TEA pr THE TIMES-GAZETTE 40 Thursday, September 19, 1946 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Auditors Barrisiers Dentists 1--Auditors ss HENNICK AND HENNICK, BARRIS- Solicitors, Conveyancers; J0ney fice 31 Street (oct1) HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, ir ete, 6 oe St. North. Phones: Office 814; residence 3207 Money to loan. (Oct.1) iE th ges TWO INSERT] T! 8 Professional gh Box charged 10¢ a INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS . . . . . . ONE INSERTION ..cceeesecevcscsee ONS . 'HREE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION . hag 7 1% gy Heer date constitute a new or Business listings--§3.00 20 words or less, 15¢ additional for all words over 20. Each initia) letter, abbreviation full word. AN Classified Advertisements HUST be 1n 13 8 P18. the day before publication. Office Hours: Dally 8 - 6; Saturday 8 Classification No. Automobiles For ale ig EJ Wanted ......o. BB Pots and Livestock 34 Wearing Apparel . 38 Articles Por Sale . 38 Articles Wanted .. 37 Pemale Help covesece 3B Help Wanted ... 30s Agents Wanted ... #0 Employment . Wanted essses @1 Legal Notices .... 43 uent nal order) per month for a count ad ¢ sign. gure as a LovuIs HYMAN, BARRISTER AND itor 2 Simone, 84. North Office 11--Building Trades 25--Real Estate For Sale phone 67, r (Sept20) AMES 7R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER a Solicitor Sulte 201 0 King East G ha Hotel. Phone 349, (Oct13) OSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BARRIS- iy Solicitor Money to loan. Office 141, King St. Easy, Oshawa. Phone 445, Res, Phone 837, (Oct.1) T MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- 11 King E., Room 2. Phones: d 3687R. (Oct.2) ERNES' elitor, Office 55, . SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM FILL eral cartage. Pos o trucks. Efficient geliable service, W. GEN- - _ry. Phone Sept.30) LAID BY Sey Pree esti- TILE FLOORING setters. Variety of colors 10 ROOMS, SIMCOE BST. NORTH, very large lot, brick house in good condition, Near Hospital, Partly rent. ed now. Can buy good furniture with hu property. If you are Juseresied in Prince Bt. mates. Phone collect ville, Bromley and Son. (Oct14) JENS JENSEN PAINTER AND DECOR- ator, 17 Park Rd.'S, Phone Jason, ly 2) PARKHILL, BARRISTER, ETC., mortsnge loans, Rational Housing Act orth. 26 Simcoe Ra SINCLAIR, K.C., AND J. g ey SRG. Barristers, Bank of Montreal Building. Phone 99. (Oct) MANNIN SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, © otary. Mo Money to loan. Bas- BO auuits No. 4. Phone 283 Res 2WTIW. 8--Dentists 8. J. PHILLIPS, 12}; SIMCOE ST. HY Phone 3832. (8ept22) 8a--Physicians and Surgeons WALTER BAPTY, 153 KING ST. Bast. Phone 3832, (Sept22) 4--Chiropractors Drugless and texing, Phone Sorby chen i UM due 4 Y AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS am. to 6 Db haa. a Gptapsisisa, Ph pen: FSepeat) CARPENTRY. REPAIRS, tions, cupboards. R. H. Athol St. Phone 474. LEE & BONS, STR CON- "You name it, we PuSet. ot) Bos 217 Oct12) M. tractors. Phone 1640J. FURNACES, REGISTERS VACUUM cleaned; chimney sweeping and house caulking. Phone 3193J after 6. (Oct?) PAINTER AND FIRST-CLASS NFCORA tor. P, D Phone 2718R. (Octl6) PLOUGHING EXCAVATING and GRADING by Tractor. DAVE MITCHELL 80 Burke Street Phone 3140) (Sept.30) SPRAY AND BRUSH P, interior and exterior work, paper hang- Ppl; Dean. Sept.19) CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT, APPLY H. C. Wilson, 375 Gibbon St Phone 3001R. (Sept28) CARPENTRY -- Houe ALTER ne ov 3 PAT RE 2 hots BE Phone 234 12--Personal Services FOR | 5-ROO! ROOM FRAME HOUSE, erry. Sunroom, breakfast nook, hydro and water. Apply C. Andrews, Lilla St, Port. Perry (35b) 6-ROOM SQUARE. PLAN BRICK North east section, $6000. Immediate on, See G. L. Nolan, 25 Prince t. Real Estate, (35h) $6500 BUYS 6.ACRE SUBDIVISION EX- tension Warren Ave. and Gladstone Ave. and Park Rd. frontage. Last. close in vacant land for homes. Immediate possession, Apply 27 Warren Ave, Om; 11 awa, 3-ROOM HOUSE FOR SA! NEW roof, tide 8 floor, white laster through- t, has be. m ou by purchaser, 159 © vos Rd. (3p CORNER LOT, 50 X 200, IDEAL FOR store or service station. No opposition Highway location. Close in. ©. H, Fren: (34p) pr LOT, ARLINGTON AVE., JUST off Simcoe North, Phone NOR Be BUILDING LOTS, "CITY WATER, JN, 'Thompson, 113 Westmount Ave. {aac M MODERN BRICK BUNGA- open fiireplace, hardwood through- eparate tollét. Large lot, Near M INSUL BRICK HOUSE ON Blvd. Lignt. Atel i sceptic tank, furnace, ciste: Double lot with THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry. Shorten AZ 2:29 1 N "Thanks l- LUCILLE TURSINI, NEWARK N. J eo. © 29--Rooms For Rent 34--Pets and Livestock 36--Articles For Sale SiMOos NORTH, OOMPLETELY FUR- ished three roomed suite, continuous hot water, 2 adults, Garage optional, Phone 1 19060. (358) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, CON- tinuous hot water, Very central. Pons T | 1088W. 34b) FURNISHED ROOM, CENTRAL, CON- tinuous hot water, gentleman. Phone 077. (34c) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR LIGHT Lge i sult girls or working Apply 382 King West, (34p) BEDROOM TO RENT, NICELY FUR- nished, continuous hot water. Suitable for 2 gentlemen. 299 Simcoe 8. (35a) FURNISHED "BEDROOM SUITABLE for single lady or gentleman. Apply 202 Ritson Road 8, (33¢) 29a--For Rent GARAGE Brock St. FOR RENT. APPLY 126 E, or phone 1557TW. (35b) FURNITURE OR CAR STORAGE space. Apply 27 Warren. (33¢) FOR RENT RADIOS, VACUUM cleaners, sun "lamps, Circulex Thera- FOR SALE, TWO YORKSHIRE SOWS, due in October, M, Morgan, Taunton, Ontario. (35a) WEANLING PIGS FOR SALE, Hunter, Brooklin. Phone 1RI14. REGISTERED SERVICEABLE BOAR, One year old, h oR istered papers "ser able, Phone GOOD WATCH DOG WANTED, POLICE dog preferred. Must be good with child- ren, Apply Mr. Palmer, 346 Olive ave Cc G. H (35b) SPANIEL PUPPIES FOR BALE. J. N. Thompson, 113 Westmount Ave. (34c) SEVERAL HUNDRED BARRED } ROCK pullets laying. Apply Mr, Dudko 1 mi, north i R Liverpool or at Dunbarton Post om (34c) 11 ie PIGS, BROOD SOW, COW, Ta, years old, milking, Phone 81R Bin) a) COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, CHAM. plon stock, red and black, Seven weeks, Phone 908R3. (33¢) GENERAL PURPOSE "HORSE, C1 CHEAP, Apply Jas. E. Moore, Columbus, ps Af 3 c 35--Wearing 'Apparel tic machines electric b poi rs, record jolishe players Meagher's, Simcoe N, Phone 4600. (Oct Ruts and Board bd L GIRL FROM Ee iy and board cheap in ex hr or ign Signe "household duties and company for 11 year-old Soa Phone 3151M. ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two geutiemén, all All Sonveniences, Ap- ply 110 Albert Street. (3de c) berries ad fruit trees, Poaedinte oa. Apply 107 Rosehill Blvd. (34c) FARM FOR SALE 200 ACRES, LOT 23, Concession 1, Maripos: (about six lea from Lindsay). rs acres cleared, (Octl4) NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- 16A Ontario 8t, Phone 707. (Sept20) or, refinished Prone ne 4600. West, Oshawa. Phone an P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SVis8 aker, Repair Bins Street West. Your a solict (Sept20) ed timber. First class padi Tmmediate possession if de- pply James Casey, Valentis: | business ING LOTS, BUILD- rite James Raion 1 123 Merrill Ave., Toronto, (34b) 14--Household Repairs 8ST, -- 7-ROOM REPAIRED AND yo upholstered. our materials recovering. D. W. Dalton, 75 Charles, Phone 401 . (Oct8) 8---Funeral Directors HN a-Tinir and Supplies ALBERT house, two bathrooms, Pad CHOICE LOT, DESIRABLE LOCATION, North side Hillcroft at Jarvis. Re duced for quick sale, Phone He 6-ROOMED HOUSE ON ATTRACTIVE now, | Division Street, owier-oocubled, Early 121, Tim azette. (33¢) ROOMS AND BOARD. R 2 GIRLS OR students. Phone 4656W. (34c) S0ac-Hoom & Board Wanted MAUVE BRIDESMAID'S OUTFIT AND turquoise evening gown, size 16. Good condition. Phone 376. (35h) MAN'S 3 PIECE BROWN SUIT, NEW, eize 36-38. .Also 3 ladles' fall dresses, size 12. Phone 30460. (35a 1 FUR MUSKRAT "COAT, 1 TWEED and 1 black (Persian lamb trimmed). All size 18-20. All in good condition. 57 Hillcroft St. (35¢) MAN'S BROWN STRIPE SUIT, TAILOR made, only worn a few times, Size 36. Phone 4 (35a) COMPLETE GIRL GUIDE UNIFORM for sale, size 12, Also skating skirt, Phone 4513J. (35a) BOARD FOR RELIAB! i] in Juivate home; in rT gies viet ally by Out . 1. Apply Box (33¢ Wanted To Rent EX-NAVAL OFFICER, AJAX STUDENT and bride, require 3 room self containe ed apartment Surolsned or unfurnish- CIRL'S BLUE COAT, SIZE 14, WORN | 235 months. Also brown coat, size 14. none 4501W. 66 Lloyd Street. (358) LADIES' SPRING TWEED COAT. SIZE 20, Boys' 3 plece winter sult, size 5 good condition. Phone 1223J, (358) BOY'S LEATHER COAT FOR SALE. Also boy's shorts. All size 6 years, Rea- | 3575W1 5) ed. Quiet. abstainers Tele~ HY. 432, Toronto, collect, oo Wins THREE = ROOMS FOR Jong couple before November, Phone AIR ENGINEER, RELIABLE POSITION, desires four unfurnished rooms or du- lex. Two children one school fe erences. Phone 530W. (35¢) WANTED, BY YOUNG COUPLE, FOUR or three good s! rooms, as soon possible. Apply Box No. 143, Times | . Apply 36 Elena St. (35 3 PC. DRESSMAKER SUIT, length coat with dress and hat F Queen's blue, size . oxford id 34 lored suit, size 18. one 604B. 35a) RERE 18 A REAL BUY, MAN'S E BLUE Elysian winter overcoat, size 40. Jull at 136 William East after 5. (34b) PATR OF GIRL'S ENGLISH RIDING boots, Worn twice, Size 3. Phone 1589W. (340) BUY AND SELL USED NG. HS, Opie oar Etats. Phone 2 535 tBept20) FW Baprister, Bussets FIRST MORTGAGE |Z MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS North Shore re Realty ya Ltd, ER BLDG, PHONE 81, OSHAWA 10--Instruction YOUNG MEN--HERE IS YOUR OP- portunity to qualify for good paying positions" as Agent Telegrapher. Rall- (Oct.1) .way calling on us for help. Offic endorse our course. Union paid hf] uate aries from the start. Free folder des- ubs, and Roc stone, ete. Phone us for your requirements. Phone 2178. (Sept20) ete. | ALMOST NEW, , MODERN 3-ROOM | bungalow, good yaltio at $4800, two weeks. C. H. French. oa lants, nnials, shrubs and greens. Peso Simcoe North. 18--Automobile Repairs 120) | DODD'S GARAGE. --G! UARANTEED RE- airs to all makes of cars ald Yuen Li Jayuientd if required. Have . Phone 3344M, (Oct10) : IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a Beautiful New 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE With stone front and adjoin! n King E. Of Bestia. mi 'modern Kit: chen and bathroom. Write to Box 133, Times. 'Gazette (3c) BUSINESS COUPLE DESIRE 2 OR 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms or rtment. Excellent references, Ab- Stators. No children, Phone Clarke 25087. (35¢) WANTED BY NOVEMBER 1, FOR ONE adult, one he luge, or two small fur- or or Re Bor Gs, Fimes-Gage CLOTHI Highest | prices paid for used Slovning. an "used iy We buy and sell shoes. Large stock suits, spring coats, pats, windbreakers, single jackets and v all sizes and colors. Also new goods; large stock to choose from. A call wid convince you. 21 Bond West. Samuel Schwartz, ( Oct8) 36--Articles For Sale HOUSE OR APARTMENT URGENTLY wanted to rent by three adults, Refer- ences if required. Phone 283 evenings Reams TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, and fender repairing, painting, iii hy Apply 190 Bloor St. Eaast. Phone 3783. (Oct?) MOREY'S 32 GARAGE, CORNER VERLIUR and Glidden. Expert re to GM and Sue Products. eo 657. (Oct10) 20--Business Opportunities Wanted GENER A L INSURANCE BU! Oshawa or district. Box 141, SINESS, Times: (35¢) 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED attic, large living room, hardwodd WANTED TO RENT, GARAGE, NEAR Simcoe Manor, Phone 889M. (ic) Apply 238 Arthur St, after 4 o'clock. (301) 1 TO 5 ACRE BUILDING LOTS, HALF- way between Oshawa and Whitby, Sp ply William Garrard, bia 41 5 2 BUILDING LOTS AND A Ta immediate possession, cheap.. Phone 4306J, (34c) 6-ROOM CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE, ALL conveniences, Apply 273 Haig St. (34c) 21--Business Opportunities cribes. Write Cassan. To- ronto. REGISTER NOW CLASSES mence each Monday. Shorthand, oe Bookkeep!: and 'ARTMENTS. GOOD Terms reasonable, (330) store Apply 504 Simcoe 22--Lost and yr $6,200---5 ROOM BUNGALOW, NEARLY new, Albert St. near Holy Cross Church, Vi 1 or on ery large lot. ood Soudition for Re cash. Balance easy terms, ones Real Estate, o% Prince St. (33d) LOTS FOR SALE_w WITH CITY | WATER, Hillside Avenue, Phone 1640J after 6.00 p.m, (Sept.28) ONE OR TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing wanted, furnished or un- furnished. Phone Tooht. (340) WANTED TO RENT A SMALL FARM about 50 acres in the vicinity of Osh- awa or Bowmanville, Write to Box 126, Times-Gazette. (34b) URGENTLY NEEDED SMALL UNFUR- nished apartment bY Jouug couple. Ap- ply Box 128, Times-Gi (340) QUANTITY OF 2 X 4 AND 2 X 6 FOR sale, never used. Phone 2381W. (35b) 2 PAIR NEW ROSE SILK "BROCADED damask drapes, 2}3 yards long. Phone 3220, (35b) BABY'S BLUE PRAM. AS GOOD AS new. Phone 3452w, (358) GASOLINE PUMP AND 100 GAL, TANK in good working order. Phone oi. + Y THOUGHT" COMBINATION electric, coal and wi range. Cream and black, solid on construction, Ex- cellent conditign. Phone 2569W. (35b) SOLDWALL FRIGIDAIRE ( (6 CU, FT.) 's studio couch, 'dinette suite, i BUSINESS MAN WIFE, ONE child year and half desires 3-room apartment or flat, ately. needed. Apply Box 129, Times tte. (34c) 2 OR 3 FURN ed rooms want children. Phone ACCOMMODATION "FOR YOUNG couple with two-year-old child in re- turn pot taking charge of household duties. Box 123, es-C (33c) D OR UNFURNISH- October 1st, No' (34¢c) SINGER SEWING CLASSES ENROLL NOW IN OUR FALL CLASSES Dressmaking or Advanced Course on Suits. |'8 Weeks Sewing Course -- $10.00 Morning, Afternoon or Evening Oourses Now Rorming. DONT' DELAY AND PHONE TODAY 696 SINGER SEWING CENTER 11--Building Trades LOST--LAST NIGHT AT ALEXANDRA Park, brown card sweatercoat, Finder please phone or return to 496 Mary St. (35a LOST--BLACK COCKER SPANIEL PUP Tuesday. Wounded veteran's pet. Find- er please phone 3954M. (35¢) FROM COW LOST SINCE SEPT, 8TH farm of Charles Luke, Raglan, with white has horns; 7 y old, 1.200 lbs. Reward. Phone Brooks lin 66R11, . (35a) LOST, ONE LADY'S GBEY Finder phone Whitby 748. 23--Women's Column V. M. MILLS, CHARIS CORSETIERE-. 159 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3333W. (Sept.30) SKIRT. Reward. (34c) SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS. Order now for Fall delivery. For infor. phone 4001J. (Oct8) OR Nirport Road. Amy 60 King wast VACANT NOW Owners new 4 room brick bun- _galow, attached garage, hot water heated, 2 fireplaces, ex- ceptionally large basement, modern built-in kitchen and bathroom, including Moffat range. Cash or large down pay- ment necessary. Apply 329 SIMCOE ST. S. EVENINGS (35¢) 26--Real Estate Wanted SOR 6 ROOM HOUSE WANTED, WILL PAINTING AND DECORATIN terior, exterior. Graini Seneral fepaita, anytim H. MOSIER SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, X Jalute cinders. H B. Evans awa. Phone 723J12. SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM, reliable service. w Ave. e (Sept28) GENERAL Sawdon Phone (Oct 1) who are ) Today treatment Drug SPIRELLA G HEALTH AND support, style and comfort. hy Ewers, 207 Church, phone 4643J. (301) 24--Personal VIGORING-THE "PEP" TONIC FOR weak, nervous, exhausted. 1.00. "At Powell's & Thompson's CARD READING, PHONE 3634w. (33a) 2255 | TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO Phone (34¢) TEA CUP READING BY APPOINT. ment only. Apply 184 King West, Phone a4, (Sept.23) Ajax with University student. 1566J. OR or ALTERA- Jol AND bh too small W G. 29 Farierh Ave. Phone 3410M (Sept25) GENERAL BUILDING, ALTERATIONS, roofing, cement work. Estimates free. L MacKinnon, 307 Oshawa Blvd., Oshe Awa, Phone 4335) after 6 (Sept. . 28) SAND. GRAVEL CINDERS LOAM , general haulag Robert Phone Oshawa 714 (Septad) DOUGLAS BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, Rawleigh's Good Health Products. De livery under $1. Phone 217R. (Oct?) SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE 3 weeks' supply 31: 12 weeks' 43. at all druggists, 25--Real Estate For Sale 11-ROOMED HOUSE. CENTRALLY LO- cated, Very reasonable. Phone a | 3K 26a--Real Ee For Sale or Rent ExAT FORCE Sh a Wit quiet b three room flat or 'apartment, 34275. n Phone (33¢) ent months ENTLY . REQUIRED tely 5-room house flat or by quiet family, 2 students, rent in advance. Phone 1563R. 32--Automobiles For Sale 125 OR OFFER, 4 CYLINDER FORD tractor, Excellent og) ERSON MOTORCYCLE, 1929, 4 ginger Alfred Olsen, Beath BUICK SEDAN. Six tires, Serial No. 179426, 9 Mary St., Ajax. 27 FORD GOACH, SERIAL CT743178, $60. W. Rogers. RR. 3 Oshawa, Phone 607TW1. (35h) . | FOR heater. Ww. C. = bedroom suite (chiffonler cedar- nog with desk and wardrobe); single cook stove with "Imperial Oil" on burner, n RRL, L. Johnson, 517 Park Road South ont entrance) (35b) MIXED SOFTWOOD SLABS $13.00 A cord. Phone 3140J. (35¢) MAN'S BICYCLE FOR SALE IN condition. Phone 607TW1. 2 PIECES D.D. GLASS lece D.D. glass 59 x 30". lice St. GOOD JX y. Pl sa) eed | 200 ACRES STANDING TIMBER mixed, a. urs.) N, ALSO CHENILLE RUN- 1 OTTOMA ner. Phone 4031J. (358) also cedar swamp 12 acres. Jack Smith, 32 Ring Bn Cc). (3%b) | m 3 STORM borne St. East. (35a) CHINA CABINET DORLENE BANIO, 2-burner A plate. 26 Gladsto; Phone 4 (358) ER F( PLY 620 (35¢ STOKER FOR BALE, APPLY Christie St, RADIO FOR BALE, PHONE aC 2 RUGS FOR SALE, ONE § X 10 FT. & 6 ft. 9" x 9 foot, Phone 42747. (350) DINING-ROOM SUITE, "FUMED OAK, reasonable, 106 Lauder Rd. Huy BXTENSION LADDERS, ONE | FORTY frei; one thirty; 2 drums, Chas Luke, Raglan, Phone HA 3: 66RI11, (35a ENAMEL COAL AND WOOD stove, Used one year, 244 Ritson Rd, South (after 5 5pm) (35¢ TOMATOES FOR SALE, FIVE 4) basket at 85c. Phone 1554M. (34c) BATTERY, RADIOS AND VACUUM cleaners, new and One large 1- DOORS, APPLY 163 COL. | OU! | 37--Articles Wanted SET OF MEN'S LEFT HAND GOLP clubs wanted. Phone 1341. (34b) BRBAKPAST SUITE OR SEPARATE table and chairs wanted. Phone ooey ic GIRL'S BICYCEE Phone 4124M. (33¢) WANTED TO BUY, and child's tricycle, Bl Condition, ADDY 13 John St. PRIVATE PARTY URGENTLY RE- uires gSlecile washing amashine, re- rtabl sg % ter, o ¥, and Jorianis, ne % *(Get.10) Co., in St, Toronto, (Bept21t1) SPOT CASBR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook 2 Bond West, Phone 3766M (Oct13) YOUR CASH FOR PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH son & Lee, 70 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open (25t1) GOOD USED Station, or Advertitag under this Bending se inser- Minimum charge 48 cents. | SIMCOE STREET AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day turday. (Sept.30) , Priday and Sa : | DANCING AT BARNHART'S RUSTIO Pavilion tonight ? 28t1) FURNITURE WANTED, | no, ice Boxes radios and stoves. 56 Eine 38--Female Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, STATE AGE, EXPER- fence and wages expected. Box 135 Gazette. (35¢) mes! REFINED YOUNG GIRL WANTED FOR housework, Apply 625 Mary St. Phone 2478M, (35b) CHAMBERMAID, EXPERIENCED, energetic. woman, Good hours and wages, Steady employment, Apply Cos mercial Hotel, Oshaw (34b) HOUSEKEEPER a TION MIDDLE age, interested in good home, widower's home, 3 children 9 & 16, 95 Gibbon Bt Call 4047M after 6 p.m. (34b) GIRL FOR LIGHT GENERAL HOUSE- work, Sleep in Apply Mrs, Edward Robson, phone 2442 (34d) BRIGHT "YOUNG WOMAN WITH Pleastig personality and good educa- fon to assist in taking want ads. Ap- ply Times-Gazette. (31t1) STENOGRAPHER WITH EXPERIENCE, Must be single, S.day week. Perman- ent position, west-end Toronto. Apply The British American Oil Company, Limited, 28 Strachan Ave, Toronio, LADIES FOR PART-TIME WORK, own hours. Opportunity . for Box 120, Imes Classite Cc) 3 Choose advancement, Bond GURNEY ARCADIA COAL AND WOOD Tange in good eCaaiiion. Phone 172W, 1 Simcoe St, North 24b) INTERNATIONAL CORN BINDER FOR sal 2] C Apps L, McQuat, R.R. 3, Oshawa. hone B: Brooklin 86r13. (34c ic) PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Yo niture and dishes, Apply 187 Annis St. Phone 1576J. (34b) NE FULL SIZE AND TWO SINGLE suite; kitchen smdll articles, 227 Bloor West. 1 PAIR STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE, 5534 ins. x 24 Ans. 201 Currie Ave, (34c) 2 G00D USED TIRES 450x20, PHONE (34b) cE 3 STAR ARCTIC EIDER- down Sleeping bag, large size. Real i G 8t. (33c) TOMATOES, FIELD RUN, $1 BUSHEL. Selected stemmed and packed. $1.50 bushel, Delivered, Phone ul, 0 . Cc DO YOU WANT AN OIL BURNER NOW En ball flame and W.C.A, high pressure oil burners, for immediate ine stallation, Box 118 Times-Gazette, ®130) J JACKET HEATER. Re (33¢) speed fan, Pitts' Electric: A East, (31b) in good condition. (34c) 1 USED 124 Nassau St. WOODEN BARRELS, ALMOST NEW. Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for cider, sauerkraut, pickling Glecof's, Rits South BABIES SPECIAL! CRIBS, MANY styles, steel or wood: bassinettes, high chairs, play pens, walkers, rockers, doll prams, tricycles, kindergarden sets, crib mattresses, toys, etc. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co. 20 Church St. (Oct14) CHOICE HARDWOOD, GET IT NOW, cut in stove lengths and delivered. Price $18.50 per cord, Phone 481 (Oct6) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES | FOR ANY bicycle. Repairs, overhauling, rebulld- ing bikes remodelled, frame re airs, aligning. Brazing and welding. way Cycle. Phone 2620W. (Sept AWNINGS AND KIRSCH i blinds. Estimates without obligation George M. Reid, phone 2104 # Bo nd West, ept25) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN i for all makes of washers. Jack Bid- dulph, 63 Simcoe St. N. Po Sow Sept. BRADLEYS F URNITURE '40 King Street West. COMBINATION RADIOS 8 Now AVALL- models ADpioved yer terms, if desired. 'Mea. Simcoe Sf (Septa7) gher' 8, NEW EASY ia CLEANERS, complete with all attachments. DeLuxe odels, $59.50. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe No (Sept. 20) BABY PEAMS, AND CONVERTIBLE carriages, t any styles and colors. See our large selection. Wilson's Furniture Co, 20 Church St. (Oct14) RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD HELP, LIVE in. Small 'family, Comfortable separate living quarters, Phone 378. Evenings after 8.30. (28tf) DOMESTIC UKRAINIAN GIRL PREFERRED Age 22.30 Years High-class home in Torento , . » own private room, bath and radio, best of food, pleatant surround ings, transportation provided. STEADY EMPLOYMENT TOP WAGES Apply in Person MANAGER Biltmore Theatre 39 King Street East (35a) Tererrone 0 PERATORS STEADY EMPLOYMENT Pleasant Surroundings GOOD PAY NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY YOU ARE PAID WHILE YOU LEARN. MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS HIGH SCHOOL MINIMUM HEIGHT §' 2". APPLICANTS SHOULD BE 16-25 YEARS OF AGE SINGLE ONLY. PREFERABLY RESIDENT OF OSHAWA APPLY BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 VICTORIA ST. (Oct13tf) 39--Male Help Wanted YOUNG AGGRESSIVE BOY TO LEARN retall shoe business, at OE two years High school education preferred. = ADDIY (35¢) according to ability, EVERYTHING FOI THE HOME! Chesterfield suites, bedroom sultss, breakfast suites, studio couches, Sim- mon's es, spring filled mattresses. of 7 HORSE POAT MOTOR, $125. VICTOR Porteous, 14 mile west, Five Pol Poin tin) INET, _ 35a) WHITE KNECHEL KITCHEN CAB! also coal-oll stove. Phone Tose MILK FED ROASTING CHICKENS § to 7 lbs, Delivered. Also choice corn. Order not later than Friday morning Phone 1652W11, for week-end delivery. (35a) CREAM ENAMEL, 3 BURNER ELECT- ric stove, automatic oven control, 12 Gladstone Ave. Apt. (38a) . SALE--1 FURNACE, 1 JACKET In first class sha Phone 82 M. Wilson, Brooklin. (35¢) Phone 2076W. GLE BED, "BLEGTRIC Excellent conden BUILDINGS, SUITABLE IGHT manufacturing, ete Re Ring Shas 29--Rooms For Rent BRIGHT. CLEAN continuous hot water. Apply 411 King St. East NICELY conveniences. Phone 1481W. ROOM, Private home. 3 (35¢) ROOM. ALL Continuous hot water. (35b) 2 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, hot water, All conveniences. 305 Gib- bon St, (35¢) FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION JOR convenience. © Very central." Apply 10 Centre St. Ld A WARM tinuous home, BEDROOM, Ty M. Ed) hot water. Central, Girls preferred. Phone 1 NICELY FURNISEED ROOM. 185 Albert St, 1330) 33--Automobiles Wanted ANNEX, HOT WATER AT and _ Apply MAN'S BICYCLE FOR ATTACHMENT 364 King W. (35a) SALE. GOOD $30, New tires. Phone 10040, 40 FT. EXTENSION LADDER. APPLY 252 Bloor St, East between 5 and 7 b R40 DINING - ROOM SUITE, KITCHEN stove and studio couch. Apply 305 St. Julien. . (358) wal c lamps, oc- castonal tables, chairs, floor coveringr. prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co. (Oct14) VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 8a. ft Measured and installed. George . Reld. Phone 2104, 66 Bon eptas) SILENT GLOW OJL SURNERS FOR cookstove, jacket heaters, etc Electric. Phone 4501. Cepeaith) CORY SANCES BOTH AND used, very large stock to choose f Mengher's 92 Simcoe St. KN. (Sep 20) OIL BUR! complete, town customers dale. Phone 3575W12. to Box 140 Times-Gagzette, PROOF READER FOR NIGHT WORK Good education, particu- larly in English and spelling, is essential for this position, Apply TIMES-GAZETTE (tn 39a--Male or Female Help 1047 Model VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure 1 week Delivery. DIRECT FACTORY SALES "The Sensational New Blind" Met-Wo Industries Ltd. J. Melley -- Phone 4101W (Tues-Thurs.) FIFTH YEAR STUDENT WOULD LIKE "utor for Algebra and Composition, Write Box 144, Times-Gazette. (35a) 40--Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED FOR eo CHOICE TOMATOES DELIVERED BY the bushel. Phone 3467J2, (35¢) DROP SIDE man 2- DUI DAY BED, COLE- asoline Dr) '$5. Both 4140. (35a) WA! \NTED POLICE 136, Times-Gazette. FOR SALE, BLACK POM PUP, MALE 3 months old. Phone 3139W, 2-PIEC PIECE | BLUE i Soli SUITE $40. Good sondition, New electric heat- er, $0. 287 Drew .St. (35b) CHICKENS, TENDE roasting or fryl vince you, Phone wine 5 hi ha Ae Juicer. Vehon Tol a L) 1S. 3893W, y (358) MILK FED. FOR ria will con. (35%) WARD- ADDING MACHINE {A Portable Model. Excellent for W Small Business. Phone 4375-J. ia) 37--Articles Wanted HORSE SADDLES WANTED, condition, Phone 23013, th der variety that, is tiv Tore "attractive, easier posit Greeting Car 8t., T 3 41--Employment Wanted - YOUNG RELIABLE MAN AGE 21, , NON handling trucks... Apply Box 139 Gazette. VAPPY YOUNG WOMAN steady housework, taxing 1 UR 4 of gentleman's home, pply Box Times-Gazette, SENIO! RELIABLE EXPERIENCED DRIVER = with = CHAUFFEUR'S LICENSE Desires Work Now. Discharged RCAF Vet, APPLY BOX 122 TIMES-GAZETTE (330) FALL PLOUGHING AND DISCING done now by tractor, or other work. Phone early. Oshawa Nursery 4667J. (OctY) 43--Auction Sales Community Sale aol, Auction, House- hold furnishings, rday, September 21, 1 p.m, Mrs, aay Jordan, TORRID, 0) I WIL smb BY PUBLIC A other too num. erous io menor, Sale 1.30 pm. to at ci J. Bulley, Auctioneer. (35a) E, A, WERRY OF ENNL WILL offer by Public Auction on Mondsy, ringer 20 Harris binder, good as livery on all cattle. Jackson, Auctioneer, KIWANIS CORN ROAST President Cyril Souch announced at Tuesday's luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club that the "Baby Members" of the club will comprise the committee in charge of enter- tainment, program, etc., on the oc- casion of the club "Corn Roast," being held Thursday evening, at the Kiwanis Camp, Kedron, Kiwan- ians and "Kweens" are urged to contact the "Transportation Come mittee" in the event that transpor- tation can not be privately arrang- ed. Glasgow--(CP)--Big new pits are expected to be started soon in the Fife and Lethian coalfields, "Houses for Sale" On Bruce St. east of Yonge St, new model Bungalows being built, For sale to Veterans of World War IIL Dhowe 4400 chofield INSURANCE Agency 6 Simcoe St. N. Watch and Clock REPAIRS Guaranteed Service! Oshawa Clock Shop 504a Simcoe St. 8. --= Phone 44757 ALEX VAJDA BUILDING CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS New Homes Built To Specifications Ph. 4117w 481 Drew St. SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL B V4