Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Sep 1946, p. 8

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8 THE TIMES-GAZETTE Saturday, September 21, 1946 At Local Citadel On Sunday COOL, ARCH, LAYMAN who Sunday. Edith Meader, a native of Bowman MRS, A, LAYMAN will conduct service at the Oshawa Salvation Army Citadel on Col. Layman is the Chief Secretary of the Salvatio: Army for Nawfoun@lland and Bermuda. His wife is the former Ensign Guide News ATTRNTION, | OUIDERS, CAPTAINS, TAWNY OWLS 'fhe Executive Council plans to en- jartuin you_and yor oor at Camp ac on Friday. I Ploase telephone Mrs, Council sec Sept, 23, s0 that p! pleted. , A, Collins, the by Monday, may be com- THE OWLS' CLUB The first meeting of the season, held 4 N. Kinder on cnlo, a revel planned for charge esdames B| Pugh and T! pson, Other | general in. terest to Brownle work were discussed, After which the hostess served refresh. ments, 41 OWNIE PACK urth oon fad 0 Te 0 welve ao, Membela nto the Brownie amily, 9 Tweenies learned about the Fromise and the Fairy Ring i] nd badges were presen our Brownies, All Brownies have Rromised to bri ir to the mother Mother an hter banquet on Oct, 2nd, h 108 reminded to at a on} joc, Sept, 28th ata p m, , Gold. to the ake them home when the rally is over, §TH BROWNIE PACK 1g) cabled were welcomed k, taki the / i the Brow wil ny" Size. a. los harge f# the Silden Bar sowing, while Packie the Tweenies, took charge of the Clold- ing Away from the a a ondering why they are A #1ng-80 was enjoyed at W-WOW, moa ng 8 new nly called I Lullaby." were ed to obtain per- their od ate to attend lly next Wednesday, They ist Chureh, in uniform, are, at 7 p.m, } the Brownies working for their Golden d please remember to bring » ball of wool and a Jour of knitting needles next Thursday 13TH BROWNIE PACK There was a full attendance this first meeting and the Brownies spent most thelr time oub-otdo0fs. The fe Six won a point for coms Plete in uniform, also for the spe- inspection, wins King passed her nature and {ripping tents. Ann Wallace passed li Rotor Eres ta nde! 'Louise An. a I ho oi n, 3 ERA passed skipping. W Passe 1ST OSHAWA The 1st Oshawa Girl Guides opened ith the Guide prayer, , the girls went to and Vi 08 1a the Ah aide to be sure to look for them After ipper on hal way home, Mam nine 0) 0) Jott Knot. The moeting closed with Won't forget girls, the fusmstioks for next week. . ATH OSHAWA © On Wednesday evening Waning with the Guide Prayer. n wi ulde Prayer, The Patrol aders W the eons aro red, Evelyn Wright and Marie Melnror, wh Followed by. ALR aingos of Patrol Corners, A nierry d of square danol; WAS at Siva ir hot glee ach wid tn a short Campfire and taps, A reminder to 4th Oshawa: ber meet at the school at R \ JE an shoes. nck h 150 please bring the tickets or the , 'The 230 1s preferred as w lke to have al the mothers 'present om 7 p.m, next edheeday fori Which includes long ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH ber 2. This is to give us an ides pg we have to i Ey 6TH OSHAWA The meeting opened with Court of Honor, during which the remainder of the Guides practised semaphore out of rs, : This was followed by games, At Campfire important Guide matters were discussed, The meeting closed with song and Taps, ols Summer hy oamp Wend Hikers 0 Was passed slie, iathloen kidowies and Beverley Phil- ps, 11TH OSHAWA ning ceremonies and patrol 0 girls played an interest- knot game which was won by Naomi Wilson's patrol, The following girls passed tests: Use- ful Article, Heien Hogarth; Bedmaking, Lorraine McDonald; Further Knowledge of the Guide Laws: Beverley Bull and 18% 8 PIA. | Dokls Th ompson, At Pow-wow the girls were reminded of the flying~up ceremony to he he a» week from next Wednesday. They ang several songs and closed the eeting with Taps and the Guide prayer, 12TH OSHAWA The Guides of the 12th Company re- organized on Tuesday evening with a good turnout, eo Guides were called to order and after inspection went to their patrol corners, After some lively games contributed from each patrol, they gathered around the camp fire, where they were told of the rally 'to be held at the Arena and other business was discussed, After y hearty singsong, the meeting closed w aps, ust » Teminder, Guides, don't for. get full uniforms next week and tha includes long black stockings. The first iy Danas eoting was o first part_o 0 Iu held outdoors, Donna Barker's was 1) ghar 0 "Softly Fades the Light of iy. n't forget the 'tidy hal" business, girls! Queen and Princess » Thank War Mothers With the arrival of three letters from England, one from the lady- in-waiting to Queen Eliza' eth, one from the -in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth, and one from the matron of HR.H. Princess Christian's In. fant Nursery, the Mary A. Dunlevy Chapter, Windsor War Mothers, re- news its charitable work this fall in a spirit of deep pride and a knowl- edge of appreciation, The chapter, with Mrs, Dunlevy as its president, sends parcels to England to be distributed to the needy, and more parcels are being packed and sent, From Queen Elizabeth's lady-in- waiting came a note on Windsor Castle stationery thanking Mrs. Elizabeth Grossett, war work con- vener of the group, and the mem- bers for the parcel sent fur the Queen's distribution, "Her Majesty 1| is causing these most useful and well chosen articles to be sent on at once to where they will be most tremendously appreciated, and the kind thought which has prompted their despatch will be as heart ola | Warming to the recipients as it is to The Queen," the lady-in-waiting wrote, "It is indeed a wonderful link be- tween the mothers who have endur- ed so much on both sides of the ocean," she concluded. From Buckingham Palace the la- dy-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth wrote that she was 'desired by Princess Elizabeth to thank the Windsor War Mothers very much for their extremely kind gift, and to say how touched Her Royal Highness was by the thought that prompted the sending of this lovely present, The princess will endeavor to distribute the contents of the parcel to those who deserve it most." Miss P. E. Backham, matron of bey the Infant Mission, mentioned re celving two parcels from the asso- clation, "The nurses were so en. thusiastic about the little night dresses and cotton frocks, I was overjoyed to find another cake, we do not have such good ones over here, Thank you and all the other MEN'S OWN CLUB BAND "CONCERT SALVATION ARMY BAND Band Selections, Vocal and Instrumental Solos and a Fifteen Minute HAMMOND ORGAN RECITAL * WHERE? | Albert Street United Church WHEN? Wed, Sept. 235th, : at 8:00 pm. Jhildren, 15¢, at the door 0} ADMISSION 25 Cents \ Come and Enjoy Yourself id | covenant between God t eye and a tooth for a Y | bour LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH EGULARLY By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Les- son on the above topic for Sept. 29 is Exodus 20:3-17; Psalm 119:33-40; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 5:38- 48; 22:37-39; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10: 26-37; Romans 8:2-4, Galatians 5:13-24, the Memory Verse being Romans 13:10, "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.") I JESUS AND the Law of Love is the title of today's lesson, and we find in it how Jesus interpreted this law, No half'way measures with Him, He went the whole way. We have been studying the com- mandments as written in the book of Exodus, and know from it that our first duty is to love God with our whole hearts, Man's struggle to attain the ideal which Jesus gives us is typified in the 119th Psalm of David, which is included in our lesson today. "Teach me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. "Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy law: yea, I shall ob- serve it with my whole heart, "Turn away mine eyes from be- holding vanity; and quicken Thou me in Thy way. "Behold, I have longed after Thy precepts; quicken me in Thy righteousness," These words are like the cry of a child who wants so much to do what is right, but who fears to stumble and do what he knows is wrong. Every Man Will Know God The ideal association of God and man is found in Jeremiah, who pro- phesies of the time when, in a new and His children, men "shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord" If God is in every man's heart --and every womaa's and child's-- it will no longer be difficult to do His bidding, and He will then for- give their sins, Can anyone obey Jesus' rule of loving our enemies? The old He- brew law asked for "an eye for an th." In a wrong ould be e manner in which it other words avenged in was given, "Ye have heard that it hath been sald, Thou shalt love thy heigh- d hate thine enemy, But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute vou." "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the un- Just." We can all see that this is 80, And Jesus goes on to show that if we simply love those who love and are kind to us, we 'do just as everyone else does, We cannot take any credit for it, But if we try to see the good in our enemies, and are patient and loving toward them, even praying that blessings may come to them instead of thinkin vindictive thoughts about them, wi really have the God of Love in our hearts and are doing what He wants us to do. Story of Good Samaritan The parable of the good Samari- mothers for your generosity," she sald "Most of the mothers of the bables are widows and have to work, and We care for the babies while they are tiny. One or two of the babies are orphans, The Waifs' and Strays' Soclety administers the nursery and it never turns a child away, but cares for it and later finds a suit- able home, Trim Blue Uniform Puzzles Americans Saskatoon, Sept. 16--(CP)-- Though mistaken several times for & Russian sharpshooter, ex-R.C.AF. leading airwoman Peggy Ferguson of Toronto found Americans "keen" to show her their country during a two-week air hitch-hiking tour of he Suited ates. ng here on the last lap--b train--of her discharge leave oy Peggy has time to add up the mil- eage of the trip during which she made stops at Buffalo, New York, Washington, Jacksonville, Fla. Memphis, Tenn, Denver, Col, Sa- cramento and San Diego, Calif, and % "ly up the vig = Seattle, + from where © crossed back into Canada. : It was the air arm of the US. Navy for the party of three girls, Peggy says, wryly, that the US, a Army has regulations against tak- e landed safely girls were soon Again in another alr- was in the air force just ree years and - worked control towers on the coast of Canada--and would ike the same type of job in civilian tan is known to us, but it is always a lovely story to tell and beautifull illustrates our lesson, Jesus told it to a man who had asked Him how he could inherit eternal life, When Jesus told him to love God and his neighbour, he asked, trying to jus ty his question, "And who is my neighbour"? Then Jesus told him about a man ~probably a Jew--who was travel- ing down the steep road from Jere usalem to Jericho, and when he same to a narrow gorge was set up- on by robbers, who stripped him of his clothes, took his money and beat him, leaving him nearly dead. A priest came along, and saw him, but whether from fear or thinking it was none of his business, he went onshis way, Likewise a Lev~ ite (a priest's helper) came along and also passed, Then a BSamari- tan, one of an alien and despised race, came that way, and this man went to the wounded man, bound up his wounds. then got him upon the man's own beast and took him to an inn and pald the inn-keeper to care for him, promising that if this care cost more than the money he left, he would repay him when 'he passed that way again, "Which of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among thieves?" Jesus asked simply, The man answered, "He that showed mercy unto him, Then sald Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise," We all love ourselves. Every child, every grown person/ wants things for himself, and it is a had lesson to learn to be unselfish and to think of others, Can we go still further, and love others as much as we love ourselves? And forgive and even love our enemies and those who do unkind things to us? It has been done, but even all these years after Jesus' teachings, not too many of us are even trying very hard to follow that teaching. But we can try, and keep on trying, ° Chief Secretary Salvation Army Here on Sunday Distinguished visitors to the Osh awa Salvation Army Citadel ou Sunday will be Col, and Mrs, A, Layman, who will deliver addresses of great interest to the community at large. Col. Arch Layman re turned to his native land in July, 1045, after 17 years in Hawall and the United States, to become Salva- tion army Chief Secretary for Can- ada, Newfoundland and Bermuda. Alter leaving school at Kingsville, Ont, Col, Layman was grocery clerk for three years. The earnestness of the members of the Kingsville Corps in thelr street meetings first attracted him to the Salvation Army and he became a soldier, In 1003 he entered the Salvation Army Training Garrison in Toronto, be- ing a member of the last session of Canadian cadets to be commission ed by the then Commander Evan geline Booth in 1004. Various appointments followed. He served at Feversham, Hamilton, Newmarket, Brampton, Niagara Falls, Chatham, Lindsay, Midland, Galt, Windsor and London, Ont, until 1010 when he went to Mon- treal as Divisional Young People's Secretary, Ia 1021 he was transfer- red to Ottawa as Divisional Com- mander, His next post was as Di- visional Commander for British Go- lumbia and in 1928 he went to the Hawallan Islands as Divisional Commander, Col, Layman's next appointment was in 1931 as Men's Social Service Secretary for the Western (U.8.) GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 ALBERT ST, Invites You Rev. N. Kritsch, Pastor 10 am. --Sunday School 11 am. ~--Anniversary Service The Rev, H. Erdman, Kitchener 7 p.m.--Anniversary Service The Rev. W. Rathke St, Catharines PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 Simooe St, 8. Pastor: R. A. Bombay Bun. 11 am. & 7 pm. Mon, Wed, Fri. 8 pm, Rev. J, T. Ball and M. Almey in Charge You Are Invited UKRANIAN GREEK ORTHODOX Holy Virgin Mary Church . 261 Bloor St, East 30th Anniversary Services 10.30 A.M. SUNDAY Sept. 22, 19%6 Everybody Welcome Territory which included oversight of the prison work, Io 4009 Col, LAVinus Ziamied ti the Canadian Association of Sochal Workers, . mining camp, before her marriage, NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Rev, B. 8. Morwood, Minister. ' Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist "There are no Crown Wearers in Heaven that were not Cross Bearers here Below"-- (Spurgeon) COME AND WORSHIP 11.00 a.m. ~PREACHER: REV, GEORGE BALL, M.A. . Missionary Designate to West China 2.30 p.m.--Opening Afternoon Session, Church School 7 P.M.-- SPECIAL SERVICE: Followed by FIRESIDL HOUR Be Present when we Dedicate and Send Forth Our Own Missionary to Northern Alberta ALL ARE WELCOME ---------- -- KING STREET UNITED CHURCH REY. J. V. McNEELY, M.A, B.D, WALTER H. JACKSON, Organist and Choirmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11.00 a.m.~The SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Minister Will Preaca 2.30 pm~Rally Day in the Church School 7.00 p.m.--REV, H, C. LIN! LA., B.D, GUEST BOLOIST for the day, AD Ei 3 5 ER of Cobourg, These services are held in the interest of the Memorial Organ COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REY. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, B.D., Minister C. J. W. TAYLOR, D.C.M., Organist and Cholrmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY, SEPT, 22ND 1100 AM~THE CHURCH EXAMINES ITSELF 2.30 PM.~SUNDAY SCHOOL. RALLY DAY and PROMOTION SERVICE 7.00 PM. ~THE CHURCH FRONTS THE WORLD Rev. G, Telford will be in charge of both services A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Closing Meetings Annual Week of Missions CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Cor, John and Centre Sts. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND Norman and Leila Parish and Family of the Columbian Evangelical Mission All offerings on Sunday for Missions, unless vtherwise designated Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Prais. meeting. Everyone Cordially Invited SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. A. D, CORNETT, M.A, D.D,, 0.B.E, Minister R. G. GEEN, L.T.C.M., Organist and Clolrmastsr DIVINE SERVICES YOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER "2ND RALLY DAY 11:00 a.m.--An Appeal For Fidelity In Religion 2:80 p.m.~--Rally Day Program in the Sunday School 7:00 p.m.--Jesus' Parable of the Two Sons. You are Cordially* Invited to Worship With Us, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV, RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER--MRS, F. VANDER-VOORT HARVEST HOME SERVICES 10.00 A. M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11,00 AM.--"SEED TIME AND HARVEST" 7.00 P.M.--"A HAPPY WEDDING" A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP CENTRE, ST. UNITED CHURCH 11,00 a.m ~THE REV. MR, SMALL Missionary From Chins 4:30 pm.--~THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Rav. Mr, Small 7:00 pm --PUBLIC WORSHIP "The Oure of Blesplessness" "It is one of the proven principles of life that the greatest satisfactions do not come in mastering others, but mastering ourselves, He who invests in inner treasures of the soul, faith, hope, peace, vision, patience, the same will know life at its best and most satisfying level, All these are within reach of us all." THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Phone S1I5R Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving 10 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL "The Church Basement is\ Nearing Completion To Accommodate Our Gr g-Sunday School" [11 AM] [rem ) If You Have No Church Affiliation or Christian Fellowship -- Visit CEDARDALE'S EVANGELISTIC CENTRE foi rif, "1st Street 8, of Pastor--Rev, L. E. Fletcher WELCOME! AT 7 P.M. TO OUR HARVEST HOME SERVICE Theme: "Harvest and Other Miracles" Soloist: Mrs, Lorne Thompson RALLY DAY IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Seniors at 10 am, -- Juniors at 11 am, Special -- Colored Lantern Slides WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH R. M, THOMPSON, BA, PASTOR GIBBON STREET KNOX CHURCH Phone 3822W (PRESBYTERIAN) Rev. 'H, F. Davidson, M.A,, Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Organist and Choirmaster 11.00 A.M. and 7.00 P.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP 3.00 P.M. RALLY SERVICE FOR THE CHURCH SCHOOL SPEAKER: REV, E. A. THOMSON, TORONTO All Parents Urged To Be Present NASSAU GOSPEL HALL =: GOSPEL SERVICE SUNDAY 7.00 P.M. Sunday School and Bible Class, 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Oak and Simcoe Streets « + = Phone 1398W Major and Mrs, Alfred P, Simester, Officers in Charge We Invite You to Hear COLONEL and MRS. A. LAYMAN (The Salvation Army's National Chief Secretary) AT 11 AM. and 7 P.M, Brig. and Mrs, H. Newman of Toronto, will accompany -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. EB. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 AM. Subject: : MATTER SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:40 AM. Wednesday svening meeting at 8:00 o'clock : : Science. The reading room at 1 Simcoe St. South Room No. 3, (upstairs Bassett Block) will be open dally from 2 to § p.m. and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. excepting Sundays and legal holl- days, where the Bible and Christian Sclence literature may be studied purchased and subscriptions placed for our periodicals, 11am 11am Yams MORNING SERMON {ii 'TRAITOROUS CANADA? A sermon a soldier would understand and ine every member of-4h. congregatior. is urged to hear . and consider, PASTOR'S REQUEST Will all Elders and: Stewards make a special effort to be present at this service, 2:30 p.m, -- A Sunday School -- 2:30 p.m. You'll Really Like wo, EVENING SERMON Why not make that long postponed visit to God's House this Sunday. Two inspiring services await you ... « come, 7pm, Worship LIS RAIN" A Message for a thirsty and a very sincere welcome . , ALBERT sits CHURCH REV. E, DONOVAN JONES, BA, Pastor,; MRS HOLDEN, Organist Corner Albert St, and Olive Ave. SERVICES Sunday, September 22nd 8 am. --Holy Commynion 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer

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