| | i | * i THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE + Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA WHITBY VOL. 5--NO. 119 . Price 4 Cents FOURTEEN PAGES EL. 7 OSHAWA-WHITBY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 ALL 39 ARE WT --~y Po SO Steel Strike Over; Await Or Oshawa Kiwanians Put East York Official On Trial At Vote 7,169 To 789 To Resume Work; Terms Not Stated Many Happy Returns T. H. McMURTRY well known local insurance agent who celebrated his 86th birthday on | Monday. He is still active in the conduct of his business, which he founded in 1913 after coming here from Bowmanville, 3NAZI LEADERS T0BE SPIRITED FROM US. ZONE Nuernberg, Oct. 3.--(AP)--Frans Von Papen, Hans Fritsche and Hjal- mar Schacht, the three Nazi lead- ers acquitted by the International Military Tribunal, will be escorted to the British sone tonight or to- by American military per- 4 for Bavaria, announc- ed he had been instructed to give e three a guarantee of "safe con- duct," protecting them from arrest by: German denazification courts in the American zone, Defence counsel said the trio would leave at an unannounced time and would follow a secret Toute, ; Pfeiffer, chief denazification of- guaranteed "safe conduct" but must not leave the zone, gone, he asserted. Pfeiffer said he got his instruc tions from Brig.-Gen Walter Mul- from Lt.-Gen. Lucius D, Clay, de- puty ted States military gover- nor _in Berlin, : Controller Kilbourn to Announce Settle- ments Toronto, Oct. 3--(OP)--Members of the United Steelworkers of America (0.1.0. voted 7,160 to 780 to end the basic steel strike and now await word from steel control- ler F. B. Kilbourn of Montreal as to when they return to work, This was announced today by the union's national office reporting on ballotting Tuesday and yesterday in the three basic steel plants in which strikes were called July 15 to en- force demands for higher wages and shorter hours. C. H, Millard, the union's nation- al director, telegraphed the result of the vote to Mr. Kilbourn and asked him to designate the officials with whom the union would deal in ending the walkout. It said the union would withdraw its picket lines and send its men back to the Plants on Mr, Kilbourn's instruct ons, 'There still has been no official announcement as to the terms of settlement, The union first asked 19%-cent hourly increases at Al- goma Steel at Sault Ste, Marie and Steel Company of Canada at Ham- ilton and a 24%-cent increase at Dominion Steel at Sydney. Later it agreed to accept a 15%-cent in- crease &t the two Ontario pt er reports indicate the settlement plan called for a 13-cent increase, with other points in dis- pute to be settled by an arbitrator, T. H. Rahilly of Toronto, a war- time official in the steel controllers office and former manager of Al- goma Steel, Union officials said any an- nouncement as to details of the terms would have to come from Mr. Kilbourn, named controller of basic steel last July in a fruitless effort by the government to avert the walkout. Murray Cotterill, publicity direc- tor of the union, said 7,980 of an eligible 12,000 members voted on the settlement proposal. He sald the vote was light because many strik- ers had taken temporary jobs else- where and were not able to cast thelr ballots, Bail Withheld For Dope Suspects Winnipeg, Oct. 38--(OP)-- Jaggeline Irene Desjardins, 30, - and Stewart V. Jacobs, were re- manded until Oct, 9 when they appeared in Provincial Police Court yesterday charged with illegal possession of narcotics. The two are held on alleged possession of 10,000 tablets of Heroin and Morphine, They arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Sept, 24, shortly after arriving from To- ronto. They were refused bail. It is believed the drugs were stolen from the Anglo Canad- fan Drug Co. at Oshawa on August 2. Anthracite Supply Poor But Hardshi Dealers Report Good Stocks of Coke and Other Substitutes But Consumers Still Hop ing For Hard Coal i 3 2 z 5 t dealers report anthracite in supply but state that their , of coke, soft coal and Alber- ta coal and other substitutes are general reluctance, however, to ac- cept these as householders still have hopes of obtaining hard coal. Many have placed their orders Big lip Unlikely cite and dealers have been unable to supply more than a small propor- tion of the amount ordered. One dealer, who good of most types of fuel at the time, said that his firm had "piles of coke, Alberta briquettes; anthra- cite briquettes, elec," didn't want these, "We are still fill- ing orders from last May and June," he sald, explaining ple will take a ton or half a ton of coke but prefer to wait for the re- mainder of their supply in the hope Hat hard coal may become avail- sald that he had "any amount of orders" but hadn't been supply more than tons" to any user. He found a num- ber willing to take a small quantity of the larger coke. period, supplies of this fuel are fair- ly good although one dealer repor- ted difficulty in obtaining hard- wood. Softwood slabs are in good supply generally, supplies present but that most peo- The manager qf another company able to "perhaps 'two As this is the big wood shipping LAY TWO CHARGES AGAINST DRIVER OF DEATH AUTO Released 'on $2,000 Bail For Appearance, Next Wednesday Charges of careless and danger- ous driving were laid against Ches- ter Robinson, 625 Nassau Street, by Provincial Constable Gilbert Rob- ertson yesterday. Robinson was re- leased on bail of $2,000 for his ap- pearance on Wednesday, October 5, before Magistrate F. 8, Ebbs ere. The charges were laid as the re- sult of an accident at 6:50 p.m. on Tuesday when Harry YacDonald, 162 Park Road North, struck by an auto driven by Robinson as the former was crossing the King- ston Road, west of Park Rodd. away at 1:20 p.m. yesterday. He suffered severe head injuries, The late Mr, MacDonald is resting at the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home. The funeral service, con- ducted by Rev. R, A, Bombay, will be held there this evening at 7:30. Interment will be in Shannonville Cemetery tomorrow. PROTEST REMOVAL OF MILK SUBSIDY Local 222, UAW-CIO Urges Pressure For Return of Subsidy Local 222, United Automobile Workers of America, at its member- ship meeting last night passed a re- solution protesting against the re- cent increase in the price of fluid milk and urging immediate action by the municipal council and pro- vincial government in pressing for the return of the milk subsidy "as a move in the interest of public welfare." The resolution, copies of which are jo be stut to Prime Minister ackenzie King, Premier George A, Drew and the Oshawa City Counell, declared: Suen Whereas the recent increase in the price of fluld milk is the resuls of th Government's refusal to con- tinue the milk subsidy, and Whereas the discontinuance of the milk subsidy flouts the decision of parliament which adopted a mo- Ho ng last no Boi that the majority of mem! of parliament desired the continuance of subsidy in the interests of the farmer, the consumer and national health, and Whereas Thousands of children will now be denied adequate quanti- ties of this vital nutritious food, old age oners and other pension ers, living on a pittance will be forced to buy less of this staple food, and in the long run both far- mers and distributors will suffer from a serious reduction in the consumption of milk, Be it therefore resolved that this membership meeting. of Local 222 U.AW.A, Oshawa, condemn the ac- tion of the Federal Cabinet in re- moving the milk subsidy in de- people | flance of the wishes of the members of parliament and urge that the milk subsidy be again put into ef- fect, and it further resolved that we re- quest immediate action by our mu- nicipal council and provincial gov- ernment in pressing for the return of the milk subsidy as a move in the interest of public welfare, AIRPORT IS BUSY The Oshawa Airport is becoming increasingly busy, The visiting air- craft log shows approximately 350 arrivals since May 1. ) THE WEATHER Clear today and Friday. Cone tinuing warm. Low tonight 46, High tomorrow 68. . Shown above are pictures taken at Tuesday night when Lieut.-Gov. Walter charges concerning his left to right--Kiwanians Russ Hi camera; "His Lorship" Bob Smith; ter-at-Arms Harry Gay; Kiwanian and "Police Constable" Harry J "prisoner" started his sentence, Kiw: Inter-Club Meet the inter-club Kiwanis dinner here tewart was placed on "trial" election. Top ploture, "Orown Attorney", back to Counsel" Nell Fraser; Mas- Stewart in "prisoner's dock" Lower pleture, taken as the Johnston, Stewart and Gay. 2 Convicts Escape From Bancroft Jail, ~#Slugged Guard, 66 Rob Aged Man of $60 in Cash at 3.30 am. Today Bancroft, Ont, Oct, 8. --(CP) -- Kenneth Jackson, 26, of Brantford, Ont, and Royce Seymour, 23, of Toronto escaped about 3.30 am, from the village lock-up and fled into the dense woodlands of north- ern Hastings County, police said today. Frank Askey, 66-year-old guard was slugged by the men after Jack- son picked the lock of the cell in which he and. Seymour were lodged. The break was not dis~ covered until 845 a.m. when pro- vincial constable Stanley Palmateer who arrested the men two weeks ago in Apsley, Ont, arrived. Jackson and Seymour were con- victed in Magistrate's Court yester- day on charges of automobile theft and breaking and entering and were to have appeared for sentence today. Charles Alrhart, about 25 of Peterborough, Ont, arrested with Jackson and Seymour, was in ane other cell and no effort was made by the two men to release him, police said, Askey's suffered head Injuries when struck by a plece of wood and the escaped prisoners took $60 from his pockets and locked him in their cell, police sald. Askey was taken to the Red Cross outpost here after lite peiicss until Palama- teer's arrival' Airhart was the only other prisoner in the lock-up. Packing Strike Looms Winnipeg, Oct 3--(CP)=A meeting between representatives of the Swift Canadian Company and the United Packinghouse Workers of America (C.10.), with Mr, Justice A, E. Rich- ards of the Manitoba King's bench acting as conciliator, ad- journed today until 2 pm, (3 S70 aid reports that Cordell Hull Sinking Washington, Oct. 8--(AP)--Cor- dell Hull's condition continues to be "most critical", the United States Navy reported today. A 9 am, bul- letin from Bethesda," MD. naval hospital, where the former secre- tary of State suffered a stroke Monday said: "Mr, Hull had a very poor night. His condition continues to be most critical," A ---------------------- PARKER----UNION ACCORD Toronto, Oct. 3--(CP)--Wage in- creasé up to 26 cents an hour for men And 15 cents for women have been granted 375 employees of the Parker Pen Co, here following sign- ing of a company-union agreement, Alex Reith, grand lodge representa- tive of the International Association of Machinists (AFL) said yesterday. Honored By Scottish Rite Club GEORGE HART Whose service to the Oshawa Scottish when they were elected Honorary Presidents of ALEX G. STORIE Rite Club was recognized last ned the Club, + " CIVIC AFFAIRS ARE REVIEWED BY PROPERTY OWNERS F. O. Kirby Suggests New Blood for Board of Education The meetings of the Oshawa Pro- perty Owners' Association, post- poned during the summer months, were resumed last night with a meeting held in W. R. Fleming's office with a fair crowd in atten- dance. The President, A. Durle, opened the meeting, following which a humorous satire on Land- lords and Tenants was given by M. Penfound and several short mono- logues by Alfred Henning. F, O. Kirby, main speaker of the evening, based his remarks chiefly on a review of civic affairs of the past year, dwelling chiefly on mat ters pertinent to the Board of Edu- cation, He had only praise for the Managing Director of The Times« Gazette, A. R. Alloway, for attempt- ing to stop the Board of Education holding its meetings in camera. Mr. Kirby suggested that the ine creased assessment on land in Osh- awa (only recently increased) might be attributed in part to the vicious price asked for land for the new School in the east end of the Oity. He attributed the increased attendance at the Collegiate to the fact that many young men and women are attending High School as there are no jobs avallable at the present time. Says New Blood Needed Mr. Kirby also stressed the need of new blood in Board of Educa- tion and criticized the Board for spending $17,000 for architectural plans for the proposed school, only to postpone building same, He ad- vanced the question that possibly at such time this school was start- ed, new plans and additional ex- penses would be in order, The speaker also condemned the Public Utilities Commission for erecting a storage shed so near the centre of the city, and expressed the need of an active Planning Commission to prevent this, The 'business trip" of the Mayor and other civic offi- clals to Toledo was strongly con= demned as purely a pleasure jaunt, CIVIC AFFAIRS (Continued on Page 2) Local Contractor Receives Material From Nobel Plant A small quantity of building ma- terial from the Defence Industries Ltd. plant at Nobel, which is being demolished to provide materials for veterans' housing, has been received by Sam Jackson and Son, local con- tractors, W, 8. Pogson, another Osh- awa contractor engaged in the con- struction of Integrated Housing here, said that he has an order in for some of the materials but has not received any as yet. Mr, Jackson sald that his allot ment included mainly plumbing been completed. Another group of well as radiators, a quantity of sheet iron, some roofing and some lum- ber. More than 200 buildings are to be | wrecked at the former northern Ontario plant and officials hope to salvage sufficient building materi. also for construction of 600 homes. The plant employed as many as 4,- 300 persons and used 366 buildings or structures during the war. There are at present more than 100 Integrated houses under cone struction or completed in the city. Sam Jackson and Son are con- structing 43 of the houses, includ- ing 27 on Highland Avenue, 14 on Bruce Street and three or four in r parts of the.city. W. 8. Pog son has two projects under way, & group of 27 houses on LaSalle Av. enue and 20 on Thomas Street. Of the latter, 10 of the homes have materials--pipe and fixtures---as 11 houses are being erected on San- dra Street by Romanuk Bros, IN PLANE WRECK Wild Bush Country Of Newfoundland Disaster Scene Three Infants Aboard, | Strive to Find Wreckage BULLETIN Stephenville, Nfld., Oct. 8 (CP Cable)----A search party which reached the wreckage of an American Overseas Air- lines plane today messaged back that there were no sur- vivors. The brief message from the ground rescue party which plowed through woods and underbrush 10 miles from here said merely "no surviv- ors." There were no further details, The Skymaster plane, car- rying 31 passengers and a crew of eight on a flight from New York to Berlin, crashed early today, shortly after tak- ing off from Harmon Field near here. New York, Oct, 8. -- (AP)--An air force transport captain said on his arrival at La Gua-dia Field to- day that he flew over the wreckage of the American Overseas Airline plane near Harmon Field, New- foundland, and saw the plane had been burned completely and there was no sign of life, New York, Oct. 3--(AP)--An Am- erican overseas airlines plane with 30 persons aboard -- three of them |g, infants--plunged in flames into the wilderness of western Newfoundland early today in what may be the greatest tragedy in the history of American commercial aviation. (Reuters News Agency, in a St. John's, Nfd., dispatch, sald there were 38 passengers and eight crew members aboard). The 'United States Coast Guard reported the possibility of survivors was very remote, The four-engine DC-4, en route from New York to Berlin, crashed 10 minutes after iteleft Stephenville, Nfld, at 3:24 am, EST, The Coast Guard, in a radio mes- sage sent at 0:48 am, EST, sald three persons, believed to be New= foundland civilians, were at the scene and an army searching party was at the foot of the hill into which the plane crashed. The message sald the searching party had one-half mile to go. The plane crashed 100 feet from the top of the hill, which is covered with rocks and scrub trees. The message, sent from a Coast Guard plane at the scene, sald the airliner appeared to have exploded after the crash and that only a tiny fragment of the ship was vis- fble.. There was a heavy rain at the time, : It was the second plane tradegy in the Newfoundldnd wilds in two weeks, On Sept. 18 at Belgian Sa- bina airliner crashed near Gander, killing 27 of the 44 aboard. Stephenville is on the west coast of Newfoundland, approximately 225 miles west of Gander Airport. First reports from relatives of the passengers indicated some of the women and children were en route to Germany to join their husbands. At Gander, officials of the airline sald rescue planes which flew over the area reported the wreckage still was burning four hours after the crash and that it was unlikely any- one aboard was alive, FORMER OSHAWA HAN PROMOTED Ottawa, Oct. 3 (OP)--Changes in the executive of the Boy Scout movement in Canada were effected at a meeting here yesterday of the Dominion executive board of the Boy Scout; Association, R. O. Stev- enson, chairman of the board, pre- sided, and Maj.-Gen, Dan Spry, new Chief Executive Commissioher was present. Among those added to the board was Maj. J. L. Dampier, of Toronto, who will head the new publie relations committee. Two staff changes were announc- ed at the meeting. B. H, Mortlock, for the past four years, associate editor, was named editor of publi- cations, Mr. Mortlock was formerly a newspaperman with newspapers in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Fort Erie, Brampton and Barrie. He succeeds F. E L Coombs who retired re. cently after 26 years service. Leon- ard L. Johnson, Associate Editor, was named Director of the new Pub- lic Relations Department. Mr. Johnson is also a former ne re man, having been city editor of the Saint John Telegraph-Journal. He served with the Canadian Navy dur- ) ing the war, x NO WAR DANGER, MUST COOPERATE, BYRNES DECLARES Agrees With Stalin But U.S. Policy to Be Firm Paris, Oct, 3--(AP)--State Secre- tary James Byrnes of the United States, said today that "the con= flict of viewpoints among the allies is serious, but he echoed a recent statement by Prime Minister Stalin that there is no immediate danger of war. Mr. Byrnes spoke at a luncheon of the American Club in Paris, "After every great war which has been won by the combined efforts of many nations, there has been a conflict among the allies in the making of peace," Mr, Byrnes said in his prepared address. "It would be foly to deny the seriousness of the conflict in viewpoints among the Allies after this war, "To ignore that conflict or mini- mize its seriousness will not solve the conflict nor help up along the road to peace, "To exaggerate that conflict and its seriousness, on the other hand, only makes more difficult the reso- lution of the conflict. "I concur most heartily in the view recently expressed by General {ssimo Stalin that there is no im mediate danger of war. I hope that his statement will put and end to e char, that any: nation or group of nations is seek ing to encircle the Soviet Union, or that the responsible leaders of the Soviet Union so believe." He added the hope that en, Stal- in's words would dispel "the un« warranted charges that the United States is seeking to use its posses- sion of the atomic bomb as a threat of force against the Soviet Union." However, Mr, Byrnes sald, Ameri can foreign policy will continue to follow a strong line, "Just because war is not now ime minent, we must take the greatest care not to plant the seeds of a future war, We must seek less to defend our actions in. the eyes of those who agree with us, and more to defend our actions in the: eyes of those who do not agree with us" SCOTTISH RITE NAMES OFFICERS A. G. Storie and George Hart Elected Honorary Presidents There was a large attendance at the annual meeting of The Scottish Rite Club held in the Genosha Ho. tel last night. President Hart occupied the chair. A musical program was provided by Alex Yone- son, soloist and Matthew Gould. burn, M. Jackson's rendition of a vocal number was also much appre clated, The election of officers for the ensuing year of 1046-47 took place and the following were elected: President, J. N. Willson; Vice President W. Gordon Bunker; Sec retary-Treasurer, Mel Jolley; Di. rectors, J. C. Ward, Oyril Souch; Maurice Hart and ©. Roy MoIne tosh, The standing committees of the previous year were renamed for me enaing Seas, & mark of recognition splendid service over os oa $i Sue A, i Storie were elected Hon Presi. Ses of the Oshawa i Rite A vote of thanks for services ren dered during the past nine years was tendered Bert Logan, : tiring Secretary-Treasurer., In extending his appreciation to the club for the honour bestowed upon him A. G. Storie reviewed the history of the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club since its inception in the early twenties, George Hart, retiring President; spoke of the work carried on by the Scottish Rite Club and paid tribute to the members for the co-opera. son 3 §iven i ove the long period of e during which he h office in the club, a veg EE ------------------------------------------ CALF SWALLOWS $80 Russellville, Ark, Oot. 3--¢ -- The value of farmer Elmer Henders son's calf took a sudden $80 rise. too sudden for its own good. Hens derson put his wallet containing $80 on a bush when he started to mow a meadow. When he returned, the wallet was gone. Henderson killed the calf and found his $80, only slightly chewed,