Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Oct 1946, p. 14

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MAN /Bolicitor, Notary. PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE p THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 Bl Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS asattication » Classification A Por 1--Auditors usiness tunities 8. OGEN- Bast, one hat Due auditor. OSCAR HUDSON Chartered POA; J. iand Pettit, Jr. Toronto. 2--Barristers ANNES, BARRISTERS, gonaiT avn ; Sihawa Suone 4 © (wow) (Nov C.A; Hol- Bay 8t., (Ni 199 oa ov?) T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED accou! t, 24 Alger Bldg. King rid phon 127 pe R15) AND COMPANY. Accountants, Holland Pettit, ter, Personal Money to Loan Loan Wanted Wanted Instruct! ion Building Trades Personal Services Sumite Devices a use! Repl Gardening an Supplies . $2 Radio Repalm, 5 GREER. KO. BARRISTER, funtion ono 4 Resident gartner 'W , ©, Pollard, Fin Oxbriden t. Sau HTCOA & FRASER, URIERSON, Gl Bank of Commerce i og (Novi) BO ee eee HENNICKE AND HENNICK, BARRIS- ters I olicibors, Conveyancers; money joan Office 31 King Suen (Tan, Phone 3033. R. D, D. HUMPHREYS, XO. Solicitor etc.. © Phones: Office Money to loan. 8 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER Coton, 25 Simcoe St, Horn 5 ONE INSERTION TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTION Real Ejtate Agents 19 : ] Business Oppor- tunities Wanted .. 31 Lost and Pound .. 23 Women's Column 23 creases MW Real Estate Por 8810 . c..oveeees BD Real Estate Real Estate CLASSIFIED AD RATES (Effective From May ist, 1046) ' LJ EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION . Automobiles Wanted ........ Pets and Livestock Wearing Apparel Articles Por Sale . Articles Wanted Female Help Wanted Male Relp Wanted ........ Male or Pemale Help Wanted ... 30s Agents Wanted ... #0 Employment Wanted ....... 801 Legal Notices ..., 43 Auction Sales .... 6 cone oo sevesnee 8 & sues 8 F ceeneese BM 20 Words i Ko gl or Less » 03 oy Nig 1 order. (Above rates apply only to ordered at a later date q insert) order) Professional and Business 20 words or less, 15¢ S4diclonal Each initial letter, full word. publication. Office Hours: Dally bbreviation Box charged 10¢ addi All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before listings--§3.00 r for all words over 20, 33 2nd ¢ sign, figure count as a month for 8-6; Saturday §-8, phone 67, residence 3051, BARRISTER MacBRIEN, ' 0 King Bast in Solicitor Suite 201 CIO Qe Hotel. Phone 340 (Novi3) OSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BARRIS- is Solicitor. Money to loan. Office His King St. East, Oshawa Phone 445. Res. Phone .,. (Novi) NEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- ER 1» King E Room 2. Phones Office 55, 3687R. (Nov2) A. J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, ETC. mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Pose, Jon Nov SINCLAIR, K.O, AND J. C. Anderson, K.C., Barristers. Bank WwW. EB N 12--Personal Services 29--Rooms For Rent NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- ans Ontario St, Phone 707. 20) T, ORVILLE MITCHELL, TGR any sonal Secretary", 131 Park Rd. N, Phone 2859), Mimeograph Service, | Bookkeeping. Small accounts Part time, (Nov.19) HAVE YOUR ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- tor refinished like new, free estimate given, two-day service Meagher's. Phone 4600. a P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT watchmaker, Repair shop at " King od Street West. Your patronage wl cited | COMFORTABLE FURNISHED moon, | 34--Pets and Livestock | housekeeping optional. All lences, Clean, quiet home, Suitable for one, Phone _4536W. FURNISHED _ FRONT | Gentleman preferred, conven- Central, __(59a) BEDROOM. Bt, 8, 176 81 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten N , WHENEVER HE CAR THIS IS THE SIZE BUNDLE SHE ASKS HIM TO PICK UP ON HIS WAY HOME, INGELY WANTS TO WORK 7 adr Rate for or Aer ands; this each inser head, ay um charge 45 cents. RUMMAGE SALE, ST. ANDREW'S Church, Friday at 2 p.m, (50a) DANCING AT BARNHARTS RUSTIC Pavilion tonight (Tues-Thurs) THERE WILL BE A UNITY STUDY Class on lessons In Truth every | Thursday p.m. at 175 Centre St, are welcome, (Thurs) | AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES. | day, Friday and Saturday. (Oct30) RUMMAGE SALE, SIMCOE ST, UNIT- ed Church basement. Friday, Oct. 25. 1:30 p.m. Auspices Christ Church Af- ternoon Guild. (58b) | 43--Auction Sales | I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for L, J. Courtice, Lot 32, Con, 1, Darlington, 114 miles south of Prestonvale and !5 mile East, on Wed., Oct. 30th, all his farm stock implements, hay harness and quantity of household furniture. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. (Thurs, Sat, Mon. yl Auction Sale, Saturday, October 26th, at 12:30, 10 springers, 30 Durham and | Jerstord stockers 2 sows due November, 9 shoots, 5 Sood work horses, quanti- | ty dry cut 12 inches, 5 acres SI ANGIE timber. Lot 7, con. 3, East Whi thy. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer, F. | (Thurs.-Tues.-Thurs.) | REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples and grown dogs i stud, Waubena Kennels, Mile west | of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Rie ovh) ONE BED-SITTING ROOM, 8 (59¢) home, with every convenience. 10 Centre St, (59a) of Montreal Phone 99. (Novi) NING FP, SWARTZ, BARRISTELL, to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4, Phone 282 Res (Nov) 3---Dentists 3 . PHILLIPS, 132; SIMCOE ST a % none 3832, (Nov22) 4--Chiropractors 146 Drugless 22 fam tod by dally except Monday and Priday. (Nov1) 5--=Optometrists C. H. TUOK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Osha Hours § to 12, 2 %0 5. Phone me (Novs) fn matte nf n s Optometrist, Phone 3 2. Nov2 JURY AND 1O' 9am, to Spm. A. RB Johnson, 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSUBANCE SERVICE. needs. Ahi KR cn life. §iis [ing Suess Bast, pRens o 2086, | 1 Res. 3180W. (Novl) SC VeIRHutiag ot 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for | recovering. D. W. Dalton, 75 Charles, Phone 40. (Nov8) 15--Gardening and Supplies COAKWELL'S NURSERY. ROCKERY plants, perennials, shrubs and ever- givens. 1150 Simcoe North. Phone 488J. (Nov8) 18--Automobile Repairs RADIATOR SERVICE, HEATERS. GAS tanks, Clifton Moore, 160 King St, W. Phone 4340M (No: v.7) BODY AND FENDER WORK, | EXCEL- | lent workmanshi by appointment. Phone 1565W, 60 Prince St, (Nov.3) DODD'S GARAGE. -- --GUARANTEED RE- airs to all jake of cars and trucks. | ime payments o required. Have your car painted here, Phone 3344M (Nov10) MOREY'S GARAGE. CORNER VERF.UN and Glidden. Expert repairs wo GM. (and Chrysler Products. one 657. (Nov10) (80¢) ROOM, 1 LARGE, UNFURNIS! Young couple preferred. Ave, Call before 1. 2 ROOMS FOR RENT, SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping, Apply 581 Ritson 8. (58c) BEDROOM. CENTRAL LOCATION. Comfortable. Apply 292 Arthur, Phone 1004W, 38b) ar Se WARM FURNISHED BEDROOM, trally located. Phone 14560. | TWO CABINS FOR RENT, FURNII | or unfurnished. 6 miles east on | way. Apply Black Cat Inn. Phone High | Bowmanville, 29a--For Rent GARDEN LAND BY THE ACRE, Available at once, reasonable rental. Thomion's Corners 8S, Phone 1410W, 6 to 7 pm (Thurs.-F -Frl) | FOR RENT -- RADIOS, VACUU Lamps, Nomis Column CHARIS 'ORSETIERE-.V. M. MILLS, 3 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3333W. (Oct30) (59b) | | 35-- Wearing Apparel UITABLE | - for two girls or couple, Phone 4453), |2 BLUE CREPE AND 2 PRINTED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR Very reasonable. Phone 1605W. one ntleman, | 1 Ee ory convenience. aapie | BLAGK CLOTH COAT, SUIT ELDERLY HED 248 Beatty | i300) (Tues-Thurs-Sat) | GYENING DRESSES, 3 SIZE 14, ONE (57e) | Dew. silk dresses, Both size 15. Perfect con- | size 10. | 100- child's peach dress, (59a) | | ditien, | person, size 34. Phone 431W. (59a) 3 ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR. CLOSE | BOY'S SKATES. s1ZE 3 AND 6, AP- to bus and store. Nice home for an Ply 119 Celina 8t, elderly couple. Mrs. Lewars, Courtice. | GREEN COAT, (59b) brown fur trim. Nearly new. Size 36. Black crepe dress, size 38. Phone 243K, size 16. Phone 2545W. ic) | MASQUERADE COSTUMES FOR | RENT, | for party or dance. Ladies, gents, mas- querade costumes, Make selection early, Make-up if desired. Sixty-six Sona, (Nov.1) LADIES' BLACK CLOTH COAT, SIZE 20, Persian collar, Good condition. 360 8t. Julian. (59a) BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. Highesu prices paid for used clothing. | Sterlized, cleaned and pressed like We buy and sell used shoes. | Large stock sults, spring coats, pants, | windbreakers, single jackets and vests all sizes and colors. Also new goods; | large stock to choose from. 1 call will i convince you. 21 Bond West. Samuel | Schwartz, (Nov8) i LOVELY BLACK JET AND SEQUIN | 36--Articles For Sale | evening gown, floor length. Size 18. 1 ray top coat, size 20. Apply Box No. 41, Times-Gazette. (551) | George | West, 38--Female Help Wanted 2 CONTINENTAL BEDS. COMPLETE with box spring based and spring filled mattresses. Phone 2099J. (58d) 3-PIECE BEDROOM SU SUITE, RADIO (Crossley), best condition, Stove, coal and wood with enamelled front, Coal | ofl stove, two-burner, A, Ponicky, RR. | No. 2, East Oshawa. Bottom of Hart's Hill (58b) 100-GALLON GAS TANK AND PUMP. | Phone 280J13 after 6 p.m. __(Oct.26) RESTAURANT RANGE, Ta OVENS. Good condition, Reasonably priced, Ju- billee Pavilion, (5 YOU WANT THEM, WE HAVE THEM. new truck tires 825x20 heavy duty, 857, pre-war rubber, Lakeshore Auto Wreckers, 515 Ritson . 8. Phone 3362--evenings 1278. (Oct18t025). CHOICE HARDWOOD Get it now, one cord of cord wood cut up in stove lengths and delivered. Price $18.60 Per Cord PHONE 481 (Nov.18) 5) | out home responsibilities) YOUNG LADY, WITH GOOD EDUCA- tion for office' work, Apply Box 414, Times-Gazette , (58¢ CLERK, TYPIST, LARGE IN- dustrial firm permanent position. Ex- cellent hours and salary. Give details of past experience. Box 413, Times- Gazette (58d CAPABLE LADIES TO SERVICE AVON Cosmetic Sustomen, Apply at once lving address and hone number, Box Vo. 416, Times-Gi (58¢c YOUNG WOMAN rg OR WITH- for office ition, Some knowledge of book- 7 x Ry uired, neat writer. Please le 4 Jn experience and references. 226; 7 Tiemes-Gazsite TENDERS WANTED TO BRING yards of fill, Phone 1527W. FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER _ Sealed tenders marked plainly "Tenders for Building K or 'M or both" addressed to the undersigned will be jecsived up to 12 o'clock noon, October 44--Tenders . be) | | England--(CP) -- An 'Wartime Housing Tenants May Buy Present Homes Montreal, Oct. 24--(CP)--B. K. | Bolton, head of Wartime Housing | Limited, a Crown company, said in an interview that government au- thorities are experimenting at Vale | leyfield, Que., on a plan whereby veterans and war workers would be 'able to purchase houses rented i from the organization, Under the plan, the occupants could buy the house at about the same monthly payments now used for rent. Mr. Bolton did not mention the total price of a house, Of the 24,205 artime Houses occupied throughout the country, about 17,215 were originally built to house munition workers. TRANSLATED TO GERMAN Market Harborough, Leicester, interpreter | stands near the pulpit every Sun- day and translates T. F. Merriman"s | sermons to German prisoners sit- ting in the front of his church, Re- gular parishoners in the rear pews | approve, AND MARKERS! Large Stock To Choose From! Phone 501 Port Hope RUTTER GRANITE CO. 3 Ontario St. Port Hope Aboye buildings size oppri tely 24 ft. 120 ft. are located at what is Lown as the Bowmanville Internment Camp. 1 mile east of the Town of Bow- manville, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted For further particulars apply: :-- Toronto Construction Corp. Ltd. Liberty St. 8., Bowmanville. Signed:--E, W. Hanlan. (581) | FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR MOTH- erless farm home. Good plain cook, neat and tidy. House fully electrified, running water, bathroom. No outside | work. Permanent position to right arty. Write all particulars of self to ox 350, Times-ciazetie, giving salary expected, apply pe: personally to Na- Honm Selective ployment, Order Li (541) RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD HELP IN with all conveniences. APPLES, SPIES, MCINTOSH, SNOW, Tollman Sweets, Cortland, sell basket, bashel or barrel. Special sale now. Me- Intosh , 6 qt. basket. Bring your own containers. One mile North P.O, Whitby. John Pollock. (Nov.11) BRADLEYS FURNITURE 40 King Street West. home Comfortable living quarters and se- Jame bath. Phone 378 evenings after (511) 39--Male Help Wanted MAN TO WASH WINDOWS AND PUT up uP storm sashes, D, M, Tod, 136 Sim- JANITOR CLEANER. GOOD WAGES, Best references es- AWNINGS AND 'KIRSCH VENETIAN blinds. Estimates without obligation M. Reid, phone 2104 (Oct25) UU) sun Circulex - peutic machines electric So potishers, record players. imcoe N. Phone 4600, 30a--Room & Board Wanted | SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS, Order now for Fall delivery. For infor- phone 4001J. (Novs) DR GG R West, Oshawa. Phone 5 Pred 8--Funeral Directors i ing BE ) Home -- Ambulance ln 75 Chaties Stroet. Established 1889. Phone 401 | (Nov20) 9--Money To Loan WANTED $3000 on a1 FIRST MORTGAGE, Well secured. Phone 3I936W. (59¢) | Te ON REAL BSTATE. MONEY TO Automobiles, Purniture. MoltgaEss. Agreements, Liens purchased Real Estate, Phone 535. (Nov20) CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | morgiges. | A iy M, P. Swartz Barrister suite No 4. Telephone 282, (Nov20) FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND GREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 10--Instruction POPULAR PIANO PLAYING TAUGHT in 20 lessons. Information phone Sram. Nov. YOUR 1 CAREER, BECOME A rol Agen You may combine Home Stu Svith Day School, and | quality for union paid jobs, Free fold- er describes. Write Chinn, Systems Toronto. Oct.15.18- 18-21-24) .11--Building Trades roofing ki Free estimates on a Jobs, Phone 1314M. (Nov9) MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK | Aponta for New Idea and Pease Fur- Also humidifiers and damper | Air-conditioning 'a specialty gona [] 45057. , (Nov4tf) PAINTING AND DECORATT ING, IN- Senora" Tapas. ove hutter if 0) WATERPROOFING C R_ FLOORS and Ne bullt and repaired, | Phone (Nov16) SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, loam, manure cinders B Evans Cartage. Bowmanville 225% Bowmanville. 3, Phone 723J12. (Oct28) SAND. GRAVEL. LOAM FILL GEN. eral cartage. Fleet of trucks. Efficient reliable service. W. PF. Essery. Phone 3470. (Oct30) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety of colors Free esti- mates . Phone collect 653, Bowman. ville, Bromley and Son. (Nov14) J. M. 188 & SONS, BUTLDING CON- tractors. name it, we bulld It" Phone To (Nov1) MIXER FOR RENT. APPL Wilson, 375 Gibbon St. APPLY (Oct28) R__ SAND SANDING. M. LEGG 23 3T44W1, (Nov 17; SAND, ORAVEL. CINDERS, LoAM nulage Mul Courtice. P .__Phone Oshawa 77J4 (Ota) ALEX VAJDA BUILDING CONTRAC- , Gen repairs, New homes built spec lons. Phone 4117W 481 Drew St Fe Nov.1) CARPENTRY -- HOME ALTERATIONS #4 oy 5 evenin Phone 234 (Novil4) Nove) ET-CLASS RFAORA. 2N8R, (Novie) Je mediates possession, Apply owner, Roos} AND BOARD FOR 2 GIRLS, ages 2 and 5, Box 421, Times-Gazette. { (58¢) 22--Lost and Found 31--Wanted To Rent LOST, SMALL IER WITH | fawn ears, Child's pet. Please phone 1987J, (59m) | QUIET YOUNG COUPLE | rooms, in exchange Jor I SE | services, Box 419, Gazette, Ton; 24--Personal | "VIGORINE" GIVES NEW PEP AND vitality to men who feel rundown, nervous, weak. 15-day treatment $1.00 | | at Powell's & Thompson's Drug Stores. [1 | YOUNG MAN WISHES TRANSPORTA- tion to Montreal, Friday evening, Please phone 2 25084. (58b) YOUR TRUE ( CHARACTER. " LADIES, | know your hidden desires and weak- nesses or his. All you have to do is send one dollar and a Sunbie of your | handwriting to be analyzed by an ex- pert, If your love-life Is iin Fo a ittle, act now. Paddington Hart Greenwood, Ont, PROFESSIONAL CARD 'READI NG, | wy Elliott, 89 Nassau St. Phone 2010W for appointments. ( Novil) TEA CUP READING BY APPOINT. ment only. Apply 184 King West. Phone 4714), ((Oct23) DOUGLAS BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products De- livery under $1. 217R. (Nov?) SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE 2 weeks' Supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. | TWO OR THREE UNP 'HREE UNFURNISHED | rooms \ for young couple, No children. | King St. BE, Phone 472 | Phone ¢ 4680M. (59b) | 3= ROOM UNF URNISHED, A APARTMENT Ya 418, hh ment, (50b) | W ', GARAGE i VI. siaity "ot of PE ie Manor. Phone | (Oct. 25) | MIDDLE-AGED LADY, WANTS COM- | fortable unfurnished room for light | housek keeping. Central. Box 420, Times- Gazette, (38d) apartment by Jan. 1. Phone 110J. (581) YOUNG COUPLE URGENTLY NEED 3 | unfurnished rooms, Both abstainers. Steady employment. Phone 367TW after (87 7c) UNFURNISHED FLAT OVER STORE, SF Darsment mber oct needed by young ," November occu Times-Gazette PADCY: To Re * so) URGENTLY REQUIRE LIVING AOC- commodation' for self, wife and two children, ten and five years. House preferred. Careful tenant, recemtly transferred to city. Box 412, Times- 25--Real Estate For Sale 4-ROOM, INSUL BRICK HOUSE, NEW, unfinished bathroom and attic, good (570) 32-- Automobiles For Sale 48 BUICK, SERIAL N M. Cardinal, 0, 143935, $100, | cel large Early Taspection invited. "Phone So7on. (59¢) NEW 5- -ROOMED HOUSE, STOREY and half, oll heating, $3300 cash, bal- ance easy terms, Phone 4424W. (50a) HOUSE--7 ROOMS AND ATTIC. ALL hardwood floors, all modern conven- fences, Gecod location for roomers, Im- = Bond West, 59¢) {6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. a | section £4600, Possession anytime, 7 H, renc 50a) $9800, BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM gives | house, stone front, fully modern, Oll | heating, fruit cellar, garage and many extras, 504 King St, E, or phone 2375J. (Oct 26) | SMALL HOME ON BURKE ST, TOI- | let, furnace, etc. Early possession. $2200, C. H. French, (58b) 44 ACRES, 5 MILES OUT, NEAR | Highway, no Suiidine: Ss, Seyimated cords of wood, $22 C.'H. French. __(58b) 4-ROOMED "HOUSE, "FINISH , CITY Sater, Small down payment, twenty- | onthly, Immediate possessio Loulsa St. Westmount » = "(ste bath, hardwood floors, hot water heat- ing. Double garage. $3000 down, balance easy 'terms, Phone 4335) for appoint- ment. (58¢) $4600. 7 ROOMS. 1 ACRE South AR. Immediate Posie: $2000 cash, balance as rent, + Jones, 6'a Pr Prince' St. (87c) 15 a ACRES, DARK "LOAM, GOOD | house, stable, Large hen house, brooder | house, apple orchard. Hydro and water | in house. Cash or terms. A ply W. Smithson, Lot 14, Con. 4, North of Alrport. (57¢) $5300, 5 ROOMS, LOUISA ST. MO- an conveniences. edt $2000 cash, ance as ren mmediate possess U. Jones, 6'2 Prince S p fro LOTS FOR SALE Ri CITY WATER. Hide Avenue, Phone 1640J after 6 | (Tue-Thurs-Sat) | 26--Regl" Estate Wanted HOUSES W WANTED, LIST YOUR | PRO- perty with Nolan Real Estate for Quick sale, Corner Prince and Bond Phone .4153, Oct.29) 27a--Exch, Living Quarters | WILL IN | EXCHANGE APAR TMENT | | Hamilton for similar Sol it | 600 BARRED Loc 2 AL months ol | Oshawa. Telephone 2300, al 300 | SPANISH BUNGALOW, 4 ROOMS AND | '31 ESSEX COACH. GOOD TIRES. NEW battery and coll. Serial 1253973. Price $300. Anderson, 104 Celina betyeer § and 7. (50a) '34 OLDSMOBILE DELUXE COUPE, | Serial 96605, Price 347 King 05 W $400, Harold | Shae) 29 CHRYS, SLER, 15-T¢ 1% ~TON P PAN! - ial 567C. $225. or offer, Chon, SER. Simcoe and Aberdeen Sts. between 3 and 7 p.m. only, (Oct. 26) | 33--Automobiles Wanted | $200-8600 WILL BE PAID BY PRIVAT Bi Tor, isd car from '31.'38, VATE 155W. _ Urge: a OStYY) | WE a a "OR TRADE USED | cars and trucks Cash or terms High- bi J Wad ne Py rt. 's Phone 4468 ye, (Oot2s) | Sides car lot 278 Park Rd. 8 Phone isu (Novistf) CASH "FOR YOU! AR. | Motor Sales, 2 J Phone 4605W. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS -- Cars wanted tor wrecking. Highes prices paid. Phone 3362; e enum 1278. Novis) J4--Pets and Livestock : ONE 1 HUNDRED, 4!; MONTHS PUL- | lets, soon to lay. Apply 308 Gibbon Bt ( c) FOX } HOUND MALE PUPS FOR SALE, parents Jeeistered. Eric Courtice, Cour- tice, Ont. _ (58h) BRAMLEY 12711 Simcoe 8t. North (Oct30) | 2 YORKSHIRE SOW SOWS. DUE TO | or house. No children, Steady sploys ! 673 Hortop Ave, (59h) | SPOT CASH FOR YOUR OARS AT | Menger' 3 | i YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE DESIRE | condition, 1 | | chine, Table model 36--Articles For Sale SILENT GLOW OIL SURNERS FOP ete with square stern, 28 h, motor. Ten gauge double rel shot- un, with 5 bcxes of shells. Phone TW after 5. (59¢) ; outboard Ar) acket PETERBOROUGH SPONSON GANGE | and Sharp 'EeetHe. 4 HORSEPOWER MOTOR NEW, QUE- | 0, cooker almost new, two uprishy | vacuum, also one tank type. Apply Box 13, Myrtle Station, before Friday | noon, ONE ! sliding doors. 3 dispiay ehelves, (son) | 50a WOODEN BARRELS. ALMOST NEW. Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for pickles, cider, sauerkraut, pickling feats, etc, Glecoff's, Ritson South, | e 3235, a 3 48 WINCHES with ammunition. Phone 4609J, (59c) | GIRL'S WHEEL LARGE C.CM. TRI- cycle, Quebec heater, medium size. All A-1 condition, 119 Verdun Road, (53b) STOKER, STEELE AUTOMATIC, GOOD detached ready to install, | Complete with all controls. No, 5 hot water heating boiler requires some re- | pairs, bargain, Bungalow hot water heater, good for 400 ft, radiation, Apply E. A. Donald, Brewer's Retail Boxe, (59¢) QUANTITY "OF SPANISH ONIONS, | basket, 12 bushel or bushel. Joseph Talte, 1st house south side of road east of Prestonvale. Phone 332RA4. _(59¢) CHICKENS, 35c LB. DRESSED "Ano delivered, Phone 2951R. 59b) 2 PERFECT CONDITION, TASTES. BI- cycles, keg nails, 2 dn, new child's tricycle. Phone 4667J _after 6. (59¢) 75 VARIOUS "SIZED USED MOTOR tires, tubés, expertly vulcanized and guaranteed, Phone 4667) after 6. (Nov. 23) HESTERFIELD SUITE. RUG New condition, Phone op a 2-PIECE © 46x76", | (59a) | household Refrigerator. Bell's Refr! 11-FOOT WALL SHOWCASE WITH | | styles, steel or wood; i Wig roid . Cooks Phone 4501. (Nov21tf) BABY PRAMS, AND CONVERTIBLE carriages, L.any styles and colors, See our large selection. Wilson's 'Furniture Co. 20 Church St. (Novi4), REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 29! (Nov12) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER OF coal and wood heaters, like new, suit- able for your' home or bus ers. Now. on display at the Bradley Furniture Co., Simcoe South Novai . (Noval) | it __(Nov.24) COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL. | TER, 1 MODEL 71, | able, a number of models to choose from. Approved terms if desired. Mea- | | gher's, 92 Simcce St. N. ily | pL SPECIAL! CRIBS, chairs, play pens, doll. prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, ete. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent | district. Wilson's Furniture Co, 20 Church St. __ (Novld) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN | STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bld- dulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W West, (Oct25) walkers, rockers. OIL BURN! complete, Out-of- town customers solicited Borrow - dale. Phone 3575W12, (Novis) EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME! Chesterfield suites, bedroom suit2s, breakfast sultes, studio couches, Sim- mon's Beds, spring filled mattresses, war est of 's, lamps, oc- caslonal tables, chalrs, floor coveringer. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co.. (Nov14) ERS -- SALES, Reliable Service, PLUS A COAL RANGES BOTH NEW AND used, very large stock to choose from. '41 JOHN DEERE, AR TRACTOR ON rubber, also 17 tooth power lift. Trace tor cultivator, FP, 8. Allen, 44 Conces- slon St, Bowmanville, Phone 594. (591) CABIN "TRAILER. GOOD CONDITION. Apply 356 Drew St, 58¢) 's 92 Simcoe St. N. (Nov20) L VENETIAN BLINDS 535 PER 37--Articles Wanted TIE NEW DOOR FRAME, 10. Apply Vigor Oil Station at Lake. | (58b) COOKING OR EATING APPLES BY | bushel, Also 5 and 6 pd. r "of Measured and Installed. Reid. Phone 204. 66 Bona Wer (Oct23) PRIVATE PARTY URGENTLY RE- quires re- frigerator, typewriter, vacuum cleaner, and sewing machine, Phone 3763J. (Nov.16) for 371 (580) 9-PIECE OAK DINING- ROOM SUITE, child's crib, walnut finish, Apply 308 Colborne E. oft Oshawa Blvd, (58b) 200 BARRELS CHOICE SPIE APPLES, also £PR% 9 Jreening, Starks. Phone 163W4, __(Oct28) GENDRON BABY "CARRIAGE, BLUE Son vertible, good condition, 80 Hillcroft: t. c) week- -end delivery. Phone 3716J. CHOICE CARROTS. Selling by bushel, Phone 1038J12, (Nov2) ONE WASHING | MACHINE, WOOD stove and wardrobe, call at 310 Mit- chell Ave. ( 57¢) ELECTRIC SINGER _ SEWING MA- New, Also Eurekh cylinder type vacuum cleaner. All at- tachments, New. Apply 211 Simcon 8: c) | 32 VOLT DELICO. "PLANT SUITABLE | for farm or cott: | en within a week, 1 four-wheel rubber | Phone (572) FOX AND DEER "HOUNDS "BRED | from choice stock. E. Tri Tipp. 12 mile | west alrport on 4th concession. (Oct28) | CANARIES FOR SALE, HEN BIRDS, 31 each. Special price for guaranteed | singers for one week only. Henning, a Colborne St. E. 399) 300 ROCK K PULLETS, | LAYING, ¥ Finger, strain, 1st toad east a Courtice, 3rd . A, .R, 3, Bow- maaville, (39¢) ONE REGISTERED SOW, | DUE IN 6 weeks. One registered Boar, 1 year old. Phone 280J13, after 6 pm. (Oct36) tire wagon 908R, ag Good condition. . Phone 3088R or 4081J. (Oct30) E. Tripp, 12 mile west airport on 4t! Conese (87¢) 200 ACRES STANDING TIMBER "mixed, also cedar swamp 12 acres. Jack G Smith, 32 Ring 12 Bobcaygeon. ki (Thurs:) | 5000 APPLE AND PEAR TREES, ALL | best varieties. For best results plant in fall, before snowfall. Early bearing. Order now! Oshawa Nursery, 159 Ver- dun Rd. Phone 3235. (Nov.18) FOR SALE, APPLES, McINTOSH AND Milwaukee. Apply Willlam Gardner, Ashburn, __ (Oct26) VENETIANS BLINDS Made to measure 1 week Delivery. DIRECT FACTORY SALES ROCK PULLETS, 3-4 AND | "The Sensational New Blind" Met-Wo Industries Ltd. J. Melley -- Phone H101W WE DELIVER. | | "dition. Write or phone Mrs. Jackson, (50t¢ | urs.) | adults, Box 422, Ti 1 ELECTRIC ter heater, ! Apply Miller © CIRCULATING HOT WA- Approximately 2000 watts, loway, Times-Gazetts. (tf) | USED STANDARD MODEL TYPE- writer wanted, nowt be in good 'con. Times-Gazette office. SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. chan ov CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, need 100, any condition: also DR all sizes, Phone 2620W. HIngaWay Oyoie. Nov! GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice Boxes. radios and stoves, 56 Kine West. Phone 3326W. (Novs) FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices pald.| Write: Queen City Foavner Co, 23 Baldwin ' 8t,, Toronto. (Novaitf) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone Cedardale Iron Metals, Station. PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388 Open evenings. _ (25th 38--Female Help | Wanted HOUSEKKEPER WANTED _ FO! gentleman's home. Phone 3744J3 R A after (59¢) CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for light housekeeping in private home. Excellent wages. Live in prefe , Box 417, Times-Gazatte, (58¢c) GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED TO AS- sist in light housework, Excellent ace commodation, Private bathroom. Top sential, Commercial Hotel. (50b) AN OPPORTUNITY. ESTABLISHED Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55--have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable bus. iness of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Com- pis Dept, 0-0-6A, 2177 Masson St., ontreal, Que. (Thurs.) BOY WANTED JiR BICYCLE, . TO xe messag: assist plant. ly Harry "cower, Buperintenoony. es-Gazette, (tr) hei MAN TO ASSIST IN ADVER- tising department. Good opportunity to learn business, Apply T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette Office 3 (40tf) MAN WANTED TO LOOK AFTER MA- terial, must be accurate, intelll ent tock: wel tate age, references and previous experience, Apply Box 347 Times-Gazette, an WATKIN'S CITY Rotntment phone Dan . (57¢) TMEN route. For a Humeniuk, 74 CASUAL LABORERS Construction and road building. 55: hr. week, 60c per hour. Free transportation from Oshawa and Whitby to job. Apply: Brennan Paving Co. Ltd., Office - Port Whitby (57) (59a) | Middlesbrough, England -- (CP) --Medical Officer Lloyd Hughes has reported an increase from 65 England and Wales, to 70 per 1,000 in the infant mor- | 'tality rate compared with 46 for all | When In Neeq of Drugs al POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY TAXI MERCURY CAB Day and night service! Long and short trips. "Doug" Brown, Prop. PHONE 3744-r-12 SPECIAL RATE CHILDREN'S TAXI fo North Oshawa School Pick-up and Delivery Anywhere PHONE 3744.r-12 MERCURY CAB An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE " oe, om $5 Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Phone 696 STAR LAUNDRY 13 - CELINA ST. Dry Cleaning -- Repairing Laundry DELIVERY -- PHONE 3164 \ FLOOR SANDING 3 Dustless Machines At Your Disposal M. LEGGETTE Phone to 3744W1 FOUNDATIONS ALL OTHER CEMENT WORK See Us For a Good Job R. B. ABBOTT PHONE 1640-W FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and d Accurately Filled At -- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 We Repair Electric, Mantel, Wall and Alarm Clocks Oshawa Clock Shop Brickiavers Wao FOR TIMES-GAZETTE BLDG. Part Time Arrangements Appreciated ApEly H. M. BROOKS Contractor Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. OIL BURNERS HI-HEAT For stoves, 6'3 inch double burners. REPAIRS T0 ALL APPLIANCES 39.50 us installation PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 472 Masson St Phone 1229 d0--Agents Wanted a CASH. ney easily In spare time. Just show pr beautiful Canadia® made Christ. mas cards to your friends. The, ney sight. Many assortments. t cards, Seals, and Tags. Beautiful free album up unusual sample offer. Greeting Cai St, Toronto. 41--Employment Wanted The Do | MORE ' sell on | showing personal cards, 25 for $1.00 and | Liberal al commission. Write today or | Com , 50-W BI or i PARY sek: i HEATING VACUUM CLEAN YOUR SYSTEM A Clean Furnace Saves Fuel. Repairs for all makes of Boilers & Stokers ED. THOMAS 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA PHONE 3760-J CEMENT WORK DONE, CHIMNEY built and repaired, also small cement mixer for rent, 458 Madison Ave. Off Gibbon St, ( TREES REMOVED | BY EXPERIENCED men. Phone 3001R. (Nov10) 43--. Auction Sales Auction Sale of the entire household contents, the property of the late S. M. McConnell, 100 Willlam St. East Sat. Oct. 20th b 1 p.m. sharp. 3-plece ulte, bo cabinet, library . table, Qresaere, beds, sp! and mattresses, cedar chest, mantle Tadic, kitchen range, Quebec heater, kit- wages. Apply Mrs Robert Ruddy, Plo. Kering 42. Reverse charges. (391) CAPABLE GIRL, OR WOMAN FOR general housework. Family of (woes | Sohin) sus rugs, chen furniture, occasional chairs, ward- robe, chairs, tables, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms cash.' Frank Surtevant, ® Laid © Sanded Old Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glass! Estimates Free - Guaranteed Work! HARDWOOD FLOORS #2) ® Finished! de) Fix

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