Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Sep 1946, p. 14

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' ery Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results FrHE TIMES -GAZETTE 14 Saturday, September 7, 1046 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Classification Auditory siieeiien Dentists .oivenrine Physicians and rennnnn 1----Auditors FT HOPRING, orn ascoupiant, Phon » Sent and SudItor, AR HUDSON A COMPANY, Chartered Accountants, Holland Pettit, ROA; J Jowinan_ foyee [¢) PAR Hol» and nd Pot t, Jr. sept i} "barons yams Bimeoe Ly 8, Oshawa Phone ' ho ¥, Annis, BA, MLB, KO a 1 44 Eli RE irl Bank of © commeres SEMLCK ND KBARRIS, Conveyancers, money to joan Office 81 King Street fan Phone 3033 (Oet.1) a oto, 0 Phones' Office '814; Money to loan, EO GEN: ote, 'Simcoe BL residence BL tl HY NU hd 25 Simcoe Bt Morth office hone 07, residence 3061, (Bepta0) AMES RR MacBRIEN, RISTER and Solioitor Suite 201 0 King Bast Genosha_ Hotel, Phone M9, (Bept1d) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KO. BARRIS. Hy) Solleitor, Money to loan. Office 141 King Bt, Bate Oshawa. Phone 448, Rea, Phon (Oct.1) BOLI- eltor , Room 3, Phones: Ofoce_ 5, Rosidence J687TR., (Oct 2) yr JARKHILL, JSARRISTEN, WTC. ans, Nation mene fe North. Phone 1014 (Sept, 17) Barrist "ne 4 of derson, KC. arristers, ank o Aideron Building, Phone 99, (Oct) MANNING ¥, SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan Base sett Block, suite No, 4, Phone 282 Res 287TW. (Oct. 1) "8--Dentints ¥ J. PHILLIPS, > Phone 3832, (Bepta2) Chiropractors Optometrists Insurance ...» Veterinarians i.» Punerss Directors Monby to Loan ,, Loan Wanted ..,. Tostruction rien Building Trades Personal Services Nursing Service .. Household Gardening an irene er preshasing 111 | ee (Above rates hy ordered a Foss inh Fach initial word, Bo INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS No thnities "e Reni Ehtate Wanted Real Estate --- 1 1 CARY AD 'RATES (Effective From May a, me THREE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL siiinioN ~ HoH ee die original 80 words or less, 15¢ additions) F. Bo ihoand ¢ sgn, "ruse cust ur 4 letter, % charge! All Classified Advertisements MUST be im by 6 D.m. the day before publication, Office Hours: Dally 8.6; Saturday § <b Real Botate Agents 0 Business Oppor- Business Shports tunities Wanted ,, 9 Lost and Pound ., 23 Women's Colums to Comite A new or + Classification No, Automobiles Pos 'ONO iiviiiiienn BB Automobiles Wanted ........ 8 Pots and Livestnck 34 Wearing Apparel 30 Articles Por Sale . 3 Articles Wanted ow? Pondaie Help Wanted .oieeeee B0 Maio Rely Wanted 0000 Male or Pemuale Help Wanted .,. 30s Agents Wanted ,.. $0 Wanted A... 01 Legal Notices ,,.. 43 Auction Bales .... 8 creeps 0 vevrenne 3 veapsses 1st, 1946) 20 Words Sach Add' or ord gd Nig ont insertions al or or Ig y 10 Fal FURNACES, caulking, Phone 3193J, tions, 1314M, PAINTER A PLOUGHING 80 Burke Street Phone_ tt, Sa--Physicin s and Surgeons BAPTY, 183 KING WT East, Phone 3833, Bepta2) 4--Chiropractors Simooe North, Phon actice ineriding Ohi ropract! Diiaite herapy, mineral vapor bath rotons cing 32 years, Consultation tree. am. to 0 p.m. dally except Mondat and Friday, Oct.1) "5--Optometrists y , 3 to §, Phone Oshawa. Hours 9 to 13 Ehon Lo] ntments Phone 2 (Boptad L} L - am, to 8 pm Sven. appol A 8 Jonnson, Optometrist nsurance any Of your insurance 0 Biaaees of insurance includ L) HR King Street East, phone ST=Vete narians all animal surgery, 333 Kin 'ost, Oshawa, Phone 21, ( funeral Directors A = Ambulance Service, "Batablished 1889. Phon "AND St, ot.1) (] 14 Charles Septa0) one 0 an Automobiles, CER Mortg Agreements, Liens purchased M nick. Real Estate, Phone 835 (8epta0) MONIES AVAILABLE FOR Barrister. Bassett Agha. Mums ary 4 Telephone 282, ( FIRST NORTGA SS MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES A GRESMENTS OF SAL North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, 40 ALOER BLDO, PHONE 81, OBHAWA (Oct) [G0 (dad) Do you require a PERSONAL LOAN to put in your next winter's coal ? Apply to nearest branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Monthly Deposits provide for repayment, = Low Rates -- Life Insurance arranged and paid for by the Bank covers all loam' In good standing, i n 10--Instruction I NOW CLASSES GOM- mence each Monday Shorthand, Typ. ibe Bookkeeping and all secretarial ects. Sav Business College, 18 orth. Phone 1314W (Sept?) 11--Building 'Trades ==Buila AND DECORATING, IN. BE Hin, "G0 ule oH , 0) r on 26200 after 6, HE geph6) RH L Mostxh AL WORK ta for New Idea and Pease Fur. RE Poona' 45037, Toerath SAND, GRAVEL, ooh H B Evans R 3, Bowmanville 3 Phone 723013, (Sep! SAND. GRAVEL, LOAN, GENERAL {ucking. Joiabie aervice Sawdon " ; la LX ndsor Ave ahone CARPENTER ~ WORK ™ AND "aug. lona done. No job hod small rvin, 39 Farleigh Ave. Phone Shot (Septal) | GENERAL BUILDING. ALTERATIONS roofing, cement work. Estimates free L MacKinnon JOT Oshawa Blvd, Osh awa, Phone 43357 after 6 (Sept. 28) SAND. QRAVEL, CINDERS LOAM | and aeneral: haulage Robert Muir Courtice, Phone Oshawa T1J4 (Sept) CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT RC Wison 31 Gibbon St ARRLY MR. Span) LR R SONS. WLDING CON. W o W Phone 16400 Rae, ve ul et 1) SAND GRAVEL LOAM FILL GEN. eral cartage Fleet af trucks EfMclent reliable service, W.'B. Easery Phone aun, (Hept.30) Pp tit mates, CARPENTRY -- - HOME AD enoral h H 'Boyd, 10 wi iam IR 11 Work. '8 Wiss ots RR SPRAY AND BRUSH PA interior and exterior work, p ing and | fiptesing, 4 id 11--Building Trades REGISTERS ~~ VACUUM cleaned; chimney sweeping and house after 6, (Oot?) OARPENTER WORK DONE; ALT repairs and conorete, Phone $30) AND PIRST-OLASK (FOOR tor, P, Danniels, Phone 2710R, '(Baptit) EXCAVATING and GRADING | by Tractor, DAVE MITCHELL Phone 3104 ( INTRRS FOR (TA) Variety of colors Free pi Phone collect 083, ville, Bromley and Son, AS. ohl i" repair Benin) SEPTIC TANKS Ontario St, ven, hone ALL 8, Phone A VON @ watohmaker, Repair' Street West, Your pa recovering, D. W. Phone 401, 15--Gar ening a LANDSCAPIN pI [AR ty La 0! A Phone 14570, NEW HOME © lovers, plan your We specialize in Mhejud in Fall shrubs, Flag an COARWELL'S nts, Pram na, 1130 Simooe 18-=Automobile body and fender rep welding, * Apply 190 Phone 3783, MOREY'S OARAGHE, and Glidden, Expert re) FAST BATTERY & "EMPTIED, up And cleaned and roland, TEA Phone Tor, at Guta ono oh upholstered. See our materials Dalton, 78 Charles, (Septd AND lan Y. ROC shrubs and 12--Personal 8 Services TIL DUG Phone S34 an i HAVE YOUR BLECTRI QERA tor refinished like new, free es imate two-day service, Mo 4600, re fry ARED A moos st, S-- hop a 14--Household Repairs FORNITORE REPAIRED AND RE. for anph les 3 Wa 0 Fall planting now. ji arden material, reens, d Rookery Avert oto, i; | "us for your vequiteinenu, Toh KERY overs North. Phone REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES airing, Bloor 8 and Ohrysier Products. VOING, SAFE, 10ally controlled. son, 'Phone "QUARA A HUDSON, ESSEX, _ PHONE 3 E. RAHM 211 ALBERT BM Roodricn Fsbo King and Rit. Mn (Beptld) AIRS SPECIALISTS ON TERRAPLANE 170M E STREET (300) FOUND it Gane LSTA in mF ) afternoon, reward, hound pu Please | Cedar at Revie | LOST," BLACK A support, style and CHARIS CORSET! 139 Oshawa ig SPIRELLA FOU! Order now for mation phone 40 24-- Personal WOMEN -- used successfully by | time, $4.50 | Thom per box at Shield's in evening. ove wih pe n wi i tro! and $1.88 ~~ Store, PAINFUL CORNS QU od with Lloyd's Oo Salve, Try 1b. 500 at LONESOME -- your compan Ihformation --rie. TEA DOUG! Rawleigh's Ocod livery der 3 3 we ka wel #1 woeka' 4 ie drugglata WRIST Owner may Fok same by ITH THREE KEYS, wy iio booth, Friday eturn to Box ha Ewers, 207 Chureh, phone ue, ERE-..V Phone iw oi delivery. FEM-AID" fomale disorders. Don't waste RR ou, » Dr TOKLY Nn and Callous ugglsts, Lady and fontiemen w triongs 22--Lost and Found AO WSontact Mrs, Jackson, Time for 30a) LOST -- ONE BLACK AND Ww return to T4l os one white eye. yo | 205012, 30 Sindy Pin he 23--Women's Column SPIRELLA GARMENTS, AND Mrs (301) MILLS, HEALTH comfort, Sept 30) ha infor= Septs) HAS BEEN thousands for recloun Jury & Lovell's, paon, and Karn Drug Stores, or write P.O, Box 243, St Mow No, 1, Toronto, Ontario, YOUNG WOMAN DESI portation from Oshawa ) | every day In morning and returning Hox 38, Timea-Oanette, (Sat-T "TRANS 0 « Toronto A Je) all dr (No.1¢) "TACQ Many hold splendid positions; others with means. Canadian free. The none Badiery, Box 113, i FX ment on. ¥. Ly BE ine wen Phone oy oly (8ept 33) vena 43 ah a EN. 256----Real Kstate For Sale 7 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, ALL NEWLY decorated, 1 acre land. Leaving town, 5 minutes from bus, Near school, J. Strasbourg, Harmony Road 8, RR, 4, (300) SIDING, BUNGALOW, ASBESTOS near Oshawa Blvd, 5 rooms, hallway, 2 plece bathroom, no bath, Insul Iated furnace, extras, gar 29---Rooms For Rent i PURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE: Keeping room and two furnished bed. rooms, 195 Albert St. (20c) 2 UNFURNISHED UPSTAIRS ROOMS for rent, Apply 253 Ritson Rd, Sotsn, FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR REFINED og Indy or gentlemen, Phone 1d, (380) 29a--For Rent SUlLniNg oVTARLE "TON Wonk torage, or 0] 'month, Immediate pI ie Warren ae ic cleaners, sun "lam utic machines iishers, Simcoe N, §0--Room and | Boa. rd OOM AND BOARD FOR 3 MEN, ALL | conveniences, Near Motors, Phone LX i (20h) ASnTLE, Pp! (28¢) BOARD man, All conveniences, Albert St, | Co au nt HOUSE O) pg Pen WANTED, TO rent 39 T adults, References If required, Phone 285, (30¢c) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS young couple, first of November, Phone 4734J, north section preferred, (30¢) EX-AIR FORCE OFFICER AND (quiet business couple) urgently need three room flat or apartment, Fhone 3427, (30c) FARM, 100 ACRES OR MORE," GOOD rape party, Apply Box 44, Times- Gazette, (308) WA "BY" FIRST OF OCTOBER, room for woman pensioner; central, {air-sined, bright, comfortably warm sit in, Cet my own breakfast, Biate articulars, Box 102, Times-Oa vette, Oshawa, __ (30m) "ONLY, BMALL ADUL/ house or four or Vi roomed fiat or | 2 apartment, Box 46 Times-Gazette, (30b) DESPERATELY NEEDED AT ONOR! Three or more Jifurained rooms by possession, 700, arge PL y= ment, Box 39, Times-Ciazette, (30D) BRICK VENEER HOUSE, 4 ROOMS, hot water heating, half an acre of garden, 745 Ritson Road South, (300) [} RI "HOUSE, FINISHED attle, large living room, hardwood throughou mediate possession, Apply 238 pom Bt, after 4+0'olock, ( 100-ACRY FARM, LOT 14, CONCESSION 2 Reach; 14 mile east of No, 7/12 High- way, O-room solid brick house, sut- rounded by beautiful shade trees, hedges and lawns, Electricity, 3-piece bath, furnace, hardwood floors, Ohurch and school 14 miles, Bank barn 30' x 60', drive house, pig pens, 3 hen houses, BArage, Slsesricity in bulldings. Soll clay loam, grain and dairy farm, 3 milk routes, Young apple orchard, cherries, plums, grapes. and berries, fed by springs, furnishes good wild duck shooting, Port Mm. A, Niddory, RR, or (300) ) y OWNER'S TIGHT NOOMED HOUSE IN Sacaians condition, close to motors high sch Separate laundry, Toilet in basement, also bathroom, Ema ustie. in Lid days, Apply Bor 4, MO BUILT 8. room bungalow, Hardwood floors, $3000, Possess! French, on October 1, ©, H, (30b) 0 WATER insul brick, Best oash Apply "1 Geday 3. NORTH OSHAWA, 4 HOOM BUNGA- low, newly Chil throughout, Sun- room, large basement, sink with suc. tion 'drain, hard and soft water In house, hydro, telephone, one acre round, BE and barn, ie , 4-ROOM aad 4 and lights, offer, or terms, AORES LA] Fame house, Cement foun ation, well water, at ve. Possession immediately, , Bowmanville, UBLE "HOUSE AND GARAGE, pix 330 Centre Sweet, HOUSE WITH A "LAND TW VIL- lage, 16 miles Re Bf Oshawa, Dally AP- (20h) Bus service, Cash price $1900, "Boe Box 27 Times-Gamette. 6 ROOM RMT. BLOCK WITH every convenience. Immediate possess salon, Apply Haig St, (380) 1 TO § ACRE BUILDING TOTS, HAL Lr. way between Oshawa and Whitby, A ply William Garrard, Phone ati pm opt OTH FOR 8 WITH CITY WATER, id Avenue, Phone 1640 after Ey | L ) Pr army 0 PLR anted tate HOUSE al ata . ADVERTISER | 1s Auxious to purchase » 7-room house oi er, Will exchan o present Fesidence Ter y in splendid condition consist. 6 rooms, a hia hed atte, oll oa and modern kitchen, ated in good Sintiion Apply Box No. 37, an-Oare (200) | --Real Tatas Exchange i WILL SELL B BUNGALOW IN OSHAWA in exchange for apartment in Toronto, 45, Times-Qazotte, (30b) 40 ACRE FARM FOR SALE" OR EX. change for house In AWA, small house 10 x 13, to be moved. 30 Alex- ander Blvd, Phone 3MIR, (30a) N MEATED APARTMENT, SIM- coe North, will id for house, Phone Gi (30a) 3 ROOM FLAT IN Toronto for ow 6 roomed house in Oshawa. Box 25 Times-Clazette. (20h) 29--Rooms For Rent AND BREAKFAS Ir ness man in private home, Rost. FOR Apply i "BEDROOM Yon (300) TO RENT. AP- hod "5 Phone 3600W, 3 116 Burke St, (30b) A "CON. veniences, with or without board, Apply 97 Montrave A Westmount, I'L dat FOR traller, i Fy ah heater, stove 4 SoRver Refined po Sie. 2 LARGE 1.ROOM CABI NS, NTER« ised: on bus line, Phone By (30a) 2 "FRONT ~ UNFURNT use of kitchen, couple, 213 8t, Jule ©0 Central, conveniences, tM Phone NISHED For quiet young on. (30a) FOR "BUSINESS Phone 31TIR, (30a) OOM, CONTINU. OUN hot water; very central. Also garage. Phone 1000W, ___ (30) Yr beter RN a NHEATED WOOMS. EB . 0 All convenlences: needa decorating: 3 adults, Apply Pox 48, Timea-Canette, | (30m) ~ LOCAL~ (300) FURNIH i, GOO! ity, Phone 3383J, Mire 0. Apply 133 Simcoe 30 | am . FUR. LA iki ROOM, iA ld desired. > hi Kl *U! ous hot water, pit De: lie den conveniences St Simeod LE a eh ) Nowy rosin Phone TW. ear Motors, We - ab MBirtee and wood ahed, | Two wells, a never-falling 3-acre pond | BELL ch ed Kh REG ROOMS, | RA 3 Sasng 3 Th) fers slime 3. three reliabl Abstainers, Osh. awa or Whithy, y 4202W, (30a) Y VETERAN AND WIFE, ONE CHILD, , house or apa tinant, Abatainers, References, Phone (200 2 UNFURNISHED Ml" "WANTED or small apartment, by respectable widow, by September 15, Phone iM ( ACCOUNTANT, WIFE AND TWO children require house, duplex or Sis rtment, Exceptional tenants, Box | Times-Clagette, (201 HOUSING 1 AT ORMMODATION " UR- | gently requ! red for married ex-service students of University of Toronto, Als Division, Box. 31, Timea-Ciazette, URGENTLY REQUIRED APPROXIM- ately S-room house, fiat or apartment by quiet family, 2 students months rent in advance, Phone 1863R, (201) URGENT, 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, Phone 1382R, _ (290) ONS PE sires 8 roomed house In Oshaw Vieintey, Apply Box 14 Times-diseis 3 utomobiles For Sale 20 GREV, SERIAL 250187, PRICE, $200, M, Brown, 30 Alexander Blvd, (30a) '30 NABH, SERIAL Danse, PRICE, S00, Hayes, 248 Nassau 8 (30m) 31 PONTIAC ASIEN; , GOOD TIRES, heater; good condition, Serial 1382571, $320 cash. EB, Cox, 101 Oshawa Blvd., phone 4418W. (30a) '30 PONTIAC, SERIAL 857425, PRICE 4250, - Mosler, 484 Loulss, (300) 43° HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 45, lent condition, pillon seat, 4370, 3 Fairbanks St, phone 3072W, _(30m) '32, 8 TON STEWART, CHASSIS AND oAb duals, serial 332X325, $300 cash, K, Basery. Phone 1020R, (20b) '50 FORD, 4 NEW. TIRES. NEW MO- tor, Brakes and upholstery, Serial 4083, Price $325, McBride, Harmony, Phone 00W, ti (29b 20 CHRYSLER 1} TON PANEL. $200, Serial 867¢, Crawforth, Audley Corners, Pickering. (20D EL A , SERIAL NO, 127760. our new tires, motor recentl overhauled. Price $240. D, Dunn, 44 Louisa 8t, ) 20 BUICK 1} TON PICKUP #328, | Bethal 18812, Huston, Audley Corners, Picker ing, Ss (20h) WOOD 4 YD, DUMP BODY AN holat, Perfect, $300 cash, Phone tan) | ™ T3--Automobiles Wanted ANY MAKE OF CAR FROM '33 ON Yilling to pay up to $400, Poke we BUY, SELL © USE cars and trucks. Ceah or terma High ot cash k Juices val oy Any. make or model alman's 181 Albert. Phone "ed TOASH FOR YO Dodd's oar lot 378 Park Rd 344M, , EXOBL- LAKESHORE Cars wanted tor wrecking "ens \J prices paid. Phone 3363; tgs} for 3 1 Phone Seen a Livestock SMALL FLOCK SHEEP "AND YANE, Wilson Road N, #EAR-OLD HOLSTEIN HEIFER, ply A, Hanewich, Courtice, PULLETS AND ROASTERS FO age 4 months, price $1.23 each, 108 Orchard View Blvd, oo (30¢) SALE, PpRlY (30a) 1" BOSTON BULL PUPPY, BRINDLE and white, Apply 84 Burke 8t. (30) GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE FOR sale. Phone 3806J, (300) 1 SOW AND 4 PIGS 7 WEEKS OLD, Appiy D, Wilson, Phone Oshawa sun, THREE GAITED SADDLE mare, excellent breeding and conform- ation, perfect manners, grand lady's pleasure or show mare, also her full HY Apply evenings 314 Athol (29h) ANGORA RABBITS FOR SALE. "Fone Fd WEEK ol ONICKENS FOR SALE, 180 Rooks, 230 Suasex, Phone 100881 ( KER SPANIEL PUP- Rin colours, also Grown \ vont Kennals. 1 mile west of lsabeth Highway, ( ) YOUNG ROOSTERS FOR SALE buch, St, Phone 3808M, CA CHOICE YOUNG SINGERS. all Oro. _Phone 1204) ABBITS, STEEL FLEMISH "ata pri buck, 7 months, house North Var. cos Rd. Box 107, Oshawa. (20) ~ ANGORAS FOR PROFIT Get Into a business In whioh there a A big demand at top prices for vour | ' Angora (clipped from the rabbit with actasors) sells for $1000 A POUND An attachment oan your sewing Thhohing rads wool Into price of am movi T Tous efi my Bought. from th Met Angoras, Er lvl worth $30.00, w id BARGAIN FOR THE LOT or sold separately, Telephone Js Apparel AND FALL GOAT, worn twice, » a Awa on Queen EI for Fh the | has aot the 40 A POUND D | NO, | TOMATOES FOR CA Tiny Apparel Large bo Go sl utd 1) nts, » [7 iq aD 5 windbreakers, nile Iacketa as oy all sizes and colors, Inrge stock to choose iso i call wii golivines you. 21 Bond West. Samuel F6--Articies "For Sale Yangon PRAM TOR oALY, PHONY 2 R "FOR SALE, PRICE, hs Phone ad TRI-LIGHT LAMPS -- LOVELY ot norted washable shades, Barons' Radio hon x 420 Simcoe Bt, South, OUTBOARD MOTOR-- THOR" SINGLE Oe Sondition, #65. Red In- dian, 67, King (308) | 2 LIGHT FIXTURES, ONE 4 AND ONE B- 3-lghs drop for sale, Phone 2 J '| wi "ENAMEL ELECTRIC" DISH, asher, Family siz nas be oon, ob Hr Athol St, East, none' yi APPLES ARS x iy. pr od Kingyion for sale, Road W,, GIRL'S Io ~ BIZE ~ TRICYCLE, Apply 235 Grayburn Ave, Phone 2008), FOR | MAN'S BROWN STRIPE SUIT, NEAR. ly new, tailor made, size 38, $30.00; also Jags Jj mirror = and, small 'table, Phone 4 (30p ONE BANNER ASH SIFTER, Hoally new, sink with back and drain 20a Will sell cheap, 181 AThoty cxcmEns FOR SALE, SPRING - FILLED STUDIO COUCH, velour covering, drawer for bedding. Perfect condition, Apply 61 Crdiiin Avenue South, (30¢) ROGER'S MAJESTIO CONSOLE RA- dio, Late model with push buttons, $95.00. Phone 249, _-- (308) RIFLE, 12 SHOT PUMP; ALL metal guitar, Phone 2008W, avr 30 pm, MAN'S" BICYCLE, GOOD "gowpITION $20. Phone 60TW1, after 6, 0a) 1 METAL 10E-BOX, 50-LB, APACE Phorm 3163W, (308) 2 EXTENSION TABLES, 2 ICE +d frigerators, ane potatoes by the bag. Phone 4659W (308) 12 aAvaE AND 30.3 30 COMBINED Qeo gun; pd) Mon (30n NEW REFRIGERATORS. $40, JY Fadi and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. 8, phone 249, (308) LUMBER, 2x4, PLANK, ~ LUMBER fonce suitable for lawn, 1 clothes rail, work bench, roof coating for asphalt roof, Shimbey tile, roofing kettle, Kroehler studio suite, 1 jacket heater, office table, 1 card table. Apply 54 william E., phone 4050, (308) BLUE PRAM, GOOD conpITION, Li John St, phone 1942R, OEDAR PLANKED BOAT AND ry varnished finish: another under cons struction, Suitable for fishing or hunte or rowing or motor, | 36--Articles For Sale ) ACORSSORIES | Sept) | i a, 40 King Street West, ~~ PRAC- | o "PHONE (30¢c) No ONE RECORD PLAYER, NEW, 7. PHOND dvag. CHESTERFIELD © FOR aig Spring , In good condition, Ph | ANY My ae: oh way Cyéte, Phone a COAL RANGES Mia? § er's 2 Jain ozR KEPT WN al Ragen of Lip washers Jack aulph, [ St, N. Phone (Bept.28) BRADLEYS FURNITURE irs, CoMpINATION "RADIOS NOW "AVAIL: able, Jeom, "V3 Bimeos BY terms if desired, Ly | $ter St, N, ( {BA r chairs, play pens, doll prams,' tricycles, / kindergarden sets, orib mattresses, toys, eto. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Purniture Co, RDWOOD, OFT IT NOW, ut in stove lengths And delivered, Prico $18 50 per cord, Phone 481 (Sept) NEW 8Y VACUUM OLEANERS, Som lete with all attachments, DeLuxe els, $00.00. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe nc (Bept. 20) EVER YTH ¥O HOME! Chesterfinld suites, bedroom suits, breakfast suites, studio couches, Sim. mon's beds, spring filled mattresses, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, 0c casional' tables, chairs, floor covering. Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district Wilson's Furniture Co.. BY PEAME, AND OCONVER' carriages, L any styles and colors, See our Iarge selection, Wilson's Furniture Se. 0.30, Shuren Bt, ogi ENETIAN™ BLINDS PER 0 THEL iin a {nptalled EH Reid, Phone Bond West, (Bept23) AWNING KIRSCH VENETIAN blinds, y without obligation ® M, Reid, phone 2104, Be Bond ---- Sep! SILENT GLOW OIL B FOR cookstove, jacket heaters, ete Onoks Flectric, Phone 4501, (Beptaite) OIL BURNERS - SALES PLUS A complete, Reliable Service Out.of- town customers solicited. W, Borrow: dale, Phone 3575Ww12, (Bept18) 37--Articles Wanted JIG-SAW WANTED, PHONE ew. BIRD CAGE AND BTAND, ged 073W. (30m) SUN RAY LAMP WITH MERCUR tube, Box 43, Times-Gazette, i 3 Huron St, (30m) 1 NEW JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, : Mary Bho AJA self-starter, #178 shan, LM ri "ven ~~ CIRCULATOR bt Apply 766 Fairview Avenue, Harmony, or phone 3587M. (300) ONIO PHONOGRAPHS, $30.95 Complete with amplifier, No radio required, also hundreds of ase sorted ' records, 15¢c each and up. Barons' Radio and Electric, 4260 Sim. coe Bt, 8 rept 249, on 2-POR, ~ CHESTERFIELD, "War, r= Sonaision . " Araser, $8; day bed, ne Sil, PEETS BY THE BASKE] Quantities, Phone 2118 (308) IBOE WALNUT BIDNGOM SUITE rh filled m Ta radio, a tea als wi od, to. Ap- po, china ware set, stéel b ply 238 Arthur Bt, after 4 o'cloci Ka90) PRACTICALLY NEW THRER chesterfield suite, Apply 324 8%, Silom COOK STOVE FOR SALE. GOOD Sanden, Apply 130 Celina Bt, (290) BEDROOM SUITE 4'6" 3 PO, WALNUT bed, box springs, and white Yo inner ed mattress, $180, Apply 17 John FOR SALE, ONE COAL AND WOON stove, practically new, - Apply *, 3 Cromwell and up. basket or bushel, Phone 334 tor, time, \ § USED DUMP WAGONS APPLY a 00! LL '2 WESTINGHOUSE MB! radio; 2-plece chesterfield, Apply Sa Simcoe South, evenings. SFYON KER IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION ) | Hho air RF He Apply 620 Ohristle after 8 pm, : (20h) OAK VENEER TYPEWR and chair, Good condition, Whitby, i EARLY DORCAS BTRAWBERRY plants for Fall planting. 3rd house north Varcoes Road, (280) FOUR-BURNER GAS KITCHEN STOVE porcelain, with broiler, oven, heat re- gulator, In good condition, will sell cheap, Apply 616 Simcow St, N. (29) STANDARD STEEL CRIB, FOLDING go-oart without hood, play pen, 22 rifle Savage repeater, Phone 1412W. (20¢) QUANTITY SIX HUNDRED SIXTEEN used tires, portable Wpawritel eleos trie washing machine and ladles' bl. cycle, Phone 4067, (200) INSUL BRICK SIDING, ALSO WOOL batts for sale. Apply 63 'Lieyd St. (20b) CORN BINDER, McCORMICK-DEER- ing. A-l condition, completely over. hauled. Also a manure spreader, Mas. sey-Harrly, In good working order, Ape ply John Jacks, Hampton, Phone hae, DESK Phone 834 (20h) Bramore Chesterfield-Bed First class condition, Almost new. Also Livingston Stoker, used two seasons, Apply ) | JOHNSTON'S CLOTHING STORE 'NEW TIRES! 1 Complete Set of General Jumbo 15 Tires and Tubes «at - RUSSELL'S SUNOCO SERVICE 74 Simcoe St. South Phone 4139M (30m) OER | so! id Times-Gazette,; A STINQORAPEIR. BXPERIENOE Nor (30¢) VACUUM CLEANER. ANY MAKE wanted, regardless of condition, If you have one you cannot use phone ala, FEA ND FEATHER BEDS OF all dworiprions. Highest prices paid.| wri Queen CI 23 ty Feather Co, Batdwin Sty (Septaite) SPOT OABR PAI n USED fumiture, fee box, Quebec Roar stoves, 24 Bond West, Phong Toronto. ie Sook GOOD PRICES yon gy mattresses and rags, Just call 2423M, 222 Annis Bt, \ __ (Septll) ¥ _OASH. WIL. Phone (38¢1) YC! , WE need 100, any con to: also trig) poles all sizes, Phone 2 Kingsway GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, irs Boxes radios and stoves, 58 King West. Phone 3320W, (Oot.8) HIOHEST ON tion, OAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST with, women's page and general res past ng. Apply in first Instance by ottor Fb Siving tull particulars of experience, Jf any, education and per sonal references, to A, R. Alloy, ( SALESLADY WANTED. APPLY MIL. | Jinery World, 5 King St, BE on) EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER W. od, Lynence Beauty Shoppe, 101 ition North, Phone 751W, att) ut re Box 103, Timen-Oaretts. (30b) 4 | GEARS AND "APPLES DELIVERED. Apply 288 Festubert or phone 4 Cal: 20 h St, (Sept. 14) | N 0 yamaly ale Help Wanted GENERAL YOR Clesning woman one day oy + ot Mrs, Arius Creer, 494 ween 4 and 5 pm, (30d) FOR WAIT. Apply Grand e, (30¢c) WOMAN FOR™ HOUSEWORK, THREE mornings a week, Phones, 33740. (30b) RESPONSIBLE GIRL FOR HOURS, work, Phone 4986W, 30) MIDDLE-AGEL ~ WOMAN FOR, household duties, Two or 11 EXPERIEN two aut. 0 weekly, King East, 1ENCED OIRL ress; highest wages, HT one working, No washing or ironing, Sleep in or out, Apply to Box 49, Times. Sass tte, (30b) WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING done for three adults, We will send and i heap; al aloo supply soap, Box 50, (308) PART-TIME AL YOR oleatiin chickens and Kitchen work, Apply day, 3 p.m, The Food Shop, 42 Bimcoe N,, phone 2895, (308) CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER, MIDDLE aged, Apply 300 Centre St, (20p) FOUR CAPABLE LADIES REQUIRED to ecure Sustomar for ot Avon Cosmetics Bebly Rly Siving sddrete phone number (280) RODSTREEPER, "FOR ARM HOME, hydro, conveniences, Ofri or woman under forty, No objection to one child, Write Alfred Wright, Bonariaw Route M1 "AGED WOMAN TO © ang ron thie Kn aged, children, orks, oon. bo Wednésday nd Baturdy ndrs Phone Ae i dl RELIABLE HOUSEHOLD HELP, or in, Small family, Comfortable separate Ung pSuarters, Phone 278, Bvenng) | an frer STENOOGRAPHER WANTED, DOWN town mercantile office, Good salary, permanent position, Good working cone ditions, Tsperiance preferred but not I, Apply Box No, 35, Times- Gazette, MAID WANTED, FAMILY WITH children requires a maid at once, Splendid working and living conditions, Permanent position, Apply Box No. 36, Times-Ciagotte, (290) BALARIED POSITION, LARGE OR- ganization requires service of 1 between 22 and 28, Must be sin High 'school education or better erred permanent position, Apply i 4, Times-Gazette, FURNACE MAN FOR CORNER is Bt, East and' Oadillac, Phone 3514, between 6-7 p.m (30d) MARRIED COUPLE, ~ MIDDLE-AGED, for farm work on aairy and orchard farm in Bowmanville eparate house, ete, provided, For further particu lars write Box 42, Times-Gazette, (30c) EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERERS wanted, Steady employment. Good wages, apply Ontario Chesterfield Co, 68 Claremont St. Toronto, (30m) Hi YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR GENERAL reporting on newspaper, Must have had some experience in writing, ood typist and have ood os Why f qualified, please ap, ied to A. R. Alloway, Times- saeth (tf) CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Prepare now for Lothar © and Fall ex- aminations = Sama, Postal Clerk, Olerk I & k 0 parti an ul M.C.C. Civil Service agents, OUT OF TOWN PARTY WOULD LIKE to contact Mesnanic or party no. NE lath, Box iy "Timen-Cazette, "toa) 39a--Male o or r Female Help presser to go out of town. State wages, expected. Phone 103W, (30a) 40--Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CHR mas Oard Box assortments, Seals, Wrapping tissue, and . Elaven from Heaven" Personal 'Notes, For line with greater variety that is positively more attractive, easier to sell, 'and will make you more profits, send at onge for Youn And give some par. ticulars of yourself, Immediate ship. ment can be made. Monarch Greeting Card Company, Osh, 47 t Avenue North, Hamliton, Ont, (Septad) EARN ~ CASH," MAKE MORE money easily in spare time, Just show our beautiful Canadian made Christe mas cards to your friends. The sight, Many assortments. Gi Seals, and Beau showing personal cards, 28 for $1.00 and up Liberal commission. Write today for unusual Sir 0 omer The id Greeting Card: Company, 50-W Pees or 8t,, Toront: (Septas i, ONE™ SILK ~ SPOTTER AND ONE 0 WANTED AT IDALIA PRIVATE HOTEL Port Hope, Ont. Experienced woman to nsalst In various 'type of work, including dining room service, Comfortable home and beautiful aurroundings for the right person, WAGES $40 PER MONTH Apply in person or write to! Mrs. M. G. Musgrave, IDALIA, Port Hope. Phone 1013) (30¢) mT Wanted FALL PLOUGHING AND DISCING | done now by tractor, or other work. Phone ly, Oshawa Nursery --h NS DUG, PIECE WORK ay work. Apply Mr, G, Willoughby, % alencla Road, Cedar Dale, PO, Oshawa, (30b) AMBITIOUS, CULTURED WOMAN over 30 for exceptional opportunity in local business, permitting flexible hours, Apply Box 40, Tima-Gestie SEWING WANTED / will go out by day, tions on men's or boys' Phone 1675W, [SNISHING A BIX MONTHS COURSE and commercial refrigera- HO! R Also minor altera- olothing, (300) 1 0 PERATORS STEADY EMPLOYMENT Pleasant Surroundings GOOD PAY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 18 No NECESSARY YOU ARE PAID WHILE YOU LEARN. MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS HIGH SCHOOL MINIMUM HEIGHT §' 3", APPLICANTS SHOULD BE 18-28 YEARS OF AG SINGLE ONLY. PREFERABLY Ry all makes, in both practical and theory, on Sept. 11, one year to go for trade papers. Phone 3019J. (300) DO YOU NEED?... A young ex-army man who has proved his ability ' as & sales. man and who is particularly interested in electrical appli . ance work? He is keen and ambitious and wants to remain in Oshawa, If you oan use such an addition to your sales force, contact BOX 47, Times-Gazette (30b) ALEX VAJDAR BUILDING CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS New. Homes Built To Specifications Ph, 4117w 481 Drew St. RESIDENT OF OSHAWA APPLY BELL TELEPHONE 13 VICTORIA ST, C(Augldtt) SEE OUR DISPLAY OF It you're looking for fixtures, see have acdarge stock always on hand, us first. We WIRING REPAIRS ® ELECTRIC RANGES © WASHING MACHINES & e OTHER APPLIANCES ET Alterations We have the Materials BLACK WINTER COAT. PER condition, Sise 18. Phone WNW. n NAGE Caen Un sitled Ad for Quick Results, | rk ----_----_-- Re ---------- PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND E. OSHAWA (39¢) oN TUB Clerk, | (ot fi Teun 6 ane 10, Ontario, Oldest in Canads, NO | day Rate for or Adviriatag unin Hendingomis each Pm tion, nim am am charge 45 cents, BAZAAR, REBECCA pCCA LODGE No, 3, Masonic Temple, Friday, Sept, 13, 3 pm, (308) AVALON DANCING EVERY WEDNES- day, Priday and Saturday, (Sept.30) DANCI. T BA ANCING AT A Lo RANHARD'S RUSTIC DANCING BY, y. BY a hu ann bod i y a'5004 '4 41--Employment Wanted PART TIME WORK WANTED, WITH sales experience or housework. Phone LT AA (209) EXPERIENCED TEACHER, FIRST class certificate Arts snd Orafts de- sires position Ajax-Oshaws district, Box 23 Times-Gazette, 20b ia wn Mower Service WN MOWERS SHARPENED A fopaiea 8. Pudge, 236 Eulalle, (hohe 43--Auction Sales 0 fi AUCTION SALE: elty saddle horses, palam sis, albinas, pintos % choice foals from own 1! 40 mares bred to sire, and 3 swe yent-0lda, Fai godin nd studs, the grea! sad le of all time at the Galt My ke ne' a & Li poe or marked cheque, a) AY AND d 11, and Mo oi p Bat ctions Pr ir Bopt, all A aod ta ne' o ny oN the "Wil F. "Mocook Estate r ik General and the Al a large Hy of china, Fins wate, sliver, dinnerware and many Articles. Sale commences ab 1:30 each day. Noble Bros T 3 (308 idly a OR uotionesrs. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Corporation of The City of Oshawa, County of Ontario warrant issued ine yor of the City ot bo Tporatl And i chy oF oe CR 0! on 0 bearing date he 21st day Yof une 1 8 sale of lands in arrears tax City of Oshawa, will be he Assembly Hall, Centre Street STHlo0k tn the. forgncon on ten' o'clock in the fo! nesday Sin day of October, | unless the es and costs ar or ald. Notios xy hereby 8 Tor 3 that of lands for sale ArTeArs 08, been Pu blished |! Bh One. o, Gazette on Aug oth dn a; vat, he Coples of he 1] be tein be! said Oe bo 'nad at the ofce 3 oy Treasurer, ted at Oshawa, this oo day of July, 1946. PA BLACKBURN, City Treasurer, Consider Tunnel Under The Clyde Glasgow, Sept, 3. -- (CP) -- The Glasgow project of building a bridge across the Clyde at Finnieston, de~ bated for 40 years, will probably be abandoned In favor of a crosse-rive er tunnel costing more than £3, 000,000 ($12,000,000), This is the recommendation of 4he city's Highways and Planning Committee and the whole council will discuss the matter soon, In 1937 a formal decision was made to build a high-level bridge costing £1,250,000 but the war caus )| ed ~ postponement of construction, Some land was acquired, however, The suggestion is that it might be used to bulld new factories, iw 1n Oshawa BULLDOZER SERVICE We have acquired a Bulldoser tor rental service in Oshawa and district. If you've had trouble locating someone tc do your . o Excavating ® Grading ® And All Other Dirt Moving Jobs + «+ Then try us for fast service and satisfaction! Telephone 3744j2 F.F. WELCH Furniture Co.. . . Of Course' 78 KING ST. W. PHONE 3287 PHONE 1030 ARPT ILLY ERTL

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