Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Sep 1946, p. 5

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NEWS OF WHITBY AND Dl te ce mt Go aie 8 a ---- Juveniles Triumph 5-4 To Take Playoff Series "From Gananoque Lads Toke Eastern Ontario 0.B.A. Juvenile Champ- jonship--Two-Run Rally In Ninth cn Pinch Hit Gananoque catcher the pitch. On Saturday run came from a stol- Both Pitchers Good for the locals and W. Brown anoque both pitched tight t the Whitby team made ted by the breaks to cone advance toward the pro Gananoque boys started in inning with three runs, ahead until overhauled in . Their rally in the third topped by a brilliant catch by . Playing first base, he had run to his left to catch ft, fell seLeke BEER, ; ele Special price on complete overhauls, 130 Brock St. N. Whitby, Tel. 707 305 Dundas St, W. Phone 650 'WHITBY ELECTRIC EARLE J. BRYANT Domestic, Commercial, Farm and Pole Line Installations Tw Ey, You may depend on us to arrange every detail efficiently and assist you in every way possible. When death occurs, come to us and be as- sured your every re- quest will be fulfilled. STROWGER'S Funeral Service 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE WHITBY 581 DAY 'OR NIGHT with the ball in his hand, and was up in time to catch the runner at the home plate. Their other run was scored in the fifth, but that ended the scoring for the Gananoque lads, as Neal held them off the payoff sheet to the close of the game, Saved Till Last Whitby's suns came singly, in the third, sixth and seventh, and they saved their big scoring punch for the last half of the last inning, when it counted. In thay inning, with two on base and two out the brain-trusters pull ed Mowat for - pinch-hitter Keith MacDonald, The braintrusting paid off as on Saturday night when MacDonald lifted one that scored a run, and tied the score, With the score tied, Brown pitched a hard one that got away from catcher Grue, and Hanna romped home, and won the ball game. A special train brought Ganano- que rooters to watch the game, played in the neutral community of Napanee, and more than the usual number of local supporters made Je Leip trom Withy 0 chieer thaty entry. Lineups: WHITBY :--McCloskey 1f; Ander- son 3b; Gaine 1b; Hanna ¢; Turan- sky 3b; Yulll ss; Mowat rf; Lovell cf; Neal p; MacDonald (batted for Mowat). . GANANOQUE: --Atkins If; A, Brown 2b; Fair ss; Jeroy rf; Bishop of; Smith 1b; Grue co; Mastin 3b; W. Brown p. Audrey Gay Wed To Aleck Norwick Pink gladioli and ferns made a pretty settthg for the wedding on Saturday afternoon, United Church, of Mrs, Clinton C. Gay, Whitby, Ont., and Aleck Norwick, son of Mr, A. Nor- wick and the late Mrs, Norwick of Toronto, Rev. C, G. Park, of Chat- ham, officiated, assisted by Rev. C, Malcolm, Whitby, Mrs. Vernon Rowe played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a full skirted fed 35d EEREGENE T i : Fi i; if ge fl HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY The date of the Whitby High School Field Day has been set fore ward from Friday until next Wed- nesday, and in the morning will be held at the school, in the afternoon at the Town Park. The reason for the change of time is that the Inter. School meet, to be held at Ux- bridge this year, will not be until Friday, September 27. i -------------------------- COUNTIES POLIO FREE Cobourg, Sept. 10--Two suspect- ed polio cases in Cramane today by Dr. C. W. senior medical officer of health of the county's health unit. Two children were sent to Toronto when the symptoms ap- peared suspicious, but it that they were not polio. Sevelorsy Wanted! YOUR EGGS What Are You Receiving for Your Eggs ? Our Quotation Sat., Aug. 17th was ; GRADE A LARGE 47: Also the Best Market for Your LIVE HOGS - LAMBS - CALVES CHICKENS - HENS PICKERING FARMS LIMITED ' WHITBY--ONTARIO Phone 336--Day or Night i ty chine in the picture is owned b, This machine is an important part of the road-building equipment used by companies rushing the construction of the trunk highway through the southern reaches of Whitby. the sand from the stones and reduces the larger stones to the specified sizes for the concrete road, The ma. Curran and Briggs Ltd, who are working west from Ajax to Highland Creek. Two like machines are located in the Brennan Construction camp, on the south side of the Hospital road, This machine takes pit run gravel, separates . left idle. In addition these firms the installations. town will make it possible, it ratepayers. | Editorial Comment = Saturday's Vote "Come out and vote on Saturday, and vote 'yes' for the bylaws," say the executive of the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, whose members have done so much in recent months to attract industry to the town. According to the Chamber, this is no new idea, has been done before in Whitby with good results. Therefore it should be done again. Fixed assessments for ten years will not lose the town any money, Instead they will make more money for the town and the people in it than had the property been will provide employment for | hundreds of Whitby people, and opportunity for all those looking for opportunities right in Whitby. By the terms of the agreement the firms will pay school taxes on their full assessment, will pay local improvements, and will in addition pay taxes on their fixed assessments of $1,000 each for the first ten years of their development. In ten years when these factories have been completely built and equipped, and are employing a large number of workers, that is, when their value has increased to its full amount, then the town will collect taxes on the full value of The increased total assessment of the is believed, to set a lower tax rate than would be otherwise possible, thus benefitting the Until then, as a concession to these firms, the ratepayers of the town are asked to grant a fixed assessment for ten years, by coming out and voting for it and by getting their acquaintances to come out and vote for it. Because ratepayers are the people that pay the taxes, the Chamber of Commerce believes that they will be suffici- ently interested to come out on Saturday and vote, and because they pay taxes they will vote in favor of the bylaws and Whitby's continued industrial development. GREENWOOD $5, HAS CORN ROAST Program Presented Enter- tains Visitors, Com Disappears Rapidly (Mae E. Brown, Corr.) Greenwood, Sept. 11.--The corn roast sponsored by the Sunday School on Friday evening of last week kas a decided success, Every- body enjoyed the program of local talent. Solos were sung by Rev. A. C. Luffman, Mrs, Lloyd Pegg and Miss Marjorie Byers; a reading, Miss Mildred Brown; a talk Mrs. A. ©, Luffman and a skit by the Silcox brothers; Allan Clark led in community singing. A social holr was then spent together and the corn disappeared rapidly, The Woman's Missionary Auxil- fary met at the home of Mrs: George Wilson of Mt. Zion. Mrs. Davies led in a program introduce | ing the new Study Book, "India at the Threshold", by Dr. Winnifred Bryce. India is so much in the lime light that this year's study is very opportune. Considerable interest was aroused and all are looking forward to the year's work. The next meeting will be held at the Parsonage. Some of the visitors last week were: Miss Marion McVey of To- ronto with Miss Eileen Sadler; Miss Betty McPhail of Toronto with with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braendle of 'Binscarth, Manitoba with Rev. A, C. and Mrs. Luffman at the parsonage; H, E. and Mrs. Bunt of Toronto with John Brown and family. : No Place To Go To So He Gets 30 Days John MacDuff, of no listed ad- was sentenced to 30 days when be sald he had nowhere else to go. Said Magistrate Ebbs, "You better go back to jail # "ain, for acDuff was arrested Monday 'night on a charge of vagrancy when he was found wandering the highway by Whitby police. His clothes had to be de- loused and he admitted that ne had bY | only recently finished a 30 day sen- tence in the County Jall. Wonder was expressed by the court as to how he got into such a coudition so quickly. Concluded the magistrate, "There is no point in your wandering around on the highway. You might get killed and you are a danger to traffic." Mrs, Evelyn Arnold, of Toronto, who was arrested in connection with charges against herself and William Volvie of retaining stolen goods, was remanded on bail of $1,000 until October 1. Volvie is in Don Jail awaiting trial on some of the many charges of theft and re- ceiving goods which have been laid against him, UNWINKING FISH Fish are unable to close their eyes, . | WHITEVALE GR 7 ENGLISH BRIDE New Arrival In Village Is Mrs, Leslie Randall - (Edith M, Parks, Correspondent) Whitevale, Sept. 11.--A meeting of the official board of the three United churches in the appoint- ment met in the parsonage on Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 11, at 8 o'clock for a discussion on impor. tant business matters. On Friday evening, Sept, 18, all of those interested in the Sunday School work of First Baptist Church are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Sunday School to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Anthony. The hour is 8 o'clock. On the Labor Day week-end, Mr. David Turner and Mr, Austin Met. calfe were in Welland, They called on Mr. and Mrs, Terry Lapp. Another English bride has come to our community, and we welcome her to our midst, She is Mrs, Les ts Randall, who arrived on Friday ast. Mr, and Mrs, H. Lindsay and fam- ily with Mrs. Teeples, returned home after Vacationing during thé summer in the north and Wood- stock. They arrived on Labor Day evening. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J, Heal on Labor Day were Mrs, Dennison, the Misses Iris and Elaine Dennison and Mr, Fred Den- nison of Detroit and Waterloo. Miss Jean Marie Lindsay was & charming hostess to ten of the Jun- ior set, when she entertained at a party on September 7 She had re- cently celgbrated a birthday, The guests played interesting games and partook of a tasty luncheon aftere ward, They brought home little favors, which would be mementoes of this occasion, Mr, and Mrs, Willlam Hilts and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilts were in Toronto on Saturday afternoon September 7, attending the mar- riage in St. Mark's Anglican Church of Miss Florence Grover, daughter 0? Mr. and Mrs, Ted Grover of To- ronto and formerly of Whitevale, to Mr. James Wetherstone, The re- ception was held at Hunt's Limited. Miss Blanche Hamlin has enroll. ed as a student in the Toronto Nor- mal School. Miss Jean Fleming was a guest at the wedding of her friend, Miss Joan Cook, to Mr. Graham Lawson, solemniged in St. John's Church, Norway, on Saturday evening,Seb- tember 7. Mr. and Mrs, Grove of North Markham were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hilts on Sunday, September 17. Miss Donna Wilson of King City was the week-end guest of Miss Catherine Hornshaw. Women's Association The Women's Association of the Whitevale United Church held their September meeting at the home of Mrs, Kenneth Hahtings, last Wed- nesday afternoon, September , at 230 o'clock. The4 word for roll- call was "Labor". There were fifty ladies in attendance to hear the ad- dress given by Mrs, Hoag of Locust Hill. Other interesting numbers on the program were: a plano solo by Mrs. Harry Keyes; a vocal duet of- fered by Mrs. George Hamlin and Mrs, D. . Annis; and a readBing by Mrs, George Hastings. The hostesses served a dainty luncheon at the conclusion of the meeting, First Baptist Church, Whitevale held their first annual business meeting last Friday evening, Sép- tember , when most inspiring re-6 ports were giveh from all depart- ments, A total of three tho d dollars was received and in in the Lord's work during the 'past year, and attendance at services FIFTY FRIENDS AT SHOWER GIVEN FOR ENGLISH BRIDE Balsam and Mt. Zion Resi- dents Honor Mrs, Charles Cragg (Mrs, Lorne Jones, ; ent Balsam and Mt, Zion, Sept, 11~ About fifty friends gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 8, Davies to honor Mr Charlie Cragg and Mrs, Cragg with a miscellaneous shower, Mrs. Cragg is a bride who came out from England a week ago and they iri the recipients of many lovely ts. The WMS, of the Greenwood Circuit met at the home of Mrs. George Wilson on Wednesday and all report a good meeting, Mr, Tony Oorson's sale proved a rea] success, Mr, and Mrs, Sherin of Woodbridge are taking the farm over, Miss Maggle Neal of Stouffville visited last week with Mrs George Wilson. Birthday greetings this week to Allan Carson, John Oarson and Grant Jones. Mr, and Mrs, William Harbron visited on Sunday with their daugh« ter, Mrs, Stanley Nell of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Bdgar Evans, Mrs Stewart visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Jones, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wilson and family spent a few days. , and Mrs. John Wilison's of 8, Congratulations to Welbity" Apple- by on his recent marriage, Miss Marion Disney and Donavon Appleby are attending Normal School at Toronto, Don't forget the Active Service Class meeting next week, Be sure to bring a donation along for the travelling basket, Mr, and Mrs, 8. Davies and fam- fly have moved to Brooklin, They havé lived here four years, We are sorry to lost them from our come munity. Window Display Of War Mementos An Arab rifle, both omate and aged, a string of 'short snorter' bills, and many other mementoes of Whitby veterans' travels in the re- cent war are displayed in the wine dow of the Bell Taxi Co. on Dundas Street West. The exhibit, which is attracting oonsiderable interest is a collection of souvenirs that Whit. by's ex-servicemen brought back to remind them of what they had seen abro ad. The rifle, which is brass-bound and delicately scrolled, was brought back from French Morocco, Curren- cy and coins from most countries of | King the world are on show, along with a war map of the 3rd Division's trav- els and exploits. Also to be seen are pictures of many types of aircraft, and a scale model of a Mosquito, famous British triple threat plane, Gets Month's Jail Assaulted Child "We can't have boys running around doing things like that," said Magistrate F, 8. Ebbs in Police Court on Tuesday as he sentenced a 16-year-old Whitby youth to one month in jail for assaulting a five- year-old girl. "It is a very serious charge even if you are only 16," continued the magistrate, He directed that the tence be dated back to the date of the arrest some two weeks ago. The youth was first brought up on the charge two weeks ago when he pleaded guilty and was remanded for sentence. "It is fortunate that there was no serious harm done to the child," concluded the magistrate, well under way, these people are setting aside next Sunday morning, September 15, as Membership Sun- day, in view of their final organiza- tion as a Baptist church, The ordi. nance of communion will be ob- served after the service, in which the members will take part. RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED - IMMEDIATE Huts RADIO : 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel 107 ) | Company of SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL We use only the Best of Materials and Guarantee our Work, Before investing get a price direct from owner. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Phone 494 Yeuredays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will be in Whitby to service all makes of sewing machines, py Norkmanship uaranteed If in need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. PHONE 69 -- OSHAWA showed a marked increase. With their new church home THE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 12, 1046 § LL C. of C. Meeting Tonight, Discuse Adams' Idea Discussion of Whitby Proj Limited goes on , since started last Thi at the oe $500 presented by Richard O, ams, ay of of ad a. rin "te Rar s t was for ed and plans made for year, SCHOOL PLAN (Continued from Page 4) Fa 0 new High School teachers, the Management Committee will meet on Saturday to review the ap- plications, His report also included the request for soap dispensers for liquid soap, and this was referred to the Property Committee, Also referring to this committee were many of the points on Mr, Sennett's report. In it he suggested that there were many repairs ne- cessary in the various schools and also a good deal of playground equipment such as sports equipe ment, bicycle stands, and hockey rinks, He sald "I never saw the Juungsters playing better than they ave played this year, and I think that the equipment we did buy was worth the money, but it doesn't last forever." Wants Ice Rinks Trustee D, A, Wilson supported this request, suggesting that an area be cleared and flattened in each school for an outdoor rink this winter. Also that basketball and softball equipment be obtained, Mr, Sennett reported the attend- ance at the various schools as being: Street--3201, Dundas Street-- 106, and Brock Street -- 77, a total of 534 compared to 587 last year. A new teacher has been engaged to assist with the kindergarten class, Mrs, R. Akey of Whitby, Present plang call for this class to be held in the allernoon, alterna- ting with Grades 1, held in the Native of Whitby Dies in Toronto bY.\J J 7.1.4 MONEY MONEY JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. Phone Whitby 524 Garage Operators! ... NOW WE CAN DO YOUR M ACHINE WORK CO) "dk » Valve refacing, your own shop. ® GENE Wore AL MACHINE ® CR GROYRSHAFT RE- ® CAM § BUSHED | *-RE- ® RE-BABBITTING ® KING ping, p ARM, © EITMAN FITTED CTOR SHAFTS equipment We can do cylinder reseating and insert vite And faclities at any boring, Installing ® SLEEVES INSTA. En ® VALVES RESEATED CED, ® INSER INSTALLED GUIDES ® CLUTCHES and REBUILT CNP ® AR.IATURES ED and 3 BYRON ST. SOUTH 17-4¢ -- )! 4) PHONE 856 -- [After Hrs. 595] WHITBY 4

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