ANNUAL MEETING "CHRISTIANS HELD "CENTRE ST. SCHOOL . Successful Gathering Held Last Sunday -- Visiting Speakers Here (Contributed) The fifth annual convention con- by Christians who meet in pel Hall, Nassau Street, was t Sunday, September 8th, the auditorium of the Cen- t School. A large number various towns and cities in ty were present. Special from the United States, Canada addressed the gath- 8 "Three meetings were held, first of which was at 10:30 a.m. for the re- " membering of the Lord Jesus » Christ. in the Breaking of Broad. . % The second meeting at 2:30 p.m. was devoted to addresses on Chris- tian living and the Christian's place hope. In the evening meeting p.m. the audience heard three gospel messages and ap- to those unsaved in the gath- to accept Christ as Saviour. was served to all attending convention at noon and evening the Legion Hall auditorium, The Afternoon's Meeting In the afternoon session, five peakers addressed the gathering, first of which was Mr. A. Douglas of Hamilton, He spoke of the Lord Jesus 'Christ as the sin "Purger" Heb. 1:1-3 and emphasized the glories of Christ. Mr. J, H, Black- wood of Peterborough was the sec- ond speaker, addressing the audi- ence from Revelation 8:14-22 on the subject of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church. Mr, Geo. Gould, St. Catharines, Ont, the third speaker based his address on Revelation 3:7-12 pointing out that the gathering of God's people is to be in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who have His presence and His word and also the precious of His coming again. Then, a Mr, P. W. Swarts of Detroit, Mich., § gave & simple address on. positive » Christian living. He pointed out ® from Romans 12:21 that evil must y be put out of the lives of Christians and replaced by good. Among many other examples of positive living 53 ok g E 258 8 H = st ErasgaveREEssEs Ea 2ERE39% B & = B 2 - » or iT "ENT ZaseReN on for Christ, he referred to Romans 12:2--"be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind", The afternoon session was brought to a close by Mr, R. McCrory of Hamil- ton, Ont., who pointed out the last message of "Jesus" to the Church (Revelation 21:7-21)--His sure and soon return and His reward for faithful service. The Evening Meeting The first speaker of the evening session was Mr. R. Crawford, Pitts- burgh, Pa. He delivered a solemn message from Job 33:14-30 in which he pointed out first, the plan of God in dealing with men and wo- speaks dreams, wn to the pit: I have found a ransom".--a full and free Salvation by the death of Christ on to all who will asknowl- edge own asinnership and ace cept Jesus Christ by faith as Savi- our and Lord, ie second speaker: in the eve- was Mr, F, W, Nugent of , Ont, From the Gospel of , Chapter 4:39-45, Mr. Nugent of three ways which God often to, bring men and women to First, the testimony of the en--"He told me all that ever I did" (vs, 30) If the Lord Jesus knew Ther life, then He knows the life of everyone. So today, as those who know the Lord Jesus bear testimony to Him, many are attracted to Him and accept Him as their own Savi- ; Second, through His Own 8 Word--many honest people reading ! 's Word, the Bible, discover that 8 they are sinners in the sight of a "holy God and thus accept God's - provision, the Lord Jesus Christ; third, they saw the miracles which did--so are to C Mr, his stidience to heed these ways of God and that unsaved ones in the gathering would thus receive the Lord Jesus Christ as thelr own Saviouy, God's Love to Man The last speaker, Mr. T. Wallace of Forest. Ont. took for his mes- sage the "Prodigal Son" (Luke 15:11-24) dwelling particularly on the welcome of the father to the prodigal, He spoke of the father's ess and grace in that he was ind to his servants and that he gave his prodigal boy that which he had asked. Mr, Wilkie also directed attention to the amazing love of the father to his wayward son. In all this, the father was but a slight picture of God the Father in His kindness and great love to men and women who have sinned against Him---"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not 'perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16), God longs to recelve sinners to Himself and to forgive all their sin on the ground of the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. Mr, Wilkie wrged those in the audience unsaved to accept at once this free forgiveness, The conference was brought to a close with the extending of thanks to the Board of Education and the Canadian Legion for the use of the buildings for the day and also a hearty invitation to those residing in Oshawa to attend special ad- dresses by Mr, A, Douglas, of Ham« ilton on the "Tabernacle in the Widerness", which addresses will be given nightly ¢except Saturday) at 8 o'clock and Sunday at 7 o'clock in the Gospel Hall, Nassau Street. Manchester (Staff Correspondent) Manchester, Sept, 11,--~Mr, Thos. Maynard of Whitby visited friends in the village on Friday A Jeep demonstration was held on Mr. Grant Christie's farm last Fri- day evening, Mr. and Mrs, Denis McKenzie and Mr, and Mrs. Bud Black are spend- ing two weeks at the former's cot- tage on Twelve Mile Lake, Hallbure n. Mrs, John Moore visited Cooks= ville friends over the week-end, Mr, John Johnson is with his nephew at Vineland, helping with the peach harvest. Miss Carrie Cowan of Carnarvon is visiting her sister, Mrs, Roach, Sunday School will be at ten o'clock next Sunday morning, fol- lowed by church service at eleven am, October 6th is the date set for our anniversary services with Rev, Mr, Honey of Gaven, a former pase tor as guest minister, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Veitch of Bea verton called on Mr. and Mrs, W. F, Crosler on Sunday, Mr. Ernest White is reported to be recovering from a successful operation on his foot, and is ex- pected home in the near future, 7" MAKES @® Steaks, chops, stews, leftovers-- all taste twice as tempting when glorified with a liberal dash of Heinz ChiliSauce. FULL-STRENGTH! Fleischmana's fresh active Yeast starts working right away! All the strength of the Joust brings out all the flavourful goodness of your d. Be sure of sweet taste = light texture = fragrant freshness every time! if You Bare AT HOME, insist on chmann's falitcengeh, fresh active Yeast with the fa yellow label. 'Dependable--Canada's favourite yeast for over 70 years, FIREWORKS. MARK BRIEF. HEARING OF UNION HEADS J, L. Cohen Tries to Read Affidavit Signed By <. Burt Windsor, Sept. 11 = ks marked yesterday's brief hearing of three U.AW.-CLO. union leaders on charges of "conspiracy to watch and beset" The trial is scheduled for Sept, 26, Crown Attorney E., C. Awrey called loudly for some officer to silence J. L, Cohen, Toronto, counsel for the union, Later Magis~ trate Angus W, MacMillan threat~ ened, at one juncture, to have Mr, Cohen ejected from the court. or held in contempt of court, The three charged are George Burt, Canadian director of the UAW.-C10,; his assistant, Tho~ mas MacLean, and Harry Rooney, plant chairman for the U.A.W.-C, IO, at the Chrysler plant, The charges were lald in connection with the Chrysler strike, 4 Following a 15- te 'recess, after Magistrate. MacMillan had declared he would hear the case himself, Mr. Cohen re-entered" the courtroom without his clients, Sev- eral times he called the court's at tention to the fact his clients were absent, "They have informed me," Mr, Cohen said, "that they will not re~ turn to this courtroom. I'm not a sheriff and I cannot force them to come in." Mr, Awrey said their ab- sence was of no: consequence their counsel was present. When yesterday's hearing open- ed, Mr, Cohen tried to read & 2,000« word affidavit signed by Mr, Burt, copies of which had been supplied the magistrate, the crown attorney and the press, The affidavid alleg- ed there had been an understand~ | qua) ing with Mr. Cohen that Magis trate MacMillan, because he was a member of the Windsor police com+ mission, had agreed that some oth- er magistrate should hear the case, Mr, Awery described the affida- vid as a bunch of lies, but sald he would not blame the accused, they evidently had been misinformed by their solicitor, : No Change of Venue Magistrate - MacMillan sald he felt he was quite capable of handl- ing the case without bias, that the issues involved had not been dis- cussed by the Windsor police com- mission, Mr, Awrey sald he had consulted with the attorney-gener- al's office and had heen advised a change of venue would not be war- ranted, Thereup Mr, Cohen recalled that the case had been adjourned twice, once to allow Mr, Awrey to com) his vacation, and a sec~ ond time to allow the crown attor~ ney to attend a wedding, Mr, Co~ hen said he should be allowed to consult with his clients for 10 min~ utes, A few minutes later he rais- ed his request to 156 minutes, The recess was granted and when since | Mr, Cohen returned he was with out his clients, but accompanied by Maurice Sugar of Detroit, interna« tional counsel for the U.A.W.-C.10, Mr, Oohen argued that even the possibility of a mere suspicion that Justice would not be done should be taken by the magistrate as dis- him from handling the case, "It's my duty, and I propose to do it," the magistrate said. "I don't propose to continue that argument, You reached youd de- cision before you heard from me," Mr, Cohen replied, . "I made it clear the last time I hig in court," the magistrate repli- ed, Mr. Cohen replied that he under stood the magistrate would make Lhis decision upon the basis of argu~ ments presented to him yesterday. Accused Not Present "All we're here for now," Magis- trate MacMillan said, "Is to set the date for the hearing, I want to ask the crown attorney." "Who is running this court?" asked Mr, Cohen, "I am informing you that the accused are not here." Angered at not being allowed to reply to the magistrate, Mr, Awrey shouted: "Isn't there an officer here to keep this man quiet?" An officer in the court-room moved around Mr, Cohen in a wide semi-circle, but did not approach any closer to him, "I'm informing you," Mr, Cohen shouted, "that the accused are not here." "I am going to have this, man put out of court or held in contempt of court," threatened Magistrate Mac~ Millan, "You do so without the ac~ cused here," repeated Mr, Cohen, Mr, Awrey sald he wanted the trial or the preliminary hearing as coon as possible, so that the case, if it went to a higher court, could be heard before the fall assizes now in session, However, he added, Whe realized there was a conciliator in the city trying to conciliate the Chrysler dispute, "I would be very loathe to do anything today," Mr, Awrey sald, "to interfere with the honest efforts of both parties to get together," Asks 16-day Aljournmen Under the circumstances Mr, Awrey sald he was prepared to have the case laid over for two eight- day periods, If anyone questionad the legality of that arrangement it would be simple enough to issue bench warrants showing the ace cused failed to appear on the de- signated date, but he didn't think that should be necessary. Mr, Awrey sald he was asking for the 16-day adjournment because THE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 18, 1046 11 Mr, Cohen would be tied up with & trial in Ottawa next week and be- cause he didn't want to interfere with efforts toward conciliating the Chrysler strike, In the affidavit signed by Mr, Burt and distributed to reporters in the courtroom yesterday, it was alleged that "it is known to the ace cused, and it is notorious in the city of Windsor, that the said Ma- gistrate MacMillan is a member of the sald police commission and that commission and that bias has been demonstrated by members of the sald commission, the said magistrate against this union and upon these grounds the accused have instructed their counsel afore said to object to, and continue to object to Maglsrats MacMillan sit ting as » magistrate in the case in any capacity whatsoever." Jabor disputes affecting the union | the involved in the Chrysler labor dis- pute have been dealt with by the Ir SALADA TEA BAGS No et RED RIVER CEREAL i 13: Hi 24e rr ------------ WHEAT GERM CEREAL 2% in, ok6. 24¢ WHEN AVAILABLE MAPLE LEAF CAKE FLOUR u-02. m6. 27¢ WHEN AVAILABLE use MONARCH FLOUR 7-8. B46 29c ------------ ONE » NET woon JUNKET RENNET Tasers me 110 WIEN AVAIASLE SHORTENING Easiness ht. 19¢ PLUS 1c DEPOSIT ON JUG SOUP CHICKEN WITH NOODLE 2,27: LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE : JES Lapa 0.39: 1-18, 77: OWN wit. 33 1:0.65¢ 'CLASSIC CLEANSER 278 $e FLY TOX conumenor. § FL, 02. BOTTLE 24e OLD ENGLISH PASTE WAX 8.59 When Qoailable Use IVORY SOAP .............10:0 CAKE §e OXYDOL.........oou0inne LGE PRG. 220 CRISCO. cece soa ives. 140. PG. 220 p= ng VINEGAR ali 4 o WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE ........ n.19. GROUND PICKLING SPICE o CLUB HOUSE CREAM of TARTAR 20 M6. 15e o CELERY SEED 20.9: MUSTARD SEED 20.7 o IMPERIAL PAROWAX ............. 10.M8 12¢ © ZINC JAR RINGS 2... envanennaeneass. DOZEN 28e © JAR RUBBERS. .........ccoevuereees ME OF12 Se "o LACO LAMPS o PURE LEMON JUICE 25-40-60 WATT 1S 100 WATT 20 2602 TS 23. sodas