PAGE TWO THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY Births To Mz, and Mrs, Pearson A, Joyce Kellow, Toronto) PE A Thursdey, ber 244 ter. . A Rio s on Mother and doing In Memoriam omETTip lorsg Pema 4 Join 24, 1009, oth! 9» Re nombrancs keeps ~Hyer remembered daughter, J of our Ws alter Margaret E. Waiters, Who iid ag Scr 5 Longing | a smile from a loved one None hows the depth of our deep others forget. hat on remembered by Martha, Gladys, snd y, Cards of Thanks thank by wife and h to extend our sl 10, oor friends and neighbors, especially to Mrs, Ayreh and Major A, P, Simester, for kindness and Sxpins. ions of sympathy shown toward w n our recent sad bereavement, also jor the beautiful floral tributes. Mrs, Nelllo Hooker and family, Play Presented For Ninth Time GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent Solna, Oct. 23~The cast of the yecent play, "Eyes of Love", was en- tertained at the home of the dir- ectress, Mrs, Roy Langmaid, on Wednesday evening, October 16. Af- ter all hdd partaken of a lovely supper, Court Whist was enjoyed for the remainder of a very pleas- ant evening, The play was presented for the ninth time at Kinsale on Friday evening, This was the final pres- ' entation, as one of the cast, Bruce Taylor, left on Sunday for Kempt- | M * ville, where, with Charles Langmaid, he will take a aix-month's course at the Agricultural College. Miss Ida Reynolds, Mr, and Mrs, " Wilfred Storkey and Bill, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at J. Yellow- leer', Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Vice, Mur- ray and Donna, were Sunday dinner guests of Kedron relatives, Sunday School will be held at 1:30 p.m, next Sunday, October 27, with Church service following at 3 pm, Seek New Trial For Evelyn Dick Hamilton, Oct, 24--(CP)~--Inspec- tor Charles Wood of the Ontario provincial police is in Hamilton to- day following the announcement yesterday of a surprise witness in the celebrated torso case--@0-year- ' old George Hines who helped Mrs, " 'Evelyn Dick pull her car out of the mud last March 6, the day her hus- band, John, was slain, Inspector Wood declined comment on this new development, Today, John Sullivan, Mrs, Dick's counsel, said he would go to. Tor- ' onto to move for a mew trial for his client in view of the new evidence, Mr, Hines declined to give detalls of what he saw last March 6 al- thought he told a reporter: "I could commit an innocent man or let a murderer go free." \ 5 Years to Life Given Robber of Carroll Los Angeles, Oct, 24. --(AP)--Fu- gene Striplin, who confessed kid- napping and robbing showman Earl + Carroll of $240 in cash and stealing ; his automobile, was sentenced yes- terday to serve frcem five years to life in San Quentin prison. He was arrested a few hours after the rob- bey, Oct, 4. Youthful Bandits (Continued from Page 1) + the shop and stole a quantity of merchandise, "I wag in the back room when the two yo fellows came in" Mr, Ri. ordan related, "They shouted 'This 1s a stick-up, Get your hands up. they said 'Don't come any closer.' ile one of them kept me "covered," the other one 'vaulted over the counter and clean ed out the till, The gunman was with a white handkerchief the along two miles of eit; streets before losing the trail > the vel surface of the new 4. Li ighway where the car turned st. Population (Continued from Page 1) sessment on the 134 Wartime Hous. Ing Limited properties in the city, which are not included in the reg- | ular roll, amounts to $242.275. | Assessment liable for school rates and relief only, amounts to $48,135. As compared with '1945 yevised roll. Holbeach 8t, Marks, Lincs, Eng- land-- (CP) Twenty ns the New Inn taproom sat with beer mugs in front of them while Rev. '©. V. Wilkinson conducted a harvest Jestival service. ; $62,190 on the ~ Chest Fund (Continued from Page 1) body benefits, Everybody gives," the chairman of the campaign J. C, Anderson, K.C,, expreseced the hope that every citizen would make some contribution to this community ef- fort, The campaign manager praised the work which has been done by the many voluntary workers in the Red Feather drive and expressed the hope that for their convenience all returns would be In by the end of this week, This year's campaign has been shortened to one week as compared with two weeks in prev. fous drives, William Dewland, who is In charge of the small industries sec- tion, said that while it was too early to give an accurate estimate of contribution in this branch of the campaign, he expected at least 80 per cent of the returns in by tomorrow night, He sald that splendid co-operation had been glv- were being conducted in some 120 small firms and industries, Air Show To Assist On Saturday afternoon the On- tarlo County Flying Club in con- Junction with the Weston Aircraft Ltd, is presenting an alr show at the local airport and donating the entire proceeds to the Red Feather drive, The pilots, all of whom are from Oshawa, are also giving their time free of charge. The show is to begin at 2:30 p.m, Hong Beto, who 1s In charge of ese, has made an additional contri. bution to the campaign by asking people he meets if they would like to wear a "Red Feather" and there- by obtaining donations from trans- ents who otherwise might not con- tribute to any campalgn, A list of the most recent contri- butions received at the campaign treasurer's office with the total to date follows: Amout Brough Forward ,.,... urlowe Ethel G, Snowden ,,.,,, Mrs, L, Morris ..., Mrs A, E, Wood Mr, Nowton Edga Mrs, N, H, Daniel Everett Marshall : 000 00 Ethel Rokinson , 1.00 Izzy Minkes .... 2.00 Mrs, J, Stacey " 2.00 Mrs, Fred Boott " 00 Anne Cowle " 25 Holden & Holden , Lona Cray M, G. Johnston Robert MacKay Dorothy Hamley Donald J, Riggs . Chas, Hurkin Leo, W, Nichols W. A, Gifford ... VW, A, Dawland Ire A, Turpin 8, F, Evorson Vera Bibloek .... FB, Johnston Anonymous Mrs, A, Wilson Vera Pringle .. B, A Bright ,, Layng Cartage 'eas | The Burns Co. & Employees ., | Coulter Mfg, Co, and Employees Campbells: Studio Home Food Co. & Bm A, Wotten |, Harris Music Store Hutehlson Studlo Walter Bllsky .... John Gordon William Taylor ,, 40 00 | Chas, R, Collard 10.00 |Dr, W, K, Blair , 16,00 Dr, R, W, Graham , 25.00 Dr, A. F, MacKay ... 25.00 United Olgar Store 5.00 George Lim Glasier's A, Hominuk .. Albert Gewrow .,. Mavis Ashby Stephen Mandryk H, V, Bateman .., Qladvs Northey M, Muzik 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 130.00 144.00 20,00 50,00 10.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 13. - = = 3S BoD >= PRR GN GN s388 SS 838 (Fuller Brush Co.) | E. Cay Lumber Co, and Employees White Crystal Lunch .. 5.00 87.00 5.00 en by the employers and canvasses Ww the canvass among the local Chin- | A. 19.0 | trom Texas can be expected In On- h United States Nesbitis Ladies Wear cevveees 88 888 M, Evenstein (Grocer) . mployees GMC, Additional Subscription , D, McArthur ... M, Sammut John D, Jiorisen Matt, Goldburn teenies Kashower Alr Service Ltd, Home Appliance Employees Margaret EB, Mann ...., ' Hill Cornish Electric W, ANSOR +ooviinrins vires I RO Sond no » 8 8 885Seaws INCIBIr sein iinnin Bell Telephone Co, Employees (Addivional List) iio eee Wmployess Schofield Woolen W. EK, N, 88288 T £ 283333338533: k3838% 2% - ----uBoee mployees Bank of Montreal Employees. . a 1 Additional List) .e.viieen The 'T, Eatop CO, .visvvivrnes T, G, Gale ited i iiivnne Employees T, G, Gale Lid Dr, D, R, Dav . Mprie Siighany " Dr, H, C, Arnott ,.,.. Flizabeth M, Thomason Dr, C. Ds RE C 00rgo br. H, Joan H, Ketcheum, Mildred McAdam WwW. 8, Greer .. J, P, Mungah Employees Fitth SE » 88 8 - SB ngs Ltd, , $11,610.50 No Texas Gas For Ont. Till Steel Pipe Ready CHATHAM, Oct, 24 -- (CP) -- Thomas Welr, manager of the Un- [lon Gas Company, sald yesterday that no immediate imports of gas tario, until the shortage of steel pipe is alleviated, Another restric. | tion, he sald, is a ruling of the I 1%] Sessssseaze: 3-31 SS government which o | doesn't mean a 1.00 | | Niagara Falls, Oct 24--(CP) -- forbids the export of gas during the month of November to March, ine | elusive, Port Credit to Ask Wet-Dry Plebiscite Toronto, Oct, 24--(OP)--Edward G. Drew of nearby Port Credit sald today a petition will be sent to | State Secretary Paul Martin next | month asking for a plebiscite in Peel County on whether it will re. | main under the Canada Temper ance Act, Mr, Drew, chalrman of a commit. | tec of veterans seeking a beverage | room license for Port Credit Can- | | adian Legion branch, sald 25 per | cent of the voters in the county | have signed the petition. pry | 3 | | Age Means Nothing | To St. Thomas Cyclist 1 St. Thomas, Oct. 24--(OP)--Age | thing to Pred | | North, 76, the district's oldest cyc- | list. With 1,673 miles of pedalling to | {his credit since March, he has add- {ed 500 miles to his record of 1045, Inquest to be Held | In Oxygen Tent Death Coroner E. T. Kellam today an- | nounced an inquest would be held Nov, 4 into the death of Aubrey Johnson last month, Johnson lost his life when the oxygen tent in which he lay at Niagara Falls Gen. eral Hospital burst into flames, Make Sure Your Next Order Is... Now Available at "ue open. milk ra OSHAWA 16 Celina St. "| Get MORE EZES because I Feed My Hens with . . . 'SUNETERIA' LAY MASH ONT Phone 8 Safety Device Works, Tot Saved From Death Toronto, Oct, 24.--(OP)--Death missed a Conboy, 23%-year- old Toronto child, by a few inches Wednesday, When the tot ren out in front of a atreet-car near her home, the safety cradle on the ve- hicle plckbd her up and saved her Hom serious. injury or possible eath, Farewell Party At Prince Albert MRS ¥. E, SMITH Correspondent Prince Albert, Oct, 23--A large number of friends and neighbors of Mr, Ettey, and Mr, and Mrs, Sam Arnold gathered at the school house on Tuesday evening, in the form of a surprise party and farewell, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold left this community a short time ago to op~ erate the store on Scugog Island, Mr, Ettey, due to poor health, also gave up his florist business summer 'and has bullt a new home at Manchester, . Though their leaving was not ex- actly secret yet they all seemed to leave here unnoticed by many dur- ing the busy 'season, but the friends and neighbors were not forgetting and so this get-to-gether was plan- ned, and after some artful schem- this | after more than y carrying on your florist business in {our village, you have decided to the culprits were seated at last 0g the Su Albert Harper acted as chairman and called on the following for a short program: Mrs, Lloyd Hunter lead the community singing. A vo- cal polo was given Bruce Snel- grove, accompanied by Mrs. Snel. grove, Mrs, Grant Hunter favored with a plano number after which Mr, and Mrs, Snelgrove and Mrs, John Munroe joined in a pleasing trio number, During the evening some mis- chievous boys found thelr way to the basement and. turned off the lights a time or two, However it is c to Hallowe'en, Mr, Harper called Mr. Ettey and Mr. 'and Mrs, Arnold to the front and when they had taken the chairs them, Earl Martyn read the Ee a, a Prince Albert, Oct. 22. Dita ave Jolin ow n ave re~ marked to a who igh be giving you an invitation to a shower or presen "When will you give me a shower, it will be my turn soon", And now the time has come, that, thirty years of take life easy, So we take this op- portunity of getting together for you, not exactly a shower, but to 'wish you much happiness and good health in your new home at Man- chester, v The many years which you spent your many friends of community, It is our sincere wish that you may be spar- ed many years to enjoy these gifts | it to the fullest degree, Signed on behalf of Prince Albert community, Doreen Doupe and Shirley Smith presented him with a beautiful tri- light floor lamp and smoker stand, complete with cigars and tobacco, Mr. Ettey thanked one and all for their kindness in a few well chosen remarks, Bruce 8nelgrove came forward and read the following address: -- Prince Albert, Oct. 23, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Arnold: Dear Sam and Tena:--Tonight we your friends and former neigh- bors are assembled to do you honor, You lived in our community for nearly twenty years and during that time we find you consistently, amiably and honest in social and business way. Always you have been willing to co-operate in any worthy somuinity efforts, Espec- fally have we mired unceasing industry and your spirit of sharing together your difficulties and plea- sures. We are very sorry to lose you from this community but we are sure that your venture will be crowned with success and that yous new neighbors already appreciate your warm and kindly spirit, Although we shall meet you often we trust that these gifts will serve |' to remind you of your days in Prince Albert, and of your many friends here. Bigned on behalf of the commun. y. Reta Qurl and Shirley Vance then esented them also with a floor p and reversible rug. Both Sam and Tena, as they are well known, though were taken very much by surprise found words to thank all for thelr thoughtful kind- ness and Invited anyone, any time, to visit their store and home on Scugog. Mr, Ettey again taking the floor, offered apologies for unknowingly holding up the meeting and invited the people of Prince Albert to "look him up some time", All joined in singing "For they are Jolly good Fellows" A few old- time pleces were sung by all till lunch was served, AT'S ENOUGH The sergeant was taking particu- lars from a new recruit, : "Are, you married?" "Yes, sir." "Any children?" "Yes, sir. Five girls and four bays" "Nine altogether." "No, sir, One at a time}" Bond Biggest E THREE nw Ottawa, Oct, 24-1. sales of Canada Sav across Canada totalled . the biggest single day of buying since the bonds went on sale - ber 15, it was reported today tional headquarters of the cen align. sales for seven days of selling was boosted to $117,- 265,450. The total of payroll purchy sing was $23,105,600. Red Cross Sponsors First Dental Clinic Welland, Oct. 24.--(OP)--At the opening in Welland Wednesday of a Red Cross distriet den- tal health first of its kind in Ontario--Ontario Health Minister Kelley wished the venture success and said he hoped it would be a model for other communities, Still Seek Instigators Of Arsenic Poisoning Montreal, Oect.. 24--(OP)~Ofll. cers of the Montreal homicide squad and the health department today continued thelr investigations to bring to light the motive of the person or persons responsible for the arsenic poisoning of 300 mem- bers of 60 east-end families, \ Octo at na- camp Citizens of Oshawa { The Good Name of OSHAWA is in your hands T HE CITIZENS of Oshawa have earned an enviable reputation by surpassing the many objectives set for them in Victory Loans, Community Welfare Appeals, Christmas Cheer Drives, and every other humanitarian effort... It is a reputation of which every citizen might well be proud... this week The Oshawa Community Chest representing 16 Welfare Agen- cies is asking us to more than meet the minimum objective of $55,000 in order-that these organizations might carry on their worthy work during: the ensuing 12 months. The drive commenced on Monday morning and it is the desire of the executive to complete the work by Saturday night . . . only a few hours remain. Surely every citizen will want to have a part in this grand enterprise. Won't you then, please make sure that your name is inscribed on the "Honour Roll" of contributors who will be proud that they gave generously. Col. R. S. McLaughlin, Honorary Chairman of the Oshawa Come munity Chest, said in a public statement in The Times-Gazette on Oct. 153 "The youth serving agencies in our community which provide healthy, useful leisure-time activities for children and young people are helping them grow sound bodies, good minds and fine characters. Other organiza- tions who share in the fund serve as 'eyes to the blind and feet to those who are lame.' They search out the causes which we know not and serve in our stead as good neighbours. These organizations have all been tested and found more than worthwhile in the work each is doing. worthy of our utmost support, They are "A community chest organization can best promote the social welfare and health of a community, because it prevents duplication and promotes co-operative planning for better health and better living in the com- munity, Such a community-wide organization also helps by developing public understanding and support for the splendid work being done in our community, "The health of democratic society may be measured by the quality of service performed by its citizen volunteers, I would like to commend the many committeemen and solicitors who worked hard in these, year after year without any compensation whatsoever, expressing our fervent thanks, I know you will join me in "Because everybody benefits, everybody should give to help the boys and girls, and the needy of our community to enjoy a better life. So when your solicitor comes to call, welcome him In the spirit of the good Samaritan. Four hours pay, or half a day's pay is not too much for all they do. Let's all give generously." Let us all march shoulder-to-shoulder in this city-wide community effort and exceed the minimum objective of $55,000 by Saturday night. "Everybody Benefits ... . Everybody Gives" in this once-a-year campaign to help make life more bearable for those of our citizens who are less for- tunate and who perhaps during the next twelve months will urgently need help--be glad to lend a hand--give ganerously. MINIMUM OBJECTIVE $55,000 GIVE GENEROUSLY | This Space Contributed By The Daily Times- Gazette Whitby