THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 PAGE THIRTEEN ard Day, with Mrs, Allan Mander. it was decided to hold s drama in | were visitors during the week-end | er, Mr, Jim Richardson and fame | son and Miss Velma Belson, spent BALSAM RESIDENT son and Mrs, O, Graham on the October, Rev, A, ©, Luffman gave at the home of Walter and Murs, | lly, Sunday at Mono Mills, program, a talk on "Rural Life in Canada." | Mulock, Mr, Howard Stell was 8 week-end 1 spent Sunday With Burket ONTARIO HARDWOOD | Miss Maggle Neal has returned Mrs, V, Parkin favored with a . visitor with Peterborough friends, Fe to her home in Stoutfille, after Roading, and & contosts Jog v7 Mrs: | 5, nu atilations V0 Mr. und Mrs, Gray and ~son of Port i. Mm FLOOR SANDERS ; ening 4 mani 4 4 the home of J, Mulock, Scmpieted the Ridgoiiian Oshawa Hospital on Thursday last, 8 wih hy moved to Oakwood, : rs, George , rogram, 8 hostess nn Berv. a i week, ® FLOORS LAID oul funn to A Jy. ror or Rell Misses A and | Where they Will i8ks up Store krep- o SANDED S------ a few days last week at the all, Mrs, Robert Day Was tice home, OF THANKSGIVING Blo filing 1s the order of the| Mr And hrs. W, Kennedy, of Ter n Oshawa 105. Wo wish them micosss, o FINISHED] On Sunday Mrs, C, Cregg of day among the farmers, h SPOR v » ®| Hospital for tonal operations res ° 5 Former Resident In | oirinont, ana Norval MeAvoy's : ---- Yorsonals Lennon and family, cently, POR Ril Balsam Area of Layton visited at the McAvoy | World-Wide Communion! Mr and Mrs, J, Wage ind Mr, Mg Lovie, wen Wednesday | Mr, and Mrs, Irwin Whitehead oriiAnon REPAIRS Al Mashine) iis. Yaruam home, of Port Hope; Mr, and Mrs, H, Moe Bicen Garon, Luca oaion,| Sunday Will Be Ob. | Stmelt Wags spent Bunday With "apy ond Mrs, A, Hooker spent | uilister and daughier CHRISTIAN'S PHONES 3424) - 4277) ELECTRIC & HARDWARE 51 Harmony Rd, 8, Juan Linton. Marion Ries and 4 rie | few days last week with relatives af | Dewdley, and My, and Mrs, Randall fe Sp Bee's SLELETOR a Set en at iid Gar, SADE 5 A sgt os | AER go hy (Mrs, A, Hooker, Corr, p , F, straughan an 0 as as Bure , B 4 . h Jie Anniversary sb Mt. Bion hos Kinsale, Oct, 3,~There will he a Kenneth, A ha ar, and | lington for a visit with her broth=| Mr, Jack Hooker, Mr, N, Steven~ Ey i) inh ie special service of Thankapiving to | Mrs, W, Houghton and Walter, and T---- : ; of the 5, Mr, be held in the hall on Bundey| Miss Kate Nichols of Toronto,| JOE PALOOKA 3 MOTOR ON FIRE By VIC VAC two very inspiring sermons, In the | nous ot "ath at 2,80 pm. Rev, morning Mrs, Blmer Wilion rene | "a yuttman in charge, In cone ", " ' {J dred a Jove! ble." eg We heels with World Wide Commun» Brantford Roofin A me i" then moved to Toron= | ening the Gormley quartette sang, | or (ub: the, BACTARERS SF E86 | and Bullders' Supplies Fine Bg! Ca TN spent-many HAPPY | which was appreciated by all. The | gE SRRE Vol LENGE || MeLAUGHLIN COAL & WARS. a Offerings for the day amounted to | PPIER FINS note change IMITED Day had been confined 10 | gag0 in time, 2.80 pm, SUPPLIES, LIMI yy aig $220. The Kinsale Women's Institute Phone 1246 Jessle h SPECIAL UNIFORM VOR held thelr regular meeting on Wed~ to mourn her loss are a MINESWEEPERS nesday afternoon last at the home (sas i sh ¥ , Jes=| London, Oot, 3.~(OP)--~The Cer= of Mrs, J, Btell, The President, EE oan man mineswoeplog formation which | Mrs, T. McLean, presided, Meet Pekar sa. one ris Kav to ne cront shun oes | STAR LAUNDRY and the Nor a coastlin , RB, - of Port Perry, and Richard, iF 0 'liana ind Northern bray, The inieresing vou - oud || Tas GBLINA. BT. Funeral "servic CGlermany since the end of the War, | Was Answer: y & report on ry aning == her late he bop Py J "ith now has its own uniform "The last call made on your neigh» Laundry interment in the Salem cemetery, | Designed by the Royal Navy, the bor" During the business period § DELIVERY = PHONE 8144 Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Jamieson, of | UDMOIM CONsISLE 01 a wis wv furry puong ou J Toronto visited on Sunday with | And trousers, resembling battles the Jameson's, and attended the yh Ag -- ; " Mi. Zion Anniversary Service, ors have been clearing tho residue An Electrie Portable Neds ha! JUNE BRIDE On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, HOs- | o¢ Allied mine-sowing which, in the SEWING MACHINE x AND MARKmiA , Dorothy and friends of To- t in Your Own Por ] Choose From! : JChto Viaited out here and took 1h | Nil Men of Cnarsos of 20 Home $5 nu Phone B01 Port Hops a 0S Boe = the service, varieties, SINGER SEWING "TER GRANITE CO, vECE PHONE P rad Mrs, Rachael Jones of Brooklin, ¥ 13 Ontario At, Port Hope t the week-end with her son, FE 16 On MACHINE co. oe | Ce ss) \ Cecil Jones, . A . r, and Mra, Percy Jones enters a 5 N fasted hiss. Xa heures Mr. Riche PRESCRIPTIONS FLOOR SANDING , amd Mrs, Edgar Evans had Quickly and Accurately Filled 3 Dustless Machines Sas dinner at Mr, and Mrs, El- - Ab - At Your Disposal ie Wo A. will meet next Wed- me M ITC H EL L ! S M. LEG ETTE - DRUG STORE Phone to 3THWI nesday at the home of Mrs, Rich: 9 Simeoe N, Phone 48 We PAIRS SERVICE SEALTITE PEARL'S Ortega Shap || Sug, wow | (NSULATION Font tg ee 4 Bimeoe §t, 8, = Phone H1 35 GIBB ST. PHONE 960 ROCKWOOL 83 Simcoe N, Phone 3618 : Under New Management He onl, Bhi Bet of } rials and Guarantee ou p E.J POMERY Work, Before inverting got a FINE WATCH REPAIRING i k oe \ | ihe aor 4 "Yr price direct from owner. Our Specialty FoR yA ILI, yy. o™ JE HEART FP avoTIONEER F. A, BRUCE RENTER : 4 : RB 0 0 Fl i] b 47 Queen St, Bowmanville FELT BROS, HEW=HES S$" HAY! [ 7% (7 Smite 7 Established 1880 511 HOWARD STREET ! * Asphalt. & ran Phone IM 13 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Shingling AVE a liv r Wh RE -------------------------- When In Need of Drugs {& 5 A. F. COX PHONE POWELL'S DRUG STORE ||| Ni & SON 3820 Phonse 1900. 3200 taterials and Workman- Cars Bought and Sold Rental (4 a" 4 iil | .. Suae: seed o Specialising in Motor Tune-up on a ¥ h Genuine Agents for By BRANDON WALSH 2 : i | 4 7 wom) {IN Tm. TITS SaTRET TAS BURNS CREDIT || F ORD FARTS AND Monarch Batteries THEN TEN-STRIKE GETS THE | LOONY LOONS ARE RUSHIN'IN JEWELLERS Stock Room Upstairs! WEST END I TELL YOU Wy CARRIE, oot Hob Slow A 0I8Y DROLAM= 1) #2 King 8, W. Oshawa Phone 389 OSHAWA FROM HERE = "| "Terma In Acpordance With War. -- WE MUST YOKE U Time Prices & Trade Regulations. PHONE 3628) 168 King W.==Phone 666 BATTERY SERVICE AN GIT AWAY (WF) a) 8 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF AMERICAN ANTHRACITE ELECTRIC FIXTURES (STOVE OR NUT) aE Se ok sows ma aioe WIRING - Now Or y REPAIRS § Swe wanes, , | Aeration - w » Available ] N P mr S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES By MEL GRAFF Y Yt oN PP CIS TEN... IP © DITCHED THAT [AT THI6 MOEN WE AUST HAVE HAD We have Just received a BUNCH OF BURPS AND WENT (THIS I9 A 6000 LOOK AT THE large shipment ready for Ve Pax? -" WY ARS NT YOU TO STRAIGHT = DO YOU THINK \d " ™ CIRK uP AT MAN= FEW LICENSES IMMEDIATE %8 29 & HARDWOOD FLOORS Dame) ie br etn) | DELIVERY! & D® ® Laid © Sanded © Finished! 7% ARIE MV a Rupe! NeLETS 4p Old Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glasa! ARMSTRONG FUELS [I CECILH LEVY 59 CHURCH PHONES 2727w -- 2726 (Successor to Bh W, 8 KINGSTON RD, E. PHONE 1014 2E2S3 ES BE¥ESS gz BLONDIE A AND PLEASE E FORGETS TOOTS and CASPER x . A A SS w yp o Leo SRE x : . \ \ T OON'T MIND SHOPPING | [THERE'S THE FISH YOUR | | TH\S HAS RB FAR & NY CITRINE -- a | RT a | ES Rn BLINDED BY THAT TORCH SABRI ANT TRILLY || ANDI LIKE A GOOD % | Nova RTY BO HER OWN SHOPPING. | | M FOR TH HE'S CARRY ING ROR MONA ] F STORE AD ART ree ian || SARDINE SANDWICH, CATS Tix, WHAT WiLL THE LOWE 0 88 ABLE TO $68 ; fen | ORE A "SNE ORDERED a NEIGHBORS ; | BREN FOR HER CATS, ? i