Use Times Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results THE TIMES-GAZETTE 1 Thursday, September 5, 1046 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1==Auditors FT HOPRING, DEWTIVIND "Gir eral accountant, 24 Ma A Er d a Buoy op Holland ei hh oA Bowman Roywl, CA 2d poitit, Jr. OM, 0ronto, "3--Barrisiers mooe 85, B, Oshaws, Phone 4, Aha'? Asis BA. MB, KO, ©} Sept) a Warriatars, ' ote, Building, . tors, ADCers; money Yon Soliel King trees Bast. "(00t.1) "Bank of PL x (Oct.1) Cony: to on Office 91 Phone 3033, ®, D, HU Solicitor ete, " 6 Bimcoe: BY, North, Phones: Office 614; residence on to loan, Monty 1 AND HYMAN, BARRISTER A psy 26 Simcoe Bt, North, Office phone 01, residence 8081, fll tll ml 1 and Soar ulte, Jor aenosha ol, JONEPH P MANGAN, kT PARRIS. ter, Solicitor. Money to loan, Office 14h King #t, Easy, Oshawa. Phone #45, Res, Phone 837, Oot, 1 PRNEST MARKS, 8B itor, 11 King E, Room OMe 65, Residence Repl PARKHILL, wo, ied loans, ty Housing Act North. Phone 1014, loans, Simcoe (Bopt. 1) BN INCLATR. K K.0, "AND J. 9 ate! Mon eron! Bullding, Phone ". Beet 3) MANNING F. 8WANTZ, "BARRISTER, Solleitor, Notary, Money to loan. Base sett Block, suite No, 4. Phone 262 Res NW, Oct 1) J--Dentinis S-- BN. § J, PHI Bast. Phone 3 oo (Beptad) Ehere ko miloral va 1 kL m ridey. _i--Chiropraciors " 100 tooling Obiropras ve ro gall metrists [8 ) 3, 8 %0 b Pho o war Hours 0 to 13, 3 Oe} | oar Kap ad pon RL I as hason, Optometrist, Phone. dh os oe 1008, Phone uneral ot, rt ra) £: epr20) oney To Furniture, M: Agréements, Liens Darohaved NU "Hon: one n 1 sal 'Batate. Phone 533 (Beptdo) MONIES AV hh FOR ret Gi A Bh. 20 Swans, Telephon a F FIRST I MOR I GAGE |? MONEY WR BUY MORTOAQ North 'Shore fo PHONE AL 10==Instruction mence each , Monday. Shorthand, Tv mg 11 ng A . Ltd, WA (Oot.1) Phone u - or i arainin a ne. i eneral repairs, © walter os Agen or for New Also Wmiathers Prone Alr-conditioning ah NE™ 1] ng Tha iL, Furs tH MR r [) bi Sh sold 1 Sawdon i og 13, 0 service, ndsor Av ARR WON Parietgh Ave, Phone eine ce BUILD ING. Ea ATTY 207 « I Blvd, Osh. AWA. Phone 4333) (Sept, an) GRAVEL, CINDRRS. LOAM and general haulage. an Mule, \ N 4 (Septad) Ra, it sn " pe a eh se Wa » en 3) gry TA ET DFCORA- niels, Phone 3718R, (Septid) © PLOUGHING" EXCAVATING and GRADING by Tractor, DAVE MITCHELL 8 Burke Street Phone 3140) ain 30) 5 . 4333) after 6 and exterior LIN preg. Ap! 3 | OOH } LAID BY uxrant TILE FLOOR setters. Variety ot Solar, oats mates Phone collect -- a. a BS SR _(Sepr19) ln Services NEW '& SERVICE SERANER - Ontario 8t, Lo) I » Phone 2128), ME J ven. Dian Ly to a -- Sa--Physicians and Surgeons WELL Bain Phone 9093, (Beptad) 0% | and a rysler Price id SATE, Oot.1) Eronomionr TRL controlled, by > Bulge Ho Haw pt1) | T BLT Classifiontion Mo, Auditon coven iion Barria'am soe000ne Dentists ovve0rree Physicians and BUrgeons ieee Ohiropracton «eee Optometrists 4,000 Douranos ..evvene Veterinarians .... Puneral Directors Money to Loss ., anted i.e Business tunities Business tunities Savas esp -- uildy Nursing Carden) Supplies cereenns 3 ne oh, AAO 0 words or iy Mh 1be addition 16 All Classified Advertisements MU publication, Office Hours; Dally INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Classification No, Automobile Repairs 18 Real Betate Agents 10 oo.» anted ,, 31 Lost and Pound ,, 39 Women's Colums , 8 Personal .ooiviiee MW tate Por s reennnsnns 9 Eotate sionenne nee err aneRRN "EACH ACH ADDITIONAL" INBERATON har ++ 2+ 37g 4 hes Hy 84 Fh ry. he oiinal orn insertions 110. nivial letter. Shheovialish § 204 ¢ sig. Sure count as & Classification Mo, Automobiles Por 8810 iiiiiiiinn BB Automobiles Wanted ..0s..0. B® 2 Pots and Livestock 34 Wearing Apparel , 36 Articles Por Bale. Articles Wanted ,, 9 Pemale Help Wanted .ooeeiee 80 Male Help Wanted 0000 B® Male or Pemale Help Wanted .., 30s Agents Wanted ,.. #0 Employment Wanted |, ..00ies 8) Legal Notices 0. 43 LLL LJ for ings ny over 20, ST be iu by 6 p.m, the day before 8:6; Saturday 8-5, 12-=Personal Services Avy your, like new, free Sauber fven, two-day service, Rat 4 Fhone 4600 1 ) Ae, te Shon, SH Bigs mw PA VON OUNTEN, Ta ker, Repals # Bivect West. your ¥ thor hx 5 14~Household "Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE: upholstered. See our materials for recoverin, D. W, Dalton, 75 Oharles, Phone "0, (Bop wl) 15--Gardenng and Sonal, now, feline in a Pall wa TF your HE oh hon ons Lh NURSERY. WOOKERY perennials, shrubs and 50 Simooe North, jnend ia Phone' plants, Jisons 11 4660, ER pale at mt 0) and Glidden, nd Rit. son, Goodrich (opis) KENPSAKE GOLD | Lr] rr Initials JK, Finder pies ho LOST = LEATHER KEY re keys, Vicinity General ad enosha, Please ° Sunaa:Oanette. a ava) fs |e LACK WITH COLLLY: one ye oye, Finder please phone Heanen Es a i) "afer . iy San op og Ng Fy DALMATS pind 8a Tins Arternoon, Oshawa, very substantial rew: bine Ruddy, Pickering, 43, Collect. (20h) T CONTA LOST---COMN PURSE LOS | sake $10.10, Reward offered, LOST -- PARCEL CONTAINING Wool and oe book, Saturday Shanon: Phone n ne . COLE" J a a BE gy Bi edly! "Tayi nook omen's olumn ms con i a (Sept 30) Sina for fo mation plot 400), (Sep Phone (20a mation phone 24--Personal WILL THE PARTY THAT an oh burner cook stove at 87 Brock B, opll and get 1b or it will » od R ten SE TGORINE--THE "PRP" ONG FOR men Who Are Weak, nervous, A 16-day r Ureaugent Si CAL Bowell's vy BA up READING. BY APPOINT ment only, Apply 184 King West, Phone nN, Bept.23) Bouth, FOL ealth Products. De livery Sader 2 Phone 317R Sept?) SLENDOR T 4H ] Noeks upply $1; 13 weeks' 90, » al Fra Estate Fo For 2. RAL BR fo immediately, (20h i AONES frame ho! omens Pains 4 301, \ Bowmanvile. 9 hb Cahirs Beek ; ) HOU [A Vike lage, 18 miles north of Oshawa, n Dally bus RA oun Sloe WhO. A 1 iY LAKE FARM "FOR BALE, acres, Completely tlle drained. A real ucer and sure cropper never fall. ng, we o* dry, Queen Elisabeth high. way from farm, 0 from a and all under cultivation. Phone Jowmanville 2200 RR, No 2 Arthur B, Osborne, FARM at tables, good te a 08, and Pig pe hen he wells, " Water 1) plowed 00l on Shureh and store, , Soh farm, hone 92-21, Seagrare, ORY. 6 ROOM Na a Yodan Ro Ry late possess og KK es AVEC ELD X 1 Near school and bus, Phone ™ TH POSSESBION oS NGOMED b Y Et iis hg, Fee. 0 £0 Apply io aor LLY tor, chell Ave. Abo Re wd Fo gH PRE E H A Ray Wa A oy Wiliam Qarrara, Phone neh. (Sept2d) WOME. 480 JARVIS. ARRLY ay an Sheisioa. St at, Lore WITH CITY WATER, Hilaide 3" Sa Phone 16400 after 6. - (Sept. ) IO So a re GAL SE Tae Wastad Heh NH he aden rooms, and ATR attie, ol) fue ot § and modern kitohen, district ApblY Box Tot 3t tr No, 31, ea-Clanette, (2%0) UR BLECTRIO I - bo Bh | Wi on ONE ~ | keeping FOR RENT = RAD i ey ! ors, £000 i "lh Nd, TRE 5 CE Es y 3 wood Bons Craw! Plokering, (380) | Loutas . | MOTORC 3 Phone 180J13, 27---Real Estate Exchange WILL BXOWANGE "3" ROOM PLAT IN Toronto for 6 or 6 roomed house In Oshawa, Box 256 Times-Canette, (20D) 5 JMooM saw. IN GOOD RE. street close to motors, OE ia for b or 6 room house with upstairs, Box 20 Time-Casette, (39%) poms For Rent ar PED SITTING "ROOM," FUR- nished, Breakfast if desired, Home privileges, Near bus stop, Avpiy 04 | & 2 BRIGHT UNFURNISHED WOO preferred, Available October 1, West end, Apply Box 33, Thnes-Caraite, RENT, FURNIANED BEDROOM TO u th,» 1. conveniences at 142 FURNISHED BEDROOM TO RENT. Continuous hot TR al Apply 137 Bim- coe N, Phone (298) TPRIV VATE ¥ YON TT ROOM home, Central, Near Motors' Office, fo refined person, 88 Kenneth, Phone FATURNISHED business or BOO, 4, Times-Ciazotte, wl 3 ROOMS © COMPLETLY FURNISHED suite, Simcoe Bt, N, Continuous hot water. Garage, H adults, Box 33, T NICELY "FURNISHED conveniences, Near Motors, Buttap [) i oouple, Box imes- dhl || Phone 1401W Sito wings ) HT HOUSE. room and two furnished Sad rooms, 105 Albert 8b, (ave) FO. viET couple who are abstainers, Box 33 Tim anette, (208) AIRE ROOMS for rent, Apply 28 CLL Rd, South. i FOR business lady or gration. FURNISHED ROO! ady or Joung ME Ww 2 BMALL 70 sult er Box 10 TiMes-Clasette LE Som shop Mor ol arage $15.00 th, } , oF 0 mon Immedia ol Poasessio To ACL inachines ws dacuie hres tore, fogs LN. Od aay 4000. | 30--Room a m and Board fir. oar bak nigh POARD ENTLE- ma An BL Mg ROI 110 Albert (280) ROOM AND BOAND. APPLY 63 bv, sion, phone 787), Sa odd | Eo ue % 4 g Bent References, Jhoné DESPERA TEL oo - "AT ONCE, three or TY unfurnished rooms by three reliable adults, abatainers, Onn AWA or Whitby, Phone 420aW, (20a) 2 ROOMS WANTED OR SMALL APART. ment by respectable widow, by Sept ember 13, Phone 1146M, (2b) ACCOUNTANT, WIFR ND children uire house, duplex | apartment. BXCODHORNL tenn th: | 90, Times-Clanette, | HOUSIN Na | AGCOMMGD. ATION ~~ UR- gently req atudenta nox _ (ant {Givens of Toronto, Ala Division, ox 3, Gate RL URG! U. VRORTLE, RESUINED Arson by Quiet amily, 2 Mudente Hp uh rent in advance, Phone | UNGENT 1 OR 3 Ho rooms, e 135IR, (390) Y DESIRES 1 UNFURN- for light housekeep- Box 3M Times-Case WW ished ) ing. § DE- utom lon condition, § Rew tres ories, $278, Seri Carmichael 380 So '32, 8 TON STEWART 0Ab duals, serial 33X23, n, Bs Phone 1 1020R. 0 ou we 200) ) fo) oi "Blue! Yop He a . | '%0 3 pies © ew ike Puce. 90, armony, Phone 2ENIW. ¥ (20n WELKER \) "PANEL, $300, th yi Corner: UPE, SERIAL NO, 127 our new eon motor recent! {hehaviet. Price $340, D, Bunn wv} YOLE 1030 NORTON 500, ain ) BUTOK |, TON PICKUP $338, Serial, ee Huston, Audley Corners, ht) DUMP BODY AND | wooen"¢ holat, Perfect, TPs cash, Phone 10398, 3$3--Automobiles Wanted care nd trucks. Cash or terms gh. San Pricte Pal. Any make a Nalman's Carage, 0) ohibart SPOT "CAM ¥OH You TAny AT Dodd's car lot 378 Park Phoue 3M, ™ Sti ) | Phone 4468 LARBSHORE X00 a, ha jot a event Sen uate, uns pis) 18 Ca Sales on a Bape PA Phone 4698W. 34--Pets anc and Livestock 1 SOW AND 4 PIOS T WEEKS OLD, Apply D, Wilson, Phone Oshawa pi (Sept. 30) ROOMS 0! third floor, sults) i for two; foachera P Bimooe | Bt. (30b abe) © Meafnetd | Hy STERAN or ite -- for married ex-sery joe | } | 108 BOX, iy Good condition, Apply CHASSIS AND | fo NEw 'Mo. Serial 4083, | | pe 34--Pets and Livestock a ME tion, perfect manners, 1] Blears & Apply 'evenin 514" Athol equipment, LA '] 0, Bast, (29b) ANGORA RABBITS YOR SALE, PHONE 2096W, --_ (201) 10 Welk OLD Wa Ge hone yon R SALE, 150 Rooks, 250 180811, ro (29h ER SPANLEL yor. xenalt J flo west, of awa 98 Quen Sus ga | (iho) Gibbon #t, "4 by lags ists es 2 pa for next Tar. ¢Ach, Or" best. offer. 'Phone i Sp Joie ygora goimogy RABBITS, STEEL "GIANT buck, 7 months, Wig house North Vare 107, Oshaws, (380 Apparel and _hat, Phone 1387, UoTsE EVENING GO twice as bridesmaid's gown, wh suit, Jot sige 14, Never worn, Reasonable, hone. 3110W, 137 Stacey Ave, (208) BLACK WINTER COAT, (PER- sian trim), 1 wine orepe dress, Both size 43, Phone 1600, (298) GIRLS 3 PO, WINTER GUTH (bi le) aise 3 + gnosilont condition, App! Y od WINTER COAT AND PLAID REVERS, ible, Bigzes twelve and fourteen, Phone 1788, between b and 8, (208 hor COAT, 812816, --Fuonn Ww. 20m, ' (298) UY AND SELL OBRD ¢ NG, Highest prices phld for used clothing. Sterlised, cleaned and pressed like new, We buy and sell sed shoes, Large stock sin, Ape pants, gr vests 00dn;' Windbreaker single Jac all sizes and colors, Also new I 1arge stock $0 choose from, A oall wil convince you. 31 Bond West, Samuel Bohwarte, (opts) §i--Arilelo_ For Sale WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE {pring ® ied mattress, and spring). sstinghouse radio, silver tea set, ] 0, chins ware set, steel Red, ote, LAV | ply 238 Arthur Bt, after 4 o'cloo eter 0 ) | PRAOTIOALL' LY NEW THREE PIECE chesterfield suite, Avy 324 8, ilies fox 20, AND 1 8, ta) a AXMINSTER RUG 0x0 OArpet sweeper #3, pL COAL "ANNEX," WATER FRONT pie. fitting, Price $14, Apply 364 Aine OOK ~#TOVE "FOR SALE , GOOD condition, Apply 180 Celina BL, (200) LIVING ROOM class condition, $40, Apply i] dled stone, 3 PO, WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE > To bed, box springs, and white felt inner spring mattress, #180, Apply 17 John i i (300 FOR SALE, ONE COAL AND WoOD Rove, wi tcatty new, Apply at oo) oi 1 TOMATORS" FOR CANNING, basket or bushel, Phone 3341 arnndl Is PABY'S BLUE PRAM FOR SAL. IN excellent condition, Phone 3452 Wa» i FRENOR , PRONE 2020 days or 1 ru sssor eto, Used on , 37 Warren Ave, COMP! UN, motor, com short time, #00. hawh, (20 mixed, Jack O. _ (Thur) 12 acres. Pp | 4567 i Also cedar swam Boboaygeon Smith, 33 Ring 1 A TY pe TABLE FOR WORK | YOU 0 ROASTING CIRCKRENS. a 1 I to 4% lbs, hh, EE tm AE SOX evenin AL 108 BOX exoolleny a OX on, 37 Warren a brie KER IN " | wick air cond ar. aki we after 8 Dm. LL gi and We ater ER room capaoity, feasonabe GURNEY AND Apply 299 Dive © ONE USED FURNACE, fire extinguisher, OAR VENI ~ TYPRWN Good condition, and ohalr, Phone 834 hithy. 0b Ins Apply B, fi Ra Ry a 3 3rd house - (380) nox EE hte Sil M {8% 0 RR SARLY DORGAN | plants for Fall planting, north Varcoes Road UNIVERSITY year engineering, ment, used three '8 FOR SALE HAE an oi] at 45 Division . X | FOUR-DURNER GAS KITOREN STOVE in broiler, oven, heat re- gulator, condition, will sel heap, Apply 610 Simoos 8%, N I A "LB, IVORY GOAL AND wood range. 144 i East, Weenthye. i JorbiNG a rifle (200) rt without hood, play | ON HE repeater, Phone 1413W. [3 ne wasRIaE re el 4 Indio', cycle. Phone, -- OND PLAYER, NEW. PRON OR, i (20b) INSUL BRICK SIDING batts for sale. Apply 63 Lioyd 8. (30b) 108 Y NEW. 1 Arthur St, (208) 7100 LB, CAPACITY. GOOD condition, Phone 2001M, (20) CORN DINDER, HPCORMIGH. ~DEER- ing, Al condition, completely over. | hauled. Allo a manure Spreader, Maa- sey-Harris, In good work! ng ond ae | ply John hv Ay Hampton, non | 310 " (20a) BY PRAM FOR Arthur St, Phone 3801W, Bramore Chesterfield-Bed First class condition, Almost new. Also Livingston Stoker, used two seasons. Apply ) [JOHNSTON'S CLOTHING STORE 3 . corn Order not Be than La chet ning for weok-end delivery, Phone enwiT (298) ! GIRLS BICYCLE, PRICE $88, PHONE 2 2 ALLE RPGR. oe. AenLx 218_Roxborough. Phone MIAN, a ou \ m5 pa. War, \ dny' bed. Phone Er (300) 1 CHESTERFIELD \ Spring. In good condition, Phos QUEBES WEATER, PIPES BS AND Stove Sy Fin one Able. Phone es able, ht APP AS AND LES Apply 208 Festubert or phone OW: PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ANY bleyele. Repairs, overhauling, Tebullde RH og J way Cyole. he Maow, ne ) ( 5) -- OAL o's, Wi Ep BY | oF oop housework, 86--Articles For Sale Steel or Al = num TEN.-DAY DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES fl 00-0 i ihe, td wonder or PL eS snd' ailomobiies, | 7 Himes axing ar and scrubbing, Con- W, MELLEY, PHONE 4101W RANGES "NEW A , very | stock to Menger' 93 Bimoos Bt, N, foal ao " es dust (Bopt,28) BRADLEYS FURNITURE | si 40 King § Street West, N RADIOS NOW "AVAIL: Ly a of models choose able, to od terme Ld dented. Mon~ Sop , WORN | pri Purniture Wilson's Now, aS MARDWOOD. G Price $18.30 per ord. Phone 461 epee) MIXED SOFTWOOD Stove lengths, $15.00 per cord and softwood slabs, 4 foot lengths, and i | Ror ort Wining 37 ¥ three _sehool, ag god, eiing, Weds arden | RELIABLE 38--Female Help Wanted EPPICIENT GIRL FOR housework, Sleep out, quired, Phone 1203, SOME ONE TO CARE POR 6 YEAR old child, Phone 2008), Phone after 6 o'clock, (208) YOUR CAPABLE LADIES REQUIRED Reply Sing sade and phone mage ress A; or y § » mbes Youwa_ ota, TAD FOR HOUSE- King. 92 Division, Sore 3 3 WAITRBSATAS | ; WANTED, HIGHEST A on n, (Ud Arlo st y (28b) HOUSEKERPER TO ASSIST OR TAKE full i} Sune, Three adults, Apply, 163 (28h) HOUSEK POR PARM HOME, hydro, conveniences ces, CHrl or woman under forty, No objection to one child, No.3 Miived Wright, Bonarlaw Route 0, 1, ) MI JODLIL AGED ¢ WoMAN TO CARE FOR on, Mother y and and oy, "HoUsEROLD HELD," Ive in, Small family, Comfortable separate Mving quarters, Phone 376, Evenings after 8.30, re (28t1) STENOGRAPHER WANTED, DOWN town mercantile office, Good salary, permanent position, Clood working con- ditions, Experience preferred hut not Apply Box No, 35, 0 0 1 Times- ossential, , (20¢) Gazette Ral MAID WANTED, FAMILY WITH children requires a maid at once cedar posts, any length, PHONE 1962W (208) NEW BABY VACUUM OLBANRRS, ©o! modals, with all attachments, DeLuxe 59.50. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe (Sept, 20) "HOME| Chesterfield suites, Bediuon uit, Dreaiian suites, studio 00 8im- mon's beds, spring tilled. ations, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lamps, 0c Nar dron tables, chairs, floor coverings. Our prices are lower, 'out of the high | rent district. Wilson's Purniture Co. BABY PI x HR oarringes, tiany styles and colors, See our Iarge selection, Wilson's Purniture Co, 20 Church Bt, (Beptid) VENETIAN BLINDS Resurfacing, Retaping and Repairing. PREE ESTIMATES R. V, CAMPBELL PHONE 1843W 2 Lu id JH Phone 3104, 86 Bon Vioak mates thous BE igssion {Py phone 2 dh AND WOOD WORLINS lathe, 917.80. Fhous avai. | (20h) OIL SURNERS rop c00katov 9 an heaters, etc. Cooks oct ootric, 4801, ma A ustomers solicited, W, dale, Phone 3878WAS. "(Be Apples For Sale All Varieties Phone 971 Whitby 3 Rad (200) PIBLE | to contact mechanic or party who un- ~= | ONB SILK d working and living conditions Permanent position, Apply Box No. 36, Times-Cagotte, (20¢) 39--Male F Help Wanted - DIE-MAKER WANTED With at least 10 years experi moe i blanking, Srawing and forming dies, Requil or Sle and 0 ry tool room work J. H, CONNOR & BON, LIMITED Lloyd Street, Ottawa, Ont, (270) OUT OF TOWN PARTY WOULD LIKE derstands the manufacture of metal lath, Box 18 Times-Gazette. _ (28c) MAINTENANCE FOREMAN CAPABLE of taking charge of foundry mill-wright crew. APPLY BY LETTER ONLY TO S) | PERSONNEL MANAGER STAT. | ING AGE, EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES, FITTINGS LIMITED | am) | $0a--Hale or | or Female. Help _ BOYS GIRLS REQUIRED FOR gounter on also 1 kitchen woman, Pormanent amployment. A Gault, Grill, Hotel CGenosha, 8 pm, | Thursday, No phone calls please, (0) | { SPOTTER ~ AND ONE | , State wages | 0 out of tow (20) | ox 21 Fines. Gazette, 40--Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL, OHRIST- mas Oard Box assortments, Soals, Wrapping "Eleven from Heaven" n r a line wih greater variety that is positively ve, easier soll, and presser to xpictad, SPs Wad VACUUM OLWANER., ANY MAK) wanted, regavdiess of condition, If you have one you cannot use phone av) FEATHERS AND FEATHER BEDS O! all Sesuuiptions. Janes Drews, "pela a Write: 'Queen City Feather Baldwin St, " roronto. furniture, ice box, Quebec stoves, 44 Bond West, {8 hid) faktiresses "ond res , Just oall 2 PLANS W rl 232 A (Septl Lie Jon & Lee, 7 Simcoe North, Phone n_evenings. (28¢¢) al eed 100, an Lh also tricyol h 0 on; also tr all Sizes. Phone J030W. Kin agsway, el GOOD USED FURNITURE WA ice Boxes, radios and stoves. 00 King West. Phone 3336W, Oot.8 metal, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Metals, back ONR Station, (Oot.1) $8--Female Help Wanted ENO! EXP) HAIRDR! WANT. od {ro I) N Shoppe, 101 Ritson North, Phone 18 CAPABLE QIRL FOR Phone_ 4100, 0) HOUSE "OENERAL REQUIRED ro amall family in Plokering linge, vate quarters and bathroom Wages. Apply Box 20 iia CAPABLE HOUSHKEEPEN, : MIDDLE. Aged, Apply 300 Centre 8b, (30b) rem BY CLEPHONE O PERATORS STEADY EMPLOYMENT Pleasant Surroundings GOOD PAY NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 18 YOU ARE PAID WHILE YOU LEARN. MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS HIGH SCHOOL MINIMUM HEIGHT §' 2", APPLICANTS SHOVID BF 16-23 YEARS OF AG SINGLE ONLY. PREFERABLY RESIDENT OF OSHAWA APPLY BELL TELEPHONE 18 VICTORIA ST. (Augl3tt) SEE OUR DISPLAY OF It you're looking for fixtures, see have a large stock always on hand. E | tioulars of yourself, Immediate ship. (Sopiateh) mas * | up, Liberal commission. Write today for ; grateful wil make you more profits, send at once for samples and give some pars ment can be made, Monarch Greeting Card Company, Osh, 47 East Avenue | North, Hamilton, ont, (Beptad) HARN EXTRA CASH, MAKE MORE money easily in sj Ri Why! show our beautiful Oa Christ sada to your friends. Te soll on Slght. MAG assortments, CIft oards, rage. B Beautiful free album Ry aaa cards, 28 for §1,00 ahd sample offer, The Douglas unusual Company, 50-W Bleecker (Beptas) Greeting Oar St, Toronto, 41--Employment Wanted A PART TIME WORK W. . WITH 20. experience or A ANTAD. Phone (20h) A WOMAN BIXTY FIVE, WOULD BE for a home and company, ood, but can help a little, sight not Small pension, Box M4 Times:Gaasite, (200) BXPERIENOND TBACHER, FIRST class ocortifioate Arts and Orafts de- aires position Ajax sOnawa distriot, Box 23 Times-Ciasett (20D) CONCRETE ORK DONE; _ ALSO chimneys bullt and repaired. 458 Madison Avenue, (27) FALL PLOUGHING AND . DISCING done now by tractor, or other work. Phone id Oshawa lod. LAWN WHERS SHARPENED AND Jepiited. 8. Fudge, 5% Eulhlle, (Bache Pitstone, Buchinghamshire, Eng. «=(OP)~J, Tompkins, 90, won four prizes in an agricultural show, SALES and SERVICE ® Washers © Ironers , ® Cleaners Ete. Juck BICDULPH 68 Simcoe N. Phone 3800W "Look for the store with the yellow front" first, Wi L ~~ WIRING REPAIRS © ELECTRIC RANGES © WASHING MACHINES & ® OTHER APPLIANCES Many designs, Alterations We have the Materials PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES OSHAWA 12 BOND EK. PHONE 3287 43--Auction Sales 1 WILL SELL BY PUBLIO Al heater, number tric iron, oh 3 china cabinet, Angus L desk couch, carpets, 1inol fale, qi 'quantity of dishes, o merous 130 % pm. Md ont A J. Bu Rate for Advert) under this each (nser~ Min rad w Minimum charge 45 cents. MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING at Barnhart's Rustic Pavilion, every Priday, LL AVALON DANCING EVERY day, Priday and Saturday. Noort 0) DANCING AT BARNHART'S RUSTIO Pavilion tonight (28¢1) DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY FRI- day, Saturday nights at Ti Arenas, Whitby, Come over and on, # good dance. 42--Legal Notices Notice TO CREDITORS IN TH OF THE EST. MATTER ATE OF Helen Campbell Bweet, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Clerk, deceased, All creditors and other So ons Having claims or demands age estate of Helen Campbell Bweet, who died on or about the 7th day of July, 1046, at the sald City of Oshawa, are requested on or before the 19th day of September 1046 to send or deliver to the under- og full particulars in writi, of their claims, After such last mention. ed date the i of t y distributed the among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated this ) LC ed of August, 1046, JAMES R Admin. istrator rh of pi 'Campbell Bweet, deceased, eS CORI N, CREIGHTON & FRASER, Oshawa, Ont, his solicitors, FOUNDATIONS ALL OTHER CEMENT WORK HOUSE LIFTING See Us For a Good Job R. B. ABBOTT PHONE 1640-W (268) "CHANGE "oF NAME A ACT 1930 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Change of Name Act 1030 that the application of Starouls Salidas resid- og at 79 Centro Street in the Olty of Oshawa, In the ne Ag of Ontario, to onan 0 Rd name to 11s be heard the Presiding Judg " 9 the County Court of the County of Ontario at the Court House in the City of Oshawa, corner of Riche mond Street and Simcoe Street North, on Friday the 4th day of October, A.D, "DATED it' Gubiows. this rei gncon shawe August, AD, 1046, h'dey of Russsir D. HUMPHREYS, K.C,, 6 Bimcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. (20a) E. J. POMERY AUCTIONEER | J} HOWARD AVE, Phone 4612R--Nights Sale of Furniture Notice y Boreby ven that the fol th day "of September, 1946, o'clock in the afternoon, 20 said oods and furniture are being sold satisfy warehousemen"s charges for storage due and owing on such furniture owned by Mrs, E. Bar- i eo, Belleville tario and Mrs, night, Court Street, Oshawa, one Rtetsoty and bedroom furniture 0 , Gitantity of dishes 1 1 Cnifte tale Ysa chair 1 tab) 3 plece chesterfield PLUS numerous other articles. A. Cowle and Executors of James Cowls Estate, Bond St. E. Oshawa. VACUUM CLEAN YOUR HEATING SYSTEM A Clean Furnace Saves Fuel, Repairs for all makes of Boilers & Stokers ED. THOMAS 111 ELGIN W., OSHAWA PHONE 8760-3 Furniture Co.. . . Of Course! 78 KING ST. W. PHONE 1030 Citizens of the NORTHEAST SECTION Friday Is Your SALVAGE DAY PLEASE HAVE YOUR SALVAGE ON THE CURB BY 8 A.M. OSHAWA SALVAGE BOARD Monster Furniture AULT YT: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 (a: 00 p.m.) 56 BOND ST. EAST --= The Following -- e® BEDROOM SUITES ® DRESSERS ® DISHES ® STOVES ® LAMPS e CHAIRS © WASHING MACHINES ® TABLES ® COOKING UTENSILS ® BEDS eo CHESTERFIELD SUITES, Etc. y~~~~~ AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE nnn « « « all parties wishing to put articles in this sale may do so by phoning 4612R. E. J. POMERY, Auctioneer 511 HOWARD STREET