THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. 5, 1946 TB. URABLE "When detected early T.B. is curable « + « as Medical Officer of Health, I urge everyone to accept a free x-ray for your personal benefit and for the safety of those around you." Ready for Their Health Exam These workers are lined up for their chest x-rays--to make syre that they haven't tuberculosis. Periodic chest x-rays, to find T.B, before its outward symptoms are apparent, are advocated by tuberculosis associations. The campaign being conducted from November 13th to Dec. 7th at the Armouries by the Oshawa Kiwanis Club is supported by the sale of Christmas Seals, ' 'Take a Deep Breath' Dr. A. F. Mackay, Medical Officer of Health » A day saved jn detection means weeks saved in treatment opportunity is provided for everyone to secure a free x-ray in the present campaign which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Oshawa . .. there is absolutely no embarrassment , , . no disrobing . . . results are reported in confidence to your local family phy. sician. It is the objective of the Kiwanis Club to make it possible for every citizen to have the privilege of a free x-ray, and thus provide happier homes, as a result of the knowledge that "a clear bill of health is in . existence." Thousands of citizens of Oshawa and Ontario County will take advantage of this opportunity but those who do not take advantage of it may be a menace to the whole project «s+ it is s0 simple to know that your health is secure .. , (Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp, Photo) By the time you can say "Take a deep breath and hold it," an p. x-ray picture of the lung can be taken on (his modern photos , fluoro-record camera. Chest x-ray examinations are advocas w -. : ted by tuberculosis associations, to find unknown adi 4 : tuberculosis. Truly Health Days In Ontario County. .. Do Your Part By Enrolling For A FREE X-RAY TEST People in days gone by lived in constant fear of this dreaded disease known as T.B. No longer need you fear the presence of the symptoms . . . so much progress has been made by medical science that today the disease is curable in practically every case where early diagnosis has taken place. Magic Eye 'Sees' Lung As a result of years of research, medical science today recognizes "T.B. as curable," particularly when located in its early stages. This free service on the part of the Kiwanis Club has been made possible through the purchase of Christmas Seals last year, and may be the means of safeguarding your health and preventing future serious illness. Co-operate with your canvasser who will arrange an appointment for you . . . remem. ber, the examination requires only 3 minutes, and it is free from embarrassment and is treated in confidence. With the new improved equipment, x-ray pictures of the lung require only a few seconds and can be taken with "clothes on." Group x-ray programs, to find unknown cases of tubers culosis while the disease is still in its early and most curable stage, are sponsored by tuberculosis associations, In Ontarie County the campaign is sponsored by the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, [OSHAWA KIWANISCLUB Phone 1834