Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Sep 1946, p. 15

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r f } ¢ : daughter Carol, of Vancouver, Mr. : Bill and |rather than just a straight yield. : Douglas little daughter on Friday, Septem- * ber 13, | the weekend with his cousins Mr. : * couver. On their return they will ie - parsonage on Thursday evening was First Wedding In Church At Scugog Hélena Blanche Colleran Is Bride of Joseph Henry Chinn (Mrs, D. Hope, Corres.) og, September 17--The first 3: I Potato Growers From the Country Visit Brantford Over eighty potato growers from Ontario and York Counties jointly went by bus to Harry Gowman's farm, at Brantford, to attend the largest potato fleld day ever held. Gowman had purchased a " Mr. wedding ever held in Scugog head large farm that was abandoned in church on Saturday, ena Blanche, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Herb Colleran, of Oshawa, was united to Joscph when Hel | gion, County and has built up this farm with fertilizers and cover crops, using potato crops as a cash . He has built a large Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph barn on the farm, turnin; ) g it Into Chinn, Port Perry. Rev. F. G. Job- a potato storage with a 20,000 lin officiated. The bride looked charmingly dressed in a handsome ge. 'The Dominion Department of Ag- lace gown, the skirt ending in a/c jture in co-operation with the Provincial formal train and wore a fingertip 1 Entomologists have car- vell, and carried a lovely bouquet. |rjeq out a series of experimental The bride was assisted by her sister | pote on potato insecticides on this Colleen, dressed in white crepe. The | particular farm. While they were groom was supported by his brother | not aple to give results on this Charles. The brides' little cousin | experiment at the Field Day, owing Carol Black, of Vancouver, Was |i, the fact that no plots had been flower girl dressed in blue. Jack and | harvested, observations were tcden Walter Colleran, brothers of the on the plots, the description of var- bride, were ushers, After the cere- | jous tests made were given by those mony about fifty guests Sat down |in charge, and there were demon- to a chicken dinner in the church | strations of new harvesting ma- tea room. The bride's mother re-|chines, graders, sprayers and dig- ceived in a gray figured dress with | gi matching accessories. The groom's ers. C. D. Graham, Director of Ex- mother was unable to attend. After tension, was the guest speaker. He the reception, the happy couple left | emphasized the necessity of experi- amid showers of confetti, and best | mental and demonstration work to wishes for their honeymoon to Van- | compare the value of different ma- reside in Oshawa, where Scugog friends will follow them. ; Personals Mr, and Mrs. Donald Black, and William Parry, sons, George, of Reach, enjoyed a corn roast with Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren ashing Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Crozier, -on the birth of a Mr: Leonard Hope of Reach, spent Hilton and Glen Demara, Mr. and Mrs, Hilts, and Mr, #nd Mrs. Robins, of Toronto, were Sun- guests of their cousins, Mr. and . E. Fines. e head and centre schools are improved with a coat of paint on the outside woodwork. Kay Prentice, to hear of the car accident Mr. Clymas' car badly. Mr. Clymas received cuts and bruises, and is , but could have £ when he headed ditch to avoid a hexi-on Bs The social evening held at the very profitable especially the dis- cussion on strikes, then the quiz was very exciting. Mr. Robert Tet- low won the first prize and Miss Marjorie Milner, second prize. The roast and coffee was served for and sure was enjoyed by all. Oshawa Times-Gazette re- tative Mr, V, 8. Cox, called on 1.08 i Ocean Blend Tea salesman "of terials used and discussed prob- | lems of the potato industry. stressed quality and noted the fact that growers speak of the crop from the oasis of the number of bags of marketable potatoes per acre He stated that the term market- able potatoes drew more attention to the fact that a good grade is necessary | hold a good market. The groflp from Ontario 'and York. County visited the O.A.C. on the way home, having an opportun- ity to go through the livestock barns after the supper hour, TOOL SHORTAGES PLAGUE INDUSTRY London, Sept, 19.--(CP)--Short- ages of skilled labor, iron castings, electric motors and various com- ponents is causing a reduction in output of the machine tools indus- try, vital to reconversion and mod- ernization of industry, Production in the second quarter of this year was at an annual rate of £16,500,000 compared with £18,- 250,000 in the first quarter and £21- 600,000 last year. . Orders are coming in faster than deliveries are leaving the plants and some manufacturers do not promise delivery within a year, -Gazette subscribers last |@ The enticing flavour of Heifiz' . P. Turner, of Toronto, is mak- | Tomato Ketchup E us y Saturday by Scugog folks, oblin Jr., is being in- fs i ual calls, steps up the taste Fair was well represent- appeal of stewsy hashes, egg dishes, in Manor Road United |BFavies --and a Church on Wednesday, by Dr, Rus- | Pottle on the table sell, Toronto. makes hubby Timaru, N.Z--(CP)--The diet of | B*PPY: s is one of the most ® Yes, Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls, Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength, It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME; youll want Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast--the Yeast cake with the familiar yellow label that has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Order some today! } Always fresh. of your grocers Having been fully landscaped, the World' to the aerial camera. The building and its surroupdin site) are now ready to be turned over to the United Nations, member nations, | Please save your paper bags-- bring them with you next time you shop--or if possible bring your: own' shopping 'bag or basket, BY SO DOING YOU WILL . ASSIST GREATLY DURING THE Bag Shortage MYSTIC FOAM CLEANER rorre 4Q¢ FOR RUGS and UPHOLSTERY SCARFE'S FRENCH WAX 1am 4 3c. HUTCHINSON'S 3 BORAX sma rec Qe CHAN SPEED COAT WAX 20-FL-OZ. TIN ¢ JOHNSON'S CARNU nvr re § Qc DR. BALLARD'S s Fai> city administration building and grounds present a new face gs in Flushing Meadow Park (once the World Fair Notice the flagpole area ready for the flags of Grain Shipments Arrive in India New_ Delhi, Sept. 19.--~(CP)--Dur=~ ing the first two weeks of Septem- ber India received 25700 tons of wheat flour, 3,000 tons of rice, 4, 700 tons of corn and 10,600 tons of millet, Three ships carrying about 25,000 tons of wheat for UNR.R.A. have been diverted to India in addition to two other ships intended for Nor-. way and Switzerland, The quanti- ties advanced by these countries and UNRR.A, will be replaced by India later when her needs are no longer so pressing, Since January, 1046, India has re- ceived a total of 8/741,600 tons of these grains, but the overall food fcture giyes no cause for optimism iate future, In the coming weeks before the main crops are cut the deficit areas must still rely heavily on imports, The latest reports from the Pro- vincial Administration and Indian States show that statutory ration- ing now covers a population of ap- proximately 50,800,000 and non- statutory rationing or controlled distribution another 96,000,000, ma~- king a total of about 146,800,000. This figure includes rural areas and 733 towns, Rationing will be introduced shortly in fifteen more towns in the Punjab. THE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 30, 1046 18 SOUTH AFRICA WARS ON WILD MARAUDERS Capetown, t. 18 --(CP)-- Be- cause baboons, leopards, lynxes and wild dogs are preying on farmers' sheep, cattle and ostriches, Cape Province has put a price. on the heads of such marauders, A new draft ordinance values at £8 (820) the death of a leopard, Wid dogs and lynxes are worth 15 shillings ($2.30) baboons five shile ings and even a dead crow brings in one shilling, Farmers in Cape Province have been losing livestock worth many thousands of pounds as a result of killings by organized packs of ba~ boons and other marauders, In the Oudtshoorn district even domestis cated mongrel dogs killed 20 oste riches in one night, -- > GENERATIONS HAVE ENJOYED IT o Tea flavour that holds the preference of three generations as Daly's 'Tea has done must be extra- ordinarily good. It is. Try it. Ask your grocer for Daly'sTea, A ig Spices. for, Pickling. e WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE ».19- e GROUND PICKLING SPICE :0z rc 5 eo CLUB HOUSE CREAM of TARTAR :0z rxG. 15¢ oe CLOVES Wilt 2-0z.7xc.8< CHILLIES WHOLE 2-02 PxG. 7c eo MUSTARD iid 20zrxc. 7 TUMERIC 3.07 prc. 6¢ e DURHAM Brand MUSTARD «oz rv 13. eo CELERY SEED ..........cciaienvivees 20Z.7%G. Qe PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE » 33 TWO CUP COFFEE - « SAVOY VANILLA CUSTARD POWDER 4.0z.PxGs 2 for 17 FRI, | eo TOMATO JUICE FANCY QUALITY 20.FL.0z TINS, for 1 9c o BURFORD STANDARD PEAS sie 4105 201.02. TIN 1 Re o CUT GOLDEN WAX BEANS 05 oz vw 13¢ oe AYLMER TOMATO SOUP 1011.02 tins 2 ter 15 © LIPTON'S NOODLE S00P MIX 214.02 PxGs. 2 fer 25¢ oe CATELLI'S MACARONI RiAdY CUTS 16-02. Px. §c ° NASOS Sort ' RE strsuni 113. 34G 43 e SALAD GEPEKOETEA yn rxc. 44. * JEWEL SHORTENING wen avaane 19. o OVALTINE FoR RESTFUL SLEEP soz. yz 58. eo QUICK QUAKER OATS ...... ves 140Z.7%6. To e NEWPORT FLUFFS see rmevunec 25. * ROCK-A-BYE DIAPER WASH nc 39: WING ox SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST RED or COMM, ii, Qe Fir Ge BONELESS PRIME RIB R 0 RS RED or COMM, 5 RIB BONES gaanp > 47- QUAL. Ib, 45- BONELESS RED, BLUE & COMM. PLATE BRISKET :» 21 BONELESS RED, BLUE & COMM. SHOULDER roast». 25¢ o FRESH LAMB o 'LEGS w. 4 3e RACK .hnii'or w29e FRONT QUARTERS »25-¢ IDEAL FOR STEWING OR BRAISING FLANKS, NECKS, . ! 8. & BREASTS "Bo. Wise Drink Fayd" FRYS COCOA "219: :23l¢ : HEINZ STRAINED : §-FL.OZ. BABY FOODS 1s varins 3 TINS 23¢ WHOLE OR HALF ) ONTARIO GROWN, LARGE SELECTED, SNOW WHITE eo FRESH. eo CRISPY eo TASTY SALLY ANN CAULIFLOWER ux ]2. ONTARIO GROWN No.1 GRADE BE TT CALIFORNIA SUNKIST VALENCIA Size Size we DT IMPORTED WASHINGTON BULK *1bs. 27¢ FREESTONE PRUNE PLUMS °c ater asker: 69¢ MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP 2 caxes 9c seoz Lae xc. 24 Jonas le (MIXED PICKLES POP CORN PURITY, ONTARIO GROWN, No.1 OR COMBINATION GRADE WEALTHY APPLES 6-QT. BASKET 49 COOKING ONIONS SPANISH TYPE ONIONS mo for sucing 2 1b, |§e ORANGES IN EACH STORE BARTLETT PEARS »ut™*2I35 2.39 CELERY STALKS "Came isecre> 2ier]9e ONTARIO CARROTS seuxcreo wasmeo 3m §c When Quailable Use RED RIVER CEREAL PALMOLIVE BEAUTY SOAP SANIT: 2 caxes lle PRE ware aria SORP ROSE BR. SOUR veee.s LARGE PACKAGE 24c wwn.oz ae 24. WHEN AVAILABLE PRG. 9. FLOUR sac

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