I$ RECOVERING FROM OPERATION Delbert Martin, Wellsville N.Y. Visits Parents at xEfgiky Hin MRS. GIFFORD 1S HOSTESS OF W.A Mrs, Ray Scott of Thorn. ton's Corners Conducts Worship Service (Mrs. T. Martin, Corres.) Zion, Sept. 10--The meeting of the Zion Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Gifford with the President Mrs, A. was presented, with numbers in- cluding Readings by Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Mrs, Alex McMaster and Mrs. Bennett. Mrs, Charles Naylor gave plano selections. At the e¢lose of the meeting a dainty lunch' was served by the September group and ton |& social time enjoyed by all, "| ited Mr. and Mrs PRESENT CHAIR AS PARTING GIFT Solina Friends Voice Best Wishes To Werry Family (Gladys Yellowlees, Corres.) f honor at his parents home Saturday evening when their many friends gathered to wish a happy future in their new home in Oshawa and to show their the gift and extended a cordial in- vitation to everyone to visit them in Oshawa, Games and social chats were enjoyed and a lovely lunch brought to a close another pleasant evening at the Werry's. 'Several Solina ladies recen enjoyed a re-union at Mrs. E. V. Hoar's, Bowmanville, when the af- ternoon was spent reminiscing and a delicious buffet supper was served by the hostess (formerly Luta th). Those attending from So- ling included: Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Mrs. Roy Lang- Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Lena Tape and Miss Ethel Gilbert, Tor« on Jerry Millson will begin his se- cond year as a medical student at Toronto University this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake on the birth of a daughter, in Bowmanville Hospital, a sister for Alan. Mr. C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Bask, Mr. and Mrs, W. D, Me- Mr, and Mrs. Schmid and family, Newcastle. Mrs Wesley Cameron entertain- ed last Friday evening at a com roast and dance at her home. D. Owens of Oshawa, recently vise . Robert Killen, Jrothy wil { Oshawa, Mrs. Thomas Martin, te Martin, Mr. and William Welch Jr., attend Pils g § g : 3 were enrolled glster 'the beginners' on Tuesday of last week when , No, 12 opened for the fall jie LONG PUSH Adelaide, Australia--(CP)--Long- haired and bearded gold prospector Henry Cook of Darwin, has pushe ed a barrow 1,600 miles from Dar SOAP and OINTMENT For PROMPT RELIEF BLACKHEADS fee Buy ay --ecpomieal druggiata, Maldy Medicated. MOTHERS! Seni Gor oper rach * Ephazone Tablets .... ABSORBINE JR. 98¢ 1.95 Abbott's Penta-Kaps ..,. 1.35 to 10.35 Agarol Compound 69¢, 1.29 Alrwick 2... .. veo 89, Refill 1.78 Alka-Seltzer 29¢, 57¢ Allenbury's Barley Flour, 1 Ib, 3% Allergi-Tabs 1.00, 2.50, 7.00 Andrews Liver Salts . ....... Apple Blossom Soap Aqua Velva Shaving Lotion Arrid Deodorant Averst 10-D Cod Liver Oil ., 67¢, 1.69 BROMO- SELTZER 25¢ 49¢ 95¢ Also $1.59 Baby's Own Tablets Barbaso! Brushless Shave 49¢, 57¢ Bayer Aspirin cesses 18¢, 29¢, 79 Beechams Pills ....,. Bile Beans Bismuth Formic lodide Pdr. .. 30e, 75¢ Bisodo! Powder ........ vos 55¢, 1.19 Blue-Jay Corn Plasters .......... 25¢ Borofax Ointment .......... 25¢, 50¢ Brylcreem Hair Dressing ..... 25¢, 49¢ Buckley's Mixture . .... sense 40cp75¢c CRESS Plastic Corn Pads S0¢ Canadian Nasal Spray Outfit 1.50 Carter's Little Liver Pills . 33¢, 67¢, 95¢ Castoria vee 33¢ Charm«Kurl Cold Wave Kit ...... 1.35 Dr. Chase's KG L Pills .......... 85¢ Children's Own Tablets .......... 25¢ Colgate Dental Cream ....... 25¢, 40¢/ !nate Shaving Cream 29¢, 43¢ Corega Plate Powder .... 23¢, 41¢, 69¢ Coty's Face Powder ........ 55¢ 1.00 Cuticura Ointment ......... 29¢, 57¢ Cuticura Medicated Soap 23¢ 75¢, 1.50 DODD'S Kidney Pills 43¢ D.-& R. Face Creams Danderine Hair Tonic .. 39¢, 68¢, 1.13 Dettol Antiseptic .......... Dipfoam Dioxogen Cream ....... 30¢c, 60¢, 1.20 Don Juan Lipsticks ... 49¢, 1.10 Drene Shampoo 39¢, 67¢, 1.10 Eno's Fruit Salt 59¢, 98¢ 1.50, 2.50, 7.59 Evening in Paris Cologne .... 65¢, 1.25 Ex-Lax 15¢, 33¢ Export Cigarettes, 20's & 50's, 33¢, 80c FITCH SHAMPOO * Removes Dandruff 35¢ 69¢ 98¢ Feen-A-Mint ......... 19¢, 3B¢, 69¢ Fellows Syrup ...... Siaeae Forhan's Tooth Paste Freezone Corn Remedy Frosst Neochem, Food, 1.15, 2.45, 4.45 Fresh Deodorant Cream .. 19¢, 396, 59¢ Fruit-a-tives . 22¢, 3%¢ ® SPECIALS & REMINDERS for WEDNESDAY, Sept. 11th to WEDNESDAY, Sept. 18th We reserve the right to limit quantities, HUDNUT THREE FLOWERS Powder, Rouge or Lipstick Each 60¢ Dr. Hamilton's Pills . .,,.,.. Heinz Bbay Foods ...,....,. Hollywood Wave Set ,........ Horlick's Malted Milk 48¢, 97¢ Hinds H. & A. Cream ... 25¢, 49¢, 97¢ Ingram's Milkweed Cream ..".. 49¢, 98¢ Ipana Tooth Paste .......... 29¢, 49¢ Ironized Yeast Tablets Italian Balm .......... 25¢, 35¢, 97¢ Jergens Lotion ........, 25¢, 47¢, 98¢ Johnson's Saby Powder 28¢, 55¢ TR AE SAC GN HE TIMES-GAZETTE Thursday, September 13, 1048 9 7 Our Most Popular Sales Event Store, KKOVAH SALTS 29¢ ° 79¢ LANTIGEN "E" for hay fever "C"" for arthritis Each 6.00 Kepler's Malt & Cod Liver Oil, 75¢, 1.25 Kling Plate Powder 34¢, 59¢ 29¢, 49¢ Krem! Hair Tonic ...... 59¢, 98¢, 1.39 Kruschen Salts 25¢, 69¢ A.B.C. Sale Special! Halibut Liver Oil CAPSULES Lactogen, 1 & 2%; Ib. Lady Esther Havana Tan Powder. . . . 55¢ Larvex 83¢c, 1.29, 1.98 27¢, 49¢, 93¢ Lederle Vi-Delta Emulsion. , 1.25, 2.25 Lifebuoy Shaving Cream, tube Listerine Antiseptic 29¢, 49¢, 89¢ Listerine Tooth Paste Lovalon Hair Rinse . .. Lustre-Creme Shampoo Wl Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder. ... 28¢, 45¢ vesess 15¢, 35¢c 5110 93¢ LI $3.79 79¢, 1.79 Maclean's Tooth Paste Lady Esther Face Cream, 29¢, 55¢, 98¢+ ' Mason's 49 Cough Syrup. . .. ABC Sale Special! Milk of M AGNESIA 1.D.A. Brend ot. ¢ 16 ot. 27¢ Fi 55¢ A% Reg. 33¢ ABC Sale Special! SUPER-JUMBO VITAMIN B-1 100's, reg. 37c. .. 300, reg. 7%¢. .. 1.D.A. Brand, | mg. Tooth Brushes Bristles. ""Lustral" Nylon 35¢, 65¢, 1.25 Reg, 25¢ 19: MERCUROCHROME I.D.A, Brand Regular 15¢ 11 Facial Creams WOODBURY 'S 25¢, 49: PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound 94 Phillips' Magnesia for 78¢ 39: MEAD'S PABLUM ®> c= 45. VASELINE White, jars POND'S Creams 15, 25. 34, 59: Tablets. Stationery 72 sheets of notepaper and EPSOM SALTS talline salt. 1 1b., reg. 15¢ I.LD.A. Brand. A pure white crys- C8 WAX P . 100-foot roll 48 envelopes in package ecial 22 4 oz., reg. 25¢ Spec ¢ 8 oz., reg. 3%¢ COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO IDA. Reg. 25¢ 21 ABC Sale Special! I.D.A. Brand Extra Heavy APER IDOL-AGAR !.D.A. Brand + Mineral Oil & Agar. 16 and 40 oz. Reg. 69c & 1.29 .. §4¢, 99¢ ABC Sale A,B, S&C Tablets, - I.D.A. Brand. Made from fresh pot- ent drugs, 100s. Reg. 19c. 14¢ OINTMENTS I1.D.A. Brand. Zinc, Sulphur, Boracic or Carbolic, Reg. 25¢ SHAVE CREAM & LOTION Lavender, 1.D.A, Brand. 1b Oc value Both for §3¢ Idamalt 1.D.A. Brand Ren Sse 47° Re ae 9 Rig. 169 1 33 Old English) COD LIVER Style Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil, Ida- 16 oz, 1e9,.8 OIL I.D.A. Brand. B.P. Standard. 9 6 c malt is palatable and nutritious. VEGETABLE Tablets, 1.D.A, DOSE: A tea- | 36's res. 25c, spoonful gradu- allv increased to a tablespoon, 3 times a day im- mediately after FLOOR WA LAXATIVE Brand. X "Easi-Gloss." Polishes all floors. 1 pound, reg. 43¢c meals, 1.D.A. Brand. 4 oz., reg. 25¢ WHITE EMBROCATION A Complete A Vitamin 7 Suplement | 2 NmDiT MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES Q 90-day & supply 2.70 ' Lo VANN 30-day trial size ATTN 1.18 : CLEANING FLUID 24, 13 34 NC N N nN DEODO Stops underarm perspiration from one to three days Full A Cough Syrup that reaches the Bre e Coughing Zone! Bronchida COUGH SYRUP 1.D.A, Brand A prompt, safe prepara- u e tion that relieves tight or chesty coughs and NT CREAM colds. 8-0x. bottle 50¢ CORN REMOVER io+. ts 3519¢ * § HEALTH SALTS [2 nd 1b 59c¢ GILLETTE TECH RAZOR & 5 Blue Blades COMBS Pocket Boby or Curl e, 2 for 1 5¢ SULPHUR 104. 1 pound, Res 15 Tle y Gillette Blue Blades . ... Gillette Shaving Cream .......... Gin Pills Glover's Marige Medicine . ... 59¢, 1.10 Glycothymoline 29¢, 49¢, 98¢ Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Caps., 39¢. 73¢ Grove's Cold Tablets ........ 24¢c, 44¢ KLEEN-OR Mouth Wasi Red. 79 63 SENNA LEAVES 2%; i 8¢, 18¢ Soda Bicarbonate ..! 72'S 55. 8¢, 18¢ 1.D.A. Bra 16 oz. reg. 39¢ 4981 Hepatica #Sloan's Liniment Once again -- our annual "ABC of Drug Values" . . . To our customers it's become the most popular drug sale of the year. This time it tops all, previous sales for outstanding bargains and chances to save. Look over this sheet . . . the many specials . . . the handy alphabetical list , . . you'll find your favorite products at money-saving prices. During this 7-day sale be sure to pay a profitable visit to your local 1.D.A. Drug MACLEAN'S STOMACH POWDER 59¢ 98¢ 29¢, 47¢ . 40¢c, 75¢ Mead's Dextri-Maltose, 1 Ib. 65e Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 75e, 3.00 ' Mecca Ointment 23¢, 45¢, 79¢ Mennen Baby Oil..... 59%, 1.19, 2.39 Mentholatum . ... vee 29¢, 5% Mercolized Wax ...ov000e0ess. 870 Midol Tablets .... sesess 39 Minard's Liniment ..........00. 29¢ Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Mum Deodorant 55¢, 95¢ NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Boudoir 6-0z. jar 93¢ value--@ ¢ Nature's Remedy 23¢, 45¢, 8% Nestle's Colorinse ......... 15¢, 35¢ Norplex B-Complex... 1.00, 1.75, 4.75 33¢, 55¢, 1.10 . Nutrim Baby Cereal 45¢ Odo-Ro-No Cream Deodorant, 89¢, 65¢ Olive'on Hair Dressing 40¢, 55¢ One-A-Day A & D Tabs 60¢, 1.35, 2.50 Ovaltine 58¢, 98e PEPSODENT Dental Cream or Powder 29¢ 45¢ Pacquins' Hand Cream 29¢, 57¢ Palmolive Shave Cream 33¢, 49 Parke-Davis Natola Caps ... 1.25, 2.25 Peggy Sage Nail Polish 50¢ Pepto-Besmal 50¢, 1.00, 1.50 Perkins Billfolds ..ee0... 2.25 to 8.35 Pertussin 59¢, 99¢ Dr. Pierce's Favourite Rx. ... 89¢, 1.19 Pinaud"s Lilac Vegetal Polident & Poli-Grip Pro-phy-lac-tic Prolon Tooth Brush 50e Raz-Mah Capsules 50¢, 1.00, 5.00 Revlon Nail Enamel vase 508 Rust-Rid Rust Remover .ccessee. 576 SCOTT'S EMULSION 59¢ 98¢ 25¢, 35¢ 30¢, 59¢, 1.13 33¢, 63¢, 1.23 Smith Bros. Cough Drops 10e Schick Injector Razor & 20 Blades . . 98¢ Squibb's 10-D Cod Liver OIl. . 67¢, 1.69 Scholl's Zino Pads TAMPAX Three types S's 10s 40's 25¢ 39¢ 1.17 Tangee Lipstick 59¢, 98e¢ Tek Tootn wrush 29¢, 2 for 49¢ Thermogene Medicated Wool 49¢ Tintex All-Fabric Dyes, 15¢, 2 for 25e Thermos Bottles 1.19 Tuffy Nursing Bottles ... 22¢, 2 for 43¢ Unguentine Vaseline Hair Tonic Vick's Vapo-Rub or Nose Drops. . . . Vials 4iivaisnnninn OIA S54¢c, 9% Vitamins Plus 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Vitavax Cold Vaccine Caps., 2.50, 7.00 WILDROOT CREAM-OIL Hair Tonic 5 oz. bottle §9¢ Wampole's Cod Liver Extract Waterbury's Compound .... Williams' Shaving Cream .... Wood's Bath Oil Yardley After-Shave Lotion. . 85¢, 1 Zonite Antiseptic 27¢, 49¢, 8%¢ THROAT SORE? (COMMON SORE THROAT) BEECHAM'S | DIOXOGEN CREAM Give your skin the benefits of pure, ac. tive oxygen. Try a month of tonic beauty pick-ups For cleansing and skin toning 30: 60: KARN'S | THOMPSON'S | POWELL'S. 35 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 28 KING ST. EAST 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH a (Next to Post Office) DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS {Next to ws) PROMPT DELIVERY OF THE CITY WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 78-79 TELEPHONE 22 TELEPHONE 1360 -- We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity -- : Foo! Liverich? BILE BEANS { LAXATIVE LIVER PILLS oy 35° itonomen sms 65°