\ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE TWENTY-THREE * > . By CHIC YOUNG LEADER OF SECT mainly of simple working people, | appeals of Donald Warner, 17, and "Times-Gazette 100 YEARS OLD the community has met with severe | Howard Urquhart, 19, from convice 1 Bouthend, England, Oct, 1--(CP) |criticism at inquests on children | tions of manslaughter in the death Gets Around Dressed in 8 high, square bowler | who have died for want of medical | of Meyer Tobias, Toronto merchant, " hat and Jrock coat, wel jis long attention shot during a robbery in his clothing Dundreary w! ers especially trim- a fm . » store December, They were On many occasions we have heard | med for the occasion, "Bishop" LOSE APPEALS sentenced to 16 years, - 4% said by residents of the Oshawa | william Heddle celebrated his 100th | Toronto, Sept, 26--(OP)--Ontario | i birthday by preaching a Sunday court of appeals yesterday dismissed i but they meel someone they know | sermon to the Peculiar People, the USE GAS .... : ore. fren tough the Sueen religious sect of which he is lead- FLOOR SANDING CAB APED «FASTER { ? ./ er, MORE EFFICIENT Founded in London in 1838, the This was brought home to & mem- | peculiar People seek no medical aid I hutiins Masuiom Ontario Shore Gas of the editorial staff of The (in cases of sickness but rely on ofl, Co, Ltd, AN fl |" J y Gazette during a Visit 10 To- [prayer and nursing, Composed M. LEGGETTE 15 KING 87. E PHONE 330 1) I b "4 "ronto recently, Walking along a . aw 7400, PI ] ' yesidential street, in the vicinity of Phone to : A aN $$ ll 2) g Gute oweatim, rr o,% | STAR LAUNDRY Watch and Clock Sem ' surprised to see 8 copy of his own p I A | paper--eeveral months old fo be 13 CELINA ST. MONUMENTS | , sure but still in good condition--re- |} Dry Cleaning -- Repairing AND "MARKERS! Guaranteed Service! ing on the lawn of one of the Laundry Heap (o) h Clock Shop . C From! shawa DELIVERY PHONE 3164 Phone 501 Port. H : It matters not that the paper may GRANITE CO Hope ' have been taken to Toronto by a Joon] yemdens To we as protection | RENT 13 Ontario St, Port, y i hi while tending An Electric Portable » rugby a Te nding i SEVING MACHINE a PEARL'S I i in Your ' : , 8tll gets around Home $5 von . Brantford Roofin SINGER SEWING' and Builders' Supplies Oshawa's Leading Sporteweas FOR YOUR WIRING AND MACHINE CO. Shoppe Smite |, acne o, | iiansaiy Ge {| vgn ness CHRISTIAN'S Phone 1246 ELECTRIC & HARDWARE VINE WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 1000 FOR SALE PRESCRIPTIONS ; ow fpeolahiy "When In Need vf Drags 32 H.P. JOHNSTON Quickly and Accurately Filled FELT BROS. Call poweLy's pave stone [| Outboard Motor MITCHELL'S || usar loom oo Sm: 1360 - 2259 In first class condition. [|| *™e* Phone 4 PROMPT DELIVERY. Used little during the PHONE war ARE YO | 17 surpose A eave warosN HOUR LATER rT BOX NO. 225 \ 2 y | wauis vou wto court avo TH acess? | MmsioENT= BURNS CREDIT TENTS PANN 3 BA " "el 5046 BRIGHT ADS, OK oul TR keer | IA UP FRO jp U Tarpaulins ton Batt 1 ; hE SHOE, SPOTS YOU 1 OR NONRESIDENT? JEWELLERS Rental Battery IIR is Se C we A a. REPAIRED... Agen for : RB I 32 King St. W. Oshawa Phone 389 RO 0; Fl RENOVATED Monarch Batteries ® Asphalt ||| Also Manufactured! WEST WINDOW CAULKING La TENTS RENTED BATTERY SERVICE and GLAZING! bo Pon DeWilde & Penhale 87 WARREN AVE, is the time to have those EE a 160 KING ST, W, ws caulked and glazed before Rd Ref PHONE 1349M the cold weather arrives, FOR QUICK SERVICE , . . PHONE 3238) ma: SEALTITE ONTARIO HARDWOOD ship Guar:.~ 'eed! w-- cin : INSULATION W FREE ESTIMATES! a FLOOR SANDERS : 00-L00KNG FELLOW W.WNOER E. J. POMERY ROCKWOOL ¢ rooms Lam Ree only the t AUCTIONEER Baer pos | Guaranie out * gip Fiooms 511 HOWARD AVE. price Poser mip. Rol . All Machines are Vashi ~F. A, BRUCE Eauioped! 47 Queen St, Bowmanville PHONES 8434) - 4277) Phone 494 51 Harmony RA. 8. SPAR ID FEF TRH SPU SE SR CNE VACUUM CLEAN YOUR HEATING SYSTEM A Clean Furnace Saves Fuel, Repairs for all makes of : ot nd. 84 Boilers & Stokers MOON MULLINS HOT WATER HEATING fo REI fe ! Fam eth | bad ED. THOMAS MCE (Cm TTN \ . (GNOR) f ™ I 200 . i Go'see' KI s, FY INITIALS G. BURNETT 35 CIEB ST PHONE 9 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA PHONE 3760.) (| 28+ re 349 Louisa St. Ph. 4296 Under New JDHONE 960 / y i CorossaL. HONEYBUNCH. * Bie 4 . SEE OUR DISPLAY OF AMERICAN ANTHRACITE J| ELECTRIC FIXTURES (STOVE OR NUT) bei FER Srv utr esene WIRING have a large stock always on hand, Many designs, a Materials PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND E. OSHAWA PHONE 3287 Now comb ore ||| REPAIRS : Siew ices, | Atoraton HARDWOOD FLOORS DELIVERY | ye ® Laid © Sanded © Finished!S 0, Old Floors Made Like New! ' New Floors Made Like Glass! ARMSTRONG FUELS [l cect ri tevy 89 CHURCH PHONES 2727w -- 2726 KINGSTON RD. E. CASPER AUNT TRILLY N [I cASPER, ISNT IT JUST TOO : SHE iii FOR You y TOOTS, THRILLING? LOTUS HAS TOOTS,I JUST ' || MISSED THE TWO Ww CATS, AND WANTS OF AUNT TR ANT TLL Care YOU TO 40 FIND THE ALLEY. THATS TWO CATS LESS 3 UNDER ou (HEAVENS! A BLACK cat! IS THIS CASPER'S IDEA OF A PRACTICAL JOKE ? HE KNEW THAT CAT WAS IN THERE. TLL FIX HIM? LUCKS OKAY, IN SPITE OF ALL | AUNT TRILLY'S | BLACK CATS CROSSIN MY PATH a G # Diy Mok