Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Oct 1946, p. 7

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SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZET1E PAGE SEVEN Guide News RC ie wy gins on oF are mast! Sow Ye footing closed with ooo nd, or Dlg: 1 gph re yioled ita Brot a | nas and Joan Ber Ji, yn Dough Lou Lott, uel, Ann_ Wi 1} and Marily Ripley, pleased to prose ent ol Bars" to Joan Lon. nd Marlly Miner. ompson O ecelved her frst Commissioner, Miss Moyse, visit- the Pack for a few minutes, All 1 come again soon to see [Rg pl mn JACK Th ay DE Spm ing Towa sw. Jo the Sy loved with with yo and EEE ES re i nen » unary ected Pal % name of something found ones were i ve Bier a doves Hy "i 0 Pixie LJ ill and sAKie Cor- X bir pu i Bixer is Ma- Pixies, Oaro! t wo the Pair ile Wot: ton And Blvel Lu eo with usioal HY a the fad ee, Son jel Thi Preis: Th cf HE ol kor ht pring rand ep one oF "eons : ee 5d small Tweenies the Saivite bir Crp the Sark, vis * BE Joi dome by Mar. wine King. Marilyn, Cot dine thelr Powwow, in Latham Black and Marilyn Oslin species which c.0. ure per. Hod, Prayer Re wile nig rhe Pack wish to thank Mr. Btews 1H Alger of Alger Press Itd, for xi ons, 13TH BROWNIE JACK ursday October 3, o Pack had its first meeting of the [3 orioos Attendance. The of 'the_ Brown Tend 1 WA The First Stnave Gh Girl Guide opened | W! ed seven J Prony 'e AE Corners ame, © we in thelr teats the 4TH OSHAWA The weekly Heel! WAS 0) 1, rend: the Guide's or then {alowed tat on ns ame led Hat in ie whit all enjoyed, saa Guides were anole Er as older Qu a they CE wah 30 wel. ard "snd end gE Qct, the ed with the Noitonal Anthem on and Patrol Corners the Lieutenant on Patrol charts es what testa have 4 ving celebra- e meeting will the Parish Hall, 1th the Guide a Lloyd, Sumin, Geral Lingel® Bua Routes "Has axine_Shaw, 1-mile *--Doreen ion rato Lio; Baer Be: Bit aw, Seraigine" Lincs and ature | J , | then a lively game of the Beryl won hig! it : b hard I the Brows i Was ; Ta ) 4 the aueons for another Wook, hy [1] or) ous Guide Pray 12TH Diusva i fay evening. A Tow games wore 1g A tow were a the. MU was then Lo, Miss Carter, Pat) AG Cor! attor ih hey Josher a wl ners . the Oam) were aiscussed for 0 Bay, Vikas C.G.LT. | News MCOE STREET U i airs Mended 1 the aha xy Beste tad GBurch on Monday event Vie ch Hf servis, wile Ci 0 8 » seted by ath ot The 0.01, pose h Margaret, Coull mn WAS Sung. rg Norte as sang a» duet, oond d the coting and minded the ry thus he Ben will be held on LEADERSHIP O) ub The members worked on candy cups for the bazaar, Several Dosinoes items ere ET LOVE'S SROUP AR Election of officers was held and the follow: girls were elected; LS nd he Taps' and' the week's worship service were discussed, and work on hair bands was done, KING JSRERT UNITED Thursday Blah for the ou United Shureh for they had ry thelr guests | Mrs M Mrs. L, McMurtry, Mrs, a "Piers, Miss I, Bare ber as 'vell as the girls ot the inter. medite Sunday ohool classes, Yes, it was Camp Night, The mem-~ bers assembled in the basement of the church in esmp costume and i, acquainted with some of iheis vas friends by their camp names, ( h. k back of each girl was pinned a plece of paper upon which was ritlen hie at camp Each one had to guess what she was by asking questions of the others that could be answered only by 'Yes' or Betty Joyce Winter lead the group In several Hiay games after which Ruth Pellow directed In "Singing Nursery h , Mrs, Morwood and her group ners, In the centre of the room imitation campfire, around Which Ki gathered while the group held Its d election of Moers Mar Vice: pres. ident--Audroy rot ® Brown; ty Joven Winter; oyne; i irs treasurer--Ruth of the coming year depended a great deal upon them. Helen McArthur then related her impressions of Oak Lake Intermediate Camp Which she attended this past summer, wished they by been there oo," for next year, by Audrey x eo were learned, The chantl "Sweep Over My Sou' which fe rs fol s "Barker o on the theme, wot All enjoyed' a oor coloured I ok around the cam To, pt" tna" HY Your Wey Home' wer The NO n Ne: 00k Henderson ' 4 with 'a' singsong and T ANDREW'S The Gansdiano) rls mn raining Bp al Bk | of September getting now other Just a ile etter cers dont Natalle' Ne Ness; ies Joa LR iT 7" Lilian ] an 7 press re- y Rawlinson Fo started a with . hi service Condtoted : Mrs, ning basketball, » eldont Fo sway hx CEDARDA LE The Sedardaie G. GIT, and Explorers met Thumday, 3 ot LA the wen with the "preaid: the By = "the Atte! pl re] ro h-/ Fei the Hi SEE a their hopes are high | tall A few camp songs which were led EEE fn ; y noo MoLean: | Reid Taps | Daly pes mats, The meeting closed with o members af not to forget the names for the quilt, KING E UiTED The We Moro 0.0.1 Tr Otoup of King Street United Church met urs. day, Oct, The minutes were read This World We Live In (By the Woman's Editor) and 'oved, After Toll call, business A short worship service was nor | Bow 1d the discussion. of the Brown Jod 4 discussion of he Duties of ames Da od, MeeLing Wi, yith Tevs snd og iy Gk, me Wednes: E ¥ Cent wh sob es | day HL ih the urrell conducted r™ Worsh! of on | The, gi Pin pray prayer, nt FE = ng "nde Pans" tor ture events png, 0 tor torn "Bhaf S VSa wai Tae, for st Won. oe ALBERT SZRERE UM Albert Street C.01T, b Ruseder By their weekly meeting in the 7 the oh service the bazaar 004 he gins were wroups iP or 'the gor [1] Bkan Saeed od Mrs, Ford's ron group 1s in charge of the worship service for next week, OSHAWA Sea Cadet "Log" R.CS.C.C. "SIR FRANCIS VRAKE" (By Mid, J, McGuigan) MONDAY~The Ship's Company fell in at 1030, Immediately after colours the band was assembled » new members were added, The entire ship's company minus the tender went for a route parade, The band was the biggest we have seen pat. here nat have been at least 8 oie and ed smart, The q of playin has improved and We. Poliave that this will be the smartest band in the city by spring, While the ship's ner wis on the march, ¢ separated into two sectlo! 83" under thin I + Holgi. The s 1s that annot 3 under # who are aie this height will lowed to stay but they won't be to wet & uniform until they ob- the hight of 53", n Tuesday jhe hand held & practs ise "and on all Jets there was a good wie out & good practice able n Classes WEDNESDAY ~~ Ship's worfany fll in at ye. After colours ay ave the cadets a bit of PTI, A he FAL another ir doxl show was held, We have a cham amplon in in iy class _for the Clos), " Bantamweight. (0:00). wp LL Li ht wi 180) 'hind Andy Reid (160) mor The Whi Sent one round, Reid never in the first but he had pS still oe he was bouncing around him "nal" him, ust BT an ~ hard lefts to id in a fechnloaly lated ea knoe echnically ala 'e the second round and Daly w clared the aw VeyWelg t ohamp. fon, After Ri 0 around he stat- that he wanted & another ohan y, or the Cham 'who toh his we'en but "frie We don't you the "ance 0 on Oot. 3 Wo 3 at 0. Bea' Cadets "snd ends, Don't let us down, J | Gena ay, ad Je y and Al ota [3 0, Yon ance, and up_to everybody's we find or all, the Cade Major action. and such a bad guy afper PUBLIC SERVICE part of our business , , last fifty years, & | : = Then you would not expect a trust company to be able to : handle your practice in the best interests of yourself or your patients, But we do know how to administer your estate efficiently; for estate management is an important Whether you are a business or professional man--no matter how small your estate may be-- your affairs will receive experienced, faithful, expert attention when you entrust them to our care. Write our estate department or call on us personally for information. THE VICTORIA TRUST & SAVINGS company OFFICES AT LINDSAY AND CANNINGTON, ONTARIO « and has been for the to offer a few sugges- , if acted upon, may HP Ge Tg] os os A not addressed on} 'niles | King Street H&S on needs of the pupil, at | ine with the future trend, he sald margins at at least one inch nd bottom of each page, te on both sides of when we say "write" course with pen and ve heard of no scarcity of ink in Oshawa but there must be little ink sold in this city, we guess, To those contributors who use type- writers, we would ask that thelr typing be double-spaced, You can't guess what delight and relief re- celving such copy gives us, Complete Sentences Unless you intend to give us just bare facts and wish us to write up the story, will you please tell your news story, whether it be a meet~ ing, a dance or a shower, in com- plete sentences, That would save #0 much of our time and would sometimes mean that your story would not have to be held over for another issue, When you tell about an event, do it as soon after it happens as pos- sible and please remember to say when it occurred, So often we have to telephone and ask the day of the meeting, etc. And at the same time we frequently have to ask about names and they are our biggest trial, To be strictly correct, we should have one Christian name or two initials with every surname, Please do not give just "Mrs, Brown" or 'Mrs, Smith" for you will find us bothering you for further informa- tion, If there im't time to tele- phone you before the next issue, the story may be held over for an- other day, And now, a word about married women, Please, oh please, let's in John William Smith's wife Mrs, John Smith or Mrs, J, W, Smith-- one Christian name or two initials, Even if John Willlam has been dead for 20 years, she still bears his name and should be called by it, The exception we make is when a woman is separated from her hus- band or is in business, We do not pose as a Dorothy Dix, please un- .atended but for everybody else, Whenever possible, please send of derstand, we just want our (and your) page to be correct, Readers Are Many Often we are told, "Oh, everybody in our group knows who is meant," and there is great un to change from Mrs, Smith to Mrs, John or Mrs, J, W. Smith, Here it might be worthwhile remembering that more people read the pmo page that just the persons mention~ ed in it and their friends, A full can make a news item intelll- le to a larger number and that what is wanted, we come to brevity, Paper be told that concise as poss! is being told, Official minutes have no place, we feel, in a women's page, but accounts of interesting meetings have, And here is our suggestion: Let's » you have just had an intensely interesting meeting of your club, but your best friend was absent, You meet her and at once exclaim, "I wish you had come to the club today, you don't know what you missed." You then tell her what she did miss--not the secretary's report, likely, but some discussion or deci- sion or speech, perhaps, Sell Your Club Now, tell about that sort of thing in your reports, and especially in the first sentence for if that first sentence is not interesting, most people will not read further, Sell your organization in your accounts of its activities so that others will |# want to join it, And remember you are not telling about your meeting primarily for the sake of those who your mews to us in writing, You will have already written it and so either mall it or bring it to the of~ fice. There is a slot in the door so that at any hour after the door is locked ypu may drop your letter in, When you telephone your news, it takes us twice as long to attend to it as it would if it were delivered. When names are involved, there is great possibility of mistakes over the telephone; this is an additional reason for our getting things in writing, Finally, as we have every day a deadline after which we should not send copy to the composing room, we must ask this favor: unless it is a tremendously important plece of news, please do not telephone any- thing to us after 9 a.m, if you wish it to appear in that day's paper, Our social department is open by 8 am, and so call us between 8 and 9 but far, far better would it be to call us the previous day, especiatly if you have an news item of any length, And so here's to making this the best women's page any city of the size of Oshawa has, You and the social department of the paper, by working together, can do it, we firmly believe, Hears Two Speeches Inspector T., R, McEwen and Dr. F, J, Donevan, member of the Board of Bducation, addressed the first Jal menting of he K of the Kin, Ri Spee Stiee esday evening. yfiames Seiad Jat ed president, Mrs, Sidne, arples, ed and welcomed the parents, especially the large number of new mothers, In his address, Mr. McEwen point. ed out that it is the business of fhe school to adjust itself to the Expansion of homes increases the enrolment, Osh« awa needs more schools bullt in "The happy man is a healthy man, and health and efficient ed- ucation are the fundamentals for Donevan, "Crowded conditions and be ake rated ill not gl speaker, "will not give the children their requisites." § for the proposed new Roxborough School very concisely. He urged that the taxpayers give the matter of lights will and King Street, a letter read from the Board of Education announced. Mrs, Victor Peacock at the plano, | sang two solos, "Sunshine of Your Smile" and "Alice Blue Gown." by Miss Florence Hawkes' room. the enjoyment of life," sald Dr, areas," continued the Dr, Donevan outlined the plans increased accommodation thelr full consideration, As a tective measure traffic be installed in the near future at the corner of Ritson Road Miss Lols White, acccenpanied by The attendance award was won become a one-way ticket . EXTRA miles of service low cost. WE OFFER COMPLETE Opposite 67 King St. E,, Oshawa @® A worn tire can easily it can fail and leave you ed. Take no chances. Let us put new, strong treads on your thin tires, We use Goodyear factory-ap- proved recapping processes --and high-quality Goodyear materials, This means many DFYEAR Davis' Tire Sales and Service | Hotel Genosha at Phone 3939 Three New Members Get Pythian Degree Ontario Temple No, 1 Pythian Sisters, held its regular meeting on Thursday evening with Sister Bea~ trice Hurst, Most Excellent Chief, presiding, Reports of the successful socials held during September were brought | ing in by Sisters Harmer and Lavender, The proceeds were put into the treasury and the Sisters were given a vote of thanks, Sister Gillard, Grand Ns Re- presentative, read an teresting Fepori, of the July sews hla a} Stratford, A Jets of thanks was extended to her. promised to do all they could for the good of the Order, The mystery packdge, donated by Sister Stevens, was presented to Sister CUff, An invitation from Queen City Temple Pythian Sisters, Toronto, to attend the Friendship Rally on Oct, 30, was accepted, The local degree staff under the leadership of Cap- tain Ads Gillard will Pexemplity some drill work at the Rally, Sister Goyne reported that she sent fruit, flowers and cards of cheer to the sick members, The next meeting, Nov. 14, is designated as Roll Call meeting, It is expected that all will attend and a surprise is in store for them, At the close of the meeting, re- freshments were served by Sisters Northey, Hurst, Gillard, Lovelock, Larke, Cliff and Schwartz, ART BY CANADIANS People all over the world have a chance to see works of Canadian artists A, Y, Jackson and Tom Thompson through the movies, The National Film Board has produced "West Wind" on the life and works Thompson, and "Canadian Land. scapes", on Jackson, Both films are in full color, # 43 Meat Coupons Given Yesterday meat eoupons so that a correspond. of meat may be re- yin » have supplied the coupons and used meat substitutes for your 4 McGuigan Criticizes Stepinac Sentence Kingston, Oct, 13---(OP)~~ James Cardinal McGuigan of - Toronto last night criticised the Tito gov ernment of Yogosiavia and the sentence of 16 years' imprisonment imposed on archibshop Alojzijs Btepinac, head of the Roman Cathe olic church in Yugoslavia, -PROTEST LICENSING OF BARS polished surface of furniture, the spot lightly with camphor peppermint, Use a flannel reg the purpose and follow up with Sbpiieation of linseed - turpen! polish, The Quality Tea " 9 SALAIA ORANGE PEKOE SLI RTAY PRESENT The Members of Our Electrical and e Radio Service Department eo GORDON A. DAV RADIO SERVICE DEPT. "Gord" is actually a "ra. dar" expert, having been employed for several years as a final trouble shooter with a war plant doing this type of manufacturing. His radio knowledge is exten sive and we feel that you will be entirely satisfied with his attention to your radio and phongraph serv. ice problems. If you have any problem or complaint on your radio or aerial, . . just call 1000 and ask for Radio Service. Call 1000 for Service Department We have a SERVICE DEPT. that we wish to make better known to you and all our friends in the city and district, RADIO SERVICE Our radio department is equipped with first class testing and service instru. ments, to enable us to take care of ANY TYPE OF RADIO, PHONOGRAPH or RECORD PLAYER. Our service work is carried on in our clean, well-lighted basement of the Appliance Department, where the most careful attention is given to all radios and ap- pliances which our custom- ers wish reserviced. ONLY THE BEST QUALITY PARTS OBTAINABLE ARE USED IN REPLACE- MENT OF WORN PIECES. TRY US! CALL US NOW ~--OUR SERVICE TRUCK WILL PICK UP MAJOR APPLIANCES AND CON- SOLE RADIOS! A. E SHAW "Elmer" presides over all APPLIANCE WASHER SERVICE WIRING and INSTALLA- (§ TION OF MAJOR APPLI- | ANCES and FIXTURES. Elmer Is well established in [f his profession, having been [fi in electrical work for twen. ty five years. For courteous attention to your problem . . . for prompt and efficient execu. | tion of contracts... we are sure that you will find him capable for all your SERV. | ICE and ELECTRICAL | problems. Call 1000 for | Service Department | | Oshawa Phone 1000 CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HARDWARE Belleville Phone 820

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