. PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1946 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors 8t countant and au OSCAR HUDSON AND COMPANY. Pettit, POA Bowman Boyter, C.A; Hol- lang "eta Jr.. CA. 19 St, Bey (Nov?) 2--Barristers CONANT AND) ANNIS, BARRISTERS. 71; Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa Phone 4. Allin P. Annis, BA. LLB. £0. oo BARRISTER. Street East. GREER, EO. 80. aslaence Phone a ay Resident partner Wo .C.. VsbHdes, Ont. (Nov1) GRIERSON, CREIGHTCS & FRASER. Barristers, ete. Bank of Commerce HENNICK AND JFENR(CK, BARRIS- money to loan Office 31 King Street East Phone 3033, (Nov1) 8, K.C., BARRISTER, 6 Simcoe St. North Phones: Office 814; residence 3297 Money to loan, _(Nov1) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER R AND Solicitor, 25 Simcoe St. Morth Office phone 67, residence 3051. (Nov20) R. D. Solicitor ete.. sscsensene Physicians and Building Trad Nursing Servi Re Gardening Supplies pa 13 soutey es esey we eee 17 ONE INSERTION TWO Rig THREE INSER EACH ADDITIONAL a later da INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Wanted ....... Wanted to Rent CLASSIFIED AD RATES Effective From May Ist, 1946) (Above rates ool ony 3» original orden. ordered a Classification No. Automobiles Por Bale ....ccc..000 83 Automonblies Wanted .. . 8 Pets and Livestock 34 Wearing Apparel . 35 Articles Por Sale . 3 Articles Wanted .. 37 Female Help Wanted ........ 8 Male Help Wanted ........ 8% Male or Pemale Help Wanted ..., 3% Agepts Wanted ... 80 Employment Wanted seeees 41 Legal Notices Auction Sales . on wees 83 20 Words Bach Add" or Word a -Sublsquent insertions order) Bossi] on Ba full word, of Natings--400 20 words or less, 15¢ additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter. abbreviation ) Box charged 10c additi All Classified Advertisements MUST be im by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Daily 8 - 6; Saturday § 00 per month for and ¢ sign, figure count as 8 -5 JAMES R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor Sufte 201 /0 King East Genosha Hotel. Phone 349 (Novis), JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 11--Bullding Trades 25--Real Estate For Sale J LEE & SONS, BUILDING CON- AR, "You name it, we build it" Phone 1640J, - . , (Novl) 14'3 King St. East, Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Novl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor 11 King E. Room 2. Phones: Ofce 55, Resid 3687R. (Nov2) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, ETC. mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Simcoe North. i bh ov' SAND, GRAVEL, OINDERS, LOAM and general hanlage Robert Muir. Courtice. Phone 'Oshawa 77J4. (Nov24) W. G. IRWIN, CARPENTER AND AL- terations, Phone :3410M. Call evenings after 7. (617) INSULATE YOUR HOME FOR YEAR round comfort. All work guaranteed. Free 1 Phone 782. (Nov26) E. N. SINCLAIR, KC, AND J. C. Anderson, KC. Barristers. Bank of Montreal Phone 99. (Novi) MANNING P. Santa SAURISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money - sett Block, suite No, 4. Phone 282 Res 287TTW. (Nov1l) 3--Dentists DR 8. J PHILLIPS, 12; SIMCOE ST South. Phone 959. (Nov22) 4--Chiropractors + HEALTH North. Phone w. CLINIC, 24. oa. TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters, Variety Ot colors. Free esti- mates Phone collect 653, Bowman- vill Bromley and Son. (Novi4) SANDING. M. LBG FLOOR | LEGGETTE. Phone 3744W1, (Nov.17) | BUILDING CONTRAC- eneral repairs. New homes bullt specifications. Phone 4117W. 481 | jon Bt. Nov.l) CARPENTRY -- HOME ALTERATIONS and general Call evenl H. Boyd, 16 William e Al tor, to ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS, iaid, sanded, finished. Old floors re. finished. Phones 3434J-4277J. (Nov8) PAINTER AND FIRST-CLASS NECORA- tor. P. Danniels, Phone 2718R. (Novi16) Oshawa, Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 8. Phone 1516. (Novs) 12--Personal Services T. ORVILLE MITCHELL, "YOUR PER sonal Secretary". 131 Park 5 Phone 2858J, Mim Small JURY AND LOVELL ~~ HOURS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening appointments A. B Johnson, Optometrist, ist Phone 3. ime. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, TILE DUG up, cleaned ted and relaid, Phone ¢ 624, a4, (621) ov.19) 6--Insurance PEACOCES sor 2unaNCY SERVICE. Consult any of your insurance necds. All vil of insurance includ} King Street East, phcoe life. 221% Q Res. 3180W. (Novi) HAVE YOUR 1 0 REFRIGERA- tor refinished like new, free estimate given, two-day service. Meagher's. Phone 4600. ( ov12) W.. A. ASHBURY REFRIGERATION airs and service to all makes, Phone 388, 445 King FE. (ean) 7--Veterinarians DR. G. R. small animal surg #5" Ring. 8% West, Oshawa. Phone Sf al ovl) 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario 8t. Phone 707. (Nov20) P A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT watchmaker, Repair shop at 46 Street West. Your Patronage 0 Fld tind ang ited. Dliettad | 14--Household Repairs Home -- Ambulance Service, 75 ( Street. Established 1880. Phone 401 BErATRED AND RE- FURNITURD upholstered. See materials for "D. W. Daiton. 75 Charles. (Nova) 9--Money To Loan MONEY. TO LOAN ON Rea ESTATE. Automonlien. reg ature. MOtugages. nick. Real Eotate. "Phone 535. (Nov20) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILAB! first mortgages. A MP Barrister, Bassett Telephone 282. WHERE CAN YOU BORROW at Lower Rates... on Fairer Terms? Whether you borrow $50, $1,000, or even more, the same low rates, the same fair terms prevail at the Bank of Montreal. Personal loans, Phone 401, (Nov8) 15--Gardening and Supplies | COAKWELL'S NURSERY. ROCKERY | plants, perennials, shrul and ever- Phone (Nov8) 16--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS. Phone 3370J3. (66¢) 18--Automobile Repairs RADIATOR SERVICE. HEATERS. GAS tanks. Clifton Moore, 160 King J. Ww. Phone 4340M. Nov.7) BODY AND FENDER. Nosg on lent workmanshi, appointment. Phone 1565W. 60 . St. (Nov.3) DODD'S GARAGE. --GUARANTEED RE- ais to all makes of cars and trucks. repayable in monthly cost: 35 of 1% INTEREST PER MONTH You repay by Mon Monthly In Instalments 13° 18 2 JOU pay'ts pay'ts pay'ts pay'ts pay'ts get INCLUDING INTEREST |] ELL 35 8430 100 | 16.961 1330 [8.60 150 | 25.44) 300 5088 hE Cash ------ 500 A 750 | 12719 1,000 | 169.58 prtionate "cost. For any reasonable need, we are glad to advance money to people with steady incomes. Endorsers are not necessarily re- quired, Consult the manager or accountant of our branch in your district. BANK OF MONTREAL BRANCHES EVERYWHERE 10--Instruction POPULAR PIANO PLAYING TAUGHT | Oi in 29 lessons. Information pane on, Nov: REGISTER NOW CLASSES COM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, YP ing, Bookkeeping and all secretarial subjects. Oshawa Buniness College, 18 Simcoe St. North. Phone Jw (Nov?) C14 1 1--Building Trades SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, . FILL loam, manure, cinders, General' haul- age. Clifford J, Brown, R.R, 1, North Oshawa. Phone 1653J3. (64c) WATERPROOFING CELLAR | FLOORS and walls, chimneys bullt and repaired, roofing and caulking. Free estimates on guaranteed jobs. Phone 1314M. (Nov9) HB MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK Agents for New Idea and Pease Eur. Stree A onine spl ols r-col oning a alt Phone 4505J. ( Novitt) PAINTING AND DECORATT NG. IN. terior, exterior QGraining a specialty General repairs Gys Hulde der (aon anytime. ov16) SCREENED SAND, Gt RA LL Bo Bowmanville. : Phone i CEMENT "MIXER FO RENT. 4 APPLY RC Wilson, 375 F Gbvon St Phone J091R. (Nov28), AM FILL. GEN- of trucks. EmMcient P. Bssery. Phone Oct30) 2255 (Oct28) if required. Have your He pained here. Phone 3344M (Nov10) MOREY'S GARAGE. CORNER VERI.UN and Glidden. Expert TepAls w GM and Chrysler Products. Phone 657. (Nov10) 22--Lost and Found STRAYED ON PROPERTY "or ALLAN McKenzie, Col ber 1, one steer. Owner inay have "oa in| EY iL i . and arenm. same by provi property and expenses. Telephone Brook!) n t. . Valued as keep. ) 5 Women' s Column CHARIS CORSETIERE-.V. M. MILLS, 159 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3333W (Nov30) STRING AR Sep phone 138 SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS, Order now for Fall delivery. For infor- mation phone 4091J. (Nov8) 24--Personal WOULD PARTY WHO BOUGHT stack of hay on 3rd Concession, please have it removed. (66a WEAKNESSES REVEALED AND OVER- come easily by enclosing sample of | acter." Fad with $1. our True Char- FARM, 90 ACRES, CEDAR BUSH creek, 8 roomed house orchard, 8 acres fall wheat. Nerth alricrt. Phons 920R2 (83») | THREE-ROOM HOUSE FOR "SALE, triple floor, white plaster throughout. | To be moved by purchaser, 159 Verdun Rd. (Nov.2) | S- oa] INSUL | BRICK HOUSE lights, water, septic tank, furnace, 2 | 03a 3 with fruit td Apply 107 Rosehill | (63d $6000 SMALL | FARM, NEAR vel ville, half mile from' highway. Approx!- mately 20 acres young orchard. Bank barn and stable, hen house, garage, ood seven roomed house. Hydro. pply Laverne Clemens, R.R. 6, manville, phone 2436. (66c) $3500 -- FIVE ROOMED ONE STOREY | brick house, ibm Bt i mock from Motors Si manville, RR, 6 Phone 2430 (800) TRIPLEX 8econd floor has 2, three roomed apts. and bath, First floor has 4 rooms, with full basement. Fur- nace and stoker nearly new. Coal in. One upper apt. available now. Priced to sell. Phone 3903J. Fri. ind 3 6 ROOM SQ. 2 N BRICK, MODERN, | dence of Dusinasn. By central, for resi- ness. Possession $7000. . French. (Goby | Fp Gromwei ar, on Cromwe! 200 Simcoe 8t. Ave. gi Spear So ow, a x] - session. . French. y ( 865) LOT 4 TE NORTH OF | Motors fleld. Apply 1 171 Nassau. u. (63e) | WE HAVE SECURED TODAY LISTING OF A SIX-ROOM RUG BRICK HOUSE ON RITSON ROAD SOUTH This is an owner's home in excellent | condition. The living room is 22x1 with an open fire-place, large diningz- room. Three bedrooms, 2-pc. bath with separate toilet. The price Is $7000.00 and this house must be sold by Novem- | ber 15th. See this office for further particulars, by ent only. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate and General Insurance 82 SIMCOE Sees SOUTH PHONE 1550 (62e) SEE OSHAWA'S FINEST SUBURB NORTHWAY COURT "THE IDEAL SPOT TO BUILD YOUR NEW HOME" Just outside Oshawa on Simcoe and Masson Sts., immediately adjacent to many of Oshawa's most beautiful homes. Established restrictions assure you that your in- vestment in your land now, and your home when you build it, will be secure, A To reserve YCUR site NOW ! SEE howe 4400 chofield INSURANCE Agensy 6 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 26--Real Estate Wanted acter, ington Hart, au 661) SRE, CARD READING, Elliott, 89 Nassau St. Phone Roms for appointments. (Novll) TEA CUP READING BY APPOINT- Inehs only. Apply 184 King West Phone 4714. (Nov23) DOUG LAS PRYOR. 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products De- livery under under $1. Phone 217R. (Nov?) SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFPECTIVE 2 2. Meeks supply 81: 12 weeks' $5. at all druggts' 25--Real Estate For Sale 5 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NEWLY corated ibloughout, Apply, 61 Arita ton after 6 p.m aE: 4 ROOM INSUL BRICK HOUSE, -- unfinished bathroom and attic, good cellar, large garden. Early possession. Ins] nvited. Phone Ei ( pection 200 KING ST. WEST--CEMENT BLOCK uleIng with auditorium, a ADArte ments, basemen, inally erected as churep, Pousession Tginally lately, Priced 5 OR MORE ACRES, SMALL on highway within 20 miles of J. Straight cash to $2000, Available hydro | Gi Sr To TORRE ORS Al Saturday and Sunday. awa Soon; | REAL ESTATE WANTED -- WE buyers some with cash to ZTE Ave | and 6 room houses and othe C. H. French, Ontario St. Proper) WIL PAY UP TO $15,000 CASH FOR | Bait two-storey house. Prefer centre | all in north end, Box 450, Times-Gaz- (65¢) . noox House, $1000 CASH, terms, yearty sala pox "wr Times-Gazette, ye Agols | 27--Real Estate Exchange ¢ ROOM E ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD LOCALITY for a bungalow. In good cond Box 505, Times- Gazette (050) | 29----Rooms For r Rent ONE FURNISHED I. Continuous hot ED) water. FOR Phone (66b) FRONT 'BEDROOM, NICELY FURNISH of original cost na present value. Act Jat th property is scarce. Apply 27 Warren Ave, Oshawa. (64¢) 4-ROOM " INSULATED CK HOUSE, doutie lot, newly decorated. Immed- POSS ssession. Phone 1510W. (83er 4 BUNGALOW. BATH, HARD- wood hot ter heaving. large lot, double RATARE, Earl lon d Bal. easy own. Phone J tor sppointment. (66¢c) King St. E., Apt. 6, (@50; MS, UNFURNISHED, NO Apply 110 Bloor St. East. (85¢)" COMFORTABLE ROOM IN PRIVATE home for business lady. Board option- al. Box 501, Times-Gazette P65) 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR RENT. Business gentleman or ladies. Phone o TWO children, , Bow- | ,| BELG! THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly And Harry Shorten LOOKIT) THE BEST SHIRT I HAVE PURE SILK AND A NARD 29--Rooms For Rent [ 36--Articles For Sale 36--Articles For Sale ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, NORTH | end. Phone 3382) evenings. tose) | | ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM. ! | No children. Apply 248 Beatty ic) | Cc) |; { 29a--For Rent | vom RENT -- RADIOS, VACUUM | leaners, sun lamps, Circulex Thera- | peutic machines electric heaters, floor olishers, record players Meagher's, 2 Simcoe N. Phone ROOM AND >) BOARD FOR 2 } GENTLE- | men willing to share room. 139 Albert | St., evenings. (66a) ! ROOM AND BOARD | change for light househ High school girl preferred. Ph 31--Wanted To Rent | TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooms or apartment wanted by young Souple, Apply Box 507, Times-Gazette. (66¢c) HED ROOM 1 IN QUIET HOME, | | FURNIS } houskeeping, 29 Brock St, E, Phone 1073J. (66D) AP, IN EX- duties, 3944. TWO OR MORE ROOMS, APARTMEN or flat, young couple, both veterans, no children, Box , Times-Gazette. , (66c) 3 ROOMS QR APT. WANTED BY | young couple, salaried position, Phone | 39127. (66b) | 3-ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE, { pnfufgished or furnished by couple i c) i nd baby, 25 George Bt., Ajax. | EX-ATRMAN ~ AND ~ WIFE DESIRE' | house or two, three rooms, preferab! RLY east end or Harmony. Phone 30 | __(685¢) ry | EX- SERVI N AND WIFE RE- | quire two or three furnished rooms, Apartment or duplex by Dec, 1st. Ap- y Box 502 Times-Gazette. (65¢) 32--Automobiles For Sale BUICK, SERIAL 142568, NEW TIRES, RTL $225. Clarence Bell, Cottage | | 270 at Lake ___ (66a) | 1932 ROCKNE COACH. SERIAL 960- | 435. In good shape, $225 cash. Apply Lf | Rout, first house east Corbet's Poin Rd. . South s side, on New Highway. 850) | 20 FORD COACH. SERIAL CA136060. Sa00, 0 Apply C. Terrill, 1175 Simcoe Be ( i TRIE Wanted CASH FOR '36 TO Al, PRIVATELY | owned car. Box 431, Times-Gazette (63e) |WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE USED | | ears and trucks. Cash or terms | est cash prices pald Any or { model Naiman's Garage, 181 Aibery; | 3 Phone 4468. (Nov25) | ehh > SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS TAT Dodd's car lot 278 Park RA. 8 Phove | 3344M. (Nov18tf) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY | Motor Sales 1271 Simcoe 8t. North { Phcne 4695W. Nov30) | LAKESHORE AUTO CKERS --, Cars wanted tor wrecking. Highest prices pald. Phone 3362; evenings 1278 (Nov15) | | 34--Pets and Livestock TUM POLICE PUPS, TYPICAL. Phone 2272. (66a) BEAGLE, TWO YEARS OLD, WIL L! run deer or fox. Phone 1651R11. (65c) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL PUP-; ples black and black and white, Stock- | dale lineage C. Peel, 1232 Simcoe North ' Phone 436W1. (63d REGISTERED OOCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples and grown dogs Al stud. Waubena Kennels, of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway, ovl) 35--Wearing Apparel PR. PR. BOY'S BLACK SKATES, SIZE 5; pair girl's white, size 2; 2 walnut beds, set of 8 springs. Phone 2379. (66h) BEAUTIFUL uy FOX TRIMMED brown coat. Size 16. Chesterfield, day- bed, other 5 Ry Phone 3025J. (66a) FITTED GREY KID FUR COAT, HAT and muff to match, size 16. Reason- able. Phone 2090J. (66a) BEIGE CARACUL _ | length coat, size 16, | Priced reasonable, HEAD FULL Phone 2490J. (66b) AND SKATES, SIZE 4, Phone 3010R (66a) | HUDSON SEAL COAT, SIZE 1, C GOOD | | condition, $125. Phone 1537R after 5 E. | p.m. (65b) | LADY'S FITTED GREEN COAT, RED fox collar, baby's bathenette, genuine rubber, used short time, Phone br il Cc | MAN'S 'S WINTER OVERCOAT, SIZE 38, | lady's winter coat, and other articles, ' sizes 14, Phone 2933M. (85¢) | MAN 8 OVERCOAT, ALL WOOL TWEED POLY acket also suit, All size nr | it. c BOY'S OVERCOAT, LIKE NEW. SIZE 12-13, $9. Phone 1379M. oc) | | BROWN TUXEDO COAT, SIZE 16, FUR | immed. Phone 39500 (63¢c) | BOY'S LEATHER COAT, SIZE 10-12. ice $4. Men's skates, size 3 $5. Lady's ' skates, narrow width, size 7, $4. Phone 4082W. 64 Westmount Ave, (63c) | MASQUERADE 'COSTUMES FOR RENT, for party or dance. Ladies, gents, ey | querade Make arly, Make-up if desired. Sixty-six Celina; (Nov.1) BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. Highesu prices pald for used clothing. Sterilized, cleaned and pressed lke new. We buy and sell used shoes. Large stock suits, spring coats, pants, kt single jack and vests all sizes and colors. Also new goods: large stock to choose from. A call witl convinces you. 21 Bond West. Samuel Schwartz. (Nov8) 36--Articles For Sale BOY'S BOOTS | Good condition. PPLES, PEWAUKEE, GREENINGS. Also wind drops. Frank Ballard, 1'3 miles east of Columbus. Bring con- tainers. Near C.G.LT, camp. (66h) rl4 | Front St., Oshawa. ) | spring | chairs, small tables, : Taunton. Phone 1652W1, FOR SALE i Hay loader $35, Mower, good shape $30, Hay Rake $20, Cultivator $15, Whiffletrees $3.50 and $2.00, Britchen Harness $15, Plow Harness, web tugs 15; Quebec Heater, Clothes Reel | $2, Cabbage, Turnips, Carrots, Beets, | and Pepper, uash, Call Saturday morning. William McIntosh, 3rd Con., 2 miles west of Ross' Comers | a (Nov9) | NE USED REMINGTON TYPEWRIT- | Intosh, 30--Room and Board | or , good condition; 1 tuxedo, size 40. Apply 191 Centre St. 5 (66b) | FINDLEY RANGE, COAL OR WOOD, | with reservoir. Cood condition, Apply | 169 Tresane St. (66b) | SPYS, DELICIOUS AND CRANBERRY pippins delivered. Apply 288 Festubert | or_ Phone 3530W. (66¢c) ALNUT "FINISHED | DINING re ae _ Phone 1863W. (66b) QUANTITY "OF SWEET "CORN, IN sheaves, will- deliver if necessary. W. McIntosh, 3rd, Con., north of Whitby (66c) GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, BLUE | convertible, good condition. 80 Hill-| croft. (66a) } CYLINDER MOTOR, '27 CHEV. Completely overhauled. Call after 6. Phone 4264W1, (66b) FOR BALE SUSED SED FURNACE. APPLY 63 Ritson Rd. (66 STORM DOOR, 6' 10"x2' had glass; boy's overcoat, size Good condition. Phone 316W, (66a) coop LIGHT TOP SOIL. PHONE 2889J (66c) 10", 12 MAROON PRAM, GOOD CONDITION. Will sell cheap. 287 Muriel Ave. (66b) 40 GAL. HOT WATER TANK, PHONE 2649, (662) CHESTERFIELD SUITE. (66a) 3 PC. USED Phone 3 37414. El LARGE "QUEBEC HEATER AND COOK stove, both good condition. 225 Gray- burn Ave. (66b) CREAM, MCLARY COAL AND WOOD stove; lapge extension table. 186 Gib- bon St. # (66c) HORSE WAGON AND PLOW. APPLY | 139 Albert St., evenings. (66a) VACUUM CLEANER WITH ALL AT- tachments, cylinder type, in good con- | dition. Apply 648 Summerville ae, . { ) {| TRAILER, 5'x6' OX: APPLY VIC- tors, 3¢ King St. W. (86b) | ONE RADIO, "ALSO SQUARE DINING room table, call at 458 King si: (65b) BLUE PRAM FOR SALE, CHEAP, AP- | ©! ww 203 Drew St. (65b) | PC. CHESTERFIELD, NEARLY NEW, hoy Apply Disney Motors, Pickertnz, (85¢c) OUR 6'x3' GLASS SHOW CASES FOR BUR! complete, | town customers solicited. sR Horwich Jewellers, 24 Jim 85c) SREEOTS. "SPANISH AND SOUR onions, sweet turnips, Apply A. Kozak, | Thornton's Corners, south. Call or | write. We deliver (65b) WILL TRADE 6.5 MM, GUN AND BOX | shells for 12 gauge pump shoigun, S10 (65c) '28 DODGE ENGINE WITH PULLEY, £904 condtion, Apply 22 McLaughiin lvd. (65b) LARGE ACREAGE OF GRAVEL PIT | North of Whitby, Apply J. Werzun, 253 Mitchell Ave., Oshawa. (631) PIANO ACCORDION, HOHNER, 48 bass, Pair of ladies' tube skates, white boots, size 8. Apply 157 Nassau. 2 tetoy | FULL SIZED RED MAPLE LEED. | and spring filled Tatirees Phone 732M. BONE COLORED, .- CHROMIUM * Send pram, $15. 105 Arlington, phone Zo 12 FT, SHOE ; FINISHER. APPL eet Cc Bond St. FOUR SOE 2 LIVING ROOM Northern Electric cabinet radio, seal coat, 16-18, Phong ( 350w12, ELECTRIC PUMP FOR SALE, APPLY 209 Simcoe Bt, N, for Information, SIMPLEX COMBINATION COAL, wood, five-burner gas stove, warming oven and water front. Was expensive, £35. Ready to y 3 go, Also 2 fireplace grates. 404 Du it, Whitby, Ont. (65b) ONE dn CABINET, PORCELAIN top, ivory, $15. Lady's brown fur coat, size h 5. Good condition. Phone 4277. p_ (65D) | 3L LIVINGSTONE STOKER. EXCEL- lent condition, May be seen in operas tion. Phone 2034R. 652) FORDSON TRACTOR. ENGINE RE- bored, fitted with 1937 pistons, pins, rings, valves and crankshaft, distri- butor, generator, battery, pulley. 186x620 tires in front. Apply E. H. Wieshy PIANOS, WALNUT MASON & RISOH, small consol?' model, 42" high, wide. Charles H, Peacock, 80 Simcoe x. Phon e 251, (63e) CHOICE CARROTS. WE 1 DELIVER. Selling by bushel, Phone Ta 2 ov: 5000 APPLE AND D PEAR TREES, TALL best varieties. For best results plant in fall, before snowfall. Early bearing. Order now! Oshawa Nursery, 159 Ver- dun I Rd. _Phone 3235. (N Nov. 16) WOODEN BARRELS. ALMOST "NEW. Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for pickles, cider, sauerkraut, pickling meats, etc. Glecoff's, Ritson South. Phone 3235. __(Nov 24) REFRIGERATORS -- RS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator Bell's Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. Phone Novia) Nov CHOICE HARDWOOD Get it now, one cord ot cord wood cut up in stove lengths and delivered: Price $18.50 Per Cord PHONE 481 (Nov.18) i CONTENTS OF SEVEN ROOMED | house for sale--may be seen by ap- | pointment, Saturday to Monday eve-| ning. Pickering 75J. (67a) | 75 VARIOUS SIZED USED MOTOR tires, tubes, expertly vulcanized and guaranteed, Phone 4667) after 6. (Nov.23) APPLES, SPIES, MCcINTOSH, SNOW, Tollman Sweets, Cortland, sell basket, | bashel or barrel. Special sale now. Mc- 6.qt. basket. Bring your own containers. One mile North P.O. Whitby. John Pollock (Nov. 11) 200 BARRELS CHOICE SPY APPLES. Any quantity, 1's miles north Taunt- on, 5 mile west W. J. Davis. (Nov2) BRADLEYS FURNITURE 40 King Street West. AWNINGS AND KIRSCH VENETIAN blinds. Estimates without ob!ization George M. Reid, phone 21° Bond West, Nov23) SILENT GLOW OIL 3URNERS FOR cookstove, jacket heaters etc Cooks and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Nov21tf) BABY PEAMS, AND CONVERTIBLE carriages, an:any styles and colors. See our large selection. Wilson's Furniture Co. 20 Church St. (Nov14) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER OF coal and wood heaters, like new. suit- able for your home or business quart- ers. Now on display at the Bradley Furniture Co., Simcoe South store. (Nov2l) COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL- able, a number of models to choose from. Approved terms if desired Mea- gher's, Simcoe St. N, (Nov27) BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY styles, steel or wood; bassinettes. high chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers. doll prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church St. (Nov 14) AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER, COM- plete with tank and Honeywell con- trols, Used doors and windows, small table and desk; also pair of leaded glass windows, new, 214 Arthur St. phone 1811W, (Wed-Fri) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bid- dulph, 68 Simcoe 8t. N. Phone 3800W (Nov25) SALES, PLUS A Service. . Out-of- W. Borrow. | dale. Phone -3575W12. (Nov18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER un ft Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. HECLA Hi (Nov23) condition, OIL NERS Reliable "AIR FURNACE IN GOOD Phone 340 after 6 on COAL RANGES BOTH NEW used, very large stock to choose from Meagher" Simcoe St. N, (Nov20) SVERYTHIN FOik THE HOME! Chesterfield suites, bedroom suitzs, breakfast suites, studio couches, Sim- mon's beds, spring filled mattresses wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc- caslonal tables. chairs, floor coveringr. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's - Furniture Co.. (Nov14) 37--Articles Wanted 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN WANTED. Phone 1792M. (64c) PRIVATE PARTY URGENTLY RB- | quires washing machine, electric re- | frigerator, typewriter, vacuum cleaner, and sewing machine, Fons Seal; Nowv.16) USED STANDARD MODEL TYPE- | writer wanted, n.ust be in good con- dition. Write or phone Mrs. Jackson, Times-Gazette office. (5080) SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED rurniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Nov13) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL. | son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388. Open evenings. (Oct24) CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, WE need 100, any condition: also tricycles all sizes, Phone 2629W. Kingsway Novi) (Nov4) FEA AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices pald.| Write: Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. (Nov21tf) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back CNR Station. (Novl) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice Boxes, radios and stoves, 56 Kine West. Phone 3326W. (Nov5) 38--Female Heln Wanted orkL BETWEEN 20-30 TO TAKE CARE of 2 children and do light housekeep- ing. 6 6 days week. Phone 1695W. ._(66b) TYPIST WANTED Experienced typist required with good education and business back ground. Customs experience . an asset, Apply glving full record of AND | Rate for Advertisiag under this heading--3c per word each inser- tion. Minimum charge 45 cents. AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day, Friday and Saturday, (Oct30) 39--Male Help Wanted WANTED--CEXTIFIED MOTOR MECH- anic or apprentice, with experience. Go wages and working conditions. Apply Box 441, Times-Gazette, FOR ACCOUNTANT"S OFFICE -- MAN capable of maintaining complete set of books and preparation of financial statements, Reply giving all informa- tion including salary expected to Box 504, Times-Gazette. (66¢c) MALE HELP WANTED Be an appliance service specialist. Cash in on repairing refrigerators, fast freez- ers, alr conditioners, oil burners, stok- ers, automatic ranges, ironers and all types of modern appliances. Day and evening practical experience in our newly-equipped shops, under register- ed instructors, provides complete train- ing. Use your spare time to prepare for full or spare- Hime earnings and | Eas; n en-| i you to prapare for quick cash returns. Write for proof of Oppor- tunity and full particulars. Applica- tions considered from mechanically- minded men in the order received. 'ANDARD ENGINEERING BOX 511, TIMES-GAZETTE (66c) EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN TO | work on dairy farm. Separate house | with hydro. Wages up to $85 per ' { month. Apply Box 509, Times-! rQazette. | Mpke a steady income selling for the world's largest health and ao) cident company. Selling experience | an asset, but not essential. We teach you. The only limits to your | income, is your own willingness to work. Act now! Write in for further particulars. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 3 Simcoe St. South Room 5 (Nov.2) D LRICKLAYERS Waren FOR TIMES-GAZETTE BLDG. Part Time Arrangements Appreciated Aprly H. M. BROOKS Contractor 472 Masson St Phone 1229 SCHOOL REC RECESSES Need for strict strict observance of breaks in class routine in school is the subject of a pronouncement Health and Welfare, Ottawa. The health officers point out that reces- ses should be observed carefully. Class rooms should be given a chance to air, and both teacher and pupil given the benefit of a short spell of freedom from instruction and study. AUSSIE EXPORTS GROW Canberra -- (CP)---Australian ex- ports in the first two months of the new fiscal year started July 1 were more than double the value of ex- ports in the corresponding period in 1945. The amount was $215,000,- 000. Imports were worth $130,000,- 000 compared with $140,000,000 in the first two months of the previous year, CONSCRIPT TEACHERS New Delhi--(CP)--To meet a shortage of teachers, the United Provinces government has an- nounced a scheme whereby every young man who has had the bene- | fit of secondary school education will be compelled--by conscription if necessary--to give one year's free social service to the community, LOTS OF COPPER London--(CP)--Approximately 100 tons of copper will be required for Campaign Stars now being struck at the Royal Mint and Woolwich Arsenal at the rate of 15,000 a day. from the Department of National( STAN BLIGDON SERVICE Batteries re-charged © rent. ed © repaired! Over 200 rentals! 35 GIBB ST. PHONE 960 Under New Management REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE HOUSEHOLD . REFRIGERATORS DISPLAY OUNTERS--WALK- IN BOXES--FREEZER CHESTS-- MILK COOLERS--WASHING MACHINES, BELL'S reeniceraTion SALES & SERVICE 182 Simcoe St. S., Ph ne 2959w 41--Employment Wanted | WOULD LIKE STEADY EMPLOYMENT with stake body truck, Phone ajs1d, i) RELIABLE MIDDLE AGED OAL desires practical nursing, Apply 725 Louisa St. (64c) EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE now available, Phone 1526, (642) TREES REMOVED BY EXPERIENCED men. Phone 3091R (Nov10) PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled --- AL - MITCHELL'S 43--Auction Sales I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SELL oy public auction for M, G. Cochrane, t 14, Con. 4, east of Whitby, on Fri- 50 Nov, 8, all his farm stock, ments and furniture. Terms cash, Wm, imple- Sale at 1.00 p.m, Maw, auctioneer. (Sat. Tues. Thurs.) OMMUNITY AUCTION SALE, 33 Son St., Saturday, Nov, 2, at 1.30' p.m, sharp. 'Living room furniture, dining room furniture, kitchen and bedroom furniture, kitchen stoves, Quebec heat- ers, china cabinets, tables, chairs, | dishes and many other articles not yet listed. Terms cash, Frank Stirtivant, auctioneer. RL 60 cattle, 2 Holstein bulls, 10 Hol- stein Springer COWS, Jersey cows, fresh, 2 Jersey cows, Springing: 15, 3- vear-old Heifers, Springing; 10 yearling Holstein Heifers; 10 yearling Short- horn Heifers; Some baby calves, 135 pigs; team work horses. Terms cash, Sala at 1 o'clock, Charles Luke, 3 mile Fast Raglan on Tuesday, Nov. ember 5, (65¢) PAPER SOURCES Cornstalks, wheat straw and su- gar cane stalks are made into pa- per, corrugated fibre-bocard and building boards, STAR LAUNDRY 13 CELINA ST. Dry Cleaning -- Repairing Laundry DELIVERY -- PHONE 3164 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RENT An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE In Your Own Per Home $5 Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Phone 696 PHONE 3820 for Rental Battery! Agents for Monarch Batteries WEST END BATTERY SERVICE 87 WARREN AVE. (Stove or Nut) We have just received a 59 CHURCH American Anthracite NOW AVAILABLE! large shipment ready for Immediate Delivery! ARMSTRONG FUELS PHONES 2727w -- 2726 schooling and previous ment, Box 510, Times-Gazette, (66c) YOUNG LADY WITH HIGH SCHOOL education for office work. Apply Box 449, Times-Gazette. ,(85¢) EXPERIENCED CHEERFUL GIRL FOR Jlusehod duties In modern apt. Meal pana with guidance and assist In preps or twin bables, Sleep out. Farag 4273W Jt (65¢) CAPABLE, INDUSTRIOUS DOMESTIC, 8 to 6. Saturday 8 to 1. Chimcter re- ference required, 403 King (Nov.2) RELIABLE . HOUSEHOLD HELP IN modern home with all conveniences. Comfortable living Sarters and se- Darate bath. Phone 378 evenings fs Try a classified advertisement for quick results} ® Laid © Sanded Estimates Free KINGSTON RD. E, HARDWOOD FLOORS ® Finished! Old Floors Made Like New! : New Floors Made Like Glass! Guaranteed Work! CECIL H. LEVY; SDucoRssor to B. W, Haynes) PHONE 161J4 {B * BY J a a