, Remember... /t costs as [ite as 25¢ TO BE SURE OF THE BEST MADE IN CANADA "SERVICE" CENTRE: Wonderful what a difference a few step-savers make in your kitchen lifel For instance, the primp-up shelf and mirror (so you won't have fo go upstairs for a last reassuring look) « « . the cone veniently low counter for dumping groceries and storing the family market wagon ie « the really big reminder board -- are all housekeeper's helpers. But the greatest service lies in the color-bright Gold Seal Congoleum rug! Nothing can beat it for ease-of-cleaning . . . dollar-saving economy . . . and heavy traffic durability. For Gold Seal Congoleum is built fo last! It has a wear-layer of heat-loughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness to 8 coals of the best floor paint applied by hand. So, be sure to look for the familiar Gold Seal before you buy. You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL Your dealer may be temporarily out of Congoleum because supplies are sill very shart. Please try him again, as bo receives limited shipments from tune to time. over a suit for the wedding trip, The couple will live in Oshawa. on all flights--luxurious seats ~ refreshments and meals aloft -- stewardess service. 3 hours to Chicago Lv, TORONTO 4.10 a.m, » 11.28 a.m, » 1,00 p.m, « 8.00 p. Times Shown are Standard : @RECTAL SORENESS AND - PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED in are troubled with itching piles or » di d rectal soren o bot delay treatment and is ma po Royal York Hotel Arcade and King end Yonge sl Phone AD.5231--0r your Travel Agent : Passenger °° Alr Mail * Air Express Sr ATSON TRANS -CANADA #0 fora Shak or dried on the surface. » p p ] 1 : seks and hip LINSEED: LI UORICE CANADA'S NATIONAL AIR SERVICE principal cause of cracks and 'chip: : BL rc pad Heal] lA i ping. Breaks in and X a