What Council Did 4 I met last 6 until 150, pri with all ir on the agenda, All members were pre~ , BENG except Alderman Alex Ross, Poard of Works Chairman Mi- hael Starr vd out thet a of | tario-Quebec Conference of Seventh ing the Mary Btreet also that the Horticultural Soc be req to beautify the portion of land left between the new and old streets, aS Davis sugg" ted wh on wo h 17 Aaerman Starr sald this had + sonsidersd Miadvighble We "stop" w were going painted on the pavement at both ends of the old curve, Council endorsed a resolution from the Oity of Kitchener yrging the government to prohibit 'unes- sential building until sufficient houses had been built, On receipt of a letter from L, 8B, Hyman, tor, on behalf of resi. dents of the district, against fur- use of the stables on the Weston Bread property on Nassau , council passed a motion ex its opposition to the build- being used for purpose the Weston Bread Company had discontinued use of them, This fon was also to be co veyed to ithe local Board of Health, A request from W, J, Donals, 230 Alice ool, jon Dev hission for ] ain on city property on the ool ide of Haig Street, was referred to City Property, ' It was moved that all for the ion 'of assistant city lications referred to the mayo A ition for te on Third vei ile ep the committee, Regarding an application from » 8, Pipher for permission to erect on Patricia Avenue, it was ted out that the council ine to select a suitable site for ty store in that distriot, uested | out that this was an entirely resi~ be | King Street, owned by Mr, Jamie. his | in the Old Oity Hall at 8 o'clock, BALKANS SHOW HOW COMMUNISM Mayor McOallum that Meadows, Critoph a Co, were ready to report on tenders for the incinerator equipment snd , Meadows would be present et the next meeting, Permission was refused the On- Day Adventists to cpen an office at 861 Arthur Street, It was pointed dential street, A bylaw was passed removing the building and business . reztric- tions on the property on the east side of Ritson Road, just south of On receipt also of a letter from AW, 8, Greer, K.C, on behalf of A, O, Pelt, for removal of similar restrictions on his property farther east, it was decided to interview the remain operty owners on King Street ween Ritson Road and Oshawa Boulevard to ascertain how many would be in favor of re- moyal of these restrictions on the aren, Under the present bylaw single dwelling units are the only type of buildings allowed on King Street east of Ritson Road, Last night's bylaw will not take effect until oved the Ontario Municipal Board, It was announced by Alderman Rae Halliday that a meeting.of all civic employees will be held tonight The meeting will be addressed [] representative of the Annuities Branch concerning the possibility of setting up a pension scheme, GROWS Determined Small Groups of Reds Force Wishes On Majority New York--Postwar developments in the Balkan countries have shown how a minority group can take over #& government and impose an alien economy without effective opposi- tion from within or without, In the name of democracy, Mose ed in Yugo slavia, Bulgaria, anis and seve oral central Huropean countries have moved steadily forward toward Oct, 15, Goal of the meetin, of trade on a multilateral Heads Delegation on W 1 ) } Hector Mcliinnon, chairman of the tariff board and president of Com- modity Prices Stabilization Corporation, Ottaws, who will head the seven Canadian delegates to the meeting of the preparatory committee for the international conference on trade and employment opening in London, will be to establish the widest possible ares is among nations of the werld, orld Trade or JOHN DEUTSCH director of economic relations for the Finance Department, Ottawa, is one of the Canadians who will represent Oanada at the world trade meeting in London on Oct, 15, pe L 4 a part of its activity as fighting the Germans, Italians and Quisling armies, Political commissars were installed and the revolution began, As the end of the war was sighted and the partisans began to consoli~ date the territory they won from the invaders, overall government lans were made and announced to he nation and the world, These pronouncements were always in the name of democracy, Promised Democracy . When Tito made his peace with the exiled Yugoslav government in London and signed the Tito-Subasic agreement, democratic institutions were once more promised. who feared Communism were killed into a sense of security, ' People's courts were set up and lost no time in trying and executing those accused of collaboration, Obli= gatory political education was ex« tended to the population as a whole, Youth and even infant groups were organized, Schools were geared to the machine for propagation of the new idea, The second phase of the revolue tion was under way. But even then any suggestion Those |, simply "loss of national honor," but confiscation of property always fol lowed, This process, starting with blat- ant collaborationists who deserved their fate, continued until all ine dustry and all but the smallest commercial outlets were in govern ment hands, It was almost come plete before the general population realized that it was a program of nationalization, By that time the grip of govern ment and police was so firm that nothing could be done, Whereas Communist trends were hush-hush just a year ago, today government officials speak with pride of the progress they have made in that direction, Just before my de, Yigosavia 8 minor od! They still call it democracy but that is probably just habit held over from earlier days, rture from cial remark Around The Bandshell Following is the programme to be given at the Meclaughlin Band 11 tonight, 800 pm, by the Ram. eses Temple Shrine Band of Toron. to under the direction of Bandmas- ter-J, D, WER, i ad by March, " 0 Line! Alford; Selection, "Chu Ohin Chow" by ¥. Norton; Waltz, "Straussiana"; Cornet solo, "The Lost Chord", so- loist musician Sullivan ¥, Locksley; Operatic Alr, "Bchoes of The Opera"; Selection, "Sweethearts", Arran, by Bandmaster J, D, Wil. son; Selection, "Maid of the Moun. tains", by Fraser Simpson; concert March, igh Jb Contes; An Evening Hymn, God Bave The King POLICE INVADE DOG INFERNO 2 , Bept, 2, armed with sticks and truncheons fought their way through a "Dante's inferno" of savage doys to arrest their owner and clean up a "dog den" on the outskirts of thampton, - Charles Bdwards, 656, was sent to Jail for three months for causing unnecessary suffering to seven Jog. Inspectors told of savage attacks by dogs chained in kennels made of oll drums, broken boxes, pleces of wood and old cisterns, "It was a kind of Dante's inferno experience," sald one, WRONG NAME USED (Stan Weeks, Correspondent) Westmount, Sept, 24~The guest sololst at Inst week's meeting of the Westmount United Church was Louls Griffin not Miss Louise Girif« fin as mentioned in Tuesday's is- sue, Mr, Griffin was accompanied at the plano by his wife, THE TIMES-GAZETTE Whursday, September 26, 1046 18 "Bob's such a young-looking bat D® comes home with a springy step and sparkling smile. He's bright and cheerful as he says "Hello dear!" Just as keen as when he waved goodbye this morning, Yes, Mother and Dad, and in fact their parents too, realize what a help Eno's 'Fruit Salt' has been to fitness and health, Eno's 'Fruit Salt' is refreshing and pleasant to take, It will help sweeten the breath and relieve acid distress--so often the cause of headaches and indigestion, Eno is free of harsh, bitter salts--no sugar or artificial flavouring of any kind, Buy a bottle of Eno's 'Fruit Salt' today: that the newly-liberated Yugoslavia was modeling itself on Soviet Rus- sla was taboo, In 1048, when this correspondent first visited Belgrade |, while fighting was in progress only a few miles north of the Yugoslav oapital, any suggestion that Yugo- shavia was pi ng toward Bovidits sation was sternly censored from what to expect | of eastern Huro- | despatches. (The censorship sube world Jeqlisntly was eliminated after V-E yi One of the neatest tricks of revo- |. lution by indirection was Yugo- slavia's nationalization of trade and industry by court process, Announce- ment of such a sweeping economic change would have aroused danger- ous opposition--at least, Tito's gov Communism, Neutral observers in the Balkans are almost unanimous in their opine fon that the Communisation of the Balkans had the support of only a small group and that it would have been poutvaly, and Suen Jlolimtly, opposed by a large majority 0 majority had had fair warning of a Tell rg ry on saat Hise Bane Sey underground through and illegal outions. taken on additional duties! lin) sad Sess! pervect ota. leader on the Balk sninsula to- repared to in the near fut: - ing for Oshawa, RTS 9h gn The question of the of heating for the new Are annex was referred to Fire tection and City Property for a Neport, It was Sind out in thr Ta ee Us ice 1] would be ready for ocoupancy by It was moved that all department Toads be, atiied nat sartng Ors aw of emplcyees from work! Sing Sty * jake Would be put into e a He war pen prewar years in prison, in exile or as a hunted OrUmInAL iy Beoante Effolen olent 'This policy served to knit the Bal- kan Communists into tight, efflolent In prison they perfected in the of the Marxist gospel; in exile ~ usually work in revolution; living illegally, they tested their plans for the fu- ture by ceaseless agitation, Today, Yugoslavia lives under a regime as totally Communist as that of Russia after the First World War, Largely because of American and British diplomatic representa- tions, the "revolution" has mad headway in Bulgaria and R cyte movement was, eri =-but not destroyed--by the olvil war of 1044, y 8ince in Yugoslavia the revolution has progressed further than in the other eastern European countries, that country is a good example of how the Communist minority works, The revolution started with the beginning of the world war--not the end of The partisan guerrilla movement of Marshal Joapl Brose Tito, organivad immediately after the 1041 invasion of Yugoslavia, drew its top leadership from the ranks of the Communist party, but its rank and file came from simple peasants, workers and townapeople who joined with not politioal mo« tives but with a desire to strike a blow at the Axis invaders, For the outside world, Commue nism was soft<pedaled in Tito's national liberation army, bus "poe were halled into court on charges ranging from collaboration to make« ranging from execution, to jail or [r-- EGGS ernment must have thought so, One after another, industrialists ing excessive war profits, Sentences WANTED SHIP DIREC TO DOMINION STORES LTD. 832 OLD WESTON RD, TORONTO Grading Station No, 020 Highest Prevailing Market Prices Paid CASES RETURNED FREE Careful Grading and Prompt Remittance We Pay a Premium for Poultry Farm Strictly Fresh Large Brown or White Shell Eggs Reg'd, litical education" was as' important akes a Modern Range from any Cook Stove is easily Ine stalled right in the firebox of IRI | 184 Simcoe St. South Bussmann ndt © Starts Instantly © Perfect Control ® Burns 20% Alr They're now available in Oshawa at:-- Phone 4442W . Where warm Pacific ¢urrenits lap the shores of Canada's West Coast, nature has created an Evergreen Playground -- for youl In the™Very heart of this garden spot -- at beautiful Victoria--stands the ivy-clad Rr ire haul ven wo of Conado conn ony Conadion Pacific Roilwey agent, Empress Hotel, famous for gracious living and quiet, unhurried luxury. Here summers are cool and refreshing . «+ winters mild and balmy. There is no "closed season" on beautiful Vancouver Island-or the nearby mainland of British Columbia.