THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIFTEEN Jooss Ballet Enjoyable Brilliant," precise, colourful, with perfect ensemble, the Jooss Ballet again thrilled the senses of Toronto balletomanes at the Royal Alexan- dra Theatre las evening. "The Green Table," a truly great imaginative work, is this company's featured and most powerful ballet, d has been of continual topical terest ever since in 1932 it won ; the first prize in the choreographic competition inaugurated by the In- ternational Congress of the Dance. It is a bitter indictment of the failure of the League of Nations. 'The curtain rises on an internation. al conference. There is talking, quarrelling, and shots are exchang- ed. In the second scene Death stalks the earth. The curtain falls on a repetition of the first act. The grim ironic parallel to the present United Nations conferences poign- antly leaps to one's mind provoking gloomy meditation. * In lighter vein "Seven Heroes," a new work full of boisterous, gro- tesque humour, is danced to the merry music of Purcell, The old favourites, "Big City" and "A Ball in Old Vienna" depict the pathos and sordid drama of a modern metropolis in vivid contrast to gay, sentimental Vienna, city of waltz dreams and romance in the 1840's, The Jooss Company is youthful, E. J. POMERY AUCTIONEER 511 HOWARD STREET WINDOW CAULKING and GLAZING! Now is the time to have those windows caulked and glazed before the -cold weather arrives. FOR QUICK SERVICE , . . Phones 4338j--3888w G. McKNIGHT Ww. J. COAL -- COKE -- WOOD 76 Cha-tes St. Phone 782 Zz SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL We use only the Best of Materials and Guarantee our Work, Before investing get a price direct from owner. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St, Bowmanville Phone 494 STAN ¢ BLIGDON Ls SERVICE Batteries re-charged © rent ed © repaired! Over 200 rentals! 35 GIBB ST. PHONE 960 Under New Management well-trained, and is outstand! in their ensemble work. Individual performances deserving mention ing innocent young girl in "Big City," the pert daughter in "Seven Heroes," and the crinolined debu- tante in "The Ball," Rols Alexander gave a superb portrayal of Death in "The Green Table." Other note- worthy danseurs were Hans Zullig and Sigurd Leader. This company is a definite in. terest in the modern dance. They are however outside the Russian Tradition, having sabotaged moet of the classical forms of dancing, This whilst giving them a certain free- dom of movement has taken much of the beauty, rhythm and har- mony out of their ballets with the single exception of "The Green Table," where stark realism is re- quired, fall short of the choreo- graphy of the Russian Ballet or England's Sadler's Wells, Various programmes for tne rest of the week in addition to those mentioned above include "Pavane," "Company At The Manor," "The Prodigal Son," and "Le Bosquet. Ballet lovers will undoubtedly find them interesting and enjoyable. --GEORGE E. y RADIATOR REPAIR and Cleaning 1 Guaranteed "Work \ K. VAN | 60 Wilson Rd. S., Phone PEARL'S Oshawa's Leading Sportswea: Shoppe 33 Simcoe N. Phone 3518 WHITEWASH IS SANITARY Soon the farm animals and the | will have to go-into winter were Noelle De Mosa as the charm- | poultry quarters, If the buildings are clean and sani the live stack can be more easily kept In good Health abd with good health they will work better or produce more. It is not a big job to put: the buildings in a sanitary cendition; whitewashing will do. The surface to be whitewashed should be free from dirt or grease, Just before [| applying the whitewash dampen the surface so that the wash-will not set too quickly. If a sprayer is used in| preference to a brush, be sure to strain the whitewash through two or three layers. of cheesecloth. A good disinfectant whitewash ran he made by adding one or two ounces of carbolic acid to each gallon of whitewash. Good retipes on how to mix TENTS, Tarpaulins REPAIRED ... RENOQVATED : Also Manufactured! TENTS RENTED DeWilde -& Penhale - 160' KING ST, W. PHONE 1340M PHONE 3820 for Rental Battery! Agents for Monarch Batteries BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS Terms in Accordance With War- Time Prices & Trade R WEST END BATTERY SERVICE 87 WARREN AVE. whitewash of different kinds may be obtained by writing to Dominion % ai REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVIC HOUSEHOLD REFRIGER, DISPLAY COUNTERS-- RRP MACHINES, BELL'S serwcenarion SALES & SERVICE _ 182 Simeue Si, 8. Ph ne 2059w 5| Have That Broken Electric El Iron Repaired by Our Ex- _ perts. Wc Repair and Service ' All Makes Phone 4600 MEAGHER'S Electric & Repair Service 92 SIMCOE. ST. N. 32 King St. W. Oshawa Phone 389 USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . , . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 15 KING ST. E PHONE 3300 (HouscHoLD _/3éatle APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE GENUINE BEATTY PARTS AUTHORIZED DEALER J (BELOW) call us for inspection if you have TROUBLE. we come on the DOUBLE Autnonizes BEAT viaLen 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Froni." (wo! wo! RE THEM + The bottle shortage is. acute-- Please return empty beer bottles to your nearest Brewers Retail Store or phone for pick-up service. PROMPTLY | JOE PALOOKA Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. ! IIL ABNER WE. GOTTA SHOW THET BASH INPY 24 i| JUNE BRIDE ; PORE. SOUL. SHE'S WELCOME * -IF } KETCHES I TURNIN, GREEN AT TH if By HAM FISHER LOOK, DARLING, {HOW DO YOU LIKE MY NEW SHOES 7 BATMAN AND ROBIN WELL, BATMAN ANDY Yc HONOR! WHAT You CAN H ROBIN -- THIS 1S AN A CAPTURE PROFESSOR RADIUM / === AND YOU'LL BREAK MAYBE I SHOULD ™ TAKE THEM BACK AND GET A PAIR LIKE YOURS") IN HIS MAD URGE TO BRING "MERCIFUL DEATH" TO UNHAPPY PEOPLE, HE MUST SEARCH FOR HUMANS / HIS VICTIMS... AND WE CAN CONVINCE HIM THIS IS AN OASIS OF MELANCHOLY UEETE UNAPPY Mens CLUB " By BRANDON WALSH T GUESS A MAN THAT KIN DRIVE FOUR MULES OVER A ROCKY ROAD MUST BE TERRIBLE SMART AN' BRAVE ~ STUFF AN' NONSENSE - NOW- ADAYS ALL A MULE SKINNER NEEDS IS A STRONG BACK AN' A LONG WHIP = ALL THEY HAVE TO-DO, NOWADAYS, 1S TO CLIMB UP ON A SEAT AN' CRACK THE WHIP- THE MULES KNOW THE ROAD - THEY'RE A HEAP = SMARTER THAN THE SKINNERS = - IN THE OLD DAYS, MEN WERE MEN- THERE WERE NO ROADS -A MULE SKINNER HAD TO BE A TOUGH, TWO FISTED HOMBRE WHO COULD FIGHT HIS WAY THROUGH A WILDER WARMING WITH WILD SECRET AGENT X9 LIVER-LIPS, YOU WERE SMART TO HAVE THAT CHICK CHILLED... THE COPS "CAN'T PROVE YOU KILLED PLEED, WITHOUT HER TORY | THINK MR.FUDDY AND SHUT UP, AND LISTEN! I WANT TO BE SURE JOKER AT THIS INGTANT, IN A NEARBY RAVINE, JOKER GOES ABOUT HIS 6RM TASK I : MAMIE TRIED TO SHAKE ME AND 1D LIKE TO KNOW By MEL GRAFF , A FEW MINUTES LATER, A FIGURE | STUMBLES FRANTICALLY THROUGH THE WH FINE THANKS T 1S PERPETRATING XY GET FOR ABANDONING A PRACTICAL THAT 1 RAISED SIX DOGS AND NOT ONE OF THEM HAS ANY TALENT OF ANY KIND? I READ ABOUT RACING 'DOGS AND HUNTING DOGS AND EVEN DOGS OF SMART DOGS THAT ARE EARNING THEIR MASTERS HUNDREDS TOOTS and CASPER _ CASPER, AL. SKIDDER, OUR GROCER, CALLED. HE CAN'T SEND YOU ANY OF, HIS GOOD CIGARS, BECAUSE KATILKA'S BOY FRIEND AXEL BOUGHT HELLO, AL! TOOTS TELLS ME KATILKA'S BOY FRIEND J)GETTING AXEL BOUG BEST CIGARS. HE SMOKED ALL MINE. AT LEAST YOU { HT ALL YOUR { I'M NOT iE CHARGES) EVERYTHING --By JIMMY MURPHY WHAT! 3 AND I HAVE TO SMOK! THESE TW FOR-A-NICKEL atures Syndicate, Inc, World nghts reserved I= THINK -- | HEARD "THE PHONE . RING -- WHY ARE You * AWAKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, PAT--" By THE BAERS icate ede Cp isan ola Bova oraes. Toc, NY THAT WAS RED WHITE-HE AND SALLY WERE IN AN I