THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE \ . PAGE THREE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1946 Education Today Must Keep Pace With Physical Advances 5 JVhole Future Of Democracy Rests Upon Education The importance of educational advance in bringing about the "social improvement" needed to correspond with the great advances taking place in physical things, was stressed by C. F. Cannon, Superintendent of Elementary Education for the province, at the Rotary Club's "Education Week" luncheon meeting yesterday. ' Pointing out that the children of® today will be training the children of tomorrow in the atomic age, Mr. Cannon declared that through edu- cation "we must wage war against intolerance, hate, prejudice and those things which seem to be con- tinually rearing their ugly heads in the world today." Members and officials of the Board of Education and Oshawa Teachers Council were guests at the * 'meeting and the speaker was intro- duced by Rotarian Dr. 8. J. Phillips, & member of the Board of Educa- To Inform Public Explaining that "Education Week" bad been adopted in the United States in 1921 and in Canada in 1935 as a means to make the public aware of what is being done in the schools and eof the need for reforms in education, Mr. Cannon asked his listeners to visualize what would happen if education were not pro- "moted in this atomic age. The German schools were effici- ent and controlled to the highest possible degree, he reminded, but turned out young barbarians. They did not search for truth or stand for the moral law, the code er which we live. Declaring that "the whole struc- ture of democracy rests upon edu- cation," Mr, Cannon said that the of the educational system be to teach proper behaviour and aversion to sentiments of ine , to train children's minds ther than crowd thelr memories, talking | ant Communist setbacks concerns of the schools children entrusted to care should learn to live in a its way of life on the Christ- ideal. : Reminding that citizenship im- duties and responsibil as as rights and privileges, Mr. nnon: urged parents and citizens merally to take a genuine interest in the schools, to acquaint them- selves with the trends in education- al programs and the school plant and also to be prepared to pay for education. Recent Developments Referring in conclusion to some © of the recent developments in the " educational system in the province, Mr, Cannon pointd out that there are now 15 active county health units, there are 100 new school buildings jn the process of 'construc- DEMOCRACY (Continued on Page 12) TEND 40: FURNACE ELECTRIC JANITOR ++ Bysutomatically opening and clos ing drafts and check dampers, the Honerwell Electrical Janitor turns hand-fred furnaces into automatie ng plants. Temperatures wil temain at the level selected on the stat. Fuel savings of from 0 to 30% enable the Electric tor, to pay for itself quickly, . Now Available at . . . BIDDULPH Avreonizes Bay sarin 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "00k for the Store with the A Yellow Fron." PHONE 3800W . FRENCH REDS FATEAT POLLS A FACTOR By ROSS MUNRO Canadian Press Staff Writer Paris, Nov. 5.--(CP)--France next Sunday holds her most important general election since the libera- tion, to elect her assembly for a maximum term of five years, and the spotlight is largely on the fate of the Communist party-at present the second party of the Republic. The results will be watched through Europe with keener inter- est than any vote since the British general election of July, 1945, as a weathervane in the uncertain wind of continental politics, Influence of the balloting will be felt far belond France, and particu- larly in Italy and Greece where the Communists are battling to ad- vance their position to take advan- tage of economic and political con- fusion, If the French Communists are re- buffed it will be a blow to Com- munists across Europe and give en- couragement and prestige to more moderate parties in every country. Coming soon after the signif ic the Berlin municipal elections, losses in France would provide an im- portant indication that the tide no longer is running to the extreme left in Europe. But should French voters give the Communists \ more support than the general election last May, it will be a serious blow to anti-Com- Hn forces from Athens to Brus- sels, In the October 13 Constitutional referendum Mouvement Republic- ain Populaire co-operated with the Communists and Socialists in sup- port of the Constitution, serious- ly compromising its leading posi- tion. Thusands of M.R.P. follow- ers voted aganst their party and in line with Gen, De Gaulle, who opposed the Constitution, Sharply aware of this defection, MRP, in its election campaign heads its platform with a plan to revise the approved constitution. In this way, it hopes to win back the deserters and ride the storm. The proposed M.R.P. revision would provide a constitution more to Gen. De Gaulle's liking--chiefly giving more power to the president. The Communists under Maurice Thorez are by far the best organ- ized and disciplined party in France and are [fighting a strong, stern campaign, playing to a large extent on the multitude of economic diffi- culties facing the country. They al- 50 press for revival of the 1936 pop- ular front, from which the MR.P. would be excluded. The Socialists seem fo be in a comparatively weak position, The right-wing Radical-Social- ists and the newly-formed Union Gaulliste don't hope to poll any spectacular vote, As usual, the influence of Gen, Je Canlle is one of the great mys- es, In| the township' Oshawa and Ontario County's interest in the re-opening of the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday next after a lapse of eight years, is heightened by the fact that Willlam A. Dryden of Brooklin is general manager of the fair. Yesterday Col. H. C. McKendrick, representing paid a visit to Oshawa and extended an invitation to civic officials and revidents generally to attend the fair. The Times-Gazette office to welcome him were, left to right: Arthur Mr. Dryden Among those who gathered at Oshawa Residents Invited To Royal Winter Fair Tidy, Harry E. Foster Advertising Agency, Toronto; Morley Wyman, Chairman, Oshawa Business Men's Association; Principal A. E, O'Neill of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute; George W. Garner, Ch Ormiston's Corners Road Is Branded 'Deplorable Mess' "Deplorable mess" was Councillor Elmer Powell's come ment on the situation of the road at Ormistons Corners. He told the East Whitby Township council last night that he had visited the road that afternoon and said it was in terribly, bad shape. Reeve Arthur Grass agreed that it was bad and Howard Hoskins, superintendent of roads, was asked to put some gravel on it. The question of roads continued oto plague the council as the condi ' of C ; Alderman A. Secretary-Manager of the Osh G. Davis, who represented Mayor F. N. McCallum; Ed. Wilson, President, Oshawa B'Na' B'Rith; Col. McKendr awa Kiwanis Club and T. R. McEwen, Public School Inspector. ick; Cyril E. Souch, President, Osh --Photo by Campbell's Studio Township Balks Over Water Rate It was decided at 1 ast night's meeting of the East Whitby Town- ship Council that a copy of the new water agreement. between the township and the city of Oshawa be requested from the Public Utili- tiles Commission in order that the council might have a chance to study the provisions therein. Councillor W. E. Noble said that under the new agreement master meters would be supplied by the city and placed at the boundaries of the city and the township and the township consumers would pay through this set-up, "However, we in the township are paying at the rate of 160 per cent of the Oshawa water charge," claimed Mr, Ncble. nI other words people were not only paying for the cost of pumping the water but also for the cost of laying maing in the city of Oshawa. "This is really cost plus consider. able," said Mr, Noble. In this regard township clerk Fred Wilson raised the question that In charging the persons for water here was little accuracy pos- sible as many of the footages were wrong and that it would be neces- sary to have an engineer to survey the situation. Stewart Sparling, township as- sessor, told the council "a modern public utility organization is neces. sary so that the correct figures would be available." "Half the people in the township don't knew what their frontage is and this is especially serious now that assessing is by footage and not by lots," said Mr. Sparling. "A great many deeds in this twnship are not registered in the township office and this makes the problem more difficult. No system, that's been the whole trouble,' T give Mr. Sparling an opportun- ity to go ahead whenever he could and work out an arrangement to have these lots correctly registered, Councillor Elmer Powell moved that Mr, Sparling be given the permis- sion of the council to work out an up-to-date system, BACK ON EXECUTIVE © @. A. Weltz of Oshawa was re- elected to the executive of the On- tario Commercial Travellers' As- sociation at its annual meeting on Saturday last in London, Ontario, By J. C. GRAHAM Press nt Corresponde Wellington, N.Z., Nov, 5--(CP)-- The Opposition National party has been the first to submit a full elec toral manifesto to voters in New Zealand setting out its aims if it wins the general election Nov, 27. The election will be confined in most electorates to two-party con- tests between Labor, now in office, and National, and the latter party's manifesto makes it plain that it inends to fight the election on the simple issue of socialism against private enterprise. The National party's platform stresses private ownership. and free- dom for individual initiative as the basis of the majority of its propos- als. It plans to retain many of the Labor party's innovations but to cancel some of the mationalization measures labor has introduced. The National party says the first thing it would do would be to fight [the evil of inflation and to assist in this it would set up a non-politi- cal currency and credit commission, It would reverse the nationalization of the Bank of New Zealand by res storing a measure of private share- holding. In industry it favors the encour agement of small industries. It proposes to establish a none political Board of Trade to allocate, in conjunction with the ' Reserve Bank, the country's overseas pur- chasing power and . decide what classes of goods cannot be made ef- ficiently in the Dominion. Indus- tries reaching reasonable standards of efficiency would be safeguarded. For overseas trade it favors main- N. Zealand Nationalists Paint Program Picture tenance of Imperial preference, Much prominence is given by the National party to housing, one of the most pressing immediate needs in the Dominion. It proposes to reverse the Labor policy of building state houses for rental only. It would allow state tenants to pur- chase their homes out of rental payments plus a deposit. It also proposes to encourage private home building. The National party's housing slo~ gan is "a debt-free house at 60" and it also supports joint home owner- ship by husband and wife with no death duties payable until the death of the second partner, It also proposes a share-farming scheme under which settlers can ac- quire a farm of their own over a Petiod of years without initial capi- tal. It would encourage the introduce tion of profit-sharing schemes and it proposes to reorganize the De- partment of Labor and staff it with experts skilled in industrial concili- ation, It would maintain the ex- isting system of preference to un- fonists, but would hold secret ballots among workers as to whether un- fonism should be compulsory in any industry. It would ban compulsory levies on workers or employers for political purposes, To guard against the possibility of a depression it would create re- serves of overseas funds and create employment reserves by deferred maintenance to be put into effect in periods of unemployment. Prim- ary producers would be guarded against a recession in prices through stabilization and pool accounts. Publicly-Owned Dairy Referendum Proposed A vote of electors to determine whether or not Oshawa favors op- eration by the City of a publicly- owned dairy was urged last night by Local 1817, United Steelworkers of America. The proposed referendum was ap- proved following reading of a letter from City Clerk F. E. Hare in which he said the City Council felt it had no authority to engage in milk dis- tribution, "We knew that municipalities have no authority to operate dairies when we asked the City Council to give the proposal careful considera- tion," sald M. J. Fenwick, Union representative, "However, if there is a general demand for such auth- ority, the provincial government can be forced to act favorably, "Our members are very much dis- appointed at the lack of interest shown by our City Fathers in the present milk price controversy," he continued, "One would think the City Council was indifferent wheth- er or not our children had enough milk." Fenwick sald his Union believed Oshawa voters should be given an opportunity to ballot on the ques- tion, The proposed ballot would read: "To insure the supply of milk and dairy products at reasonable prices, are you in favor of the City of Oshawa seeking authority to es- tablish and operate a publicly-own- ed dairy?" The meeting voted $50 to the fund of the Committee for the Defense of Trade Union Rights which is con- ducting the defense of Quebec trade union leaders who were arrested during the textile and seamen's strikes last summer. The Union also instructed Secretary D, N, Kay to urge the Ontario government to co-operate with the Dominion and other provincial cabinets in enact- ig uniform labor legislation, What Council Did The regular meeting of the city council was held last night with all members present except Mayor F. N, McCallum and Ald. Alex Ross.' Acting Mayor A. G. Davis occupied the chair, > bo \ The Board of Education's request to have an grea between Wilson Road, Highland, Cadillac and Glid- don Avenues set aside as a school site was referred to City Property for a report. LE BE On request of Police Chief O. D. Friend, council gave instructions for the drafting of a bylaw prohibiting the riding of bicycles or motorcycles across any foot bridge or foot path in the city. *> + 9 While the local Board of Health had declined to make any recom- mendation for the appointment of a representative on the council of the Health League of Canada, Ald. Dafoe suggested that it might be worthwhile for the City Council to name a representative, It was poin- ted out, however, that it was late in the year for the Council to appoint She of its members to such a posi- on, when Ald. W.%. Tock sad that he thought it had always been the practice for the mayor to appoint a. representative to this body, it was pointed out that it was to the local Board of Health that this applied. of An application trom the Imperial Tobacco Co. for permission to erect a sign at 802 Simcoe Street South was referred to General Purpose, * Regarding the h comnts for the Simcoe Street South paving job, in- structions were given for Meadow, Critoph #hd Co., consulting engin- eers on the job, to prepare within two weeks 15 coples itemizing costs of all the work done on Simcoe Street South as called for in the original and supplementary specifi- cations, - Declaring that Meils thing had been pussy-footed around enough," Ald. Dafoe said that while the con- tract price had been $68,000, the treasurer's report showed an expen- diture of more than $100,000 and he urged that the members of council were entitled to know the cost of each item of work done. LJ Authorization vs Siven for pay- ment of accounts as follows: Fin- ance, $21,374.90; Board of Works, $15,763.22; City Property, $15,806.85; General Purpose; $148.96. -»* Third reading a given to the bylaw providing for a-change in the rate for local improvement sewers. Instructions were also given for the preparation of a construction bylaw covering sewer work undertaken more recently. . LS I | Progress on the matter of tokens of appreciation for °the city's ex- servicemen was reported by Ald. Lock chairman of the special com- mittee. LEE When Ald. Harman asked that the chairman of the Board of Works be requested to report on the type of garbage which would be collected, Acting Mayor Davis poin- ted out that a new bylaw is being prepared by the medical officer of health and the city engineer, * & "> Council accepted Property Chalr- man C. Harman's recommendation for the installation of three street lights on the west side of Jarvis Street, two on the west side of the Mary Street bend, one at Wood Street, one at Alice Street, one at Royal Street, two at the north end of Grierson Avenue, two 'at the east end of Connaught Street and three on Thomas Street. Ww bb On recommendation by General Purpose Chairman Rae Halliday, permission was granted to the is- suing of a permit to Mrs, Stella Or- ach to operate a drygoods' and dressmaking business at 272 Ritson Road South on condition that no change in the outward appearance of the building was involved. Per- mission was also granted for Leo Ocenas to operate a hairdressing business at 233 Olive Avenue. * bo Council adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Chief Must Bag At Least One Deer Deputy-reeve T. D. Thomas of East Whitby Township said last gen at the monthly meeting of e council that the Ontario gov- ernment goes about in a round- about way to help the old age pen- sioner, "Instead of the government pay- ing them an extra few dollars which they need," he said, "they permit them to come to the muhicipalities for fuel" This, he added, was not mentioned very much and conse- quently the old age pensioner did not know about it. The allowance was small enough, he said, that the government ought to pay them a bigger stipend and be done with He was speaking after the report for the welfare officer, Mrs. M. Hollman was heard by the council. She reported that there were still eight families on relief in the town chip. A total of $247.73 had been spent on focd, fuel and rent for these families during October, This she explained was about $10 more than the previous month because of the increase in the price of milk and fuel, 'Township police chief A. J. Pierce gave his monthly report which in- cluded 58 police calls and four court cases. He sald he had received about $179 frcm the sale of pheas- ant shooting licenses this season, which was down from last year due to the wet weather. He asked the council for the rest of his week off to go deer-hunting, as he had miss- ed his leave earlier and this was granted "providing you bring the council back a deer", quipped sev- eral members. - 14 Blasts Rock Madrid Madrid, Nov. 5--(AP)--Spanish leftists were blamed today . for 14 bomb blasts before Madrid food stores last night, which some sour- ces described as a part of a "month of agitation" designed by leftists to coincide with the discussion of spansh problems by the United Na- tions. One bystander was injured, A semi-official source said that the more than 200 persons earlier reported arrested in the last fort- night during police raids included the entire central committee of the Spanish Communist party. To List Names For Inscription On War Memorial A delegation from the Canadian Legion appeared before the city council last night asking that steps be taken to have the names of the Oshawa men who died in World War II inscribed on the war mem- orial, Council agreed that this work should be undertaken but be- fore taking any definite action, ask- ed the Legion to give further in- formation as to the number of names involved and whether or not all the Oshawa men had returned from overseas as yet. Charles Wilcox, speaking for the delegation, pointed out that as the War Memorial had been erected by a group of citizens appointed by the Council and on its erection had been turned over to the city, the Legion felt that it was up to the Council to have the World War II list added. B. Jacklin, another member of the delegation, expressed the view that there was sufficient room on the front of the memorial to have the additional names inscribed, While concurring in the view that he names should be added, Ald. . M, Dafoe raised the question of the number of names and also whe- ther or not all the Oshawa men had yet returned. - YANK VOTE WILL SHOW ° SENTIMENTS New York, Nov. 5--(OP)--Ameri- cans went to the polls today 'a a national election, free for the first time since 1938 to vote as they wish without thought of its effect on the country's safety in a world at war. In this "off-year" election the main question to be answered 'is whether the Democrats will hold their slendor majorities in the Sen- ate and House of Representatives, or the Republicans gain control of Congres for the first time since 0. Today's election gives the people speak their minds about the govern- ment's prosecution of the war, its demobilization program, its difficul- ties with price controls, shortages and labor disputes, and everything that the people hold the govern- ment responsible for. The elections will have no parti- cular, immediate effect on foreign policy and the tense international situation. Republican and Democratic part- fes present a fairly solid front on international affairs and they are the parties which will decide the issue in almost every voting dis- trict although there are candidates of numerous "other party" groups, some never before heard of. There was never an official indi- cation of how many bona fide vet- erans of the First and Second Great Wars are in the field but the num- ber is believed to exceed 300 of the 1.065 candidates for the 500 con- gressional and gubernatorial vac. ancles, The Republicans finished the campaign riding the crest of a wave of optimism created by encourag- ing polls of public opinion and fore- casts by leading commentators and observers, But the Democrats saw in the re tion of Howard's Road and the road running north from Thorntong Corners were brought out for dise cussion. Mr, Hoskin was asked about these projects and he said that it was going to be difficult to do them this year due to the short. ages of materials. He further told the council that he had warned them early in the year to include in their roads budget an amount suf- ficient to cover the crushed stone needed on the roads. Council agreed that shortages of cement and gravel had cut down. their road work for the year. They also came to the conclusion that the steel strike a Dindored iets ipe-laying projects o! $€as0! or decided that completion of the work on Madison Avenue would be all they could do before winter are rived. They passed a motion that pipe be laid on Madison Avenue as far as Creighton Avenue when it became available, thus completing the circuit for that area. Arnott Davies, 317 Buena Vista came before the council as a dele gation of one to ask that something be done about connecting storm sewer on Beuna Vista and South Park Road, A motion was passed that the road superintendent look into this matter and see what could be done. Among the. correspondance was & letter from J. R. Doyle asking for an explanation of the laying of pipe on Masson Street. Mr, Doyle was building on Mary Street and wanted to know how he could get a pipe laid to his home. Councillor Noble sald that the Masson Street project had priority over Mary Street, that the council did not know that bulld- ing was contemplated on Mary ab the time of the giving of the priore ity for Masson, and that the neces sary 440 feet of pipe for the sald project could not be obtained at Mpresent, He added that he felt sorry about the situation and could understand Mr. Doyle's position, bus that shortage of the steel strike had pretty well put the matter out of the question at this time. \ F. E. Conlin, TI0 Mary Street North, asked the council if they would put some gravel on the secs tion of Mary Street north of Rosse land Road as the mud was very bad. The council decided that gravel should be granted for this purpose and a motion was passed to this effect, cord off-year vote estimated -- 35,500,000 -- a promise of a heavy "protest" vote which they believe will go mostly to the party in pow- er. There are no great issues between the parties but the Republicans are promising a deep cut in taxation and drastic curtailment in expendi. | tures for the public service. tt eereeit rp -------- BAGS FIRE GRASS Discarded cement bags on the property of the Cement Block com- pany on King Street West, caught fire yesterday afternoon starting a small grass fire. A truck from the Oshawa Fire Department arrived on the scene and soon put the fire out. Charge 'Racketeering' | 'To Petrillo's Union | Chicago, Nov. 5--(AP)--The American Federation of Musicians (AFL) was termed an organization "of racketeering extortion" yestere day in Federal Court by Govern ment counsel seeking to prove a charge of violation of the Lea Law against James C. Petrillo, AF.M. president. Perillo was accused in a criminal information of breaking the law by calling a strike against Chicago radio station W.AAF. afe ter rejection of a demand that the station hire three additional record librarians, : a -- A Proven Plan to Budget the Money You Earn 1 Sick finances are usually the result of poor management of your cash: 'The key to wise budgeting is to direct the spending of your money when it comes in, rather than keep track after it's gone. Hundreds of thousands have found answers to their money problems in the Household Finance Library of 12 Booklets on Money Management: See these interesting titles: MONEY MANAGEMENT FOR THE FAMILY = Gives you the fundamentals to follow in handling family finances. GEORGE CLARK'S CARTOONS ON BETTER BUYMANSHIP-- 'How not to be a good buyer." This booklet will amuse you. CHILDREN'S SPENDING -- A booklet for hi hild: how to on handle 1 money. THE BUDGET CALENDAR--The work book for budget planning and simple records. 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