Kiwanis Club Planning Tuberculosis Survey Every Resident of Osha-|, 'wa, Pickering and Port Perry Districts Will Have Opportunity of Having Free Chest X- Ray -- Only One of Club's Services to Com- mom munity "Every Oshawa resident, old and ung, will benefit directly from is season's Kiwanis Club activi- ies," declared Cyril Souch, presi- : nt of the Oshawa Kins Club, : an interview with The Times- ¢f , this morning. "Oould you explain the nature of hese benefits?" Mr. Souch was "rd be glad to," replied he Jo genial orking are of ine citizens, adults as children. as y "And this is why we are sponsor- t and most im- the T.B. scourge safeguard the lives and health everyone in our community. ' 30,000 to receive a free X-Ray, which enables those Satened with T.B. to check the oads of the disease before it serious headway." 2 "This TB. survey will be a big er king, " suggested the news- : Pes, we expect to X-Ray some persons, and local Kiwanians | win Hn calling for [any volunteers the widespread task, When the tario T.B. Association asked our = sponsor Je 2 mv we 2. readily, fully realizing t! tude as vor as the vital iw of the work." "This is not the only contribution you ke, Taking to community wel- Varied Welfare Activities from it," m to Ha : : 3 R ue CHEAPEST ~~ FOOD YOUCANBUY! Fresh Milk supplies vital minerals, vitamins, pro- teins ; . ; and supplies them more economically ! than any other food you can buy! Use fresh milk dell 3 + « for adults and Sn , ewrage ORDER A QUART OF MILK FOR CHILDREN AND A PINT OF MILK FOR ADULTS EVERY DAY THE OSHAWA MILK FOUNDATION = | welfare projects were given healthful outings summer, This was done at a cost of some $2,000, but the returns in health and enjoyment among the youngsters who would not have had an outing otherwise, could never be ted in terms of money, Kiwanians gave generously of their time and efforts, as well as the of this activities, such as the Oshawa Sea Cadet Corps, the Club, which holds ly for young people in the O.C.V.I. auditorium, the Junior Farmers' Club, members of which receive tangible encouragement from: the local service club, .and Kiwanis Softball and Hockey clubs. To enumerate the hundred and one activities of local Kiwanians would require many newspaper col- umns, but the foregoing will give some idea of their and vari- ety, and of the invaluable benefits dre bringing to the youth, in- deed to all citivens of the com- munity. . Colorful Event That the citizens of Oshawa"have 8 knowledge and appreciation of the great work being done in their midst by the local service club is shown by their whole-hearted sup- port of the annual Kiwanis Karni- val. They know that the money they spend at the gala events for local youth groups, opportunities for summer outings, civic improve- ments and higher health standards. Under the chairmanship of Ki- wanian Don Storie, & strong Ki- wanis committee has arranged a Karnival more colorful and spec- tacular than any similar event ever staged in Oshawa. In the gally- decorated booths, local Kiwanians offer endless valuable prizes, and the attendance prizes will be particularly outstanding, this year, Many novelties and surprises . will feature the new Karnival, which bids fair to be the highlight of this season's local entertainment, in charge of the colorful event stress the fact that nickels, dimes and quarters invested in Karnival tickets of every kind are the means not only of providing endless entertainment and wonder- ful prizes, but also of maintaining the splendid youth and community sponsored and car- ried out by the Oshawa Kiwanis {| Club, Remember the dates for this jeads Karnival at the Oshawa Aen to be present, 27 and 28, and Prospects Dim For Settlement Of Steel Strike "Looks Like Long Siege," Comments Delegate To Conference hn I ---- Prospects for early settlement of the ey ke are dim representative of the tied Steelworkers of 1 Sy ton and Sault Ste. Marie, the Union's Nationa] policy conference was post until settlement of the strike reached. However, steel Union delegates to the Canadian Congress of Labor convention, which begins in Toronto on Sept. mee The Nationar Advisory Committee authorized the following statement for publication: i g that the dispute in steel is ne a disastrous 3 2628 Ha "3, proposed by the Government. "4. As recommended and request- ed in Government , refer= ines to an arbitrator, whose decis- ons shall be final and binding on ay parties, of toy he Questions of: (a) Union (b) Hours of iy © Compensation for any in. in the cost of living hod the life of the collect~ ive bargaining agréement." DISTRICT SHORTHORNS WIN the shorthorn field day, held Fair on September 13, W. A. Dryden and Son of Brook lin took the senior and grand cham. plonship for bulls on Killearn Norseman 37th; while Beath Farms of Oshawa won the reserve senjor and reserve grand championship bull with Beathton Charmer, _ International Labor Conference O conference which opens Se in Montreal today.The conference Id in the University of Montreal, shown above. pens At Montreal Labor Organization's 51 member countries are expected Stress Quality Not Quantity Central Command Out- lines Army Organization And Training Policy 'The object of this policy is to en- sure, during the years 1046-48, that a sound framework for the Reserve Force organization has been estab- lished, This framework will be built around personnel chosen for their quality, fitness and experience in War. The prerequisite during these two years of reorganization will be Quality NOT Quantity, The method by which this will be tackled is a "Slow but Sound" re- organization of each Reserve Force unit together with a carefully plan- ned progressive programme of training. To achieve this spund framework, the. first step will be to gather a carefully selected and well trained group of officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers to form the nucleus within each unit. Almost. all senior officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned of- ficers above the rank of sergeant and a certain percentage of cap- tains and sergeants will have had battle experience in World War II, The next step is to ensure that officers, warrant officers and non- commissioned officers of a unit are trained to a suitable standard, which will probably take a full year, The progressive training pro- gramme has been worked out in three phases, Every endeavour will be made to make training as inter- sting as possible in all subjects per taining to the techniques of mod- ern war. Where a certain amount of drill is required for units, this will be held to an absolute mini- mum, The first phase from Sept. 48 to Sept, 47--the training of the nuc- leus as instructors by means of courses conducted by Active Force officers and warrant officers, who are permanently attached to all units. Then in the summer of 1047 at Camp Schools. The second step, from Sept. 47 to March 48, will be the training of the unit by the officers, warrant of- ficers and non-commissioned offi- cers of the unit. Wikis both these phases, very encouragement will be given ip organized sports and physical training, in an effort to maintain and improve the physical standard of the unit as a whole. In order to study ways in which training can be made attractive to !| officers and other ranks of the Re- serve Force, a conference of all sen- ior Reserve Force Commanders in Central Command will be held in Camp Borden on 22 Sept, 46. The whole emphasis of organza Force in this Command will be dir- ected towards physical fitness and military efficiency in all ranks. In conclusion, Quality NOT Quantity, must be the first require- ment in the Reserve Force, MANY HAVE HAVE OOLDS A large percentage of the resi. dents of the Oshawa area have been suffering from seasonal colds dur ing the past week or so, Stiff necks and muscles have accompanied the iy which in some instances seem- paralysis like a mild attack of infantile © IN FORMER PULPIT Rev. A. D Cornett, DD, OBE, pastor of Do Street United Church, was in Owen Sound last Sunday ere he preached at the pis ong pis of Knox United Shun, .where he formerly was min- TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF USED TIRES. ALL SIZES. BELOW CEILING PRICES. 4 & 6 PLY. Also a quantity of new Tubes Fan Belts & Floor Mats & Radiator Hose & Accessories POWELLS GARAGE Phone 4694] North Oshawa tion and training of the Reserve. Flight Line This week saw the close of the current Air Cadet training session and those hard working young lads have returned to their homes Ov- erall the course was a complete suc- cess and all the credit is due to the club instructors who put these boys throiigh their paces, Much work was ground instruction and flying. Of course, the final re- sults are confidential, but it has been said that nearly all soloed and the Chief Flying Instructor would gladly welcome a similar class at any time, Now that the evenings are shorter, it is expected that a much larger group of members and their friends will turn out for the weekly Gen Hurren, our CFI. has prepared a series of six lectures completely cov- ering the subject of Air Navigation as pertaining to civilian flying. This will be a very interesting series for all members, In -order to accommo- date the larger crowd in more warm and comfortable surroundings, thé | lounge room in the Recreation Hall will be used. Also as usual the lucky attendance draw will be made, the half hour free flying time. On Frigay evening September 20, our First Anniversary Dance will be taking place at the Recreation Hall commencing at 9.00 pm. Boyd Val. leau and his sensational Jubilee Pavilion Orchestra will provide the music and everyone is welcome. Come out and make this dance a real starter for the coming winter season. A regular bug service will be in operation for the evening to the airport from Ross's Corners, After the dance, the fall and win- ter schedule of operations in the Recreation Hall will commence, The badminton and bowling should both be lar and members are ad- vised to be ready for an early start on the schedules. Hits R.R. Shunter Departs Unhurt Orville Mulville, 200 King Street West, almost miraculously escaped death or serious injury when the | truck he was driving collided with an Oshawa Street Railway freight shunter on Olive Avenue at 3.10 pm. Tuesday. 'The truck, owned by M, McCarthy, Whitby, was almost completely de- molished. Mulville, who was unhurt in the crash, had been driving east on Olive Avenue prior to the coll- sion, Police are continuing an in- vestigation of the accident. BUEHLERS APTA RP a a a er ar ar rr Club session on Thursday. George | tory. Aphids Prevalent In the County "'A large number of EF of nD growers in Ontario County are experiencing difficulty in controlling turnip ap- hid. These aphids multiply very rapidly and usually migrate across a field, eventually covering the en- tire field. Aphids are the most difficult in- sect to control, owing to the fact that they suck the juices out of plants causing them to wilt, They only feed during the warmer part of the day and the use of arsenate of lime, D.D.T., and other insectici~ COURT PICKERING VISITS OSHAWA GO.F. PROGRAM Will Operate Bowling Lea- gue This Winter, Three Courts Court Oshawa, No, 501, Sanadian Order of Foresters held their jor monthly meeting with Brother ] Degree Team from Court Duffins No. 1626, Pickering were the guests of the evening, when a class of candidates from the district were given their Initiatory Degree, Court Duffins Degree Team, under the Marshalship of Bro, E. Bryant, and resplendent in their new regal- ia were highly complimented in their splendid rendition of the De- grée Ceremony, with special men- tion being made of Bros, D, N. Lockwood and H, Purvis, Bro, H. B, McCabe, DDHCR, addressed the newly initiated brethern, and congratulated them on the all important step they had taken, urging them to take most seriously the obligation they had as- sumed, and to live and express to the best of their ability fraternal principles. Bro, McCabe also complimented Bro, Cecil Lockwood, JPCR, of Court Duffins and his officers for the good work they were doing in Pickering, He stated that this was the baby Court of the Order and was certainly a very healthy and lusty infant, Other speakers were Bros. G. Lee, ©, Ferguson, J, Bryant, C. Lockwood and E Henderson, recitation trol. A great deal of experimental | work is being done with different materials to control turnip aphids, but none yet have proved satisfac- It is by no means advisable to use DD.T. owing to the fact that this insecticide along with other insec- ticides kills off all beneficial in- | hids, thus destroying the only timemeans of control at the present time. The small red ladybird beet- les feed heavily on aphids and they are a great help in the control. The only chemical control is a gas that would suffocate the ap- hids, such as blackleaf forty and a soap spray, but to obtain a reason- able kill the cost is too great. Where turnip aphids are noticed on the edge of the field, it is advis- able to harvest four rows of turnips far enough ahead that will prevent the spread of them across the en- tire field. : In years to come it might be ad- visable, where possible, to leave a good headland around the entire turnip field, wide enough that the disc might keep the ground culti- vated to prevent aphids coming from fence rows. War Veteran's Pup Is Missing If since Tuesday afternoon a two- month-old, black cocker spaniel pup has come to your home, you would be doing a war veteran a great fav- or by returning it to his home at 31 ¥ py A Street. The 's owner Kenneth PF. Spence i ted in the Signal Oops and went overseas on April 1 Proceeding to the continent, he ii wounded in Belgium in May, 1945 and was invalided back to Canada in July, 1945. Since that time he has been in Christie Street Hospi- tal. In recognition of his fine army record he was presented with the Canadian Efficiency Medal, Beef . BLUS BRAND BEEF SPECIAL GRADE "R" TANNA |-45 CORNED BEEF ocuo cons» 35. CHEESE MILD CANADIAN (YELLOW) 1b. 37. Fresh Ground $ 4 ' HAMBURG n 23: Boneless STEW BEEF; Commercial § SAUSAGE Small Link | 1b. 29. 4 12KING E. PHONE 147 des is of no benefit in their con- | sects that tend to feed on the ap- Bro. Everett Bryant's wags also greatly enjoyed, A detailed report of the ball ser- fes was also given, In the men's section Oshawa defeated Pickering, winning the final game, and giving them possession of the Axtell Cup. The final girls' game will be play. 'ed in Pickering, and the winners of [ game will be in possession of the H, B, McCabe Trophy, | LA special night will be held in Pickering when the above teams will be the guests of the evening, and the trophies will be presented. Courts Oshawa, Pickering and Whitby will operate mixed bowling leagues this winter, with Pickering and Whitby bowling in Whitby, A hockey League will also be formed, SHINS the 4 Courts of the Dis- ict, A Corn roast and dance will be held by Court Oshawa to usher in the fall and winter activities. At the conclusion of the meeting, THE TIMES-GAZETTE Shortages Delay Great Britain's Housing Plan More Than Million Men [ened At Work But Plans for |" 200,000 Homes in 1946 May Not Be Fulfilled John Dauphinee Press Staff Writer London, Sept. 18--(COP)---Bunches of new homes are spr! g up like gh all over Britain but the of construction is far Dire to satisfy the housing demands brought by six years of war, new communities of metal bib Whole and concrete temporary houses have been set on bombed sites, Acres are covered by identical, flat-roofed dwellings that have a marked re- semblance to oversize packing cases with doors and windows, Elsewhere the traditional two- storey brick house is being built, principally by municipal authorities for cheap rental to families of mod- est income, Since it took office a Jo ago the Labor government has faced a con- stant clamoring jor a pect in the pace of build Works Min- ister George Tomlin has sald 100,000. temporary and 100,000 per- manent homes will be completed by the year-end, but the official hous- ing figures suggest he will be dis appointed, y 20,027 permanent dwellings were completed in England, Scot land and Wales Fair the end of the war and July 31 this year, The figure for temporaries is 40,425, In both categories the actual construc tion is well below the pre-election promises of all the major parties, At the start delays were due primarily to shortage of labor in the construction industry, Now more than 1,000,000 men work on building of all kinds, com- pared with less than 900,000 at the beginning of the year, The problem now is a shortage of almost all building materials, The number employed in Paling materials such as rick, electrical equipment and bathtubs is only about two-thirds the pre-war level while the number using the mater- ial is nearly up to 1939, Hundreds of houses could be finished and ready for occupancy if window frames, drainpipes and other com- ponents were available. Completion of temporary houses, made of prefabricated sections fast- lunch was served, Bros, 8. Stark, J. | ¢ Shaw and Ogmmittee in charge, are at] ned together on on top of concrete is taking about four months e permanent 'dwellings anything up to eight months, While the pace of new building has slabs, governmen Ty Sve Vitis to be approaching the £00 | of and that Labor's planning has been poor, Size of the housing problem is demonstrated on government fig- ures that 200, houses were Jos troyed by enemy action and more made uninh wartime marriages have increased the number of family units and only about 260,000 houses have been built since 1039 compared with a pre-war annual average of 300,000. WOMAN MAYOR Blackburn, England --(OP)-- For the first time since Blackburn re- ceived its charter 95 years ago, the borough is to have a woman mayor --Councillor Mrs, Sarah Buckley, WANTED For the ) HOTEL GENOSHA GRILL smart, clean cut looking girls for counter work. Apply M, CHARNEY Wed. 8.00 to 5.00 p.m. Hotel Genosha CORY Offers You the Newest and Easiest Way To Offer "Hospitality In a Cup" The CORY BUFFET QUEEN is a complete coffee- brewing set of the new rubberless type, compris- ing a two-burner chrome plated stove, one come plete CORY brewer, six cup size and EXTRA 6 cup lower bowl with a Cory filter rod. This complete set, ideal for wedding, birthday or an- niversary gift, or for the hostess who likes to serve plenty of perfect coffee. ONLY 37.85 PYREX PERCOLATORS for those who prefer the "perc" type of coffee making, this heatproof, all glass, six cup perco- lator PRICED. AT 3.65 Replacement Parts Available from Stock. COFFEE-MAKING Is a Pleasure When You use the new CORY Glass Filter a Filters perfect, untouched by metal, coffee and tea in your glass coffee maker... fits most makes. No hooks, no wires, no chain, no spring, no paper, no cloth . . . All GLASSI EVERY CORY COFFEE MAKER IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU IN MAKING PER- FECT COFFEE ALL THE TIME. A Plastic Measure is Provided. The top of the upper bowl serves as a stand for the upper bow! after the coffee 1s brewed... no need to leave the table. * ee [ Cory Lynn Model Six Cup Brewer Black Fittings 5.45 *ee « Silex 8 Cup Coffee Maker 3.95 * ee Range-Tec Coffee Maker . .. six cup. size ° 2.49 * *e Thermo-Seal Coffee Maker Six Cup Size - 2.90 Replacement Parts for Cory and Silex Models in Stock. CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC and HARDWARE OSHAWA PHONE 1000 BELLEVILLE PHONE 820