Daily Times-Gazette, 9 Oct 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1946 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors PRINS, CERTIFIED OMN- i 2a Miger Bids. King St. Bast. Phone 2137. countant and suditor. (C hs . . . . . OSC. HUDSOY AND AND COMPANY. Charersa Accountants, Botiang | Pettit, .C.A.; J. Bowman Boyter. i 4 'Pettit, Jr. OA. 190 Bay Toronto, 2---Barristers NANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS, To Simoeoe . 5 Cuhaws. Phone . P. Annis, BA, LLB, " (Nov) ORE E 8. GREER. [a Boustior ot Bini Phone ~ihesigence Jol4. Resident parties W. © (Novi) ont. RIERSON, OREIGHTCA & FRASER. Barristers, ote. Bank of Commerce Building. (Nov1) TENNICE AND HENNIOK, BARRIS- HENNICK AND HENNICK. | ones Novi) , K.C., 6 Simcoe St North 814; 3297 (Nov1) pit 8 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER AND Ho tor 25 Slmece St Morth Office R. D. Solicitor etc., Phones: Office Money to loan. SE SiEtSpesvevey we 1 (Effective From TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL 1 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFIED Ap Auction Sales ..,. ATES 2 Words neh Aan Less al Wa 0344 (Above rates aBpl3 o only to ordered a ate Poss Jog Business phone 67, residence 3051. (Oct20) 1istings--§3.00 20 words or less, 15¢ additional for all words over 20. Each fhitial letter. abbreviation Box charged 10¢ additi AN Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 pa. the ny 4 before publication. Office Hours: Dally 8 - 6; Saturday § - 5. per month for and ¢ t 84 sign, figure count as a AMES R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER po Solteitor Suite 200 0 King East G ha Hotel. Phone 349, (Oct13) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KO. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor Money to loan. Office 1415 Sing S 2% Bask, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Ph (Nov) ERNEST a ® SOLI- citor. \1 King E Room Phones: 3687R. 11--Building Trades 29--Rooms For Rent 35--Wearing Apparel GIRLS N © 36--Articles For Sale NINE PIECE DINING-ROOM SUITE, blue, bed t; folding go-cart. Both in 00d co! n reasonable. Apply D, rwood, Raglan, (47c) CHOICE TOMATOES FOR BALE, bushel. Come and ha bck your own 1225 Simcoe St. Sou at 478) Ger JOUR CT god 3 Tor Lowi rice, S KITCHEN SET FOR SALE, Cubert St. or phone 2835W. Nate) GIRL'S BICYCLE, CONDITION. Apply 292 Vimy Avenue. (47a) KITCHEN RANGE IN GOOD CONDI- tion with waver front. Pho: BABY'S ENGLISH FOLDING PRAM, hood and storm cover. $15, Also citron for or sale. _Phone 1829R. (47¢) QUEBEC HEATER, PLAY © PEN, clothes horse. Apply 347 Arthur St, or phone 3069W. Ln 7a) pe oo Es tricye A car T, 's cle. y 741 Cedar St, ha) CHESTERFIELD SUITE, BEDROOM suite, white enamel cook stove, 3; size steel bed and lawn mower. All prac- tically. new. 220 Olive Ave. (47) L, GURNEY COOK STOVE WITH ih for sale. 320 Pine Ave. (47c) DEER RIFLE 8 MM. MAUSER ACTION AINTER AND FTRST-CLASS NECORA- tor. B P. Dannlels, Phone 2718R._(Oct16) OEMENT MIXER FOR RENT "APPLY H pve Wilson, 376 Gibbon St. Phone 3001R. (Oct28) 12--Personal Services Office 55, Ru 87R. (Nova) A. J. PARI NEW SERVICE CLEANERS - 186A Ontario St. Phone 707. (Oct20) |! Ta Ho mortgage jonns. oans. Simcoe North. Phone 1614 J (0ct17) BE N. SINCLAIR. KC K.C. AND J. © J. ©. fete os rir 9, (Novi) NNING PF. Solicitor, Notary. Money sett Block, suite No. 28TTW. 3--Dentists PHILLIS. SIMOOR ST Tal Th ™% (Octa2) 148 2 Cor dak 5--Optometrists rp ------ee sem -------- A= ------ ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone elu -- (Nov5) 14--Household Repairs HAVE YOUR as REFRIGERA - tor refinished like new, free Sstimate iven, two-day service. T's. Fhons 4600. : ( £12) P A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King | Street West. Your patronage sollcited bh FURNITURD REP, upholstered. an ening. D. Daiton, % Caries Phone 40 (Nov8) | 15--Gardening and Supplies COAEWELL'S NURSERY. ROCKERY plants, nnisls, shrubs and ever- Phone (Nov8) i8--Automobile Repairs RADIATOR SERVICE. HEATERS. GAS tanks. Clifton Moore, 160 King St. W. pe (Nov.7) EXCEL- Poy lent" workmananip appointment. Brat ot qo9b0 (Nov.3) | peutic machines electric heaters, NISHED ROOM FOR RENT, indy A § Sentiemsn, Single. bed. oid n Rd, 8. (O Forti oo BEDROOM, | ALL CONVEN- iences, Continuous hot water, 184 Ring St. West (46b) 'est, 29a--For Rent PARTY NOW LIVING IN 7-ROOM house in London, Ont., wishes to move to Oshawa, He will rent London pro- perty for six-room house in Oshawa. Possession arranged to suit. Phone 1016R. (46c) RADIOS, sun lamps, Circulex VACUUM Thera- Meagher s, (Oct9) FOR cleaners, polishers, record players 0 Simcoe N. Phone 4600. Waclivom and Board BY YOUNG RESPECTABLE girl 1a in private home, not boarding ouse, Apply Box 318, Times Catto | aD b) REQUIR! rn et home preferred, Appl xX 314, Sines-0 Gazette, Pry Box. ion 31--Wanted To Rent H HEATER, PRACTICAL new. Phone 3634W or call at 100 Gib- ditl with ammunition, 756 Simcoe St. N. (4p) 6-PC, DINETTE SUITE. IN GOOD condition, natural and red trim, exten. sion table. 265 Halg St. Phone 2439W, Sm mae HEL ONE JACKET HEATER, APPLY 457 Cromwell Ave. (47c) HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- hE $5.00 per load. Phone Oshawa ) PEARS AND APPLES BY BASKET OR bushel. Delivered. Apply 288 Festubert, or phone 3530W._ (46¢c) SPANISH AND COOKING ONIONS, bushel and half bushel, also citrons. Phone 1141w3. (462) STANDING CORN FOR | SALE, "CHEAP, Phone 205r12. (46¢) HOT BLAST LY bon St. SMALL RANGE SUITABLE x Sost or wood, in good condition, y 9 Bond St. w. (46b) (46¢) BOARD RN to business Fir i MOTOR AND 4 TIRES 16 X 600. Apply 179 Mitchell after 6. (46b) JACKET HEATER AND PIPES, IN good condition, Apply 48 Arlington ve. LEASE EXPIRING OCT. 18, to vacate, house or apartment foguired %id three adults. Brown, ne 285. (46b) YOUNG fs Ua URGENTLY NEED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Steady em- it. Phone 36TW IW after 5. (47c) FORCED gently 'arden IT DODD'S GARAGE --GUARANTEED to all JRAKes = Cars abd trucks, yme! uired. Have your ted here. Phone 3344M, (Oct10) MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER VERIIUN CHILD'S PIGTEX GLOVE LOST SUN- day between Al Park and St, Andrew's' Church. Phone 3262, (47a) DR. G. RB. BOOTH small . West, Oshawa. Phone 21, STRAYED ON SEPT. . 28 A WHITE SOW weighing around 400 Reward, Clayton Miller, Raglan, 8--Funeral Directors Phone 66R2, ANYONE KNOWIN DALTON BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL Ambulance 75 Charles Street. Established 1889. Phone 401 (Oct20) 9--Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ag Liens ure hased 8, . nick. Real Estate. ' Phone 535 VM octo) CLIENTS' oa AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages, Apply M. FP. Swarts Barrister. Bassett suite No 4, 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES COM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- Bookk secretarial (46b) of 1 CL ioe chatned, lost & week, a ohiids per. PPhone 4403 oes LOST AT LAKE SUNDAY, BLUE | \Chiffon scarf. Phone 52TW. Bawa GIRLS' WATCH, GOLD PLATED, LOST week ago Saturday, near North Simcoe, Sonnaughs, Masson, Reward. Phone 5c) 23--Women's Column CHARIS CORSETTERE-V. M. MILLS, 159 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3333W (Oct30) SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS. Order now for Fall delivery. For infor- | mation phone 4091J. (Nove) 24--Personal SINGER SEWING CLASSES ENROLL NOW IN OUR FALL CLASSES Dressmaking or Advanced Course on Suits, 8 Weeks Sewing Course -- $10.00 Morning, Afternoor or Evening Courses Now Forming. DONT' DELAY AND PHONE TODAY 696 SINGER SEWING CENTER ) 11--Building Trades WATERPROOFING CELLAR and walls, chimneys built and Hn Tooling and and caulking. Free estimates on guaranteed jobs. Phone pei (Nove) ALEX VAJDA BUILD NTRAC- tor. General A Butt I Hoo 3 New homes built Yo specifications. Phone 411 Drew Bt, ade FLOORS Nov.1) H MOSIER SHEET METAL WOR! Agents for New Idea and oo aces. Also nl Bumidiiers a controls Atr-condition! Phone 4505J. : Ck ih ) TIN. PAINTING AND an exterior, 2629) anytime, ORDER YOUR WATKINS PRODUCTS now, Ask for lovel po arisunas cards and boxes, Phone 42 (46c) TEA CUP READIN hui] BY APPOINT. ment only. Apply 184 King West. Phone 47143. (Oct23) DOUG YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE WITH steady employment desire 3-room un- furnished apartment available by Jan. 1st, Rent in advance if desired, references. Phone 119J. (47) YOUNG EX.SERVICEMAN AND ENG- lish war brade, no Shildren, urgently require 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Phone 3810J, 46¢c) AIRFORCE VETERAN, AJAX STUDENT and Boottish wife desire two light housekeeping rooms, Oshawa-Whitby ers, Apply Box 224, Times-Gazette, or phone Pickering 81, Local 267. (46c) TWO 'anted wl | H Zonay Deeded, hone 4008J. ROOMS V UNFURNISHED preferred, BM hii consider Surnished lousekeepin; rivileges, in quiet Sanaa or Brn fin y oe Jouns married couple, No children. Photie Alger Press, 1400 or evenings (45¢) U. HED oung couple. Ur. by steady employment. (45¢) HOUSING ACCOMMODATION URGENTLY NEEDED for ex-service students at the Divesshy of Toronto, Ajax Divi- sion, MARRIED COUPLES WITH CHILD- REN, MARRIED COUPLES WITH. OUT CHILDREN, SINGLE MEN. Share your home in 1046 with th who defended ft from 1939 to "45. Write Students' Counen office, Ajax or phone Pickering 81, (441) La3 BRYON. 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Health P livery ay on Phone 217R. (NovT) 32--Automobiles For Sale SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE 2 Tooks supply $1; 12 weeks' $5. at all ruggls '30 MARMON SEDAN. SERIAL YIN26. 6 wheels, Runs well. $300. Bradley, 17 John St. (46c) 25--Real Estate For Sale 33-- Automobiles Wanted RACER BICYCLE, ONE RE A-1 condition, 87 Brock E. ~~ (46b) BUILT-IN "CUPBOARDS FOR KIT- chen. Phone 4325W. (46¢) 1 KNEEHOLE DESK WITH CHAIR, new condition. Apply 77 Ontarlo Stress CHOICE HARDWOOD Get it NOW; cut in stove lengths and delivered. Price $18.50 Per Cord PHONE 481 (Oct.12) BARRELS, ALMOST NEW. Capacity. twenty gallons, suitable for plc les, cider, sauerkraut, piokiing meats, etc. Glecofl's, Ritson South. Phone 3235, Oct14) AN ¢ Bona Oc )otas) BRADLEYS pend 40 King Street West. SILENT GLOW OIL SURNERS cookstove, !acket heaters, etc Electric. Phone 4501. 5 HP. MOTOR 220v, 3 phase 60 cycle, 1800 r.p.m. In excellent condition. Apply MR. JORDAN PHONE 250W4 AWNINGS AND KIRSCH blinds. Estimates ithout obll George M. Reid, phone 2104. FOP Cooks (Oct21t!) (431) Loan ANOS BOTH NEW AND e stock to choose from. Meagnor's 9 imcoe St. N. (Oct20) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator, Bell's Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8, Pune, Oct. J ) 2 ROTARY AIR PUMPS, *15-IN. DIS- 1 TO 5 ACRE BUILDING LOTS, HALF- way between Oshawa and Whitby. Ap- ply Willlam Garrard. Phone 416J3. (Wed.-Sat.) 5-ROOM BRICK, CONVENIENCES, C Jordy 43 1 3300 dows Eulalie, (Just ave at least $2500 down ment. Ap- ply 146 Verdun Rd, af ay ? "lost. 5.7-9-11) INSULATED ev hase, NEW 4-ROOM Try acres + of vip ae. ud No hw: castle. Apply Box 9, 15-ACRE FARM, CHOICE DARK LOAM. All tillable, 5-room Rouse, lights and water, hen house, 15, brooder house . E22. 12, stable, A] ~ orchard. X Phone $2035 afte after 7 o'clock. (Wed. ~Frl.-Mon.) 5 BUNGALOW, IATE possession. Hardwood throughout, hot water heating, modern h room. Large lot, shade trees. J. A. Bickell, | 208 Celina St. ( 47) | JENS ator, HOUSE FOR SALE ON C Apply 493 NEW CADIL- lag Nortb. King St. East. (46¢c FILL, | 5 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. HOT WA- | SAND, GRAVEL, To FILL. a eral cartage. Fleet et oF NUCH. EfMcient reliable service. W. PF. Esvery. 3470. RING LAID BY EXPERT "colors tg Variety of - Pree est! ter hesting (odern conveniences, | built-in cugboard, laundry tub and | extras. on anytime. Box Fl 'Pmea-Ciazetie, (46 6c) $2250 -- COMPLETELY FUR cottage, Corbett's Point. Large llving- room ih fireplace, dining-room, kite chen, 4 bedrooms, e, hydro, in- door facilities, For rmation, phone 2756. (46¢c GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM and Jenera) haulage. Robert . Phone oa Te (Oct24} FO FLOOR SANDERS, id, sanded, finished. Old floors finished, Phones 3434342777. v8) (Nove) 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. HARDWOOD floors, bathroom. Garage and | large lot. All conveniences. West sec. | tion of city. Immediate possession. Box No. 310, Times-Gazette, dk (46¢c) 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. IMMED. late possession. 299 99 Verdun I Rd. (46c) 19) | 6B BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED lc, oe BE hardwood ihroignodt: Imm 1 hosasion. Ap- ply Arthur Bt. from 4 ro ** (o&is) 5-ROOM HOUSE, ALL CONVENIEN ENCES, Apply 240 Beat! ty Ave. South, (450) 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--SIX TO ten acres of land suitable for growing Box 244 Times-Gazette, (tt) & a7 (Oct12) CARPENTRY "REP. tions, cupboards. ars Athol St. Phone 474. bring quick results, The Times-Gaxette classified ads. ON | cars and trucks Cash or terms REG | ples | wes '30 TO '34 CAR WANTED BY Y PRIVATE party, will pay all Shel Phone 21585' (Bota; USED he est cash prices pald Any ie model Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert. Phone 4468. (Oct25 5) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT Dodds car lot 278 Park Rd. 8 Phone 334M (Oct18t1) WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271\ Sim Phone 4695W. \ oon 8%. Sth | LkmsmORE AGTO wan tor wrecking. prices pald. Phong 33632: 34--Pets 34--Pets and Livestock HENS AND | ROOSTERS FOR SALE. Apply 243 Conant St. (47¢c) ANGORA RABBITS | (PASHION PLATE) for sale, Phone 621J. (47¢c) Highest 278 (Oct15) , 45 lbs, pressure Suitable for spray on equipment, sts, Apply Miller Alloway, Times-Gazett (1) JUST RECEIVED A UMBER OF coal and wood heaters, Tike new, suite able for your home or business quart ers. Now on display at the Bradley Furniture Co., Simcoe South Sore: COMBINATION RADIOS NOW AVAIL- able, a number of models to choose from. Approved terms if desired. Mea- gher's, Simcce St. N. (Oct27) BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY styles, steel or wood: bassinettes, high chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers, doll prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are (OWS, out of the high rent district Furniture Co., Church St. pai WRINGER ROLLS KEPT TOCK for all ae of washers. NS ad duloh, 63 Simcoe St, N. Phone West (cts) NG FOR THE HOME! | FOX AND DEER HOUNDS, | from cholce stock. E, Tripp, 1% west alrpo on. BRED mile Tt on 4 Con (471 CANARIES GH CLASS ! ) FOR SALE--HIC i | Singers and hens, All Be ig same arantee fo Tasplecion' Invi oD ove at He: "COCKER SPA ANIEL Cor. and grown dogs stud, for sale, Waubens Kennels" Mile of Ox Quee! Hig way. 35-- Wearing Apparel SUIT, 3-PC. WINI SNOW 3-PC. WINTER | fur trimmed, size 3. Also rT i | 81 play pen. 'Phone 35740, (47a) | BOY'S NAVY BLUE SNOW SUIT AND helmet, a 2 3 2 coat an ret, size A230. ha Ss na gions 8 ski pants, lined, nay 14, | one (47a) | fi Se me | tw coal ning), Phone 3215J, ng) bo | 1 PAIR SKIS AND | POLES, boots. Phone 524. ALD Kf BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. Highesy pride 8 paid for used clothing. Sterlized, and pissed like Large windbreakers, png + ets ER all sizes and colors. Also new large stock to choose from. a wil convince you. 21 Bond West. Bamuel Schwarte (Nove) suites, bedroom suits, imi suites,' studio couches, Sim- mon's beds, spring filled mattresses, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, oc- casional tables, chairs, floor coveringr. ou prices are lower, out of the high district. Wilson's Puranure Co.. (Oct14) BABY PEAMS AND CONVERTIBLE carriages, t.any styles and colors. See our large selection. Wilson's Furniture TAKEN |! | THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! 3 *TEACHER 18 PLENTY, By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten SOIT 77 "T 37--Articles Wanted BPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stovés. 24 Bond West, PBORe TieOM. ct13) CASH FOR BICYCLES OR PARTS, WE need 100, any condition; also tricycles all sizes. Phone 2629W. Kingsway ae ov PRIVATE PARTY URGENTLY RE- quires electric washing machine, Ie. frigerator and portable or desk type: writer, Pay cash. Phone 53W evenings 3 cf FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions. Highest prices paild.| Write: Queen City Feather Co. 23 | Baldwin 8t., Toronto. (Oct21tf) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- |son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 12388. Open evenings. - (251) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ice Boxes. radios and stoves. 56 Kine West. Phone 3326W. (Nov) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, mattresses. Phone 635, Gedaraule' iron Metals, back CNR ation, (Nov1) 38--Female Help Wanted RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, live in. Phone 4204. (47c) EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER TO take charge of business. Apply Box 316, Times-Gazette. (47¢c) EXPERIENCED SWITCHBOARD OPER- ator, able to do ping and filling. Box 320,' Times-Gazette (47c) GIRLS BETWEEN 20 AR AND 30 TO TAKE care of children and do light house- keeping. Box 308, Times-Gazette. (46¢c) PROFITABLE INCOME FOR SMART appearanced women with salesmanshi, as corsetieres, We train you. Box 315, azette. (46¢) a REFINED YOUNG LADY BETWEEN of 22-25, with High 'School os on. Must have knowledge of sewing. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontario St. 14611) ANYONE INTERESTED IN SIMPLE sewing by machine at home, whole or part time write box 313, Times-Gaasiie RELIABLE HELPER IN Lt ' house. Middl under this each inser 45 cents. Rate for Advere) heading--3¢ wor! tion. Minimum charge ENFIELD CHURCH WILL HOLD SPE- cial opening services on Sunday, Oct, 13. Afternoon service at 2 with music by the home choir, Evening service at 7.30 with music by Kedron Young People's Choir, Rev. R. Seymour will preach at both services. On Monday ecvening Zion Young Folk will present their play "Two Country Kids" with music between acts. Ad- mission: Adults 35 cents, Children 20 cents. (47a) RUMMAGE SALE AT HOLY TRINITY Church, Wednesday, October 0th, 2.30 (Sat.Tue.) SHOOTING MATCH, FOR CHICKENS, Ducks, and Geese, October 12, 1 p.m. Ammunition supplied. !4 mile north Hampton, 1 mile east. James De- laney. (45¢c) AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day, Friday and Saturday. (Oct30) 43--Auction Sales I will sell by Public Auction Satur. day, October 12, at 1 p.m,, Lot 4, Con, 2, Reach Township, property of O. Haugen, farm stock and implements; Cows, pigs, bred sows, hay, grain, furniture, Numerous other articles, Real Estate, 50 acre farm, Gooll build- ings. Terms cash, Ted Jackson, tioneer. auc. (47c) I will sell by Public Auction for Mrs, Music at 20 Albany St, on Saturda large anvil, large bench vice, a jooge, saws, and pa tools, also two beds 2 springs, 3 dressers, Quantity of other furniture, Any person wishing to put anything in this sale phone the auctioneer. Sale at 1:30 om Terms ash, . J. Sulley, auct oneer. (Wed-Fri) preferr Parkwood Oshawa, 'Phone 239W4. YOUNG WOMAN (SINGLE ( OR WITH- out home responsibilities) for office ition, Some knowledge of book- ee ing rick pois Freer Please apply Py etter Siving experience an reforen 229, Tim ea-CazsLLn, ed tables, North (Oct. 11) 39--Male Help Wanted MAN TO WASH "OARS, GI GREASING, help in garage, and battery work. Srowen ros, Bond and Ontarlo (47c) TINSMITH, STEADY JOB FOR RIGHT man, also helper, Apply Rahmes' Garage Oshawa. (47c) TWO SALESMEN WANTED IN CITY locality, Apply box 312, Times-Gazette. (46¢c) AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN as salesman and repair machines. Ap- plicant must be between 22-27 years of age and have a car, Quick advance- ment for Fig man, Preferably from Alr Force. Apply Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company. 16 Ontario St, . (40tf) YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN' ADVER- tising department, Good opportunity to leatn business. Apply T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette Office. (40t1) WANTED FOR NORTH WEST- ern Quehec Gold Mine, transportation aid to mine. Qualifications: ages be- ween 20-40, physically fit, Apply Mosley and Grierson, Windsor Ave., ax. (46b) Baiciiavias Wane FOR TIMES-GAZETTE BLDG. Part Time Arrangements Appreciated Apply H. M. BROOKS Contractor 472 Masson St Phone 1229 Co. 20 Church St. (Oct14) OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A complete, Reliable Service Out-of- town customers solicited. W. Borrow. dale. Phone 3575W12, (Oct18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER (aa It asured and Installed George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West. (Oct23) | 36a--For Exchange COMPLETE SET OF MOTOR MECHA- nic's tools for sale or exchange for wood tools. 188 Alma Bt." (46¢c) working 37--Articles Wanted FEW BUNDLES OF WOOD wanted to finish house. Phone LATH 185J, (47¢c) 40--Agents Wanted }AN--FINANCIALLY 10 organize local district sone Rovs 2 Honour! demand, } Gilbert, Cheapside, i AT od ont 71) 41--Employment Wanted PALL PLOUGHING AND DISCING done now by tractor, or other work. Phone early. Oshawa Nursery oe, REFINED LADY REQUIRES PAR' time house work or assistant cook; one or two business people, Phone 4536W, (46b) PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE. Phone 3887W. (46¢) HOT WA- 1 ter Sadi hay 2000 watts, PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES panion duties n quiet home in Osh- COM- X me elie Wn Times-G (tn) OD rs rg IP 'Annis St oe (Oct1l) 6. Apply to Box. No. 314, Times-Gasette ub) FLOORS C! CLEANED, SHELLACK! Txed free estimates given. odd jobs, Phone 4430J. X I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for E. Fice, lot 12, Con. 4, East- Whitby, half mile West of White's Feed Store, on Friday, Oct. 11, his farm Stock, Implements, Grain, and Harness, Sale 1 p.m, Terms cash, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (46¢c) Auto Output Cut Sheet Steel Shy Detroit, Oct, 9--(AP)--Production prospects in automobile assembly plants took on a gloomier appear- ance today as a cutback became effective in the various Chrysler divisions and other manufacturers were reported hard-pressed for sup- plies of sheet steel. It was the shortage of sheet metal Jor car bodies that forced Chrysler to reduce its schedules from a pro- jected 5,000 a day this month to an announced 2,775. This applied to all Chrysler divisions--Plymouth, De Soto, Dodge and Chrysler. The industry as a whole had plan- ned its first 500,000-unit month in October. Instead, with the Chrys- ler curtailment and other reductions that now appear inevitable, it may not get car and truck assemblies much above 325,000. Total production of passenger cars and trucks in United States plants since Jan. 1, this year, totalled al- most. 2,050,000 units, including ap- proximately 1,400,000 passenger un- ts. Even the most optimistic ob- servers do not now believe the year's total will reach the previously indicated 2,000,000 cars and 1,000,- 000 trucks. Dollar Haircut Brings Revolt West Lafayette, Ind. (Exchange) --Students at Purdue University are rebelling against what they call "boom town" at West Lafayette. In response to a letter to the Purdue "Expcnent," many students are now letting their hair grow as the alter- native to the one-dollar haircut of- fered by local barbers. Slogans like "At a buck a throw, let it grow," are appearing on the campus, and the campaign is re- ceiving support from members of the faculty. Members of the Stu- i dent Senate will consider the mat- | ter at their weekly meeting. The barbers point out that of the one dollar received the barber gets seventy cents, and that prices are set by the local barbers' union, TRAINED DINGOES Tamworth, Australia--(CP)-- A poultry farmer spent 14 years training five dingoes not to regard his poultry as a free meal. Now they round up the fowl like sheep dogs gather sheep, sleep near the pens and attack all trespassers. They are more intelligent than dogs, he Saye, and the fowl seem to ie | EA Se SANANEE YS Alexander At McGill Convocation | Corner Stone Is Laid For War Memorial Montreal--The corner stone of McGill University's War Memorial Swimming Pool was laid here on Monday, by Viscount Alexander of Tunis, Governor General of Can- ada and visitor to the University. The pool, situated on Pine Avenue, is dedicated to the men and women of McGill University who died in the First and Second World Wars. A memorial service, held in the Sir Arthur Currie Gymnasium, was attended by Viscount and Lady Alexander, the Governors, and members of the Senate and Faculty. Several hundred students, graduates and friends of the university fol- lowed 'the procession. Tribute was paid to McGill grad- uates and students for the part they played in the two wars in a ser- mon by Col. the Rev. G. G. D, Kil- patrick. A copper box containing a his- tory of the university and the Mec- Gill Honor Rolls for the two wars was placed in the wall before the corner stone was laid. At a special Convocation marking fhe 125th Anniversary of the found- ing of McGill University, Viscount Alexander decorated several student veterans. Addressing Convocation, he pre- dicted a "tremendous future for young Canadians provided everyone makes their fullest contribution." He directed much of his speech to student veterans. "Many of you who are students here are older than you would nor- mally be in peacetime, but this you will find is little handicap compuiva with the.tremendous experience of life you have gained by your service in the armed forces of the Crown." After his address, he invested six- teen men, fifteen students and one staff member. Honorary degrees were conferred upon Sir Hector Hetherington, Hon. Ray Atherton, Thomas Forrest Cotton, Robert Collier Fetherstonhaugh and Cie} Justice W. L. Bond, ORCHIDS TO AUSTRALIA A London--(CP)--The first English orchids to be purchased by Austra lia since the war were Sispaiched recently, United Kingdom Seacing are rapidly becoming we exporters of orchids in th A consignment of host werd. takes years to collect as the time taken to grow a successfully bloom- ing hybrid is considerable. FLJIAN PHARMACISTS Suva, Fh proposal has n made to the Fijian govern- hv) that men of the islands should be trained locally as pharmacists. In the plan, Fijians could serve their apprenticeship in Fiji, then to New Zealand for a brief period to study for and take their final examination. MENTIONED IN 1794 The earliest recorded mention of Indian summer is 1794. z "%. VALUES = Firestone J SEALED BEAM FOG LAMP Top guality | lam, unit. Fn with uni- versal bra in- structions for installing. with beam Now on Sale at: Tire and Battery Service Prince & Bond St. Phone 1096 WASHERS IRONERS CLEANERS ISHERS WASHER TROUBLE SHOOTER PROMPT ATTENTION EXPERT sSERVIOER ULPH wn Baty on ALER Jock BIDD BIDD 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front." ORDER NOW! ANTHRACITE COAL For Immediate Delivery TERMS CASH W. J. DAVIDSON 76 CHARLES ST. PHONE 782 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF It you're looking for fixtures, see have a large stock always on hand. FIXTURES utente WIRING REPAIRS ® ELECTRIC RANGES © WASHING MACHINES & ¢ OTHER APPLIANCES Alterations We have the Materials PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND E. OSHAWA PHONE 3287 WET WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies RECAP NOW! 48-HOUR SERVICE! We Are Agents for DUNLO Mia 7% Ww Qrips EXPERT VULCANIZING AT... IRWIN AUTO PARTS 'Oshawa's Largest 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. dire Doctors' PHONE 1094

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