PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1946' se Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auliiors od echuniant Countans snd sud fi, Soom AR__HUDBON AND Ghariarea Aceouniaous, Holi fond 'pot Pettis Jr, CA Toronto, 2--Barristers ANNID, CONANT AND "ANNIS. | hr ¥. Anois, BA, AL. Phony . ©: (ort) 'a », £ Solteitor ote, 0 ; ees: Office 814 residence 1207 Money to loan. (Nov1) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, Solicitor, 2% Simcoe St phone 67, residence 3081. AMES R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER pi Solieitor Suite 201 /0 King Bast, Genoshs Hotel, Phone 340, (Octid) AN, KO, BARRIS. MARS to loan, Offices | gf AND North, Office (Oct20) 3 ERNEST MARKS SARI BARRISTER, itor King SIRT, 33, Reskence 308TH, Nov i >A loans, National loans 36 Simcoe North, , SINCLAIR, KC. AND J [2 Bank {dares Phone 9 ». al Housing Phone 1614. (Oct1?) Ww, B N KO, Sontreal 'Butiding, 1 . _ (Novi) ARTZ, BARRISTER, MANNING F. 8 SWARTZ, $0 Joka, Base sett Block, suite No, 4 Phone 282 "S--Dentints . SE. anne a org wy (Nov1) EET EE (Novi) Be ORO, B BOOTH. LARGE AND a mma "pare, 6" Eg a 8---Funeéral Directors oie, 1 Tao "Established 1809. Thane OF Loan Wanted Build Professional INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Cmmisiamiah wo. Sonay to Sam. Trades " CLASSIFIED A ONE INSERTION HREE ERTION EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION ,, (Above rates Pf 414 onl, ordered a f ye Business 20 words or less, 15¢ additional for al All Classified Advertisements MUST be m by 6 p.m, the day before publication. Office Hours: Dally 8 - 6; Saturday 8 - 5. Classification No. Autprvnbiles Pos a roan Phos Wanted Classification No. crvevsnees 8 D RATES (Effective From May 1st, 1046) 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word rl ig uent insertions nal order) month for to original order. Su te constitute a new ori fistings--$3.00 per words over 20, i$ and © sign, figure count as & later eviation 10¢ add} (ot0) "9--Money To Loan MONEY TO rol, Prt BOTATE | Automobiles, Mu afer R Rea Brtate re 535 (00120) M, Cry FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND North Shore Realty nd Lad, 4 ALGER BLDa. PHONE 81, OSHAW (Tuts Thure-Sat) 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES Sites each Monday. Shorthand, ha Bookkeeping all Misa) jects, Oshawa Fo By Sellege, 18 St. North. Phone 14W sid (Nov?) SINGER SEWING CLASSES ENROLL NOW IN OUR FALL CLASSES Dressmaking or Advanced Course on Suits, POR , Bwarte No 4 | ) 8 Weeks Sewing Course -- $10.00 Morning, Afterncor or Evening Courses Now Forming. DONT' DELAY AND PHONE TODAY 696 SINGER SEWING CENTER (Oct1) 1 I hulls Trades WATERPROOFING CELLAR FLOORS and walls, Shimnevs built and repaired, | FuAranteed Jobs, Phone 19M. (Nove) $P%, YADA SHLOMG C0 Brews specifications. Phone Kit HMC : WORK Pease Fur. IER SHEET METAL | EER INTRAC- hy built 481 "Wo ov.1) "opecialty | Eow png SE a Em, baie. Ea Poa June Whar Re 8 Poon AND Bacon: 8 1435M. * Oct d) SCREENED SAND, Ql FILL, loam, oy Jan Sindens as Bowmanville. ' Phone T0013 (O0t28) SAND. GRAVEL. LOAM GEN- RA VEL, HR B ville mates collect iy Bowman. ville, Bromley and Son --_ (Oct1t) AND, ORAVEL CINDRERS, | oan ourtdoa. Phone Oshawa Te (Octad) USE SPRAY AND BRUSH PAINTERS FOR {aterior ead Ri da ange Feat uly Ray onll § ROOM NEW 11--Building Trades CARPENTRY --- HOME LL 3 Hdd. Jo Wilhm = ONTARIO FLOOR nid, sanded, finls finished, Phones 3434) --4271J, REPA Y. cupboards, a ons, Phone Athol Bt, AINTRR AND FIRST -OLASR NFOORA- Faw P, Dannlels, Phone 2718R. tor. OEMENT MIXER FOR Rs. Wilson, 375 Gibbon St (Shans hed, R. 474. 26--Real Estate For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale '36 OLDSMOBILE COACH, GOOD CON- dition, cash, Serial 636911310, Phone 450MJ, Mr, Jackson, 219 Jaina Jhous 33--Automobiles Wanted '30 TO '34 CAR WANTED BY PRIVATE party, will psy all cash, a 12) WB BUY. SH. SELL OR TRADE USED "als 40d Husk Sb ors Han. eat Prices. paid make or a Fit man's ( B "wn Albert, Phone SPOT oo ron CARS A AT (Oct25) ASH YOUR Dodd's car lot 378 Park Rd. 8 44M, groban CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe St. Phone 4695W, . ( (Oct15) 34--Pets and Livestock BORDER PANCY aoe cots a RETR, © 98_Athol St. E, ply con December, al old, John' Siover, North Os HENS AND ROOSTERS Apply 243 Conant St, ANGORA RABBITS (FASHION PI PLATE) for sale, Phone 621J, (47¢) FOX AND DEER HOUNDS, BRED from choice stock, E, west vest airport ( on 4 4 Con, CANARIES FOR SALE--HIGH OLASS singers and hens, All colors, The same old gunranses ios x with every ial or: $2250 COMPLETELY FURNISHED cottage, Corbett's Point. Large living room with fireplace, dining-room, kit- clfen, 4 bedrooms, telephone, hydro, in- | door facilities, For information, phone 2786, (46¢) 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, 3-plece bathroom, Garage and large lot, All convenlences, West sec tion of city, Immediate possession, Box No, 310, Times-Gazette, (46c) 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR BALE, IMMED, iate possession, 209 Verdun Rd, (46c) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED attic, large living room, hardwood throughout, Immediate possession, Ap. p.m AL TIONS Call evenin Phone 234 (Oct14) ERS, FLOORS Old floors re. _(Nov8) R. oeris) { Oct16) "RENT APPLY 128) 12--Personal Services ply 238 Arthur St, from 4 to 9 ! (Octi9) SERVICE CLEANERS -- "160A Phone 1707, NEW 8 Ontario St. /E YOUR ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- fo Tenniahed like new, free estimate gen. Juondny service, EAT aker wa ; Street West. pa» Your a 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--SIX TO ten acres of land suitable for Srowin tomatoes. Box 244 Times-Gaze ) 29--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED | BEDROOM "RENT, All conveniences, Apply 1a 8 Simeon yl Dp) ! (Oct20) Baia Fh eotr® | 14--Househoid Repairs ROOM ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED 5) BLU housekeeping, Apply wy FURNITURD upholstered. recovering. Phone 401, REPAIRED AND RE- \ Dalton, 78 Charles, (Nov8) 8a) ped "ROOM, SUIT LADY or gentleman, can al Ao own Droakiast, near Motors and Fittings, Phone 4536W, materials for (48a) or and Supplies ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, IN rivate home, continuous hot water, YOU al for ivered free, Phone 4052 R PERENNIAL BORDER. Spec: 1 week cnly, 40 of our most hesutiful mixed hard for $5.00, (Regular, 22 3 ® otal abstainers, Apply 16 Oshawa Blvd, (48a) rennial plants value), bei COAKWELL plants, perennials, | =a shru Simooe Norn. en oo Jon Sut entieman, e be 202 Ri itaon Rd, 8, Oona) ) ROCKERY 'and ever Phone (Nov8) 29a--For Rent PARTY NOW LIVING IN 7-ROOM house in London, Ont., wishes to move 18--Automobile Repairs to Oshawa; He will rent London pro= erty for six-room house in Oshawa, RADIA' Phone 434 BODY AND FENDER lent "I5asW, 80 ri Phone 1 S65W, 60 DODD'S "GARAGE. --GU. NTEED irs to all makes of cars and $rucks. if_required. Have you here. . Phone 3344M, (0310) '8S GARAGE, CORNER VER[UN to GM. car palited ner MOREY TOR SERVICE. HEATERS. GAS tanks, canon Moore, 160 King hv 4 WORE BOR. by Bx 53 Sa Fn ARA on arranged to it, h 1016R, 1] sult, Prone | FOR RENT --- RADIOS, VAOUUM cleaners, sun lam Irgulex Thera- peutic machines, electric heaters, fioor lishers, record players Meaghers. Simcoe N. Phone 4600. (Octd) 30--Room and Board ointment. wr (Nov.3) borne St, 2 REGISTERED OO COCKER | SPANIEL. vor. ples and grown dogs Also dogs at stud, for sale, Waubena i Lg Mile west of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth High- WAY. (Nov.1) 35--Wearing Apparel 2 BLACK DRESSES, SIZE ONE two-place black dress size + 4 and one new two-plece lime een su size 1068W 7 1 Sacrifice, Phone after 48b) LADIES' WINTER COAT, BLACK WITH brown fur collar, Chamois linea to waist, Size sixteen, Cheap, Phone MR, ~~ (Oet.10-12) | DI EVENING GOWN, BLUE OHIFFON, worn uke, size 16, Apply 26); Kin, . Apt, 2. hs St, BE BOY'S TWEED OVERCOAT, 12 YRS, Ladies' tweed coat (fur DAT 16 a Phone 3215J, | PAIR SKIS AND POLES, ALSO Li boots, Phone 524. 47) |BUY AND SELL USED OT NG. Highesy prices paid for used clothing. Sterlized, cleaned and pressed like new. We buy and sell used shoes. Large stock suits, sping coats, pants, windbreakers, single jackets and vests all sizes and colors, new goods; large stock to choose from. A call wil convince you. 31 Bond West. Samuel Schwartz, (Nove) 36--Articles For Sale ONE ANNEX-CONVERTIBLE BABY'S carriage, good condition, 142 Ritson Be J (48a) B. ROOSTERS FOR THANKS- firing Fs taken until 8 pm, Fri. one 3716J, (48h) LARGE COOK STOVE FOR SALE Phone 202W12, (48a) 3-PIECE SPRING STUDIO TO, IN good condition. Apply at 270 Ritson Rd, 8, (48¢c) 1 GIRL'S BICYCLE, ALSO 2-PO, terfield, 108 Montrave Ave. 250 CEMENT BLOCKS ONE ROTARY water pump, call 458 Madison one ALNUT COMBINATION $75. Phone CHES- _ (48a) MODERN china hy buffet, 396W. 7 to 8 pm, (48b) WANTED BY YOUNG RESPECTABLE irl in private home, not boarding ouse, Apply Box 318, i) ¥Vanicl To Rent | "eur, * octi0) | 22--Lost and Found OR 3 O! PIGS ABOUT J WEEK OLD, TWO | iost east of Harmon Kingston Rd, B, Phone 3467012, NE ROLL OF .COPPER inch wide, Return to 54 Burke St. Reward, 4-5-6 ROOM HOUSE APT. UR- FT gently ghteded, Bat isspectavie ten. ants. Box 321, Times-Gaze "{oct1o. 12) EX-AIRMAN AND WIFE "QUIET, RE- fined, urgently require Nowe, ADATt- ment or rooms, in or outside city. Highest references, Phone 1435M. (480) 14 (48a) four corners (480) 23--Women's Column WAN LARGE FURNISH. | CHARIS CORSETTERE-. 130 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3333W NTED TO RENT, | ed room, for light housekeeping. Phone | V. M. MILLS, | 4650W, (48¢) YOUNG COUP LE (0ct30) 3 artment or fiat, SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS, Order now for Fall delivery. For Nove) mation Phone 4 24--Personal DRIVING TO OTTAWA FOR 1 day week-ond Rave, room for 2 Passengers, Phone TWO PASSENGERS a LIKE RE- tation to Owen end, Phone 1338J. GIVES NEW PEP AND men who feel rundown. 13-day treatment $1.00 at Powell's & Thompson's Drug Stores, jum trans) "TIGORINE" nervous, weak, ORDER YOUR WATKINS PRODUCTS now, Ask for Jove P Christmas cards and boxes. Phone ment ~ Al BAD. BY t, Ph A749, py Ng Ney (00133) DESIRE _3.ROOM no children, Box ,_Times-Gazette, (48¢) pon pe "APARTMENT, 3 rooms, Central, pox 326, Times-Gaseite, YOUNG C COUPLE , URGENTLY NB or 3 unfurnished rooms. Ste ployment, Phone 367W after or Lin) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE WITH steady employment desire 3-room un- furnished apartment avallable by Jan, 1st. Rent in advance if desired, Good references. Phone 1 (() YOUNG EX.SERVICEMAN AND ENG- lish war brade, no children, urgently require 2 or 3 unfurnished rooma. Phone 3810J (46¢) AIRFORCE VETERAN, AJAX STUDENT and Scottish wife desire two housekeeping rooms, Oshawa-Whithy Siatrict, eslient i aences, Abstain. or 3 (48a) 2 em- Sound (38b) APPOINT LAS BRY 304 RITSON South, DovaG Rawleigh's Baca He lth livery under $l. PF Produc Phone 217R. SLENDOR TABLETS ARE phe Pk ertak 81 Bl, , Timea-Ciagette, or phone ' Local 267. (460) HOUSING « A "tov (470), TWO d Oo wae | EFFECTIVE 3 weeks' supply 81; 12 weeks' $3, at all druggists, 25--Real Estate For. Sale SMALL 3-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, 169 bd St. Apply White Store. 241 Nassau (48¢c) ar OF 2 | ACRES, NEW $-ROOM house and barn, close to Ste, Easy terms, Box 322, Timea-Gasze: (Oct Hh "12-18-19) ECORATED, CELLAR, CITY Twelve 4 ROOMS DECORA water, near Gibbon, Nei poe hundred down, Smeal Box 308, _Tiema- Gazette SEVEN-ROOM SHING OUSE, IN. sulated, modern conveniences, built-in cupboards, north end, Small down pay. ment. salon about No, 1 Phone 1806, (48¢) E-ROOM BRICK HOU: SE, 3. lece bath and furnace, mn French' St. ._ Now Jenteal. Apply Laverne Clemens RR. Phon 30 R. No, man) 3. ROR HOUSE, ALL CONVENIENT | Phone "ew, (48¢) FRAME HOUSE TO BE $30, Write Mr, Earl Tum- 2, Port Perry, Phone (48b) | SALE. WITH CITY WATER, | SIX-ROOM demolished. monds, RR. 199R12 LOTS FOR Hillside Avenue, Phone 1640J after 6 pm, (Tue-Thurs-Sat) $5000 -- NEW 4 "ROOM ment, hydro, "ood we barn and § bush, on castle, "Ronly Box INSULATED porch, base. Il, garage small rm of "Heh soll, 1 acre High wy. near New. 9 moa-Clazette, (470) [ WUNGALOW, rope A: roughout, hot modern ba room. trees. J. A. ht 01 "FOR SALE ON | CADIL Apply 493 King St, {46) Q! BUNGALOW, Hor WA. ter hest) err conveniences, built-in cupboard, laundry tub and Possession noon water heating, shade 208 Celina Bt NEW HO! lao North, extras. anytime, Box 307, Times-Ganette. (462) ACCOMMODATION URGENTLY NEEDED for ex-service students at the University of Toronto, Ajax Divi- sion, MARRIED COUPLES WITH CHILD- REN, MARRIED COUPLES WITH- OUT CHILDREN, SINGLE MEN, Share your home in 1046 with those who defended it from 1039 to '43. Write Roden Council office, Ajax or phone Pickering 81, (441) J2--Automobiles For Sale 1928 MODEL A fal No, 754925. $200 5 K King St. EB, i six pm, 7) FORD COACH, 20 FORD CO. '31 Essex Coach, 'ST Ford dump truck, Nalman's A Garage 181 Albert, (48¢) 30 | MARMON SEDAN. SERIAL YIN26. S Mn St Runs well, $300, Brad "lase) 0 1920 ESSEX CX COACH, SERIAL Xo. 10222691, 2 new tires and 2 spares, {tod running condition, Price $175, 1 | ill St. Friday after 4 o'clock, (48h) SPANISH GUITAR \ AND CASE, _ EX- cellent condition, $30 when new, Phone 3345W4, (48¢) LE GO-CA REVERSIB EXTENSION Frit baby's swing. Try Burke Bt. Phage SMALL OUTBOARD MOTOR Baa) starting, good condition, Apply CITIES SERVICE GARAGE, 22 King St. W. (48a) HOOVER VACUUM OLEAN GOOD working order, boy's brown re pe. winter outfit, size 7, ladles' black Per- sian trimmed coat, size 12, girl's white figure skates, size 6, blue doll pram, large size. Phone 27400, (48a) 22 RIFLE HIGH POWER, 12 GAUGE double barrel, 12 year old mare W, MoQarrie, RR. 3, Oshawa. (481) McCLARY STOVE, (RESERVOIR), ' Quebec stove, Jule, ice refrigerator, dishes, 135 Byr Whitby.( Next Legton | Hall), " (48a) XCEL« NO QUE HEATERS, E (480) UBBEC lent condition, Phone 3427R. COMBINATION GAS AND COAL stove, cream and black enamel, Good condition, 238 Verdun Rd, Phone ab) MIXED WOOD Stove . lengths, $16.00 per cord. Soft wood, 4 ft, lengths, $12. Cedar posts and poles, Phone 1962w, (48b) SNOW APPLES DELIVERED BY THE bushel, Phone 3 346702. (48c) SHOT GUN 12 GAUGE DOUBLE BAR- rel, Good condition, $20. Phone WIR, 200 ACRES STANDING TIMBER mixed, also cedar swam i 12 acres, Jack G. Smith, 32 Ring 1 Bobesyaven, ) urs, DINING-ROOM SUITE, e folding go-cart, Both ren reasonable APPiY D., at Catherwood, Ragla Pl (47) KITCHEN SET i SALE. TE 532 Cubert Si St, or phone 2835W, (470 0) BABY'S ENGLISH FOLDING PRAM, hood and storm cover, $15, Also citron for sale, Phone 1820R. (470) NINE } PIECE Dive, CHESTERFIELD SUITE, BEDROOM suite, white enamel cook stove, 3; size steel bed and lawn mower, All prac toally new. 220 Olive Ave, SMALL GURNEY COOK STOVE WITH reservoir for sale. 320 Pine Ave. (47c) PEARS AND APPLES BY SASKET OR bushel. Delivered. Apply 288 Festubert, or phone 3530W, _(46c) ONE JACKET HEATER, "APPLY 457 Cromwell Ave, (47%) 7 DAYS' Guaranteed DELIVERY on Venetian Blinds Made to measure of 2155W, |, ROYAL-FLEXALUM These modern, ght, flexible aluminum Venetian blinds will not CRACK, RUST FI anen autls full--Free estimate, Phone 4101W, Met-Wo Industries Ltd, TRY MIRO-GLOSS The new wonder finish for linols Ruri tile a hardwood floors, Con. Eliminates guid. plaster, i 0-12 months, THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! J GREAT WORM. CRINGELY. 41 DONT KNOW WHAT THiS D8 S --/ Thanks Tr RALPH TATE, DETROIT MICH.- By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten HHT J 36--Articles For Sale 37-- Articles Wanted 40--Agents Wanted HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- A $5.00 per load. Phone Oshawa 32887, (47d) MILK FED ROASTING CHICKENS 5 to 7 lbs, delivered, These chickens won first prize at Oshawa Fair, Orders taken not later than Priday (early) for week-end delivery, PHONE 1652W11 ee mAb ----------0) EER RIFLE 8 MM. MAUSER ACTION Jaizect Sosiuan, with ammunition, 56 Simcoe Bt. (4To) | 6-PC, DINETTE SUITE, IN GOOD condition, natural and red trim, exten- sion table. 265 Halg st. Phone 2430W, (47¢c) SPANISH AND COOKING ONIONS, bushel and half bushel, also citrons, Phone 1141w3, (46c) 1 PAIR OF GIRL'S WHITE FIGURE skates, Size 3 or 315, Phone 418J, (48a) FEW BUNDLES OF WOOD LATH wanted to finish house. Phone 3a; c GOOD PRICES PAID FOR YOUR mattresses and rags, just call 2423M, 222 Annis Bt, (Oct11) EARN EXTRA CA! MAKE MORE SH money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian made Christ mas cards to your friends The, sight, Many assortments, Seals, and showing personal cards, 25 for $1.00 and ARH. sell on t cards, Beautiful free album up Liberal commission. Write today for unusual sam le offer. Fhe Douglas W Bleecker SPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, utes, enter cook stoves, 24 Bond West, an ) CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, W WE | need 100, any condition; also tricycles | sll sizes, Phone 2620W, dr FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest Ro paid. Write: Queen Oity Feather Co. 23 Baldwin St, Toronto. (Oct21tf) PIANOS WANT! WANTED FOR CASH WIL. & Lee, 70 Simcoe North, Phone Open evenings. (25%1) STANDING CORN FOR SALE, CHEAP, Phone 205r12, (46c) HOT BLAST HEATER, PRACTICALLY new, Phone 3634W or call at 100 Gib- bon Bt, (46c) BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS FOR x chen, Phone 4325W, 46c) | CHOICE HARDWOOD Get it NOW; cut in stove lengths and delivered, Price $18.50 Per Cord PHONE 481 (Oct. 13) WOODEN BARRELS, ALMOST NEW Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for pickles, cider, sauerkraut, p PSs meats, etc. Glecofl's, Ritson South. one 3235, (Ootld) | West, GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ice Boxes, radios and stoves, 56 King Phong 3326W. (Novs) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back ONR Station, (Novl) 38--Female Help Wanted EXPERINECED WAITRESS WAN! Apply Mayfair Lanes Bowling ATED. rant, Cor, Athol and Celina. (48¢c) RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, live in, Phone 4204. (47c) EXPERIENCED MH! TO EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER take charge of business, Apply Box 316, Times-Gazette. (47¢) EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD OPER- ator, able to do typing and filing. Box 320, Times-Gazette, (47¢) GIRLS BETWEEN 20 AND 30 TO TAKE care of Box 306 and do light house- BRADLEYS FURNITURE 40 King Street West, AWNINGS AND KIRSCH VENETIAN blinds, Estimates without obligation George M, Reid, phone 2104, Bond Went, (Oct25 LOW OIL SURNERS FOR acket heaters, etc. Cooks (Qota1te) (AND SILENT G cookstove, Electric. Phone 4501, COAL RANGES BOTH h 06, Times-Gazette. (46c) PROFITABLE INCOME FOR SMART appearanced women with salesmanship, as corsetieres, We train you. Box 315, Times-Gazette. (460) A REFINED YOUNG LADY BETWEEN the e of 22-25, with High School education, Must have knowledge of sewing. Apply Singer Sewing Maciine 18 Ontario St. 146t1) poe al IN SIMPLE sewing bY machine at home, whole or part time write box 313, Ti c very large stock to used, Meagher" s 92 Simcoe St. N. ona) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS ~ TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator. Bell's Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8, Phone (Bet 13) IW, 2 ROTARY AIR PUMPS, 15-IN. DIS- charge, 45 lbs, pressure Suitable for spray gun equipment, ete. Apply Miller Alloway, 'Times-Gazett e, (tf) JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER OF coal and wood heaters, like new, sult- able for your home or business quart. ers, Now on display at the Bradley Furniture Co, Simcoe South store, (Oct21) COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL- able, a number of models to choose from. Sime igh of if desired Men- gher's, Simoce St. N, (Oct?) BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY styles, steel or wood: bassinettes, high chairs, play pens, A walkers, rockers, doll prams, tricycles, Kindergarden sets, orib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district, Wilson's Furniture Co, 20 Church St. (Oct14) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT WN for all makes of wi Waa" 63 Bimcoe St, N, suites, bedroom sults, breakfast suites, studio couches, Sim- mon's beds, spring filled mattresses, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc casional tables, chairs, floor coveringr. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co. (Oct14) BABY PEAMS, AND CONVERTIRLE carriages, r:any styles and colors, See our large selection, Wilson's Furniture Co, 20 Church St. Oct14) OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service Out-of- town customers Ah) sited. W. Borrow. dale. Phone : 3875W12 (Oct18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS S8¢ PER 8 §. Measured and installed George Phone 2104. 66 Bong 00a) 3 5 HP. MOTOR 220v,.3 phase 60 cycle, 1800 r.p.m. In excellent condition. Apply MR. JORDAN PHONE 50W4 (431) 36a--For Exchange PRIVATE PARTY HAS A MODERN Moffatt electric range, 4 plates, equip= ped with coal and wood annex, Would exchange this for a modern four-plate Jaa e without annex, A good oppors nity for someone who requires an be for kitchen heating. Phone 40527. (481) COMPLETE SET OF MOTOR MECHA- nic's tools for sale or exchange for woodworking tools, 188 Alma St, (46¢c) 37--Articles Wanted EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME! | Osh '| Chesterfield x WANTED, RELIABLE HELPER IN boarding house, Midd ie Sied wom preferred, Parkwood tab -, North Oshawa. Phone 230W4, 11) ! | YOUNG WOMAN (SINGLE OF Ww! seplng 1 daulted, Treat writer. Please y by letter, giving experience and Box 220, Tinen-Gazelae, references. ote) 39---Male Help Wanted HIGH 'SCHOOL BOY, FOR BICYCLE delivery for mornings, Also store work, Apply Box 324, Times-Gazette, (Oct. 10-12) NITY, TABLISHED District ia It you aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 355--have or can secure travel outfit, this is your o poFinity to get established in a profitable bus. iness of your own. For full particulars write today to The J, R, Watkins Coms« pany. Dept, 0-0-8A, 2177 Masson St. ontreal, "Que, (Thurs) MAN TO WASH CARS, GREASING, help in garage, and battery work. Crowell ros, Bond and Ontario Streets, (47¢) TINSMITH, STEADY JOB FOR RIGHT man, also helper. Apply Rahmes' Garage a. © AN OPPORT! OPPORTU Rural iting TWO SALESMEN WANTED IN CITY locality, Apply box 312, TH c) AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN as salesman and repair machines. Ap- plicant must be between 22-27 years of age and have a car, Quick advance ment for hCHERY man, Preferably from Alr Fore pply Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario 8t, (40tf) YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN ADVER- tising department Sed Spppriunity to learn business, App L. Wilson, Times-Gazette onl? (40t8) Qreeting can nw T (Oct31) for Adv under this Sach inser se Ta "ha cents. RUMMAGE SALE, ¥, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, at 2 pm at St, Andrew's Church. Auspices Mary Street Home and School Association, (48a) RUMMAGE SALE, IMCOE BT, Church, Priday, Botober 11, at 130 pm, (48a) DANCING AT BARNHARTS RUSTIC Pavilion tonight (Tues-Thurs) AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day, Friday and Saturday, (Oct30) 43--Auction Sales I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for Sidney Worden, lo% 33 and 34, Con. 1, Darll n, one 2nd a auareer miles south of Prestonv®le, n No. 2 Highway, on Friday. Ovtons 18th, all his farm stock including head 2 Durham and Holstein cattle, Jnplements, harness and furni- pm, Terms bash, Gordon Gifford, Clerk, Elmer Wilbur, Auction- (Thur..8at.-Tues) 12--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS the Estate of Michael Massey, oe known as Mitchell Cusson, Merchant, deceased. oa pefsona avi claims against the tate of the above mentioned, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario who died at the sald City of Oshawa on or about the 22nd day of August, 1946, are required to file proof of same with' the undersigned on or before the 31st day of October, 1046, After that date the Public Trustee will prpceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Toronto the 30th day of September, 1946, The Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrato ™ (Oct. 3-10) 41--Employment Wanted TREES REMOVED BY EXPERIENCED men, Phone 3091R, PRACTICAL NU B SE AVAILABLE, 3887W, Ph one FLOORS CLI (Nov10) LEANED, SHELLACKED re waxed, free estimates given. Also any odd jobs, Phone 4430J, (46c ) 43--Auction Sales a will sell 5. furniture, October 0 each pigs, Township, bred sows, Numerous other articles, Public Auction Satur at 1 p.m, Lot 4, Con, property of O, and implements; hay, grain, Real Estate, 50 acre farm, Good build ings. tioneer, Terms cash, Ted Jackson, aie, 47c) I have been authorized to sell by Subtle Auction for E, Fice, lot 12, Con, East Whitby, half mile White's Feed Store, on Friday, his farm stock. Implements, Harness, Sale Wilbur, 1 pm, Terms Auctioneer, :; Public Auction or Ww. 33 East of RR 'on We have been and 34, Con, ober 16th, all purpose Shorthorns, Horses, fonter Sheep, Lig Yorkshire 'Plage' Poul- Hogarth, Clerk. tioneer, Juthorized Bd sell by Robbins, 10% Daiiiigton, iz mile nesday, Oct his Implements. dual Lei Wood, and J. D, Eimer Wilbur, Auc- (Tue. Thurs Sat.) Harness, FOUNDATIONS ALL OTHER CEMENT WORK See Us For a Good Job . ABBOTT " PHON E 1640-W The Times-Gazette cidssified ads, bring quick results. WINDOW CAULKING and. GLAZING! Now is the time to have those windows caulked and glazed before the cold weather arrives, FOR QUICK SERVICE , , . Phones 4338j--3888w G. McKNIGHT WASHER IRONERS CLEANER POLISHERS Pear AUTHORIZED DEALER WASHER TROUBLE SHOOTER ULPH Jay nares fuck BIDD 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front." American Anthracite (Stove or Nut) We have just received a large shipment ready for Immediate Delivery! ARMSTRONG FUELS 59 CHURCH NOW AVAILABLE! PHONES 2727Tw -- 2726 LIGHTING FIXTURES Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. For stoves, HI-HEAT OIL BURNER inch double 61 burners, g 39.50 REPAIRS 10 ALL APPLIANCES Plus installation Brickiavers Wares ITMES.GAZOME BLDG. Part Time Arrangements Appreciated Apply H. M. BROOKS Contractor 472 Masson St Phone 1229 §0--Agents Wanted Ws CIRCULATING HOT WA- for Beater. AD lloway, imessUagetis, | If ( quires electric be machine, re- frigerator ud 4 _Portahle or desk type- roximately 2000 watts, PRIVATE PARTY URGENTLY RE: writer, Pay cash, Phone IW bE ) au, ABLE TO me local district a Rolla 2) Hitaour- demand, lage Grom t, Sof Tan. don, Xx: | The Times-Gazette classified ads. bring quick results, - PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 WET WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies RECAP NOW! 48-HOUR SERVICE! [J DUNLO We Are Agents for "THE WOLLD'S FINEST" EXPERT VULCANIZING AT . . . IRWIN AUTO PARTS 25 ALEXAN {DER BLVD. "PHONE 1094