LE RAS 4 PAGE TEN THE DA ILY TI MES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1946. Use Fimes-Cazetic Classified A s For Quic k Results TE Tsar DIRECTORY 1---Auditors R. D. Solicitor ete. 6 Phones: Office 814; residence Money to loan. 3207 (Nov1) BARRISTER AND LOUIS 8 HYMAN, Solicitor. 25 Simeoe St North phone 3081. v Office (Oct20) IDES 70 WANT 4 Snasutiontios, We ; f f - of EACH ADDITIONAL (Above fates apply 0 0 #0 words or less. ise additions) full word. All Classified Advertisements MU i Fe Office Hours: Dally Thi | al ii i i i : : i ® to original order. Ll Srgimal order, sul viation J ans d Each initial letter, ablvevs and ¢ sign. figure count as a D CLASSIFICATIONS Classifi:ation, vo. Autorwnblles Pos Bale ............ 8 Autnmobiies Wanted ..... .. 8 Pots and Livestock 34 31--Wanted To Rent | 36--Articles For Sale 38-Female Help Wanted 39--Male ep Wanted 3.ROOM PRIVATE APARTMENT, CEN 5 eareful cou; Wearing -» Articles Por Sale . 3 Articles Wanted ,. 37 Pemate Help b Wanted ........ 8 Male Aelp : Waoted .. ..... 8 Male or Pemule Help Wanted ... 30s 3: order) listings--§3.00 per month ' for for all words over 20. B15 8m 01.9 vIn. te day betory 8.6; Saturday § no by young couple. Phone or 4155W. | ¥ Wn ASSISTANT MA) OER. W modatjion as ye 113 years. Owns hy % he Is on, ran is willing of short lease. Phons Weston. Alrcraft, oh USTNESS EXECUTIVE WANTE W, it furnished DSUIOOm wi 540, Ey EX-RCAF. OFFICER ENG and baby ro Rog Zi ui house, furnished or unfurnished. Box 41, Times-Gazette, (52¢) GARAGE IN VICINITY OF VICTORIA apartments. Phone 1532). will poy, oy 0 $5 per month. THREE "OR FOUR BOOMS, Borns Steady employment: pL A STR, (52c) WANTED AT ONCE BY BUSINESS gil. small apartment, flat or 2 Douss- . | ONE 44-40 DEER 4 USED 16-600 TIRES, APPLY 50 WEL- ne ji ? ($3; | Bo RIFLE, tion repeater, in good condition, 9 X 7 RUG, ALSO GREEN WINTER cost with fur trim, size 16; Both like new. Phone 383. (53b) BICYCLE FOR SALE, GOOD CONDE tion, $15. Apply 107 Rosehill tov | cm CHOICE HARDWOOD cut up in stove lengths and: delivered, Price $18.50 Per Cord PHONE 481 best variet! in fall, bef Order. Row 159 dun Rd, PI (Nov.16) end STUDIO ALSO 1 LOUNGE chair, Apply 363 Albert. (53b) GIBBARD WALNUT DINING-ROOM suite for sale. In 'excellent condition. Apply apt. No 3, 364 Simcoe 8t. S.; 6 and 8 pm, (53b) rooms, 537, Gazette. (520) DESIRE 3 YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE Apply Box room flat b; January 1st. 331, Times-Gazet (Oct19) JAMES R MaocBRIEN and Solicitor Suite 200 Genosha Hotel. Phone 340 JOSEPH P MANGAN, ze. ter, Solicitor Money Ll BARRISTER 0 King Bast (Novi3) BARRIS- oan. Office Phone 11--Building Trades RS | 25--Real Estate For Sale ATERPROOFING CELLAR FLOO! bil, walls, is, chimneys built and Jepatred, i A | jobs. Phone Taian. Nove) 141; King St oO 445. Res. L (Nov1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, citor 1) King E Room 2. Phones Office 55, BR 3687R, 5 SOLI- (Nov2) Act | PAINTING AND (W. BN SINCLAIR, K.C. AND J. C, ai. K.C.. Barristers Bank of Phone 99. MANNING P. SWARTZ, Money Solicitor, sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 28TIW., (Nov1) BARRISTER, to loan Bas (Nov) 3--Dentists DR. 8. J. 1, IHILLIPS, 13% SIMOOS BF. East. (Oct22) otra | 3ax. GRAVEL, CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE first WH i Modn Idea and A or oa Agents for New ea py umidifiers and esialiy sontrols, Air-conditionins as ove 24 Phone 43 iro, Li Geman" repairs. °0 ; rioing 4 tei Phone anyt! (Nov16) SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, FILL. loam, maul cinders. H B Bvagls Cartage. 3. Bowmanville Pe eavine: Phone 723712. (©ctas) SAND, GRAVEL. LOAM FILL. GEN. eral cartage. Fleet of trucks. Efficient Silane service. W. P. Essery. p Ba Trane I NEE ebec, ir) 3 Phorie 1 : 50) NEW 5. ~5.ROOMED HOUSE, STOREY AND half, ofl heating. Be cash, balance TO _ at easy terms. Phone Ww. (53¢c}) FARM OF © Acme. we Taoow an arn, close city. terms. Box 322, Times-Gaze tte, Bay (Oct.11-12-18-19) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- NORTH Mary Street, 7 room brick house excel- lent condition, insulated, floors | throughout, chestnut trim, fireplace, new oll furnace. $8,300. Phone 2764M for appointment. (54b) $9,000--SEVEN ROOMS, BRICK, ALEX- andra St. arage, possession, wner's ome. Near golf course. Jones, 61; St. (54h) Prince NEW SPANISH 1 BUNGALOW, FOUR rooms and bath, recreation room. Hot mates ville, Bromley and Son. (Novid) J M. LEE_& SONS, BUILDING CON- tractors. "You name it, we build it" Phone 1640J, (Novl) , © LOAM Robert Muir, T1354 sed) and general haulage Phone" Oe ae Doune mall {; fis. 8 $5500. 4000 » , 8 Tui $4000 cash. Phone after six 4335J for ap= pointm (52¢) ent, $-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED Sle, Harge ivi room, hardwood out. Imm te possession. Ap- pir 30 Keir Bt. 4 from 4 to 9 5 PAINTERS FO! Br ae (Octis) SPRAY AND BRUSH ing and 0 BUILDING CONTRAOC- repairs, New homes bullt * specifications. Phone 4117W. 481 Brew' Bt. : SANDING. FLOOR M. ETTE. Phone 3744W1. (Nov.17) A.dn.one e lot, | 32--Automobiles For Sale '35 OLDS. SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. $500. Serial 38990297, Higgins, 306 Olive: Ave., Phone 14597, aE (54a 2 SEECIAL ROADSTER, ht, new battery, muf- ition. $275, Serial No, . Knight, Ashburn, Brooklin 68R23, | after six evenings. (53¢c) FORD TRACTOR scraper, A.1 TO aa Apply 89 Butke ( Bex Automobiles Wanted 200-9600 WILL | EP! PAID BY PRIVATE part for, goed car from '31-'38, Phone i, (Oct31) CAR Ewe '30° TO '36, PRIVATE edi A no dealers, cash. Box 344, Times- Jagette. SC UT (EY : $350 CASH FOR THE BEST CAR OF- fered. Phone Port Perry 246r12. (Sle) WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE USED cars and trucks. Cash ob Seas en. est oash prices paid Any make model. Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert, Phone 4468. (Oct25) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot 278 Park Rd. 3344M. 8 Phone (Oct18te) ) | CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe St. North. Phone 4605W. (Oct30) 9 ) to 3 p 71 Sng AND Sak - wood floors, al dein conventence. possession. 198 Bond West. (52¢) 196-ACRE | E PARM, LA} LARGE BA BANK E BARN, ADR owner, i ie ROMS Al TERATIONS wi Fae 16 #18 Wikia tam B Phone Poi (Novid) FLOORS (Nove) ER) FLOOR finished. Phones Snliied id, 10 OEMENT MIXER FOR RENT. APPLY H C Wilson, 375 Gibbon St. Phone J001R. (Oct28) PAINTER AND PIRST-CLASS NECORA tor. P. Danniels, Phone 2718R. (Oct16) 12--Personal Services NEW SERVICE C CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario St. ne 707. (Oct20) P A VON GUNTEN, RXPERT Street West. Your patronage w) 14--Househoid Repairs arge frame house, im- plement house, garage, 125 acres and wood, good creek. 11; miles off highway. For particulars phone 799J, Oshawa. (52c) 5-ROOM | BRICK SEMI.D UPLEX, WITH of land, In city, 3 mingles to General Motors. . Apply 501 (52d) Ritson Rd. N. $ 4 500 cE Street, five room | iamsmons ,Avro een Ars Wan! or wrecking. prices paid. Phong 3363; Boa. 34--Pets and Livestock HENS FOR SALE, $1 EACH. 135 Alexander Blvd, after 6. YOUNG C cow "FOR SALE JERSEY AND Durham, also year old heifer. Phone 3979W. (54b) APPLY (54c) CANARIES FOR ood siugess. Phone ve. trave ds Tr COCKER SPANIEL PUP- REGISTERED Bl at Miles west Hien) ples and (N ALL COLORS, or call 400 (53c) stud. Waubena Kennels, Elizabe of Oshawa, een floors, hot-air heating, kitchen has built-in cupboards, electric stove in- cluded. A buy with possession #00 BARRED ROOK PULLETS, 3- 3-4 AND | 6 months old. Phone 3088R or 4081J. mber 15th. ment only, (Biciushe Hating). (Oct. 22) | 35----Wearing A Apparel $600 --Oshawa Blvd, si brick, hot air heat! in good condition, storm windows. gH oar $75.00. A real puy in a good cation, Inspection by appointment, $500 --with $1500.00 cash buys ' sixteen.room brick Rouse on Graburn Avenue. Now bringing in $38.00 4] month. Four rooms now va- 60 x 137. Hot water heating. & Rich sinks and three toilets. Bal- lo- MP ts suite No 4. Barrister, Telephone 282. (Oct20) REPAIRED AND RE- FURNITURE upholstered. materials for 'Dalton. 75 Charles, READY MONEY... from a Friend, it's a Favour... from the B of M, Good Business The mone 1s hete to be lent to anyone wi 0% Bu Phone 401. (Nov8) 15--Gardening and Supplies COAEKWELL'S NURSERY. ROCKERY plants, bs and ever- greens, 1150 Simcoe North. Shone 18--Automobile Repairs RADIATOR SERVICE. HEATERS. G tanks, Clifton Moore, 160 King Bt. Phone 4340M. (N orl a sound Buthose wh can repay Without Rarish ip, It is a business affair af- fair between " customer. and mana- or accountant of of M branch. 27¢ :a month for $100 Loan | repayable in 12 monthly instalments equal to 1 ' month he tol No Handling Charges--No Extras interest a bu BODY AND FENDER | WORK. EXCEL. workmanshi| pointment. Phone 1565W, 60 Prince 8b. (Nov.3) DODD'S GARAGE.--GU, UARANTEED phim to Rl of cars and trucks. Rime payments. if required. Have your here. Phone 3344M (Nov}0) MOREY'S GARAGE CORNER VERIUN nq Glidden. Expert . re; wou (Nov10) 21--Business Opportunities ance at 4%. EVERETT G. DISNEY Real Estate and General Insurance 82 Simcoe St. South, Phone 1550. (Member Ontario Real Estate Board) . (33b) 29a--For Rent FOR RENT - RADIOS, VACUUM cleaners, n lamps, Circulex Thera- su. a3 pent} machines electric heaters, floor ishers, record plavers. Meagher's, Simcoe N. Phone 4600. (Novo) BLUE COATS, , SIZE' 2 BLUE wiTE PLOUGH AND 3- ONE METAL LATHE FOR SALE 1N good condition, Phone 1376W. _(52¢) ONE SNOOKER TABLE WITH ALL accessories, in good condition. Phone 232R1. (53¢) SOFTWOOD SLABS, STOVE LENGTHS, $13 per 'cord. _ Phone 3149 (53¢) PHILCO CAR RADIO, 1936 MODEL. Phone 4334J or apply 38 Valencia oa FOR SALE, APPLES, MCINTOSH AND Milwaukee. Apply 'William Gardner, Ashburn, (Oct26) _WHEELED TRAILER, , GOOD CONDI- "tion, good tires, 369 Drew Bt. (52¢) APPLES, , SPIES, MCINTOSH, SNOW, | Tollman Sweets, Cortland, seil basket, ashe or barrel, Sem sale now. Mc- , 50c, 6 gt. basket. Bring your own containers. One mile North P.O., Whitby. John Pollock. (Nov.11) FUR COAT, BLACK SEAL, NEARLY new condition, only worn few times, pize eighteen Cost ., will sacrifice $1 Real bargain for someone, wit person 5 ft. 4 in. or 5 ft. 6 in., in one at present. Apply Box 323, Times. Gazette. 49h) BRADLEYS FURNITURE | * 40 King Street West. ___ 3 paeam--- sat blinds. Ap ithout obl) PAN "Boum es withou 7X George M. 04. 66 Bond West. "Reld. phone 31 Ban (Octas) POR SILENT GLOW OIL Electric. ' Phone (Oct21tf) BABY PEAMS, AND SONVERTIALE carriages, r any styles and colors, See our large selection. Wilson's Purniture Co. 20 Church St. (Oct14) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator. Bell's Re! - ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. Phone IW. (Nov12) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER "or coal and wood heaters, like new. suit- able for your home or business quart- ers. Now on display at the Bradley Furniture Con. Simcoe South (Seti COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL- able, a of to from. Approved tars if desired Mea- gher's, Simcce St. N. Eid ) BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, styles, steel or wood: ane cM Blgh chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers. doll prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district Mb: grache Furniture Co, Church St (Oct) silk a all in good HH fete, n Riston 8. (54a) | pos 3 $3.50; high rubb ize ¥, 8 y rubbers, s » | baby harness 75c. 78 Gibb St. (54b) | GIRL'S COAT, SIZE 10-11, HARDLY | worn, Apply 120 Mill St. after 6 om ONE BLACK COAT as ROLLS for all cakes dulph, 638 Simcoe St West. % KEPT IN STOCK of washers. Jack Bid- N. Phone 3800W (Oct25) EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME! Ch suites, d sults, breakfast suites, studio couches, Sim- mon's beds, spring filled mattresses. wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc WITH FULL i a ver fox collar, good conditi 20. (548) Phone _4492W. LADIES' BLACK TAILORED coat, fitted, almost new. Also tweed winter coat, both size 18, Burke St. BUY gp SELL USED CLOTHING. G. Highesy prices paid for used Sianing: Sterlized, cleaned and new. We buy and sell used a Large stock suits, spring coats, pants, single and vests all sizes and colors. Also new goods; large stock to choose from. A widl convince you. 21 Bond West, Samuel te, (Nove) fitted 89 (53¢c) 29--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman preferred. total abstalners, Phone 1953R, or apply 28 Aberdeen St. (54b) $25 REWARD TO ANYONE WHO WILL rent 3 to 5 room house or rooms ina_jo & veteran's family. Urgently Fequl ed, ne 2 4015J. 54c¢) NE BEDROOM IN EXCHANGE po fight, housekeeping duties, Bor Ko] Cash You repay 24 you get 7 Monthly instalments 6 24 par paris ar a ES | FURNISHED VETERAN URGENTLY REQUIRES store. Write Box 336, Times-Gazette. SEDROOM IN QUIET for gentleman, seo Garage | t. ) home Apply 38 Colborne Si dF =r 10] 10 ux 8.60 | MONTREAL T0--TInstruction Yi Da; Ci "may opin eo y School, and obs. Free fold~ Assan (Ooh s 10 aes (52) 22--Lost and Found LOST -- TWO YJ BATION BOOKS NAMES Mrs. Marie Cha) Chap- man. Phone 4 or call 1 Stace) Avenue, "WRIST Olive, Phone nw LOST LAD MERIT watch between Witiam and Thursday _afternoo 905J or Tetarn 152 Oitve Ave, THE VICINITY castle, a black, Td hi awe hound. Please call 753M, Oshawa, (53¢) WILL PARTY SEEN PICKING UP Black: RE tan hound, please Bb SSE p return (53b) 33 Women's Column CHARIS ' CORSETTERE-.V. hs 159 Oshawa Blvd. Py ws (Oct30) SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS. Order now for Fali delivery. For infor mation phone 4001J. (Nov8) 24--Personal PROFESSIONAL CARD READING, MRS, Elliott, 89 Nassau St. Phone 2010W for wa Business College, 18 Worth "Phone 1314W (Nov?) (Novi) TEA APPOINT- READING ment oly Apply 184 King West. Phone 4714J. (Oct23) FURNISHED _ ROO! hot water, Suite , CONTINU 1 or gentlem: Central. __ Apply 164 y iv oe (340) for two, ic hot t ABLE , continuous Gladstone Ave, ok. 8 or a A LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED | hand front room in private Vo contin. IOUS | YOU WANT 36--Articles For Sale GURNEY GAS Ly LARGE, 6 months old. Apply 53 Division St. (54b) SATUR- RANGETTE, PHONE 3456W, day n oan. 9 o'clock. (54a) NTIQUE, CHERRYWOOD. Like nev new. A Phone 4284J. (34b) COAL A! AND WOOD | STOVE 1 FOR | SALE, Apply 386 Beverley St. (54b) DEER RIFLE, , WINCHESTER, AC CCEPT Dest ofter, also farm trailer for tractor Spply la mi 1% ile Hy "of Five Ponts. ._V (54b) li " HAVE THEM, new truck tires 825x20 heavy duty, B% pre-war rubber. Lakeshore reckers, 515 Ritson Rd. rN ha enings 1278. (Oct18t025), SUERE0 HEATER, ALMOST NEW, wringer, creamery cans, Axminster I canning machine, Phone ic uous hot wate central .__Sultabl or two gentlemen. Phone TI sia) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE- man, bréakfast if desired, or 24927. (53¢) ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED BEDROO Newly decorated, central Hy Phone 1004W or apply 292 Arthur St. _ (s3b) FURNISHED ROO! rivate family, board , Times-Gazette. COMFORTABLY in gooa: hiv dome, desl (830) FOE EDROOM "REN Sahable w gros tira. Abily e and 8 p.m. ong Sori be Bete) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM. ALL rvice, also gi rE A conveniences. Bus se: Phone 2352W, Apply 230 Eulalle. TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR rent, sentlemen Prpte Jot. gy Aen. rred, near Motors, 30--Room and Board oe SINGER SEWING CLASSES ENROLL NOW IN OUR FALL CLASSES Dressmaking or Advanced Course : on Suits, 8 Weeks Sewing Course -- $10.00 Mogning. Afternoor or Evening * Courses Now Forming, pont DELAY AND PHONE TODAY 696 'SINGER SEWING CENTER : (Oct) LATE MODEL FACTORY, BUILT -A-Long, 23 ft. trailer, smart na- Home tural Bown o Josie, with new inlaid radio fri. gldatre. fy go ig outside. In- | sulated, winterized, should be seen to be appreciated 375 Elgin' | 8t. (52c) t RO iD IATE 4 ROOMED COTTAGE. possession. Apply 7 Gibbs Ave, (54c) ROOM AND BOARD men. All conve: oR 3 JR Phone 3953J. (Wed-Fri) ROOM = AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 94 Wil Bi APPT ilian 1. % P00 BOARD A} AND ROOM "FOR ~ GENTLE- men, one single room, one double room, continuous hot water. Phone privileges, 172 Mary St. (52¢) M Phone 1000. A QUANTITY OF "CHOICE SPANISH onions at residence, 2 miles south of Courtice. H. F. Osborne. Phone 2288, Bowmanville. (4c) ED ars! BAIN = mattress, ular $59.95, Sale $39.95 complete, de Ye and JShained 24x24 mirror, 95, le $10.05: ui unfinis hed des] 33 Pu ues. Christian's Hectic. and 1 tables, chairs, floor coveringr. Our prices are lower, out of the high SURNERS cookstove, Jacket sipaters, etc. Cooks |, Get it now, one cord of cord wood fo aor GIRL L Oh woulN TO HELP CARE |W. Hobert 7 oie, oo "Liberty = R 40) LEVER' AC+ pond Phone Ep fers. Joply 1a one EFFICIENT ¢ Jomo TOR 'GENERAL sien oi out, a ly a Hoitop ve. peat { re A " (53c) Spa. hier for steady ERY Appl: Box Cas) . xX , Times-Gi eg y (53¢) . MUST BE phn ful experienced A 'in a to The Vogue Bea by 'Sion. » S2¢) GIRLS 18 to 30 years of age. *For Light Factory Work Hours 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 330 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Shifts Alternate Weekly Good Wages & Working Conditions Apply Canadian General Electric N Lamp Works 221 Dufferin St. ( Sie) RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD HELP IN modern home with all conveniences. Comfortable living, quarters and . se- Jorste bath. Phone 378 evenings ahr Toronto YOUNG We WOMAN (SINGLE OR WITH- of m office owledge, € Rr experience. rer erences os Foe Box oR Ei fn Tor. Pablie Are ston, wei ies Box 'S45, TE dha Ee, Bin ence, (tf) 41--Employment Wanted TWO AND HALF TON STA for hire with driver, SE TRUCK. ' A o (53b) WAITRESS DESIRES ent ition | January 1. Jens Tences. Box 331 Times- (Oct20) bowing REMOVED BY "EXPERIENCED men, Phone 3091R. (Novia) 42--Legal | Notices "NOTICE T0 CREDITO| IN THE ESTATE OF EDITOR #BE. OF ey IN hE HE TOWN" oP ONTARIO, SIENTLEMAN, tn on or before the 30th y of October, 1946 after which date distribution of the Estate will be made having regard only to the claims of which the, Jiecutor shall then have Gr at Toronto this 2nd da; October, 1946, vo KING & KING 67 Yonge Street, Toronto 1. Solicitors for Gordon Sheppard, Execu (Oct.4- tw] NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of FREDERICK CHARLES EARNING late of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased. All creditors and other persons hav. ing claims or demands against the estate of Frederick Charles Manning, who died on or about the 6th day nf July, AD. 1946, at the sald Township of East Whit thy, are requested on or before the 25th day of October, 1946, to send or deliver to the undersigned full particulars In writing of thelr claims, After such last mentioned date the assets of the estatz will be distributed by the Administrator among the parties entitled thereto, having rega: only to the claims of which he shall then have natice. Dated this 4th day of October, 1946. WILLIAM HENRY BONNETTA. Administrator Estate of Fred Charles Manning, deceased, c/o GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER Oshawa, Ont., his solicitors. (Oct. 4-11-18) Rrences. 39--Male Help Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICAL appliance and radio serviceman. Steady employment. Box 3489, Tines:Gazetts WANTED! A MAN! Are you between 25 and 40? Are you married? Have you good appearance and a pleas- ing bak coh Are you honest and hard working? Are you ambitious, énergetic, indus- trious, enthusiastic and persevering? Do you want to succeed? Can you apply yourself to achieve a purpose? (40t1) Would you like to earn a substantial income? Do you like people? Can you sell? Are you a good conversationalist? Would you like a position where there is no limit to your financial succ except your own ability, effort prov desire to succeed? If you are this kind of man we want to Hire you. If you are this kind of man you will be very successful and happy with us. THIS OPPORTUNITY 18 WITH A LARGE CANADIAN FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, . Personal guidance and supetyision glv- en to successful applicant If you are the right man this is a grand opportunity. Reply to Box 337, Times-Gazette, stat- ing martial status, experience and i minimum present living expenses. ) rent district Wilson's F 0., (Oct14) COAL RANGES BOTH NEW AND very large stock to choose from. Meagher's 92 Simcoe St. N. (Oct20) OIL BUR BURNERS -- -- SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service Out-of- town customers Jojictted. w TOW dale. Phone 3575W12 (Oct18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 8 ft. Measured and stalled | George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 West. 4 ootz) 36a--For Exchange. WA! 0 LBS OR NTED TO TRADE, 2 more 2 in. nalls for the same amount of roofing nails. Phone 1201R. (53b) 37--Articles Wanted BABY'S CRIB WANTED. in good condition. Phone INDIAN Preferred. ii SIZE TRUNK, WITH TRAY and lock. Phone 3618] after 6 oslo PRIVATE PARTY ~ URGENTLY RE quires ratol, pewriter, vacuum Cleaner, fhe hy machine Pho! us a Nov.1 AN AND (54a) RUNNER DUCKS, BUFFS Apply Box 11, Port Perr APARTMENT BIZE PIANO, Yoon condition. i oy APProx. $150. 437, Times 0) 1 porno JERI HOT WA- ter heater. Approximately, 2000 watts. Apply Miller loway, ~aastys Ls, Sos ret. wan mus! n g - dition. Write or bhone Mrs. Jackson, Times-Gazette office (50t1) SPOT OASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Fhone Novis) ov. (54b) DARK OAK DINETTE SUITE, BUFFET table and 2 leaves, 4 chairs, red leather upholstery. $75. 108 Oshawa B ik BLUE CONVERTIBLE GO-CART Phone 2175J. HOT WA TER T? TANK, 22° GALS, AND quantity of used piping. Phone 1643M. (34b) LE, RUDD HEATER, 8, ALSO ve $5. Apply 44 Colborne at i 54a STEEL DOUB! BED FRAME poss spring, good condition. Phone hh a CHICKENS, 35¢ A LB. DRESSED AND delivered. Phone 2951R., Ig ) (84p ol FOR gas CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, WE need 100, any condition: also tricycles all sizes. Phone 2620W. Kingsway Sd ele GOOD .USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice Boxes radion and stoves 58 Kine West. Phone 3326W. (Novs) FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices pald.| Write: Queen ty Feather Co. 23 Baldwin St, Toronto. (Oct21tf) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee, 70 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open evenings. (25t1) RICKLAYERS Win FOR TIMES-GAZETTE BLDG. Part Time Arrangements : Appreciated Apply H. M. BROOKS Contractor 472 Masson St Phone 1229 - Make a steady income selling for the world's largest health and ac- cident company. Selling experience an asset, but not essential. We teach you. The only limits to your income, is your own willingness to work. Act. iow! Write in for fur- ther particulars. MUTUAL BENEFIT . HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 3 Simcoe St. S. Room 5 - (51e) 307 WANTED WITH BICYCLE, TO messages and assist in plant. Rey Harry Cowley, Superintendent, App Hany (1) YOUNG MAN '10° ASSIST IN ADVER- tising department, Good QPPOrTUnLty "0 learn business. Apply T. Wilson, Times-Gazette Office. (40t1) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON meta), rags. mattresses. Phone 635. Iron back © NR Station. (Novl) WHITE ENAMEL GASOLINE RANGE, 4 burners and oven. Apply 310 St. Julien, (3c) 2 WALNUT 81 BEDS, ONE. SET of child's walnut steel crib, cade reshma 30a--Room & Board Wanted cream "reversible go-cart, man's black BUSINESS COUPLE WISH ROOM AND board in quiet, refined home, good residential district, Apply box 339, Times-Gazette. (52c) 31--Wanted To | Rent | ONE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. | Widow. Box 438, Times.Gazette. (53b) coat. Phone 2379. (33¢) MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION. 3-burner coal oll stove. Phone ww). (53b) COMBINATION STOVE, WARMING | 1 oven, water front, small bandsaw, 13", fireplace grate and screen. 404 Dundas East, Whitby, evenings. 38--Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR MOTH- erless farm home. Good plain cook, eas and tidy. House fully el actin. running water, bathroom. No work. Permanent position ho" ithe party Write "all particulars of self to 0X aso. Pimes-Ciazetis, Eving Swary expec or. apply personally 't> 'Na- Tig Sel Selective Bp ormen th Orden | RELIABLE "WOMAN, PART. O OR | FULL 3 time: hours 9 till 5. Phone 935W. Two men to learn Life Insurance underwriting, in Oshawa and Dis- trict, must be clean cut and ag- gressive, The men selected will be given a sales course, and required coaching. Op- por for ad and earnings unlimited, in this suc- cessful Life Insurance agency. Apply in. person to 'GORDON ' F. OSBORNE, CL.U, 43--Auction Sales I will sell for Mrs. Music at 20 Albany St. at Oshawa. on Saturday, October 19, 1946, the contents of a blacksmith shop, consisting of forge, large anvil, emery grinder, post drill, large bench vice, a lot of small tools, two beds, two dressers, a lot of bed- ding, one cook stove, one girl's bicycte, one tricycle, other things too numerous to mention. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, auctioneer. (Oct.16.18) 44--Tenders TENDERS WANTED FOR (1) EX- cavating trench, 3 feet x 4 feet by 382 feet (2) laying 4500 cement blocks, (3) sand, gravel and fill by cubic yard. Box 340, Times-Gagzette. (52c) | MONUMENTS | AND MARKERS! Cl Phone 501 Port Hope R ER GRANITE CO. 73' Ontario St. Port Hope per word cach. taser: Minimo are MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING at Barnharts Rustic Pavilion, tonight, AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day, Friday and Saturday, (Oct30) The next. time you paint and want an interesting pattern, spray the paint through a wire screen to get a "stippled" effect. FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & HARDWARS PHONE 1000 When In Need of Drugs POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY An Electric Portable + SEWING MACHINE " Home $5 son SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St Phone 696 STAR LAUNDRY 13 CELINA ST. Dry Cleaning -- Repairing Laundry DELIVERY -- PHONE 3164 _ FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PRESCRIPTIONS Quicsaly and Acsyrately Filled MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE ) Simcoe N. Phone 48 USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario Shore Gas 15 KING sr' u 14a. With a More POWER for Your Car "WILSON" BATTERY Batteries | charged. Also rental service! Pick-up and Delivery Service! 21 CHURCH ST. - Oshawa - EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Buy Direct From Manufacturer at . , . 2 Year PHONE 2908 Guarantee ® Dump Truck Service W. F. ESSERY Fast, Modern LOADING Equipment ! --- for -- SAND, GRAVEL, % CRUSHED STONE LOAM, FILL Etc. Immediate Delivery! ©® Deliveries Made Anywhere! Telephones 3470 -- 1653J1 WET WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies RECAP NOW! 48 HOUR SERVICE! DUNLOP ™&ise"® Branch Manager THE EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Dundas St. West, Whitby. (Oct.23) | IRWIN AU 25 ALEXANDER BLV EXPERT VULCANIZING AT... AUTO P D 5 PHONE 3300 [od