Daily Times-Gazette, 27 Aug 1946, p. 14

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CI Ea AAT August 27, 1046 ESS - PROFESSIONAL KAT bn Phone §. 4. rT) 1 0, jonal Housing Act eR = Tm soph) 140 OLIN: 0, Di FFE Cl ih Sn he hone Times-Cazette, annie Barriatanm viene ne Dentists 1crieniine Physicians and SUrgeons rivers ORIFOPIaston see Optometrists veer: ERSUIABoe '(ioreene Lost and Women's Rani FEET pee--avey swe Ln hi THREE I EACH ADD HON (Above rat rates ih onl Wi red Profe sons $0 words or om word, All Classified Advert publication, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Classification No, Automobile Repsire 18 Real Eatate Apu " Business Oppor tunities ) ines' waned ., 0 caneereneee 89 Rotate Wanted Real Betate Bchange viii: EEE | " CLASSIFIED AD RATES (Effective From May INSERTION grass Hh Ri 8 Te fii itial letter, Abbreviation A Box charged 100 addi ments MUST be in by 6 p.m, the day before Office Haurs: Dally 8:6; Saturday 6-5, Classitisntion No, Automobiles Pos treRRrR IM » Automobiles verveens 0 Wanted 000 " Pound ,, BM Column , » Articles Wanted ,, 91 Pemale Help Wanted siveeine WO Male Help Wanted iii BO Male or Pemale Help Wanted ,,, Ms Agente Wanted ,., #0 Employment Wanted , ..i0vne 9) Legal Notices ,.i0 43 Auction Bales 00 8 I r aie ah Ada i inal order, Bu ea uent insertions stitute & mew original order) fist Rpt--=0i.00 ger month for a i Words over #0, ang ¢ sign; Agure count as & we . PRAY and ex toe ih | fr peer he ADDR : | Talat ip hap Hol pont He i ope | Hesvimag DW Seti plies | a4 ao wari, ons ro | Ahrubs, An fr our requirements 4 db ae "(nopikd Sept a ad Osha | kde 0 ig | a tT PL at Real "Beate Exchange 3 4 30 Automobiles Wanted \ CRINPLED 11-=Building Trades WAY AND BRI oH PAI :| 1a--Personal Services eal ny ® porvide. Moat! na foam id A Cn Wiss ol | SEAR ot ar i sollolt upholste 16--G NEW HOME a lovers, plan your We specialize in all fneludin My evergreen ory ons, 8 per fH odhriute 8 and pcp r= ressmaking UpAtAlrs, 8, | UP-TO-DATE § Ea; dares oh Ny : | Sh i F0--Tost and Found / ad par to MA Ay or hd aes BEWAR 5 FARK ie, Sontaluli Leis on rine 3 a | URGENTLY NDRA rnoon, black all 8 \ wa Blvd, one BE, Sept, a BF mee Fei wants pana WA. TRA OUP READING BY i ment only, Apply 184 King West. Ana, (Sept. DOUGLAS BN th, | Mums, Boos tn, Fpung : |3 LE SLENDOR 7 ABLETS ARE ¥ yr Sidi #1] 10 weeks I "n x 160% Youva 0 ering. Non GF Fi HI yu 2 | Estate For Bh bulit=in J. HARVEY 04 § houses of 1a Greenhouses, w. 's, insulated AND Lom. wT 18 on, (3%) 20--Rea ] Falate Wanied WA FEET : bi apace BL machine Reign Phone | 3 Het WANTED. 10 A a. o, Ws Foy ne "WHOLE XK or_mix A snk Bgl ort "5h Son Hy ol y he: PRIVATE ® CLOSE TO po CORABUOu how a Bot); | 3 mov TRICE a ato ol b,18) Mrs, Ee aeraen Base, 1 retin Te y, es rs 30 X 400 is ) \ | yo fu , frat \ on bo Hy and Many extras, pH (380) a A Toomey hie possesaton, Phon (390) 29-=Rooms For Rent tn pemenlbedloier ne, 2764 fi a . i port (And NIURNINID WOOK os ) i RON DOUBLE ROO! aE for two business pris: 4) i owen for the right 7 oh ADDL efore oli on. or after August nih, pr anor ce gins rh Cone hr lk COMYORTA ed, every BLE BEDROOM, NISH~ rR oy very gonral, Bult business gentiem "GMO, ¥ RUCK FOR Phone humber_0 al Brooklin, FOR RENT Wk oli a. So, MSS 20b- Summer mmer Resorls ra Pot x yb ) V, nig . AGH er Ao 0! or A oedar ach, YR i Ria HL ), | $0==Room and | Board AND Amey a he a we | | LADY" HIGH SCHOOL TEACH jox B, ° Lo in, 0) = ok "To ion Sal) aw, or, Sniper | 1at, or m ful iar hry roo ona be § is | YOUNG COUPLE REQ NFUR. , Ris Cui RY (280) = dd sleluiiedy Al | ERT Fo oy A) or] NX tc pet Will anyone Se J 10 ¢ gM, 0080 con #0 we may Idren started - to executive, BOX 6, TIMES-GAZETTE (2s) Tn Gh hi your old Sova fimo RN, ) cae 1 th ar A ha nh on needed an a i by oo aso A i 0 » SEPT, 3 HOUSK | ah Willing to oe montha vane EL one 108. Is WHERE YO UWA} NG QTR i HE Ca oa oot: ply. ate a Tim eas ma A oa ARTMENT, tenants, rent in Av fal, § ET 3 ba ald wy oA.) 1 haha JRO 1 Shi NB SEDAN. 20 a ey 10 Alen Albert & " A 3 wn MOTORGYLE- 04 ONLY few mi LLY Phone wd | XCHLSION MANXMAN Jol PH & hauled, Cash Bauled: Gash, Fhons 1wi) 180W13, (0) "RX-AERVIORMAN URN. NY needs Jae YO oar or ll Eh Ho JE Bat ouh o wre Kio: (Aug tH) 4b) floors, {4} Tate) .§ gy Ton, lh otras me | SH SE eaters oor 10 ) ) | Ban for SLE PN HOUARHOLD ing radio <> | enamel 84-Pets and Livestock AN, Ins, YOUNG PAIR, io kon af rr Ry as) Bh aT aa ad 4rd ay Pronch wna bi a A N BALE, ] wow WD ¢ WRK ¢ Oo PGE he 10 a fi or owl Io olay HON orders ig ire AND BELL USED ~OLOTHI NG ost prices paid for used clothing, ieriised, * oloatied and pressed ike buy and sell fi, Sg all siges and oORVINGS you, Bchwarts, 3i--Arileien Vor Hale id one HAIR © owsult in tun sine 1 COMBINA TION I ADIOS NOW iy able, a num fh, WPT eel CON» Flr oe ACY and rust LR IX Ro ON Jani ton ne Whi mane HAN tT Price COAL RANGE ATO 00D doors, door Ry gi ow and windows for sale, 103 fk OAR RADIO, VIOTOR AND hehut An sot, nice whe, on ny OAr, hi a "NLRs Phone i ANNEX YOR SALE, $00, PRONE | frat DUN vata "one 8 vi wi oy one ite (40) HIRE 90. PINCE D Flot. R.., fencing, new, ts Na) [1] dn ts Shioine Rnisned, [4] itaon Rea, Ph hone 5. Ware, JPR al vos ith ND OHAIN, | "o, ol MAE BIGYOLE, GOOD CONDI » 0 hon mn yg "nw, i: i | Pathe a EE ) BREE Hs ost |] mort |i KB YOR BALE, APPLY A ted | oc" ay -- Le) ver FOR SAIN, Phone wow wars | 8 o NER OAS stove trim Droller oven, te new, 0s. y. 100 qn : ide THO AD ON, LATE MODEL, 4 A iM on ox A ent condition, M one MBTRATION (28a) stove 3 BORE AN BL \ % Po Boller, hot point auxiliary ater' eotion afternoona, the Ay between ahd tithes ro #Outh weat corn In perfect con ition, gud ps | con al stove, LR A BIR ares Ei or ey n ane. Be. Phin ST rate wags a RL Phone 108% SoSULTAR, FON SATE" pou a, in bat me foul or wood, (38h) fot Soh nation. Phone AM RCH _-- _ (28h) burner, br a ipa WI RN | 10R BOX, 100 0, {6 a Apply. 1] XE ha oN oN Hy noo hd m Ri Wve #ta, Phone Port tro Phone ow BHR o Toma We Ihwe Lip he. te GAS ATOVE, 4 RURNER _eondition, Phone You Wa yb ob and mantel a NC a hl TIAN BLT min um TEN DAY ied FREER BATIMATRS ro+O-Cllosd, th a in ent ai PHONR 410IW fn ER hi a Tn m floor, "|i vaglie § JW, "TRAC: dynamite, (24D) STON A > | Wh, Na ono Albert. : |g, on : FOR SALE. W a - + 4-RURNER ~ and oven with food condition, I gre a oo | AF ir Roh sulie A RHO Ouse ooo Arthur eet od y nos M FOR SALR AT TWRANON. able Moy Phone 3346, TTURR mou: FURN io Fo Job, cont a), Md wood od "WOR THE WOME! eto. Phone (3b) YTH Thentertiond suites, bedroom suites, breakfast sultes, Wadia CONOR, tm mon's beds, ing filed Waite, wardrobes, chest of drawers, lam oarlonal tables, ohare, floor cover! av Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture Co, BARY | oarringes, and color, See ) ou ® Bh leo ion. Wilson's Furniture = (Bephld) +N as Cy AWNINGE™ i IN AE WILL le Rat | Dinds |" DHE Se BABES" BPEOTAL spare 4p aah Wie for se i styles, stes aAvO! ) | condition, Phone 087), 8 0 op | Keo i : ond | pS Hud Ris PA | 36-=Articles For Sale MAN "BICYOLY YOR BALE, 110 a. ONIES, NY or Wood) bassinettes, high p OF pena, walkers, rookers, prams, trioyoles, kindergarden sets, orib mattresses, toys, eto, Our prices are lower, out of the high rent district, Wilson's Purniture Co, 20 Chureh_Bt, .(Bept 14) HARDWOOD DRY BODY WOOD AND POLES Stove length--Dellvered , PHONE 1276J NL wp | prov PALS, © -- o iy odelled, whales, Jol NE An i .} Phone 2000W, CL "TOW on. PUNNERS faire." nolo Men, "o Rasps. Fsne 4 2h 8 + Toba: wane FOR ng | br a A oooh oF 1x dover ihn hone wl (Biba , very Lg » . 10; noose Fig or's, macs 8 Bt, N. Beptd0) a, Rx Thos 2% BRADLEYS FURNITURE x 40 King Street West, dion, Ronis Joo Burk seo00 SEN; |X §7Rrticlen V Wanted WANTED To BUY, pL EA AMOR + Taio Yous WANTHD, toon "ooNt Th YOUTH BED WANTED, PHONE wy 4-10 O BT AHOTGUN, IN "anon 0) GOOD URED BILO, ABOUT 13 X 120, Haman, RR, No, 1, Plokering WR or dulp 0 MODEL br WHER to by NERD wile' or Beatty, 310 Brook North, Whit! y i THERE AND FEATHER BEDS O u desoriptions. on ohest prices aa) te! Queen Feather Co, 0 Andwin At, i, (Bopta1te) T OABR PAID FOR GOOD USED raiture, los box, Rubee, eater init stoves, 44 Bond West, Lid GOOD PRICEA™ PAID i BS hone gtd TARA, at an ay PIANOS WANTED FOR - oh. son Lee, 79 Simcoe North, Phone 2308, ten. evenings, TARTS a R MoYCLES Bi phone ERR Fi ANY BD, Boxes, radios od stoves, 80 Kinn Habits "FRIEYOW Beda ren Batre. age, --sem--cE-- EL ie Female Help Wanted AND BOARD AND 43 WEEKLY Ay ohring for sehool aged ohudren, Apply after " 138 Pauliis AEAFECTARLE EXPERIENCED 'Wor man 7H oie osltion aa nurses Rowman ouaekee] in Aor | vite, Wo monialy "Rony to Box Timea-Cianette, (28a) Tewnon : "Rian 0 PERATORS |; i "| STEADY EMPLOYMENT a Pleasant Surroundings GOOD PAY NO LLL ENCE 18 YOU ARE PAID WHILE YOU LEARN, A, 7, JR Tone MINIMUM HEIONT §' 3%, APPLICAN ULD RE 16:3) VEARS OF AOR BINQLR ONLY LP ABLY APPLY BELL, TELEPHONE 13 VICTORIA 8T, (Augian) septll) | Mo. Cooks | OF Shenalif WA A fro Sop\d) 8A Female Help Wanted COIN VOR HOUBEWOR BT LIVE. in, ply in YAH, ME "i or WAN' Rn OENER housswork Ao 403 Bimcoe », 1 or phone 92 GIRL yon HOUBNWORK, a, jo Phone 203 IRANIENCD ~ HOUBEMAID Of liable and conselentious girl willing jo be trained, References essential, application accepted under 30 years of age, Phone J, Miss Cameron ab {0 | 1 COOK GENERAL. J Miller' 1 fesidence, buen 3 and § anion Bi, § [% : (380) BRIENC "YAR ring A orth, Phone emmy 30==Male Help Wanted OARPENTERS W. Al good Wages, Franaporiation Must be a member of AF, 1, Apply Busine: hogs" Whiiemes, ap court ty ER BI fob, BL thy, Cproviss aginte \ hr NTED, VERY Y, FULL time, Avy nly rug Store, (16h) | pomen ng YEARLY EM. RN ho i ARM re arried man pres Foriea. Beparate house with hydro ine stalled, 15 mile from town, Apply to Jenn Rickard, Newonatle, Phone 11 SALARIED POSITION, LARGE OR- anisation Tequites fa thug of § men to 20, Must be Soh onion or beior Permanent position, Anply Box_4, Times-Ciasette CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Bro are now for Summer and Fall exs atlo iN - key ro Qarrler, Post olor, ley Customa Clerk, i Site lo, TRACTOR- TRAILER DRIVER For plok-up and delivery work In Oshawa, Experienced only, Apply SMITH TRANSPORT LIMITED OBHAWA, ONTARIO ervioe Behool, oronto Oldest In Canada, No (3a) DENTAL THORNIOTAN Any say Private office, Reply, statin ery expected, Jxperience, oli W Cooney, Woodstoo MEN WANTED by MASSEY-HARRIS 00, LTD, Manufacturers of Farm Implementa Brantford, Ontario, Company TeRtenhiative will be In National Beleotive ee Office, Thursday, FrInY Saturd August 20th 30th 31st for Interviews' -- 3! 39a--Male or Female Help ere oy Rey 40--Agents Wanted LESMAN TO SELL QUARANTE eleetrie. products to large commerelal an Austral conaumers on & Yearly guaran eed baala, real oppotiuny y for abliahing worthwhile future ox x Aes Jarotte, TORAS C0 OR CONFROTION AY wholesaler to handle exelualve diatris riced line Dia oa At any rAsOr and are considered to be the beat In the 4 for ten fleld, Describe organisation and what territory covers od, Box 0M Wd ds ' liom) _ (380) 3, Timea-Canette, EXORLLENT RARNINGS ao oalling on householders for new post-war Cloatrlon my Dunoon Not on sale anywhere in Canada, show four times take three orders, Inquiries also Invited from men now on routes, Fu-O«Ray Corporation, Hamilton, fi IN CARN MAKE MORE oney eas n apare time, Jud show our A Canadian m Ohrists A 10 your Sends, Wey sell on alght. Ay cards, gh | Toe Bum raonal Fy Wife 4 8 wn Dorel minis ion Wr J today fo u URAL RY \{ reeting Oa dompany, 0 0W doi sho lng A WA TO mas Sarda, soripture_an comio, ho Biy Dots. nd ih R Pegi d. 3 AGENTS WAN tr) Fie NOs, RR FL request to 19 NTED mas Oard Box TO SELL CHRIST. taorupeha, Seals, Tom na For with greater variety that is pt more uu Take $0 om ae once for ha 8 tloulars of Youre! ment oan Oard Compan North, Hamilton, ont, Attractive, easier h some rhe par ps nareh Gleatlh ng h, pt) Bast A : (Boptod) COMMISSIONED AGENT WANT! sell motor oll In pure Court Street, eS CLEANING neya and atovepipes, "Wa inted yd TW, (a) | AND REPATRI a ony m Pade) CUCUMBERS! CUCUMBERS! WANTED FOR PICKLING PURPOSES Must Be of Good No, 1 Quality CALL AT SILVERDALE PRODUCTS LIMITED s ELLESMERE . 1 mile west of Kennedy Road or Phone Zone 2-323, Agincourt, Torouvo 3%) Al--Employment Wanted o RAGTIOAL , NURSE, TZ an nu ht wp ao oe 1CING 0 EXPERIENCED now _ available: invalid, Phone PO REPAIR homes and caulking, now.' Jone bi A or YALL a now Ro Dawe Nursery Phone bay hor i Fe. ait eh ogal Notices ON"A ND" AVTER PIER THIS DATE, Avauyt 40, 1940, will not be responsible or ay debts contracted in my a name w my written notloe, EH Wr We, Sharp Increase In Chick Output Prior to a complete report on the operations of approved hatcheries in Canada, Siving LE the final fig- ures, the Outlook report for the Pp ended June 30, 1046, issued by the Live Stock and Poul- try Division, Dominion Department of Agrioulture, contains many in teresting facts, The estimated chick production in Canada for the period up to June 30 shows an ine Dario of about 23 per cent compar= 8 yn the corresponding period of In detail, by vinoces, the chick oduction in British Columbia for he period is astimated 7,146,477, an increase of 20 per cent, compar od with 1048; 'Albert, S111, 400, ale I cont inorease; Saskatchewan, 040,378, Increase, 31 per cent; Manitoba, 8,002,117, increase, 14 per ont; Ontario, 10, 103,013, increase, 31 per cent; Quebec, 8,618,051, in oralat, 16 per cent; New Brunawiok, 1,200,280, increase, 18 per cent; Nova Scotia, 1,017,008, increase 3% per cent; and PBI, 506,022, increase, 8 per cent, Ohlck production during June, 1040, increased 65.0 per cent over production in the ocorrespondin, month of 1045, New made an inorease of 280 with 386,024 ohioks as t 110- 404 in June, 1048; Saskatchewan registered an increase of 99 per Brunsiwe! r oent, ! TR FURNITURE SALE Continuation Sale atthe Stone Lodge for the Estate of the late Adalina Jeffrey (at Lick's No. 2, 24 milest west of Oshawa, ON SAT. AUG. 31 of the following: Sollee Wali horse hair (a Log A 2 Dining Room Tables and ik Stand and Chairs; 3 Dropleat Tables; 3 Bedding Boxes; 8 Centre Tables; Mirror; Book Case (3 sections); Crokingle Board; Eleotrio Floor Lamps; 2 Couches; 2 Arm Chairs; Kitchen Chairs; Rockers; Cupboard; Kitchen Stools; Lawn Swing; Lawn Tenn Net and Rackets; Chairs, Rocking Horse (a beau tand; Secretary; Quanti Quantity of Lamps; Good Clock; D! i Dou Cooking Utensils; Boilers; Step Ladder; Pails; Blankets; Shows Piliovs Aidir "Cushions; sund { Sea Is (good assortment) j. Ash Sifter; Cook Stove, 4:lid, warming closet, MoLary haw AS News} Electrica Stove (Moffat) d.burners, oven and warming ing well); Quebec: Stove; Sheet Iron Stove; Sealers, Tools; Lawn other articles too numerous to mention. Chairs; 3 s and Mattresses High Chair; Wash 8 Board; Soales; Soreens; Table Cloths; Dra) Mower, 1 pm, EDS.T, JOHN GOYNE, Clerk, Collector City Oftices, August 8%, 1948, TEs Ed 35 A Sorwers" Counc rive, on hod Weds a gk e > iawn Heh Barats irr ion every 18, ign] Th DANCING AT BARNEART'S iL DANCIN ¥ WEDNEADAY, FRI an i Sol i oént{ British Columbia, 92 per cent; Alberta, 85 'per cent; Nova Bcolla, 1 per cent; Quebec, 68 per fants Manitoba, 40 per cent; Ontario, 43 per cent and P.EI, 28 per cent, MOTORLESS ISLAND (Sault Ste. Marie Star) Michigan's Mackinac Island now roprosents a more leisurely era's Inst stand against the encroachments of this mechanical age, Its one re- maining ally in this hemisphere, Bermuda, bas ¢ ale though not uncondi fonally, SEALTITE INSULATION With ROCKWOOL ' We use only the Best of Materials and Guarantee our Work, Before investing get a price direct from owner, F. A. BRUCE 7 Queen St, Bowmanville Phone 404 WINDOW CAULKING and GLAZING! velon "PHONE" 4388)" Mnsows saulked ahd Jlased E. J. POMERY AUCTIONEER m HOWARD AVE, Phone 4612R--=Nights WATCH REPAIRS J. CORNISH 20 BOND BT. W. Used Watches Wanted 'NOTICE Fred "Monty" Montgomery recently discharged from the army, would be pleased to sorve his customers, old and new, at HENRY'S BARBER op 81 PRINCE ST. CITY OF OSHAWA TAXES The Fourth Instalment Is Payable On Tuesday, September 3rd For the convenience of Ratepayers, the Tax office will be open from 7 to 9 on owiny J vating; September Srd, in addition ce hours, Hill) on Highway Dresser, Walnut; Wash Bed; Cutmich C 2 t; Ironing i 'wnings; closet (work Sale at ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer, P, A, BLACKBURN, City Treasurer,

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