Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Nov 1946, p. 2

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Wm THE DAILY TIMES-GAZEITE pew TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1946 PAGE TWO ~~ ~~ Births ; -- _Bdythe and Jack (nee o Dunbarton, Ont, are py to nD) orende the birth of & bany boy _JBdward Kemp, st Toronto Bass GEE "eral Hospital, November 3, 1946. 'Mother and son doing fine. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Me- ttrick are happy to announce 4 Ronald 4 ST corday, November 2, 1946, 8% ) Hospital. A Earl, Jr. Mother Oshawa brother for baby fine. Must Observe God's Rules For Living oT ER Be Ste eg ey v cok, Major A. P, Simester of the Salvation sald: "One of the slogads, slogan which is being rks this vital week is "Education for Atomic Age." Allow me to re-em= phasize that slogan--Education ou the Atomic Age. Whatever os . this slogan may imply to us, fathers and mothers of Oshawa, cannot help but imply that respon- sible, thinking, and far-sighter peo ple realize that the children of our community--your children and mine --are growing up in & world kno future of which in any resim 2 Jife and activity is at ome and the same time unprecedented and un- le. predictan us Training Essential «gurely it hardly needs to be said in days like these that that grea team of years gone by--the home, the school, and the church -- the parents, the school teachers, and the church representatives must work together as never before to achieve the best possible in the religious training and education of our girls and boys. I believe this point can- 'not be emphasized too much, or studied too closely. © w1f we fail to each other by what we are and by what we do at home, at school, around the church, in this urgently fmportant business of training and teaching our children we ca' it for granted that there \ e sad (deficits in their lives that may seri- 'ously handicap and even blight. "Judging by information I have gleaned it would appear that there y a Bible in most homes in Osh- @wa, if not in all. This is a very encouraging fact. Providing, of course, the Bible is not treated as '% 'mere ornament to be dusted off occasionally, But rather to be used as an eternal and up-to-date text- book in our hands--the hands of énts and teacher and ministers d lay-workers alike--to help in Yeaching our children mot only in- teresting and helpful Bible stories #nd lessons, but"what is even more t' the basic facts, and the, end laws of life as found 'there, and 'that should govern our ving. a Ano0g other things, and for this every child should thor- oughly know and understand The '4ord's Prayer, the Ten Command- fnents, The Sermon on the Mount, fhe Golden Rule and most certainly 3he meaning, the real meaning of %he life, and death, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, | "For the sake of thelr own hap- piness, and the well-being of those 'around them el are early taught the absolute necessity of good manners. "With us they are made to under- stand that when a good neighbour puts up a sign, "Please keep of the grass," he infers that unless we do there will be no grass to keep off-- to the detriment of the whole neighbourhood. : r "The girls and boys of this gen- eration soon learn to realize that the rules of the road, the highway, aust be kept by all who drive. They on the baby and co-operate with Xnow as well as their Dads that to | Proposed ignore a "'Stop-sign" is to invite disaster. Must Observe Rules "Well, in like manner, we must get it across to our children that the chaos and unhappiness, and trouble that faces us today in the world at large, has been brought about because millions of people everywhere have carelessly, thoughtlessly, and in all too many cases deliberately, cynically and ruthlessly broken the rules of hu- man living as laid down in the Good Book--the old Testament and the New. If our children will early learn the value of living life ac- cording to the Bible they should be infinitely more successful than the generations they have succeeded in helping God to make the kind of world that I believe He intends us to have, and to enjoy. ~ "When, recently, an outstanding church leader interviewed the Presi- dent of the United States he said to Mr. Truman, "You have been quoted as saying that The Sermon on the Mount contains the teaching to live by." "Yes," replied the Presi- dent, "and I think they are to live by more than to die by." "Surely these are fitting words for us to ponder as we of the home, the school and the church endeavour to teach the glorious girls and boys of Oshawa God's way in life." Croyden, England--(CP)-- 8ap+ pers are working on another 3,000- pound Croydon bomb after six months' digging for it. - 'Banff, Scotland--(OP)-- DF. An- drew B. Murray, former provest of Banff and a graduate of Glasgow University, died at 72. perhaps the used d Farmer's Market Local Grain -- Local selling prices for bran, $28- $30 ton; shorts $30-$31 ton; baled hay $18-$20 ton; straw $16-$18 a ton; pastry flour $2.86 a bag; bread flour $2.90 a bag. Dealers are pay- ing no set price. Wheat $126 a bushel; oats 53-55¢; barley 65; buckwheat 75-80c.' Livestock -- Toronto, Nov, 5--(CP) -- Prices were steady in early cattle sales on the livestock market here today stockers bringing $10-$11.50 and good butcher heifers $12-$12.25. Calves were steady $15-$16 choice with plain, heavies downward to $10, Lambs were steady $14.50-$14.75 good ewes and wethers, bucks $1 owt. discount. Sheep were steady $4- $8.50. No price was established for hogs which dressed, grade A $20.50, 10. i ro reported by the Domin- fon Marketing Service were: Cat- tle $500, calves 100, hogs 200, sheep and lambs 400. Unsold from yester- day were '1,800 head of cattle, in- cluding 900 stockers. Hogs -- ; Toronto, Nov. 5--(CP)--Grade 4 dressed, bacon-hogs, were up cents cwt. at Peterborough vias lus transportation, up 10 cen Hull $20.25, delivered, unchanged at Brantford $20.35, delivered, in mar- kets reporting early today, Prices were unsettled at Stratford. Fruit -- Toronto, . Nov. 5--(CP)--Whole- sale fruit and vegetable prices were unchanged here today. Produce -- : Toronto, NOV. 5--(CP)--Produce prices here today in the spot market were reported as follows: Eggs: Receipts up slightly, dealers operating cautiously, market firm, wholesale to retail, A large 50, A medium 48, A pullet 45, B 45, C 34; Country dealers quoted graded eggs, cases free, A large 40%-50, A fum 47, A pullet 4 24%-43%%, B 43, San .g cream unchanged No 1 1b.- 41 FOB, 46 delivered, plus 10 subsidy. Ho Prints, first grade 424, se- cond grade solids 39; market firm, offerings extremely light. Municipal Board (Continued from Page 1) considered - carefolly by the then owner of the property and for some reason the easterly 10 feet of the property was restricted. The orig- inal owner, E. A. Lower was not present at the hearing. Neil Fraser, KC, appeared for the City, while J. P. Mangan, KC, represented Mr. Jamieson and A. W. G. Greer, K.C., appeared on be- half of a large group of property owners opposing the resolution. Bylaw Passed In 1927 Reviewing the history. of the by- law, Mr. Fraser pointed out that Sie origina! law as y ny 1927, restricted. to detached private residences all pro- perty within 150 feet on both sides of King Street from Ritson Road east, with the exception of the first 54 feet east of Ritson on the south side and the first 50 feet on the north side. At that time, only certain types of business were lowed on the corner properties but in December, 1928, the bylaw was amended so as to leave no restric- tion whatsoever on the accepted area. He said the corner lot, com- prised a parcel of approximately 60 feet on King Street, 40 feet of which had been sold and a store was erected on it. Of the remain- ing 20 feet the westerly 10 feet was unrestricted and the purpose of the ameridment was to remove the restriction pertaining to the final 10 feet. In his evidence, Assessment Com- missioner Eldon Kerr said that the original corner store had had a frontage of 20 feet but the present owner, H, J. Sproule, had extended it to its present frontage. Ques- tioned by Mr. Greer concerning Mr. Fraser's mention of the remain- ing rcel being owned by Mr. Jamison, Mr. Kerr sald he only knew that it was Mr. Lovell's name which appeared on the assess. ment roll. He agreed that the King Street area east of Ritson Road was one of the better residential areas in the city and the majority of homes were occupied by their own- ers, Questioned by Mr. Mangan, the assessment commissioner said there was a service station on the south- east corner of Ritson Road and King Street and the proposed store would be across the street from the vacant lot owned by S. J. Storie, adjacent to the latter's residence. He enumerated the business prfep- erties which had been established to the west of Ritson Road on King Street and when asked by Mr. Greer if there was ample room in this area for a drug store, he replied that there was room but he did not know whethet it was available, nitely Opposed A. O. Felt, owner of the property at 282 King Street, immediately east of the property in question, declared he was definitely opposed to the proposed amendment. Asked by Mr. grade Bl he had made to the City Council last September, Mr, Felt said he had stated he was definitely opposed to lifting the restrictions but if the bylaw went through he felt he should be given the same considera- tion with regard to his property. He made it clear, however, he strenu- ously opposed removal of the re- strictions. y Letters were read from J. N. Thickson, and Mrs, A. C. Lycett op- posing any portion east of the pres- ent line being opened to anything but residential purposes, Two let- ters were also read from W. R. Carnwith, the first stating that he had no objection but the later one indicating He had changed his de- cision. Would Depreciate Values Others who voiced their opposi- tion were L. 8, Palmer, 8. J. Storie, closed previously at,|- Mangan regarding an application | Training The 'Easy' Way This is a taste of what may be in gfore for the personnel of the Aircraft Carrier Warrior and her escort, the Tribal Destroyer Nootka, which was scheduled to leave Halifax today at noon to meet the Cruiser Uganda in tropical waters. As for travel--here's a sample from the cruise around South America made by HM.C.8. "Uganda" this year. The picture shows Canadian sailors enjoying shore-leave and looking out to sea from a beach at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, King and Queen Attend Theatre London, Nov. 5--(CP)--The Royal Family, attending the second "'com- mand" theatrical performance in four days, last night was spared the confusion and crush of last Friday's charity film premiere which prompted some officials and newspapers to demand government investigation 'of "hysterical hooli- ganism." Last night's occasion was the second variety show sponsored by Royalty since the end of the war. The annual benefit performance for the Variety .Artists' - Benevolent Fund has a tradition dating back to Queen Victoria. Timber Companies Hasten Signing Port Arthur, Nov. 5--(CP)--The trek of bushworkers back to timber camps in Thunder Bay district was in full swing today as men resumed work after three weeks on strike. The woods departments of timber companies and paper mills were us- ing- all facilities to sign up men as quickly as possible and get them to camps by automobile, bus and train. At the latest it is expected most of the strikers in the Lakehead area will have returned to the bush country by the end of the week. Stole Mayor's Fish 2 Get 1 Month North Bay, Nov. 5--(CP)--Theo- dore Goulais and Edward Comman- da, both of nearby Garden Village, Sturgeon Falls, yesterday were sen- tenced to one month each on a charge of theft of two Sturgeon from the nets of Mayor Roy Cock- burn, Canada's "Cavier King." Mayor Cockburn told the court that there have: been frequent thefts of a similar nature in recent months. D. D. Storie, and J. C, McGill. They all said they felt lifting of the re- strictions on the property in ques- tion would depreciate the value of their property. When asked by Mr. Mangan if their opposition was not actually baséd on the fear that the lifting of this restriction might serve as a precedent for further easing of restrictions, the majority said this was one of their reasons. On agree- ment, other residents who counsel sald were objecting, were not called to the stand. These were P. A. Blackburn, Mrs, F. T, Lamble, 8. P. Smith, 8S, W, Bowers and R. 8S. Virtue. Declaring her opposition to lifting of the restrictions, Mrs. A, O. Felt said their property had been land- scaped as a residential rty on the understanding that the 10 feet to the east of it had been left as a buffer between the residential and business property. She went on to say that their dining room window would be only 13 feet from the wall of the proposed store. Applicant Heard Taking the stand, Mr. Jamieson said he proposed to erect a store corresponding in value to the one standing on the corner and it would be brick veneer with vitrolite front. Questioned by Mr. Greer as to the ownership of the property, he said he had purchased the property from Mr. Lovell. He sald that while the deed had been executed it had not been registered, awaiting a final agreement regarding mutual use of the east wall of the Sproule store. Asked by Mr. Greer if his pur- chase was not contingent on the re- sult of the present application, Mr. Jamieson maintained that he had purchased and was "stuck" if the application wags refused. Addressing the Board, Mr. Man- gan contended that the actual basis for opposition of many of the resi- dents was the feat that approval of the amendment might serve as a precedent for extending the unres- tricted area further, Mr. Greer submitted there was no evidence that the original by-law was not intended to provide the easterly 10 feet as a buffer between business and residential property. He asserted that the large number opposing the : application, while none had come forward in suport of it, was indicative of the feeling in | the area, Canada's Navy Is Off For Extended Training Halifax, Nov. 5 -- (CP) -- In a brand new coat of gray-green "peace-paint" two sleek ships of the Atlantic Squadron strained at their anchor chains here today waiting for the signal "up anchors and away." They were due to sail at noon and with good weather, Haligonians would see all the pomp of a peace- time departure after more than six long years of hush and secrecy on the waterfront. The ships -- the aircraft Carrier Warrior and her escort the Tribal Destroyer Nootka--will go to tropic- al waters to rendezvous with the Cruiser Uganda and Destroyer Cres- cent in Canada's first large-scale peacetime exercises. The November and December training program is designed to give the maximum sea drill to new en- try personnel and allow the ships-- in cocmmand of Capt. Frank IL. Houghton, OBE, of Ottawa -- to take part in naval exercises and manoeuvres. It is being timed to coincide with the shift of the Warrior from Hali- fax to her new station on the Paci- fic coast. It is understood she will eventually be succeeded here by the new Carrier Magnificent, which is being fitted more appropriately for winter Atlantic conditions. Simple Ceremony (Continued from Page 1) crete in the conduct of this regi- ment. I wish to extend my person- al appreciation and heartfelt thanks to every one of you, not forgetting a single individual who has served during this time. "In the light of history your new commanding officer is one who campaigned in battle in the recent war. That in itself will have the most far-reaching influence on the future ' of the regiment. I know that he will have the support of the former commanding officer throughout." Lt.-Col. Johnston "I want to thank you sincerely for this renewed association with the regiment," declared Lt.-Col. John- ston, There will be a certain per- iod when very little activity will take place. Once we get our feet on the ground and learn what is re- quired of us by the high command this will be changed. I want to ask the rank and file to bear with us until we tation of what is required of us. I am gratified to see so many old fa- ces here tonight. "I sympathize most sincerely with the retiring commanding officer in leaving the regiment. His loss is) my gain. I am very cognizant of the full importance and responsi- bilities which go with it. I wish to thank Lt.-Col. Currell for maintain- ing the regiment during the past 15 months, "One of the most trying and dif- ficult periods is after the close of a war. Those, who return want to get as far away from the army as pos- sible, However, after a time they realize the receiving of a discharge paper cannot sever their connection with the army. They realize also that they have a responsibility to the younger generation." Following the parade, Lt.-Col. Currell spoke feelingly of the offi- cers, N.C.O.'s and men of the regi- ment who have been retired due to their inability to meet the require- ments of the new peacetime army. He spoke in the highest terms of the work of the regiment and the sacrifices they made in order to further its developments and work. Relinquish Their Duties Those no longer associated with the regiment are:-- Majors J. C. Anderson and W, J. Hare, Captains, W. R. Branch, W. L. Dibbon, W, H. Gifford, A. R. Huestis, A. R, Irwin, B. J. Logan, R. Murison, E. S. Reading and H. E. Tripp; Lieutenants, J. P. Mangan, P. J. Grindley, T. W. Lavender, C. D. Russell, R. A, Ward, 8. T. Hop- kins and R. Richardson, 8gt. J. T. Freeman, Cpl. T. Ben- son, Cpl. G. R. F. Smith, Tpr. R. J. Beacock, Tpr. R. H. Corgy, Tpr. C. W. Crumb, Tpr. J. P. Essex, Tpr. C. G. Farrow, Tpr, J. M. Henry, Tpr. H. C. Knight, Tpr, R.'McClimond, ve received an interpre- | lice Warns Term To Follow Next Offence Charged with vagrancy, Jean Smith, 17, 211 James Street, was fined $15 and costs or 15 days in morning judge that if she were picked up again she would be dealt with more severely, probably receiving a re- formatory term. Evidence for both sides was heard today on the charge which arose following the picking up of Miss Smith in a room In the Commercial Hotel on October 7 when, police helped that the girl had been seen enter- ing the hotel, followed later by man named Frank Wdwards, The police had gone to his room and found the girl under the bed with her shoes off, while the man had removed his shirt, Jean Smith was then said to have told the police that she had not place to stay the night and they had taken her to the station on: the vagrancy charge. ! Defense witnesses, including the accused mother and her aunt, Mrs. Jean Jones, R.R.'3, Oshawa, told the court what they knew of Miss Smith's activities. Her mother said she was not home a great deal of the time due to quarrels with her father over "late nights", and the aunt said that while Jean stayed at her place outside Oshawa she was not in trouble. 8. J. Hennick, defense lawyer, contended that his client had been guilty of "iIndiscreet behaviour" but not of improper actions or disor- derly conduct, He added that all of the complaints which the police had recelved about the girl had been from her father with whom she did not get along. He maintain. ed that the girl, having testified that. she only went up to the room to walt while the man had a drink, was not loose and disorderly, She had also had various jobs in the past year so that she was not with- out means of maintenance. Club. Comments | Crown Attorney A. C., Hall con- tended that the character of the accused was as important as back- ground to this case, that there was no conjecture as to what the girl was doing in the room, and that the requests of the father to the police regarding her staying out late were reasonable, and therefore the police naturally checked up on her. During the trial, Magistrate Bbbs The Oshawa Camera Club will hold its first regular meeting of the 1046 season on Wednesday night at eight o'clock sharp in the Club room at Adelaide House, The new Executive will be In charge for the first time" since the election of officers. Undér the lead- ership of President Charlie Cooper they. are: Vice-President George Mepstead, Secretary Helen Hind, Treasurer Tom MoLellan, Commit tees: Program and Print, Bill Blair, "Murph" Murphy, Geo. Mepstead. Social, Det McLellan and Helen Hind. Dark Room, Ernie Watson and Bruce Henderson. Beginners, Ed. Mothersill. It is planned to hold a series of planned outings both to rural and civic locations including trips to professional photographic studios and factories with the object of studying the different methods of approach in photographing widely divergent subjeccts, Alternately Print Judging nights will be held at which the work of the members will be criticized by experts, The coming meeting will take the form of a Print Night and members are asked to submit prints made this. summer for inspection and criticism, The critic will be the well-known Oshawa portrait photo- grapher, Tom Hornsby, who has long been a loyal supporter of the Club. The meeting is open to all who are interested in taking pictures and fancy equipment and great photographic skill are definitely not required to make one eligible for membership, Grab Narcotics Worth $2,000 Vancouver, Nov. 5--(CP)--Alfred E. Goldfinch and Peter John- son of Vancouver were remanded to Nov. 12 when they appeared in Po- heroin in recent years. The deadly white heroin, more desirable to drug addits because of its powerful ef- fects, was cached in an alley in Vancouver's West-end when R.C.M. P. aided by city police made the seizure and the arrests, The drugs seized were said to have a value of almost $2,000 in the underworld, i ------------------ LEAVES HOSPITAL, MAN 45, IS SOUGHT Simcoe, Nov. 5--(CP)--Local pol- ice are searching this district for Charies Fontaine, 45, of Ottawa, who from Norfolk General Hospital. Fontaine, who is said to be in a weak condition, left the hospital without clothing, wearing only a blanket wrapped around him. Court yesterday charged with possession of narcotics in a case which revealed police seizure here of one of the biggest hauls of white Jlsappeared early yesterday warned the clerk of the hotel, James Wilson, "that yo uought to be a little more careful in admit- ting people at 2.30 in the morning, especially young girls like this. It doesn't take much trouble to check up on their being registered." As regards Miss Smith he told her that she had taken a "defiant" attitude about the case and had disregarded a previous warning in Juvenile court to keep away from certain girls with whom she ad- mitted staying prior to her recent arrest, "You insist on running the streets" and he said he would warn her for the last time. ~ 'Starving Europe' Said Propoganda St. Thomas, Nov. 5--(CP)--Agri- culture Minister Gardiner, speaking at a Kiwanis Club farmer's night banquet here last night said the part of Europe from Germany west- ward was "the most productive and wealthy section of the world's sur- face." "To picture Europe with its vast poplation as a camp of under- nourished, starving, down-trodden people," he sald, "is to spread throughout North America propa- ganda which is not based upon facts and there is wrong." Say Poliomyelitis Period is Over Toronto, Nov. 5--(CP)--Three cases of poliomyelitis were reported here during the week-end, but all occured in October and the danger period is over for 1946, an official of the Ontario Department of Health sald yesterday. Since Jan. 1, 448 cases of polio were reported in Ontario, with 28 fatalities, May Build Plant (Continued from Page 1) and the western limits of the town. Pp. Deputy-reeve Thomas said he thought there was a by-law to cover this. Council agreed -and it was moved that contact be made with the party that proposed to erect the yard and warn them of this by-law, Another petition, signed by 30 residents of the North Oshawa area, protesting the insanitary odours from the mink farm of Mr. Prevost and asking action against the said owner, was heard by the council and the letter wag referred to the township legal adviser, A. J. Park- hill, for further action. George Lang, 278 Elmgrove, ask- ed the council what could be done about two poplars on his property which were growing out of hand. A motion to have them cut down, if Tpr. B. R. Nichols, Tpr. R. Smith, Tpr, C. J. Starzynski, Tpr. A. A. Statham, Tpr. R. O. Whalley. SQMS L. T. Baker, SQMS K. R. Roddick, SQMS J. Sim, Sgt, I. W. Parrot, Sgt. V. P. Sanders, Sgt. E. R. Smith, Sgt. F. H. Wilson, Cpl. H. T. Elliott, Cpl. C. E. Game, Cpl. F. 8, Johns, Tpr. B. J. Hancock, Tpr. R. G. Norris, Tpr. R. Perry, Tpr. H. Rich- Tpr. A. J. Ross, Tpr. J. K, Sand- ers, Tpr. F. J. Watson, Tpr. C. E. Western, Tpr. R. J. Mozewsky, Tpr. 'T. Fisher, Tpr. A. 8. Woodhouse, SSM P. Logeman, Sgt. G. Fowler, 8gt. E. G. Storie, Cpl. J. E. Purdy and Tpr. L. S. Phillips and Tpr. H. H. mond. H. 8. Pollock, Tpr. L. Hogel. Sgt. N, Coty, Sgt. W. M. Hender- son, Sgt. H. G. Longbottom, Tpr. R Park and Sgt. L. G. Scott, K. possible, was passed. i BUSY COURT SESSION Several persons charged with drunkenness turned up in court 'this morning, one of them still rather befuddled as Chief Owen D. Friend noted. Norman Marsden of Scugog, pleaded guilty to his charge, his third offense, and was sentenced to three months in jail by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, Earl Ward Sluggett of Campbellford was not quite sure how to plead and was remanded until tomorrow. Joseph Ryan, no fixed address, also appearing on a charge of intoxica- tion was remanded until November 7 so the police can prove their con tention that this was his third of- fense. The accused had denied a . | conviction alledgedly made last May. Scout Troops Open House MRS. CHARLES WHITE Correspondent : Thornton's Corners, Nov, 4 -- Thursday night, October 31, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sully held open house to the local Scout Troup, two former cubs, and two visitors ac- companied by: their Scout leader, Ls: | Robinson, for this Hallowe'en y. Mh boys Yoled Walter Powell the ume pi which rayed the Hallowe'en spirit. A patrol leaders ts none. appeared, Just the boots and the odd screech, 3 Sandy and apples 'were passed be- games. . A hearty junch consisting of sand. wiches, cookies, cake, applejuice and coffee, was served by four Scout Mothers, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs, C. Scott, Mrs, E. Pipher and Mrs. W, Buss. A hearty vote of thanks was given the host and hostess by the Scouts, and David Ashmore, on be- half of the boys, presented a gift to Mrs. Sully. Party at School A fine Hallowe'en party was. held in the school Friday evening, Nov. 1, by the Heme and School Associa- tion. As the guests entered in a great array of costumes they were heartily welcomed in the dimly-lit vestibule by a ghost who shook hands with one and all in her own clammy way. The rooms were ap- propriately decorated with orange and black streamers and jack-o'- lanterng leered from every window. The program started with the grand march for everyone in cos- tume, Harold Foster and Walter Buss picked ten of the best, The rest of the crowd then voted by clapping Miss Joan Gahan ag Rob- inhood, first prize, and Bud Pipher as a lady, second prize. Among the many costumes were clowns, sailors, nurses, darkles, coloured parson, ghosts, old-fashioned ladies, gypsy, pirate, Indian queen, and even a phantom of' the opera and a devil. Under the able supervision of Miss Erma Hall, games were played consisting of musical stoop won by Gertrude White and Walter Powell, laughing handkerchief, community snooze and relays of several types such as paper walking, sunbonaet, folding chair, lip card and night gown which proved fun for' all. A grand scramble for candy kisses proved particularly interesting to the children, During intermission two tubs of water were brought in containing apples and several re- vig a real ducking in this con- Lunch was served consisting of sweet cider and doughnuts, Mr." Al- bert Devenish served the doughnuts strung on a cane which added mugh enjoyment, After lunch the remainder of, the evening was spent in noyelty dan- ces, Spot dance was won by Ger- trude White and Dop Wood. An added feature was a square dance performed by Mr. and Mrs, - Ross Blair, Mr. and Mrs. R, Mollon, Mr. and Mrs. J Nicholls and Mr. and Mrs. D. Lander. They square-danc- ed to a record played over the am- plifying system. By request Miss Shirley Harmer sang "Shoo-Fly Pie" over the mi- crophone, accompanied by Guy Lombardo and his orchestra (re- cord), Mrs. R. Mollon, president of the Home and School Association, thanked Miss Hall and her com- enittee, Mrs. Pipher and Mr. White for the decorations and splendid program provided for the evening. There was a good attendance at Sunday Schoo] last Sunday. The Bible class was very pleased and honoured to have Rev. Ralph Will son, pastor of First Baptist Church, Oshawa, as their teacher, Thornton's Corners Women's As- sociation will hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the home of Mrs. Roy Lick at 2.30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladles in the c unity. The Home and School Association will sponsor an Old Tyme and Mod- ern Dance to be held in fe school house Friday, November 19. The Sunday School would also like you to keep in mind & play en- titled "A Pair of Country Kids" to pe presented in the Sunday School by Zion Young People, November 29, at eight o'clock. { Marathon Runner Drowns at Red Rock onto, Nov. 5--(CP)--A former LL runner, Arthur Allison, 44, of Toronto, was drowned yester- day in the Nipigon River at Red Rock, Thunder Bay district. Fore- man for a city plumbing company, he was working for his firm at the Brompton Paper and Pulp Co. plant, Police said he slipped down a clay bank and plunged into the river. His body was recovered later. Ral CORINTHIAN LODGE NO. 61 Meets Every Thursday 8 p.m. 814 King St. West This Week: GENERAL BUSINESS FIRST DEGREE From Palestine Mr. VARTAN ATCHINAK Founder end Director of MI Will Preach at Calvary Baptist Church 'NORTH OSHAWA: "MAN PICKS RASPBERRIES * Judging by the growth of flowers a Truits in the North, Oshawa district one ht well / be pardoned for he' fact that this is November 5 pe » : 4 To Aim Attack : . (Continued from Page 1) Jewish underground organizations to carry refugee immigrants from Europe to Palestine, . ' Officers said they had a list of 100 ships, "most of them unsea- worthy," which had been bought for the refugec trafic and which now are lying in southern Eugopean ports Methods of halting the unauthor- ized immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine will be discussed this week at Malte. at a conference of Naval authorities under Admiral Sir Algernon Willis, Commander- in-Chief of the British Mediterran- ean Fleet. Naval Intelligence officers said that the main ports in which refu- gee ships now are lying are Mar~ seille, Genoa, Trieste and Piraeus. "Some of these ships are death trap caiques and schooners bought from jynk yards, but there are a few converted corvettes, sloops and Hungarian river gunboats," the of- ficers added. One of the greatest fears, one source said, is that "one of these ships, coming criminally overloaded and with grossly improper safety measures vill go down at sea and hundreds of lives will be lost. Wh it does you can bet the British will get the blame for it." o "We've also found," this source continued, "that the Spanish master, of the ship was in radio communi- cation throughout the. voyage with a clandestine station in Palestine, apparently waiting for instructions where to beach his craft." : LLanover, Wales -- (CP) -- The eiectricity commission refused per~ mission for a £3,5 ($14,000,000) power scheme in tife beautiful Vale of Usk on grounds there were "ser- fous objections on general planning grounds." "UPE'S SI00TR MOMINTS" "The day he Aalees frstatep!" thattirstshep | Up oft his chubby knees he clam: bers and wobbles through that First Unassisted Step. And in no time at all he's scuffing his way through shoes, pushing bicycle pedals, kicking footballs ; ; ; strid- ing toward manhood on his own two feet. It's a Big Moment. A moment to make a proud parent stop and think about the course those little feet will take : : . after that first step. It's a good time to think about getting those feet going in the right direction. For example, if you call in your North American Life representative he can show you how to make sure of important things like education and proper care for that young high-stepper i « » no matter what happens to yom. He can show you a Life Assurance programme, that guarantees funds to point those feet toward a college education or a business opportunity. when the time comes: NORTH AMERICAN * LIFE 5 B. G. HAWKINS 'District Manager 0 17% KING ST. EAST Wed. Nov. 6, at 8 p.m. rn ~

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