TTR BD ITT A UU A TG G0 0 OT , Otarlo who WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 35, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PACE THIRTEEN MOST OF ONTARIO SOFTBALL TITLES WERE DECIDED ON WEEK-END Thanksgiving Day Was End of Championship Trail For Many Teams In 0.A.S.A. Competition Sarnia Polymers Bow To Sault Ste. Marie In Inter. "A"' Finals -- Toronto Firemen Win Senior "B" Title -- Juvenile and Junior "A" Crowns Go To To- ronto Teams The majority of the Ontario Amateur Ftd Association's 1046 champlonshiph were decided over the holiday webk-end with Thanks- iving Day being the "end of the frail" "for many & successful team, Hore in Oshawa, the Oshawa Leg- fon, last survivors in this city, bow= ed to Hamilton Rogers in the Inter, "AA" Bouthern Ontario finals, Already settled, Jordan won the Juvenile "B" championship, defeat ing Trenton in the final round last in and in the Junior "A" finals, 'oronto Lizsles captured this O.A, Fy title, beating Brantford in the final round, Orillia, who ousted Hastings the semi-finals, won the Junior FB OABS.A. title, losing the second game 11-3 in Simcoe on Monday morning but chalking up a victory in the 3rd and deciding game, 18-3, in Simcoe on Monday afternoon, The OAB.A Intermediate vor championship round is all tied up, with aford winning at home on Monday over Ridgetown 13-9 to tle up the round at one win aplece, SAULT STE. MARIE WINS INTER, "A" ALL-ONTARIO Sarnia, Oct. 10.--~(OP)--Sault Ste. rie Marcon! Esquires defeated Sarnia Polymers for the Intermed- fate "A" softball championship of Ontario in the two straight games scores of 14-3 and 6-3 to win @ crown for the second straight year, Francis (Punchy) Paradis George (Rocket) a pi Rg over Oshawa in bring. club by their first finals, rgamin, won both games for ho North om hak b, Also deserves a lot of oredlh op the grb ball he pitched, winning eight straight vie« gh had a bad day on and tohed in | McCown the openin and could not eS Ae right spots as the Sault club connected for 20 The Polymer club really threat- ened in the third and fourth when they came within range of tying the score only to have the Northern team hit back and tally another Tosh of runs In the second game, the Esquires, although winning, knew they were in a ball game when Paradis set $e mighty Sault club down with four runs in the seven frames he plighed tung Jo of several holes, rockett, who took over in on (] hth, hes nicked for two hits one of these being a home run by John Marass with none on. Ernie Bumbacco was the big 0 with the bat for the Marcon i A six hits for nine trips to the plate and scoring three runs, TORONTO TIP TOPS WIN FIRST OF SENIOR "A" FINALS Toronto, Oct, 16--~Bob McCown Ritenad a no-hit, no-run game as p 100 defeated Hamilton Bell Threads, 1-0, in the first game of the Dasa enior finals on Monday, on top all the way, re- tiring By "iret. an batters to face him. He tired slightly in the eighth and ninth, walking three men, but the Tip Top infield ended both ine nings with fast double plays, Russ Johnston, on the mound for Hamilton, was almost as Jood, allowing onl; an hits, all of the infield var Ip. TO0S Sock red their run in the eigh ack 5 led off with a safe bunt, a eraldi bounced a hit over the second baseman's head, but was thrown out going to second. Heys took third on the play and scored on a passed ball, Hamilton ..... 0000000000 0 Tip Tops ..... 000000010--1 3 © Johan and Howard; McCown and Gaull, TORONTO FIREFIGHTERS SENIOR "B" CHAMPIONS Windsor, Oct, 16~Toronto Fire- fighters captured the 1046 Ontario Amateur Softball Association Sen for B championship with a 2-1 vic- tory over Windsor Dayus Roofers in the third and deciding game of a two-of-three-game ser! Toronto won the game in the fourth frame after two men had grounded out, Herble Moores, with 0 ing Wrights lle Montaguards, cham. { the count 32 on him, blooped a short 1 right field for a single, g ob, who hammered out four hits in four trips to the Ble, stepped up and # homer to deep left centre field Ad the game was won, Maxwell then grounded out, Windsor was held runless until the ninth inning. Roy Deshields gave Dayus its only run of the oy by Slaphing out a home run Seep left field, Toronto . , 0002000002 9 3 Windsor ....... 0000000011 8 1 ©, Brown and Maxwell; Nolan and Caldwell, NEW TORONTO CAPTURES INTER. "B" HONORS Port Colborne, in 16 ~New To~ ronto Xowon, won the OASA Inter mediate plonship here Monda; ie EL defeating Maple Leaf archs, Port Colborne rep resentatives, in the finals, 5-1, They won the title in two straight games after having won the first game at New Toronto a week ago, 3-3, Nate wary, 1agion pitcher, allowed Mone archs only three scattered hits, New Toronto ,, 3101000005 6 1 Monarchs .,.., 0010000001 3 1 Netwary and Rominick, Revando and Karpinohuck, uck, Grist. TORONTO FAIRVIEWS WIN JUVENILE "A" ALL-ONTARIO Toronto, Oct. 16~Toronto Fair- views won the Ontario Juvenile "B" softball championship when they downed Sault Ste, Marie Buckley Cubs in both ends' of a double~ header, 10-4, and 9-4, in a best-of three game series at Oakmount Park on Thanksgiving Day, Kitchener Wins Second & Third For Junior 0.B.A. Kitchener, Oct. 15--(OP)=Kit- chener Rangers won the Ontario Baseball Adosixiion's Junior "A" championship here Monday, defeat- By WALTER L, JOHNS It's the ninth pennant for the Cards and the world series atmos- phere is extremly mild, Mayb it's because the Red Sox are so big and powerful, The same can't be sald for the ticket situation, however, for 18,000 tickets were grabbed by a crowd of 11,000 fans in a little over an hour, Each purchaser was limited to two tickets but the usual cheating and scalping went on, A set of series ducats, costing $37.50, brought an average of $100 a set' behind the counter or on the street corners, Evening before tickets went on sale saw some 65,000 fans jamming the streets around the ticket office wait. ing for opening at nine the next morning, Shown in the illustration standees look with good natured envy at a group of soldiers who re- laxed in comfort on bedrools and mattresses. plons of the Ottawa Oity League, in a doubleheader 10-7 and 3-1, to take the title three games to one. The deciding game and title was 'would atcmize the St. The experts (pardon us, please) were s0 sure the Boston Red Sox Louis Oar dinals in the world series that it hardly seems fair to ask the man in the street what he thought about it. 80 we moved into a hotel dining room and collared a gentleman who hardly could be classed as & base bal] dopester. The gentleman was Ray Scolari, merely a waiter in one of the better hostelrys in town, Scolar] is Swiss, having come over from the land of the Alps 20 years ago, His only baseball knowledge was picked up reading the papers, For he hasn't time to go out to the games. Scolari picked the Cards, believe it or not, and for the same reason the "experts" picked the Red Sox --pitching. "I theenk (he still talks with an accent) weeth that Early Birds Took No Chances On Passing Up Tickets Howle Pollet the Oards can win and maybe in five games." What a difference a year makes, Two men alighted from a vehicle in front of a hotel the other night, Both are well known in baseball, A newsman who knew both called out to one of them, Johnny Pesky, the shortstop of the Red Sox; "HI, yah, Johnny." The second man re- celved no greeting, The other man was Stephen Francis O'Nelll, man- ager of the Detroit Tigers, who a year ago was the biggest man in baseball and much sought-after be- cause his club won not only the American league pennant but the World Series ag well. Incidentally, Stephen Francis was a sorely over. looked guy this fall despite the fact he led his club in a September spurt which resulted in a second. place spot. As we sald, what a difference a year makes, bors with a home-run in the 10th ing, Pat Boehmer and George Ariss shared top honors, the former set tl down the Wrightville team with only five hits and striking out the last six men in order in the ninth and 10th innings of the sec~ ond game of the doubleheader, Arris pitched the Rangers to a 10-7 vio in the morning game to tie the round, Citizens Protest Speed Boat Trials Coniston, Lancashire, England, Oct, 15--(OP)--8ir Malcolm Camp- bell plans an attempt on the world's water speed record on Coniston Lake this autumn, and the Ruskin Society and Friends of Brantwood are up in arms, "Coniston is more useful as a place of rest, where beauty and peace of nature can be enjoyed, than as a site for speed trials," sald President J, Howard Whitehouse at the annual meeting. Professor BE. Constantine urged that the lake be banned to all craft except rowing, sailing and electri~ cally-driven boats, "If we can't stop one-horsepower motor boats on the lake, how can we stop a jet-propelled speedboat?" he sald, The meeting was told that Oxford University authorities also op Sir Malcolm's project. A College of Adult Education is going to be built on 200 acres of land beside the lake, Sport Shorts From Britain JACK SULLIVAN (Consiion Press Stafl Writer) London, Oct, 156--(CP) ~ There's no doubt about it, fishmonger-fight promoter Jack Solomons can hold his own with New York's Mike Jac- obs--in the conversation league at in rosiond is punches chiefly for the benefit or the income tax collector. But Solomons came bouneing back, talked fast and Freddie fights--in Britain, Maybe Solomons benefited from his trip to New York earlier this year, He had lots of opportunity od Biri around "Jacobs Beach" 4 pis yh up some of the well-known J800 ver, Two I after Freddie and Ted Broadribb, his manager, conferred with the tax collector and learned their share of any further 1046 fights in this country would net them only two shillings (40 cents) in the pound ($4, Solomons took over. The conversation followed the Jacobs theme, "Look," said Solomons in his best cigar-in-mouth style, "fight Joe Baks! (the American) in London Oct, 22, You can have & guarantee or percentage, and there's bound to be a lot of expenses that you can sian in foeparing for such an im- In Bs yo he pointed out that if Mills went to the United States he probably would spend £10 a day anyway, He sald a lot more Fduring the two-hour conference and Mills "saw the light." It should be interesting when Solomons an and Jacobs get together weight pattie between Britain's Bruce Woodcock and Joe Louis, hyp are the odds London doesn't ge An ice-cream seller who uses a whistle to advertise his wares has been told 'by the police he must not blow it within hearing of a football stadium, One toot decided a soccer oup-tie, Ardrossan Winton Rovers and Glenafton Athletic were in the midst of a goal-less draw when the Rovers heard the whistle, thought it was for an offside and allowed the Athletic forwards to go on un- challenged to break the deadlock. Winton protested, Police warned the "culprit" but the goal counted, HEY FELLAHS ! NYLON PANTS -~FOR FOOTBALL ---- Kingston, Ont, Oct. 156~The latest in Canadian football fashions wit | Sppeay on the gridirons here on urday, October 19, when those traditional university rivals, Torone to and Queen's, meet in the first home game of the local schedule, A gala reunion week-end is plane ned and Queen's oldsters their team present a new arranges ment of the familiar tri-color theme complete with red nylon football pants, This will mark the first ape Jest 13. Oanada of the newe ype pants, The textile experts claim thelr latest contribution to sportdom will bing many advantages to football players, An extra strong nylon yarn was produced with which to make a fabric possessing sf and lightweight qualities, The new yarn even made finer and 'more sheer ladies' hosiery possible, / Alding the flget. tooted ball-care rier, already over-burdened with padding, the new lightweight pants are said to have a high resistance to tearing and ripping, Nylon's toughe~ ness apparently gives the pants add. ed resistance to wear from rubbing and sliding, and the fabric's smooth surface helps to shake off tacklers, Because of non-shrinkage qualities, the pants will not become soggy in rain or on wet fields because of ny- lon's low rate of moisture absorpe son, tests have shown, To produce a score of these pants in time for Queen's opening game required the combined operations of three Canadian firms, C-I-L, manus factured the nylon yarn at Kinge ston, Ont; Bruck Silkk Mills Ltd, produced the fabric at Cowanville, Que, and A, G, Spalding & Brothe ers made the pants at Brantford, ed NN heavy- | Ont. Age ae Monarch Batteries WEST ENI BATTERY SERVICE 87 WARREN AVE. Only 3 More Days in which to take advantage of the great bargains offered on this Annual Fall Sale... Sale ends Saturday 9.00 p.m. Don't miss this chance to save . . . come in today! WITH CORD ELECTRIC TOASTER hha ghake Venpels 18 yellow op ln Unfinished Furniture FE 0. Ire wt ree 49,98 Limited Quantity CHEST OF DRAWERS child's pattern 108: R995, BRIO vor vintritinrniiiiiiniinn CHILD'S BED natural finish frame with spring, reg. 20.05. Sale ., K SHELF DESKS oy 14.0 I L] HOLE DESKS -- Two EE EEE EE ETT RETR RAG RUGS! An assoriment of attractive designs and color combinae a. Drawers 10. tions at GREATLY REDUC- Reg, 15.88, Sale ,... ED PRICES! 'YOU MUST SEE THESE ITEMS! ny 110. Sale 10.qt, Reg, 145 CELE EERE EET FR NG I ANS, rox. 140 BAIS. voit itiaee BRON {i iiiiianiinenaiiee ve 1. 1.19 49¢ 49¢c = 79¢ You can't atford to miss these super values, Sale, each 89¢ Four corn Reg. Sale, Reg. No each 138 Sale, each String Brooms of good long filler, CLLR ELLER DEERE 19¢ ELLER LCE EE EY LEY 98¢ solid plain chairs of sturdy construction matching table. Reg. 3.95. Sale, each China Specials! VASES Cake or Sandwiches, | Horse Head Book Enis nib haga te 'Plaster Book Ends Reg. 3.50 pr. Sale, BOOK ENDS ALAR] 2. 66 10% OFF 'ALL STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Reg. 2.35. Salo ....,. GLASS CIGARETTE SETS | Reg, 3.55 Bale .ivviiiiiiiiiiii Unusual assortment of many types of vases 125 : ha Sale . First quality lawnmowers at BARGAIN PRICES 12" x 5" blade reg, 1295, sale ror. 9.95 1* x 5 blade ball bearing. mie... 16.95 Bale sovviiiinnnniine ORYSTAL GLASS CONSOLE BOWLS, Several Shapes. Special FRUIT BCIVLS Pressed a ile CRYSTAL Grass PLATES for Oshawa PHONE 1000 By ig for iy saa SAVE! nl or. 0 ana Bale iriure SPECIAL PAINT One Can FREE With Four 14M. Free With One Quart : 1-Quart Free With One Gallon at DRASTIC REDUC. FLUORESCENT KITCHEN UNITS 15 and 20 Watt, Single and Double. Reg. 9.95 14.95. Bale e000 Sutomatie oh chante 8 3108 hold holds ie 22. }. cabinet, BUY! Reg. 74.50, Bi . Binsie. Record FIAyer | wih % records Ta 98 Beautiful Tri-Lite FLOOR LAMPS TIONS IN PRICES. Com. plete with shade and bulb! Sale at ovr £400 ee 16,95 es: YI nin 13.96 RECORD PLAYERS SPECIAL Special Discount | ON ALL + | COUNTER | "FANS PORCH LANTERNS, reg. B59, Bale «eiiviiiinnn 3. 96 wens FIXTURES, reg. price 90¢ SINGLE BEAM LIGHTS Reg. 195, Sale, each...... Commercial Aluminum COOKING WARE AT Reduced Prices ° ° Fishing Tackle Now is the | time to stock tor winter fishingand | next year. : All Tackle 1/3 OF. CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and BARDWARE' PHONE 820