FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE. MNTVISITORS [rnassns -- FRWEEKEND xem | ET'S MAINTAIN | F. E. SMITH Correspondent . and Prince Albert, Oct. 17--Mr. and Mrs. Graham Plaunt, of Peterbor- : | were with her father, Mr. H.R. | Congratulations rR EF GOOD NAM E onto, _spen Hospital, : Boligay ther for a few hed' rom i 0 er fa or & i . Ee: Bs 7 ' 50 Te ok I ahr : 11 J 0 : ' Miss Mabel Bonnell, who is at- 18 THIS YEAR'S OBJECTIVE tending Shaw's Business College in / Toronto, was home for the holiday week-end. ' S y . and Mrs. Tom Scattergood, of ; Oshawa, guests one evening clal home of Mr, and ie ii : i "IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE | THAN TO RECEIVE" Alderman A. G. Davis delivered the following address on behalf of the Oshawa Community Chest over station CKDO last evening. TI i iii | i Il £8 : % grge i i if di +i ffir ge 5 ' ALD, A. GORDON DAVIS sister, Mrs, W. Webb, er FE OmRETo i 1 oy ity wp ol hs aor Fo on. Regan and| Foreigners "about, i WAT 5 Helpless youngsters who of going » ortunates, back on Life's wetk-mnd at the ome fie, ", Mi ' Jd might otherwise be fated to I know of young men, who, prior 3 Smith on a trip to the Ontario | ali 7 ? 20 5 years of physical handicap, : are provided with gentle care that helps them grow straight and strong to useful citizenship. There will be only one campaign this year in the City 4K Hospitalization, medical at- of Oshawa to raise funds that will be used by all six- 1 BR Aa tention, wheelchairs, and teen Astvice organisation in Shiels Service work, The : mn crutches are provided for campaign conducted under the name o e eH! ah : Oshawa Community Chest Fund and the symbol of the - hE Ba the ailing and crippled campaign will be the Red Feather which down through ; p needy . . . young and old . . . by funds the ages has been the badge of courage and service. 19% from the Oshawa Community Fund. Wear yours proudly through a generous contribution qq to a very worthy cause. Day nurseries and homes for little children who, through no fault of their > own are left without par- y ; pre LES ental care, find support through the Th Halu VIL RR | es nl Ei! Oshawa Community Fubd bution will now help someone who, through circum- stances needs assistance. Hi help . . . give freely! =~ is your opportunity te Havens for the aged and infirm who have neither friends or relatives to take care of them, are assisted by the Oshawa Community Fund to ease their declining years. i ly 2 | [0 ONE CANVASS = YOUR « « « around you and see the man le in our eom- i y ' | CONTRIBUTION COVERS mrity that You can | help through your contribution to F; om i] EVERY WORTHY CAUSE! This Advertisement Is Sponsored By the Following Oshawa Beauty Salons: Boulevard Hairdressing Edward's Barber Shop Salon and Beauty Salon 63 Oshawa Blvd. - Phone 1978 5 Celina Street - Phone 2658 Grace's Beauty Salon Isobeile's Beauty Salon 20% Simcoe S. - Phone 2011 43 Colborne E, - Phone 258SW Lynence Beauty Salon 101 Ritson N. = Phone T51W + + « 10 your canvasser when he or she calls at your home. ; Pe INC § £8 Nm) Mary's Beauty Parlour They are freely donating their time to help your com- ~ Tove BB soil of -- 325 Simooe 8. = Phone 3683 munity . . . give cheerfully! / a EN = og) McKenna Hairdressing 3 4: i | FH il, fed 199 Simcoe 8. = Phone 278 FRED BALL, Tire Dealer JACK BIDDULP SH D L Modern Beauty Shop 117 Simcoe St. N. Telephone 2462 ELECTRICAL J 1] ic awa AIRY LL os § Simcoe 8. =~ Phone 1200 DAVIS' TIRE SALES & SERVICE 68 Simcoe St. North Telephone 3800W S re tl al . NX Peggy's Beauty Parlor 67 King St. E. Telephone 3939 COOK MOTOR SALES MEACHERS : 7 N- hb { R 72 Church St. = Phone 371 - b:? ARRY 0. PERRY 139 King St. West Telephone 503 92 Simcoe St. North ) HN A i Phil-de-Vere Beauty SALE WAREHOUSE MILL VALLEY LUMBER CO. LTD. ROYAL HOUSE FURNISHING CO. : PR Salo 204 Court Street . Telephone 2015 37 King St. East Telephone 81 35 King St. East Telephone '260 ) 18 Simcoe N. oN lions Yad Betty Lou (SRA 0] .'Tod 3 = GIVE FOR ALL .. YOUR .CONTRIBUTION COVERS EVERY WORTHY CAUSE \ qu Permanent Wave Shoppe ; % ow Saf 86 Simcoe N. = Phone 2068.