Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Oct 1946, p. 4

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 © PAGE FOUR LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Whitby Editor, W. J. Duthie, Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson Phone 708, All Departments New Sewage Plant Won't Add 7 Mills To 1947 Tax Rate Members of the Town Council have been unable to walk along the streets of the town without being threatened with dire catastrophe, since it was announced in the Toronto papers that the 1947 tax rate was to go up seven mills, due to their decision to build a newg state that such is not the case, and that the report was erroneous. The misapprehension arose when John R. Prost, town clerk and trea. surer, was asked by Council how the cost of the sewage plant and school would affect the tax rate, He explained that a 15 year de- benture for $150,000 oud Jean 3% 14 mills per year on prese pth i iy He iv added that the cost of the new school would bring this up to seven mills. . ' Not Until 1948 At the same time he also ex- plained that this money would not be needed until 1948 when the first payments on the debentures would start, and that it would therefore not be levied for until 1048. sewage plant. They all hasten 4 | Nor according to him would it | necessarily mean a jump of seven mills in the rate, as other deben- tures would be paid off in that year and the ones immediately following. In addition large expenditures, such as for the new fire truck, expected to arrive momentarily, and for the July 1 Oivic Reception for Veter- ans, would not recur again every year, 'Therefore, he thought, while the tax rate would probably rise a cer- tain amount, to pay for both these large undertakings, it was far from certain that it would rise seven mills, and except for unforseen circum- stances, extremely unlikely. And anyway not in 1047, but in 1948. Rising Assessment Helps In addition to this he pointed out i 1 38 HE g 3 § G 1 E 4 £ g ; 5 | E F i g : {i i: Eg / : 52 Hf 3 iz E ! | TL g b: Starts Business Southeast--Oriole Patrol Guide News This Saturday is the Girl Guide Cookie Day. On Tuesday night, each girl was assigned a certain district in which to take orders, so it is hoped there will be no overlapping. When a Girl Guide comes to your door sometime this week please give your order for as many dozens as possible, The trefoil-shaped cook- ies will be sold for 26c a box, each box containing three dozen cookies, Following are the patrols assigned to each ward; Northwest Ward-- Bluebird Patrol (Patrol Leader Vir- ginia Goodfellow); Southwest-- Thistle Patrol (Barbara Thomson); (Norma Did You Get An Assessment Notice? Explaining It This May Help In Apparently those assessment no- tices that were distributed generally and generously early this week have caused a certain amount of confusion among property owners and tenants of the town. all very simple, according to Jack Frost, Town Clerk. If you recelved an assessment notice you are either an owner or a tenant, The only difference is, of course, that the owner has to pay the tax and the tenant doesn't, ' For the owner, the little slip meang that he will place in the cof- fers of the treasury, in the near fu- ture, a sum of money based on, the figure shown on his slip, It also tells him that he is registered as a separate or public school supporter and whether or not he is expected to pay a dog tax 3 Speaks at Meeting Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events and or visitors to and Yom the i] town are ciated b) this department ' TELEPHONE 703 The first meeting for the new executive of the Whitby Minor Athe letic Association will be held to- night in the Town offices. > Mrs, Douglas Astley and son, of Port Hope, are spending a ten day holiday with Mrs, D. B, North, er parents, Judge and leman, Byron Street, a BE J Paul de Marky, Hungarian Com- poser-Pianist, will give a recital at the Ontario Ladies College, on Fri- not pay the tax, which is collected by the landlord as part of the ren- tal charges, but the form tells him whether he is registered as a public or separate school supporter, whe- On the other hand, tenants do J. "CLIFF" GARTSHORE Well known as a former business- man in Whitby, who is this week opening his new Men's Furnishings store on Brock Street North, General Motors Choir Will Sing In Whitby Dec. 2 The first of a series of concerts to be sponsored by the Whitby Ro- tary Club has been announced for Monday, December 2, in the United Church. The General Motors Choir, under the direction of Reginald G. Geen, will be the attraction for their first concert This choir is deservedly famous, and those in Whitby who have heard this aggregation before will do 50 again, Efforts are be- to procure a well known appear on the program. The Rotary Club hopes to pre- sent other concerts during the com- ing months, to feature well-known organizations such as the General Motors Choir, and also hopes that these efforts will meet with general support in the town, Pheasant Shoot Starts Tomorrow A two day event, which is waited for during all the rest of the year, starts tomorrow when the pheasant shooting season opens, It will last for two days in Whitby Township, tomorrow and Saturday, and during that time, the beautifully marked and feathered birds will be targets for the hunter's shotguns. In case anyone thinks there are no pheasants in Whitby Township, Harris) and Northeast--Lily-of-the- Valley Patrol (Marian Archibald) The new recruits for this month are Howardine Halpenny, Norma Smith and Beverly Barrons. Wel- come to Guiding, We hope you will enjoy it. On Tuesday night, the meeting opened with roll call, Inspection was held and fees collected, Then we adjourned to patrol corners where arrangements were made for Cookie Day. The meeting ~closed with the Girl Guide Prayer and taps. | There will be no Guide meeting next week. ther he has a vote in the munici- pal elections, (he has if the assess- ment of his home or business place is $300 or over) and whether he is or Js not expected to pay a dog tax, Business men, whether owner or tenant, receive an additional as- assessment notice, This form tells him that his business is assessed for a certain, sum, and on this he wil] be expected to pay the town a sum based on the assessed value of his business, Choose Execs. 'Will Observe Rally Sunday By M. V. LEURY Correspondent Myrtle Station, Oct. 24--Mr, 8. G. Saywell brougnt a good Thanks- giving message to his congregation on Sunday morning, basing it upon a portion of 1 Chronicles, 16. On Thursday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, Rev. Mr, Gard- iner, of Columbus, will meet with the Quarterly Board members in the Sunday School Room of Myrtle Church. A full membership is de- sired, that items of business may be discusesd and settled. | was called together to nominate For High 'Lit' By SHIRLEY FOSTER and hushed conversations in the halls of Whitby High, the school members for the Literary Soclety-- one of the school's largest and most important associations, The following pupils pupils were finally nominated to try for these positions: President: --Janet Spratt, Janet Recently appointed Director of Re- creation for Whitby who last night man, Hazel Ashby, Gerald Bracey, screen, G. H. Mc MAHON outlined some of his plans to the committee of the Whitby Recrea- tional Asssociation, _-- t Social Convener:--Miriam 8Se-d Mary Joan MacLeod. On Monday morning, October 21, during assembly, the above nomi- nees, chewing finger nalls and pull« ing hair, delivered brief speeches regarding their election two days away, Each student was called from his room during Wednesday's classes to give his ballotvote behind a f The positions of polling clerk and returning officer were held by Clayton Moorhouse and Jane Mcintyre, Everything was carried on in the same manner as a New Year's election, including secrecy. The final results of the Literary election were as follows: President--Janet Wells Vice-president--Malcom Mowatt Thos, East, 12,30, day evening, October 26th, at 8 p.m Everyone welcome, > Ld Ld Auctioneer William Maw will have charge of the auction sale on Saturday afternoon, of the house- hold furniture, property of Mrs. Bonnetta, Dundas Street The sale starts sharp at LE BR 4 The Ladies' Ald of the Baptist Church will hold thelr annual baz- aar on Friday, October 25, from 3-6 o'clock. Many lovely and useful ar- icles will be on display. Afternoon tea will be served by the ladies, & Reserve Monday evening, Decem- ber 2nd, for the concert by General Motors Choir, under the auspices of Whitby Rotary Club, Whitby United Church, Particu- lars later, in the ee The Annual Bazaar, under aus- pices Ladies' Aid, Baptist Church, will be held on Friday, October 25, rom 3-6 o'clock. Tables of aprons, fancy work, pillow cases and home cooking, will be on sale as well as many other useful articles, After noon tea will also be good place to buy your Christmas gifts, Circle Meets served, ' A Wells, Joan Foster, Malcolm Mo- wats Jermyn, Town, MacLeod, Jean Duddy. Secretary: --Rose Didych, Shirley Tom Gledhill, Isabel Treasurer:--Verda Packer, Merne Secretary--Rose Didych " Treasurer--Merne MacLeod Social Convener--Gerald Bracey Assistant--Hazel Ashby 80, to close, let me extend a wish for a really successful Literary year, Congratulations, winners! Rally Sunday program will be ob- served on Sunday morning. The scholars are asked to meet at 10.30 when class books will be marked and papers will be distributed be- fore the program, which will be car- ried on in the church at 11 am. Rev, Kenneth and Mrs. Bliss of Matinsville, Ill, U.S.A; Mr. and Mrs, E. Stacey of Oshawa; Mrs, F, Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs, were dinner guests on Saturday of Mrs. H, Stredwick. Little Miss Marilyn Downey was six years old on Saturday, and for this very important occasion, her mother gave a party for her, invit- ing nine little friends. They en- NOTICE Open Season on Pheasants TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY FRIDAY and SATURDAY -- OCT. 25th and 26th Special licenses for this shoot and for the subsequent rabbit season may be obtained from the undersigned at the Township Offices, Brooklin, or at my residence after office hours, MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk. joyed a wonderful afternoon to- gether. We are sorry to tell you that Mr, James Dickson is not very well. He has a bad cold. Mr, and Mrs, James Cooper and son Jim, visited with relatives in Fenlon Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A, Bonnetta, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, Hamilton on Monday even- ing. Mrs, E. Moore, who spent the week-end with the Hamilton fam- ily, returned to her home with the Bonnettas, The Elwood Masters were week- TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1947 At Greenwood By MAY E., BROWN Correspondent week, Mrs, Ken Webb was the leader in the study of India, which made to attend the Sectional Meet- Cavalcade in After the meeting, Mrs Miller and served a dainty lunch, Wesley and Mrs. Lehman of Clare- mont on Sunday afternoon, Mrs, John Johnson of Manchester, is visiting her sister, Mrs, W, Perkin, severe attack of chickenpox. Several attended the "Eyes of Love" given by the Solina day evening of last week, 88th Birthday Congratulations to John Brown birthday on Tuesday, October 18, Miss Betty McPhail of Toronto, spent the week-end with Greenwood friends. The tomato and corn picking came to a sudden end with the coming of frost last week. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, James Gibson in Oct, 24.--~The Girls' Mission Oir- |# cle met at the home of Mrs, Hugh |§ Miller, a former member, in Picker- | ing, on Thursday evening of last |K proved very interesting, Plans were | if daughters, Jane ang Katharine |g Mr. and Mrs, Brown visited with | J§ a |g The friends of Jimmy McLean ; hope he will soon be better from a [MN drama, | Young People at Kinsale on - Fri- (§ who celebrated his eighty-eighth |B Starts to With the town's new Director of Recreation appointed Rec. Association Work and on the job, the Whitby Recreational Association settled the coming months, down at their meeting last night to plan their program for they could do very little without a director, so that the past few months have been spent by the exe- cutive of the Association interview- ing applicants for the position, And before they decided on Gordon H, McMahon they saw 50 other appli= cants, and Fred Twist, the chair~ man, told the committee that he thought thelr final choice had been a wise one, Last night he introduced Mr, Mec. Mahon to those members of the committee who hadn't met him, and then the new director proceed- ed to outline for the meeting sub- jects which he thinks are in need of immediate attention, Three immeaiate Problems The three that he mentioned, and which received the support of all those present, were, the matter and methods of raising money to fi- nance the recreation program, the matter of a program to work by, and a third one, the problem of playing fields, parks and facilities in general to be used for recreation, In introducing these three prob- lems, he said that he was looking forward to his part in the recrea- tional development in Whitby, and that in the two weeks that he has been here, he has met and talkea to many Whitby citizens and found them all interested in new ideas and in the whole conception of re. creation, He pointed out that the first step in any program is the organization itself, and felt that committees should be appointed to handle the different departments of the work, His suggestion was that three come mittees, to handle the three probe lems he had mentioned, would be sufficient at the start, with others To the present they had felt that ® to be appointed as the program de~ veloped, Will Appoint Commitiees On a motion by Rev. David Mare shall, a nominating committee of four members was set up, to meet next Monday night and suggest, members for these committees, This group consists of Miss M, J, Rud~ dy, Mr, Twist, J, ©, Taylor, and Mr, Marshall, A general discussion of the work to be done took place, with J, C, Taylor, and W, P. Ashton putting forth the idea that facilities for a Hobby Shop and for a Teen-age Club were among the first things that should be arranged. They cast speculative eyes about the large room in which they were ating, the Town Hall, and thought that It had possibilities, somewhat hidden under the dirt of years, but nevers, theless great possibilities, More may ccme of this, The Association consists of repre. sentatives from every organization' in the Town of Whitby, and last night the executive expressed ree' gret that, considering the impor+ tance and magnitude of the work! ahead, 50 many of these organiza« tions were not represented at the' meeting, : RECONVERTED FORT Zanzibar--(OP) -- The anclent Portuguese fort of Zanzibar, famous, local landmark whose walls have been silent witneses of many bar- barous acts in former times, now is to become the civic and welfare centre for women and children in the predominantly African part of the town, Wanted! YOUR EGGS Also the Best Market for Your LIVE HOGS - LAMBS - CALVES CHICKENS - HENS PICKERING FARMS LIMITED WHITBY--ONTARIO Phone 336--Day or Night co TO CHURCH SUNDAY WHITBY SERVICES, OCT. 27 On Year's Program % it 18 Tevenlod for their information, Take notice that the Assessment Roll of the Town the loss of her brother, the late London--(CP)--Berated by a ma- gistrate for indistinct speech, a wit- ness apologized, sald: "I'm without any teeth. I have two sets in my pocket but they won't fit, and to whet their appetites, that the Whitby Township Game Pre serve Committee early this summer released 250 young . birds to help swell the numbers of pheasants the district and increase the incen- tive for local enthusiasts. At the same time it was revealed that the limit of the bag is three cock birds per day and that shote guns only may be used during the unt. : - Licenses and information may be obtained from THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Two Shows at 7:00 and 9:00. Saturday Matinee at 1:30 HAYWORTH Gis GENCE WACREADY - JoSEPy CALLEW in | iting with her parents, Mr. end guests of relatives in Bowman- ville Mrs, G. Yellowley of Oshawa, vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. T. Carey. Mrs, B. Brown of Toronto, is bi? an Mrs, M, Cryderman. Miss Audrey Grant of Toronto Normal School was home over the week-end, Her aunt, Miss Helena Grant, Reg. N., accompanied her and is remaining for a part of this week with her brother and his wife, Mr. Jack Kirkham and son John, of Trenton, were week-end guests of Myrtle friends. Mr, and Mrs. William Wood of Exeter, Miss Olive Wood and Mrs. Walter Hitchman of Toronto and Mrs, W. Draper of Brooklin, were recent callers at the home of their cousins, Mrs. F, Briggs and Mrs. H. Stredwick. Mr, and, Mrs, Freeman Howsom and little daughters, Betty and Winnifred of Colfax, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs, Milton Howson of Nest leton, were visitors on Wednesday of last week with their cousin, Mrs, Ronald Johnson and Mr, Johnson. Merrill Ross was ig Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, last week for X-rays. We cannot tell you as yet the result, but we hope the trouble will not prove to be serious. Mrs, David Duchemin was in To- ronto on Friday attended a banquet in the Margaret Eaton Hall for Miss Ruth Spanton in honor of her twenty-five years' service with the T. Eaton Co. W. A, Meeting The Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs, Clarence Hafrison on Wednesday afternoon of last week, with the president, Mrs, D. Duchemin in the chair, The Thanksgiving worship service was led by the president. Assisting her were Mrs. H. Hudgin, who offered prayer and Mrs. A. Paynter and Mrs, Harrison, who sang a duet, After the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the treasurer's report heard, a business period resulted in the dis- cussion and settlement of several items of business, One item was the purchase of a communion table and new offering plates for the church, A brief program followed, in which Mrs, Eyers played a plano solo and 'Mrs, Russell Taylor and Mrs. George Holliday each gave a reading, The hostess served after- noon tea and a half hour was spent of Whitby for the year 1947 23rd day of October, 1946, And further take notice that the last day for filing appeals against the Assessm was returned to me on the Perry Hooker of Oshawa. Remember the Anniversary Ser. . vices at the Greenwood Church on ent Roll is Wednesday, the Sunday, October 20, at 11.00 am. and 7.30 p.m, Everybody welcome, Ross Disney's new garage and BAPTIST PF. DARNELL CHLIRCH PHONE 483 6th day of November, 1946. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. hen-house is pretty well finished, and is quite an addition to his pro *perty. Bristol, England--(OP) -- A oar stopped in the dark outside A, Ban- well's house, then drove away. In- vestigating, Mr, Ben goat in his flower y il found a GET YOUR FAVORITES IN THE MUSIC WORLD WITH RECORDINGS THAT SING and VIBRATE «+ « « LOUD and FAST SLOW and SWUNG .. SWEET and MELLOW VICTOR BLUEBIRD és WHITBY HOME APPLI 124 DUNDAS ST. WEST (Authorized Dealer for Northern Electric Co.) Whitby Classified SALE--ALLIS-CHA! del C tractor, mechanically 800d. Ap- A alsam, Ont, Phone 0, V, Shaw, Balsam, (Oct.20) ly laremont 82ri, @ on fr roy Call evenin street, east, Whitby, (Upstairs), RUG, 0 X 7 N A , 121 John N TO WANTED----WOMA ASSIST WITH housework, day or houny. Apply 400 Dundas street west, Whitby, / WANTED----WANTED \ try, highest market prices paid feathera horse hair, Arp ! amber Brock street south, Whitby. Phone 644 or 992, FOR BALE--TWO HOLSTEIN HEIFERS young. and service Bull, P itby, bred 953, t.23) POUL. also y Holsteln Cows, hone (Oc also two T0 BUY, and Whitby, Joultrs, Highes market prices. WANTED TO BUY -- ALL RINDS OF and old feathers MRL APRIY J. Parker, Brock 8t. N. Phone SALES REGISTER SATURDAY, OCTO! Sale of Household Borty of undas street 12.30 sharp, See bills, Auctioneer, BER 26th--Auction Furniture, the pro Mrs, Thos, Bonnetta, 1120 east, Whitby, Sale at Willlam Maw, ANCE PHONE 383 w--Su-- SUNDAY 10:00 a.m,~--THE BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 a.m ~"TAKING TIME TO BE HOLY" | : 7:00 p.m, CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN W. G. "BILL" SHERRY VIOLINIST A Service of Seng and Music Mrs $t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church , 113 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11:00 AM. --PREACHER REV Boos J DAVIDSON, 7:00 PM. ~REV, HUGH CROZIER--REV, GORDON CHANNEN Soloist: Mr, R, W. Wagstaft, 10:00 AM.--~CHURCH SCHOOL, byterian Church, All Saints' Anglican Church 19TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8:00 AM ~HOLY COMMUNION, 7:00 P.M.~~The evening service is withdrawn, The congregation ia invited to attend the anniversary service in St, Andrew's Prea- 11:00 AM. --MATINS, In Council Chambers IPM ~ Full Gospel Meetings (Pentecostal) REV, BOMBAY OF OSHAWA. (Also Children's Sunday School) 7 P.M, ~EVANGELISTIC SERVICE, LL WELCOME - Brock St. 8, PASTOR M, ALMEY, 1 AM-~MORNING SERVICE, byterian Church, Whitby United Church Rev, Charles Malcolm, MA, B.D.~Mrs, Vernon Rowe, Music Din, - 2118 PM~SUNDAY SCHOOL, 7 P.M --The evening service is withdrawn and the congrega invited to attend the anniversary service at St, Andrew's Pros ALMONDS SERVICE AT 3 PM. tion ia

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