Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Oct 1946, p. 6

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PAGESIX 2 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12; 1946 Missionary at Knox Speaks on Formosa Mrs, Hugh McMillan of Toronto at the the , Earl Hall thanked Mrs. Mc- Millan and the others who took part in the program. A social hour followed when all enjoyed the dainty refreshments served by the East group under the leadership of Miss Marjorie Mc- Callum, The November meeting will be held at thé home of Mrs. T. R. Dryden, Golf Street. 3 That Let Down | Fooling Is a Symptom .. By W. H. Karn, Phm.B. "I'm tired," you say, "What I need is a night's good sleep," But in the you are not re- freshed. You are still tired. 'That's a symptoni that all ls not well. You need more; ' than a little extra rest. You may need extra nutrition, extra food. This, in epite of three meals a day. It may be that your tl sytem does not ER od late the food you are eating. Check with your doctor. He can detect those signs of incipl- ent or secondary anemia. He may recommend Vitamins that have been tried and tested. Procure these from a repu- table druggist. 1s the: 32nd cscergy By IRENIE HARVEY Mrs. s Mrs. 'Wed With Double-Ring Ceremony MR. and MRS. ROBERT ALLAN HARRISON whose marriage took place in King Street United Church last Saturday. bride, formerly Miss Joyce Iona Bell of Toronto, is the daughter of Harold 8. Bell of Oshawa, The bridegroom is the son of H. E. Harrison of Toronto. ~--Photo by Hornsby Studio Do You Knit? If So, Red Cross Needs You As children overseas are in great need of clothing, Mrs, J. McRae, convener of knitting, and her com- mittee will be at the Red Cross rooms, 68 Simcoe Street North, three afternoons a week to give out wool and instructions to anyone wishing to help. The days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and the hours from 2:00 till 4.30. There is wool on hand for knit- ting the following articles of cloth- ing: children's sweaters, 6 years; children's knee stockings, 6 years; children's sweaters, 4 years. There is also wool on order for knitting baby jackets, baby bonnets and bootees. The Red Cross Rooms are open daily from 8:00 till 5:00 to receive finished goods. Kindly remember to put your name on the package containing such work. Speaker.Describes First Thanksgiving Mrs. Stephen Saywell who was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Woman's Association of King Street United Church last Thurs- day, gave the story of the Pilgrim Pathers' first Thanksgiving, and al- so a pleasing nature story. She re- minded her listeners that they should live their thanks every day of the year, ' Mrs, Prank James presided and announced that the church parlor carpet was laid and was satisfac- tory. Mrs. James Wilson congratu- lated the president and the Friend- ship group on their achievements. It was announced that the junior group with Mrs. Stanley Gomme as its convener will hold a bazaar on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Mrs, Wilfred Pogson arranged the programme and her committee ser- ved refreshments. During the evening Mrs. William Rusnell sang, accompanied by Mrs, Hales Barker. HOUSEHOLD HINT Do not immerse hollow silver candlesticks in hot water because the bases are cemented on. King St. E. Phene 28 RARE NEW VINTAGE Sed hapa) Lipstick and "nail polish perfectly coordinated to make sensational fashion news=--a breath-taking new shade of rosy-crimson, perfect accent for new clothes, exciting contrast to sun-tarined skin. Red Grape Lipstick--1.75 Red Grape Nail Polish--.95 Red Grape Cream Rovge--1.50 JURY & LOVELL OOSMETIC DEPARTMENT Miss Ruth Smith Becomes a Bride The parsonage of King Street United Church was the scene of the marriage of Miss Ruth Smith, daughter of Mr, William Smith of Toronto and Mrs. Blake Cheese- borough of Oshawa, to Mr, Donald Lloyd Hazelton, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Hazelton, of Oshawa, Rev, J. V. McNeely performed the cere- mony last Saturday afternoon. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street-length dress of pink wool with black accessories and carried American Beauty roses and white chrysanthemums, She was attended by her sister, Miss Joyce Smith, wearing a tur- quoise blue velvet two-plece dress with navy blue accessories, She wore a corsage of American Beauty roses and chrysanthemums, Mr, Kenneth Hazelton was best man for his brother, . The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sikiney Shaw, Roxborough avenue, The mother of the bride received the guests, She wore a canary yellow suit with black accessories. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother in a black and gold street-length dress. 'They each 'wore a corsage of baby blue and pink chrysanthemums, Also receiving the guests were Mr, and Mrs, Albert Mosier. For travelling to Niagara Falls the bride chose a suit of two-tone blue with. black accessories The couple will live in Oshawa. W.A. Group Meets At Mrs. Dearborn's On the invitation of Mrs. Wallie Dearborn, the West Group of the Senior Woman's Association . of Centre Street United Church met at her home on Tuesday Svening. The leader, Mrs. Herbert vant y presided, 'Mrs. Walter Manning was in charge of the devotional perfod. Rev. T. H. P, Anderson led in pray- er. Mrs. Archie Britton sang two solos, "In the Garden of Prayer", and "Bless This House". Mrs, Man- ning gave a reading, "No Sects in Neaven". It was decided to hold a rummage sale on Oct, 17 in the church. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by the large number present. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn for their kind hospitality. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Leta Perrin, Park Road North, on Nov. 5. Here's triple-acting speedy relief from MUSCULAR PAIN Don't be miserable, Don't suffer | another minute from muscular ache or pain. To get quick relief, all you need do in many cases, is take a fast- acting Instantine tablet. Instantine goes to work immediately--acting in three ways to give you comfort: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lif." And, you'll find Instantine's fast action equally effective in relieving the dis- cold or sore throat. All drugstores have Instantine. 12 tablets 25¢. Simcoe St. 8. Phone 68 comfort which often comes with a | AT AAA A A ATA TA TATA AAA TATA A AA ATA ATA A Personals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the this department TELEPBONED Miss Ada E Ross. Social Editor > 2 A | ARAAXRARIEARAATARTINKIRKE Mrs, Margaret Magee, Agnes Street, has left for Wheatley to attend the funeral of her sister's husband, Mr, Edwin Loundsbury, > h Mrs, Norman Lyle of Homneydale is spending two weeks at Dunsford, with her daughter, Mrs, Pred Tit- Mrs. G. £. * whieh of Fernie, B.C, is expected to arrive here to- morrow to visit her daughter, Miss Eileen Winters, dietitian at the Oshawa General Hospital, > Mr. and MT, Joseph Call ly Mr, and Mrs, Harry Lyons, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Canfield and Miss Mary Fitzgerald were guests at the Ken- nedy-Malloy wedding at Richmond Hill last Saturday, » & Dr, James Bayne, recently return. ed from India where he served with the RCAF. will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Nur- ses Alumnae Association to be held on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m, at the Osh- awa General Josphial. » Mr, Jeff Marston, Kingsdale Avenue, was a guest in Toronto of his friend, Mr, Keith Sandy, popu- lar announcer of CKEY's "Make- Believe-Ballroom" the other day. Keith extends his greetings to Osh- awa's new radio station CKDO. &* & Mrs, J. A. kennedy, the former Miss Anna Molloy and sister of Miss Jessie Molloy of Oshawa, attended several showers and parties given in her honor prior to her marriage last Saturday. Friends in Oshawa held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs, Leo Powers, oo PP The annual banquet and dance of the Alert Bible Class of Christ Church, held last Saturday, was a great success. The delicious ban- quet was followed by a singsong led by Mr, Dona Holden, a member of the Camelots. Two of the events causing most merriment were the ple-eating contest and the square dancing, The Alert Bible Class un- der the leadership of Mr. Thomas Gil, is now in its fourth year which, the class believes, will prove to be its best, Mrs, Eric y areen gave a lunch- eon at the Arcadian Court, Toronto, last week in honour of Miss Sheola Brown, who is leaving Oshawa to be married in India. She was also guest of honour at a dinner given by Mrs, Alec Creighton and Mrs, T. C. Grigg. The 6th Oshava Bout Mothers' Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Robert Brown last Thursday eve- ning. Mrs. A. H. Bramley presided and plans were made to serve re- freshmenta to the Cub. Pack on Hallowe'en. Lunch was served by Mrs. William Alexander and her committee, Miss Sheole Brown, a bride-elect, will sail shortly on the Queen Eliza- beth for England en route to Cal- cutta, India, where she will be mar- ried to Lieut. Commander Ian Higgs, R.N,, of London, England. Until recently, Miss Brown was pri- vate secretary to Wing Commander A. W, Russell in the Imtelligerice Department of the British Embassy at Washington. Mr. Higgs was pre- viously on the staff of the British Embassy and met many of Miss Brown's friends when he stayed at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Brown, King Street West, last Christmas. More Young People Leave for College Among the young people of Osh- awa who are returning to universi- tles are: Miss Margaret Pellow who graduated from Toronto University in Physical Education and is now taking a special course at the On- tario College of Education; Mr. Willlam Warne who has returned to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph; Mr. Don Jackson who is taking third year Architecture at University of Toronto; Miss Vera Kochanski and Mr, George Stacka- ruk who are taking a special Art course at the Central Technical School, Toronto; Mr. Ronald Lam- bert who has enrolled at the Onta- rio College of Art, Toronto; Miss Evelyn Swarts who graduated from University of Toronto in Fine Arts and is now on the staff of the Art Gallery, where she will lecture and supervise children's classes in prac- tical work; Miss Muriel Kelly, who graduated in Fine Arts and is now head of the Art Department at Kingsway Public School, Toronto; Mr, Allen Stacey, who has entered his first year in A ts at Torcnto University, The following have enrolled at the London Bible Institute: Miss Jean Armstrong, Miss Helen Spiers, Miss Mildred White, Miss Melba Dodd, and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mills, : Mr. Harold Crocker has left for the Prairie Bible Institute at Three Hills, Alta. Mr. Donald Hurlbert is studying at the Moody Bible Insti- tute at Chicago, IIL Mrs. D. C. Forrester Speaks at S. Simcoe Mrs, D.C. Forrester gave an en- lightening talk on Health to 'the members of the South Simcoe Home and Schoo] Club last Monday, Mrs. George Sanders presided and wel- comed the mew members and visit- ors Mrs, Willlam Skinner was ap- pointed visual aid and radio con- vener. The. prize for attendance was won by Miss Margaret Kerr's room, It was arranged to hold a bazaar on Nov. 2 and all articles should be gent to the school by Nov. 1. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 4, a week earlier than usual on account 3 Armistice Day falling on a Mon- ay. Mrs, Edward Holland sang two |e accompanied by Mrs, Joseph Wiltshire, . who were married last Saturday. Married in St. George's MR. and MRS. ALEXANDER KIDD, JR. The bride is the former Miss Mary Shaw Duncan, daughter of Mrs. Wiliam A. Duncan and the late Mr. Duncan, The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Kidd, ~Photo by Hornsby Studio Hollywood Happenings By BOB THOMAS . By Bob Thomas Hollywood, Oct, 12--(AP)--Hurd Hatfield returned from France to discover he has been reclassified by hig Draft Board and faces a physic- al examination prior to induction in the United States Armed Forces, Hurd tells me his French flim fell through after he got to Paris--be- cause the promoters spent all their money to build a race track ine stead. , Victor McLaglen and John Wayne will be in John Ford's "The Quilt Man" which wil] go to Eire for lo- cation next Spring The boys are lucky because Ford gave both their best roles--Vic in "The Informer" Neither has done so well since. If Elizabeth Taylor is happy these days, it's because she not only gets her first screen kiss in "The Rich, Full Life," put also gets to choose the boy as well, Tex Beneke tells me. the dea] to film the life of Glenn Miller. has fizled, Too bad, because it would Have made a ne Pishire, In the film palaces . .. My Dar- ling Clementine (20th Century) is about as good as a movie western can be, It is another fable of Wyatt Earp 'and Doc Halliday, this time created by John Ford with a loving devotion to authenticity of the West. The only drawback to the film is that the story lacks tight- ness. Henry Fonda is superlative in his return to the screen, and Vic- tor Mature does his best acting to date, ' ; Large Crowd Attend War Veterans' Dance A large crowd attended the dance and floor show given by the Social Club of the General Motors War Veterans at the G.M. Auditorium last night. The Master of Ceremonies was Mr, W. J, Harmer and the music was supplied by Boyd Valleau and his orchestra. The floor show was staged by the Toronto Harmony Club Entertainers, under the direc- tion of Miss Wheeler. . . Miss Doreen Dickens and Miss Ann Macdonald entertained with a Hawallan dance and Miss Bernice Birch sang "To Each His Own" and "Moon Mist." Gold medalist Jack Thompson performed a tap dance to "Poet and Peasant" and the songs of . Miss Dorothy Swan proved very popular, Miss Wheeler played the plano ace. companiment for a tap and acro- bate dance by Miss Ddreen Dickens, played a mediey of airs on her ac- cordion. Miss Doris Swan and Mr, Fred Dearsley sang "Wanting You" and "When You're Away" as duets, fol- lowed by Miss Dorothy Dickens and Jack Thompson together in a boogy-woogy dance, The planist for the Harmony Club was Miss Violet Petroff and from 10 till 10:30 p.m, the proceedings were broadcast over station CKDO. WASHERS IRONERS NERS POLISHERS FF) - Jelly AUTHORIZED DEALER WASHER TROUBLE SHOOTER BIDDULPH Avrnonize BEAT vyaLIn 68 SIMCOE ST. N. '"Look for the Store with the Yellow Front." and then Miss Tlargaret Prescott | Anna Mallory Wed At Richmond Hill ' In a setting of varicolored glad- foll and autumn flowers, a pretty wedding took place in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Richmond Hill, last Saturday, when Anna Ag- nes, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Archie Molloy of Bancroft, be- came the bride or Sgt, John A. Ken- Kennedy, Richmond Hill, Rev. Father McGinn celebrated the nuptial mass and the wedding music was supplied by the boys of Dr. Ronan's choir, St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, Given in marriage by her eldest brother, Mr. John Molloy of Ban- croft, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin with finger-tip vell, caught with a headdress of ostrich tips, Her only jewellery was a double strand of pearls and she carried & bouquet of red roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Jessie Molloy of Oshawa, as maid of honor, wearing a gown of turquoise taffeta with matching shoulder - length veil and carrying pink roses. Mrs, H. Marleau, sister of the bridegroom, was the other attend- ant and wore a coral pink taffeta gown with matching length veil and carried yellow roses. Mr, Pat Molloy of Bancroft, bro- ther of the bride, was the best man, and Cpl. Gardiner Lloyd, of Au- rora, ushered, The reception was held at the Ridge Inn, Oak Ridges, where the guests were recelved by the bride's eldest sister, Mrs, H, Lyons, wear- .| ing a street-length dress of flow- ered silk jersey with a corsage of mixed gladioli, She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who wore a wine crepe dress with a corsage of cream gladioll, The toast to the bride was pro- posed by Cpl. Gardiner Lloyd and the bridegroom responded. For the wedding trip to North Bay and Ottawa, the bride donned a turquoise wool suit with match- ing hat, black accessories and a corsage of red roses. On their return the couple will live in Aurora. nedy, son of Mr, and Mrs, John |T8p shoulder- Club Calendar For Next Week TUESDAY Christ Church Woman's Auxiliary Helping Hand Class Queen Mary L.O.B.A, th Oshawa Mothers' Auxiliary THURSDAY Centre Street Woman's Assoclation St, Andrew's Woman's Association Harvey Hunt Missionary Auxi! Happy Doubles Club, King St, Church "THURSDAY Christ Church Evening Guild 8t, George's Afternoon W.A, 8t. George's Evening W.A, '| Albert Street Woman's Association Oakleigh LOB.A, Simcoe Street C.G.LT, Mothers Kate McLaurin Mission Circle Red Shield W.A, Next Week's Program At Adelaide House MONDAY Thanksgiving Day Cafeteria Closed TUESDAY To Keep Fit (Married Women) Junior Girls' Y Club . Bowling (Adelaide House Resi- dents). Tap Dancing (Over 15 Years) To Fit (Under 20) Pirst To Keep Fit (Over 20) WEDNESDAY Archery (For Girls) Archery (Mixed) THURSDAY Handicraft (Glove-Making) Young Business Women's Council Handicraft (Girls) Record Music Club (Mixed) Bowling (Over 20 Club) FRIDAY Junior Boys' ¥ Club Social Dancing (Lessons) Teen Centre SATURDAY Dancing (Morning) Over 20 Club Mpys. McLean Wed To Hubert F. Lee Mrs. Susannah McLean and Mr, Hubert Frank Lee, both of Oshawa, were married by Rev. D. M, Rose in the chapel of 8t, George's Anglican Church on Tuesday afternoon, They were attended by Mr, and Mrs, Chester L, Brown. The bride wore an Alice blue wool suit with black accessories, and immediately after the ceremony, she and her husband left on a motor trip. Fhey will return to live in Osh- awe. Prenuptial Tea Held | For Sheola Brown An event of great local interest took place at Adelaide House yess terday when Miss Sheol Brown was feted at a tea given in her honor by her mos ther, Mrs, W. R. Brown, Large white clay and tapers formed the centre of the table at which poured tea, The guests were served by Mrs, Robert Broadbent, Ann Grigg and Miss Doris Mrs, Jack Reid and Mrs, Gahan sang, each accompanied Mrs. G, R. Booth, Guests from out of town ed Mrs, R, G, Hawkins and Doris Armstrong, Toronto; Edward Ruthven, Port Hope; Donald. Yonson and Mrs, Wi Allison, Courtice, Mrs, Brown happy to Mrs, who all graduated with her daughs ter from the University of Toronto, Before leaving, the guests all signed the satin covered putograph album, made especially for the Oe casion by Miss Hazel Waring, Smart Girls Always Carry Paradol in their Handbags They know that Paradol will res lieve them quickly of headaches, and other discomforts, as well as to check colds, One girl, writes,~" Until I used Pal © re most unb, le , It is the most, quickly Sos ive J ae ever and there is no after effect." Dr. Chase's PArRaDoOL ) For Quick Relief of Pain "DELIGHTFUL TO GIVE e) THRILLING TO RECEIVE LOVELY TO WEAR Matching pleces fo ene hance a lovely neckline « + « @ gracious wrist, Smart threestoned effect. Gold « filled. ASK FOR THIS CELLINICRAFY CREATION AT YOUR JEWELLERS CN} VII III VV, ra) VIII IVI III IVI VV, AAAI ADDI IDIIIIIIIAR >, 30 SIMCOE ST. S. ... It's Time NOW to think about those.... CHRISTMAS ALWAYS YOUR MOST PERSONAL GIFT. « + + If You're Worried About C hristmas Why Not Let Myers Solve Your Gift Problem! Jelophone 2550 MEYERS STUDIOS .COAST TO COAST YOY RIRYIIYIeYIYYIRY TATA As! ATATATATAA TATATATA A aaa AAAs OSHAWA RARE AD NS

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