Local Man Killed By Electrocution At Oshawa Airport Edward J. Stewart, Fore- man For Bathe and Mc- " Lellan, Local Contractors, Tried To Lift Electric Wires With Bare Hands ~--Thought Current Was Turned Off -- Leaves Wife and Five Children Edward J, Stewart, 232 Johnson Boulevard, foreman for Bathe and McLellan, local contractors, was al- most instantly killed by electrocu~ tion at the Oshawa Airport at about 6.30 last night, while engaged in moving the former hospital building to the city. Members of the Oshawa Fire De. partment, under the direction of Fire Chief W. R, Elliott, administer- ed artificial respiration for over two hours in an unsuccessful effort to revive him. Dr, O. G. Mills and later Dr. H. C, Mighton of the Osh- awa Clinic assisted the firemen, Coroner Dr, H. M. MacDonald view- ed the remains at about 9.30 pm, and released the remains to the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Parlors, . Tried To Lift Wires The fatality occurred as the sec- ond section of the building, loaded on a truck owned by James 8er- combe and Sons, Lid, Toronto, was being moved from its location at the airport to the grounds of the Osha- wa General Hospital, Mr, Stewart was on the roof and attempted, with his bare hands, to raise three electric wires so they would slide along the peak of the building, The truck had just moved away from the point where the hospital was located on the -airport grounds when the accident occurred, As he seized two of the wires Mr, Stewart was seen to slump to the roof. His son, Edward C, Stewart, who was working with his father, leaped to the roof and with the as- sistance of several other workers, moved him to the roof of another building, Here artificial respira- tion was started by Bernard Mec- Nally, 940% Queen Street West, To- ronto, an employee of the Ser- combe firm A call was put in to the Oshawa Fire Department from the hangar of the Ontario County Flying Club and a group of firemen responded at 7.05 p.m. with their life-saving equipment, Later another group of firemen arrived on the scene and continued their work, Mr, McNally told The Times- Gazette that while he worked on Mr, Stewart he thought he was breathing but after he was moved he gave no indication of life, Told Power Off Before moving operations were commenced the workmen were in- formed by Francis Ring, 232 Verdun Road, a guard employed by War As- sets Corporation, that the street lighting circuit at the airport was off, He was not aware that there was a three-wire circuit carrying power to the pump at the west side of the airport which supplies water. It was this line, with a voltage of INSTANTLY KILLED (Continued on Page 2) * * %* late new s flashes By CANADIAN PRESS Labor Leading In Australia SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA -- Labor government candi- dates led in 80 of 46 divisions of the States of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland within two hours of the close of polls in today's general election while in Tasmania Labor triumphs also appeared in the making, Though returns were scattered in many sectors, two Sydney newspapers de- clared the Chifley administration had been returned to office and Reuters news agency termed its re-election "certain". The big NSW vote gave government candidates the lead in 17 of 28 divisions. This industrial area is considered a Labor stronghold. The Liberals--who*had hoped to form a coalition gov- ernment with the Country Party--Iled in 10 divisions in the three eastern states and CP candidates in six constituencies. Prime Minister Chifley and all of his ministers. had com- ortable personal margins in edrly retu WHEWalK| olding its own. in a handful of "swing" seats which observ- ers watched as the pointer to Favor 75 Per Cent Compensation the trend of the election. 1] L PARIS--A principle of 75 per cent compensation for war damage to Allied property was virtually established for all five European peace treaties today, erasing a troublesome controversy, but the attending countries remained free to present divergent views to the Peace Conference plenary ses- sion. The United States and Russia joined in the Balkans- Finnish Economic Commission against Britain's demands for full compensation. However, the Russian delegate, financial expert V. S. Guerachtchenko, expressed annoyance that a move for only 25 per cent payment defeated by a nine to four vote had been termed "an American proposal." RUSSIAN DEMAND LOWEST Russia sought only up to 33 per cent, he said, and therefore the Jowest demand against former en- emy states should be called a Rus- slan , The Commission adopted a text of the war damage compensation clause for the Roma- nian treaty but decided to leave out the treaty was adopted for the t was agreed the members be free to support minority at the plenary session -- th 100 per cent compensa= ted States and Russia for T REEEl per cent, voted for it as the least disgraceful 6f the partial compen- sation proposals. Indications were, however, that there was a willing- ness to compromise on the question when it is raised anew in the For- eign Ministers' Council. CAMP "GOING TO WASTE" HALIFAX -- The Halifax Herald sald in a front page news story to- day that Debert military camp, sit- uated 12 miles from Truro, NS, and built at a cost of "millions of dol lars to the Joapie; is going to waste. "Worse still, building materials and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of scarce plumbing, heating, cooking, electrical and other equip- NEWS FLASHES (Continued on Page 2) To introduce the new Subscription Price of Daily Times- Gazette daily newspaper and as a gesture of goodwill the publishers have decided that during the next four weeks the same price that has been in effect for the tri-weekly will be maintained. Subscribers who have the paper delivered by carrier will pay for the paper at the price of 24 cents for the two weeks ending October 12th weeks ending October 26th. -and 24 cents for the two After that date the carriers will collect 24 cents weekly, ag is customary with nearly all daily newspapers in the province, During this initial period of four weeks no annual subscriptions will be received, either new or renewal, that extend beyond October 26, except at the fully daily rate. The per copy price of four cents, as at present. The Times-Gazette will be There will be no change in the price to mail sub- scribers, located outside carrier delivery limits, during the month of October, 0 THE TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA WHITBY] VOL. 5--No, 116 OSHAWA - WHITBY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1946 Price 4 Cents 20 PAGES IN TWO SECTION® STREET LIGHT PLANS READY Flying School Hospital To Be New School of Nursing PAPER T0-LAUNCH SERVICE AS DAILY WITH NEXT ISSUE 75th Anniversary Edition To Have Souvenir and Historic Value With this edition, following a period of circulation growth within less than five years that has ex- ceeded anything known in the more than 70 years of prior history of The Times-Gazette and its prede- cessor papers, this publication term- inates a significant chapter in its history. On Tuesday Oct. 1, with its next issue, it will step into the larger future it sees he Osh un on Df DUDILCH Each future issue of The Tin Gazette will be a fully modern and complete dally paper, in tune with the sin and industrial and econ- omic progress of the area in which it circulates. In its first appearance as a dally paper, on Tuesday next, The Times- Gazette will present a 75th Anni- versary Edition--an important his- torical record and souvenir of the progress of the newspaper, and the publications from which it stems, through three-quarters of a cen- tury. Many of the high points of achievement that the papers and their region have shared will be brought into permanent perspective in the special edition on Tuesday. The paper will appear in three sec- tions, to provide adequate space for telling that story. Looking beyond history, the 75th Anniversary Edition also will ex- plain the modern production meth- ods employed by The Times-Gazette --what they will. mean in terms of operating as a dally paper--how the expanded operations will be of benefit to readers and the whole community. Many messages from leading fig- ures in Canadian public affairs, in- cluding Prime Minister W. L. Mac- kenzie King and Premier George Drew, of Ontario, will appear in Tuesday's 75th Anniversary Edition. These will not only reflect the bright future such men see for the Oshawa-Whitby region, but express their good wishes to the paper, as it enters the dally field, The Tuesday issue will be an "Introduction to tomorrow" -- to what lies ahead -- as The Times- Gazette initiates a carefully plan- ned program of expansion by be- coming a daily newspaper, -------- Daylight Saving Ends At Midnight Residents of Oshawa, Whitby and surrounding areas are ree minded that Daylight, Saving Time will come to an end at 1201 am. tonight, the so-called "fast" time has been in effect in both centres since April 28 last, Clocks should be set back one hour before retiring which means that one more hour of sleep will be enjoyed. In order to prevent disappoint. ment and inconvenience, those who plan to travel by railway within the next few days would be well advised to consult the news story elsewhere in this issue as the times of arrival and de- parture of some trains on both rallways serving this area have been changed. . THE WEATHER Clear, becoming overcast late evening with widely scattered h or thund storms. Sunday, cloudy and much cool« er, widely scattered showers early morning. Low tonight and high Sunday at Toronto, 56 and rn - Soon to become the new School of Nursing at the Osh Gi Hospital, the former No. 20 EF.T.S, hospital building is seen on its way down Simcoe Street to its new location, The first half of the 80 by 30 foot building arrived yesterday afternoon and interior alterations are to begin as soon as possible to equip it as a nursing school. The building, purchased about two months ago from War Assets Corporation, is of frame construction with shingle siding and will include training facilities not available in the present school located on the third floor of the hospital proper. ~Photo by Campbell's Studio Flying School Hospital Being Moved To City One Half of 80 x 30 Foot Building Arrived At - Oshawa General Hospi- tal Yesterday -- To Be Used as School of Nur- sing four miles per hour, the first half of the former No. 20 EF.T.S. hospital building made its way yes- terday from its former site at the Oshawa airport to its new location near the Oshawa General Hospital. The building, approximately 80 by 30 feet in dimension, was cut in two for the moving operation and after leaving the air port Thurs- day morning, the first half reached its destination yesterday afternoon. The moving is being carried out by James Se! be and Sons Ltd, machinery movers of Toronto. The route taken is along the fourth concession road to Simcoe Street and then directly south to Alex- andra Street and across fo the ce- ment foundation ready at the southwest corner of the Hospital property. Of single storey, frame construc tion with shingle siding, the build- ing will become the new school of nursing at the Hospital. At Ag & 4 present the training school is locat- ed on the third floor of the hospi- tal proper and this space will be utilized to provide additional hospi- tal services. The new school will provide much more adequate facilities than has been the case in the present lo. cation, it was explained by Miss Mary Bourne, director of nursing. : -earried out to large demonstration room, diatetic and science laboratories, instruc- tors' offices and a study and refer- ence library for the nurses, Miss Bourne sald that the pres- ent school contains no diatetic or science laboratories. As a result it has been necessary for the student nurses to study cooking in the kitchen at night and to take their chemistry classes also in the eve- ning, at the O.C.V.I, At present there are 63 student nurses in attendance at the school, the largest number in its history. Alterations to the building will be commenced as soon as possible and it will be put into operation this fall, Purchase of the former Flying School hospital building was made by the Hospital Board from War Assets Corporation prior to the re- cent order designating the major- ity of the buildings at the school for use by Housing Enterprises I.td, Objective of $55,000 For Community Chest Campaign Oct. 21 - 26 General Meeting of All Participating Agencies is Called for Next Thursday ~--Robt. Argo Named Treasurer - The Oshawa Community Chest campaign, for the purpose of rais- ing funds for a group of community services to take care of their bud- gets for twelve months from Nov- ember 1st, will be conducted for one week commeneing Monday, October 21, Plans for the campaign were further advanced at a meeting of the General Committee held Thurs- day evening. To permit all participating agen- cies to obtain a complete under- standing of the campaign and to enable their officers and members to co-operate intelligently, a gen- eral meeting of all those interested will be held Thursday evening of nxt week, at 8 o'clock at the Gen- eral Motors auditorium, which the management of the company has very kindly placed at the disposal of the Community Chest organiza- tion for this purpose. It is hoped to have at this meeting a large representation from each of the participating agencies, each of which will be notifield officially by the Secretary, J. J. English, Objective Is Set 'The report of the Budget Com- mittee was presented and an over- all budget of $55,000 was approved. The community services included in the campaign are the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind, Oan- adian Legion, Oshawa Branch & 4 (Poppy Fund), Children's Aid Socl- ety, Christmas Cheer Fund, Osh- awa Boy Scouts Association, Osh- awa Sea Cadets, The Salvation Army, Victorian Order of Nurses, Women's Welfare League, Oshawa Girl Guides Association, Royal Canadian Army Oadets, Y.W.C.A,, and Com- munity Recreation Association of Oshawa and District. In addition to the foregoing, grants will be made to the Navy League of Can- ada, the Oshawa Women's Naval Auxiliary and the Oshawa Rehabili- tation Council. It was decided to take no action this time regarding the appeal of the Cancer Foundation but this will receive the consideration of the budget committee and may be in- cluded in th next campaign. The principle was laid down by the executive committee "that if the full amount of the budget were not secured, the amount raised would be distributed on a pro rata basis", and further, "that if the fund is exceeded, the general com- mittee should decide in what prop- ortion the additional amount raised should be given to the Boy Scouts, The Victorian Order of Nurses, The Community Recreation Association and the Salvation Army, as these four organizations had been placed in the budget for. smaller amounts than they requested." Publicity Committee Cyril Souch, who did an-excellent job of chairman of the publicity committee in previous campaigns and who has consented to act again this year, made a progress report COMMUNITY CHEST (Continued on Page 2) 16 v GIVIC EMPLOYEES UNANIMOUS FOR PENSION SCHEME More Than 100 Employees Hear Annuities Branch Representatives A meeting attended by more than 100 civic employees Thursday night declared by a standing vote its un- animous approval of the inaugura- tion of a pension scheme for the various city staffs. A petition is being circulated in all the depart- ments for signature by all those favoring such a plan, The meeting had been called by the city council for the purpose of ascertaining the. opiaion: of the employees as regards the inaugura- tion of a pension plan. An enthu- slastic gathering greeted two repre- sentatives of the Annuities Branch of the Dominion Department of La- bor, J. W. Cottrell and F. W. Clax- ton, who were present to explain the Government Annuities plan, Al- derman Rae Halliday, chairman of the special council committee on this question, introduced the speak- ers. Stating that some 2,500 municipal and industrial corporations have adopted a Government Annuities plan for their employees, Mr. Clax- ton explained that under this scheme, 'established in 1908 by Sir Richard Cartwright, the employee receives 25 per cent more pension for his money than in any other system. 'This, he explained, is because it is operated at cost by the government. He pointed out also that the amount of money paid by the employee is deducted from his taxable income for income tax purposes. On 50-50 Basis The plan, he explained, is on a 50-50 basis, with the employee and the city each paying: 5 per cent, Each payment doubles itself in 17% years. The money accumulates at 4 per cent compound interest and after the age signified payments are made annually as long as the person lives or for a five-year per- CIVIC EMPLOYEES (Continued on Page 2) THIEVES ENTER ALOCAL HOUSES © Over $43 and Assorted Articles Stolen Last Night Four houses 'within a block of each other on Simcoe Street North were broken into some time between last night and this morning. A to- tal of over $48 was stolen, plus a varied assortment of articles inclu- ding a ration book, a church mite 'box, grapes, chocolates and a Ron- son lighter, According to the police, entry in each case was gained by ppening the back door with a pass ey. " The largest amount of cash was stolen from . home of Mrs. Archie McDonald, 488 S:mcoe Street North, the thief taking $20 and a box of chocolates, A total of $15 in bills and silver and a ration book made up the loot from R. B. Reed's house at 475 Simcoe Stree North. The ration book was made out in Mr. Reed's name. A Ronson lighter, a package of cigarettes and $7.50 in cash were stolen from Isaac Collis, 469 Sim- coe Street North. The thief took a church mite box containing 90 certs from the home of Mrs. D. Archer, 422 Simcoe Street North. A quantity of grapes are also missing. Wire Underground And Higher Power Lamps Proposed P.UC. Plans Call for 76 Ornamental Standards at 100- Foot Intervals on King and Simcoe Streets --To Be Discussed by Council Monday Night City Council at its committee meeting next Monday night will give consideration to plans prepar- ed by the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission for improved street lighting in the business section of the city, The Commission prepared the plans at the request of Coun- cil and has secured approval of them from the Hydro Electric Pow- er Commission -of Ontario. It will be remembered that mem- bers of Council, accompanied by members of the Commission visited Toronto: recently to look over re- cent street lighting installations there, The type proposed for Osh- awa is the same as that now in- stalled on Avenue Road, Toronto, which is considered the most mod- em and efficient in the Domin- ion, At 100 Foot Intervals 'The plans call for the installa- tion of ornamental, metal lighting standards, each with a 750 watt lamp, on King and Simcoe Stheet. Between William and Metcalfe Streets, on Simcoe Street, a total of 42 units would be installed while on King Street, between Prospect and Church Streets, a total of 34 units would be installed. Spaced roughly at 100 foot intervals, there would be eight units in the imme- diate vicinity of the" ¥Four Corners. Another feature of the plans pre- pared by the Commission is the fact that the installation calls for all wiring to be put underground. It is proposed to place the stand- ards, whose official name is "Octa- flute", inside the curbs. Each stan= dard rises 26 feet above the side- walk level and curves outward six feet over the street. At the present time in the area, proposed for the new installation there are 78 street lights, each with 2 150 watt lamp. For each of these lights the city pays the Commission $13 per year or a total of $1,014. Paid Out of Reserves It is proposed that the cost of the new installation would be paid for out of the reserves of the Pub- lic Utilities Commission. It is esti- mated that the total cost of the in- stallation would be $32,645.72. In line with this it 1s proposed to make an annual charge per light of $53, a total of $4,028, or a total difference in cost to the city of $3,014 per year, In discussing the plan at the Commission meeting on Thursday night, Cimmissioner William Boddy pointed out to Mayor F. N. Me- Callum that 'the city got exactly What it paid for. If it did not wish to get much it did not pay very much for it. Commissioner Boody said that quite a number of people with whom he talked 'were concerned with what the Council proposed to do about the lighting in the re- sidential areas. He felt that if Council passed the plan now ready for presentation that it might be well to install central lighting in two or three blocks of the residen- tial area to show what can be done. Council Made Bad Mistake 'The Council made a bad mistake when it did not accept the plans we submitted at their request some years ago. It would have cost a lot less then than it will now," com- mented Commissioner 8, J. Babe, Chairman of the Commission, "It would have cost them $23,000 then, if I remember correctly," ad- ded Commissioner Boddy. "This is without doubt the poor- est and most cheaply lighted city in the province," declared the chairman, Manager George Shreve inter posed the remark that he knew of a Aumber of cities where good lighting had been installed where a portion of the cost was charged as a local improvement against the merchants in the section where it was installed. Members of the Commission pointed out that this was a matter for Council to decide. Regarding the possibility of when work might be. commenced, Mr. Shreve said this would be an ad- mirable, time for Council to pass it as it would give him until next spring to secure the necessary ma- terials and assured them that when commenced the work would proceed to completion without interruption. He said futher that he could get most of the materials--the metal standards, being the hardest to se- cure, Heads CCL Again A. R, MOSHER Who hag been re-elected presiden§ of the Canadian Congress of Labor, President of the organization since its inception in 1940, Mr. Mosher defeated the otha: candidate for the post, C. 8. Jackson of Toronto, by a vote of 454 to 198 at yesterday afternoon's session of the CCL convention, George Burt, UAW die rector and C. H. Millard, director of the United Steelworkers, were name ed to posts on the executive come mittee, REGIMENT GETS NEW EQUIPHENT Qualified Instructors Need ed--New Guns Ready For Use Tae 11th Armored Reg., (Ont. R.) has received considerable new equipment recently and is now ace tively recruiting for trained and battle-tested personnel to act as ine structors in the Reserve Unit, it was announced today by its come manding Officer, Lt.-Col. L. W, Currell. Col. Cusrell told The Times-Gas< ette most of the new equipment was now ready for service and thas only a small portion needed slight grooming before all would be in readiness for full-scale training operations, The equipment and the uses to which it will be put was explained by Col. Currell, He pointed proud= ly to the new 75mm. quick-firing, armor-piercing gun, on an instruc- tional mount. "We have a large number of 9 mm. Browning autos matic pistols and a slightly lessen number of 300# Browning machin® guns," the Colonel said, adding that these are all tank weapons, Aside from its well-stocked arsens al, the Simcoe Street armoury alsd boasts two 60 cwt. general purpose trucks, one 15 cwt. truck, also for general purposes, and one 15 owt, heavy utility vehicle, together with one new-type armoured scout car, The scout car has all the latest technical improvements. 'There are also three 15 cwt. trucks fitted for wireless and two additional on the way, : « More Equipment Expected Other heavy equipment is due shortly, This includes two 15 cwi, armored half-tracks 'for special use on rough terraine, four cruiser tanks mounting 76 mm. cannon and one light cruiser tank. Also exe pected are five wireless sets, Nos 19, which will be added to the five already at the Armoury. The Colonel pointed out tha$ there was no difficulty in procure ing the equipment but rather & matter of what to do with it once it arrived, since, until the regi. ment is brought up to strength, '1% must be maintained and serviced, "This," he declared, is not proctice al." : Opening For Instructors Col. Currell said all men with ove erseas experience would be welcome and stressed that there were opens ings for duly qualified instructors, "The regiment is also on the looke out for men between th eages of 17% and 45, physically fit and keen to.soldier seriously," the Command= ing Officer went on. Those who feel they meet the qualifications may learn more .b: turning up at the Armoury any Monday evening. Drill usually starts at 7.45 pm. Col Currell said that at present the regiment was mainly interested in building up its instructional staff and pointed out that ex-servicemen will be ad- mitted to the Reserve with the rank they held when mustered out.