JTUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, One of the Best Equipped Printing Plants In Eastern Ontario...Service Is Province-Wide « 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE hese 1our "intertype" typesetting machines, running day [tines catalogues and books printed by the company, Three and night, set up much of the reading matter for the maga- S«AKE PEOPLE WANT TO 00 BUSINESS WITH You" H. D, TRESIDDER Toronto Manager "Basier said than done," you say But it can be accomplished, opened the Toronto office on Feb- ruary 8th, 1026, it was a case of "starting from scratch", because at that time the company had only a few Toronto accounts. They were good ones, however, and those who did not retire from business and are still in Toronto are still customers. How to meet the out-of-town plant idea--that was the rule, Several well-defined principles were adopted at the start, and they (and others) have been maintained through the years, Here they are: First of all---we professed to "know our business", were thor- oughly experienced printers and publishers and intended to 'make that knowledge our basic invest ment in our Toronto enterprise. Second--Meet the problems of prospects and master them so that we could then more easily talk to them from this angle. Third--Strive to give both custo~ mers and our own interests jointly ~two workling together. Fourth--Study to show ourselves approved in the trade and thus build up a "business personality" that would push spirit with con- tacts and service, Fitth--S8how faith in our custo- mers and their products by plane ning their printing economically and thus convincing them that it would pay them to do business with us. 8ixth--and perhaps above all-- endeavor to carry into every office entered an atmosphere of cheerful- ness, an aura of optimism, radiate geniality and goodwill, and as op- portunity afforded demonstrate that obstacles and difficulties in the preparation and producing of print- ed material were merely spurs to + inspire to demonstrate that there is always a way out. A tall order you say? Yes, and although we do not claim a com- # section of tne bindery, waere folding, stitching, cutting, , mailing and other operations are carried on. Foreman Herb "If It's Printed (Continued From Previous Page) to Toronto daily and makes rapid truck de- liveries to customers elsewhere. With a very large Toronto clientele, When the Mundy Printing Co. | Mundy-Goodfellow maintain a commodious sales office in the Queen City. This office is in charge of H. D, Tresidder, Toronto JOB PRINTING DIVISION Closely associated with the Times Publishing Co., Ltd., the Mundy Good- fellow Printing Co., was formed to carry on the job printing. It is an outgrowth of the amalgamation in 1929 of two job Printing concerns, these being the undy Printing Co., of Oshawa, and C. A. Goodfellow & Son, of Whitby. Prior to the amalgamation of these two firms, they were divisions of well known nowupaper ublishing concerns --one publishing the Oshawa Daily Times, the other operating the weekly Whitby Gazett2 and Chronicle, When the two companies joined forces in 1929, the management decided to operate the two newspapers and the two job printing businesses as separate divisions, so that all the job printing would be carried on apart from the newspaper activities, This has 'worked out most satisfactorily from the stands point of both the firm and its customers. manager, who has had long years of ex- perience in the advertising agency, adver- tising and printing businesses, Also on the Toronto staff, is Miss Dorothy L. Benson, who is widely known in advertising and of these operators are members of the '"25-Year-Club"., We Can Do It" printing circles. This Toronto office offers a valuable service to the large number of To- ronto clients of the company by maintain- ing close contact with them. A direct tele- phone line in Toronto exchange affords a ready means of communication between the two offices and with customers. The firm has enjoyed the confidence and patronage of several Toronto clients for more than 20 years. To look after its interests in the Whitby district the firm has a sales office in the Town of Whitby. Graydon M. Goodfellow, managing dir- ector of the company, is widely known for his genial personality and courteous effici- ency, qualities which, together with his wide knowledge and experience, have made him an outstanding figure in the printing indus- try and a real asset to the firm he directs. Associated with The Times Publishing Co., Ltd., of which A. R. Alloway is presi- dent, the Mundy-Goodfellow Printing Co., Ltd, is located in the same building with the newspaper firm. The plants, however, are separate entities, the offices of Mundy- Goodfellow being on the main floor, while its divizions occupy all the top floor and half of the basement. With skilled, experienced personnel, mod- ern, complete equipment and every service facility under the direction and service of capable management and staff, Mundy- Goodfellow are in a preferred position to render unsurpassed service in the field of printing, : Siesta a_i --------------------------------------t ii tb pain mt ob A------------ plete fulfilment of all these points, a determining factor either way,| "I am glad you feel a part of yet we do say that THE EFFORT has been well worthwhile, and the measure of success attending this Toronto venture is evidenced by the fact that scores of Toronto custo- mers recognize that distance is not but that our plant and service is a very satisfactory connection to maintain, The other day we received a let ter from a Toronto customer, in which this paragraph appears: our institution. I certainly feel that you are. There is very lite tle of our printing done else where--that is one thing sure!" "WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE." pase: sssapeno caps Wager (43 year's service) He is talking to Len Rich (25 years), Ra A» stands in the right background. PAGE SEVENTEEN' view of the composing 'room, with Foreman Henry |about an order going through the plant. This is where the Rorabeck in the foreground consulting with Tom Mackay [pages are "made up" for the presses. An = » Some of the machines in the cylinder pressroom. are produced high-grade color and illustrated work. Charles | NY] i OT rm rmes of type being locked up ready for the large cylinder presses. | 2 lL AEE FAYE aD BER Ea Saal On these | Thornington is day foreman here, and Ernie Dunstall, who | has been with the company twenty years, is night foreman. Halal |