PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE "Welcome The Canvasser" eee J.C. Anderson, KC CHAIRMAN, OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST Bias be A HE mittee is made tive group of citi community who feel florts of one campaign each year, much time and duplication of Sators Sa be Mnyed and Soposium appeals for public support WoslaWal organizations is elimin. ated, The work of each organization snd its expenditures is carefully scrubinized by a budget committee young and women and the needy and sick in this community, id giving freely and voluntarily of their time, during the whole year. It is now recognized that health, re- and happy families with for care for those less This week, we celebrated Thanks- giving for the bountiful harvest, Next week we shall have the op- portunity to express our thanks in a tangible form by generously sup~ porting the Oshawa Community Hox Wook. 'the "Red pg will symbol the generous s| of thousands of Oshawa citizens who will make their annual contri« bution to the sixteen community agencies serving all the people of Oshawa twelve months of the year. Please welcome the Oanvasser when he calls and be ready with your contribution, " Union Rejects Kaufman Offer Kitchener, Oct, 17~(OP)--A. R. Declare Nazis' Trials Were Fair Baton Rouge, La, -- (Special) -- While the world read the final 'ver dict of the Nuerenberg court on anking Nasi lead~ ers, Dr. Joseph Dainow, associate professor of law at this university, . | who aided the American prosecu- tion during the trials, sat at his desk and studied plans for future lectures to law students, Satisfied that the German de- fense counsel was convniced of the fairness of the trials, Dr. Dainow said the entire situation was one un, ted in history. He was continually impressed by the spec- tacular, efficient and honest meth- ih employed during the prosecu- The oyu brief prepared by the LSU professor was presented dur- ing the second week of the trial, 'We first began work on the trial .| during the summer of 1045," he sald, "At that time, I was ass! to the judge advocate general's of- fice in Washington, directing re- search on war crimes with reference to international law and treaties, "These research studies consti- tuted the basis for one phase of the indictment charging violation of international treati satisfy your least again bestowed on' you, show kindness, or Four Hours Pay! think... and shew kindness THINK of your home, where love, happiness, comfort and security are always yours to enjoy. THINK of your table, so well-provided with food to THINK of the clothing you possess to keep you warm . biting cold of winter, THINK of the goodihealth a generous Providence has THINK of all these blessings . , . then think, instead, of the homeless, the hungry, the ill-clad and + sick in your community, THINK of the help and relief which even the smallest donation from you will give them , . Give All You Can Spare .., A Half a Day Gen, 40:14 hunger pang, , and Dawson Banquet Riotous Affair Montreal -- (Special) -- Betw 80 and 100 engineers early this week stormed into ors, the engineers doused the lights in the bullding and turned the extin. guishers on the banquet. Dawson College is at St, John's, Que, 26 miles south of Montreal gineering students, Guest speaker John Dando, a member of McGill's faculty, was soaked along with several members of the society executive, All attempts to close the windows in the face of the engineering on- slaught proved futile, One w! Was sm in the scuffle. Thirty co-ed waitresses were al most unable to cope with the ¢rowd | ters Of guests, some of whom voiced their disapproval by banging the igned | table with silverware, The waitress- es almost vided another inter- ruption---with only six women at Dawson and some 1800 male en- gineers, they were a bigger attrac tion than the food, "Hope hag nothing on Dando," Roman Catholic Churches Holding Mission Sunday Toronto, October 17 ~~ Mission Sunday, the special feast day of the tion of the Toronto, on Sunday, October 20, His Eminence, James Charles Oardinal McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto, in connection with the annual observance of this feast h issued a special pastoral letter urg- ing support in the work of recon- struction of the many totally or partially destroyed properties in mission lands Some idea of the agniinde of the task entrusted to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith may be gathered from the fact that it supports 23,000 missionaries, 9,000 Iny brothers, 53,000 missionary sis- , 76,000 teachers, 96,000 catech- ists and 33,000 other assistants, It also educates 5,000,000 children in Oathedral, ht commented one student after Mr. |the ts Dando's speech, He is a well. tinting Sows speaker at MoGill campus "HELPING HAND and Yes!... extend your hand in help freely, gener. ously and cheerfully to those less fortunate in our community, There will be only one campaign for all 16 service organizations and the money so raised will be used to further the work of them all, This is your opportunity to aid in this great community work. Help all you can! IVE HALF A DAY OR FOUR HOURS PAY The Burns Co. Ltd. KING at SIMCOE PHONE 248 A : ; i E is ty p.m, will be many suit~ able Xmas gifts available, such as toys, home-made cand y Aprons, s and novelties, After- Roh ! hyo? will be served, > brary Board sponsors the dance this e Mrs, Steer, Ontario Street, spent the holiday with her daughter at § and Mrs, 'Adair and family holidayed at Argyle, Miss Mary Walsh of the teaching , returned from ing the th her par. 3 wise a oF : 7 g 1 £Ex ES, the » Schrone fan, Brock Street, t the week-end in Drumbo dis. 1, Bruce Morrison was at Sebright for the week-end, COAST SHIPPING SHOWS DECREASE | London, Oct, 17 = (OP) == Cout- at- assenger Ahinping aroun Brit Isles, interru) by the war, has not yet been restored, and the prospect is that it will never h level, don and Edinburgh Shipping Com- jay is being run with cargo ships ollowing wartime loss of the Royal Archer, Royal Fusiller and Royal Scot, When replacements are 'built they will probably carry only 12 passenger) each, Dundee, Perth and London Ship- ping Company has lost its two big- Plenty of good light can do much aveld glere, You can't be 100 care ful of eyes inn especially young yes, | HYDRO PS LAM FRY E- AND COST NO MORI Oshawa Citizens GIVE GENEROUSLY cr oo Yes . . . she'll be knocking on your door soon -- meet her cheerfully and give generously, for in giving once you are giving to all 16 service or ganizations in our community. This is your ope portunity to serve... take it! ...and use it to the best of your ability! Hours Pay! The Red Feather . , . a badge of service and courage through the ages, is the symbol of the Oshawa Community Fund, KARN'S DRUG STORE Give Half Day or Four