OPINIONS DAILY TIMES- CAZETTE EDITORIAL PAGE 'FEATURES - THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES (Established 1871) THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLY, (Established a adapitdint vag GES WHY, iver ies 7.00 Ties Publishing Company of Oshawa, Limited, Arthur R. Alloway, President and Managing Director. COMPLETE CANADIAN PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE The Times-Gazette is a member of the Samdian Paty Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, Ajax 'or Pickering, 24c for two weeks, By mail outside carrier delivery area anywhere in Canada and England $4.00 ver year, United States subscriptions $6.00 per year, Net Paid Circulation Average Per Issue 9,863 FOR SEPTEMBER MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1946 A Different Objective One of the easiest things man does is to accept a habit. As the various Victory Loan campaigns approached during the war years, about the first question a citizen asked was, "what is the objective this time?" Since money was needed to win the war and to take care of our men and women in uniform, the money objective in each campaign became a challenge to Canadian people. Naturally, when the new issue of Canada Savings Bonds was announced, men and women promptly asked, "What is the objective this time?' And as they got the answer, "There is no money objective," they were momentarily puzzled. A sale of bonds without a goal to aim at just didn't seem fit- ting and wasn't easy to understand. It is literally true that no prescribed sum of dollars is sought during the sale of Canada Savings Bonds which opens on October 156. This sale was not prompted by a desire to fill up the money bags of the Government treasury, It is being launched to meet the keen desire of thousands of Canadians to continue their program of regular savings in- augurated by the Victory Loan and War Savings Certificates campaigns during the war years, However, there is an objective associated with the ap- proaching sale of bonds in all provinces of Canada that all citizens shall have an opportunity to buy bonds. That is _ why the story of the canvass of the new Canada Savings Bonds is being so widely told, and why investment dealers and the banks are setting up facilities which will enable citizens to buy, no matter where they may be located. Put another way, each Canadian sets up his own ob- Jective this time. Canada Savings Bonds have been created to help a man help himself. Examination Results A recent survey by the Department of Education showed that the over-all score of the 10 Toronto collegiates in all matriculation subjects was 86 per cent as compared with'an average across the province in 1944 of 86.01 per cent. These results have removed some misunderstandings in our own mind as we always considered that the many amusements and diversions offered by the larger cities had a 'tendency to lower the scholastic standards of their pupils, It should be remembered, however, that large city schools are in a financial position to acquire better equipment and staff as it is the ambition of many teachers to move from the smaller centres. The fact that pupils outside Toronto have been able to make as good a showing as their metropolitan neighbors is a feather in their caps. It also speaks well for the admini- stration of the Boards of Education that they have been able to secure teachers of equal ability. The results would also seem to indicate that there is no premium upon any section of the province in so far as education is concerned, One frequently reads in newspapers and magazine articles of the success stories of business tycoons and mer- chant princes who had their start in life in the rural com- munities oi Ontario. The Department's survey would seem to indicate that academic ability is not confined to the large centres and that the country boy can still make his mark in the business world. Controversial Question At its recent convention in Windsor the Ontario Pro- vinclal Command Ladies Auxiliaries of the Canadian Legion approved a resolution calling for the ousting of married women from jobs which might be given to ex-service per- sonnel. The text of the resolution was as follows: "That all employers of labor, including' the Dominion vernment, all Provincial governments and municipal ernments of all kinds, be urged to make an immediate ey of positions held by married women, pensionable and orary personnel, and replace them with ex-service per- ll of the armed forces, unless there be extenuating tances." ould be interesting to know whether the convention the question from the angle of individual ability la number of married women who took jobs during i who have shown such marked ability that their puld be ill advised to dispense with their services. is built upon the efficiency of its staff. For is in the interests of the employer to select » who best perform their duties. This we e determining factor rather than whether Too Many Weak Links ~Carmack in the Christian Science Monitor ® For A Laugh | e 15 Years Ago Living Cost Index Up 24.5 Points Ottawa, Oct, 7 (OP) -- Drop in the cost=of-liy index from 126.6 Soporte today by the. Dominion r 0 Bureau of ym istins and was attrib- uted to seasonal declines in prices for fresh vegetables. The new index figure placed the rise in ving costs since the start of the war at 24.5 points, The bureau reported the food group index fell from 144.7 to 143.2, due almost entirely to lower quota- tions for vegetables, Fruits were also moderately lower, but eggs moderate incr yo The decline in foods was almost balanced by gains in clothing and home furnishings, The clothing index moved up from 127.6 to 120.6 for , while home furnish- ings advanced from 127 to The JHiavetianbous items series changed from 1138 to 1139, while fuel and 1 at 107.3 rentals at 112.6, The bureau also reported that the wholesale index of farm product foes dropped from 111 to 110.1 be- ween Aug, 28 and Sept, 27. sonal factors were held mainly Te sponsible with sharp losses regis- red for potatoes and onions i hing ® A ay Animal products Hid down 04 points to 120.1 as a result of a de- cline in livestock which overbal- anced firmer egg prices, On the other hand, industrial material prices showed fractional increases in September with the composite index for 30 commodities advancing 0.1 to 106.7 between Aug. 23 and Sept, 27, due mainly to Rlaner quotations for imported t remained unchanged |. Women Students To Visit Dawson Montreal, Oct, 3--(OUP)~--Mc~ Gill"s equivalent of the U, of Ts Ajax Division, Dawson College, is planning a large reception for the female undergraduate body of Mc- Gill University, "Daw=~ son Day", will be a combination University Reception and social Win all lectures cancelled to- morrow, the girls wil] leave Mont~ real for Dawson In the afternoon and their arrival will coincide with that of the members' of the faculty, including Dr, F, Oyril James, and '| graduates, While the laticr are being taken on a tour of the cam- pus, the new students will be re- ceived by Dr, James, " Turn Away Students Queen's Overcrowded Kingston, Ont, Oct.e--(CUP)~-- Lack of accommodation has forced many prospective students at Queen's University to cancel their | - Royce, | applications, Miss Jean I, Registrar, announced, Relief of the overcrowding which exists at present in the Limestone City, is expected during November, when the families of 147 permanent- force army personnel are provided with quarters at Barriefield Mili- tary Camp, The Housing Commit tee at Queen's has requested that these landladies notify them as soon as these apartments become vacant, Patch of Red The colony of British Guiana is the only British colony on the South American continent, ' Uniform for "All-Nations" Guards If Russia, England and other nations send delegates to the Unled Nae tions Guards in the US, there will be an international body of men serving in the same uniform, something unique in history, Pletured above is first showing of the blus-gray gabardine to be worn by the guards, Shoulder patch js in English, Symbol for hat peak and badge is not decided, These uniforms will be worn by the 45 guards who will be the nucleus of the new organization, and later by the newcomers, Kn Assessment Commissioner C, G Yuke's annual report showed the Homesick Jota: "Hallon Smith,. How are you? Haven't seen you in the gar- den for quite a time, and you never come and see the wife and me now, Why is that?" Smith: "Well, old chap, It's not through ill-wind or bad feelings or anything like that you know; only you and Mrs, Jones have borrowed city assessment now stands at $16,- 930,610, an increase of $256,340, The city's population was 23,002, The Utilities Power and Light Corporation of Chicago, of which the Ontario Shore Gas Co, was a subsidiary, notifed the cty of ts willingness to forego its option on 80 many things from me that when I see your place it makes me feel quite homesick." certain harbor lands, Eight local men were given sus- pended sentence when they appear= od before Magistrate T. XK, Creigh- f'n on charges of "tealing ties from ¢'CPR, 100 local men left to work in the labor camps in Northern Ontario, City Council approved of plans subbenitted by Gore, Nasmith and Storrie, Toronto Consulting Engi neers, for a sewage disposal plant, The estimated cost of the project was $365,000, Mayor Marks Was authorized to wait upon the pro- vinelal authorities to see if it could be done LUE relief project. The Times-Gasette classified "a. bring quick. results, Easy Overcome Sailor: "I see there's a ru against tips here" Waitress! "Bless your heart, apples were forbidden in: the Gare den of Eden, too." : e A Bible Thought , God sald, "I gave them My Sab- baths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them," (Egek, 20:12) ve Private Demonstration to the HARD-OF-HEARING IN THE OSHAWA AREA Under the Direction of Mr, A. Hendry, One cof Canada's Foremost Hearing Aid Specialists If you" have difficulty with your hearing, yor. are invited to have an audiogram made of your hearing losses. It takes only twenty minutes and there is no charge or obliga- tion, Such a demonstration may mean a fuller life for you for it will show what can be done to improve your hearing, : Mr, A. Henry, Certified Sono. tone Consultant who, with his staff of trained hearing-aid spe- clalists whose experience totals more than 20 years, will make hearing tests and give free con. sultation at the Sonotone Hear. ing Centre, Mr, Hendry's scien. tific tests have proved a boon to thousands who suffered for years from faulty hearing, Hearing-Aid Users Welcome If you use a hearing-aid that does not allow you to hear distinctly at all times, come and hear with the new 600 Sonotone. A touch of its Bis Focal Control allows you to hear private conversations clearly, even in a crowd, The Sonotone also minimises irritating friction noises caused by the Aid brushing against clothing. If you can't attend a demonstration, use the Demonstration by appointment, See the SONOTONE "600" The Bi.Focal Control ends the fatigue of straining to hear through the babble of backs ground noises, A touch of the Bi-Foocal Control and you hear private cofiversation learly, BATTERIES tor all makes of hearing aids available. Ask about the Sonotone Midget Batteries, coupon for special Home A & --- - It You Can't Attend Demon- \ stration , , . Use This Coupon THE SONOTONE HEARING 219 Yonge Street, Toronto, - ) | Come and Have Your Hearing Tested From 1 p.m, until 8 p.m, Evenings by appointment TUESDAY, OCT. 8 SONOTONE Hearing Service of Oshawa HOTEL GENOSHA SERVICE OF TORONTO, Gentlemen: Please send me the information that has ended faulty hearing | for theusands of people 0 Please arrange a» Home Demon» stration for me,[7] | 5 : | Province ww ------ the Wings for Coupons Savings Bonds. to swap the "wings" for coupons--to join Money is s0 easy to spend--and there are #0 many ways to spend it--that we say it seems to "fly away'. that 'money has wings" is out of date. instance, there is a way to swap the "'wings" on a $100 bill for coupons that pay $2.75 interest each year. Yet the money is always ready to use should it be needed. Best of all--the urge to spend is replaced by the urge to save--to conserve a part of income for emergency use or for important purchases--to make life more secure, more satisfying--to help make dreams come true. How do you do this? By buying Canada But today the old saying For This is today's opportunity the throng of thoughtful savers. These bonds, created especially for you, pay 23{% interest by annual coupons for ten years--the finest investment today for your personal savings ~--a security backed by the resources of your country. Yet they can be turned into cash at. full face value, with interest, at any time, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. They are better than cash because they pay interest. How about swapping the "wings" on some of your dollars for coupons? Sold by banks; authorized investment dealers, stock brokers, trust and loan companies.