PAGE TWO THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1946 Births coYNR_ Mr Mm, G. R Sore Bounce the Li Bt s , 8th, Onaws Genersl Hospital, ROCTOR--To Mr. and Mrs, M. P. Proc- or (nee Ellen Wells) wish to an- nounce the birth of son Robert Bruce, on Wedn 9, at ' Oshawa General Hospital, and baby doing fine, -- , Murray BPARKES Mr, and Y5sne) 5 sis Fi In Memoriam mem of William ve ock, oo Passed sway, October 11, 1042, Thoughts todat or Bean WELSH--In loving memory of our dear Mother Elizabeth Grace Welsh, who pi away October 11, 1043, also our Tather hy arted this life tember , 5 me) ? climbed the stops of Heaven, Trnrough peril. toll and pain, God to us, may grace given, To follow in thelr train, --Byer remembered by Elsle Irene. LSON-~In lov memory of & dear hy + «friend, ¥te, John Olifford Wilson, B130262 Irish Regt of Can, who Was killed in action in Italy, on Sept. ember 28, 1044, Can, Army Overseas, No verse can say, DO Weslth repay, For the one I lost two years today Years shall not darken or shadows dim, The Insting memory I have of him, ~Remembered by his fiancee In Glasgow, Beotland, Cards of Thanks Mrs. J. Anderson and Mrs, C. Tuson wish to thank Dr, Ruddy, nurse Mrs, Lowery, nurses at the awa General Hospital, the Luke McIntosh Funeral Home, and friends and neighbours for their help and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. Ohituary MRS, PETER WATSON A native of the Brooklin area Mary Ann Quinn, beloved wife of the late Peter Watson, passed away and on Tuesday, October 8, at 18 West- | minster Avenue, Toronto, in her 91st year, Members of the family who sur- vive are Mrs, M. Leddy, Mrs. Willi- am McDonald, Mrs. Harry Burns, Mrs, George Horton, Mrs, Frank conway, Mrs, V, Carleton and Tho- mag Watson of Oshawa. Also sur- viving are a sister, Mrs, George Bryant of Toronto and four bro- thers, Willlam of Whitby, John of Myrtle and Michael L, and Arthur B. Quinn of Toronto, Mrs, Watson is resting at the Ry- an and Odette Funeral Home, 1408 Dundas Street West, Toronto, for requiem mass at § am, on Friday October 11, at St; Helen's Church, Toronto, Interment will be in Mount Hope Cemetery, mr e-------- WITHDRAW CHARGES Magistrate F, 8, Ebbs today al- lowed charges to be withdrawn against Norman W. Whitney, 16 Church Street, who was charged under the Deserted Wives' Act with not maintaining the payments made under the settlement agreement. A. the re at nd up again he would ask for a stated case, as there had been other cases of the man defaulting, London, -- (CP) -- Kent Yeo- manry battery, which left its band ts at Perenchies, near Lille in the north of France, in 1940 retreat, will receive them back at & formal cremony there. a classified advertisemen Try a t for TED KERSEY IS SPEAKER AT Y.P.L. Gives Helpful Talk on "Knowing and Sharing Christ" I, a Coat Hampton, t. b were twenty-four present at the Friday ev Jaeting of the Soung Peo: ples . The president, , conducted the opening Sars of hymns, followed by the Lord's Prayer, Reference was made to the contest which starts with this meeting. Those in charge of the two sides chosen are Mad- lyn Wilpox and Phyllis Niddery, The Worship service was conducted by Eileen Wray and opened with quiet music, e Scripture lesson, John 10:1-13 was read by Madiyn Wilcox, "Come Let Us Bing of a Wonderful Love" was sung; Bertha Armour gave the devotional read- ing, bearing on the .theme, "The Vine And The Branches, "Take My Life And Let it be Consecrated Lord to Thee" was sung and Eileen Wray led in prayer, Shirley Pingle presided for the following program: A hymn "Lead On O King Eternal" preceded a reading by Audrey Kersey, Gerald Balson favored with a vocal solo; Ted Kersey presented a helpful and splendid talk on the subject, "Knowing And Sharing Christ" which contained some fine thoughts worthy of putting into action, and closed with the following lines: Q, it is hard to work for God, To rise and take his part Upon the battlefield of earth, And not sometimes lose heart. Work of God, O lose not heart But learn what God is like; And in the darkest battlefield Thous shalt know where to strike Thrice blest is He to whom is given The instinct that can tell That God is on the field when he Is most invisible, Then learn to scorn the praise of man, And learn to lose with God; For Jesus won the world through shame, . And beckons thee His road, | For right is right, since God is God, And right the day must win; To doubt would be disloyalty, To falter would be sin. It is up to us as Yu People to take our part in the Building of God's Kingdcen on earth, A hymn, "None But The Christ Can Satis- fy" concluded the meeting, We offer congratulations and "Best Wishes" to Reg. Kersey and bride who were married on Satur- day, Sept. 28, and will reside in Oshawa. 3 Go To Hospital After 4-Car Crash West Hill Bridge West Hill, Oct. 10~Three persons were jnjired last night when four cars on the No. 2 highway at Stop 32, West Hill, Mrs, Normand J. Peever, 266 Re- gent St, London, Ont, and two To- ronto men, Plewes Tooker, 262 Con- cord ave, and Lorne Webster, 43 Whitehall Rd, were admitted to To- ronto East General Hospital. Others escaped unhurt, Provincial Constable Charles Hef- feron sald two east-bound cars and two west-bound cars collided at the eastern end of the West Hill bridge. Mrs, Peever suffered knee and leg lacerations. Tooker received head injuries and lacerations. Webster, [} in the Tooker car, suf- fered head injuries and severe la- cerations, All injured were taken to ine hospital by Sherrin's ambu- ce. Sith BIRTHDAY 0. J, Stevenson, Church Street, Pickering, will celebrate his 84th birthday tomorrow. Is your car in shape for the cold season ahead? Make sure of perfect winter perférmance by stopping in for a com- plete winterizing job. We have every facility for quick, sure service, Put your winter driving cares and worries aside by bringing your car in now. CALL US FOR APPOINTMENT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 86 KING TEL. 900 city. city, an addition to Ritson reads: property, and to keep provide buildings, etc. Oshawa's School Problems - (Article No. 1) This is the first of a series of articles' written as an open letter to the Voters of the City of Oshawa pre- senting the facts of the School accommodation in the The Board's full program includes thc building of new Collegiate and Vocational School in south end of Roxborough School. These buildings will provide -equal opportunity for every child in our city. Duties and authority of the Board, Public Schools Act of Ontario, Page 70, Section 89, parts E. and G. (89) It shall be the duty of the boards of all public schools to see that the same are con-. ducted according to this Act and regulations, and they shall have power (e) to acquire or rent school sites and premises, and to build, repair, furnish and keep in order the school- houses, furniture, fences and all other school premises in a proper sanitary condition, and (G) It shall be:the duty of the boards to determine the number, boundaries and description of schools to be opened and maintained; and the teachers to be employed; the terms on which they are to be employed and their remuneration and yank whether principals or assistants, ; The above gives the authority to the Board to Page 71, Section 89, part D reads: It shall be the duty of the board to pro- vidé adequate accommodation for all children bsiween the i.ges of five and sixteen years, etc. The Board of Education have not been able to do this, and we are looking to the public for criticism and a solution to solve a very grave state of affairs, OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION, Road School and the new the wells, closets and grade, territorial [] SAY YANKS COURT NAZI'S SPOUSES Seattle, Oct, 10 --(AP)-- US, Senator Hugh B, Mitchell (Dem.-Wash,) said last night that a Senate war investigating committee investigator was be- ing sent to Germany to probe reports that certain, unidenti- fled members of the United States prosecutor's staff 'cone sorted" with wives of some of the Nazis they prosecuted at Nuernberg, "I am not making the charges," he said here on a day of election campaigning. "The charges were given to me by & news service which asked that I transmit them to: the Kilgore committee, which I did. A Kilgore investigator is being sent." FIRE PREVENTION (Continued from Page 1) the young father and mother tuck their two children in bed and then 0 out for the evening carelessly eaving the draft on the furnace-- only to see their home a raging in- ferno a few hours later, A similar group of older pupils saw what can happen when an overheated stove is left unattended, when hot ashes are put in a wooden container, when a match is dropped in a waste paper basket; when a lamp cord is carefully concealed un- der a rug and finally the perils of dry cleaning in the home. Earlier this morning two showings of the films were held for the pupils in North Simcoe Public School and this afternoon Holy Cross and Westmount schools are being visited. The film shown to Grades V and VI in King Street School this morn. ing was entitled "They didn't have to die" and depicted the tragedy of children being burned as a re- sult of carelessness on the part of parents. Grades VII and VIII were urged by Fire Chief Elliott to use caution not only during Fire Prevention Week but every day in the year, 'More Dangerous Than Dynamite", In the second it was stressed that "fire is a good servant but a bad master" while in the last, the dang- ers of dry cleaning in the home as compared with perly supervised dry cleaning plants were shown. One gallon of Slaoling or other in- flammable liquid used for cleaning has the ex ve force of 83 pounds of dynamite, it was pointed out, WARTIME (Continued from Page 1) who now are without these neces- sities." Canada must make a choice be- tween progress" and Jeivate enterprise, a "fair deal" to armers, and "the highest social security standard possible--short of taxing people to the point where Suterpiise is discouraged, absentee- ism Increased, production lessened and everyone made poorer." "SUCKER" 'Continued from Page 1) another tram operator about it but she did not see him. Oastle ree ted for John T. Sullivan, de= ence counsel for the woman ace cused of her husband whose torso was found on Hamilton Moun= tain last March 16. Letter Contents * Mr, Sullvan oad the letler, a ' sown exhibit, into the Court re- cord. It was addressed only "Evelyn" It told of Dick having to do With other women. 'The letter went on: "I am just writing you this note 80 you can get wise to your so- called husband, "He certainly uses you as a suok- er" The letter went on that it was nice for John Dick to have a wife who bought him more street car tickets than he could have bought for himself, Each street car operator, so pre- vious testimony brought out, is giv. en $75 bond by the company for ticket purchase. Warning The letter warned Evelyn: "There isn't a night but what he has some woman standing behina "He don't give two hoots for you + + + all he took you for is so he could have bond money." Mr, Castle said he told Mrs. Dick he did not want her approaching employees when they were working. He sald the accused widow gave the letter to him, Mr. Castle was the day's first wit ness in court where spectators were warned by Deputy Sheriff Tommy Woodcroft that this murder trial "is not a show" and anybody talking or laughing would be ejected from the court, Same Jury Then the Jury in the Dick trial left the Court, the prisoner was re- moved and the Grand Jury took its place in the Ontario Supreme Court Jury box. It was the same Grand Jury which last month indicted Mrs. Dick for the slaying of her street car-driver husband and at the same time indioted her father, Donald MacLean, and her friend, William Bohozuk. They will stand trial af- ter Mrs, Dick's trial is over. ADJOURNED FOR SERVICE The case of Ed. M, Nichols, R. R. No, 1, North Oshawa, who was charged with speeding, was - Journed for service@n court today, Boots originated In Greece and half shoes, or oxfords, appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. ' Farmer's Market 'Toronto, Oct. 10--(CP)--Produce prices in the spot market here to- day were reported as follows: Eggs: Receipts comparatively light, market firm, A medium up % t doz. In the spot market, cen wholesale to retail, A large 50, A medium 48, A pullet 38, B 43, C 33- | 34; country shippers quoted graded 0§gs, cases free, A large 40%-50, A medium 47%, A pullet 35, B 40, C Churning cream unchanged: No. 1 1b, 41 FOB, 45 delivered, plus 10 cents subsidy. Butter: Prints, 1st grade 42, 2nd grade 41, 3rd grade 40; firdl grade solids 40, second grade solids 39; Sarit firm, offerings extremely UI » Livestock -- Toronto, Oct, 10 --(CP)-- Prices were steady on a generally plain quality of cattle offered for sale early today on the livestock market here, Canner and cutter cows were $6.50-87.50 and boning steers and heifers $8-$0.60. Lambs were steady ab; $14.50 good ewes and wethers and $13.50 bucks. There were no sales, No veal calves were offered. No price was established for s which closed previously at, , grade. A $20-$25, grade Bl $19.85. Receipts reported by the Dominion Marketing Service were: cattle 10, hogs 40, p and lambs 160, Unsold from yesterday were 1,100 head of cattle including 800 stockers. Vegetables -- Fruit Toronto, Oct, 10--(CP)-~Whole- sale fruit and vegetable prices were unchanged here today, i ' Local Grain -- Local selling prices for bran, 23- $30 ton; shorts $30-$31 ton; beled hay $18-820 ton; straw $16-$18 a ton; pastry flour $2.85 a bag; bread flour, $2.90 a bag. Dealers are pay- ing no set, price. Wheat $1.26 a bushel; oats B63-85c; barley 66¢c; buckwheat 75-80c. Hogs Toronto, Oct. 10---(CP)--Grade A, dressed, bacon-hogs were up 15 cents cwt, at Stratford, to farmers $10.90, to truckers $20.05; unchang- ed at Hull $20, all delivered, in markets reporting early today. TORONTO MEN (Continued from Page 1) the drive after he had watched them go into several driveways on the street, He said Rivers peeled off a pair of gloves and dropped them when he was caught and. that he had seen Tough put his hand over a nearby fence behind which was later found a flashlight, A pair of pliers and a pocket flashlight were also found in the drive later. Ncel Rivers, after pleading not guilty to both charges, testified that the instruments found on him were not burglar tools but were his me- chanics tools which he had been using on a car he had been fixing the night before, He told the court that he came to Oshawa to help his son build a house and had ' been showing Tough, whom he met at the bus station, around the town. He said he had to go up the drive "to relleve myself." Tough told a similar story after pleading not gulity to the charges. The same eviderce was used in both cases for the vagrancy and the possession charges, Both Tough and Rivers maintained they were not vagrants though police said they found only a few pennies and nick- els on Rivers and nothing on Tough, On the evidence and the record of Rivers' previous convictions, Crown Attorney Hall asked for the full penalty for vagrancy. At the time of his arrest, Rivers was also on bail in Toronto, Mr, Hall added. Tough, who has one previous con. viction for housebreaking and ser- ved time in Kingston, claimed he was the victim of circumstances He had little evidence to give in his defence on the vagrancy charge, however. FIND 429 SLUGS GUELPH METERS Guelph, Oct. 10--S8ince Oct. 1, Gasph has been drawing its full 75 per cent split of cash from the operation of parking meters here, it was learned last night at the regular meeting of city council. Receipts for Au- gust and September sufficed to pay $1,800 to the meter com. pany io reimburse them for cash advanced to pay Dario Pagani, local contractor for meter installation, Another $510 was paid to the meter company on the cost of meters, September receipts from the meters totalled $1,706.76, Add- ed to August receipts of $603.24 this brings the total to date to an even $2,400, September receipts came from 91,501 one-cent pieces, 17,523 five-cent pieces, £6 ten-cent plecer, 429 slugs and 11 de- fective coins, Alderman Fred Freudeman told council that steps were be- ing taken to apprehend persons who fed slugs to the parking. meters. He sald one man already had been fined $10 for this pra- otice and that police were in. vestigating a further suspect. GETS MONTH TERM Henry Bucee of R. R. No. 1, Oro- no, was sentenced today to one month in the county jail after be- ing found guilty of supplying ' li- quor to a minor, The evitence in the case had been heard previously and Magistrate P, 8. Ebbs sald no evidence had been shown that he should rule otherwise than the Li- quor Control Act advised, CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRI €o | Lio «A Co PAY aga, they Love It! < Because "SUNETERIA" LAY MASH has 2 10% Buttermilk "Suneteria" is a Balanced Lay Mash that Contains Every Element Necessary for Increased Egg Pro- this Amazing Lay Mash Tomorrow ++ And see the Difference, Now Available at . . . ® booper Smith ¢ 16 Celina 'G1, AWA ONT. pod] Dismiss Charge N on-Support haige oh A. Brew- e onto, of fa to provide for his twin children, was dismissea today by Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs on the promise of the accused to the cost of maintaining the irr dren. The case, adjourned from last week, was dismissed after Brewer | ing told the court that he had been doing the best he could to pay the $2422 a month now paid by the Oshawa relief office to Mrs. Mar- Brewer, 165 Verdun Road. Crown Attorney Hall urged that suspension be made on his promise to pay the monthly amounts, Brew- 5 uw oy oo id tm ut was of the twins, 4 "You haven't any heavier debts than those two children," said the Magistrate, "they are your first charge." (AERA COB (Continued from Page 1) lent pictures from joining the club. A nominating committee, consis- ting of Dr. Blair, H. BE. Murphy, and Charles Cooper, was appointed to select candidates for the new year's slate of officers which would be elected at the next meeting two weeks hence. Though only about a third of last year's members had turned up last night, the group was an enthusiastic ome with several new prospective members present and a lively program for the next meeting was arranged. Ibstock, Leicestershire, Eng --(C P)--Blown inland, a cormorant is being fed fish and will be sent by crate to the sea for release. Glenbrittle, Scotiand--(CP)--Mrs Stanley Pitman of London, y= in Skye, fell 300 feet to her death while skirting the 3,000-1t. In. acessible Pinnacle in the Ouillins, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! SAND GRAVEL We Also Handle LOAM - FILL - ETC, § DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Deliveries Made Anywhere Phone 3470 - 1653J-1 W. F ESSERY JUST HEAT AND SERVB BEEF STE Also. LAMB STEW and VEAL STEW BURNS & CO. LIMITED Makers of Superior Quality Canned Meats Your medicine chest is your first line if defense against the minor ills that are so prevalent when the frost is on the pumpkin and the slush is on the ground. Fortity it for Fall by filling in the empty spaces on the shelves with dependable quality health aids. The essential needs are listed here for your convenience. They are priced low for your economy, Come in today and prepare for a healthier, happier Fall season. . PLENAMINS With Liver & Iron Capsules 1 15 - 5.50 Multiple Vitamin Capsules 1.10-1.85 Puretest COD LIVER OIL 75¢c-1.25 BEEVERON TONI Tablets or Liquid 1.00 r When you bring a prescription to Jury & Lovells you can always be certain of receiving your medicine at the time we promise to have it ready for you, Our work-schedule is planned with timetable pre- cision to give you the fastest service possible, consistent with accurate compounding, And if you bring us an "emer- gency" prescription that ob- viously is needed immediately, while you wait. So ALWAYS come to Jury & Lovell where we'll compound it for you. promises are ALWAYS per- Body Builders NCF Capsules, 1.25-2.25 NCF Liquid, ....1.15-2.45 Peptona Tonic ...... 1.00 Tasteless Extract Cod Liver Oil,...... 1.00 Penta-Kaps, 1.85-2.45-4.50 Ayerst Cod Liver Oil 1 weiner. 67¢-1.69 Puretest Malt & Cod Liver Oil, ...... 59¢+89¢ Dental Goods Briton Paste, sae 29¢ Arden Paste, ...cvuiveee 40¢ Ipana Paste, ... 29¢-49¢ Mi 81 Powder, ...... 40¢ Tek Brushes ....... 29¢ Dr. West's Brush,....50¢ Klenzo Brush, ....... 50¢ Sodium Perborate . 60c : Hygeol ...... . 35¢-60c Denturex Plate Cleanser, ......iesy, 50€