Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Oct 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1946 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. : THREE INSER' cH ADDITIONAL IN Do Ta yo Pg Ho essional Business 2 ards of less. 15¢ additions) nitial letter, fol word. Box charged 10¢ adi INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS original order. constitute a Haings-4340 month for words over 20, - Abbreviation AR Slassified Sdvirtismenis MUST edn 0) 3 Da. Sue day tetore publication. Office Hours: Dally 8 - 6; Saturday § Classification No. Automobiles Pos | Sale ....cco..00. 33 Automobiles Pets and Livestock Wearing Apparel Articles Por Sale . Articles Wanted Pemale Help Wanted Male Felp Wanted oe. 1.00 TION .. "25 Su nt how original orders And ¢ sign, fgure count as » MacBRIEN, BARRISTER 0 King Bast 3 Soul Do Suite 200 R 1 Senosha Hotel. Phone 49 (Novi3) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, oS BARRIS- ter, Solicitor Money loan. Office 1% Eg 8t. Eas, ioe Phone Res. Phone 837. (Novl) aT MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- itor. 11 King E. Room 2. Phones: Office 55, Residence 3687TR. (Nova) 12--Personal Services 31--Wanted To Rent UR ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- Tor rennianed lke Hew, Tree esiimete iven, Swo-day servi oo viz) 2 LIGHT HOUS G ROOMS wanted for man and Me, No children. By November 1st, 404, Times- Gazette. (55¢) one 4600. P A VON GUNTEN, T SWISS Suishmaker frodage soc: 'our 80 Street West. Y patronage 3 A. J. PARKHILL, ETC. mortgage loans. National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Thane Jon IOV. Repair shop a 14--Household Repairs TWO FURNISHED ROOMS BY Phone 4155W. (56b) ONE OR TWO BRIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1649W12. (54¢c) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND BE See materials DW Daiton, s ari WEN. SINCLAIR, Bo. AWD J. 0) C. Building. Phone 99, Nov) roars, Mocs! to loan Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone ber .3--Dentists DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, 1315 SIMCOE ST. East. Phone 3832. (Oct22) '4--Chiropractors IECKLEY HEALTH OLINIC, 146 fo North, Phone 234. Drugless ey ROL ag 9. am. CRE exoept Monday and Friday. Phone (Novas) 15--Gardening and Supplies COAEKWELL'S Y. ROCKERY PE PIE Bone Horas phos (Nov8) 18--Automobile Repairs RAD] R SERVICE. HEATERS. als Tanke Oufton Moore, 160 King Vo Phone 4340M. Tar Woremananip by sp en y Ee "16 S565W, 30. Erincs 8t. po! (Nov.3) 'S GARAGE. --GUARANTEED RE- son a all makes of cars and trucks, i wired. Have Rime payments Phone 394M (Novi) ov.1) $25 REWARD TO ANYONE WHO WILL rent 3 to 5 room house or rooms to veteran's family. Urgently Tequired, Phone 4015J. (54c) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE 1 DESIRE 3 room flat by January 1st. Appl 331, Times-Gazette. Sotto) 32--Automobiles For Sale 1930 BUICK SEDAN, MECHANICALLY OK, 6 tires, new int job. $275. Serial No. 170426, Apply 'm. Gray, EH) pid Street, Ajax. (56a) FORD COACH." " BERIAL 2 2775809. $00. Kenneth Burley, 212 Verdun Rd., Oshawa. va. Call afte: r 5. (55¢) 30 | PT. 1 TRAILER, Y EQUIPPED nd ing. Beautifully finished, mut eS sold. Apply A. Hous- ton, 67 King St. W. (55b) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten IF THERE'S ONE INCON= VENIENCE WORMLOUGH CAN'T EXCUSE, IT'S A LATE TRAIN. NOWHERE IN SIGHT YET AND IT'S. OVERDUE, I TELL IN\\IT'S DISGUSTING . THREE. MINUTES YAITS A I AGREE ,WORMY. TICKETS? NAH! DIDN'T HAVE A MINUTE AT THE STATION. JUST MADE THE TRAIN AS IT 0 _ > AND THEN HE'LL PULL SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE THEY GET VERY 33-- Automobiles Wanted (Novl) -5==Optometrists @ H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Qufiawa. Hours 9 10 13.3 $0 8. Phone | AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS hed » 6 p.m. o 4 pan, Sviaing Sovolniments, (Oct24) lnsurance ___ PEACOCK'S SERVICE. Conguit § ud to i DEERE (Novl) Veen DR, |G RB. BOOTH. = West, Oshawa. Phone 31. 8--Funeral Directors MOREY'S GARAGE. Doe VERL.UN and Ql re, to GM. and 657. (Nov10) 22--Lost and Found CAR WANTED, PRIVATE PARTY. NO dealers, cash, Phone Oshawa swig $200-$600 WILL BE PAID BY PRIVATE pay for used car from ra Phone 155W. Urgent, (Oct31) EAH, WANNA GE HER A LAST MINUTE CHECK-UP. Ji CLEAN THE PLUGS! PUSH TE [ MIDDLE VALVE DOWN. CHANGE THE OIL = SWITCH TIRES \* LOST--PAIR OF CHILD'S GLASSES, lost Saturday afternoon in Alexandra Pak, J Dmmently needed. Finder please (vwva) LADY'S MERIT WRIST ioer between William oe ive, Th afternoon. Reward. 083 oF Fetarn 152 Oitve Ave. WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE USED Sas and trucks. Cash or terms . | 36--Articles For Sale 39--Male Help Wanted SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT overhauled. 38-55 DEER RIFLE AND SHELLS, JUST $30. Phone 1948W afters Dodd's car lot 278 Park Rd. 8 Phone 3344M. (Oct18tt) (54c) 23--Women's Column CHARIS CORSETIERE-.V. M. MILLS, 150 Oshawa Bivd. Phone 3333W. (Oct30) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe St Nosth Phone 4695W. (Oct30) LAEISHORS 12750 SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS, Order now for Fall delivery. For infor- mation. ph phone 4001J. (Nov8) GALTON BURIAL OX COMPANY FUNERAL Home -- Ambulance Service, 75 Charles Siect. etaniiuned 188. Fosoe 401 (Oct20) - 9==Money To Loan HO ne. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Appr nth en CLIENTS' a POR first mi M. P, Swartz Barrister, suite No 4 Telephone 282. (Oct20) 10--Instruction PLAN YOUR CAREER, BECOME A You may combine School, and 3 100s. Free fold- Systema, (Oct.1 15.18-21-24) Phone 535 Hoctans VAILABLE 24--Personal YOUR TRUE CHARACTER. LADIES, hidden desires weak- know your Bosops or his. AT Jou have '0 do is A Sumpls of your send on Banawi riting 10 be a ove-] tittle, a Paddington om Po Greenwood, out. (851) PROFESSIONAL CARD READING, MRS, Elliott, 89 Nason Bt. Phone 2010W for a paid. Phose pS 1278. (Nov1s) 31--Pets and Livestock ANGORA RABBITS. HUTCHES AND trays. 324 Bloor E. (56¢) SCOTTIE PUPS FOR SALI SALE, APPLY 85 Fernhill Blvd, (56b) COMBINATION RADIO, PLAYS 10 RE- cords, Phone 4708). Apply 228 Ver- dun Rd. (56¢) DINING ROOM SUITE, FIND- 9 PIECE lay coal and wood stove, small electric motor, man's tuxedo 38-40 bundle of curtain rods. awa Blvd. HEINTZMAN GRAND 1 PIAN lent tone. P. R. Taylor, 17 Westmore- land Ave Phone 1734J. 155 Osh- (56¢) \NO, EXCEL- (55¢) PLATE, 220 VOLTS, ELECTRIC 2 burner, ont: "Roa units, Phone ven ONE REGISTERED SOW, DUE IN 6 weeks. One registered Boar, 1 year old. mone =P after 6 p.m (Oct26) ROCK PULLETS, READY dy Phone 2767R3. To LAY. HENS FO FOR SALE, $1 EACH. APPLY 135 Blvd, after 6. (34c) ee (Nov1l) TEA i. BY APPOINT- ent hi 4 Apply 184 King West. Phone ay (Oct23) DOUGLAS BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health cts. De- livery under $1. (Nov?) Produ Phone, 217R. SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE 2 weeks' supply $1; 13 weeks' §5., at all druggists, POPULAR PIANO PLAYING TAUGHT in 20 lessons. Information phone Hones | ERICH 25--Real Sette | For Sale 2 LOTS WEST WA ON street. Apply 79 Roni Blvd. ed Roo eT cama Pp Apply, bbs Ave, Obi) HOUSE FOR SALE AT NEW- ediate castle, Price 11--Building Trades W. G. IRWIN, C rene Phone 3410M. AL- (56¢c) LAR FLOO RS 2123 bi4 RPROOFING. buis and ref neys Fooling and oanixing. Frep eat i Kd Jobs, Phone 1 per A H MOSIER SHEET METAL NORE fgets 07 NOW 108 Soa Baw Pure trols BT a Sar con "Povath Phone 4505J. PAINTING AND DECORATING, IN- I Phon! (Novie) SCREENED aS D, GRAVEL, FILL, rr RE. 3, on, HB. 22585 Bowmanville. Phone 723J12. (Oct28) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM FILL GEN- eral cartage. Jloah of Sructa. Efficient reliable service. W. P. Essery. Phone ~ (Oct30) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety of colors [Free esti- mates Phone collect 653, Bowman- ville, Bromley and Son. (Novid) J M, LEE & SONS, BUILDING CON- tractors. "You name it, we bulld it" Phone 1640J. (Nov) OEMENT MIXER RENT. APPLY H C Wison, 378 St. Phone 3091R. (Oct28) FLOOR SANDING. M. Phone 3744W1. SAND, GRAVEL, OINDERS, LOAM and \gensra) haulage Robert Muir, Phone Oshawa 77J4 (Oct24) SPRAY AND P. FOR work, hang- ing Dean. ------ ETTE. (Nov.17) GARPENTRY -- HOME ALTERATIONS Call svenings i at 16 Wikia 8 Phone 234' (Novld) GNTARIOHL 'finished. Old floors 88 finished. Phones 3434J--4277J. (Nov8) PAINTER AND PTRST-CLASS NDFCORA- tor. P. Danniels, Phone 2718R. (Novi6) 12--Personal Services T. ORVILLE MITCHELL, "YOUR PER- Ee Eh MI 131 Park Rd. N. Phone 2859J. h Bookkeeping. Small Part time. ov.19) 'NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario St. Phone 707. 5 (Oct20) a 34300 CASH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED Albert St. Box 407, Ties Gamiie 18 3-ROOM attic, 1 BRICK SE, « lvls Rin a Arthur Bt, from § £0 0 Din. (Oct19; FINISHED FOR SALE $4200--Cash $1800, .5-room, immita- tion brick. Hardwood floors, all conveniences.' in 30 days. BERT PEYTON 13 Bond St. East 29--Rooms For Rent LARGE NT BED- sitting room. Would suit two friends, men preferred. Apply 211 Simcoe Bt ous | G! hot water. Suite fret x tl or leman. Central. 1. Apply 164 'Alice, sii (54¢) NICELY Fi FURNISHED | BEDROOM FOR gentleman, close to Motors, in a vi clean and quiet home. 97 Elgin nat, (Oct.28) 29a--For Rent HOUSES FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE poosession, all all Sonverances. Apply 313 oor (55b) | all REGISTERED C COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ples and grown dogs. Also dogs at stud. Waubena Kennels, Mile . west of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Higive way. vl) 600 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, os AND 6 months old. Phone 3088R or 4081J. . (Oct.22) 35--Wearing Apparel A QUANTITY OF CHOICE SPANISH onions at residence, 2 miles south of Courtice. Bowmanville. H. F. Osborne. Phone 2288, (54c) DARK OAK DINETTE SUITE, BUFFET table and 2 18aven, » chairs, red leather upholstery, $75. 06 Oshawa BI Biv, S4c) CHOICE HARDWOOD Get it now, one cord of cord wood cut up in stove lengths and delivered. Price $18.50 Per Cord ; PHONE 481 (Nov. 18) GIRL'S RED ALL-WOOL FITTED coat. RE wlmined, Also girl's taffeta Boy? Eom cont, mirbing after 10:00, PR. LADIES' WHITE FIGURE Ly size 513. Good condition. Phone 4733J. (56a) 5000 APPLE A Jost varieties. , | Order now! c) | dun Rd, FOR BALE, A Milwaukee. Ashburn, Aor best Its pl est resul ant in fall, before snowfall. Early > Dani Oshawa Nursery, 159 Ver- Phone 3235. ( Nov. 16) APPLES, MCINTOSH AND Apply 'William Gardner, iy OIL BUR! somy custom date, Phone 3575W12, 37--Articles Wanted BED TTRESSES, small cook 56b) BPRING AND MA Single and double, also stove. Private. Phone _1962w. ( USED FURNACE ALSO ADDING MA- chine. Apply 124 Church St. Phone hs (56b) WANTED, 'CHILD'S FIGURE 8! SEATES, size 9 or 10. Phone 231). 56a) PAIR LADIES' FIGURE SKATES, | SIZE Tor or 7}. Phone ® 4468. a (56c) USED DELCO ELECTRIC LIGHTING lant, suitable for summer cottage. Phone 1806J. Rely (56¢) PRIVATE PARTY GENTLY RE- quires washing machine, electric re- a typewriter, vacuum cleaner, and sewing machine, Phone 3763J. (Nov.16) 1 "ELECTRIC ( CIRCULATING HOT WA- ter heater. Approximately 2000 watts. Apply Miller Alloway, nn USED STANDARD NM MODEL TYPE- writer wanted, must be in good con- dition. Write or phone Mrs, Jackson, Times-Gazette office. (50t1) BPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Nov13) CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, WE need 100, any eT also tricycles all sizes. Phone 2620W. Kingsway Shae, Nov: GOOD 'USED WANTED. ice Boxes, radios and stoves, 56 King West. Phone 3326W. (Novs) MASQUERADE COSTUMES for party or dance. Ladies, g querade costum Make-up if di AND , | APPLES, Tollman Bweets, bashie) or barrel. Special sale now. Mc- SPIES, MCINTOSH, SNO Cortland, sell bg tosh, 50c, 6 qt. basket. Bring your own containers, One mile North P.O., Whitby. John Pollock, (Nov. 11) wate Echos bios ia on ud iothne new. We buy and. sell used shoes. Larg BRADLEYS FURNITURE 40 King Street West. vests call with convince you. 21 Bond West. Samuel Schwartz. (Nove) FUR COAT, BLACK Y AWNINGS Georwe M. Reid: phone West. AND KIRSCH N Estimates OY onl Hon ni 5) SILENT GLOW OIL SURNERS FOR et h etc Cooks new condition, only worn few. times. Size eighteen for 1 will Sack e | and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Oct21tf) Real "tor ora i pres: in ors TE Vln e at present. pply X 3 Rmeea (562) | 1 tovmy auAGE ET even gown, Hood top coat, size 2, 1, Times-Gazette. 36--Articles For Sale AND SI bh Sige ia pply Box (551 BABY PEAMS, REFRIG ) Pousenold ¢ Bottigerator ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8 AND CONVERTIBLE rany styles and colors. See our large selection. Wilson's Furniture oy Co. 20 Church St. (Nov14) ERATORS -- re ORDERS TAKEN i's Re: Phone (Novi2) 1 CAR HEATER, $5. APPLY 79 ROSE- hill Blvd. (56a) APPLES AND PEARS BY BASKET or bushel. Delivered, Apply 288 Festu- bert or phone 3530W. (56c) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER coal and wood heaters, like new, able for your home or ers. Now on depiny at the Bradley Furniture Sou "oF sult- business quart- Co., Sim store. (Oct21) 100-GALLON ( aAs TANK A ND PUMP. Phone rer 6 -- (Oct.26) ENDRON cellent ON ny COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL- able, a number of models to from. Approved terms if d gher's, choose Mea- Simcce St. N (Oct27) 198 Briboe TAM, pen tnd child's commode. Apply 1 rince 8 (56b) COOKING ONIONS AND A for sale. Phone 4286W2. (56b) 1946 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEAN- er for sale. Phone 4238J. RESTAURANT RANGE, 2 FOR RENT aR aDIon: yacuuM billee Pavilion. BABIES styles, steel or wood: hig! chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers. doll sets, prices are lower, out of SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices pald.| Write: - Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. (Oct21tf) FlaNOs WANTED FOR CASH WIL- & Lee, 79 Simcoe North.' Phone 2388, Open nings.. (25t1) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Metals, back CNR Station. (Novl) 38--Female Help Wanted JUNIOR TYPIST AND GENERAL or. fice clerk, required by Two men to learn Life Insurance underwriting, in Oshawa and Dis- trict, must be clean cut and ag- g The men sel will be given a sales course, and required coaching, Op- por for ad earnings unlimited, in this suc- cessful Life Insurance agency. Apply In person to GORDON F. OSBORNE, C.LU. Branch Manager THE EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Dundas St. West, Whitby, (Oct.23) SIX EXPER! CED BUFFERS wanted immmediately. Appi jetalllc Art Products, Orono. Phone 50-1 or Mr. Wilcox, Selective Service. * ( MAN V WANTED TO LOOK AFTER MA- terial, must be accurate, intelligent stock-keeper, well recommended. tate age, references and previous experience, Apply Box 347 Times-Gazette. (tn) Brckuaveis Wii FOR TIMES-GAZETTE BLDG. Part Time Arrangements Appreciated Apply H. M. BROOKS Contractor 472 Masson St Phone 1229 [ surance office, some experience fe red. Reply Box 408, 88 - Gazette HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR MOTH- erless farm home. Good . plain cook, jest and tidy. House Tully electrified, Tunhing w water, bathroom. No outside worl rmanent pesition to right rm | Box 3s0 Vie, all 21 Farticuiars of self to ox azette, giving sal ug Im pply sonally to tional Selective o Bap! oyment, Order No, 1137. (541) EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR jewellery store. References. Box 343, T'imes-Gagette. © (55h) WOULD | LIKE "SOMEONE TO ¢ SHARE Bae Jor looking after Rig smi or any n o'clock at 200 Ritson Ra.' 3 85 y GIRL OR | woman To mm for child, old. in. Robert Golvile, os Lib ty lesp. In Phone 538, Bowmanville, (340) prams, tricycles, kindergarden crib mattresses, to, etc. Our high rent Wilson's 'Furniture On. 20 (Nov14) cleaners, peutlo machines, electric beaters. oor | C ers, layers. Simcoe, N. N._ 'Phoe e 4600, ors) 31--Wanted To Rent ASSISTANT MANAGER, WI WESTON AIR- modation for % Dlmself. wite and child 11% duplex in Trenton Hh (84b) EX-AIR- s apart- m= ee Times-Gazette (56¢) TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED 1o0ms wanted by young couple, ur- y t. eo 4008J. (350) | {hana wringer, creamery cans, IRL | AMERA ' CONTAX lens. Bullt in light WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK for all oo ikes of washers. Jack Bid- ar N. Phone 3800W ® (Oct2s) Simcoe St. meter an finder in perfect condition. S00. offer Phone 4628J. (350) 6 HP. EMPIRE "GARDEN TRACTOR. view Gardens or phone 66W12. After 6 pm. (55b) GIRL'S COAT, L COAT, LBOGINGS, , HAT, 6 TO 8 yrs. Electric . Brass bird cage, without ax One' coll _elec- tric heater, walnut cedar chest. Phone 1610M. (85¢) Like new. Can be seen at 1024 Lake- Shescostiely \suites. bedroom THE HOME! suites, studio couches, Sim- mon's beds, spring filled mattresses, big Savies, chairs, floor coveringr. Our prices sre rent district. bes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc lower, out of the high Wilson's Furniture Co. (Novi4) YOU WANT new truck tires 20 CR > 5 uty, "War rubber. aT vy % ers, 515 Ritson Rd. ry Phone 3362--evenings 1278 Out fev) QUEBEC HEATER, ALMOS NEW, green, canning machine, Fe cops aaNCIS Meagher rol Bes 1 St. HARDWOO! 4 ft. Ase. i BOTH NEW AND to choose from. N. (Oct20) D, SOFTWOOD AND BLABS, Phone 1962W. __ (36D) VENETIAN BLINDS 53c - PER To Measured and Installed. George Reld. 'Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. "| out WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR Ig AD: Seneral office work, Apply 'odd's Bread. 54c) RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD Bi TIN modern home with all conveniences. Comfortable llving Juarters and see porate bath. Phone 378 evenings after (5181) WANTED, EXPERIENCED PART TIME waitress. Apply Queen's Hotel, (56¢) YOUNG WOMAN (SINGLE OR WITH- home aettion, Some knowl ARN 'siving 'xperiens y = ssply By io 229; BOY WANTED TH BICYCLE, | Apply "Harn Harm "cower, Superin Venat | 5 TO assist in plant, YOUNG in TO ASSIST IN ADVER- tising department, Good Jpporty nity to learn husiness, Apply T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette Office * (dott) Both Jarties win 'when you use Want Ads, ha PUbILE Auction for J. y | 25, 41--Employment Wanted BUSINESS WANTED BY RELIABLE party In or out of town. Anything that has Promise, Would consider part- nership. Box 406, Times-Gazette. = (55¢) EXPERIENCED fy WATTRESS, DESIRES rmanent on anu Excellent refore rences. Box 331 Times. (Oct20) on REMOVED BY mien. Phone 3091R. 42-- Legal Notices OTICE TO CREDITORS . IN THE BSTATE OF WILLIAM ELIZUK, DEC! ED: ALL PERSONS hav claims WILLIAM ELIZUK, late of the C. (Nov10) ofov of of CARE | Oshawa in the County of Ontarto, - Merchany, who died on or about the {lay of April, 1946, Intestate, are oa to send to the undersigned, on or before the 31st day of October, 1948, full particulars of their claims, After the sald date, the Administrator will distribute the assets of the sald de- ce av regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, TED at Oshawa, this 4th day of October, 1946. LOUI 8S. HYMAN, 25 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. (Oct.7-14-21) 43--Auction Sales ve been authorized to sell by n a MoBwen, lot Wedn con. 4, 1 n, esday, October 23, all his farm. tock, imple- ments, harness, effects, See bills, cash. Elm er Mountjoy, clerk, Pp! ies and household e Terms Wilbur, ho T. (Thurs.Sat.Mon.) | sang two selections, Glasgow--(CP)--The Clyde pad- dle steamers Queen Empress, Duch- ess of Rothesay and Eagle ITT oe A being scrapped after war service. Rate for Adverising under this Beadtngode per each inser- tion. nimum im charge 45 cents. ANNUAL FALL FAIR, OF THE WO- men's Guild of St. George: , will be eld in the hall #2, x] Ys BAZAAR, KING ST. CHURCH, OCT, 23, at 3 p.m, Junior Group, W.A. (56a) AVALON UANOING | EVERY WEDNES: day, Priday and Saturday (Oct30) ST. GEORGE'S WOMEN'S GUILD, Thursday, October 24, at 2:30, Parish Hall. (85¢) Stewardship (Continued from Page 3) young man, and 'he had turned away. Virtue More Than Whim Pointing out that "many whim- sically entertain the idea of a vir- tuous life," Mr. Copeland declared that "it has to be more than a whim, It has to be more than a dilettante wish. It has to be the very core of one's conviction along with determination evidenced by sacri- fice--sacrifice of everything that may be found to be necessary." In passing, the speaker pointed out that this was not a text advo- cating communism or criticizing possession of property. It was a text, he explained, applicable to its time, when to travel as the disciples did it was necessary not to be en- cumbered by baggage and so it was necessary to dispose of one's posses- sions, "It was not a counsel for all people of the world or for all Chris- tians for all time," he said, "but there is a message for our time -- stewardship. There is the message that ye should be good stewards and not regard anything as your own or set any value on anything you have except in relation to God's Kingdom." Going on 'to Ohrist's final de- mand of the young man--to follow --Mr. Copeland expressed the be- lief that every great era in history had failed because of its "half effort." = "Things are changing in the world today--they are being fitted into a new mould--and I believe that there are enough Christians and enough enlightment in the Christian Church to see that the mould is right," he declared, urgipg devotion, energy and singleness of purpose in pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus. Morning Sermon Rev. B. 8. Morwood of North- minster United Church, who was guest speaker at the morning ser- vice, based his sermon on the words --in the third chapter of Joshua-- spoken to the people of Israel as they came to the bank of the Jordan. Referring to the words from the text "for ye have not passed this way heretofore," Mr. Morwood said that while anniversaries are often times of looking back yet we must look forward. He said that just as when Israel looked back on the wilderness and beyond to the pro- mised land there were still the dan- gerous waters of the Jordan to be crossed before reaching the promis- ed land, we see the problems and difficulties overcome and look be- yond to the bright culmination of the struggle, but still there are the immediate dangers and problems to be faced. He pointed cut that there is 'a guide, however. Israel had the ark of the covenent and while we have no such symbol we have the word that Christ is the Way and by fol- lowing that Way we can reach the future with success. Drawing attention also to the instruction that the ark should be kept a certain distance ahead so all might see, he declared that we must not let anything--prejudices, preccnceived ideas or selfish inter- ests--come between us and Him whom we profess to follow. With reference to others' vision of the ark being blocked, he pointed out that we are examples to others and we should do nothing to pre- vent others from seeing the true light In conclusion, he declared that if we want God's blessing we must purify ourselves before Him so that He can make use of us, referring to Joshua's appeal to the people of Israel--"Sanctify yourselve: for to- morrow. the Lord will do wonders among you." Guest Soloists The anthem at the morning ser- vice was Malotte's arrangement of "The Lord's Prayer" and the guest soloist was Miss Jean Magill of Simcoe Street Church. Miss Magill "Jerusalem" and "Peace and Rest." In the evening, the choir again under the direction of Norman Williams, organist and. choirmaster, sang "Hark My Soul" by Shelley, ED | with Mrs. M. Fletcher as soloist. Miss - E. Turner of Street Church was guest soloist and she sang 'Bless This House." At the evening service also, William Askew rendered two 'euphonium solos, Rubinstein's "Romance," and dur- ing the offertory "Intermezzo" from Cavalleria Rusticana by Mas- cagni. Faith In God (Continued from Page 3) become--faith in the possibilities of man," he went on. "We are living in a time when it seems as if the world will either find its feet or civilization will go down to oblivion. Wee see tension, despair, misery and sorrow -- yet in the midst of it there are people who having found faith in God have discovered a peace that the world knows nothing about. That is the kind of faith we need today," he declared, quoting in conclusion the words of Hamlet who after hearing of the death of his father took courage and linking arms with his two friends sald: "Come, let us go together." Special. Music Mrs. K. D, Gahan. as soloist, the choir sang "O Give Thanks" by art and following the offertory rendered Martin Shaw's a anthem "With a Voice of Singing," . Following the Scripture Ri Mrs, H. C. Hurlbert, soprano, "Trust In Him," by Hamblen. At the evening service the con- gregation of Simcoe Street United Church united with that of St. An. drew's. Mr. Maxwell took as his subject, "They Made Light of It" and special music was again rend ered by the choir. Anthems were "Open Our Eyes" by Shaw and "Hear Us O Saviour," by Hamblen, while Mrs. K. D. Gahan and Mrs. E. Storie sang Mendelssohn's "I Waited for the Lord" and the solo- ist, Robert Wagstaff, sang 'Fear Not Ye O Israel, " by Buck. Washington Spotlight By CLYDE BLACKBURN , Canadian Press Staff Writer Washington, Oct. 18--(CP) -- In the throes of tremendous post-war expansion of air travel the operat- ing companies are doing an able job in getting people quickly from one place to another but they are hav- ing a struggle to speed the ground service up to the tempo set by planes in flight. Sir Harold Hartley, chairman of the British European Airways Cor- poration and a veteran operator, pnt the situation in a nutshell here the other day when he said: "We are spending millions to save time in the air and we are wasting it all = Te ground, » Much of the time * asting he re- ferred to is caused by failure to get sufficient adequately trained staff to handle grond operations, and to the excess of formalities involved in the adminission of world trav- ellers at national ports of entry. Distance of airports from large metropolitan centres and the over- crowding of airports also contribute to the delays, he sald, and he pro- posed a partial remedy. One essential he said, was larger planes--ships with capacity for 50 and perhaps 100 passengers, to les sen the number of departures and arrivals, Sir Harold also forecast that long distance flights would origin- ate from more centres than at pre- sent in the United Kingdom and in the United States where they are concentrated on a few airports in each country. * b » For nearly five-years getting a room in a Washington hotel has been a major achievement. There were lots of vacant hotel rooms this week but it was next to impossible to get one because the 18 major hostelries were tied up by a strike of waiters, maids, bell-hops, eleva- tor operators, bartenders, Dignifi- ed and important permanent re: dents of some of the larger hot: were making thelr own beds and otherwise doing for themselves, go- ing out for meals and walking the stairs; transients were checking out and new customers were turn- ed away while the employees pick= eted or idled, waiting for a boost in wages the owners sald would cost $1,000,000 a year. LE IR Canada once more is getting a lot of attention in the newspapers and on the radio networks as an example of good management of meat distribution at a time when meat -- or the lack of it--is a ma- jor issue in the United States. Re= publicans are hoping for a wind- fall of protest votes in the Novem= ber election and have coined a nas- ty campaign slogan--"Had enough? Vote Republican." AND MARKERS! Large Stock To Choose From! Phone 501 Port Hope UTTER GRA NITE co. 13 Ontario St. FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARE PHONE 1000 When In Need of Drugs POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY ---- RENT ---- An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE "Home" 85 son SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 16 Ontario St. STAR LAUNDRY 13 CELINA ST. Dry Cleaning -- Repairing Laundry DELIVERY -- PHONE 3164 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly aM Aceurately Filled MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 we

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