Daily Times-Gazette, 4 Oct 1946, p. 5

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-CAZETTE . _. __. PAGE FIVE NEWS OF WHITBY AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT | Out of This Whitby Factory |Holland Exchange System } Whitby News A Quarter Million Cases of Canned Corn Will Come ¥ In Brief | tow TELEPHONE 70) Friends of Mr, Prank Steffler 'will be glad to see him about again af- tor a recent appendix operation in Oshawa Hospital, [AE AE J The many friends of Mr, Norman Thomas will regret to learn that he has been d his home Mr, George Salaphries is ate a meeting of the Empire Olub, in Toronto, today, when the Governor General is to address the Ml Beout ahd uf Mothers, are invited to attend the regular Jontiny eeuns of the Auxiliary, the Legion Hall, the first Thurse y of every month, at 8 pm, Sgt, Richard' ( Ho? Thomas, R.CO, AF, has left for Edmonton, on be ing posted to the North West Air Command, The Command is oper ating a "Staging Route" in the North West Territories and the Yukon, with a stay of approximate ly two years, Auctioneer Futon saw conduct od a very successful Auction Sale on Wednesday afternoon the prop. erty of OG. R, Langmaid, Dundas street east, The weather was ideal and the attendance and prices good, Mr, and Mrs, Langmald will move to Oshawa where they will reside in future, rosin tofiresr Women's Institute 1s launching a poster contest in come memoration of the B0th annivers- ary of the founding of the Women's Institutes, Prizes will be given for the best posters, Posters must be sent to the president, Mrs, H, Wil- son, or Secretary, Mrs, F, Roberts, ' not later than November 10th, 1046, Rules of the Contest 1-Open to anyone in the come munity; 3----8ige of poster--'"14x32" or 28x23"; 3---The poster must have atated on it the date of the oslebration, June 18th, 1047; the O.A.C, Guelph, the theme-- e 'Treasure the Past'--"We Face the Future" and the words, Woe men's Institute, é---~Judges will be chosen by the Inatitute; 5--The ters become the property of the titute and may be used by them for B Fublictaing the B0th anniversary, best Jie submitted w be sent on the District, Posters DONG 10 arrive. nor lobar Traaneta arrive not later than Noe vember 30th, el BAND Wee EE=NOTES (By RAYMOND COLLINS) Band practice started as usual at Inst night, Mr, Church the names for those present all the boys were there. some ot the boys oa oy struments, . The boys played over the exercises Asigned them the week before with horns, drums and cymbals o- ther, At § o'clock they were fin. with the exerclses and were tice Tuesday ere will be no excuses for those not there, Keep It Up "Now that I've told you about my past, do you want to marry me?" suppose you'll expect me to five fa I'l expect you to live up to RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED IMMEDIATE oS APPRANGE , A new sys ME BE. # RE 4D. al Io, of deliveries will make this scene outside { of date starting today, but still corn will be processed in the plant at the rate of 250 tons 8 day, A record corn crop in Whitby and the surrounding district has forced the operate 24 hours a day and seven days a week for the past ten days, and all indications are that this will continue for another two or three weeks, depending on the frost, The The huge piles of husks and cobs on the left Is sold back to the be loaded directly from this conveyor belt system, sures the quality of the corn canned, and R. E. Riegner, at the right testing a new batoh from the cooker, this record crop Is all harvested and processed. he Stokely Van Camp factory out ant to farmers as ensllage, and their trucks can A careful system of tests, who is the company's director of research, is shown Plant officials expect to fill 250,000 cases of cans when for taste and for microbes, en- A ploture on the left shows the trucks lined up ready to unload their corn into the ¢ belt which takes it to the husking machines, such as the one operated by the young ladies on the right. These two, Dorene Hockley, an English war bride, from Oshawa,/and Helen Lenehan of 'Whitby, are putting the cobs through the machine, onveyor Gets University Approval herlands who is visiting the University, ar- ranging plans for student exchange with that country next summer, "With the aid given me by your university, I was able to visit nearly all the Canadian Universities and found them all interested in our plan to promote mutual unhder- standing between my country and yours," Bangma who is staying in Hart House' as the guest of the SAC. expressed his thankfulness to university for the "marvellous re- ception" he received. Because of its central situation and the friend- liness and cooperation which he has met here, Bangma would like to see the University of Toronto made the headquarters of the ex- change movement, Ih Holland details already gen- erally agreed upon by Bangma and Gordon Campbell, secretary of Can- ada's 1.88, will be organized by the various Netherland student or- ganizations and special committees in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and affiliated Dutch Branches of International Student Organizations such as the Interna tional Students Service, These plans will be forwarded to the Canadian 1.88. for final approval before the National Federation of Canadian when the formal invitation from Holland is received in Canada. When he first began the exchange Bangma was by the president of his university to contact one of the universities in Canada, As he knew no one in Can- ada, much less a university official, this was easier sald than done. Then one day, as he was Dusing a Canadian Relief Centre Am- sterdam, he had an idea, En the Centre he asked to see one 's and gave Bangma the address of President Wallace of that university, Bangma wrote at once and received an im- mediate reply agrenng with his plan and asking to t Queen's as soon as he arrived in Canada. Bangma saw President Wallace on his arrival in Canada last Aug- ust, From Queen's he was sent to Toronto where E. A. MacDonald, general-secretary and treasurer of the Students' Administrative Coun- cll, met him and showed him around the University, After resting here for a few days he drove out West to visit some of the other Universities and interest them in his plan, The University of British Colum- bla was particularly cooperative and interested. With such enthusiasm being shown all across the Dome inion Bangma feels certain that the: HIGH SCHOOL STAFF 1S NOW COMPLETE Two New Teachers Ar- rive Monday to Fill Vacancies Here The teaching staff at Whitby High 8chool will be complete on Monday for the first time since the fall teren started when two new teachers arrive in Whitby to take over their duties. Their arrival will increase the staff to two over the previous year, and according to E. H. Graham, Principal, Whitby is very fortunate in securing the ser vices of two such competent men so late in the year, Robert Gilbert of Tillsonburg is coming to take the place of the late E. A, Stephenson, who died suddens ly in August, With ten years of exe perience in teaching Mr, Gilbert this summer completed his qualifie cations as a technical and shopwork teacher with a course in industrial arts and crafts at the Ontario Training College for Technical Tea« chers in Hamilton, Mr, Gilbert is married and has one child, and he is looking for a house so if anyone can help him to find one he would certainly appreciate it, The other teacher, who is coming as an additional teacher because of the crowded grade 9 classes, is Har- old E. Hopkins, He is coming here from Riverside Continuation School and will teach commercial subjects and mathematics, He will also be in charge of the school's Cadet Corps. Like Mr, Gilbert he is married and has one small son, and is hoping to find a house here. The principa) reports that the au. ditorium is now being used almost full time as a classroom, due to the large classes present this year, To- tal enrollment now stands at 260 pupils, MERITS PEACE PRIZE (Hamilton Spectator) An inventor comes up with a radio device that bids to scrap the horn on motor vehicles, That man should be awarded the Nobel Prize for peace. Saving Up Halfway down the quiet, Inky black and narrow street Paddy, was suldenly pounced upon by a burly individual, wearing a mask. Thrust ing a revolver into the Irishman's ribs, he snapped out: "Come on! Money or your life!" "Faith," cried Paddy, "You can take me loife, Oi'm saving up all me money for my old age." friendships and mutual interest be- gun during the war will easily be continued and widened, University Students Meeting to be held some time in December, The arrangements will be made public BUY YOUR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS FROM W. R. FLEMING & CO. LTD. 23 SIMCOE ST. N, If you wish our Representative to call Phone 4380 or 4381 workers in the profession, Canadian Press, Realizing Canadian Social Work Courses Double in Size Double enrolment this year in Canadian Schools of | WA the profession is expanding in and women have registered for courses, The tentative service regis- tration for Toronto is 33%. Service students are more acceptable be cause of their age and experience, There is also a change in the ge o Jun sd won viii o profession, present proba not more than one-fifth of the qualified soclal workers in Canada are men," sald Dr, Cassidy, At pres ent 50% of the enrolment at To- ronto are men, The sudden expansion of social APPLE PICKERS WANTED! Apply fed Wing Orchards WHITBY, ONTARIO--PHONE 311 Between 9 am, and 5 p.m. or National Employment Office, Oshawa PAPER!! is urgently needed SALVAGE PICKUP Saturday, Oct. 3 COMMENCING AT 8:00 AM. Have your paper and rags out early. PROCEEDS TO WHITBY RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE Canada, many former service mene | worker work in Canada 1s parually re- sponsible for the shortage of work- ors, as schools have not been able to supply enough graduates to meet increased needs. The introduction of family allowances, development of wartime housing, the community centre movement, improved penal services and the work done by the tment of Veterans Affairs all have contributed to the shortage. To encourage young ple into the profession, two months ago the federal government announced the setting aside of $100,000, to provide schol d to assist in ex- Summer schools were pened at the University of British Columbia and at Toronto, "Salaries have markedly ime proved," sald Dr, Cassidy, "At the present time a qualitied social may earn anywhere from $2,000. to $3,000, a year, Executive and administrative posts offer sal- aries up to $5,000." At present the Department of Veterans Affairs has listed openings for a director of social services at $4,000, two administrative assistants and two social service field ocon- sultants at $3,600. For the person interested in travelling, the Canadian Red Cross and UN are looking for social service personnel, ---- Sarcasm "In a crowdea cinema a young woman brushed past a man about to take a seat. Before he recovered his balance the young woman and her husband had taken the only two seats available in that part of the cinema, id the Dasha Sorry," sa e husband; "we Just beat oe ! oh no) sald ae man putin. out, * pe you and your mother enjoy the show." Made Sure Tommy was meandering home ard later than his usual A friend of the Jalky who happened to meet him sald: "Why, 'Tommy, aren't you afraid you will be late for supper?" the Jeplied Tommy, I've got Try a classified advertisement for quick results! Whitby Classified NTED--APPLE PICKERS WANTED at hoe. Apply 1000 Byron streot south, Social Work is a direct result of a shortage of trained | Wnithy "At present there are no more than 1,000 social quali- | 5 ih fled workers in Canada," according to Dr, H. M. Cassidy, | 4 director of the University of Toronto School of Social Work, and five or six times that number could be engaged. It is expected enrolment in all Canadian Schools of Social Work will total more than 400, according to the PLOWING--FALL PLOWING, DISCING and awing wood, LA Tractor, Phone 2238, Whitby, Paul Plurko, 010 Kin street south, Whitby, (Oot.0 LABORERS WANTED--APPLY AT TER Pee Limited Works' OMoce, Liverpool Bay Road at No, 3 Highway, ROOMS WANTED--TWO OR THRER unfurnished rooma wanted as soon aa possible in Whitby, by YOR3E couple, no children, Eric Branton, R.R, 1, Osh- Awa, oare R. J, Brown, WANTED -- WOMAN WANTED FOR housework, four or six hours once a week, Telephone 639, Whitby, FOR SALE--EIGNT ROOMED BRICK Boat, BANG Oog Seth, Bob, eter 10. Tirkon-Gasette. Whitby, "0 _ WANTED--WANTED TO BUY, POUL. try, highest market prices pald, also fosters y Wh I, RL ) N h Phone 844 of 992, Whitby, y WANTED TO BUY -- ALL KINDS OF RI \ hv 1g \ 3af Brock Bt. N° Phone 0. GOOD SMART BOY « for - Times-Gazette Paper Route ' APPLY TIMES-GAZETTE OFFICE : WHITBY aD LJ . LEGION HALL WHITBY Saturday, Oct. 5 DANCING STARTS 9.00 P.m. Ladies-- 3% Real value at frame mirror one two interior shelves compartment, Heavy con= struction, Each ELLLLEET TRE) $2.98 wo Similar to above, but with 18" x 1814" shelf below mirror, and medicine $3.50 BATHROOM CABINETS Unfinished, neatly made oabinets, with rimless mirror 1115" x 16", interior shelf, flating needle, Regular pattern genuine leather RUGBY BALLS Complete valveless bladder and ine $6.39 EACH ONG SPLINT MARKET BASKET 19" x 10%" x 6" Stationary wood handel. A shopper's special at 3 9. EACH REAL SPLINT BASKET 28% x 17% x 10 inches deep. with double bottom. Popular for bassinet and laundry use. Web handles. $1 29 EACH X 108" Each momo S14 19 FOLDING CHAIRS Strongly made of seasoned wood. Designed to fold flat for storing and handiing. Comfortable and neatly finishéd, Regular $310 while they last $2.75 'Oshawa PHONE | CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HARDWARE Belleville | PHONE 820

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