{ | THURSDAY, OCTOBER NEWS OF WHITBY AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT 24, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE Plowing Match Draws Crowds --r v J By MRS, LORNE JONES Correspondent day with Mr, and Mrs, Sunaay he also attended the Mt, Zion Church Service in the evening. ursday morning, Mr, and dh d Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, son, lett for the plowing match and then spent a few days ab at relatives, O. Jamiesons, Don't forget the Greenwood Ane niversary on Sunday, October 37, There will be no service here in the evening, The Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Evans ene tertained Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wil- son and family on Sunday, Donald, Jack and Lenord Davies, Brooklin, spent Sunday with Earl Ison, 1 Bancroft spent Relatives from Pen' Don't forget the Active Service Sia, mooring next week, October 30, al the home of Mrs, Reg, Hos- kins. All are to dress in Hallowe'en costume, Mrs, Lewis Jones and Mrs, Walker are in charge of the program, : Mr, and Mrs, Jack Morgan and {BLE I Fars ar ob ay, to ather's farm h Roy Mor an.) Jack is going to take 3p 1am A We aro joing W wim ery much, Mr, rei Mrs, Ralph Jones and spent Sunday at her moth- o's, , W. Sadler of Highland Ashburn Guild Holds Meeting By MRS, W, ROUTLEY Ashburn, Oct, 24~The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Guild was held at the home of Mrs, rt Parrott on Wednesday, Oce Robe! tober 16, at 8 pm, Mrs, Alfred Parrott, oocupl chair and opened the meeting with the g of hymn 30 "Oount ur y Blessings" followed by reading of the Bo lesson Mrs, Wes Routley, thians, Chapter 9, verses 6-15, Gordon Fisher led in or Hymn 118 "Bringing mn the mee were read. ol y It was decided $0 hold =luck"" supper on vember 10, Mrs, Alfred £1: n BH ; g Several from vicinity attend. ed the Anniversary Services at the Fiashyicrian Church of Port Perry p Sunday. rs, Walter: Kerr is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Stives of Unionville, Mrs. H, Philip of Manilla, is with daughter, Mrs, E, Beadle, members of the Young Peo Soclety will hold a Hallowe'en Pe i at the home of Miss Fern Stephen on evening, October 25th. Grand Master (Continued from Page 1) ° Very Wor, Bro. Norval Willson of _ Oshawa and Very Wor, Bro, L, E, EARLE J, BRYANT Domestic, Commercial, Farm and Pole Line Installations fl. | Wm. Onyan, Colborne; en from II 1 Past President of the Ontario Dis- trict Association of Past Masters, Worshipful Masters and Wardens, introduced the Guest of Honor and his retinue, Wor, Bro, Ed, Ruthven snd Wor, Bro, Howard Dirkin were others who officiated, Many Distin Guests Among the a ton pres- ent were included; Rt, Wor, Bro, E, H, Brown, Bowmanville; Rt, Wor. Bro, A. B., Cawker, Port ; Wor, Bro, O, A Rt, Wor, Bro, J, GO. bourg; Very Wor, Bro, E, 8B, Fer- quacn Bowmanville; Very Wor, Bro, , N, Willson, Oshawa; Rt, Wor, Bro, M. N, Jackson, Oshawa; Rt, Wor. Bro. Thos, Wade, Toronto; Rt, Wor, Bro, R, V. Mowbray, Brooklin; Very Wor, Bro, R. 8, McLaughlin, Osh- awa; Rt, Wor, Bro, Geo, Hart, Osh- hawa; Rt, Wor, Bro, A. Heron, Tor- onto; Rt, Wor, Bro, W. A, Drum~ E. Taylor, Cobourg; Rt, Wor, Bro, B, Rolph, Orono; Very Wor, Bro, Rt, Wor, Bro, Wm, R, Baxter, Colborne; Very ord, | Wor._Bro, Geo, Davey, Port Perry; and Rt, Wor, Bro, Harvey Mitchell, Port Hope, : Are We Going"? "Where Are We Going" was the theme of masterful address, deliv~ ered following the reception dinner, Most Vy saniptilh The Grand ter Charles 8, Hamilton, in his the toast to nd Lodge and to The Grand Master, admibly 'oposed by Wor, Bro, Chas, Tyrrell, Master of Orono Lodge, who briefly reviewed the Guest of Honor's colorful career in business and Masonry, At the outset, Most Wor, Bro. Hamilton pointed out that twenty five years after the close of the frst Creat War, we were ipa 'Where had we been' an today, following = second terrible ict, we are repeating that query and adding another and more im- t one, 'Where are we going'? "We read and hear about the new world order, the post-war world, the Four Freedoms, peace and security and reconstruction but when le start talking about this brave ew World, that is to be born out of the war, I am inclined to be critical because I have a firm con- viction that unless people do more now about building the shape of things to come, the world will be Just the same as it was, minus the actual conflict of arms, People As individuals must do more them- selves towards creating a New d, "The better kind of world most of us want is a world where Josie realize that they have moral obli- ations to men, You are your bro- fher's keeper, whether you know it And the second step must be human being. All who make up our world are human: beings, "There is sometn g yen blges: tul of grati- erent to the mis Our ty "To remember past failures ls if they teach us to avoid Tuesday, No- Pisher and World leaders , Masonry dem- onstrated the ability to rally to its banner all races, creeds, men of dif- ferent National ideas, Surely we are big enough today to do the same, , Where lie our responsi- BONY big the " on man of the future, If the man of to- morrow is not going to become per fected as & human being, the significance of bringing civiiza- Hoa w a peak of perfection for "Here is a challenge to all of us, the challenge of the truth, learned in the and of our time --that mutual trust and help are conditions of life and th primery of that such help and trust, with their of peace and security, are only compensations we of today can offer the generations of tomore Tow, "Is this not the real purpose of chall Tilustrating his point with the tory of a little 8 the jig-saw ma ay pA A the difficulties of or, eto, by put together the ploture of a man which was on the {hpostle side of the pleces. Most or, Bro, Hamilton stressed "Get the man Tight, and the world will come out right", Root Is In Heart of Man: "The root of the trouble is in the heart of man", continued - The Grand Master, "He has enough wer at his disposal now to - is world a truly happy and secure R810 ive Bt he iy But uae it » even though the world to day is beset by so tragic prob PHONE 696 -- OSHAWA 17-42 40 PASSENGER AIRCRAFT FOR T.C.A. Toronto; Very Wor, Bro, L, |, This engineer's drawing will give future passengers on Trans-Canada Alr Lines' transcontinental, interna~ tional and trans-Atlantic routes an idea of the accommodation that will be available to them when Canada's largest airoraft, now being manufac- tured at the plant of Canadair Limited near Montreal, is delivered to T.C.A. She Noh Sa juolotype of the our-engine forty-passenger plane, was Invnched i July by Mrs: C.D. Howe, w (rab) wife of the Minister of Reconstruction and Supply, and made its first flight across Canada, from Montreal to Vancouver and back, non-stop, in September, Sarrying us passes ors Rt, Hon, Mr, Howe and H, J, Symington, CM.G,, K.C,, president of T.C.A. Thedrawingshowsthearrangement of the new type reclinable passenger chairs, the compact gallery for the sorvice of hot meals, the attendant's desk near the entrance, the flight deck, the radio and navigation rooms, equipped with Loran and other recent electronio devices, aswellastheladies' powder room and the gentlemen's washroom, furnished with hot and cold water and all the accessories of comfortable travel, The aircraft will be a combination of Trans-Canada and Douglas design with a British built Royce powsr plant, long hard business but surely we have learned there is no other way to make it into a world of our yourselves, unconsciously rhaps, have laboured in many {elds for the service of your com= munity and country, the inspira tion for which came from your per= sonal application of Masonic teach~ ings, You have submerged that identity as Masons and worked for the common welfare, but the time has come for Masons to remember these things and be proud of them, You have every right to take credit for your achievements. As Masons, I ask you to be conscious of them and of the stimulus derived from our precepts, ' Not A Beoret Soclety "I wonder if we are over-empha~ sizing the secrecy of "Masonry", declared The Grand Master, Mason ry is not and should not be regarded a8 & secret soclety and there is certainly no secret about Masonic philosophy, We have no secrets be yond a few inconsequential signs and tokens, for identification only. The fundamental principles and the urposes of Masonry are an open ok, Dealing briefly but separately with such features as good fellow ship of congenial friends; the Bokuty whd dignity of the ceremon= fals; Masonic education; charitable efforts, The Grand Master declared that they were each wonderful fea- tures of Masonry and very worth while but they were still only 'side issues', out that Masons are ine the fore among the re- sponsible and working personnel of Community and welfare commit= tees, in service club work, ete, The Grand Master opinea "these men are practising the ideals they have learned in Masonry", "The. pur of Masonry is the moral, intellectual and Aptsitunl im- provement of individuals and through the individuals, the im- provement of soclety. It is a power in the hands of moral, upright men, that will serve to strengthen and build world elvilization, Unless we are following this purpose, we are not fulfilling our purpose of Mas- onry., Let us mot waste time and energies telling ourselves what a great people we are and what moral lessons we teach but rather by our words and deeds, share our ree sponsibilities in helping to bulld a better world, "Brethren", averred the speaker, 'you are accomplishing results whether you realize it or mot, So make your weight felt and you will be surprised how much influence you have, Shape by Example "We shape our lives from exe amples around us more than any of us think, An example that is genuine needs no words to explain it, Sincerity and genuineness are qualities so outstanding that those who have them need no other in- troduction as to their character, We need examples in the world today to give us incentive and to fire our ambitions, In closing, The Grand Master de- clared, "The great Masonic test that you and I face today is--am I practising its principles with sincerity? "Let us answer that question by practising sincerely the ideals we profess in our own lives, in our community life, in our national life and in the life of the. world, Fine ally, let us never forget that great doctrine of "The Fatherho of God and the Brotherhood of Man", which the world so desperately needs today", Makes Presentation Rt, Wor, Bro, W. R, Baxter, of Colborne; Past D.D.G.M., in glow= ing praise, voiced the thanks of all the Brethren to The Grand Master for his inspiring address and at the valve refacing, reseating shop. ' ® GENEMAL MACHINE WORK © CRANKSHAFT RE- GROUND © CAM SHAFT RE- BUSHED © CYLINDER BORING ® KING PINS, PITMAN ARM, SECTOR SHAFTS FITTED ® RE-BABBITTING on your motor. 3 BYRON ST. SOUTH Garage Operators NOW WE CAN DO YOUR MACHINE WORK We solicit your business for automotive machine work. We have installed the finest equipment available and guarantee complete satisfaction, Our equipment is portable and for . convenience we can do Syunger Connections have been made to obtain when avalalable, all parts for completé motor rebuilding, For this we require your old block and crankshaft, and can give you 48-hour service We suggest that If you have an exchange motor in need of rebuilding, you consult us and let us proceed with the work. This will give you a motor for resale or emergency. All work done at prevailin, your inspection of our equipment and facilities at any time, G. R. WAUDE ' Machine Shop Phone 856--After Hours 5951 y orankshaft } ro nt: sinlink ® SLEEVES INSTALLED ® VALVES REFACED, RESEATED © INSERTS and GUIDES INSTALLED ® CLUTCHES GROUND and REBUILT ® ARMATURES TURN. ED and UNDERCUT ® ELECTRICAL & ACE- TLYENE WELDING prices, We invite WHITBY conclusion of his remarks, presented Most Wor, Bro, Hamilton with a beautiful table lamp, as a token of appreciation and souvenir of his visit to Ontario District, The toast to the visitors, proposed in mingled humorous and serious vein by Wor, Bro, Harry Curtis of Whitby, in his usuai pleasing man« ner was given adequate response by Rt, Wor, Bro. W, A, Drummond and Rt, Wor, Bro, Thos, Wade, Entertainers Thanked During the course of the dinner and subsequent program, The Osh- awa Olvic and Regimental Band, under the baton of Bandmaster J. Broadbent, played a series of popu- lar songs and band numbers in medley form, which was greatly ap- preciated. Bro, Rev, Luffman, of Greenwood, baritone soloist, also earned sincere applause for his two fine numbers, Just prior to the traditional Jun- for Warden's toast, which brought the event to a ha conclusion, Chairman Rt. Wor, Bro, R, V. Mow~ who had co-operated and been re- sponsible for carrying out the ar- rangements which made the occa- sion such a smooth success. Mem- bers of The Ontario District Asso- ciation of Past Masters and Masters and Wardens, were singled out for special mention, group had charge of most of the planning and arrangements, Automobile Output Down In September Ottawa, Oct, 24--(CP)--Automo- bile production in Canada slumped in September, presumably as the Pfor the first nine months of the year only slightly exceeded the cor« responding period of 1945, the Do- minion Bureau of Statistics reports, The nine-month total was 120,846 units, compared to 118,628 in 1045, The 1046 total included 63,788 pis- senger cars of which 21,023 were earmarked for export. Of the 57,058 Sommer) vehicles produced, 26, were for export. September total was 11,543 against 12,203 in September, 1945, Of the 6,304 pas- senger cars turned out last month, 4,524 were for sale in Canada, U.S. May Protest Reds' Berlin Tactics Oct. Berlin, 24--(AP)~United States authorities were reliably re- demand for an explanation from the Soviet military administration of reports that several hundred skilled German workmen and their families were being forcibly deporte 'ed from Berlin for labor in Ruse slan-occupled territory, The Social Democratic party of Berlin charged in a formal resolution that more than 200 such workers had been de- ported "against their will", begin- ning the day after the Russian- backed Socialist Unitty party lost the city-wide election, WORK GUARANTEED Complete check-up, Wringer grease and gear oll changed. Wringer rolls in stock. Special price on complete overhauls. BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE result of strikes, and total output | ported last night to be preparing a | 130 Brock St. N. Whitby, Tel, 707 Escapes Reformatory While on Work Party tario Reformatory urban New Toronto while wi in a shell pit. Prison officials Gardner, serving a six-months term for theft, got away without being seen and wasn't missed until his work party was checked, Press, Radio Freedom mh Faced Wartime Peril Chicago, Price, wartime censorship director, Oct." 24--(AP)--Byron |' declared last night that freedom of the press and radio in the United States were in "real and unmistak~ able" peril during the critical stages of the war, Some persons "in places of importance urged that the broad- casting industry not only could, but be taken under com opera~ tion," Mr. Price said in a speech to the National Association of Broad~ casters, London--(OP)--Hon, P, BE. Oum- burgh-- (CP) Doyle was fined £1 (84) for letting weeds in hig garden, GENERALD ELE RA-RED HEAT LAMPS For the relief of com- mon muscular pains . . . wherever the penetrat- ing heat of infra-red rays is required . . always trust the high quality infra-red heat lamps made by General Electric, L206 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIM ITED / These items are still in short supply. You will be wise to pur. chase now for Christmas gifts. "CLIFF" GCARTSHORE ANNOUNCES The Opening Of A WEAR SHOP 131 BROCK ST. NORTH -.3 Doors North of Brock Theatre WHITBY ACCESSORIES BOYS' "THE MEN OF EVERYTHING FOR THE FAMILY" SATURDAY, OCT. 26th AT 8.30 AM. FOR THE ACQUAINTED" Attractively Low Prices A FIRST WEEK WE OFFER A "GET- SPECIAL IN MEN'S WINDBREAKERS All Colors and Sizes at 'CLIFF' GARTSHORE 131 BROCK ST. NORTH (3 Doors North of Brock Theatre)