«GAZETTE Ins Rause 21, 1046 Births A ig Borers Daa) Tk tor, Brie 8%) oi | Kingston a i gh mg TR Ea) N. Riayark Fria os "= oft sent Deaths TTY, Bdward B~At rest in Oshawa aM re om opis, on, Su on Saturday, Sep- tom a aban ol i Bioomdleid a and dear father of Mrs, J Pn Ry Hamirion --y Ww. A Pansial service from his late resi- dence 86, Bast, on Monday, September 2hsa a1" a 330 pm, Inter ment Union Oem ER a B Fin ph ER Ko- bon Monday Fungi Antony. - Serie nion oometery 30 gm. eve g" CEE EE fee Shane h i Hill a Ritire ri Luke-McIntosh AWA, On turday, , ab 3 'my, Interment Es Bind on In Memoriam MAURER.-In. 10v lov! tnd 18 mony. of he passed away 3 A 0, tom! 20, 1 Ocne, doar ns i, gone forever, ap 1800, Lan and da Bs pra. er ad | in 4 M, her 1 hor ware, AM eras (J of her oft behind, he amily, fol fom 'Cards of Thanks Be EDWARD B. BATTY The son of the late Thomas and . Sarah Batty, the deceased was born + @t Paris, Ontario, on June 9, 1872, + As a small child he was taken by {| his parents to Norwich, Ontario, - where he later operated the Batty Hardware for some years, He was miro at Tillsonburg in 1895, . A resi dent of Oshawa for 36 years, Mr, Batty was employed for some . time by General Motars of Canada Limited and for some years acted a8 chauffeur for the late hlin, He leaves to mourn his his daughter, Helen, of We Stock and Sell PLUMBING and HOT WATER HEATING New or Repair Work! GB 349 Louisa St. Ph, 4896 o£ ES ki ladys) EAE oMLI os to co wa and one brother, Basil, of Osh~ AWA, The funeral is 1s being held from the yg A ~-McIntosh Funeral Hom King Street ad, followed by | cond pastor of First Baptist Ohurch, JOHN DYER Oshawa and Ontario County lost 'one of its ploneers late Pride ening in the passing of John in his 87th year, at the family resi« dence, Kingston Road East (Har- mony), Mr, Dyer had been ill only a few days, Born in Columbus, the son of anor Dyer, he had resided in this s district for his entire life and his entire business career, which was one of outstanding success, was spent boil i Ontario Malle~ able Iron Com The late Mr, Dyer joined the o OMI, staff as an , | office boy and rose to the position of General Manager and Vice-Pro- y sident of the Company, during his association of over 60 years during which time the Ontario Malleable Iron Company attained world-wide ng- | fame as the largest of such indus tries in the Bri Empire, He re- pe: | tries shortly af! the Grinnell Company of Canada took over the Besides his wife, the former Alice M, Keyes, John Dyer is survived by two daughters, Mrs. L. Oryder- man (Irene) of Bowmanville and Mrs. H, Rutter (Gladys) of Oshawa, Two sisters, Mrs, Nettle Dyer and Mrs, Mary Holmes, both of Toronto and two brothers, Jabez and Albert, both living in Western Canada, and one grandson, John Rutter, also survive, Mr, and Mrs, John Dyer observed their Golden Wedding an- niversary a short time ago. He was a member of St. George's Anglican Church and Rev. D, M, Rose will conduct the funeral ser- vices, 'The funeral will be held from the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home, on Monday afternoon, Sep. tember 23, at 2.30 o'clock, with ine terment at The Mausoleum, Union Cemetery, ROBERT McCALDRON The death occurred at the Tor- onto East General. Hospital on Wednesday evening, September 1 of Robert McCaldron, beloved his® band of mlizabeth Tippett, 33 My- stic Avenue, Toronto, Mr, MoCaldron is survived by two sons, David of 600 Christie Street, Oshawa and Robert of St, Cathar The' funeral is being held from the Willlam Sherrin Funeral Home, 873 Kingston Road, Toronto, at 3 pm, today followed by interment in Pine Hills Cemetery, JOHN WILBERT PAUL Peterborough, Sept, 19, -- Fatally $ | infured in an accidental fall from ihe ihira nosy 3 the haw ulld- being erected ot St. Hospital as a nurses' resi- dence, ohn Wilbert Paul, 63, of 203 Rutherford Ave, dled in the hospi half an hour, later, - Paul, employed' as a carpens ter with Pigott Construction Co, was trying to erebt a supporting beam on the third floor, about 35 feet from the ground. He was standing toward the end of one side of the bullding, Apparently 'the welght of the shoring beam carried him forward, and in con. pa | arzied to hold it fell outward from the floor to the ground, He wad rushed to the hosuital nearby, Mr, Paul was born at Red Rock in Verulam township, Vietorla County, son of the late Willlam Paul and his wife, Agnes Stinson, and had moved to Peterborough four years ago from Omemee, He 1s survived by his wite, the former Marion Gertrude McConnell, two daughters, Mrs, L, O'Connor of Oshawa, Miss Ruth Paul, Hamil. ton, two sons, Reginald and Ray, Robert | both of this city; one Siatel, Mrs, Wilbert Florence Irwin, Osh- awa, one grandson, James Via je late Mr, and Mrs, Thomas and |, To Tour Sir John Anderson, director of the Canada Canadian Pacific Rallway Compan and Lady Anderson set out from Halifax on a Canadian tour that take them from coast to coast. 'They arrived in Canada on the "Queen Mary," Sir John served in the British War Oabinet holding the port- follo of Minister of Home Security, Lord President of the Council and Chancellor of the Exchequer at various time, --canadisn Pacific Photo O'Connor, He was a member of the Knox United Church, The funeral will be held from the Bellegham Funeral Home, 100 Hun- ter St. W, on Friday, September 20, at 3 pm, Officiating will be the Rev, H, 8, Mahoney of the Xnox United Church, Burial will be in Emily cemetery, , BILTON TRIAL (Cantinued from Page 1) he try to get work with a Hydro gang working north of the town, Governor Sutherland sald that he next saw the accused in the jail the following morning between 8 and 0 o'clock, He sald that after register ing the accused he had asked him why he hadn't told him what was really bothering him the previous afternoon, As Bilton began to ree ply, however, he had stopped him to warn him that he (Sutherland) Nis § governor of the jail and that Bilton was not obliged to say any- thing 'but anything he sald might be used in evidence, "Bilton then told me that on the previous Thursday he had been out BILTON TRIAL (Continued on Page 11) NEWS FLASHES (Continued from Page 1) ber and Itallan Premier Alcide de Gaseerl, Italy granted looal auto- nomy to German-speaking residents of the South Tyrol, guaranteed the right to speak the Tyrolese langue age and pledged that Germans speaking persons would have equal | 75 opportunity to hold public office, The two countries also promised to work out mutually satisfactory rail transit and trade facilities, HELICOPTERS REACH GANDER GANDER AIRFIELD, Newfound- land--Two dismantled' helicopters arrived here today for the attempte ed rescue of 18 survivors of the Belgian airliner orash, Workmen immediately began unloading them from transport planes for assembly, Trowbridge, England = (OP) «= A German doctor, prisoner-of-war, helped to beat off a bull which tos- sed a farmer neax here, then tended the injured man, London, Eng.--(OP)-Rt, Rev, H, HE, Hubbard, 63, has resigned as Anglican Bishop of Whitby because of ill-health, ~ at 9 am, 70-72 SIMCOE NORTH Announcement. BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR Will be closed Thursday and Friday, 26, 27 September. Will reopen Saturday, 28 September PHONE 179 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4h ffi Lil I DRIVER HURT IN SIHCOE ST. SHASH | Ti i teed HH =z 8 gst dist S $ 22 to the left-front northbound Down truck and then bounced back, to strike the southbound Clow car, on the left side, Duncan was thrown out of the truck on the second impact and landed on the pavement with cone siderable force, He missed more To Meet Rotarians GEORGE ZEIGLER who will pay his official visit to the Oshawa Club on Mon- day next, CLAREMONT MAN % TAKES OWN LIFE / ressed for some time, Albert Lee, 46, who has heen boarding with Mrs, Denby, a widow, in Claremont, Jeft the house at 3 o'clock this morning carrying a 12-gauge shotgun and a few minutes later was found dead In the backyard after his landlady heard a shot and rushed out to in- vestigate, Mra, Denby immediately tele- phoned Dr, A, Tomlinson, of Clare mont, who arrived to find Lee dead from a gunshot wound in the head, Known to be d serious Ray by barely a few feet, when the Down truck managed to ph Po Withouy running over his prostrate form, Three Stitches A passing motorist drove the in Jured man to the office of Dr, R, W, Graham, where Dr, Todd examined Duncan's head injury and took the injured man to the Oshawa Cen- eral Hospital, where three stitches were required to close the scalp wound, Following medical atten. tion, Mr, Duncan was taken home in a Times Company car, None of the three cyclists were injured nor a aay of the other driv. ers, The Down truck was damaged, the left-front fender being crump- led while the frame and front axle were bent badly, The Times' panel truck was dam. aged on both the left and right rear sides, with additional damage caused by the force of the impact, The Gow automobile sustained a dimigw front left fender and wi Watch and Clock REPAIRS Guaranteed Service! Oshawa Clock Shop 504a Simcoe St, 8, -- Phone 4475) of the South Ontario Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday, Oct. 10 at the Farm of Elmer Powell (South of Columbus) Coroner Dr, V. B. Oartwright and oun! is not certal that an inquest will be held, JUST GREEN CHEESE 'The moon has no soll, ART BY OA) CANADA People all over the chance to-see works "West Wind," on the life of Thompson, and * scape," on Jackson, Both flims are in full color, ment, R. "CEC" BINT Phone 4068J A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE ® ANNUITIES ® ACCIDENT & HEALTH INSURANCE 'An experienced underwriter can suggest the best plan to meet your individuai require. Representatives SL GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIFE INSURANCE--~ANNUITIES=ACCIDENT & HEALTH INSURANCE ' F. C. STARKEY Phone 3496W WEI WEATHER AHEAD! Don't Take Chances On Old Smoothies We Are Agents tor DUNLOP "THE WOK.LD'S FINEST" EXPERT VULCANIZING AT... IRWIN AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest 2ire Dootors 256 ALEXANDER BLVD, PHONE 1094 4 J 4 RR -- La Anniversary... ANNIVERSARY EDITION The Times Gazolts WILL BE PUBLISHED ON OCTOBER Ist PAST--There'll be the record of The Times-Gazette's small be- ginnings . . . worth recalling at the time of a Diamond PRESENT--Pictures in profusion and many articles, all of interest and importance to the district the, paper serves, will show the position it has achieved while growing for 75 years with Oshawa and Whitby . . . FUTURE--The Times-Gazette will take a bold forward step with the inauguration of daily publication October 1st. The Times-Gazette Oshawa - Whitby