THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1946 . ¥ Sport Fallacies The 'belief that jockeys are i when they reach 30 pre- "for several reasons, one of them being that jockeys tend to gain weight as they grow older, and /afiother that 30 is supposed to be the finish for most athletes, any- "Actually, it is only the beginning some of our leading riders. mong the top riders of 1045, in bY 'ms of number of races won, were do Fernandez, who was 38 years old; James Dobson, 33; John- ny Longden, 35; Eddie Arcaro, 30, and Victor Bovine, 30. ; ., Experience and the shrewdness it de can compensate for a few pounds gained. ~ ' Shakespeare, who asked, "What's 'fh & name?" would discover from «the owners of race horses that there pl is often a lot of hard work in one. ¢ ' Naming horses is not at all a sim- plé task, According to the rules of 'racing laid down by the Jockey -- TAXI-- . MERCURY CAB ' Day and night service! Long and short trips. "Doug" Brown, Prop. PHONE 4046W we PHONE 66W12 For a NEW EMPIRE ':- GARDEN TRACTOR (3 HP.) NOW AVAILABLE Details Given by Agent After 6 p.m. WINDOVY CAULKING and GLAZING! Now is the time to have those windows caulked and glazed before the cold weather arrives, FOR QUICK SERVICE , . . "Phones 4338j--3888w | G. McKENIGHT USE GAS . . .. CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 0. i 15. KING ST. E. PHONE 3300 BURNS CREDIT + JEWELLERS "Terms in Accordance With War. Time Prices & Trade Regulations: 31 King St. W. Oshawa Phone 389 SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL We. ise only the Best of Materials and Guarantee our 'Work. Before inverting get a price direct from owner. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Phone 494 Club of New York and various state racing commissions, no name may - |exceed 14 letters and spaces. Nor may it be the same as any name used during the past 15 years either on the turf or in the stud. And there are a number of other' pro- hibitions. For example, the names of the greatest horses may never be used again. - And no name of 'a horse can be an advertisement, y horses' names in some way from the names of their sires. (For example, one of the sons of Hard Tack was called Seabiscuit.) Oshawa's Leading Sportsweas Shoppe 33 Simcoe N. Phone 3518 Moreover, it's customary to-derive' PLAY FOR ALL Children whose delicate or handi- capped condition does not permit them to join in the more boisterous form of recreational activity. The Department of National Health and Welfare, in a message to parents, which any child may enjoy, no mat- ter what his constitution. And only in competitive games can a child Don't Scrap Your Old Furniture : CONSULT GLIDE'S FURNITURE REPAIR MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE -- TOYS REPAIRS 160 KING ST. W. PHONE 1345M STAR LAUNDRY DELIVERY -- PHONE 3104 PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled --- AL = "MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 games, should be included in some |. points out that there are games; learn necessary self-reliance and re- tain the sense of belonging to the | When In Need of Drugs POWELLS DRUG STORE 35 Simoee St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 , 13 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH WwW J. COAL -- COKE -- WOOD 76 Cha: tes St. Phone 782 FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 SERVICE Batteries re-charged @ rent. ed © repaired! Over 200 réntals! 35 GIBB ST. PHONE 960 Under New Management | REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE 'HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS DISPLAY . COUNT! WALK« IN BOXES--FRE! CHESTS MILK COOLERS---~WASHING MACHINES, "BELL'S rernceraion SALES & SERVICE 182 Simcoe St. 8., Ph ue 2050w RENT -- An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE In Your Own | $5 "Per Home § 9% -. Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. o -HEAT 7} Fof stoves. 6% irch double burners. OIL BURNERS 39.50 REPAIRS T0 ALL APPLIANCES Plus installation PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 VACUUM CLEAN YOUR HEATING SYSTEM A Clean Furnace Saves Fuel. Repairs for all makes of Boilers & Stokers ED. THOMAS 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA PHONE 3760-) : Agents for Monarch Batteries + WEST END BATTERY SERVICE ® Laid © Sanded KINGSTON RD. E. HARDWOOD FLOORS Old Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glass! Estimates Free - Guaranteed Work! CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B. W, Haynes) ® Finished!J PHONE 161J (Stove or Nut) 59 CHURCH PUBLISHEL N THE PUBL Rmerican nthraciie NOW AVAILABLE! We have just received a large shipment ready for Immediate Delivery! ARMSTRONG FUELS ; The bottle age Is acute -- Please return empty beer bi fo your nearest Brewers' Retail Store or phone fof pick-up service. PHONES 2727Tw -- 2726 SECRET AGENT X9 1 THINK 0! {| THE GUY'S CAR WAS CLIPPIN' OFF J AT LEAST FIFTY! YOU DUMB BURP! YOU SHOULD HAVE STAVED, TO MAKE SURE SHE WAS DEFINITELY pa } By HAM FISHER | JOE PALOOEA TYPE #~ ABOUT-ER- FEET ONE ~INTRIGUINGLY FIVE BALD--WITH A DEVIL-MAY- IGURE DARLING, MR.SNOOT SAYS - NEVER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY pg EL | dian... 4 IC MIND=- HIS HORSE B= 15 BACK? yd ] NO MOVIES, AUTOS, ELEC: |{THis 15 A POKY OLD TOWN--Y2 TRIC LIGHTS = NO NOTHIN'; PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT- ITS GOT TREES AN' FLOW- ERS AN' PEOPLE -- AN' A SWELL LITTLE SCHOOL: HOUSE AN' -- (1 THINK FH BUT ITS BEHIND ITS A CAN'T HAVE ANY THE TIMES =A KID DON'T BE SILLY! = FOLKS F WHO LIVE IN CROWDED CITIES ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO HAVE A VACATION IN A THE COUNTRY WHERE THEY CAN REALLY . COME ON, WASH YOUR HANDS, ALEXANDER-~ mS SIX OCLOCK, TIT, Ser LL i IC 1's JusT A QUARTER XI TO SIX -=SUPPER WONT --By JIMMY MURPHY oN HELLO, TOOTS, I WONT BE HOME UNTIL LATE! i I'VE GOTTA WORK AT THE OFFICE THIS EVENING. I HATE TO SLIP IT OVER ON TOOTS THIS = Ay 7: WHAT D'you \ KNOW | MY MOTHER WRITES THAT GHE AND DAD ARE MOVING BACK To GRANDVILLE--/! SHE SANS-- YOUR FATHER HAS BEEN TRANSFERR TO THE NEW STREAMLINER THE BY THIS 1S THE FIRST TIME CASPER EVER FAILED TO COME HOME FOR DINNER--- HE'S UP TO SOMETHING--- WOU CAN BET ON JUST AS T THOUGQHT=-= CASPER'S OFFICE PHONE DOESN'T ANSWER---HE'S NOT THERE! MEN ARE ALL ALIKE=-- - THEY PROMISE TO LOVE, HONOR AND OBEY, BUT THEY'RE ALWAYS LOOKING ci 70 \ Copt 1946. King Festures Syndicate. Inc. World aghis rewenveil! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS WE FIND OURSELVES AN-ME! WHY 1S IT THAT THE FATES ARE | Y12l ALWAYS CONSPIRING | TO MAKE A PLAYTHING EL ------ NOW WHEN 1 GET By THE BAERS ¥ OH WELL, WHAT IF SHE DOES KICK ME OUT. I WiLL. . . J THAN -